eS No 1@ never a ply taking the jon. ies. Brooklyn item of be of in- young | class of »f-the | [ nouns. Fn give me 1an?”’ fan 11-year-old Johnnie?” he ansyered, “mare- Pad Hygienic Gazette Baker & Co., of Dor-! s., U. 8S. A. have given pdy to the skilful prepara- oa and chocolate, and have achinery and systems pecu- heir methods of treatment, i the purity, palatability, and ighest nutrient characteristics are re- alned. Their preparations are known he world over and Lave received the highest indorsemgnts from the medical practitioner, the L.4¥se, and the intel igent housekeeper and caterer.” The Cook's Warning. Wife—Well, John, I'll have to do p cooking now. The ¢ogk left with- gband — “Not C She told-me this morning ing home some dyspep- o-night, but I didn’t quite what she meant.”—Judge. alamitous Game. s (reading account of )—In the second half the ost his head and bzins (interrupting)—Good- I've heard of them losing and legs, but to lose their What an awful game it must nen ’ cured. No fits ornervous- st day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great pr. $2 trial bottleand freatise free ®, Ltd., 231 Arch St., Phila, Pa, hinny that people go to the fresh air 8 Soothing Syrup for childrsn the gums, rednces indamma- cures wind colic, 25¢ a bottle t expert equilibrist can’. got of beoks. surapdion is an infallible d colds, —N. W. SAMUEL, bh. 17, 1900. MRS. IDA-L. TO Grand-Niece of Ex-President James K. Polk, Writes to Mrs. Pinkham Saying: ‘ DEAR Mrs, PINKHAM : —]I have been married for nearly two years, and so far have not been blessed with a child. I hav wever, suffered with a com- licat of female troubles and pain- ul mefastruation, until very recently. MRS. IDA I. ROSER. “The value of Lydia KE. Pinke ham’s Vegetable Compound was called to my attention by an intimate friend, whose life bad simply been a jriure with inflammation and ulcer- ion, and a few bottles of your Com- a ‘pound cured her; she can hardly elieve it herself to-day, she enjoys such blessed health. I took four bottles of your Compound and consider myself cured. I am once more in fine health and spirits; my domestic and official duties all seem easy now, for I feel so strong I can do threc times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Denver, and among the best count, Yours very gratefully,— Mgs. IDA L. RosSER, 326 15th Ave., Denver, Col.”—g5000 forfeit if above testimonial is not genuine. If you are ill, don’t hesitate to get abottleof Lydia Il. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice— it is free. $8.00 For this AT YOUR STATION. Be Warranted Accurate fi Other sizes equally low. BUY OF THE MAKER Jones (He Pays the Freight.) BisauAMTON, N. Y. HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY; indepen: dently rich, wants good, honest hugband. Ad- dress Mrs. E., 87 Market St., Cildcago, 1il. i Dein, stig $c poll 3F. Weak eves, ase | INOMPSON’ aie merly assist } at Harrisburg, has been appointed mail carrier on the rural route about to be es- tablished between Lewistown and Mec- Veytown. The route is twenty-six miles long. Simon Juries was fatally injured in Gilberton Colliery, Mahanoy City. He had gone back into the breast to learn why a shot had not exploded and re- ceived the blast in the fact and breast. Over 100 delegates attended the annual convention of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the Nor- ristown Lutheran Conference in St. Pe- ter's Church, Pottstown. John Marzilin, a carpenter, was killed at the Hammond Colliery, Girardville, by a stick of timber which fell upon him as it was being hoisted to the top of the Li1eaker. William Stutchell, the 14-year-old son of J. C. Stutchell, of Derry, died of lockjaw, superinduced by a broken arm, the bones of which protruded through the flesh. The puddling department of the Al- toona Iron Company, which was compell- ed to suspend on account of the scarcity of cars to supply coal, is now running full blast. A large barn belonging to Benjamin McCord, in East Fallowfield Township, was burned. Three horses perished and much produce was destroyed. The Temple Iron & Coal Company of Wiikes-Barre has ordered out of its mines the workers who were strikers at the Maltby Colliery of the Lehigh Valley | Coal Company. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's medical inspectors vaccinated all the train men running between Pottsville | and Philadelphia. Acting Mine Inspector Downing re- ported for October in the eighth anthra- cite district sixteen accidents. Of this number eight were fatal. While playing with a bonfire, the 3- | year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Maloney of Titusvilleswas burned so badly that it died. While hunting near Duncannon, John | Scholtz’s gun burst and injured one hand so badly that amputation may be neces- sary. While hunting near New Wilmot, in Lawrence County, William Ripper was fatally shot by George Sheets. Toseph Kochzinski was caught under fal’ing coal at Tunnel Ridge Colliery, Mahanoy City, and instantly killed. Duncannon capitalists will start a knit- ting factory which will give fifty or more people employment. Helen Jane, the 4-year-old daughter of Wm. H. Harris, of Bethlehem, died from the effects of burgs susta®-ed while playing around a pi'e of blazing leaves. 4 i plein RL BR eA Rae FH ————_ a ———] UNTAIN PEN MATCH BOX. RUBBER POU —— LI LC ‘DRUMMOND NATURALLEAF OLD PEACH& HONEY’ 'NOBBY SPUN ROLL GRANGERTWIST 2 6ranser Twist Thes being equal to ane of others mentioned. ICH. FOR PLUG TOBACCO. 20 7468. «« E. Rice, Greenville,” «« Cross Bow,” « Old Hon=- esty,” ¢« Master Workman,” ¢« Sickle,” ¢Brandy- wine,” « Planet,” « Neptune,” ¢ Razor,” ,% Tennes- see Cross Tie,” «Ole Varginy.” 7 TAGS MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will include many articles not shown here. It will contain the most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage—two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, 1902.) Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Write your name and address plainly on outside of packag containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents tg C. Hy. BROWN, 4241 Folsom 4 St. a ol - ROSS : — ESSN MARLIR MAGAZINE RIFLE 2 30/30 CALIBER. 2000 14GS. REMINGTON DOYBLE - BARREL HAMMERLESS SHOT GUN. S000. 7T46S. SUGAR SHELL ROGERS ® eo racs,