The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, September 08, 1901, Image 4

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    || ad :
3 Miss Lillie Degenkolbe, Treasurer South
End Society of Christian Endeavor, 3141
Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill, Cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
“DEAR MRs. Puyknaym : — When life looked brightest to me I
sustained a hard fall and internal complications were the result.
I was considerably inflamed, did not feel that I could waik, and lost
my good spirits. I spent money doctoring without any help, when a
relative visited our home. She was so enthusiastic over Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, having used it herself, that
nothing would satisfy her until I sent for a bottle. I have thanked
her a hundred times for it since, for it brought blessed health to me
and cured me within seven weeks.
I now wish to thank you, your medicine is a friend to suffering
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of the
womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache,
bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros-
tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude,
excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, inelaicholy, “all-
gate, and “want-to-be-left-alone” feelings, blues, and hopelessness,
cham remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refilse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
| rushed panic-stricken to the

are used by the best shots in the country because they are so accorate,
uniform and reliable. Allthe world’s championships and records have been
won and made by Winchester shells. Shoot them and you’ll shoot well.
pair .

0 Taisen.
? maintain a Car-
negie library. ‘tizens of the
town had insti L proceedings
to prevent the accepta Y«of Carnegie’s
Michael Nash was arrested in Scran-
ton charged with trying to wreck the
Buffalo express on the Lackawanna Rail-
road by placing an obstruction in a frog.
A switchman discovered the attempt.
Mrs. Carrie Cox, of Franklin Town-
ship, Lycoming County, was arrested
charged with attempting to poison two
children of William McFadden.
A piece of dynamite fastened to the
car track on Capouse avenue, Scranton,
was run over and exploded by a car at
6 o'clock the other evening. No one
was injured, but the car was badly dam-
aged. Several similar attempts to wreck
cars have been made since the strike
of the traction employees was com-
menced. Select Council has passed a
resolution directing the City Recorder
to offer a reward of $300 for informa-
tion that will lead to the arrest of a
perpetrator of these outrages.
The Board of Pardons commuted to
life imprisonment the death sentence of
George W. McMurray, “of Pittsburg,
whose case has been pending before the
board since April. A pardon was grant-
ed to Joseph Boschino, of Lackawanna
county, serving a life sentence for mur-
der. Application for the. commutation
of the death sentence of John Lutz, of
Luzerne county, and William Allen, of
Fayette county, were refused.
A large building tenanted by over forty
Hungarian laborers, at Annville, was’
destroyed by fire. The foreigners,
roused from their sleep by the flames,
leaving clothing and money to be con-
sumed. It is estimated that $1,500, the
savings of the men for several years,
was destroyed.
Yielding to the request of their attor-
ney, Governor Stone decided that the
two Biddle brothers, who murdered a
grocer near Pittsburg, should be hanged
on different days. John Biddle will be
hanged on January 14, and Edward Bid-
dle on January 6.
Three tramps who are believed to
have robbed a hotel in Catasuaqua were
captured after a long chase by Detec-
tives Johnson and Doran. The officers
recovered clothing, jewelry 2
Thomas C. Hoopes’ butcher wagon
was struck by a train on the Dowing-
town & Lancaster Railroad at the Wash-
ington avenue crossing. The wagon
was wrecked and Hoepes was badly in-
The stables at Lindenthrope race track
were destroyed by fire, a lighted cig-
arette, it is thought, causing the flame.
over the SCH j
promptly relieve toothache and ncura
A strip of flannel or towel folded sq
eral times lengthwise and dipped in
water, then slightly wrung out and ap-
plied about the neck of a child suffering
with an acute attack of croup, will usu-
ally relieve the sufferer in the course of
ten minutes if the flannel is kept hot.
Hot water, if taken freely a half hour
before bedtime, is one of the best pos-
sible cathartics in severe cases of consti-
pation, while it has a soothing effect
upon the stomach and bowels.
There is no domestic remedy that so
promptly cuts short congestion of the
lungs, sore throat or rheumatism as will
hot water when applied promptly and

pacobs 0
For it cures the most diffi-
cult cases of Rheumatism—
after every other form of
treatment has failed.
St. Jacobs Oil never fails.
It Conquers Pain
Price, 25¢c and soc.

bE ed, od, TS
ey pd
The Qeientific Production
of a laxative of known value and distinctive
action is rapidly growing in public favor, along
with the many other material improvements of
the age. The many
who are well informed
must understand quite clearly, that in erder
to meet the above conditions a laxative should
be wholly free from every objectionable quality
or substance, with its component parts simple
and wholesome and it should act pleasantly
and gently without disturbing the natural
functions in any way. The laxative which
fulfils most perfectly the requirements, in the
highest degree, is
Syrup of Figs
The sa. of millions of bottles annually for
manygyears past, and the universal satisfaction
which it has given confirm the claim we make,
that it possesses the qualities which commend
it to public favor.

The standard has always been | ! ; i :
8 placed so high that the wearer receives
Rey 3 Doulas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than he can get eo oes I -
<s 3 %. » $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers in the world. F yer
. L. Douglas 83.00 and $3.50 shoes are made of the same hi
3. $3.50 ¢ 9 3 » same high-grade
leathers used in $5.00 and $6.00 shoes and are just as good in every way.
juss upon having W. L. Douglas shoes with name and price stamped 4%
on 0 OX, Shoes sent anywhere on receipt of price and 25 cents additional for -
arriage, ke measurements of foet as shown : state style desired ; size and
width usually worn : plain or cap toe; hes 1 i S.
CATALOG FREE: Pp i heavy, medium or light soles.
W. L- DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.

DROPSY Mr 2isconztism ($900 TO $1500 A VEAR
cases. Book of testimonials and 10d
quick relief and cures worss
ays’ hk a
Free. Dr. B. HM. GREENS BONS, Box B, Atlanta, Ge,
ntly rich, wan's good honest hus-
band. Address ERIB, 87 Market $t., Chica o, Il.
Gold Medal at Fufialo Exposition,
Bate position prefered. Address, Dept. B.
Its [xcellence
is due to the originality and simplicity of the
combination and also to the method of manu-
facture, which is known to the California Fig
Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per-
fect purity and uniformity of product essential
to the ideal home laxative. In order to get
Its Beneficial Fffects
always buy the genuine and note the full name
of the Company—C California Fig Syrup Co.—
printed on the front of every package. In the
process of manufacturing figs are used as they
are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an
excellent combination of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially.
| (aurora Fig §vaup 1 ;
San Francisco, Gl.
New York, N.Y.
Louisville Ky.
] Price fifty cents per bottle.
for sale by all druggists
We want intelligent Men and Women as
- = ————————— | Traveling Representatives or Local Managers;
HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY. independ | Suary $0 to bisa a sear aiid ail capes
e! | according to experience and ability. We also
want loeal representatives; salary $9 to 15 &
week and commission, depending upon the time
devoted. Send stamp for full particulars and
THE BELL COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa. |