The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, September 15, 1901, Image 7

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    2S, ros DIE: Ul De *Uullom’s
id fi Se i } #8 never fail, in use 45 years
Cleveland, '(Special).—The prayers | wounded both. [yo | fg 530. 4 CAPE con LHF. JER 0
y XS al). Z Si z | 3 Ine - a Penn- = jox 34, Si hi
| and pleading of a little girl checked two | (A big row has broken out among the | Be cytern Maryige Tad Fem > —
8 Dreyfussards, all the leading cham- | Sy!vana, per dozen —ag7c. Eastern [ =u 32 ORAL ES of every description
erected at a cost of $12,000. |
| burglars who were in the act of robbing pions of the French Captain having ap- Shore (Maryland and V irginia ), per istaction Guaranteed:
Mrs. Christiana Creider died in Beth-
lehem, aged 95 years. She was the old- A AP + : ®4 her father’s house in this city. The | parently fallen out with one another. dozen —27c.; Virginia, pe gozen, 26a | gyi bis Gidea Biizhion 3
est female member of the Moravian | | ; ’ /. i A] ' child is Edith Golden, daughter of Levi | Charges and countercharges of unfair | 27¢.; West Vi irginia, per do 3s f SURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS.
church 11” Bethlehem. ; Soiaer, treasurer of the Vandom Iron | {reaiment are being made. Western, per dozen, 206az7c.; a 5 bag Des Yori § yrup, Havsitood,
Dr. Herman Strecker, a sculptor and | § i Company. Le Sp . YRiversite | 23a25cC.; DROPS a7 re . RT
entomologist of world-wide ee died | F ¥ : | Edith’s father and mother were away Hon Faachs, i She a Butter, Creamery.-—Separator, 26a27; AER ya. TE CIONSUMPTION:
in Reading, aged 65 years. He was 50 HN and the servants were in bed. She came ian Reichstag of the dreadful fate in gathered cream, 22a23; imitation, 19a20; | — ee
years in gathering his superb collection i : | upon the burglars when she went to the 5. “¢0r ‘indgstrial Germany from the Md.,, Va. and’ Pa. Dairy prints, 21azz;
of butterflies, which contains 200,000 spe- removes from the soil § |dining-room for a drink. She faced RA roriean Peril” sal Sie Stocks Ss, (2-1b.), 23324;
: = : choice rolls, 17a18
cimetis, the largest collection in America, / large quantities of | them boldly. : : . He : y ol 0; ]
and upon which he expended $23,000. y ye 5*q : | “It is wrong to steal,” she said. “God Lord Hobhouse, Pop uncle 3 Miss Cheese—New cheese, large 60 Ibs,
Miss Bridget Lavelle was arrested at 8A will not love you. You have no right Hobbes Who Woe enortel Sion the 10% to 10}%4c.; do, flats, 37 lbs., 10} to
Bcranton charged with setting fire to her 3 ne to take that silver. It belongs to my | ‘ransvaa, has sued Lord Ritchener, | ro74c.; picnics, 23 Ibs, II to I174c.
5 8 c S18 0 as ® | papa and mamma.” | Lord Milner and other South African Live and Dressed Poultry.—Turkeys— @. ®
J / : | officials. old, —a18%c.; young, fat, gag%c.; do,
house in. that place to, secure insuranc Ds .
I'he burglars were amused at this, but
y ( 2: a Ha . > ! > ~1 1
yt Sle was Committed 80 8. She « AVS The fertilizer ap- § hen the child began to pray for fhory General Diaz, the leader of the revo- small and poor, -—a8c. Chickens—Hens,
ago, when she moved all of her goods X : : : and sang a hymn they were touched and | lution in Colombia, agreed to surrender | —a7%sc.;do old roosters, each 23a30.; do,
| 2f plied, must furnish § 'put the silver back. HH the same terms: that the liberals sur- | young good to choice, 8a8%: do, rough
oor, —a7. Ducks—Fancy, large, 9 ©
out except a few articles of small value. : 4
P a ; a Ee | rendered at Colon, and poor,
sday alleged, sh 3 gl S
Late Thursday night, it is a eged, sl © B : enough Potash, or the f Fell 700 Feet to the Bottom. | The Germa rspapers. in comment- | a—; do, small, —a8; do, muscovy and
was seen entering the house and wan- 2 and will : ¢ ' f.. 2he German newspapers, in commen wrels. § ote Waite Le
dering about in it. A short time later § land will lose its pro- Masontown, Pa., (Special).—At the | ing upon President Roosevelt's message, Jongre s, 8a9. Geese, Western, each 50a
flames broke out and the house had a | ducing power. | Lambert mines, near here, eight men, | Soy Hat Tepressin of He a) i [=P a ABE = BR D]
narrow escape from complete destruc- irs! : Gol Peo 2 1 ernational agreement is more likely to GIL :
tion. I i 3 Read carefully our books Bier Song Sunes 0 Too he he Safried shiongh pos fe iiitaiive of Live Stock.
: a TR 5 n crops—sent . BaP? od & > United States than that of an hi : neleat stande: :
As a result of the death of Miies Jen- § 2 58 GIONS S70! to the surface living, but with three dy- Le) ed ® ¥ y Chicago. Cattle. Market steady ; good
kins, a teamster in the employ of the § GCRMAN KALI WORKS, § ing and the others probably fatally hurt. ; . wy ate inthe Reichs n to prime, $6 4027 25; poor to medium, fio otfor in our Premium Booklet expiring January z, 1503,
Union Tanning Company, at Hillsgrove, | E | 3 Nassau St., New York. Just as they got aboard the cage the _In the tariff debate mile. Rec istag 1 e | $3.60a6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.00a y
all the other teamsters employed by the = SS ; cable parted and the cage dropped. The Serre oi the Behe oo Ger | 435: cows, $1254.75 ; Bol for, 35%
company have quit- work. Jenkins’ cage on the opposite side was imme. | 20Y Was largely depelident on ner ex- | 8.50 canners, $1.2532.30; Dulis, §2.00a R = ER 2
death was due to anthrax, the disease 2) : diately loaded with a rescue party, who | POT! trade, which must, therefore, be | 475 Calves, $2.505.00; Texas steers, EXTENDED FO THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1902
first appearing on his neck in the form on arriving at the bottom found the men | protected. : : $4.75. Hogs.—Receipts to day 25,000
The edict of the Chinese Empress ead; Monday, 45,000: left over,
FS new building which has Dees

(except Present No, x29)

of a small pimple. It spread rapidiy, : 4 ANN lying unconscious on the floor of the : : : 3 ; X
Dowager deposing the former heir ap- | 10 to 15c. higher; mixed and butche
and he died in great agony. This is the k 4 L cage with crushed chests, broken arms | patent. the son of Prince Tun, is con $5.7026.20 ; oc . heavy er
} us ; gs in some cases the bones e 2 2 = 957080.20,. © EV K E T 1 i BE FE F TA iS
: J ii jogs ws } Sofie Sates fhe hone h 5.7 PR S =N S Wi B Glv N OR Ga

sidered strong proof of her leaning to- | 6.30; rough heavy $5.3025.75
second death from the disease among
ward reform. $5.250575; bulk of sales, $35.7
the temsters, and the others have con- | =A N= protruding
cluded to find work elsewhere rather Ee © NY \ A skull was fractured.
than run the risk of contracting the dis- Eh Se 4 Na ee George L. Watson has made the draw- { Sheep.—Recei 2,000 head ; hee p and delivered to ns during the year 1902, taken from the followe
ease. pi RS! PEE TE : 5 Borrowed Book Leads to Murder. | ings for a yacht for J. R. Diexel, of | lambs steady: good to choice weth- ing brands of our tobacco: : :
x Philadelphia, which will be the largest | ers, $3.50a4.25; ethers, $4.25; native
Seven masked men broke into the ad +s = Chicago, Ill, (Special).—A quarrel privile yacht in the world lambs, $2.50a400; Western lambs, $3.50 ' 4 2
R. J. Reynolds’ 8 oz., Strawberry, R. J. R., Schnapps,
hotel of John Nealis, at Avoca, and 3 : ; A y :
E : 6 : over a borrowed book was followed by I'he total number of killed and wound- | a4.10.
after beating the proprietor into insensi- E J a : der he : : : 4
bility in his bed compelled his wife, at : : mur o Joe Yes Genre Johnson | ed on both sides in the 4 number of | East Libg Cattle steady; choice, :
a : ore th - 3 . shot and killed Robert Newitt, a life- | lution is ), and includes a number of 226 conc ’
the point of a revolver, to show them 5 The tire buyer should look well Ret. an ys ! tion 400, .75a0.00 5025.70 ; good I5 0 y ra
“A Nealis kept his money. They before choosing. A good pair I§ long friend. Mrs. Johnson is authority | prominent persons. 3.40. Jogs higher; extra prime heavies g1aen I0WD, 0 00105 in ire J [OWI [0.8
made their escape with $246, two cold of tires adds to the life of your wheel — for the statement that the shooting came | ‘Thomas Patterson Goudie, the clerk 1026.20 ; heavy mediums, $s. 9026.0 5: ’ .
Wetdhies and otter iowel TI ls saves it many a jolt and jar. ; on the heels of the quarrel over the book | of the Bank of Liverpool, who is al- Tih do, $5.7325.85 ; heavy Yorker , $5.5: Maho an q eckled Beant A le Jack Han S Pride
2 jewelry. 1¢ meth my G Ti ive fi which was owned bv Je hi a Wi 3 Lave bee Sof ol tre £ $7 3» J y Js vig | ’
ods of the marauders are identical with Service is what G & ] ires give first, which was owned bj} nnson. 1en | leged to have been one otf the perpetra- | 38s 7s: light do, $5.40a25.50; pigs, $5232
last and all the time. They are comfort- i Newitt fell to the floor Johnson, wear- | tors of the recent frauds upon that in- | £30" roughs, $4.50a5.60. Sheep firm; E | Bi d P | | |
Tea el arly Bird, P. H. Hames & Co.'s Nataral Leaf, Cutter
those used in the Corcoran murder case : . Lf ing neither coz 3 bis : 1 PH
two years ago, and the officials believe able, satisfactory and easy to repair. . ing neither coat nor hat, rushed from | stitution, w as captured at Bootle, in 4 pest wethers, $3.40: culls and com-
s zind for country roads and big # the house. After running tw cks he | England, re he ws hidi : : rE roe Br Erne.
that the perpetrators of the two crimes Just the kin *y 8 bona by 1 ning Iwo PL cks he | England, where he was in hiding. The | mon, $1.00a2.00; yearlings, $2.50a3.75;
88 loads. Send for catalogue. was seen by a policeman, who gave | story of the big forgeries was tolddin | veal calves, $ 0026.50. and 0. N, Br
are the same. as - |
chase and arrested him. Bow Street Court, in London. fae
Indianapolis, Ind. = I i A A {DUS
. i AE Slept Himself to Death. | Financial. Resale lias 18.000: plivitelans To appreciate our offer, theso faots should be e considered :
aa Rs ay That we are giving $2000.00 per day for tags, to fix the mem-

through the flesh. One man’s

Ah. — Hiawatha, Kan. SeciaD ==]. SS. a : ; ! PAYS :
BIRD MANNA! 2 a a ( een), J. S.| he New York Subtreasury state- | Paris has automobile fire engines.
; : FOR EIGHT Lytle, a Kansas pioneer, digd here. He | pent shows the banks dost $906,000 last Bengal! has 4,000,000 quinine trees ory of chewers on our trade marks placed on tobaccos, to iden-
-~ fe oj ida 2 RS > tify our best efforts to please chewers, and prevent them fom
The Sresd Saseet of sae Sanary ough a
the ourtsains in Germany, ree sle + himself to death Dur A, 7 at Ve Mi : fi as ot a whire warliors
Manna will restore the song of cage birda_ pt ae ata. rifle Dast | week. 5d : : ississippi has 26,433 wage workers. I .
Mili prevent their eililguis, and susiors DOLLARS three years he slept most of the $ stilling - Company of America, Washington State has 444 lumber being deceived by imitators vi
as the Whisky Trust, is going | mills. Full descriptions of Presents offered for our _
1. 2 Soom. soagrers 3t wil | You can buy the very best |} while in Janta Ana, Cal, he slept fre a :
. duce its capital stock by $40,000,000. Cuba has a 60,0c0-acre sugar planta- tags will be furnished upon request to
carry the little’ musician through this 800 Ib. Platform Scale. A
“ / 7: st T1 A = + . 3 .
eritical period without the loss of song. Other sizes equally low. May 28 last to August 20. Then he The new Philadelphia Company col- | tion. brivis
eq . -. ws
2 Sent by mail on receipt of 15¢. in stamps. . 5 -
\\ Seid by Sil druguine, Bird Book Free. Jones (He Pays the Freight.) | Wakened and was conscious until Sep- | Iateral trust 5s are quoted in Pittsburg Sugar plantations are appearing in 2
A xo 08. EE oxi. Fu. Box BINGHAMTON, N. Y. tember 2, during which interval he was | at 104", and interest, bid, and 105 | Mexico. i J REYKOLDS TOBACCO G0 WINSTON-SALEM
; eee aeons A DRONE home. - On September. 22 he asked. Four New York banks control $500,- 9 1) ]
. a
24 : 31 afficred with Thompson’s Eye Water again Went or sleep and slept continu-| ‘Je Northern Pacific is reported to | 000,000 deposits. :
oday when he awoke and a | ha@ sold 125,000 acres in North Da- Kansas farmers are feeding wheat to
later died. During his sleep | kot to the Missouri Slope Land and ' their cattle.
aper. it Pays | means of a rubber tube, | Coall Company.