The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, July 27, 1901, Image 3

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General Trade Conditionf,
ew York (Special).—R. (}f. Dun &
s “Weekly Review of Trade” says:
[AXiety regarding unfavorable possi-
ies in the future rather than any
A) present misfortune depyessed se-
ies and caused cancellatiog of some
rs for merchandise by Weflern deai-
Retail distribution” of i
be curtailed by the labor
nless it is of long duratfon, as the
ave saved money during the re-
period of full employment at high
byond advancing priced of steel
ts and depressing the market for
quotations have not been affected by
strike of the Amalgamated Associa-
oolen mills are more generally act-
than at any time this year, orders
eavy-weight goods arriving in large
bers. The light-weight season will
n open, and although it is expected
concessions of from 5 to 10 per
from last year’s prices will be
le there is prospect of profitable op-
ion unless the raw material should
ability of prices seems assured in
footwear industry. The firm tone is
ained by the steadiness of feather
buyers are not seeking concessions.
radstreet’s says:
Wheat, including our, shipments for
he week aggregate 5,221,800 bushels,
gainst 5,016,149 bushels last week, 3,-
20,381 in the corresponding week of
900, 3,408,073 in 1899 and 2.303.460 in
808. From July 1 to date shipments
ggregate 12,762,455, as against 7,871,-
49 last season and 9,177,866 in 1809-
poo. Corn exports for the week aggre-
ate 1,714,081 bushels, against 2,800,738
piist week, 4,182,159 in this week a year
g0, 3,666,204 in 1899 and 2,822:7128 in
( From July 1 to date exports ag-
regate 6,008,768 bushels, against 10,-
13,755 in the season of 1900-1901 and
951,433 in 1899-1900.
usiness failures in the United States
br the week were 208, as against 199
st week, 202 this week a year ago, 174
1899, 188 in 1808 and 220 in 1897.

Flour.—Best Patent, $4.45a4.90; High |
rade Extra, $3.05a4.40; Minnesota |
bakers, $2.80a3.00.
Wheat—New York, No.
4c; Philadelphia, No. 2 ; ,
72c; Baltimore, 66a67c.
Corn.—New York, No. 2,
Philadelphia, No. 2, 354l%a55c;
more, No. 2, 51a52c. .
Oats.—New York, No. 2. 36a36%c; |
Philadelphia, No. 2 white, 30239%c; Bal-
timore, No. 2 white, 37a37%c.
Rye.—New York. No. 2, 57¢; Phila-
delphia, No. 2, 56c; Baltimore, No. 2,
Green Fruits and Vegetables.—On-
ions, new, per half-bb 0a75¢
4a |
2a |
re; "native, p ,
81.50. Corn, per dozen. 5
ern Shore, per doz, 618
S, Norfolk, per bushel Roca$1.00. |
ing beans, per green, 33a4oc; |
ax, 35a4oc. Squash, per basket. 33a |
oc. Tomatoes, Florida, 6-basket |
carrier, fancy, $1.50a1.75; Norfolk, per |
2-basket carrier, $1.25a1.75; Anne Arun-
del, per basket, 8sca$1.00. Apples,
Eastern Shore, Md. and Va., per bbl, |
choice, $1.50a2.00. Peaches, Md. and |
Va., per box, ordinary, s0a75c; Florida,
per 6-basket carrier, $1.25a1.50. Pears, |
Southern, per hali-bbl basket, 4oa7sc.
Blackberries, per qt, 3a4c. Raspberries,
red, per pint, 3a3lsc. Huckleberries,
356. Cantaloupes, North Carolina, per
rate, $1.00a1.50. Watermelons, Florida
and Georgia, .°r 100, $15.00a20.00.
Potatoes.—White, new, Nofolk, per |
bbl, No. 1, $2.60a2.80; York river, per | river —Piila. Sienograpler.
bbl, No. 1, $2.40a2.60; Eastern Shore
Md., per bbl, $2.25a2.50; Eastern Shore
Va., per bbl, $2.40a2.60. |
Provisions.—Bulk shoulders. 8c; do |
short ribs, 9Vc; do clear sides, 9¥c;
bacon rib sides, 10%4¢c; do clear sides, |
10%c; bacon shoulders, 0%4c; fat backs, |
8V4c; sugar cured breasts, 13c; sugar |
cured shoulders, 9%c. Hams—Small,
| 13V4c; large, 13c; smoked skinned hams,
| 13V4c; picnic hams, 9}4c. Lard—Best
| refined, pure, in tierces, gV4c; in tubs, |
| 034c per Ib. Mess pork, per bbl, $16.00.
| Live Poultry.—Hens. r1r1arilec; old |
| roosters, each, 25a3oc; spring chickens, |
14aisc. Ducks, 7a8%c. Spring ducks, |
Hides.—Heavy steers, association and
“alters, late kill, 60 lbs and up, close se-
faction, 10%4arrd4c; cows and light
Fsteers, 0agd4c. :
Eggs.— Western Md. and Pa., per doz,
13%c; Eastern Shore Md. and Va. per |
1% 13V4c; Virginia, per doz, 13a13'4c;
Western and West Virginia, per doz,
13a13%c; Southern, per doz, 12/%a13c; |
| guinea, per doz, 7c.
| Dairy Products.—Butter—Elgin, 21c: |
! ‘separator extras, 20azic; do, firsts, 10a |
20c; do, gathered cream. 18a2o0c: do, |
- | imitation, 17a18c; ladle, extra, 15at7c; la- |
| dles, first, 14ai5c; choice Western rolls, |
{ 14a15c; fair to good, 13ai4c; half-pound |
| creamery, Md., Va. and Pa. 21a22¢; |
i do. rolls, 2-1b, do, 20c.
Cheese.——Large, 60 lbs, 93a1oc; do, |
fats, p37 lbs, 07%ar0lkc; picnics, 23 lbs, |
Live Stock.
Cattle — Good to prime |
b6.20; poor to medium, $3.80 |
$2.70a4.75; heifers, $2.352
fixed and butchers, $5.70 |
ice heavy. $5.0016.10: |
Das 8 light, $3.63a |
9 rong; lambs |
hoice thers, $3.00a |
ice mixed. § |
13.50a4.00; nat lambs,
ern lambs. $3.73a5.00. |
Pa.—Cattle steady: ex-
"prime, $5.30a25.70; good. |
ogs dull and lower; prime |
and heavies, $0.0712a6.10; best |
com- |
and pigs. $6.0520.07%5;
fair Yorkers, 50.00a0.03; sk
rs: roughs, $4.00a23.60.
best wethers, $j.20a4.30: culls
mon, $1.50a2.50; yearlings, $3.00
eal calves, $7.00a7.50.
Parasols do mot pass through several
different “hands,” as do dresses. but
often are made from first to last by one
worker. The making of onc parasol
provides a woman with work for the
best part of a week, if it be a very spe-
cial and beautiful one. : .
Two years ago there wasnt a siiver
of fence on what is now Mr. Watson's
so00-acre farm. He bought seven quar
ter sections for $35 apiece and accrued
taxes. He had nine head of gitle en.
ema, Itching Humo
DISH) oabs, scales, festering sores, boil
carb®@bles; heals every sore by giving
healthy blood supply to the skin, Cures old,
deep-seated oases after all else fails.” Drug-
gists, $1. Describe symptoms and treatment
sont free and prepaid by writing Dr. Gillam,
12 Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga.
_ Germany’s share in the traffic of the
Suez Canal has increased greatly at the
expense of England.
Crab Orchard Water
18 used and recommended by physicians all
over the world as one of the most re'iable lax-
atives and purgatives. It is sure in its action,
and has wonderful curative properties.
The coming man is never an auctioneer.
He always keeps things going.
A man may be as strong as a bull, and
still be cow.
Robbers and Rubbers,
“Henry! Henry!”
of the good citizen, ‘‘there’s a robber in
the house.”
“Lots of them,” replied Henry, sleep
ily, “in the House and Senate too, but
they ain't a circumstance to those is
city councils.”

“I tried Aver’s Hair Vigor to §
f stop my hair from falling. One-
half a bottle cured me.”
: J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill.

Ayer’s Hair Vigor is §
| certainly the most eco- §
nomical preparation of its
| kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn’t take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
i hair. £1.00 a bottle.
kg If vour druggist cannot supply you, §
k send us one doilar and we wiil express §
you 2 bottle. Be sure and give the names
of your noarest express office. Address,
b J.C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
All druggists.

Sheep |

He has 500 head now.
Liver Pills
| That’s what you need; some-
a75 «thing to cure your bilious-
1 | near. give you a geod
Cucum- digestion. AVERS Pilis are
liver pills. They cure con:
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. anassists.
Want your monstache or beard a beautiful }
brown or rich black? Then use :
80 cvs. 07 DaynaaTs, on 2, FP, HaLL & Co., NASHUA, NL H
gn arn.
Indio (19
! Is the oldest and only business coliege in Va. own.
ing its building—a grand new one.
Ladies & gentlemen.
| Typewriting, Penmauship, Telegraphy, &c. i
‘“Leading business college south of tho Potomac |
| ‘em.
Book keeping,Shorthand,
G- M. Smithdeal, President, Richmond. Va.
If you do you should send your na
whispered the wife |
¥ |
| more
hing an
In a certain Western
two families, one named
other Sunday. They are
Day is the father of seven g
Sunday has an equal numb@ K.
Four of the sons have married vs,
another is engaged, so it now appears that
“every Day will be Sunday by and by.”
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot-
Fase, a powder for the feet, It makes tight
or new shoes easy, Cures swollen, hot, sweat-
At all drugzists and shoe stores,
25e. Trial package FREE by mail.
Allen §. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
"he troubl>» with the budding genius is
‘hat he is frequently nipped in the bud.
Rest For the RBowelx.
No matter what ails you, headache to a
cancer, you will never get well until your
nowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature,
ure von withont a gripe or pain. produce
vagy natural movements, cost you just 10
| cents to start getting your héalth back. Cas-
| carers Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up
n metal boxes, every tablet has Eee
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.

American wheat has been found to be
excellent for the manufacture of Italian
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great |
Nerve Restorer, 82 trial bottle and treatiss free
Dr. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., $31 Arch 8t., Phila. Pa
An exposition of British products is
planned for next winter in St. Petersburg.
| Hw
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma-
tion,allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bobtla
Western Siberia affords a good market
for American manufacturers of milk cans.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption is an infallible
Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
There are in the world twenty-four
presidents and only twenty kings.
W. H. Griffin, Jackson, Michigan, writes:
“@uffered with Catarrh for fifteen years.
-11's Catarrh Cure cured me.” Sold by
Cr ugrists, 75¢.
Married women are usually advocates
of home rule.
Both Got What They Prayed For.
The last time I interviewed General
Howard it was on the subject of an-
swers to prayer, and I thought I had
{him. In his famous fight with Stone-
wall Jackson the Union forces were de-
ieated, so I inquired of General How-
“You prayed before that battle?”
“Yes,” he answered.

“And Jackson was a praying man. He (
“Yes,” he assented.
“Then how was it he gained the vic-
jtory? Did that mean that the Union
| cause was wrong?”
| Very gently the good old general re-
[ plied: ‘Both our prayers were answered.
| Jackson prayed
| prayed also?”
i : ice
grapes asked a 6-year-
{ old boy of a neighbor out on Madison
{ street the other day.
I “I certainly do, Tommie,” responded
i the lady; “but where on earth did you
get grapes so early in the summer?”
| “We ain't got em yet” said the
: | youngster, “but papa bought a lot of
No vacations. | | i
and we'll soon have
than we can
make a
me and address on a postzl card for a
Itillustrates and describes all the different’ Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and
Ammuniiion, and contains much valu
Winchester Repeating Arms Co.,

able information. Send at once to the
New Haven, Conn.
‘ng, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and |

medicine for coughs and colds.—N.W.SAMUEL, |
I'm trying to |
money selling some of

— wp
A Chance tor Trouble.
“Throwing an old shoe after a b
and grogm means that all ill-feelin
thus thrown away.”
“Yes; but suppose the old shoe sho
happen t¢ hit the bride?”
And Cleanse the Scalp of Crusts,
Scales, and Dandruff by
Shampoos with
| @
The Limit.
r—That rich old uncle of yours is
dinly a cold-blooded individual.
Gyer—That’s what. Why, every time
a mosquito bites him it dies of pneu-

And light dressings with CUTICURA, purest of
emollients and greatest of skin cures. This
treatment at once stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated,
itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles,
supplies the roots with energy and nourishment,
and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, whole=
some, healthy scalp when all else fails.
Millions of Woflrem
, EB
SE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the
great skin cure, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying
the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dan-
druff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening,
and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby sashes, itchings,
and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and
inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, ia the form of
washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic
purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers,
and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No
amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used
these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any othe, CUTI-
CURA SOAP‘ combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICLgther
BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and baby oa
in the world.
Complote External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour,
scales and soften the thickened cuticle, COTICURA OINTMENT, to
instantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe
and heal, and CUTICURA REROLVENT, to cool and clean<e the
TH E SET ing, disfiguring, and humiliating skin, scalp, and blood humeurs,
with loss ot hair, when all elpe fails. Sold throughout the world. British Depot: F. NEw.
BERY & SONS, 27-28, Charterhouse Sq., London. POTTER DRUG AND CHEM, CORF.. Sole
(i ti Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin of crusts and
blood. A SINGLE SE often suflicient to cure the most tortur.
Props... Boston, U. S. A.

succumbs readily to the easy remedy to take

“ What Do The Nets Contain?”
The net ie cast, the net is filled,
But what does it contain?
The guesses of the men are stilled
As at the ropes they strain.
The catch is yet uncounted, and
The haul is yet unseen;
Excitement reigns on every hand—
What will the capture mean?
The net, with contents yet concealed—s
Like our new Premium List,
Has prizes that are unrevealed,
And therefore, yet unmissed.
Conjecture will be very rife
To know what presents rare,
For children, and for man and wife,
September first will bare.
Remember on that day to go
To grocer and persist
That upon you he should bestow
LION COFFEE’s newest List.
If he’s without them, write to us, . -
A two-cent stamp inclose;
You'll get it without further fuss
The LION promptness shows.
Watch our next advertisement.
A natural medicinal water—concentrate:
Aperient, laxative, tonic. A specific for
liver, kidney, stomach and bowel dieorder,
it cures—Torpid Liver, Biliousness, Jau
dice, Ohronic Diseases of the K
Dyspepsia Heartburn, Sick
Dysentery Oonstlpation, Plies.
Crab Orchard Water {8 the most effl-
cacious of the natural mineral waters; moss
convenient to take; most
economical to buy.
The genuine 18 sold by
all druggists with Orab
Appl. trade mark on
every bottle. 4 May
CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO0., Louisville, Ky.
08200020000 000038H 335000000000 CSOD
Foronly 10 Cents we will send to any P. 0. a l-
dress, 10 days’ treatment of the best medicina on
earth, and put you on the track how to maks Pan.
ey right at your home. Address all orders to "Tha
R. B. Wills Medicina Company, 23 Eliza.
beth wt, Hagerstown, Md. Brauch G2lcas:
129 Indiana Ave., Washington, I, C.
| Use CERTAIN coven n
best by Test—77 YEAR
STARK BRO, Louisiana, Mo.

“The Sauce that made West Pq
PSY EF isco
D quick relief and
cases. Book of testimonials and 10 days
Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN S SONS, Box B, Al

Just try a package of LION COFFEE and you will understand
the reason of its popularity.
Re ST a
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes 3