ed i $ ADAMIC Sastav aol, n WelltuDo Young German, Advocates the Use of But One Garment, To transform the world’s fashions into the fig leuf costumes of Adam and Eve is the self-imposed mission of Gustav Nagel, who is just mow maki a tour of the fatherland. Nagel “preaches that it is uhgodly to assume fine raiment, that the human form divine should not be burdened more than to protect it from the efe- anents—in the winter a simple ani- mal fur, in the summer a thin linen shirt. Hats, shoes, stockings, under- wear and haberdashery of any kind must be avoided. Nagel calls himself a mensch” (a child of nature). “natur- At HERR GUSTAV NAGEL. (Apostle of Adamic Dress in His Favorize Robe.) present he sojourns in a cave near Leppin, Germany, in his negligee shirt, where thousands have visited him and where he preaches his pe- culiar gospel. The courts of Arend- see and Magdeburg have pronounced him insane, but- he seems to have plenty of money, for prominent law- yers have kept him thus far out of mmadhouses. The apostle of semi- nudity is 30 years old, a native of Arendsee, destined by his thrifty fa- ther, a well-to-do farmer, to become & merchant. The nian seems to be physically hardened, for all last winter he walked about barefooted in snow and jce and exhorted his auditors to fol- low his example. He is also a vege- tarin, his food consisting of fruit, b! nd vegetables only. Nagel reaping a small fortune by the sale of illustrated postal cards. This, he says, he intends to devote to the propagation of his gospel. Nagel is, perhaps, not as crazy as would ap- pear, judging from the shekels he can gather with his fad. The world runs after anything new and odd, like Athens did when I’aul preached his gospel. CYRIL ARTHUR PEARSON. Famous London Editor Whe Is Now Engaged in Studying American Journalism, now pur- journal- Cyril Arthur Pearson, who is visiting this country for the pose of studying American ism and its methods, is only 35 years old, but has already made several millions by his enterprise and inge- nuity in the newspaper line. Ile be- gan his career a few years ago as a writer on the staff of London Tit- Bits. He had just come out of Win- chester school with nothing behind him save his father’s blessing and othing before him but the severest vund of competition. After working CYRIL ARTHUR PEARSON. (Famous English Editor Now Vieiting the United States.) for four years on Tit-Bits he resigned his position to start Pearson’s Week- ly, which, owing to the novel meth- ods of its publisher, was a success 2c9:a the beginning. Then the young msn branched out and established Heme Notes, Pearson’s Magazine, $hort Stories, the Royal Magazine, Home Cookery, the Lady's Magazine, Dress Making at Home, Mainly About People and a score of other periodi- cals, all of which are paying their swner a handsome income. Mr. Pear- son's most important effort is the Daily Express, a one-cent London morning paper, which began publica- tion in April, 1900. 1t is in connec- tion with this new daily and with his intention of establishing a chain of newspapers throughout the. world that Mr. Pearson is now visiting this eountry. The Home of the Potato. The first potatoes were cultivated fn the Andes, somewhere between San Diego, Chili, and Lima, Peru. Po- tatodes still grow wild in the moun- tain districts of South America. Italy's Soldiers Get Cigars. - Cigars are given to soldiers in the Ytalian army as part of their daily rations. . - voila ror, He—Theve's one NY I'm glad of. It anything should happen to me my vife’s father wonld always take care of her. She—Dut suppose something should happen to your wife's father ?—Lea- lie’s Weel dy. Two Different Views, Said a physician to a friend: “Of all the patients I attend None say my method fails.” Replicd the friend: “I'm not led To, doubt it, for "tis often sald, That c¢ead men tell no tales.” —Chicago Dally News, THING, “ULE TEASING ITe—I have spoken to your mother. She—Iave Afd did she accept you ?—Ally Sloper. ‘ou! Quecrest Street in Chinn, One of the queerest streets in the world is a street in Canton, China. The street is occupied exclusively by dentists and apothecaries. It is en- tirely roofed over with glazed paper 2nd contains more signs, cards and billboards than any other street in the world. Ye Ind Told lic ‘ou said you artist rrunis. Ae—Y wire gong Yo ul Ty an and now you're en gaged to a dentist. Flo—Well, isn’t he an artist? Ile draws from real life!-—Philadelpbia Bulletin. Nothing to Worry About, Ted—He's to get a hundred thou- sand providing he doesn’t marry. Ned—Well, there's nothing hard about that. A fellow with that much money doesn’t need to marry.— Town Topics. oe ee “In dealing with man, remember that a spoonful of oil will go farther than a gallon of vinegar.” The same may be said of children There is nothing so good for children as the old-fashioned castor oil. However much they may-abhor it, it is their best medicine for dis- orders of the bowels, In the more severe cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, however, Cham- berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- dy should be given after the oil operates and a quick cure is sure to follow. For sale by J. S. Carmany Florin, and Howard Smoker and John Groff, Mount Joy. - a> Church Chronicle. | | Methodist Episcopal Chnrch—Preachihg every Sunday evening at 7 p. m. by the pas- | tor and Rev. John I'oehm on alternate eve- nings. Epworth League at6 pm. Sab- | bath School at 9 a. m., Amos Risser Super- intendent. Class meeting Sunday morning | at 10 a. m. Prayer-meeting Tnursday 7 J. | m. Rev. Wayne Channell pastor, Rev. John I oehm assistant pastor. ne | Josh Westhafer of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor | men, but he says he would not be without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if 1t costs five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. No external application is equal this liniment for stiff and swollen joints, contracted muscles stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscu- It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis: It is for sale by J. S. Carma- | ny Florin, and Howard Smoker and Jobn Groff, Mount Joy. f | lar pains. I'wo Lawyers, First Lawyer (angrily)—I've a good | mind to sue you. Second Lawyer—I shouldn't like anything better. There's only one trouble about two lawyers going to law. A lawyer can never do himself justice when he pleads his own case. First Lawyer—That’s casily fixed. | I'll plead your case, and you plead | mine.—N. Y. Weekly. lp Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stomach after eating ? If so you will be! benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach | and Liver Tablets, They also cure belching | and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25 cents. Sold by J. S. Carmany Florin, and Howard Smoker and john Groff | Mount Joy. pee Pesaiming Reproved, “I suppese,” he ventured, “that you yould rever speak toice againif I were to kies you?” “Gh. John!” she exclaimed, don’t you get over the habit ways locking at the dark things?" —Tit-DBits. “why | of al- side of | physic try the | When you want a pleasant “ . | Stomach and Liv- | new remedy, Chamberlain's er Tablets. They are easy to tike and pleas- | ant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at | J. S. Carmany’s, Florin, and Howard Smoker | and John Groff’s drug stores, Mount Joy. } | o | - | Pool Table For Sale. A good fecond-hand pool table, size 41: | by 8 feet. Also a full set of ivory balls and full rack of cues. All to be sold very cheap. A pply at this office. J— SU) -When you want a modern, np-to-dete physie try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets | They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Price, 35 cents. Samples free at Carmany’s Store, Florin, Penna. FoR SALE. | | In the West Ward of Mount Joy Borough | A FINE LARGE TWO-STORY TEN-ROOM DWELLING ! With Large Store Room and Warerooins At- | tached. All necessary outbuildings. Call | on or address C. B. Hershey, Justice of the Peece, Mt. Joy 4 | (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail | Lancaster MENDMENT 7 A POSED To I'I'E MONWEALTH FOR THEIR . IPPROV. Al JECTION BY TUE GENERAL THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEN. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRE OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSU.L OF ARTICLE XVIII, OF THE CONSTITUTIQN. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the ( ‘onstitution of fhe Commonwealth, SECTION 1—Be it resolved by the Senate and ‘the House of Representatives of the Comumnonwenlth in General Assembly met, That the following is pro posed as Amendments to the Constitution of the Coms= monwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth article thereof : Amendment One to Article Eight, Section One, Add at the end of the first paragraph of said section after the words * ‘shall be entitled to a vote at all elec tions, ** the words ‘subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact,’? so that the sald section shall vead as follows : SECTION 1—-Qualifications of Electors. Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, possessing the fol- lowing qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the Gen- eral Assembly may enaet : 1—11e shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. 2—He shall have resided in the State one year (or, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed there- from and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election, 3—Ile shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months im- mediately preceding the election. 4—If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two years a State or County tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election TO THE (XC CITIZENS OF T Amendment Two to Article Eight, Section Seven. Strike out from said section the words ‘‘but no elector shall be deprived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name not being registered, * and add to said section the following words, *‘but laws regulat- ing and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply to eitiesonly provi ded that such laws be uniform for cities of the same class, ** so that the said section shall read as follows : SECTION T— Uniformity of Election Laws. All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens or for the registration of electors shall be uniform throughout the State, but laws regulating and requir- ing the registration of electors may be enacted to ap- ply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the sane class, A true copy of the Joint Resolution, WwW. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth, MENDMENT TO TH POSED T0 THE CITIZENS OF THINS COM- MONWEALTH FOR TUEIR APPROVAL OR RE- JECTION-BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE (COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANII, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY oF THE CO 3 MONWEALTU, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII, OF THE CONSTITUTION, A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonweulth, SECTION 1—Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the following is proposed as an Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordiinee with the eighteenth article thereof : AMENDMENT, strike out section four of article eight and insert in place thereof, as follows : SECTION 4— All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be preseribed by law : Provided that secrecy in voting be preserved, A true copy of the Joint Resolutions. W. W. GRIEST, secretary of the Commenwealth, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD IN EFFECT MAY 26, 1901 N PS ANARARAIAANANANANA wong East From Florin Lancaster Accomodation TO00 seashore Express . . . . . 2.05 Lancaster Accommodation 343 Laucaster Acconunodation Philadelphia Mail | (Sunday) Philadelphia Ma i Going West From Flori i Way Passenger Mail | Lancaster Aciomod ton Lancaster Accommodation Harrisburg Express (Sunday) Way Passenger ' Going East From Joy r Mowit | Lancaster Accommodation Seashore Fxpress | Lancaster Accommod ation Lancaster Accommodation Philadelphia Mail . 7 (Sunday) Main Line Express. ’ . 4 63 Going West Fromm dount Joy Way Passenger = . . ’ HI Mail : . . | Niagara Express Lancaster Acc avodatton r Accommodation Harrisburg Express . (Sunday) Way Passenger . 1 (Sunday) Niagara Express (Sunday) Fast Line Oh Wes! Oh Yes! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTICKEER ! Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales Private Sale I just arrived with another load of horses which I will sell at private sale at my old stand in Mount Joy, Pa. [have purchased the best I could find in Hlinois in their class. I have several Drivers, Draft and General Purpose Horses the rest are feeders and some of the quite heavy kind, ranging in age from three to six years. ALAA A AAAAAAAAAANN CC AAAAAAAAAANAANAA Do not fail to see them and as soon as possible, I will assure you that noone can beat them for sound, good shape and free of blemishes. 1 will sell them as before, on 60 days, by giving good bankable paper. Do not miss this load. Z W KELLER, Agt. FOR SALE! ‘14 Choice Building Lots in the village of For by the square or single lot, Florin, along new Donegal road. particnlars apply to Hi. P. the BAER; -zoriN, PENNA, FOR S&LET Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Gravel Land in a good state of cultivation and fences tn good re- priv The laud is situated on the road leading from Florin to the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distance west of the latter For particulars call va or address HARRY MUSSELMAN, Flovia, Pena CONSTITUTION PRO- | MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c Rear Star and News Printing Office MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Remember i you want anything in the line of Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. the only place to get it good and fresh is at the mpire Bakery FLORIIN, PA. SS. GIINTGRICEL, FProp- Funerals Supplied at Short Notice A New Repair Shop? I desire to infor the public that 1 have open ed «a Shoe Repair Shop in the basement of David H. Engle’s Furniture Warerooms West Main St., Maunt Joy where Iam prepared to do cobbling of every description at reasonable rates Men's Shoes Half Soled and Heeled 75 cents Jor 0a Seed on for Shoes Ilalf Soled and Heeled for joc Sewed on for 55 cents and Boys’ Shoes According to A Trial Job Solicited Harry Sheaffer Ladies’ Girls Nize COAL For Coal That Till Burn you should place your order with me. No advance in price I. N. HOSTETTER FLORIN, PA. | 1 i 0 - J. S. Carmany, i DEALER IN | Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, | Hardware, Etc. | There is no necessity for going out of town when you can buy just as cheap and oftimes cheaper al home. Leading Store. FLORIN, PENNA. The Guly Place to Get 3 Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. CIS ATT ‘Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy, Penna. | } eee eeeeramee | | | ‘New Summer Resort ss +s CGI: EFIN &. u CPTI PONTO INT OC = TTIONCODN OAC OEN ORCIIAILD PEACE OCC DEN O0n | Adjoining Wild Cat Falls, Large, new three-storied { building, with ten mosquito and fiy-proof sleeping apartments. Spacious Dancing Hall, tly-proof din= ing room, and wide, double piazza overlooking the Susquehanna. Romantic Glen, quiet walks and boat ing in the moonlight, ¥Flegant cuisine. American and European Plan. Fishing, boating and onting parties made comfortable, Steamer from Marietta Station, For datesand terms, address or telephone, A. S. FrL.oOwERS, MARIETTA, CARE WILD CAT BOAT. PA. Rob Douglas, MD's Washington D C a - MAGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain A powerful irritant and « Golden Renedy for the Headache, Toothache and Sore Throats Head (Colds, Eyes, Dyspepsia, lieved gt once. Neuralgia, Catuirrh, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wiad or Colic, Ete PRICE, Bunions aud Cott Corus re- TEN CENTS cm -— J. D. Bustn, Sol Prep. & Mfr. Florin, Pa. B&R oH For Sale Seeder Water Tank will be Holding 30 barrels, never used, sold reasonable. For particulars apply to The Bulletin or Box No. 91, FLORIN. PA. | ! | Week and Sore | Single & JO as We have on hand the best Fk Grinner's, ‘ou can buy these chased of us is guaranteed | PIROSH THe OLD EsTA 20 North OPPOSITE H. E. EBERSOLE Moore's, Guns for Quee Lian We PPD aster, 5 you pur- Gun in place of it MMONS IRS AND JEWELERS Penna. ND 10 CENT STORE RARER TIER KEEP YOUR ON THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK hh & . CEL ERETETELY & Engle’s Furniture “Warerooms Mount Joy, Penna. Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lots to Suit the Purchasers UNDERTAKING EMBALMING HIE IIT.O Do You Want a New Jenny Lind Surrey Road Buggy or Spring Wagon or any kind of a Ligh! Uonveyance ? Young Bros. rs “Lhe Yes : 1Vell then go and talk with Standard Coach Works FILORIN, PENNA. They wcke a specialty vehicle at our vier works old ure rebult, go to the same place of Fire Up-To-Date Jenny Linds Isa don’t want to bry a new vehicle, Gir Rubber Tires set on any kind of a but would like to hace your Young Brothers know how to fic vp a wagon as good as wee and they will do it for a reasonable compensation them a trial aud be convinced Piano Tuning > 5 - wy - y, 7 By an Experienced and Reliable Tuner. We Guarantee All Qur Tuning to be Entirely —> Satisfactory — | Now is the time to have your instrument put in good condition is : This is our busiest season so First Comes, First Served. KIRK JOHNSON & CO 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished JOSEPIEI BB. GAINTZ PLUMBER =: SANITARY AND & GAS = oie @& “Ee T~xro Decors West of Bowman's \ Ind. Tel. No. 835 Nore Guns, | Na : FITTER > Store, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Vehicles, For Milkmen, Bakers, Merchants, « yn in a first-class manner enced and the work speak fui MARIETTA CAR The same out inquiry are seldom satisfactory Proprietor af the whom work ives bee. dui capable care exercised in repairing Carriages, mechanics under the direction of of OD as manufacturing. anyirhere about list Inquire 4 don’t neglect to pluce on the Xarietta Carriage Works, ts to whether it is satistociv. « manvfocturer Contracts made new who will witlinolu 1 who will willingly refer yo: Buggies, Wagons by erper i= who lets its worth, it guarantees ecery product of WORKS with- kicl but veliiicues, TW. C. HFOWRY, Marietta to those for Ye
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers