The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 04, 1901, Image 4
ennai st mc s— —e————— . ea LEE HERR'S or : = 4 fa a 2, A rr / RS ; DY ¢ OPP; a To Chri Stra (No ods «HE PHILADELPHIA| IEE EYeY0) Ce Pri Are Rizh | k 7 t To encourage the early buying of Christmas Gift Furniture, and also relieve the over- 33s Mes SANS & pid ; STOR BE rices re 1g crowded condition of our floors, we wiil offer, during the first half of December, any Read r a ress article in the store for about seventy-five por cent. of its value, Those who are ac- y Fh Oo y our Selecti 2 4 4 L 0 po U S Tr S i R E r T ; ous of ue est Sioa! So are the Goods qu vinted with the high standard of our goods and their uniform low prices will appre on’ Christmas Presents is 1 [© (Q) L 19} M B I A, P ENN A ciate fully the advantage of being a little early in their selections, That the reductions a re ke een ers team Lg Y ’ : : . T eacher = Bible are genuine goes without saying, from cur well known business integrity. We simply RC IN ” 1 iN 4 yl mn g Ww ” got an excellent on : % : offer you any article in the store at considerable less than its marked price. NEW PUBLICATIONS e've got i xxeellent one, dei TS ro CANNED THESE PRIicEs EXPLAIN THE SAVINGS: 3 Family Bibles and Albums CARD CALENDARS LETTER AND WRITING ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN'S: CASES GOODS oY ey TR BOOKS POCKET BOOKS oe TR RSE FAMILY AND TEACHER'S { &BS% (R ! DIARIES SPECI ALS | QUT | fede) PM BIBLES { FOUNTAIN PENS, $1 TO $5 LANES | 2 CF] CHURCH BOOKS | 2. IPETERIES roc T0 $2 4 BOX } Whouannds of Them. “Have you any Married Women’s I1.. B. HERR elubs in this village?" asked Mrs. ? Strongmind, strolling leisurely up and | down the sidewalk at the railway sta- LANCASTER, . PENNA. tion in the little town where the train VS OTEAAANES Sonne BERY wae making a stop of 20 minutes for | ~~ Ease ia Sei S——— | 4 ’ = PRAYER AND HYMNAL dinner. “Yes'm,” replied the sad-eyed native A New Re air She ) ! : / : \ Rac | who wae sitting on a nail keg and whit- Pp P Large Tomatoes, Oc ld Bi ; a ¥ d ENGLISH CLASSICS, 25¢ to ge That big 1 desire to inform the public that I have opened 3 r = Shem i ! i : téag a stick. “Lots of "em. Th Sorin ) a Shoe Repair Shop in the base mano Ww Large Table Peaches, 1 Oc brict buildin over there on the left is a broom handle factory, ma’am.”—Chi- David 1 Engle’s Farniture” Warereoms Cor 8c ? Wel > cago Lribune, TOBIN NYINM 31-53 Nort@ Queen St, IVY TOILET CASES AND WORK BOXES AIA AAA A A | Ar rr es Call and See he Book Store of a His Sphere of Excellence. x A { West Main S$. Mount Joy Peas. 5 and Oc Ladies® Desks—Quartercd Oak 5,00, to the caily shopper 3.75. Dressing Tables—Mahogany 10.50, reduced Was your son Jos far a leader of where Lam prepared to dv cobbling of every ? t0 9.00. Oak 10.00 reduced to 8.00, Bird's-eye Maple 12.00, reduced to 9.00. Morris Chairs—7.00 reduced to Say of 1» Stange " Y . Borription ol MadonaBle Tey Baked Beans with Tomato 5.50 ; 7.50 reduced to 5.90. By making a small payment, purchasers can have their goods reserved, © 2 aer’ sS - ANS “I reckois answered Farmee (ern- Mins. Sivoes Hell Solel wd Teetod tor Coe ¢ ans < tosscl. “1 [gve been told that a good |° ae : ror 7 chet S: . nil many of the young men who tended Newed on Jor (0 Cents auce, 5 and 10c S OURENSTRERT Tosiars aliOm b'longed to the leis. | Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled and Heeled for 4c ; WW. / C. S A P P, ZI =13 « Q 4 1 = I ueen 8 I ancaster. ura class. An’ Yom what I have seen Sewed on for 55 cents Small Can Tomatoes, 7cC LANCASTER, PA. 5 7 9 of Fosiap n..cin’ harvest time, I should | ¢/irly and Boys’ Shoes According to Size gf ss that he'd be right up clus to 4 Trial Job Solicited Arbuckle’s Coffee, . 12:c i PETE — = TIE = x = : Pn TN 3 AD AD AD ABAD ASAD AD AT ASA Remember the top.”--Washington Star. G d1 foe 3 : NX AIA AXA ANAS AS es Harry Sheaffer | (rood l.oose collee, 10c 2 RA LARL LILLE RALLIES 1 youl icant dnything nine tthe REMEMBER THE N AME, His Uneertainty, “The missionaries are arriving from Xi s & crackers : every direction till, fottaily I don’ Ginger Snaps & cracker ’ 5c | Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. kaow--" ) Raising : reshis : bd ’ 1S11]§ he only place to get it good and fresh is at th The cloyed cacnibal yawned a yawn Rissexr’s ¢ ’ 7 and 9c the only place to get it good and fresh i ¢ ba 2 of such cavernous dimensions that Ellx horn (Cheese 15c¢ : BE wa Be l= ~ . for the nonce his countenance resems- } ? f qm hy mpire a SX Y bled a frame of sated ~anism sree Steam v, Tuy i \ > : . . . . led a frame of sated paganism sur foc acry 3 | Good Table Syrup, 30¢ gal. ei FLORIN. PA. When you think of Buying a Piano. ~~ Famous the world over ene ——" E S. S. GINTGRICETL, Prop = : for touch, tone and durability. Not lowest priced but cheapest. rounding a self-aatisfod sausage null. MOUNT JY, PA. TEXLE: Funerals Suppkied at Short Notice * “—where my next mcal is coming : from.”"—Town Topics. 3 No ! Our Solicitor will call on you every 9 ¢ t * ’ * 4 Honors Even. Tuesday dnt Deliver Feary: Pridiey ERG AS \ AN § The Only Place to (et 1 RACKET STORE ile VN 8 [Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. KI RK JO H NSON & CQ. Dercas—That woman yeu don’t like was overheard to say that she would Your Work Solicited. : robes Mount Joy. 7225 is am Satisfaction Guaranteed. ; INCAS ZN 9 zi 3 : ARTS SSIES Te Th SN IV Scholing’ s West End Bakery 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. get even with you at Christmas. See tc0etototototosetoteos | al XaE, : Sia 2X % CG 3 CA A g J DEAD > RDP R SARS GY Mount Joy, Penna. made her a present of a wrapper that won’t wash, while she gave me a cloak that I couldn't wear, because it would make me lock a fright. So you see it’s what you men call a stand-off.—N. Y. Ilerald. 5 Sm Es se dn : NZ > Se S Uae Sieture Tots sertinge fo use : PARISIAN CLOAK Royer's Saddler Shop _ or yERIARARIN INE Mrs. Dorcas—Well, she didn’t. i to call her “the harp with a thousan strings.” Jes in Street, Mo 7 s Largest Stock of Solid Gold, Gold Filled and 2 7 Ye I Os ar oraly Strings. West Main Street, Mount Joy a FATTO Suck 30 Gils de hn a I have just received a Carload of New | / Cold WwW Ce ther Be 11 Zains Lam still waking all kind3 of Harness strictly hand tl t Y Will vo vince r Jf 1 y the follow : York State Potatoes which 1 am sell- i 4 co . EY: i thecity, You willeahvinee ourself in o ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt at W arimim W »ather Prices May-—And now they are settled | down? made, no machine work. Ialso sell anything kept | . id Silver Wi : + or ladies’ in a saddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly. | | ing prices, Solid Silver Watches gents’ or Iadies attention to mail or telephone orders. : Lot 1—Men's Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined at : . . §1.00 Ida—Oh, he picks on her all the | { from $2.75 u ;0ld Filled Watches, ge lk ys ; ; $2.75 up. Gold Filled Watches, gents® or lad- { oh ices to suit the tes. | r {oa ; - 28- 30 E. King St. Lancaster Prices to suit the times | ies from 5,25 up. Solid Gold Watches, ladies® from i i T. N. HOSTETTER. ! = Lot 2—Men's Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined and rubber tuteriine dat 3.25 = . wo | =. 4 5 : £3.50 time.—Chicago Daily News. eden oe $12.75 up. Gents® Gold Watches from $20.00 up, All Lot 3—Men's Heavy Waterproof Coats, weight 6!4 pounds at _— $0 csomm Lot 5—Men’s Corduroy Pants lined, Sweet Orr make ag More SatHifactor y. 7 Lot 4-—Men's Corduroy Pants, Sweet Orr make at . . . §2.50 Guest—Waiter a S S : ues aiter, bri mg two bottea| STANDARD i Si erreurs of pps essere TE ——— / Lot 6—Men's Knit Jackets, fleece-lined at . . ’ $1.00 eggs. ec ure SH Wr; Defy Competition. A Full Line of 'PIRO H & Oh Xess! Oh Tes! ¥ i Wool .. Cardinal .. Jackets Waiter—Boss, couldn't you tae dem aigs poached? Hit's been found | rs COACH WORKS SIMMONS | GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER | p: SO HDS ot tbs a SR SEH AAS P. 8, —1It will be to your advantage to watch these ads, from time to time. mo’ satisfactory all roun’ to open dem | ° aigs in de kitchen.—Leslie’s Weekly. | i 1 di Only 20st Offi lori ‘0., Pa WT : st Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. | a es IF IN N itis OF A The Old Established Pawnbrokers Post Ue Address, Oris, ance ? 0, I r A=The Colder the Weather the Wariner the Bargains. “ga [ Telephone Number 851, 0 Finds It Quickly, and Jewelers, Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales RE Henderson—Does your wife ever lose | YI enn Li Cx, ’ Surre = her temper? | Need a winter Overgarment ? Yes ! Then you are J y y 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penna. — 4 4 XX. Xa. x: BE: NR SOI. — FOR Sa4LBI EY MOUNT JOY, PA. Henpeck—Yes; but she finds it sq | interested in our lecture. What style—Short Jacket, { PD) Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Gravel Land the the above are guaranteed for time and quality, £2.75 michty nick she ver isses i | Box Coat, Three-Quarter Length, Raglan, Ulster or TH ee ED: Qn ig a he never misses it,— | Nevmrket? YWolnve thoncal at all prices to suit Opposite Woolworth's & & 10c Store sre ho vi. . | all pocketbooks. . y vrs i 2 ———— h in a good state of cultivation and fences in good re- pair The land is situated on the road leading from Florin te the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distance west of the latter For particulars call on or address $.00 Short HARRY MUSSELMAN, lined 4 7 | . . | | The Leading Clothiers Farin Penis LENE IND GAFFIN BROS a Before and After, > ate Sp “This,” said the druggist’s assist. ! Ladies’ Coats AS ant, is a most wonderful hair renew: er. It’s our own preparation.” | “Well, give me a bottle,” said bald-headed mar, “But I g to think of 4 he —