) Pa. Morin as E have been sums, steam of business. was the cen- h sea fishing f fleet numbered was in prog- and farmer FP and, attach- 'nt out into a is highest ambi- 0 be struck by'light- tning obliged him. This snes thenelectric fluid as a fool- of the firs ‘rank. Aree e latest /thing in combines is a e postage stamp trust. This will ht affect the great public, but it will hme home to thousands of collectors fit fine epaccumulation of difficulties ng rare issues, he y a blessing in disguise ® ; 2 » ™vthe hose fa stamp for mastery Betlve ra men fri the sstéel Jdndustry: islnowe Ii launalred, #and on the: first: show: strength the. advantage’! MARY OF THE NEWS, rp —— SUMM a ——————r——— fT HOUSAND: MEN : — BEY STRIKE ORDERS: Domestic. Assistant” Postmaster John G. Pole and! his family, while ‘attempting to cross a mountain stream Sunday, about six miles from Lexington, Va., were swept down by the waters of a cloud: burst, and his wife and three daughters ‘aged from one to eight years, drowned. Vit. Pole and a daughter about. three years old escaped! The bodies were re- Two Calls ‘Were "Atiswered by About 45,000 Mea; iv: waviia Camm Hida Na a vada sd ENERAL:- ORDER BY - 14,000.. MORE: gl J SAETEEETET GW is nad Appeal; Issued By. the Amal shied jation: for. Financial Ald r=Ne. Formal \ioiered. J > : Sr be ey vioullie Federations The |= Policeman: : Wardman Bissert. .was oi fi |-sentenced in New York to five and one-| Strfie: Leaders Disappoluted: at he Sitar, hal isonmetit for accepting arious Mills.” J half: years’ impr y tion’ &t the "V aly of a. disorderly af Bis Aguiub 30 1 a bribe from: the keeper A lionse. : Te Pittsbiirg’ “(Spécial The #tragkl€|"" Robert Groin, and Frederick pass : eri: mantractirers: andl [‘5ihok, rivals, had a duel-near Jackson vi fairky('\iss., and Westbrook was killed. Groin oi | afterwards committed suicide. | is with the for | A man supposed to be Wilfred Blon E issued | din, the Chelmsford. Mass., wife mt Amalgas .derer, was arréestéd at Richfield Spring” far, been] N.Y, iQ ¢ aati pedd mer. The, general strike: orde by RBresident phaffer. of. the mated. Association, has so been} N, ° mal ‘by nls 4,000 men, according’ = Wm, to the best figures obtainable here. The ting cause first “two ‘prefithinary” calls ' were’ i. | roughty in Hes eréd ‘by a : ithat| = A bottle of weréd ‘by about 45.000 ‘men, SD i : ycerin, oN total’ sumber: now «out 1s; 1 ~the | pleded in a saloon in .Chicago, neighborhood of 60,000, The strikers [ men were made: gains: here ‘over the showing Of frases Li i 1 3 Cts fur- | gee 70. e st night, and their, prospects. tor | ag stairs BT last wight, ood, at both McKeesport | Creek, Del. His back wal hol nd Wheeling .during the week are very The sate in the office of the i yrable 2 TM tov te Boast Line Railway onpeny av - : -C . ; i “The action of the ‘Amalgamated men} hurst, N. J. was robbed As poo. t Chicagd, Joliet and Bayview in ‘'re-| Charles White, James 1 11f¥ney and Resint to conte out, and their ffilure to | Edgar Lane were dpc 08s if the Ga- the ..Carnegie. loup Rapids, in New York. secure any recruits in e .Car uf , 7 Ne i} group thtoughout the Kiskiminetas | The annual convention of Valley and the big plants at Youngs- | national Typoglaphical Unfion met at town and Columbus, Ohio, have been | Birmingham, Ala. markedly disappointing to them. They | John M. Li 3» are keeping up the fight, “however, in | burg from jue $ a spirited manner, and claim that they |away araiien Ton vlegalion have strength in reserve which will sur- | Shamroc LIL. staves fit New Xe prise their opponents. They assert that | and received an erties fe 3 ome, they have gained a foothold in the Car-| The executive baa fol fie Tohed negie mills in this city n sess : _ and at the time Mineworkers, 1 \ di desired the men will come out. They lis, adopted a resolutiof recognizing the are pressing their advantage at Mec- | steel strike and pledgiffig support to the Keesport and Wheeling, and their or Amalgamated AssocCifition, / ganizers are still at work in those two Mrs. Charles Gallagher, of New cities. An appeal for financial aid has York, was frightened by a high winl been made to organized labor and H.. Lowe is charged with ha ‘sed the death of Mary Ann rico county, Va. nitro glycerine was and u- €eX- two down stairs at tlantic tl h fe stamp fiend is never happic when he is carrying on a hard k after a coveted issue. he other day Justice Dooley of hicago imposed a fine of $15 on a Mr. Lossick because tne latter was charged y his wife wifh having walked back- ard abg hfe house and with having e his hair or beard cut hs. It is interesting to he complaining wife paid That a Chicago man’s house fastle appears to be a fiction, e is subject to fine for walking ward inside its walls. It is ap- g to think of the penalty if he d stand on his head, as every man posed to have a right to do in np home. . an comes with almost aues the familiar isco” dry ‘of the ideal a one-third the er gine—this \ time ses but by the latest improved wes, and scarcely half the needed to run the Parsons urbine adopted for British tor- boat . destroyers. The rotary engine has been long in coming, F* because inventive genius for a century rd and exhausted in the perfec- of the more able types the essential integers of which and crank. has been directed familiar and more are cylinder, valve, piston Should the steam turbine actuality it of mechanical become a commercial would find the field power quite ready for High speed and ever higher speed, is the keynote to which modern machin- its reception. ery rings and resounds again. A curious is fro Sharon, Pa., which goes to show that a knowledge of common wild plants is case reported valuable. Three boys ate looked like wild extremely some berries grapes, and in a short time were seized which with convulsions and died. The action of the poison was so much like that of strychnine that! a worthy farmer w, accused of putting that drug in to punish the hbys for stealj on the York river; and became para- general public, and it is expected t at | lvzed and died. Ll the responses will be liberal. Josiah Johnson Hawes, of Boston, | éaid to be the oliest photographer in the world, diedfin New | aged years. oy Short, pf Sussex county, Del, | was seriously fcalded while threshing wheat near Lilrel, Del. It is believwd in fatal defects have been found in the “Ripper” bilJior that city. James H.Jones, of Caroline county, Va.. was i stabbed by Camp- | ALL CROPS GOOD BUT CORN. Largue Production of Wheat aad Oats for | Q Many Years. Springiald, Ill. (Special).—The I1i- nois Departyent of Agriculture issued a summary of reports from crop corre- spondents, dated August 7. The area of | wheat harvested is 1,870,000 acres; esti-| mated yield 31,100,000 bushels, the larg- est crop produced since 1804. Value at 62 cents per bushel amounts to $19,230.- 000, the best returns since 1892. Amn Va.. age 84 years of oats, 3,775,000 acres, yield estimatec Fo a A oa | 110,500,000 bushels, valued at $34.880.- Mis ihe Biches Sged 30 ae 000, a value that has bleen Sheseded Bo) Roukkepn > twice in 30 years—i874 and 1882. Corn AY tl. . SH Nic a aria) area planted 8,088,000 3ages. the largest Pray Hou : tried to kill his parents | since 1878; but on Augugy 1 the condi- | Bear = ho soit Noes) tion is the most disheartemjng known in' Geral Rufis Neely fied, at Bolivar, the crop history of the stdte, owing to Tenn of H 3 itt Ds frowned ‘at unprecedentedly hot weathgr and drouth. G a Nica i on was crowned 9 From most reliable cstimatds the depart- | Gra” ' ; : ment finds that the conditighn on August | Ye omer a the Rods, va - py 2 NH wa 4 y , - I was 46 per cent. of an ay rage Crop. y Ska vas the transfer and Old bell Madign. % 2 Mrs. arriet Vinson, mother of Colonel fapron, died in Clarke county, | Boy Dragged Up ina B Hillsboro, O. (Special) Hopkins, the 12-year-old s Hopkins, a prominent citizen burg, became entangled in the of a balloon which made an 2 the fair being held there, an ried 2,000 foce 1. children fainted, and a scene of a indescribable excitement followed. : boy showed presence of mind and cluif tightly to the rope, which had wound A self about his arm. He was suspended directly over the parachute, and the a'eo- naut was unable to make his drop vith- out endanger the boy's life. Washington | ells of the bit- quartermaster of | shark while bath- ft sthe wien York John Seager has sued | C. C. Worthington, a millionaire pump manufacturer, for $100,000 for alleged alienation of the affections of his wife. Foreign. i The trial was begun in Sofia, Bul- | garia, of Sarafoff, formerly president of the Macedonian committee, and oth- cr leaders, on the charge of being in- volved in the murder oi an alleged Turkish spy. Andreis Wessels, the peace envoy, was not shot, but held prisoner. He was seleased by the British, whe sur-| prised a Boer laager. The Sultan has practically yielded to | I'rench demand with reference to the Quay Company concessions. The South African claims committee | Conscience-Stricken Thiei. Anderson, Ind. (Special). -f Three weeks ago the jewelry store J. M. Washburn was robbed of $1300 worth of diamonds Thursday Mf. Wash- burn was notified by t pastor of Saint ary’s Catholi Church, at Chicago, that the diafonds were in his possession. Wash burn returned from o with the stolen property. Thgfthief went to : ! the Chicago priest a fefldayy ago and considered at L.ondon the losses of cer- hile 4 iy Se) tain Americans caused by the war. pile 1 Je Somtessio] Unted States Consul Edmund Z. Bro- stolen property to th dowshy Jind ol the home of a friend in fatal 2