damaged to tncevene. The Phoenix Hose Hook and Ladder Company of Phoenixville, took posses- sion of its new building which has been erected at a cost of $12 000. Mrs. Christiana Creider died in Beth- lehem, aged 95 years. She was the old- est female member of the Moravian church in Bethlehem. : Dr. Herman Strecker, a sculptor and entomologist of world-wide fame, died in Reading, aged 65 years. He was 50 years in gathering his superb collection of butterflies, which contains 200,000 spe- cimens, the largest collection in America, and upon which he expended $25,000. Miss Bridget Lavelle was arrested at Scranton charged with setting fire to her house in that place to secure insurance money. She was committed to jail. She occupied the house until a few weeks ago, when she moved all of her goods out except a few articles of small value. Late Thursday night, it is alleged, she was seen entering the house and wan- dering about in it. A short time later flames broke out and the house had a narrow escape from complete destruc- tion. As a result of the death of Miies Jen- kins, a teamster in the employ of the Union Tanning Company, at Hillsgrove, all the other teamsters employed by the company have quit work. Jenkins’ death was due to anthrax, the disease first appearing on his neck in the form of a small pimple. It spread rapidly, and he died in great agony. This is the second death from the disease among the temsters, and the others have con- cluded to find work elsewhere rather than run the risk of contracting the dis- ease. Seven masked men broke into the hotel of John Nealis, at Avoca, and after beating the proprietor into insensi- bility in his bed compelled his wife, at the point of a revolver, to show them where Nealis kept his money. They made their escape with $246, two gold watches and other jewelry. The meth- ods of the marauders are identical with those used in the Corcoran murder case two years ago, and the officials believe that the perpetrators of the two crimes are the same. BIRD MANNA ! The great secret of the canary breeders of the Hartz Mountains in Germany, Bird Manna will restore the song of cage birds, will prevent their ailments, and restore them to good condition. the season of .shedding feathers it will carry the little musician through this critical period without the loss of song. Sent by mail on receipt of 15¢. in stamps. Sold by all druggists. Bird Book Free. THE BIRD FOOD CO., _ . No. 400 N. Third 8t., Philadelphia, Pa Advertise In this Paper. It Pays If given during | HALL & RU EL removes from the soil large quantities of Potash. The fertilizer ap- plied, must furnish | enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro- ducing power. Read carefully our books on crops—sent free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. before choosing. A good pair 8 of tires adds to the life of your wheel — BE saves it many a jolt and jar. Service is what G & J Tires give first, [§ last and all the time. They are comfort- & able, satisfactory and easy to repair. = Just the kind for country roads and big jg loads. Send for catalogue. G & J TIRE COMPANY, Indianapolis, Ind. FOR EIGHT DOLLARS You can buy the very best 800 Ib. Platform Scale. Other sizes equally low. Jones (He Pays the Freight.) ,BoX BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Cleveland, (Speciai).— Lhe prayers and pleading of a little girl checked two | burglars who were in the act of robbing her father’s house in this city. The child is Edith Golden, daughter of Levi Golden, treasurer of the Vandom Iron { Company. | Edith’s father and mother were away | and the servants were in bed. She came { upon the burglars when she went to the | dining-room for a drink. She faced | them boldly. “It is wrong to steal,” she said. “God { will not love you. You have no right | to. take that silver. It belongs to my {papa and mamma.” The burglars were amused at this, but i when the child began. to pray for them | {and sang a hymn they were touched and | put the silver back. Fell 700 Feet to the Bottom. Masontown, Pa., (Special).—At Lambert mines, near here, eight men, after dropping a distance of 700 feet down a mine shegt, were all brought up to the surface living, but with three dy- ing and the others probably fatally hurt. Just as they got aboard the cage the {cable parted and the cage dropped. The | cage on the opposite side was imme- {diately loaded with a rescue party, who {on arriving at the bottom found the men {lying unconscious on the floor of the {cage with crushed chests, broken arms [and legs and in some cases the hones the j protruding through the flesh. One man’s | { skull was fractured. Borrowed Book Leads to Murder. Chicago, Ill, (Special).—A quarrel over a borrowed book was followed by a murder here, when George Johnson {shot and killed Robert Newitt, a life- [ long friend. Mrs. Johnson is authority for the statement that the shooting came on the heels of the quarrel over the book which was owned by Johnson. When Newitt fell to the floor Johnson, wear- ing neither coat nor hat, rushed from the house. After running two blocks he was seen by a policeman, who gave chase and arrested him. Slept Himself to Death. Hiawatha, Kan, (Secial).—J. S. Lytie=s Kansas pioneer, died here. slept himse!lq ; ao the three years I While in Janig May 28 las wakened and tember 2, durin¥ brought home. 2gain went to sled cusly until today wi : few minutes. later die meagy — Hel | wounded bothy A big row has broken out a | Dreyfussards, all the leading 1a1m- pions of the French Captain having ap- parently fallen out with one another. Charges and countercharges of unfair treatment are being made. Dr. Paache, of the University of Haile, warned the members of the Ger- | man Reichstag of the dreadful fate in store. for industrial Germany from the “American Peril.” Lord Hobhouse, the uncle of Miss Jobhouse, who was deported from the Transvaal, has sued Lord Kitchener, | Lord Milner and other South African | officials. General Diaz, the leader of the revo- lution in Colombia, agreed to surrender | on the same terms that the liberals sur- | rendered at Colon. | The German newspapers, in comment- | ing upon President Roosevelt's message, | say that repression of anarchists by in- | ternational agreement is more likely to be carried through upon the initiative of the United States than by that of any other power. In the tariff debate in the Reichstag the Secretary of the Interior said that Ger- many was largely dependent on her ex- | port trade, which must, therefore, be protected. The edict of the Chinese Empress Dowager deposing the former heir ap- parent, the son of Prince Tuan, is con- sidered strong proof of her leaning to- ward reform. George L. Watson has made the draw- ings for a yacht for J. R. Drexel, of Philadelphia, which will be the largest private yacht in the world. The total number of killed and wound- ed on both sides in the Colombia revo- lution is 400, and includes a number of | prominent persons. Thomas Patterson Goudie, the clerk of the Bank of Liverpool, who is al- leged to have been one of the perpetra- tors of the recent frauds upon that in- | stitution, was captured at Bootle, in England, where hé was in hiding. The story of the pig forgeries was told in | Bow Street Court, in London. i Financial. The New York Subtreasury state- nt shows the banks lost $906,000 last 1- | 11 The Distilling Company of America, shown as the Whisky Trust, is going ce its capital stock by $40,000,000. Philadelphia Company col- re quoted in Pittsburg » bid, and 1035 gorted to Da- Shore (Mar dozen —=27c.; Virginia, pe Western, per dozen, 26a. : 23a25C.; Butter, Creamery ®parator, gathered cream, 22h23; imitation, Md, Va. and Pa/ Dairy prints, small creamerjablocks, (2-1b.), choice rolls, 17388. Cheese.—Necfilcheese, large Go 1014 to 10Vc.; Qo, flats, 37 lbs., 1014 to 1074¢.; picnics, 23 lbs, 11 to 114c. Live and Dressed Poultry.—Turkeys— old, —a18¥4c.; young, fat, gaglsc.;: do, small and poor, --a8c. Chickens—Hens, —ay7Vsc¢.;do old roosters, each 25a30.; do, young good to choice, 8a8%; do, rough and poor, —a7. Ducks—Fancy, large, 9 a—; do, small, —a8; do, muscovy and mongrels, 8ag. Geese, Western, each 50a 65. Live Stock. Chicago. Cattle—Market steady ; good poor to medium, $3.60a6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.00a 4.35; COWS, heifers, $1.50a .50 ;canners, buils, Texas to day left over, 4,500; mixed and butchers, 1eavy $i3.75a light ; HAA in 15¢. “higher; 1 to choice, 5 ; good rough heavy, $5.25a575: bulk of ; Sheep.—Receipts 2,000 head; sheep and lambs good to choice weth- ethers, $4.25; native Western lambs, $3.50 ONE y.—Cattle steady; choice, 5.7526.00: prime, $3.50a5.70; good, $5.15 Hogs higher; extra prime heavies 1 Rte 1:5 = S~- - 1weavy mediums, $3.00a6.05 ; ; heavy Yorkers, $5.65 $3.4 pigs, Sheep fir ; culls and com- mon, $1.00a2.00; yearlings, $2.50a3.75; veal calves, $6.00a6.50. LABCR AND INDUSTRY Russia has 13,000 physicians. Paris has automobile fire engines. Bengal has 4,000,000 quinine trees. Mississippi has 26,433 wage workers. Washington State has 444 lumber mills. Cuba has a 60,0c0-acre sugar planta- tion. Sugar plantations are appearing in Mexico. Four New York banks control $500,- 000,000 deposits. Kansas farmers their cattle. are feeding wheat to i never i CAPE afi. © t 051 ri CURES WHERE ALL Eig Best Covgh Syrup. T. in time. Sold by FoI) MP TIO, I quick ra ses. Pook of testimonials and 10 days’ treatmen$ roo. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, Box B, Atlanta, Ga, $2000.00 PER DAY GIVEN AWAY! VALUABLE INFORMATION The offer in our Premium Booklet expiring January a, 1903, is hereby EXTENDED FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1902 (except Present No. x29) PRESENTS WILL BE GIVEN FOR TAGS delivered to ns during the year 1g9oa, taken from the follows ing brands of our tehaceco: Xo. R. J. Reynolds’ 8 oz., Strawberry, R. J. R,, Schnapps, Golden Crown, Reynolds’ Sun Cured, Brown & Bro.’s Mahogany, Speckled Beauty, Apple Jack, Man's Pride Early Bird, P. H. Hanes & Co.'s Natural Leaf, Cutter ad 0. N. T. To appreciate our offer, these faots should be considered : That we are giving $2000.00 per day for tags, to fix the mem- ory of chewers on our trade marks placed on fobascess to iden- ein from Co tify our best efforts to please chiewers, and prevent t being deceived by imitators.’ Full descriptions of Presents offered for our ' _ tags will be furnished upon request to Bde R. J. REYNOLDS TOBAGGO CO., WINSTAR-SALEN, ,