Vv FN rs. Newbride — Geacious! No. re such a garisha'ed they'd never d at all with the purple.—Phila- iia Press. Great Octopus Again, “We must have had a terrific storm,” remarked the visitor, gazing out in the early hours. “I can see haflstones in front of every house on the avenue.” “Those are not hailstones,” respond- ed the Chicago cousin, *those are Jumps of ice left by the trust.”-—Chicago Dailv News. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 4, 1901 VAAAAAAAAAAS ARAAASAA AAAAAAANNAA AA ANAAANAAAS AAAAAA Going East From Florin = aster Accomodation ' . ore Express . . . . ter Accommodation caster Accommodation . . delphia Mail . . . . Ry) Philadelphia Mail . . Going West From Flori senger vide . . . 7 00; 10 17 ¢ 23 4 05 IT a1 E858 oe iy PGT ally Tr Accommodation . Accommodation 700a Going East Froin Mount Joy 706 a 952 p 12 34 p 347 p 508 p Zp Pp Pp "Lancaster Accommodation . . . risburg Express . . Seashore Fxpress . . Lancaster Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation siphia Mail . . . 7) Main Line Express y ) Philadelphia Mail . Going West From Mount assenger - . , . : 41 Joy a Express oy ster Accommodation ter Acesmmodation burg Express ) Way Passenger . 7) Niagara Express y) Fast Line . - 28-30 E. King, Lancaster, . Penna. Independent Telephone 1450. Mount Joy Steam Heater Co. Has on exhibition in C. Buohl's store room, opposite D. IH. Engle’s Furniture Warerooms on West Main street, Mt.-Joy, a Full Line of Prizer Square and Oak, Single and Double Heaters and Ranges ALSO OIL We&==Call and See Stock and Leern Prices COAL ZIor Coal That Will Burn STOVES, you should place your order with me. No advance in price I. N. HOSTETTER FLORIN, PA. ¥n Our Prices. ared to wake to order p finest finish and Car- every description at Reduced Ald work turned out at our ‘anted to give satisfaction Painting and Trimming Prices. works is Repairing, done \ Rubbe™ Tires Adjusted at Our Own Works | a neat and expeditious manner. | Any Style Bodies in White Made fo Order for Dealers YOUNG BROS. . .. FLORIN, PA... FLORIN HOTEL ‘Desirable Residence erm Er ATO PUBLIC SA Saturday, December 7,1901 The undersigned wilk offer at public sale, Flerin Hotel, Florin, Laneastér county, those 3 Lots of Ground fronting on the north side of Pa., al the Harrisburg and Lancaster Turnpike, in the vill age of Florin, Pa., on which is erected a Large 2 1-2 Story at the | | cellent pavements are cn both streets, with | shade trees on each street. | { | 2-Story Frame House ia Brick Hotel Property | (known as the Florin Hotel) Twoand One-Tlalf-Story Frame Kitchen and Summer House attached, also, | building. | age and new sink. a Large Stable, Wagon Shed, Shedding, Secale, Scale | House, and all the necessary outbuildings. property has all the conveniences, has running water This ' | 20 Choice Fruit Trees on the premises. in front of building and isone of the BEST COUNTRY | STANDS in the country, having a large patronage, | The buildings are in first class condition. As the present owner intends leaving the town the property will positively be sold. Persons wishing to view the premises prior to the | of Mount Joy. | unobstructed view south on Market street, and day of sale will please call on the undersigned residing | on the same. Sale to commence at 20 clock p. m., on Saturday Dec, 7, 1901, when terms will be made known by AMELIA METZROTI, Mary E. TROUT: C. H. Zeller, Auct. I. H. Zeller, CIK. Mount Joy, Pa. DEALERS.IN : Men’s, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes! Shoes! Felt, Rubber and Leather Boots, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Ladies’ Furnishings Strictly Cash. One Brice To All Satisfaction Guaranteed. AT Private Sale! The undersigned offers at private sale, his desirable residence in Mount Joy. The property has 8o feet frontage on Mariet- ta street and jo feet on West Donegal street Each of these streets is maeadamized, and ex- The improvements consist of a Containing 6 Rooms, a Bath Room and Kiteh- en, with wide verandas at front and side of A concrete cellar, excellent drain- There is a fine brick open hearth in the dining room, and bay window on both floors fronting east. There are about | This is one of the most desirably located properties in the pleasantest residence section Fypom the veranda there is an north on same street® The purchaser could easily erect other houses either on Donegal or | Marietta street, as there is plenty of frontage | on both streets. Everything OTL | with the property is in excelleng i session will be given April | A. S. Ft dL CHEETA MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c; Rear Star and News Printing Office MOUNT JOY, - PENNA. Rob Douglas, M D's Washington D C, a sam eemeresie mh MAGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain A powerful irritant and a Golden Remedy for the Headache, Toothache and Neuralgio, Sore Gums, Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind or Dyspepsia, Colic, Ete Bunions aud Coft Corns re- PRICE, TEN CENTS lieved at once, — em atl ARI dire J. DB. Baston, Sole Prop. & Mfr., Florin, Pa FOR FALE. In the West Ward of Mount Joy Borough A- FINE LARGE TWO-STORY TEN-ROOM DWELLING With Large Store Room and Warerooms At- tached. Call All necessary outbuildings. on or address C. B.- Hershey, Justice of the Peace, Mt. Jo STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST Kina ST., LANCASTER The annex ngffcomnplete with the SORRE : (frontage of 49, 52, an Dinner 25 cents. Bes / A share 59 2 a3 L(L, ng Street. ations in every respect. itrowtge solicited, A.B. ADAMS, Pro