The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 10, 1901, Image 2

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plosion in
Many Are Burned
rs Are Luckily
ible Death--Heart-
tims Pinned Uader
h.—A terrific ex-
ix buildings on
Tenth, wrecked
and caused the
and the fatal in-
ore. The dead
ed woman, col-
d man.
hers were more
it 1s -st'mated
were in the five
plosion occurred |
dead will prob- |
some ‘ins,
red about 30
ed ani how 1t
vn at this time,
ve been a barrel

the three gro- |
xception of 1008 |
buildings were |
while the floors
hrd and then fell |
Almost every |
ro blocks about | sentence for playing the badger game, Princess Lotise,
panes shattered
amaged. Every
p side of Locust
none fell.
hp from the ruins |
Kplosion. Men, |
upants cof the
seen crawhng |
he agonizing |
in the wreck-
ildings came in-
hom fell in the |
add to the hor- |
band in less than
bile was burning
nd. A general |
r fire apparatus |
the meantime
begun by those
0 were not in- |
a person was
before the fire
r, several lives |
1pt work. When
ames had made
igniting build-
The fire, how-
away the ruins
est. Near the
al colored men!
nt to the hos-
en and police- |
heavy timbers |
f the wreckage,
g from the cel-
ry. Fifty men,
bre immediately
bint and pulled
Booring which
Mr. C. 'P. Adams, superiniendent of
telegraph of the Jersey Central Rail-
road, and formerly of Baltimore, was
arrested. in New York because of his
refusal to permit the policz to inspect
telegrams in his custody relating te op-
erations of green goods swindlers.
Marion Erwin, special assistant At-
torney-General of the United States,
secured attachments against all loans
and securities in Savannah held by
Oberlin M. Carter, former captain of
engineers, U. S. A. They amount to
many thousands of dellars.
Patrick Grimes, a fireman on the
American Line steamship Belgenland,
which arrived at Philadelphia yesterday,
committed suicide at sea while crazed
from the heat of the stokehole.
Near Charlottesville, Va. C. S
Moore killed Emmet Branzell and
wounded W. Boston Craddock, the lat-
ters’ uncle. Moore accused Branzell of
stealing corn from his field.
Warden Hayes, of the New Jersev
Asylum for the Insane, is being inves-
tigated on the charge of providing a
poor and insufficient food supply for
the patients.
Albert Martin stole a lot of infected
clothing and furniture that had been
taken from the contagious hospital to |
a storage house in Gloucester, N. J.
A party of Alaskan miners were re-
| duced to such straits after 43 days’ suf-
fering that they were about to resort to
| cannibalism when rescued.
Fayne Moore, whose husband was
sent to Sing Sing, N. Y., for a long
has asked for a divorce.
The habeas corpus case of Wm. H.
Pratt, accused of the murder of his
| wife, was begun in West Chester, Pa.
Wm. R. Tlournoy, a night engineer
at Newport News, Va., was beiled to
| death in a steain exhaust well.
A request has been made to Indian
Agent Randlett at Anadorko to
who failed to draw claims.
At Newport News the new Morgan
| Line steamship El Sigle was successful-
ly launched. Miss Susan S. Usher, sis-
ter of Lieutenant Commander Usher,
U. S. N., christened the vessel.
An amicable settlement was made in
Atlantic City by the representatives of
the Green Glass Bottle Manufacturers
and a committee of the Blowers’ Union. |
Judge Halsey, in Wilkesbarre, Pa, |
| made final the preliminary injunction
restraining the striking machinists from
| interfering with the non-unionists.
William Mallory and Zig Jones,
farmers of Tazewell county, Va. quar-|
reled after leaving a distillery, and in a |
| fight Mallory was shot to death.
Miss Albertine Stringfield, a school- |
| teacher of Philadelphia, attempted to |
the |
commit suicide by leaping into
| dock.
Private I.ouis Haggerty, Tenth Ar-|
tillery, killed his wife and then himself
at Sullivans Island, S. C.
General Manderson, who was to have
| been Schley’s counsel, found that he
was not able to serve.
A company has been formed to erect
a new hotel at Berkeley Springs, W.
| Va.
hb . Golden, aged 22, of Bridge-
d by a train.
&nld arrived
Chester, Pa., |
fe as the re- | $40,000,000, are being
sup- |
| press gambling at Lawton, O. T. There
{is much suffering at Reno among those
the dry | :
3 Chicago (Special).
her Passes Away
The Direct Cause gifeath is Certified te Have
Been Dropsy Following Cancer, the Drepsy
Having Gradually Reached the Heart--Her
Majesty Was Censcious te the End, Which
Was Calm and Painless.
Kaiser William's
Cronberg (By Cable).—Victoria Ade-
laide Maria Louisa, the Dewager Em-
press Frederick of Germany, died Mon-
day evening at 6.15.
The death of the Dowager Empress was
somewhat sudden. At 4 o'clock her phy-
sicians reported ne change in her condi-
Emperor William and Her Majesty's
other children were in the sick roem
most of the day.
Her royal and Imperial Highness, the
Powager Empress Frederick, was the
widow of Emperor Frederick William of
Germany and mother of the reigning
{ Kaiser William II. She was the eldest
danghter of Queen Victoria of England,
| and was born on November 21, 1840,
She was christened Victoria Adelaide.
| She was eleven months and 12 days oldér
{ than her brother, Albert Edward, now
| King Edward VII. of England. Her
| other living brothers and sisters are
| Princess Helena of Schleswig-Holstein,
Duchess of Argyle:
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, and
| Prince Beatrice, Duchess of Hesse.
| Crown Prince Frederick became Em-
{ perar of Germany on the death of his
| father in March, 1888, but he was then
| slowly dying of cancer in the throat, and
| he died on June 15, 1888, after a nominal
reign of three months, every moment of
which was full of agony both mental and
| physical. His Empress remained by his
{ side and devoted herself to alleviate his
| suffering. At his death she became the
{ Dowager Empress, and her son became
| Emperor.
| Empress Victoria Frederick was thus
| the daughter of a Queen and Empress,
| the mother of an Emperor, the wife and
widow of an Emperor and the sister of a
| King and Emperor.
The Empress, like her mother before
| her, wished to have her condition pass as

| far as possible witheut observation, but
| she steadily lost strength with the prog-
{ ress of her terrible malady. The bad
{ news was kept back from week to week,
| as was done when Queen Victoria was at
Osborne after her first stroke of paraly-
sis, and public announcement was made
only when the situation became,serious.
Homeseekers Destifute.
El Reno, O. T. (Special).
of homeseekers who failed
| claims in the new Kiow
| country are selling their tg
and wagons at a sacrifice
reach their homes. Many
destitute and already suffe
ent. Many merchants an
men drew claims while,
{ needy have found the
| either the hoped-for lan
| ficient to purchase necg
Plan Giiigt Termighill
railroad station here
sale of two | mitted at a meeting
wy diamonds
Bauman, |
an jour- |
on the |; :
| ari
X as
to be held on Aug
the twenty-two rai
Chicago termina
scheme as draw
and members of]
appointed to in
single te

Foreigners Subject to
of Pe
Pekin (By Cabl
European residents
meanor of the Pek
stantly becoming m
that as the allied
Chinese resume thei;
ting and cursing
The legation
approaching co
speaking, they col
from fifteen to t
from three to fo
holed for rifles.
The ministers of
the plan for a uni
fense submitted b
consequently the
working independe
It is the policy
avoid conspicuous
these should prove
ing instead of p
Most of the eng
mended stronger
ministers will sa
Maj. Edgar B.
Ninth Infantry,
United States L
written to Mr.
against what he
position ef our 1
that it is expose
sides. Mr. Rock
it is not intended
but merely a wall
unexpected mob
made of brick, ou
nese pride.
The French ang
here. The non-fu
ment to evacuat
fortnight .causes
the military auth
man barracks hj
The French barr}
begun. The troo
being compeiled
quarters and to f
Betsie McCray aad
Carrollton, M
murder of Mr. a
minated here in
McCray, her sor
daughter, Ida Mc
The mob was
white citizens o
marched to the j
the keys from Ja
the cells of the,
bound them by f
carried them te
the town, wher
tree by the publ
their bodies wit]
The mob resi
of Judge W.
, Wi