codiiii, AAAAAAAR ANE © VIAAA are | AS ASAD AAAS AEA AAAI WRAL RRA 438 han ale ASARR AG I Pof the pulpit?” | | BREA TAREE # { 9 = Ra . 7 d to catch sight of one gb PHILADELPHIA NA ios ere § 50e¢. : F4deniy BBD | SOEYS WY QTEK KKK RETIN MIS. /idemouth’s yawns.”— : > WW IELEW 4 { Tran ponents yavns”—| IITRN els SgNe) IFA] | Prices Are Right Sevres Severeernrvirek eland Plain Dealer. Tnexcusable Procrastination, ArT Y LOCUST STREET Shut = the = Door RaTiEy Ey em his wife’s COLUMBIA 300 DF So are the Goods “THE PEOPLE'S PAPER” $ This Cold Spell Reminds One of the Need of st vend fhe Selaytelowe Up-to-Date (A E1 IET eT TTY "NY ! 1’ i \Y'2% ] Thes and Now. dis i Bid C ANNED Warm Owvercoats ad Ad BULLET [N This is indeed a lonely world,” Said the widow, with a sigh; But now She Das caught on again, = G OODS We got fust what you want. They are ONLY 50C PER ANNUM ~—Chicago Dally News. vn.anmnea, the finest Joi of Unredeemed Overcoals LESS THAN 1c A COPY TAL “I see vou advertise for some one 16 FILIAL DEVOTION, 7 trust.” said the young man ; 6 run your trust,” s: g me . 3 a 2 joe | 2 wl, cost from rooo to 26 oo to the magnate, “and 1 wish to apply | | SPE( 1A | S we ever had, fi 5 for the position.” ] g Yours at “Have you ever had any experience running trusts?” inquired the. rag Ee — % % nate with interest. " $2.5 o, 3 . 5 o, 4.5 0 : “No,” replied the young man, “but } . 2 f 0," replied the young Large Tomatoes, 9c News of Florin, Mount Joy ran a bucket shop wkiich robbed the people for five yéars.”—Ohio Shale Larce Table Peaches 10c Journal. or ; oO ’ : — | PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD [peas 5 and Oc SIMMONS GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM TINE WATE Baked Beans with Tomato The Old Established Pawnbrokers JN ESFEOY 307.4 1 and Jewelers RATES VERY REASONABLE rims NS C0, 5 and 10c ’ 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Fenna. FararasbansLs rE ana il alata? < ‘> Going East From Florin Small Can Tomatoes, 7¢C : a : J G + Seashore Express . . . . « 1230pm i: ” ’ , oo Aaa iii val » \ . a Arbuckle’s Coffee, 12:¢c Opposite Woolworti's 6 & 0c Store 50c. Tam nama ana oa Ro a 2 50c 4 3 + . =» bd ) 3 * Containing All the Home and General Lancaster Accomodation . . . 70am Lancaster Accommodation . . . 24pm Laucaster Accommodation . . . 50pm hiladelphia Mai 749 pm . * 3 En vis CETTE SE + Ds wy 3%. Tarn 1Good Loose coffee, 10c | We still have a few Shot Guns, Low Priges,| sevvvwvvuvvvyvvex RETNA TEAHS (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . . 74pm Going West From Florin : AR Re am gt ] : AOL rs ————————————————— — “Coward!” Way Passenger vv is. vv soa 700A Ginger Snaps & crackers ’ Sc ASA 7% IAD ADIN AL) SP a —_— =. LILI LS ILI QIK G&Y | IRem ember $Coward nuffin] Yer don't ~nk {MM vo, 0. niet oe 10478 Mm Raisins 7 EY ETAT LY GILL KV KTETIKKY easter. Ace ati Beas Ss ; ] Lancaster Accommodation » pI alsin 9 and Oc if you want anything in the line of REMEMBER HE NAME ) 3 4% A Ey : ; I'd lift me hand agin me mudder, do Lancaster Accommodation vi eka ec GIOn pa yer?”’—Chicago American. Harrishrg Express . + =, i, R42 pm Cheese, 1 5¢ The Leading Clothiers Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. Sm m——————— (Sunday) Way Passenger . . . 700am Horse Sense, voi x ” ( US i r a ; There's a small grain of wisdom a o po:uy Hast From Mount Joy Le Good Table Syrup, 30c¢c gal. the only place to get it good and fresh is at the bé 5 Which runneth this way: Lancaster Accommodation . y . 706 am YOFFE IND CAFFIN BROS d 4 ° Harrisburg Express . 952pm Men who bave horse-sense a Seashore Fxpress : . . 1234 pm Seipane Ih i Empire Bakery ro oY ote eight Lancaster Accommodation . . 347 pm = M ant Joy P Dl ro 0 . Qe . . 4 FLORIIN, PA. When vou < is , 3 oS TA EEE XI you think of Buying a Piano. Famous the world over a Lancaster Accommodation Fa . 508 pm bol XE: ro aT an Philadelphia Mail a CR JO By ny [3 PREPARED TO MEET IT. (Sunday) Main Line Express . . . 403 pm = = GING RICE Prop (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . . . 74#p i ’ * . , 13 . ; psp i 50 RACKET STORE Men's, Youths’ and for touch, tone and durability. Not lowest priced but cheapest. Going West From Mount Joy ’ Funerals Supplied at Short Notice Way Passenger = . . ' . . 6 55 a : : Sn ie M Children’s Clothing, Niagara Express : . . . 04am 0 Lancaster Accommodation . . . 23 pm Overcoats, Trousers, FE Lancaster Accommodation . . 602pm|. a A A > 3 . JAS. Lh A Harrisburg Express . . + ... 73pm] EE oh 2 X Shoes ! Shoes ! K ® (Sunday) Way Passenger . . . » 655am | PRT ON EAM NH ERLIT CZ (Sunday) Niagara Express Sala 10 45am > Felt, Rubber and (Sunday) Fast Line . . . . 201 pm mbt STAND ARD Leather Boots, * Mount Joy Steam Heater Co. Hats and Caps, Has on exhibition in. Buohl's store room, CO A CH WORKS Underwear, Gloves, opposite D. II. Engle's Furniture Warerooms y = : ty - a le Ss A BS RR WS DN on West i street, Mt. Joy, a Full Line of IF IN NEED OF A Doss Shirts, 8 i ; "4 . 2 oy : u S— ——TT ’” Prizer Square and Oak, Single J Li d S Neckwear, Hosiery, J i df UNDERWEAR <UL enn 111 urre tas’ t shined Ad gd ; ” y iy y Ladies Furnishings ? #4 Our Stock of Underwear is More Complete Than Ever, 4 ] Strictly €ash. @ne Brice To All. h 5 Embracing « Full Line of Weighs Smoot—Sunpose you west | : 9. 4 / Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rear Star and News Printing Ofice Children’s White Merino from 10c up, Children's White Wool Wrappers 25 in danger of being kissed, sweet maid, | : ER WOUNT JOY, PENNA how would v set such s | : a nas 4 : = | ENGL 1S a RL Ve - VIVA. ) : , . : w would you meet such an.emer hE er IN IL 7 ] ? 4 Children's Union Suits at 25c, Misses' Oneita Union Suits at 5c, gency? bn Been Tig nr I A 4 X / XC A \/ Rissexr’s The Only Place to Get #4 Ladies’ Union Suits at §0c. Boys' ibbe Underwear at 25 Elkhorn ‘Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &ec.| 52 Men's Excellent Values in Fleeced and Wool at 23 to 150 Cents, Buggy or Carriage|} Steam Sri Arps pe ins Come and Learn Our Priees. Launary Scholing’s West End Bakery| 64 —¥3. =. EBERSOI.IT— We are prepared to wake to order MOUNT JOY, PA. Mount Joy, Penna. MOUNT JOY. PA Wagons of the finest finish and Car- Our Solicitor will call on you every ’ : riages of every description at Reduced Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday fm - — vs POTATOES. Your Work Solicited. ! 1 have just received a Carload of New York State Potatoes which I am sell- 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. | | | | and Double Heaters and Ranges IL STOVES. Prices. Al work turned out at our works is warranted to give satisfaction | ad [ea i = 5 i“ Ages | Learn Prices Repairing, Painting and Trimming | Satisfaction (Guaranteed. i ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt "1 Jone in nial and expeditious manner. 4 attention to mail or telephone orders. | Engle’s Furniture Warerooms T. N. HOSTETTER. | - LEE Mount Joy, Penna. Remade 211 e J Qo ae
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