A Star ting v oid, i ORR 3 TNT DRRATRD | R36 WRAY SANSA >) “Why aid the parson stop suddenly , Er = PLE Ha 7 . / SRIRKSEKLKS | GIRARDI DRI NID] SNK ; Xz Be Ne SC NEN ALT & z and clu ch a he corner of the pulpit : AAR ‘ < 5 “He happened to catch sight of one THE PHILADEI: PHIA of old Mis. Widemouth’s yawns.”— BRANCH OY 6): IO n Prices Ac Right 2, EEN EER WW EEET YS Cleveland Plain Dealer. Fnexcusable Procrastination. : 244 LOCUST STREET Shut oe the oe Door po They say be ran (hrough his wife's | § fot oF BURGH US NAR od OJ LILQS) So are the Goods “What caused the delay?’—Town Sr Rann —— This Cold Spell Reminds One of the Need of Topics. PR eT, hr oa Furnishings and Hats C ANN ED Warm Overcoats This is indeed a lonely world,” Said the widow, with a sigh; : w sow she has caught on agal pre er Son > . © Br obi dig ther eye. Bm Fe G, O O D S e got fust what you want. They are —Chicago Dally News. vuanmnea, the finest lot of Unredeemed Overcoats forse est write ryt “I gee vou advertise for some one 16 FILIAL DEVOTION, gine ¢ ; y our trust,” said the young man Pr “and 1 wish Dorr . P | <( '1 A I S | we ever had, cost from 1000 to 26 00; Yours at for the position.” “Have you ever had any experience o trusts?” inquired the mag a —— running tru 82.50, 83.50, $4.50 nate with interest. “No,” replied the young man, “but } - : ran a bucket shop which robbed the Large Tomatoes, Oc people for five years. »—Qhio Siate Large Table Peaches, 10c oe PIROSH &: Journal. I Jeon, a e SIMMONS and Community. —— — PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Peas, 5 and 9¢ X , cy ATTY TIME TABLE Baked Beans with Tomato The Old Established Pawnbrokers GOOD ADVERTISIN IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1901 vio re emirate S000 5 and 10c sien RATES VERY REA ~~ Ne Going East From Florin Small Can Tomatoes, 2c 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penna. dt or Lancaster Accomodation . . . 70am & Seashore Express : oa « 123 pm ’ > \ cans aooomuotseos | LL sapm| Arbuckle’s Coffee, ~~ §@31@| wrote Woswort'ssd oesore | 3 B0c etree Lauc easter Ace ainsaoditton . . . 505 pm A ® PREAAN va Te ae riGeyl Loose coffee; 10C | We still have a fow Shot Guns, Low Priees,| vv! (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . . T4 pm Going West From Florin : « Xr crackers “Coward!” Way Passenger . Sib, s : : 700 am Ginger Snaps & cracker; ) 5c PEAS SE A > SASS gon SD AAD : i ” ————— onus A —————— LY crm . ] aa 10 17 a m CHEK LH EF 78H IRL EKA ASL X% Id lif I i ao ad d Li aster Ace dati . . . 2 35 S S, ! A ANAAARRAAAN A : ow AfSiember ‘ ao N . n ift me hand agin me mudder, do |, ister consnodation veri, S03 7 you want anything in the line of REMEMBER I HE N A oe ’ 3 Mai . . . . ’ , “. Coward nuffin! Yer don’t tink A aster Accommodation 235 pm Raisin Y and Oc rer 2’"—Chicago American. arrishy Hest fer ae AT og pra gigi | Suda Way : Tom] Ghieese, 15¢c The eating. Sil othiers | Bread, Cakes, Buns. &e. RARAARR we : bBOe. ¢ + REEF EFVENVEFNR A WR 2 7 : 1 \o, “THE PEOPLE'S PAPER’ HK LE oT [N"” ONLY soc PER ANNUM LESS THAN 1c A COPY vey Containing All the Home and Genet: News of Florin, Mount |g Briere TS ee unday) Way Passenger Horse Sense, ! : : : hdd { Going East From ois Jon m » 3 o — ~~. There s a small gram of wisdom Lianeaste r Accommodation . . . 706 am Good I able Sy ¥ up, Oc: gal. the only place to get it good and fresh is at the Which runneth this way: Tenia nd 2 g J EER i IT ee n BROS. | go. Know how to say ‘‘neigh.” t 5 id oat dene HY op T= ne 22 ny eig {7 ancaster ACCOnIRo datio nn . . . 347 pm i mpire a ery -Ph Haguiphin Record. me rtm A Sn an, Lancaster Accommodation . . . 508 pm Philadelphia Mail 75 Mount Joy. Pa. 3 hiladelphia Ma . . . . . 72pm . phi 1 z FILORIN, PA. W hen y ou thi (Sunday) Main Line Express . . . 403 pm (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . TH pm RACKET STORE 5 z Ss. 8. GIN CSHRICET, Prop. » 0-4 { Going West From Voss Joy Men S,. Youths and for touch, tone t Funerals Supplied at Short Notice | Way Passenger = . . ’ . . 65 am 5 > < Ba. a ae Seam Children’s Clothing Niagara Express . . . . D4Ham Mou nt Joy. 2 Lancaster Accommod: ation, 22pm Overcoats Trousers | Eancastor Accommonation © © 8025 I | og nn c : * |JAS. GLATFELTER Hr nits ie he AR Sn YY SX a E XR : | : al . (Sunday) Way Passenger . . . . 655amlg ZA ND = SENN 7 Shoes : Shoes ? K I R (Sunday) Niagara Express ERE id = unday iagara Express yam Felt, Rubber and £ (Sunday) I"ast Line . . . . 200 pm Sill STANDARD Leather Boor, Mount oy Stean Heater Co. Hats and Caps, Has on exhibition in C. Buohl's store room, COACH W OR, K 5 Underwear Gloves q oe : ra : ! ar, 8, opposite D. IH. Engle’s Furniture Warerooms { on West Main street, Mt. Joy, a Full Line of Dress Sl rts | IF IN NEED OF A ES Dus, | Prizer Square and Oak, Single | | { | | - Neckwear, Hosiery, Jenny Lind, Surrey Ladies’ Furnishings RO a Dar Stock oF rd Ey ; / ur OCN 0 ‘nderwear «8 More Strictly €ash. @ne Price To All. | MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c | Zi Embracing a Ful Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rear Star and News Printing Office y Children's White Merine from 1c up Gn EE Re di HEE MOUNT JOY, - PENNA. NE : DES 4S 00D ert sP-SH Ills $50 Children's Union Suits at 25, Risser’s : The Only Place to Get #7 Ladies’ Union Suit at 50c Ellxhorn R / . Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. Men's Excellent Values in Bugzay or r Carriage Steam ace | F = De Rui) SLL End Bakery, £4 —x. 13. ¥ i pth—Suppose you were g kissed, sweet maid, ! et such an emer- maid )—Face ! | | | | | | | |
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