The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, September 15, 1901, Image 11

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    boing a
“For fifecen years I have noted the
effect of your Vegetable Compound in
curing Speci? 11 discases of women.
“I know of nothing superior for
ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it
has prevented hundreds of dar gerous
operations where i
it was the or }
Ulceration a: fut 1
syvomb has bet nL cure 1 in two or
weeks through its use, and as I fi
urely an bh cmedy, I unhesitat-
ingly give it my highest endorsement.
~—I'raternally yours y VIROQUA,
Lansing, Mich.” forfeit if above tes-
timonizl is not genuine.
If you are ill do not hesitate to
get a bottle of Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound at
once, and write 4 Mrs. Pink-
bam at Lynn, Dass. for special
advice; itis « 0 free.
How £0 Get Rich
A book of 1 Op agos written by a business man
of 5) yoars e vho has made fortunes
and come in ¢ nost of the rich men |
of the con : D v for boys and you ng
men—yet 1 3 vad 1t
YOU bac
Mgziled ¢ € 3
order. / lling then fast.
AL. SCO¥ LD, | ankor rs T
Br RED 2 Lead the
li 1Q IQ world.
3 F ae 0
7 fre You Sick?
Send your name and P. O. address to
The R. B. Wills Medicine Co, Hagerstown, fd.
W. C. HOLMES Improved
Farm Level “Eclipse.”
Bost up-to-date level made.
Price $4.50 with rod. Write for
descriptive circular. 12 North
Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga.
Buy Jones Scales
oy a postal for Bar: gain Catalogue.
Box H. 3 X., BIN GHAMICH, pls Y.
D DR Oo P S Jenn COVERY; sires
x Pp tens:
oases. Book of testimonials and days’ trea
Frse. Dr. 2 H. GREEN'S SONS, Box B, Ariana, Ge.
Gold Me dal at Rufalo Exposition.

1at affords such a ram
lution from the car windows:
A Question in Astronomy.
“Do you believe in the nebular hypo-
thesis, Brother Dick ey?”
No, suh,” was the reply after a mo-
ment’s thought. *1 neber wuz positive
"bout anything cept hellfire fer sinners!”
Of Course Not.
Lady—These souvenir spoons look
like forks.
Dealer — Of course, ma'am; you
wouldn't have souvenir spoons look like
spoons would you?”
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first day’s use of Dr, Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer, $2trial bottle and treatise free
Dr.R.H. Kung, Ltd., 931 Arch ch 8t., Phila, Pa.
Some people never attempt to do any-
thir 1g for fear they might do it wrong.
5. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma-
| tion, allays pain, c1 cures wind colic. 25¢ a bottle.
The worst thing about life insurance is
> | that we never live to enjoy it.
Pigo’s Cure for Consgmption is an infallible
med cine for coughsand colds.—N.W. SAMUEL,
It’s the dull fell
greatest bore.

arc made rich-
er and more
productive and
rich soils retain
their crop-pro-
ducing powers,
by the use of
fertilizers with
a liberal percentage of
Write for our books—sent free—
which give all details.
93 Nassau Street, New Yerk City.

and Sylvester Siarstall at Mahanoy City |
Colliery. The accident occurred on the
second lift of the seven-foot vein where
the men on the “night shift” were driv-
ing a rock tunnel. Ambromitis was
tamping a heavy charge of dynamite in-
to a hole, while Plusko and Marshall
stood over him. Suddenly there was an
explosion which hurled all three against
the sides of the chamber. Ambromitis
was picked up with his head entirely
blown off.
William N. Newman was arrested at
Chester, charged with shooting Sarah
Matthews. Newman is a colored - la-
borer, and, after a quarrel with the wo-
man, it is alleged, he drew a revolver
and fired three shots. One shot took
effect in Sarah’s left arm.
William Clark, aged 8o years, cut his
throat with a razor at his home at
Slate Run. A surgeon sewed up the
wound, but later Clark tore it open. He
is now in a critical condition.

After a fight which lasted several
months, the Berwick Borough Council
granted the right of way over the streets
of that town to the Columbia and Mon-
tour Electric Railway Company.
Oscar Del Sasso, of Allentown, while
stepping out of the way of one train on
the Central Railroad of New Jersey,
went- directly in front of another, and
was struck sustaining injuries which
caused his deat’.
James Lynch, aged 75 years, was kill-
ed by a freight train on the Philadel-
phia and Reading Railway near Leb-
The Pottstown Opera House was sold
at public sale for $18,200 to M. DD. Evans,
representing the Begely estate.
The Johnstown Passenger Railway
Company paid the Borough Council of
Windber $7,500 for the privilege of
traversing the streets of the town.
Mrs. Sarah Klee and her nine-year-old
daughter, Mary, perished in a fire which
destroyed their home in Carnegie, and
all the other members of the f family were
injured. The Klee home was a two-
story frame house on Broadway, the
ground floor front being devoted to a
grocery store kept by Klee. The fire was
discovered about 4.40 o'clock; and the
fismes s spread so rapidly that tle ocfu-
part 4 story were iL oft
from abc Sremen
arrived the
building ¥ 11d,
"and the firey Cy
him out.
{ ewes lower; lambs stron
| good to choice wethers $
Butter, Creamery.”
athered cre am, 22a23; IMM
Id, Va. and Pa. Dairy pri
small creamery blocks, (2-1b.),
26¢, choice rolls, 18argc.
Cheese-—Necw cheese, large 6o
104 to I1c.; do, flats, 37 Ibs.
11l4c; picnics, 23 lbs, 1114a11l4cC,
Live Poultry. —Turkeys—Old, 8 sa0c,
young, fat, gag’ic; do, small a poor,
—a8c. Chickens.—Hens, —ayVic; dq
! old roosters, each 130c; do, Sout
good to choice, 8a8/c: do, rough and
poor, —ajyc. Ducks. large,
a—; do, small, —a8¢; ae Muscovy 5
mongrels, 8agc. Geese, Western, eack
Hides. —He vy steers, association
salters, late. kill, 60 Ibs and up,
selection, 1114a1234¢c; cows and
| steers, gl4aroc.
Live St
Chicago.—Cattle—Good to prime$6.:
' a8.75; poor to medium $4.00a0.
| stockers and feeders
$1.2524.75; heifers $2.5
| $1.25a22.30; bulls $2. 100473; calves $2.56
| a5.75; Texas fed steers $5.15. Hogs—
Mixed and bt itchers Sey good tc
| choice heavy $5.0 rough heavy
+ $5.55a5.00; light § 0; bulk of sales
$5.7520.15. Re active, steady: heavy
g to 10c. higher;
3.50a4.15; West-
ern sheep $3.0024.00 ; native lambs $2.5¢
({ 5.23; Western lambs $3.00: 14.23.
East Liberty.—Cattl
6.00; prime )
| Hogs active;
heavy mediums 3 Borys
5.8525. 95, heavy Yorkers 35. 8oas.
EE do, $5.60a85.70; pigs 5.4025.
| skips $4.50a5 00; rougl 34.50a5 20
{ Sheep dull; best wethers 2 3.5023.65 :
i culls and common $1.00a2.60; yearlings
| $2.50a3.75; veal calves $6.00a7.00. -
! TEN Dec. o—Bilto NU
Nantes hag “municipal kitchens.
Wal les has a woman lamnlighter.
boasts three lady architects.
woman truant hun
announces a surgi
The world’s cables
172 nautical miles.
There is a 1 Miss
has control oy more than 500 conduc- {
tors in the e yy of one of London
tramway cc nies, but the only woman
jockey hail om the United States.

Louisville, Ky.
For sale by all
Acts Gently;
Acts Pleasantly;
Acts Beneficially;
Acts truly as-a Laxative.
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com-
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be-
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func-
tions, as itis wholly free from every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but-\the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are gbtaineg
from an excellent combination of'\plag
known to be medicinally laxative and
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects—buy
genuine—manufactured by the
fia Simp @
San “Francisco, Cal.
New York, N.Y.
Price fifty cents per-bottles