' i Pve’'s Daughter. ittle Agnes had been a regular at- | dant at the'@unday School last win- | e other day the school opened | fter the vaeation, and the teacher d to have a general review of all ground covered by the primary de- rtment. She started, very properly, the beginning. “Children,” said she, “after Adam was created, how was Eve brought into the world?” A half-dozen hands went into the air. “Willie Sinith may answer,” said the teacher. “Made-outer-a-bone-frum-Adam.” “Now, children, that is correct. from what bone was woman created?” There was an awful silence in the classroom. Finally little Agnes’ hand went up like a shot. “You may answer, Agnes.’ Her decision came quickly. “The jawbone,” said she. The Powey of Reasoning. A merry young Irishman is employed a8 a coachman by a Liverpool family. While suffering from a severe cold he made his appearance one morning with his hair cut close to his head. “Why, Dennis,” said his mistress, in shocked accents, “whatever possessed you to have your hair cut while you had | such a bad cold?” “Well, mum,” replied the unabashed Dennis, “I do be takin’ notice this iong while that whiniver I have me hair cut I take a bad cowld, so I thought to meself that now, while I had the cowld on to me, it would be the time ol all others to go and. get me hair-cuttin’ done, for by that course I would save meself just one cowld. Do ye see the power of me rasoning, mum?’ The lady was obliged to concede that Denis’ logic was irresistible. house Kaepers. re furnished for cases, hold- s, are en- rece prays carries d dozen or YiUre bookcases. The light house keepers, as a rule, are not illiter- { pectoration, And i St. Jacobs Oil For Chest-Colde, Brone chitis, Croup, and Pleurisy., An outward application for bronchial diffi. snlties is many times far more effective than syrups, cough mixture, cod liver oil, &c., simply because it penetrates through to the direet cause, which is, as a rule, an accumula- i tion of matter or growth tightly adhered to the bronchial tubes. St. Jacobs Oil, possessing as it dos thoae wonderful penetrating powers, enables ii to loosen these adhesions and to induce frae ex- Cases have been known wher: i expectorations have bsen examined aft:r St. Jacobs Oil has been applied, and the exach formation was clearly shown, where the ad- nesions had been removed or pulled off the ! bronchial tubes. All irritation of the del- {cate mucous membrana of the bronchs is quickly removed by the healing and soothing properties of 8t. Jacobs Oil. In casesof croup end whooping congh in children St. Jacobs Oil will be superior to any other remedy. St. Jacobs Oil is lor sale throughout the world. It is clean to use—not at all greasy ox oily, as its name might imply. For rhau- matism, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, cramp, pleurisy, lumbago, sore throat, bronchitis, soreness, stiffness, bruises, toothache, head- whe, backache, feetacha, pains in the chest, { vains in the back, pains in the shoulders, pains in the limbs, and all bodily aches and pains it has no equal. It acts like magic. Safe, sury, and never failing. found King Edward is the first British mon- arch to play golf since the days of James Sweat and fruit acids will not discolor goods dyed with Pur~xam Faperzss Dyes. Sold by ell druggists. When a irl dreams of an elopement she allows her imagination to run away with her. The average woman is generally too busy talking to stop and think. 8107 Reward. %100. The reade1s of this paper will be pleased to L learn that there is at least one dreaded dis- | enge that science has been able to cure in all ; its stages, and that in Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ! Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- stitutional disease, requires a constitutional ate men, although a high grade of edu- cation is not required to perform their duties, but they are great readers, and | call chiefly for fiction, biography and | books of travel. It is not generally known that they are now appointed un- der civil service rules after competitive examination. Sitting Room Drama. “Who cones there?” called little Wil- lie, the sentry, in threatening tones, ai he. brought his deadly wooden gun intc shooting position. “A Ariend,” answered little Tommy from behind the rocking chair. “Advance and give the countersign,” hissed the sgutry. “or I'll shoot your head”oP,’ : An ominous silence followed this ter- rible threat, then Tommy said plaintive- “I've fergot it.” “You can't remember nothin',” ex- claimed Willie in disgust, throwing down his gun. “Cum over here an’ I'll hisper it to yer agin.” ficiiclarly Royal Pipe Smoker. The King of the Belgians is said to be the most.scholarly inonarch in Eu- rope. His tastes are of the simplest. He prefers a favorite briar pipe to the! 1 best cigar manufactuged; and every morning & quaint totfcco jar in the shape of an elephzad; which stands on gtel sheaf of his smoking room at mem 6d with a certain brand sh bird's-eye tobacco. s that the country possesses no onsequently there is never a n, the King merely taking the rotect the constitution. Dictionaries. A curi- | | treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy- ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faithin its curative powers that they offer One Hun- i dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials, Address F. J. Caeyey & Co., Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggists, T5c. Hall’s Family Pills ave the best. Some poets write because they are in- spired, and others because they are hun- gry. Best For the Bowels, No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CascarrTrs help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cas- cAreTs Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in motal boxes, every tablet has C.C.C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. Success often depends upon knowing when to quit. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 81.—After investigat- ing Garfield Tea, which is quite universally acknowledged to be the best family remedy, it is not difficult to explain its success—it is the medicine for good results! It ismanufactured here by the Garfield Tea Co. in their new and attractive laboratory and is made wholly from simple, sweet, and withal, health-giving herbs, Garfield "Tea is the: original herb cure for constipation and sick headache, “You give me a pane,” remarked the | broken window to the glazier. | MRS. 1DA-L ROSES | Grand-Niece of Ex rh D1} » LATEST HAPPENINGS ALL OVER THE STATE. Reading Man Probably Killed His Sweet- heart and Then Himself ~ STATE MONEY IN [ORTY-S X BANKS. Peusions Granted—New Charters Issued by the State Department—Prof. S.D. Fess Str ngly Advocates the Use of Newspapers in Public Schools—General Fund at the Close of Busi- ness for October Amounted to $4,754,051.33. Pensions granted Pennsylvanians: Mi- chael McCaffery, Allegheny, $6; An- drew J. Vanatta, Erie, $8; Frank Cli- menberg, Johnstown, $8; Abraham Swank West Newton, $20; William Mahler, North Clarendon, $6; Frederick Setzler, Mattawanna, $12; Michael Rear- don, West Bridgewater, $12; Aaron Ran- dals, Canonsburg, $10; William H. Barnes, Greenwood Furnace, $8; George Walker, Neshannock Falls, $10; Nancy J. Montgomery, Neffs Mills, $8; Fannie Stear, Indiana, $8; Ellen Jane Love, Beaver Falls, $8; Malvina O. Vought, Rome, $12. Charters were issued by the State Department to the following corpora- tions: The Forest City Sewage & Drainage Company, Forest City; cap- ital, $100,000. The Olmstead Art & Decorative Company, Titusville; cap- ital, $16,500. The Conway Water Com- pany. Economy Township, Beaver County; capital, $1000. The Shine Oaks Brewing Company, Washington; capital, $20,000. Alexander Manufac- turing Company, Canoonsburg; capital, $12,000. The Monessen Savings & Trust Company, Monessen; capital, $125,000. At the Lebanon Teachers’ Institute, Prof. S. D. Fess strongly advocated the use of newspapers in the public schools. He advocated a decrease in patronage of candy stands by children to pay for newspapers and said: “In this way the great events might be briefly studied each day and current history be thus impressed upon the minds of those who attend school. The reporters get in touch with all that goes on in the.world. We can only do it and come in contact with the public pulse of the world by reading the news- papers.” Walter Snyder and steller were found on Mount Penn, Reading, with bullet holes through their temples and a pistol by the man's side. He was twenty years old and she 2I. They having agreed to die together, the man evidently shot the woman and then himself. State Treasurer Barnett has the mon- ey in the general fund distributed Minnie Reich- ‘among forty-six banks, or almost dou- ble the number of a year ago. The fund at the close of business for Octo- ber amounted to $4,754,051.33. The Philadelphia & Reading Railway will within sixty days place safety gates at every one of its crossings in South Bethlehem. The following fourth-class postmas- ters for Pennsylvania were appointed: Balsam, Sibyl Francis; Zora, G. E. Gingell. The feed and saw mill of Jacob G. Thompson, #1 Bart Township, was de- stroyed by fire of supposed incendiary origin. The less is $2000. W. U. Hensel, attorney for George Snyder, of Philadelphia, issued execu- tions aggregatinjga$44.000 against Eman- uel Kern alg ; o_ perty and irog OILED CLOTHING d HAVE THE SAME POIRTS OF EXCELLERGE AND GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION. Gena CURES I ELSE FAILS. oy Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Fe 8old by druggists. ) = Part 32 of every description Sate SCALES isfaction Guaranteed. rite for prices’ JESSE MARDEN ® 120 5. Charles St , BALTIMORE, AMD. EE Ee ASTHMA-HAY FEVER RIT TENE STH P” SEND FOR ; FREETRIAL BOTTLE Aooprss DR.TAFT, 79 E1307 ST.NY.CITY $900 TO $1500 A YEAR We want intelligent Men and Women as Traveling Representatives cr Local Managers; salar to f15c0 a year and all expenses, piie. Fg. experience and ability. We also want local representatives; salary gg to $s a week and comuiission, depending upon the time devoted. Send stamp for full particulars asd Mate position prefered. Address, Dept. B. THE BELL COMPANY, Philadelphia, Fa. g- od WILLS PILLS—BIGREST OFFER EVER MADE, Foronly 10 Cents wo will senlto any P. O. v1. dress, 10 days’ treatmon} of the best medicine va earth, and put you on the track how to maks ‘one. eyrightat your home. Address all orders to 'f'he IK. B. Wills Medicin: Compnuy, 23 Kliza« beth St, Hagerstown, Md, Brauch ddlcos: 129 [ndiana Ave., Washington, D. C. ¢ R oO PSY NEW DISCOVERY; gives quick relief and cures wors$ cases. Book of testimonials and 10 days’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S 80NS, Box B, Atlanta, Gs, IT PAYS TRisWaPeR. avul) ee FROM TAR’ "HORSE SHOE” "STANDARD NAVY’ "‘SPEARHEAD’ fi uglas $4 Glit Edgo Ling Cannot be Equaled at Any Prica. Br For Nore than o Quarter ofa Centary £ “the reputation of W. L. Dougias £3.00 and £3.60 shoes for style, comfort and wear has excelled “all other makes sold at these prices, This e lent reputation has been won by merit ajone ’.L.Douglas shoes have to give bet. E tisfaction than other £3.00 and £3.50 shoes than he can_get elsewhere. Douglas makes and sells more $8.00 and $8.50 shoes tha 4 any other two manufacturers in the world, Fast Color Ng Flvelets used. W. L. Douglas 83 and 83.50 shoes dre made of the samo high grade leathers used in $3 and $6 shoes. and are Just as good in every way, : ) 7 ¢ Sold by 63 Douglas stores in American cities selling direct Jrom [factory to wearer at one profit; and the best shoe dealers everywhere. : Insist upon having W, I, Douglas shoes with name and price stamped on hotfom, Shoes sent anys J where on receipt of price and 25c, addi- tional for carriage, Take measure- ments of foot as shown: state style desired; size and width Rp -—— usually worn; plainorcap toe; heavy, medium, or light soles. ‘W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Uist CERTAIN CURE. 3 | met HERRVE SABRE co Ly | 1902. 650 TAGS. TOOL SET. j 140 TAGS. RUBBER POUCH FOR FINE CUT FOBACCO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers