a) g: hund- hart, h by the west thereon FRAME Sty, Etc, ies, pears ty is cen. e sold. p.m. .BERGER, strator. UTION NS OF THIS REIR APPRO- HE GENERAL MONWEALTH BLISHED BY ARY OF THE IRSUANCE OF CONSTITUTION LUTION o the Constitution wealth, by the Senate and ives of the Common- ly met, That the fol- dments to the Cons- 2alth of Pennsylvania Provisions of the eigh- ticle Eight, Section One k first paragraph of said lis **shall be entitled to a the words ‘subject, how equiring and regulating ectors as the General As- so that the said section cations of Electors. Every y-one years of age, possess flualifications, shall be enti- elections, subject, however, iring and regulating the reg- ors as the General Assembly hve been a citizen of the Unit- st one month, have resided in the State one iously been a qualified en of the State, he oved therefrom and returned, hs,) immediately preceding the I have resided in the election dis- lie shall offer to vote at least two ediately preceding the election. nty-two years of age and upwards, ve paid within two years a State or x, which shall have been assessed at months and paid at least one month e election. pent Two to Article Eight, Section Seven. out from said section the words “but pr shall be deprived of the privilege of by reason of his name not being regis and add to said section the following "but laws regulating and requiring the ation of electors may be enacted to ap- b cities only, providea that such laws be brm for cities of the same class,” so that aid section shall read as follows : Pction 7. Uniformity of Election Laws— laws regulating the Loiding of elections by citizens or for the registration of electors all be uniform throughout the State, but s.regulating and requiring the registration electors may be enacted to apply to cities ly, provided that such laws be uniform for ties of the same class. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonwealth, { A MENDMENT TO I HE CONSTITUTION | APROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS ' | COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPRO- 01 VAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL K, | ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH be | OF PENNSYLVANIA); PUBLISHED BY he | ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII, OF THE CONSTITUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accor dance with the eighteenth article thereof ; Amendment, Strike out section four of article eight, and insert in place thereof, as follows : Section 4 All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law: Provided that secrecy in voting be preserved. A true copy of the Joint Resolutions. W.W. GRIEST, Secretary of the Commonyealth. . PER ICE of the e Jus- es of said f be then vith their uisitions, hose things pehalf to be against the ie jail of the and there to ugust, 1901. ys SHERIFF, ,&0 lice VINA, phop ! have open pint seinent of MPS I~ LESS ’ I have just received a consignment of F anc Lax of the Latest Design, for Beauty, Quality and can not he excelled. ce Ranging in price FROM SO CTS. TO $35.00 NO TWO ALIKE It Will Pay You to Inspect Them Before Assormtent is Broken - HOWARD E. EBERSOLE MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Furnitare Warerooms St., Mount Joy ed to do cobbling of every at reasonable rates Soled and IHeeled for 65¢ Ion for 75 cents alf Soled and Ileeled for 4c id on for 55 cents 18" Shoes According to Size Trial Job Solicited Harry Sheaffer . Carmany, DEALER IN ods, Groceries, Notions, oots, Shoes, Rubbers, Hardware, Etc. is no necessity for going out of when you can buy just as cheap Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Joy, Penna. Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order Suit the & Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lots to Purchasers UNDERTAKING FE MBALMING and oftimes cheaper at home. eading Store. FLORIN, PENNA. ' New Summer Resort me GIL EN. anna $s AACN ORCEARD OBINTHOANNAGHALININANICICHEOONAICION Adjoining Wild Cat Falls, Large, new three-storied building, with ten mosquito and fly-proof sleeping apartments. Spacious Dancing Hall, fly-proof din- ing room, and wide, double piazza overlooking the Susquehanna. Romantic Glen, quiet walks and boat ing in the moonlight. Elegant cuisine. American and European Plan. Fishing, boating and outing parties made comfortable, Steamer fromm Marletta Station, For datesand terms, address or telephone, A. S. FLOWERS, CARE WILD CAT BOAT, MARIETTA, PA. Surrey Young Bros. zu; FIL.ORIN, HEI.I.O!! Jenny Lind Buggy Road or Want a New Spring Wagon or any kind of a Light Conveyance ? Standard Coach Works prs They make a specialty of Fine Up-To-Date velviele at our own works old one rebult, go to the same place we aud they aoill do it for a reasonable compensation 1 you dont want to buy a new vehicle, Young Brothers kiwois how to fiv up a wagon as good ag Yes : Well then go and talk with PENNA. Tires set on any kind of a but would like to have your Jenny Lind Rube Give them a trial and be convinced For Sale! Seeder Water Tank Iolding 30 barrels. will be For particu laps apply to never used, sold reasonable, The Bulletin or Box No. 91, FIORIN. PA. Rob Douglas, M D's Washington D C MAGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain A powerful irritant and « Golden Remedy for the Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sove Gums, Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind or Dyspepsia, Colic, Ete Bunions and, Coft Corns re- PRICE, TEN CENTS lieved at once, et CE ee J. I. Easton, Sole Prop. & Mfr., Florin, Pa. FOR SALEBY Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Gravel Land in a good state of cultivation and fences tn good. re- | pair The land is situated on the road leading from Florin te the Mount Joy Cemete ry, «@ short distance west of the latter For particulars eall on or address HARRY MUSSELMAN, Florin, Penna why pay one dollar a year for a paper when you can get] the Bulletin for soc eo) FOR THE BEST SCREENED FAMILY . COAL GO To T. N. Hostetter, WW. C. of Mid-Summer Clearing Sale Second-Hand Organs A Rare Goportunity for Securing Big Values for Little Money KIRK JOHNSON & CO.. 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished JOSEPH B. G-AINTZ SANITARY PLUMBER :#: AND oie @&» =e 27 GAS @ FITTER Two Doors “A est of Bowman's Store, Ind. Tel. No. 835 Vehicles, Carriages, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Buggies, Wagons y y stricted i irst-clas rb rPeri- For Milkmen, Bakers, Merchants, con; itructed in a first-class manner by experi enced and copable mechanics under the direction of a manuficturer who lets the work speak for its worth, 4t guarantees every product of : rapa Aas : ae vialll. The sane care exercised in repairing as manujecturity out inquiry aie seldom satisfactory MARIETTA CARRIAGE WORKS with- Contracts made Inquire anywhere about new vehicles, but don’t neglect to place on the list HOWRY, Marietta Proprietor ef the Mariette Carriage Works, who will willingly refer you to those for : whom work tus been done as to whether it is satisfactory. FLORIN, PA. I Also Handle All Kinds of | | Grainand Mill Feed v©0:6 the Bulletin