a » . The case of Samuel B. Spera vs. Aaron Ober, an appeal by the de- fendant from the judgment of Al- derman Deen, was called for trial before Judge Livingston, of ILan- caster, Wednesday morning. Plain- tiff suffered a voluntary non-suit. That ended the case, gL Happenings at Rheems. 8, G. Graybill, has started excavat- ing for an ice house. Jacob Miller of Maytown, is the ap- prentice at E. H. Hersh’s machine shop Aaron Groff is erecting extensive chicken houses for B. H. Greider, the poultry breeder. W. L. Heisey received the appoint- ment as Adams Express agent of this place last week. Isaac Wealand and Clayton Nissley each received a carload of cattle at this place last Wednesday. J. M. Raymond, a local carpenter, moved the mail crane for west bound trains west of the station. John G. Reist received a carload or tobacco stems at this place which will be used in his peach and pear orchards. <> More Free Delivery. Two rural mail routes may soon be opened centering at Mount Joy—one route by Union school house, Stauffer’s mill, Book’s mill, Nissley’s mill, Done- egal Springs and Rheems, to Cross Roads and back to Mount Joy; the other by Strickler’s, Moore's mill, Ien- der’s mill, Hamilton's, Henry Shelly’s, | » Charles Butzer’s, to Samuel Landis and back to Mount Joy. —- Pool Table For Sale. A good second-hand pool table, size 4!; byw 8 feet. go a full set of ivory balls and fa) rack of tues. All to be sold very cheap. Apply at this office, ron consunTe member of the Old Mennonite church, and was in her twenty-fifth year. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, with services and inter. ment at Bossler’s meeting house. mrss Aged Man's Fall. Benjamin Hoffman, an aged resident of Maytown, was severely hurt by a fall on Thursday. He was mounting a ladder to the straw mow in the barn when he slipped and was thrown to the barn floor. Although no bones were broken, he was so badly bruised that he will not be able to leave the house for several weeks. — ll ni Attention Crack Shots ! A shooting match will be held on Saturday at the Milton Grove hotel by Joseph Gibble, for a lot of turkeys and geese. A shooting match for a lot of fine turkeys will be held on Saturday, Dec. 21, by the Reem Brothers on the prem ises of Henry C. Reem, 17 mile south of Elizabethtown. -" Users of Prizer Heaters. Following are a few names of parties who are using Prizer stoves bought of Aaron H. Engle: J. M. Way, Prizer range ; Mrs. S. 8S. Hoffman, range ; S. F. Henry, range; Mrs. Elmira Shirk, range ; Monroe Sheaffer, Oak heater ; Harry Wittle, Oak heater, and all speak in the highest terms of their superiority. ER Grand Holiday Opening. ! Don’t miss the Holiday Openigg. | Large assortment complete, prices low ! A handsome 1902 calendar given away {free to every purchaser, at S. Cohen & Bro’s. Philadelphia Shoe Store, 247 j Locust street, Columbia, Pa. Largest shoe store in Lancaster county. luniorer val Dacarday. Christ Reider and wife of Bel- laire, were the guests of Ed. Reider and family on Sunday. William Shires killed a hog for A. S. Weaver recently that tipped the scales at 340 pounds. Note the for sale and rent adver- \tisements ot H. B. Nissley and E. S. Weaver in another column. Mrs. William Widmann, daughter Tillie and grandson Harry Grosh, were at Lancaster on Saturday. A land slide occurred on the P. R. R. on Monday night, a short distance west of Elizabethtown. In our article last week of ‘Look out for & Borough’ we should have said John Miller of Landisville in- stead of Maytown. J. H. Haldeman, our produce dealer, expects to have several hun dred turkeys over Christmas, to supply his many customers. 75 first-class apple trees for Fall planting. Smith’s Cider, York Imper- ial and Smokehonse. Will be sold at wholesale prices. Inquire at this office. H. H. Myers of near town, at- tended the fourth annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Dairy Union which convened at York last Wednesday. William Shires killed a porker for Harry Stoll on Friday that weighed 365 pounds and one for Albert Fike on Saturday that weighed 412 pounds, od x Son of Har- n of this place, bag- gage agedit at Rosemont, was pro- moted to'.extra brakeman on a through passenger train. : 1 50 Es arsht es ic flomter der un dunkle grites now gawist hop bin ich en fer poshta gadopt uns necksht bin dreck gafola. Des war ere ich bin dot liga gabliva bis es hel der necksht moria, no bin ich hame about holver fereckt, SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK. weter ich in ganunk is wora conga —n Coughs And Colds In Children I use and prescribe Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, contricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad to recom- mend if to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bronchial affic- tions. It is non-narcotic and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. A uni- versal panacea forall mankind.—Mrs. Mary R. Mciendy, *. D.,, Ph. D., Chicago, Ill. This remedy is for sale by J. S. Carmany, Florin, Pa. RAE a Bought a Thoroughbred Bull. Amos N. Risser of Mount Joy town— ship, bought of H. B. Gingrich & Bro. of Lawn, the thoroughbred registered shorthorned bull ‘Linden Boy,” which was exhibited and bought at the great Pittsburg Stock show in November. [=] —— iene To Get Rid of a Troublesome Corn, First soak it in warm water to soften it, then pour it down as closely as possible with ont drawing the blood and apply + hamber- lain’s Pain Balm twice daily ; rubbing vig- orously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lame- ness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is un- equaled. For sale by J. S. (armany, Florin, Pa. Church Chronicle. Methodist Episcopal Church—Preaching every Sunday evening at 7 p. m. by the pas- tor angl Rev. John Boehm on alternate eve- nings. Epworth League at6 p m. Sab- bath School at 9 a. m., Amos Risser Super- intendent. Class meeting Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Prayer-meeting Thursday 7 p. m. Rev. Wayne Channell pastor, Rev. John Foehm assistant pastor, A... If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take ¢hamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regu- late the liver and bowels, Price, 25 cents, Samples free at J, S. Carmany’s store, Fphral Cameron farms, offers return of a steer which was lost, str stolen, most likely stolen. P. Hipple, IR. re- A. PB, Hassler, attorney for C, has issued a replevin against (layton Farmer, of East Donegal township, to cover a mare valued at $100. Mis. “usan E. Nissley, formerly a res- ident of Landisville, drowned herself in a mill race near Quarryville, on Wednesday. Deceased was 54 years old. Elias E. Lisser, assignee of TFrubaker & Frast, of Lawn, transterred a deed for a house and lot at Lawn to Christian Ging- rich. Consideration, $881 Friday morning as S. 8. Kraybill, of East Donegal township, was driving down the slipped on and pike from Maytown, his horse some ice and fell, breaking the shatts harness. « fter suffering for a week from an attack of pneumonia ¥ iss Mary Rohrer was taken home to Hummelstown on Saturday from near Mt. Joy, where she had been teaching a school. Ezra Reist, of Manheim, has sued Eliza- beth Longn cker to recover $750, that the amount is due for three years’ ser- vices in collecting rents and attending to her investments, The annual inspection by a gang of work- men of the pipe lines of the Standard Oil Co. has been in progress for several at Maytown pass on here The gang arrived They will past. Saturday. some time this week. through Anthdny Resch, aged fourteen years a son of George B. Resch, of Maritta, through the ice while skating on the river at that place on Friday Young Resch, was carried under the ice by the evening. current, but managed to break through with | his head. He was rescued by several com- panions and is none the worse today over his narrow escape from drowning. yn No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, dis- orders of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep you bowels regular by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and i iver Tablets when required. hey are so easy to take and mild and gen- tle in effect Sold at J. S. Carmany’s, Florin, Pa nee) alleging ! weeks broke ! eC the Van 2 1 E eaglish fashion” of wearing Yes; it’s an old (the rejected) an custo and Jgably takes the elder back to hCr happy childa hood.—Detroit Free Press, Up to Date, Father—I (cll you what, young mar, after this you will have to paddle your own cance! Oh, Son- fathah! 11 . P re dle your own eanoe! own aulomobile!"—Puck. Sorry and Glad, “Are you sorry you stole that cookie oft the table?” had just administered a sound spank- ing to her offspring. “Y-yes,” said Johnnie, between sobs, “h-but but I'm glad I didn’t take two.™ —Ohio State Journal. Douail to Die, Bronco Bill—Jack says widder refused him live no longer. Grizzly Pete—Wot's he going terdo? Bronco Bill—He says he's either go- ing to steal a hoss or take ter smoking cigarettes!—Judge. ’ since th Cordial Welcome, Tardy Arrival at a Dinner Party-— I am afraid 1 am too late, dear Mss. i Smith. Mrs. Smith vou eould never come too late.—Tit- Bits. Benis thre Newspapers, Patience—Did Peggy advertise an announcement of her engagement in the newspapers? Pairice—No, she didn't have to; she told all her girl friends that it was a sceret.—Yonkers Statesman. Expressive. The Clergyman—The {rouble with most of us, my dear sir, is that we don’t carry our religion through the week. Von Blumer—Yes. Most of us have to earn a living.—Drooklyn Life, Feorzot Where He Put It, Smith—Do you think memory sys- tems have any value? Jones—Yes. I studied one once and did very well until I mislaid the manu- al.—Judge. Sm ——— Don’t be so old-. vod sel ; - | swers received selg fashioncdand vulgah! Don’t say “pad- | Sivers r « { & tor Say “run your | Loctol asked the mother, who | { horse that had 1 he don't care to |, | fan sun that Fin lem a lawyer, doctor or ¢ consent tH a divoree the ceremony.’ She | filling the terms of | secure her fortune | low the dictates of So she advertised, who had 1 school and had hs been called once treat her favorit tion and having surgeon in settir away. \ The young jumped at the op ing the young won accordingly united. emony the doctor flat divorced. The young wom and brothers were Liv house, over which, of cours she remained single she h trol, as it did not belong t she had complied with the te { will. The doctor went over an the relatives into the stree { out his shingle inl front of | and bought a fine carriagg (effusively)—Oh, dear, | which he, of course, ch wife. His notoriety br tice, his aggressivene admiration and love of Pt an, and as he had fallen her at first sight all tho { vorce was abandoned, ang { no happier home in A Hopele Lady-—What is th wsband? Doctor—I cannot you noticed him d usual lately? “Let me see. Wel stead of lighting hi ment he left the ta to the library and ing jacket, smolkj before beginni “Hum! My, “A ater te A