The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, November 27, 1901, Image 3
— Threwn From His Cab and Killed, The following is a most interesting and, in Bne respeet, pathetic tale :— | Mm J. Pope, 42 Ferrar Road, Streatham, England, said : “Yes, poor chap, he is gone, dead—horge olted, thrown off his seat on his cab he was driving and killed—poor chap, and a good port too, mate. It v:ashim, you see, who gave me the half-bottle of St. Jacobs Oil that made o new man of me. ‘Twas like this: me and Bowman were great friends. Some gentle- man had given him a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil whioh had done him a lot of good; he only used half the bottle, and remembering that I had been a martyr to rheumatism and sciatica for years, that I had literally t-ied every- thing, had doctors, and all without benefit, I became discouraged, and looked upon it that there was no help for me. Well,”” says Pope, ‘“You may not believe me, for it is a miracle, but before I had used the conients of the half-bottle of St. Jacobs Oil which poor Bow- man gave me, I was a well man. There it is, you see, after years of pain, after using reme- dies, oils, embrocations, horse liniments, and spent money on doctors without getting any better, I was completely cured in a few days. I bought another bottle, thinking the pain might come back, but it did not, so I gave the bottle away to a friend who had a lame back. I can’t speak too highly of this wonderful Jpain-killer.” Rub the inner casing of windows that shove up and down wi with a little hard i soap; treat bureau drawers in the same i way. { Thirty minutes is ‘all the time required to Fe wits PorNam FAperEss Dyes, Sold by ell druggists. Of 100 units of work done in Great Bri- i tain thirteen are accomplished by man- power unaided by machinery. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh ‘That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys- tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Suoh articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy- sioians, as the.damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer- cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine, It is taken internal- ly, and is made in Toleds, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. ¥F~Sold by Druggists ; price, 75¢. per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best, Among the 282 medical journals pub- lished in the United States twenty-eight are devoted exclusively, to hygiene. 1 Best For the Bowels. No matter what ails you, headacha to a cancer, you will never get well until vour bowels are put right. CasoAneTs help natura, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost yon just 10 cents to start getting your health back, Cas ocARETS Candy Cathartio, the genuine, put u in metal boxes, every tablet has Ed stamped on it. Beware of imitationa, A woman may not be musical and still be always harping on something. Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov.15.—A medical author- ity says: “There is hardly a family anywhere in which Garfield Tea does not often take the place of the Family Physician, for practically everyone suffers at times from disorders of stomach, liver, kidnsys or bowels. Certainly, from no other medicine can such good results be obtained. This Hert remedy makes people well and thus greatly increases their capacity for enjoying life ; it is good for young and old,” A fellow may have a turning point i his life without being a crank. § polabiin FITS permanen'ly cured. No fits or nervous- ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Grsat Nerv. “<forer. $2trial bottleand treatise free LINE, Ltd., 931 Arch 8¢ Phila. Pa, The. fellow with a bank Jt is his wn cash drawer. . Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children ing, soften the gums, reduces inflamma- lion,allays pain, eures wind colic. 233 a bottle Sunday is the day of strength; the oth- ers are week days. Piso’s Curo cannot be too highly spoken ot as a cough cure.—J. W. O’Brien, 322 Third Avenue, N.; Minneapolis, Minn., Jan, 6, 1900. Australia has more than 1000 news- papers. PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFLY TOLD. Latest News Cleaned From All Over : the State, LIST OF PENSIONS GRANTED. A Media Cripple Could Not Escape From Bura-, ing House and Was Cremated--Eighteen Pennsylvania Corporations Increase Their Stock During October--Norwood Man Un- der Bail for Setting Fire to a Barn. Pensions granted Pennsylvanians: James B. Wilkins, Broadtop, $12; Isaac Byers, New Eagle, $10; Robert Jack, Allenport, $8; Henry Bevilhamer, Saeg- erstown, $8; John Glover, Meyersdale, $12; Samuel Plank, Shade Valley, $8; Frank Hulick, Oakdale, $8; Madison McLaughlin, Davis, $10; John Richards, Wampun, $8; Gerrit Hesring Meyers- dale, $12; Lew: Cruse, Hollodaysburg, $8; Adam Mang :, Hillsview, $12; Anne Young, Flegers, $8; Jeanette Moody. Canton, $20. The Chester Board of Trade appoint- ed a committee to aid in the endeavor ta secure action in Congress in favor of a deeper channel for the Delaware river. Three negroes accused of many rob- beries in Lancaster county were arrest- ed in Atglen, Chester county, after a fight with the constables. Plans submitted by A. A. Richter, a Lebanon architect, were accepted for the new Memorial Reformed Church to be erected in Washington for the con- gregation with which President Roose- velt worships. The General Missionary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church con- cluded its sessions in Pittsburg. The committee refused to recede from its position in making an 8 per cent. reduc- tion in appropriations to missions. Charles Kester, 22 years years of age, of Eastern Salisburg Township, was committed to jail in Allentown charged with stabbing Albert Stuber, a neighbor. The two, it is alleged, got into an al- tercation in which Kester stabbed Stu- ber with a pocket-knife, the blade pene- trating a lung. Charters were issued by the State De- partment to the following corporations: Keystone Stable and Storage Co., Pitts- burg, capital $5,000; Eastern Warehouse Co., Philadelphia, capital $10,000; The Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, capital $1,000; The Umbrella Specialty Co., Philadelphia, capital $10,000; The South Sharon Furniture and Supply Co., South Sharon, capital $10,000. Aged John Waterson was found dead in bed at his home in Chester, the dis- covery being made by his daughter-in- law, who went to his room to call him. Death was due to apoplexy. George Shugars, aged 30 years, of Taylorsville, wandered from the high- way while drunk and fell into a twenty- foot breach which was partially filled with water and drowned. Annie Christ, aged 30, of Nesquehon- ing, fell into a bonfire which she had built to warm herself, and was so badly burned that she was taken to the Schuyl- kill County Almshouse in a dying con- dition. The public school board of Tredyffrin Township has organized as a board of health, with Dr. A. W. Baugh, of Paoli, as health officer, and notice was sent out that all teachers and school chil- dren must be vaccinated. Michael Rendler, a Lancaster county farmer, 64 years old, was dragged to death by a frightened horse. The directors of the Philadelphia Company, controlling all the traction and electric interests of Allegheny county, decided to increase the bonded debt of the company from $6,500,000 to $22,000,000 and the capital stock from $21,000,000 to $36,000,000. Fire destroyed the shirt factory oper- ‘ated by Isaac Fidler and Mark Lewis at Reading. The loss is $5,000. ant Chief Rietz was severe falling from a ladder. COMMERCIAL REVIEW. General Trade Conditions. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of rade says: “A few months ago injury 0 the corn crop aroused fears that the railroads would be seriously handicap- ped by the loss of tonnage, yet the sea- son of grain traffic has not only failed to sroduce decreased earnings, but there is such a scarcity of rolling stock and motive power that numerous industries are badly demoralized. In so far as these interests are concerned the reduc- tion in corn freight proves a blessing. Railway earnings in October were 11.3 per cent. greater than last year and 21.2 per cent. over 18gg, while these roads reporting for the first week of Novem- ber show an average gain of 9.8 per cent. “A healthy demand is reported throughout the country in all leading lines of merchandise, while sales of winter goods have attained normal pro- portions and holiday business promises to surpass all records. “Failures for the week numbered 215 in the United States, against 217 last year, and 27 in Canada, against 33 last vear.” Bradstreet’s says: “Wheat, including flour, exports for he week aggregaté 4,083,734 bushels, as against 5,460,645 last week and 4,062.020 in this week last year. Wheat exports July 1 to date (twenty weeks) aggregate 117,182,652 bushels, as against 70,417,817 fast season. “Corn exports aggregate 629,924 bush- els, as against 708,284 last week and 3,- 976,014 last year. July 1 to date corn exports are 18,077,768 bushels, as against 63,440,228 last season.” LATEST QUOTATIONS. Flour—Best Patent, $4.60; High Grade Extra, $4.10; Minnesota Bakers, $3.00a3.25. Wheat—New York No. 2 8o7%¢; Philadelphia No. 2 red 76%a77c; Balti- more No. 2 76c. 3 Corn—New York No. 2 68c; Phila- delphia No. 2 67a67%c; Baltimore No. 2 62V5c. Oats—New York No. 2 46c; Phila- delphia No. 2 4974; Baltimore No. 2 49a 49%sc¢. Hay—No. 1 Timothy, $16.00a16.50; No. 2 Timothy, $15.00a15.50; No. 3 Timothy, $12.50a14.00. Fruits and Vegetables — Apples — Maryland and Virginia, fancy, per brl, $2.00a2.25; do Maryland and Pennsylva- nia, packed, per brl, $2.00a2.75. Cran- berries—Cape Cod, per brl, $5.00a5.50 Pears—Eastern Shore, Maryland, Keif- ers, per basket, 15a3oc; do New York Keifers, per brl, $2.50a2.75. Quinces— New York, per brl, $3.50a4.00. Yams— Rappahannock, - per brl, $r1.00ar1.25. Beets—Native, per 100 bunches, $1.00a 1.50. Carrots—Native, per bunch, 1a 1c. Cabbages—New. York, per ton $0.00a10.00. Celery—New Ycrk, per dozen 20as0c. ; do native, per bunch 214a 3%c. Cauliflower—Long Island, per brl, or crate, $1.50a2.00. Eggplants— Florida, per' crate $3.00a4.00. Lima Beans—Native, per bushel 75agoc. Let- tuce—Native, per box 15a30c. Onions— Yellow, per bushel $1.00a1.10; do white, per bushel $1.25a1.30. Peppers—Native, per bushel box 25a3oc. Pumpkins, each 4asc. Parsnips—Native, per box, 25a 3oc. Turnips—Native, per box 10a 12V4c. Tomatoes — Eastern Shore, Maryland, per basket 30a3sc. Potatoes—Maryland and Pennsylva- nia, prime, per bushel 68ayoc; do do do York prime, 65a70c; do do seconds, 45. Sweets—Eastern Shore Virginia, yel- lows, per brl, $1.75a1.80. Provisions and Hog Products.—Bulk rib sides, 10%4c.; shoulders, 934c.; bacon clear rib sides, 11c; California, 93%4c.; hams, 10 lbs., 13 to 13%c.; do skinned, 13%c¢.; do., beef, Western, canvased and uncanvased sets, 14)5c.; mess pork, $17.50; ham pork, $17.50; lard, refined, so-lb. cans, 11%4c.; do. do., half barrels and new tubs, 11%4c. Lard, in tierces, IIc. Dairy Products.—Butter—Elgin, 23a 24c.; separator, extras, 25a26.; do. rsts, 20a 2iIc,; do, gathered cream, 20a : do’ imitgdd a18c. : ryland Jook at the Labels! Bvery package of cocoa, or chocolate put out by Walter Baker & Co. bears the well known trade-mark of the chocolate girl, and the place of manu- facture, “Dorchester, Mass.” House- keepers are advised to examine their purchases, and make sure that other goods have not been substituted. They received three gold medals from the Pan-American exnosition. “Tt is the opinion of-entirely T00 many people that the word “friend” means one who will lend his money. (EW DISCOVERY; gives DROPSY clei mm: 223 i a “ Dr. of a ao Box B, Atlanta, 8a. ‘ag ” every description Bat \ SCALES atactlon Gara ADEN i for prices S A > Wie Charles St. , BALTIMORE, MD. Free. Estab. ANDSOME AMERICAN LADY, indepsa- H dently rich, wants good, honest husband. - dress ItIrs. E., 87 Market St, Chicage, Lil. 23 vu PISO’S CURE FOR b= RES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. bed Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ~ vd in time. Sold by druggists. 4 N CONSUMPTION (7. $900 TO $1500 A YEAR We want intelligent Men and Women as Traveling Representatives or local Managers: palary $y00 to $1500 a year and all ex ses, ine to experience and ability. 1 mi wont Jocal representatives; salary $9 to $15 a week and commission, depending upon the time devoted. Send stamp for full particulars ‘ Mate position prefered. Address, Dept. B. THE BELL COMPANY, Philadelphia, a. ASTHMA -HAY FEVER Dati ts C1 ENR r STH SEND FOR _ FREE{TRIAL BOTTLE Aoorsss DR.TAFT. 79 EI30™ ST. NY.CiTY WILLS PILLS—BIGGEST OFFER EVER MADE, Foronly 10 Cents we will send to any P. O. v L- dress, 10 days’ treatment of the best medicine oa earth, and put you on tho track how to make Von. ey right at your homs. Address all orders to Ths RR. B. Wills tledicin: Compnny, 23 Eliza. beth Nt, flagerstown, Vid. Branch Oflices: 129 [ndinna Ave., Washington, D. C. NO GUESS NEEDED. When you weigh on a Jones 800 Lb. Scale PRICE $8.00. FULL PARTICULARS. JONES (HE PAYS THE FREIGHT.) BINGHAMTON, N. Y. iT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 1V THIS PAPER. BNU ¢ ) / “WW” +UNION°MADE® 20 NeSHOES: SOLD BY OVER ne Ig A D IN OUR. As ES oe cara 3% Esa + ' ei SER : The standard has alwa; W. IL, Douglas $4.00 A been placed 80 high that the Gilt Edge Line Cannot Be | X wearerroeeives moge value for Equaled At Any Price. ¥ Shona the Wi . Doug 3 ,00 and §3.60 shoes than he can For More Than a a got ae erg. We. To Dougln makes and sclls more $3.00 an $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers in the yorid of Ceatary the reputation of W. IL. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes for sie comfort and wear has ex- celled all other makes sold at these i» oe FABT COLOR EYELETS USED, rices. This excellent reputation Insist upon having W, L, Douglas shoes as been won by merit alone. W. L. with name and price stamped Douglas shoes have to give better sat- y on bottom. Shoes sentany- Fix isfaction than other $3.00 and $3.50 where on receipt of price shoes because his reputation for the best $3.00 | and 25 cents additional for car- and $3.50 shoes must be maintained. riage. Tako measurem ons of foot agshown; stato style de- Sirol; Size and wadie > usually worn ; plain or cap toe; heavy, & medium or light soles. “ W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes are made of the same high-grade leath- ers used in $5.00 and $6.00 shoes and are just as good in overy way, Sold by 63 Douglas stores in American cities selling direct from factory to wearer at one profit; and the best. shoe ers everywhere, Satalog O Free. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass, 28 | Gold Medal at Bufinlo lixposition. USE CERTAIN EE CURE. 22 | mc LHENNY’S TABASCO NH NCL etmy "HOR 0D “B 4 iin) [= oe f E SHOE” "STANDARD NAVY’ "‘SPEARHEAD’ LY TAR” "BOOT JACK” ‘PIPER HEIDSIECK'| "DRUMMOND NATURALL CH LUCK” 140 TAGS. RUBBLR POUCH FOR FINE CUT TOBACCO. iil ~ ) BUITER KNIFE ROGERS: 6D TAGS: }