nny ant sR Ko At ni. , DLE HORSES hips with Which e of Insects Are ur Vogue, “Fly nets for horses in harness are old as the hills,” said a dealer in horse equipments, reports the New York Sun. “but ddle fly nets, for saddle horses, aré something com- paratively new, [They are made B fit around the ¢antle of the saddle, from, which they éxtend back over the horse’s haunchek. The net is made leather cordg, commonly in russet, sometimes in fblack, attached across in parallel linfs to five bars or tapes running lenfrthwise of the horse’s ck, the frgfe ends of the cords hang- ing m-the ysual manner at the horse's sides. “As to appearance such a net, seen on a saddle horse, is not only entirely sightly and appropriate there, but it gives to the horse's outfit a touch of picturesqueness. “Another comparatively new thing for a rider's use is the fly riding whip which has, attached to a handle of about the same length, a hair switch about 18 inches in length. This is something not intended for park use, for which the saddle fly net is en- tirely suitable, but rather for use in switching the flies off a horse while ing along on the highways “and Byways; perhaps gn a short-tail- or, it 1 ‘be, in a region rere particularly bother- . DISCOVERED BILL NYE. Western Man Who Claims to Have Early Appreciated the Famous Humorist, Col. Bill Root, of Laramie, Wyo., is probably entitled to the credit of hav- ing “discovered” Bill Nye, the humor- “list. Root pow-has charge of the In- n willage at the pan-American ex- position, and tells the following story of how he first met the writer: “ ‘Bill Nye; when he was a young man, wasn't much; in fact, folks in Laramie wondered whether he would eventually dry up and blow away or just die of plain starvation. Things never would come his way, and that same way led through many rocky res. Everything to which he turned hand seemed to wither under it, d he began to think that he was a Koodoo.’ “Bill was a pretty discouraged sort pf a chap when I said to him and his wife one day: ‘Come out to the ranch and stay with me for awhile,” and they came. Long before this time Frances, Bill's wife, had made up her mind that Bill was cast in the mold of a lawyer, and nothing would de but Bill must study law. So Bill came along with his old books and would wander around the ranch trying to imbibe ozone and pages of Blackstone. But the canker- worm of worry was in his mind and the ozone and several of the things I had upboard seemed to do little KTEROUS AT FORTY. Men’s Hands Lose Their hey H Two JOSEPH LEVI W. G. GREENEWALD THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH STORE & #& 244 LOCUST STREET COLUMBIA, PENNA Up-to-Date Clothing Furnishings, "and Hats love That Makes No Return, For love he forfeited his friends For love he turned away From honors such as men are glad To strive for night and day; For love he lost what nobler men Would be most Inath to lose, And had ro recompense, because "Twas all for love eof booze. —Chicago Record-Herald. EXPERT ADVICE, “What would you advise me to make »f this colt, a trotter or a pacer?” “I'd make sausage of him.”—N. Y. Journal. A Peculiarity. Some men of wealth have made a lot, And, pray, what have they done with it? They simply add to what they've got Instead of having fun with it! ~Washington Star, Waiting to Start, Impatient Husband—Will yow ever tome away from that looking-glass, (lara? Wife (pleasantly) — You Algy, that art is long. Husband (sharply)—I remember, madam, that time is fleeting.—Les- lie’'s Weekly. forget, Same Old Diwenchantment, “Disappointed in love's young dream again?’ queried her legal ad- riser. “Yes, sir. It’s the same old night- mare,” replied the actress who was ‘eying to procure her third divorce. —Chicago Tribune. About Haircuts, Sunday School Teacher—What do we learn from the story of Samson? Little Boy (rubbing lis head thoug —That it doesn’t pay ter Rave a feller’s hair.— Chic BE Cours Prosiamation! WHEREAS, The Hon, John B, Livingston, Pres ident, and Hon, Charles I. Landis, Assoclate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept, to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public Proclamation thronghout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyerand Terminer and General Jail De livery, also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, THE THIRD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER (THE 18TH, ) 1901, In pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lancaster, in said County, and all the Jus- tices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of said City and County of Laneaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their other remembrances,” to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done ; and to all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be in the jail of the sald County of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just, Dated at Lancaster, the 18th day of October, 1901. THOMAS L. MCMICHAEL, SHERIFF, ON The Leading Clothiers YOFFE AND GAFFIN BROS. Mount Joy, Pa. DEALERS IN Men’s, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes! Shoes! Felt, Rubber and Leather Boots, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Ladies’ Furnishings Strictly €ash. One Brice To All. Satisfaction Guaranteed, FLORIN HOTEL LOD AT OD PUBLIC SALE et —— , 1901 sale, at the Saturday, December The undersigned will offer at public Florin Hotel, Florin, Lancaster county, those 3 Lots of Ground fronting on the north side of Pa.,- al the Harrisburg and Lancaster Turnpike, in the vill- age of Florin, Pa., on which is erected a A Large 2 1-2 Story Brick Hotel Property eh Twoand One-Ialf-Story t [House attached, also, yr Seo ll MENDMENT 70 THE CONSTITUTION PRO- A POSED T0 THE CITIZENS OF THIS COM- MONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR RI- JECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE ETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII, OF THE CONSTITUTION, A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, Be it resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth in General Assembly met, That the following is pro posed as Amendments to the Constitution of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth article thereof : Amendment One to Article Eight, Section One. Add at the end of the first paragraph of said section after the words ‘shall be entitled to a vote at all elec- tions, ** the words ‘subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact, ** so that the sald section shall read as follows : SECTION 1—Qualifications of Electors, Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, possessing the fol- lowing qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors asthe Gen- eral Assembly may enaet : 1—He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month, 2—He shall have resided in the State one year (or, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed there- from and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election, 3—1Te shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months im- mediately preceding the election, 4—If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two years a State or County tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election Amendment Two to Article Eight, Section Seven. Strike out from said section the words ‘‘but no elector shall be deprived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name not being registered, ** and add to said section the following words, ‘‘but laws regulat- ing and requiring the registration of electors may be SECTION 1— 4 enacted to apply to citiesonly provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the same class, ** so that the said section shall read as follows : SECTION 7—Uniformity of Election Laws. All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens or for the registration of electors shall be uniform throughout the State, butlaws regulating and requir- ing the registration of electors may be enacted to ap- ply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the same class, A true copy of the Joint Resolution. WW. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth, MENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION PRO- POSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS (COM- MONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR RE- JECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THE COMMONWEALTH OF PE S 4 PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII, OF THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, SECTION 1—Be it énacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the following is proposed as an Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the eighteenth article thereof : AMENDMENT, Strike out section four of article eight and Insert In place thereof, as follows : SECTION 4~All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law : Provided that secrecy in voting be preserved. A true copy of the Joint Resolutions, W. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth, IN EFFECT MAY 2, 1901 AANAARANANAR AAAAA AAA AAA NAAASANAAAAAANA Going East From Florin Jane aster Jeeontodagion . 707am S : « RB pm 24 pm 500 pm 74 pi 74d Lancaster Ac ainodugion Lancaster Accomnjodation Philadelphia Mail , ' . (Sunday) Philuelpia Mail , oct From Florin OF JANINE IRIN ERIN TINY C= TUNDERWIEAR@S % Complete Than Ever, Embracing a Full Line of Children's White Merino from 10c up. Children's White Wool Wrappers 26c, Children's Bion Suits at 25c, Misses' Oncila Union Suits at 50c, Ladies" Union Suits at 50c, Bojs' Ribbe Underwear at 25¢' Men's Excellent Values in Fleeced and Wool at 23 to 1.80 Cents, Mount Joy Steam Heater Co. Has on exhibition in, Buohl's store room, opposite D, IH. Engle’s Furniture Warerooms on West Main street, Mt, a Full Line of Prizer Square and Oak, Single Joy, Gur Stock of Underwear is More nd © —l® =H. BE. EBERSOIL.EXE— MOUNT JOY, PA. AIRE IRICEN LE TR cx and Double Heaters and Ranges | — ; . UNREDEEMED GUNS} SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BARREL Breech-Loaders Sold Hammerless Guns, Best Makes at Very Low Prices. PIROSH .. & .. SIMMONS THE OLD ESTABLISHED BROKERS AND JEWELERS ¢) TY » . = 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penna. OPPOSITE ALSO OIL STOVES. ws==Call and See Stock and Lear ? Prices Remember if you want anything in the line of Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. the only place to get it good aad fresh is at the s i - » - Empire Bakery FPLORII, PA. S. SS. GIINTGRICEL, Prop. Low as 2.25 Funerals Supplied at Short Notice JAS. GLATFELTER WOOLWORTI'S 5 AND 10 CENT STORE Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Joy, Penna. Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lots to Suit the Purchasers UNDERTAKING & EMBALMIN x EHILI.O! Do You Want a New Jenny Lind Surrey Buggy Road or Spring Wagon X{U or any kind of a Ligh! Conveyance ? Yes + J oll then go 2d Jatt with Young Bros. Standard Coach WwW orks FLORIN, PENNA. y i; : Hi el ne 1 &pec i 7] ie ke a specialty of Fine Up-To-Date Jenny Linds Rubber Tires set on any kind of a lea 4 uy own works IF you dost want to buy a new vehicle, but would like to have youy iF " { rebult, go to the same place Young Brothers know how to fie wp a wagon a8 good ux ud they will do it for a reasonable ¢ ompensation MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c Rear Star and News Printing Office MOUNT JOY, - PENNA. The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Bars, &ec. —s AD Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy, Penna. CAL For Coal That Will Burn es you should place your order with me. I, A. HOSTETTER No advance in price L'roprs of The Give them a trial and be convinced 1 PIANO SALE