) SATURDAY BULLETIN 1 FLORIN, PENNA, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1901. NUMBER 7 BRIEF, ported by Our IS. irned to Will- blland, was in pf Middletown, Ry. f Elizabethtown, ek. f Philadelphia re- day. n is the proud pos hursdu. Girard College, is s’ vacation. Ad family left for Bday morning. ren Sunday School ey’s Park, today flowers and AZary ytown on Sunday. er of Elizabethtown, own with her parents nd Simon Menaugh llersville on Thursday, Mastersonville, was the leneman on Sunday. M. E. church elected suing year on Tuesday th and wife, of Down- in this place, on Sun- hat we will have a new grocery store in the near ayer, Lizzie Stacks went Sunday at In- ¢ i ht! Scranton, spent his parents Jacou riostet- Bb. Carmany and H. H. business trip to Lebanon 4 . 2 fo paiirpe pale the TAQ vil breachers lectured on ednesday evening to a first-class mechanics. pir TF. Stoler, ley of Atglen, was Mrs. Chas. Good Alliance, will make left for ace he wife, son and daugh- ay with Jrs. ~ roth. hy MPton has removed the pool om his restaurant in| order to more room. y Musselman left on JZonday for yn, to spend several weeks with prother Harry. | C. Stambaugh of Lancaster, is bus engaged manufacturing rag carpet J. S. Carmany. [ L Stoll and gang have just finish- ew barn on one of the Cameron near Donegal 3rs. Grabill Brian of Roseville,spent veral days in town the guest of her er, Mrs. Fred Snyder. Rev, John Boehm will preach in le Methodist Episcopal Church on unday evening at 7.30. Rev. James S. Hummel of Hummels own, will conduct the German services the U. B. church on Sunday. Watches and clocks repaired promptly by Harry Peopple, Mt. _ and all work guaranteed. barry Grosh and Miss Fannie Geip hn 2 two weeks’ trip to Johnstown, burg and other western cities. liam H. Schutte, wife and daugh- liss Goldie, left for Mount Gretna ere they will spend some time. Frank Widman of Lancaster, and prry Widman of Philadelphia, - spent unday in town with their parents. Charles S. Shelly was appointed ,rdian of the minor. daughter of Jos- ph R. Shelly, late af Rapho township. Young Brothers have delivered a fine specimen of their work in the shape of a buggy, to a party at Little Washington Amos Eicherly returned omé\ on fednesday from a visit to he Blue 1) ounfains in the vicinity of Lebanon. Je home camp meeting {which was gogress every evening last week in 1. E. church, was ecided suc- through here orn Western Express on Friday night on their way to Canton, Ohio. Roy Ishler had one of the fingers of his left hand badly mashed at Brown Bros.’ cotton mills, in Mount Joy, on Monday. John Musselman and Rev. E. A. Bossler and wife of Jancaster, spent last Friday in town the NG H. S. Musselman. A. B. Hassler, attorney for Samuel Campbell, of Columbia, has issued an execution for $1,000 against Samuel B. Spera, of Mount Joy borough. Miss Mary Bossler of this place, re- ceived a very painful burn from a red hot spark at Schlegelmilch & Welfley’s blacksmith shop at #ount Joy. An old people's meeting will be held in the United Brethren chutch, in this place, on Sunday morning. Preaching will be in the German language. Z. W. Keller will sell at public sale on Tuesday, July 16, a car load of Il- linois horses, at his stables in JZount Joy. See ad. in another column. Clarence Musselman gave a party on Thursday evening in honor of Aaron Stambaugh of Lancaster, who is spending several weeks in town with friends. The black mare of Geo. Whitecamp injured herself by getting fast in the halter chain on Zonday night to such an extent that she died from the effects the next day. Mrs. Henry Flowers and mother-in- law Mary Flowers, were at Elizabeth- town this week, the guests of the fami- ly of Henry Brandt. Mr. Langdon of 8t. Paul, Minnesota stopped off in town Wednesday night. He is enroute for Atlantic City on a bicycle having rode the entire distance thus far in six weeks. Lehman & Felker will sell 40 head lin Cqunty cows, stock bulls gs at A/cGirl’s stock gaturday, July Miss Barry Hostetter, burg, on Thursday to visit her si Mrs. George Stoll, who will accompany Miss Hostetter to Baltimore, where they will visit the family of Edward Meyers. Messrs. H E Troutand sgichael Huftg nagle, were fishing at Hoxst’s dam one night this week They were rewarded with twenty-seven eels and five fine tur- tles, one of the latter weighing 13 1bs. Charles Carson spent Wednesday on J. 8. Carmany’s farm, one mile west of Florin, now tenanted by A/r. Martin FE, Shank in search for a pet rabbit, which has killed : twenty-three of his choicest trees by peeling the trunks. ———— einen Seven Cars Wrecked at Schock’s At nine o'clock on Wednesday evening, while a train attached to engine 620, in charge of Engineer Keesey and Conductor McManus, of Columbia, was being backed from the north to the south track, a short distance west of Shock’s Mills, one of the trucks left the track, which resulted in the wrecking of seven cars in the middle of the train and two next to the engine. One of the brakeman, who was standing on the wrecked cars, saved himself by jumping into a field, The cars were all empty. Both tracks were blocked. The Columbia wreck- rs were called out and cleared away the wreck in about five hours, rere QQ ments Bulding an Addition. Benjamin Garber,a resident of Rapho township has had his old barn torn down and rebnilt with an addition which makes the building 128 feet long, Jacob Snyder of this place, has the con- ract for the carpenter work and H. K.. Nissley of Mount Joy, is doing the slating rere QR errr Charged With Larceny At noon Wednesday, Officer Filby of Mar ietta, arrested Herman Taylor, colored, of Mount Joy, on the charge of larceny. The accused is alleged to have stolen a suit of clothes, the property of John Jackson, of Mount Joy, ——— Dre —— Received a Contract. Thomas F, Stoler, our hustling tinsmith, has scured the contract to remodel the Red Lion Hotel, at Mount Joy. It can well be seen that his workmanship proves satisfac- tory in accordance with the patronage he re ceives. Read his ad in another column. rr lp The Strike of York Carpenters The strike of carpenters in York has practically paralyzed this years building operations in that city. The log thus far | caused to the various parties $300,000. ne AT Erbdale Post. fice Apolished. Erbdale post office, this county, has been discontinued. The mall will be sent to t McKinle dp: passed ¢ Lime Rock post office, Warwick jownship. -| charge of Rev. Wm. Powick, who was Landisville Campmeeting. July 25, will be in Camp will begin on Thursday, and continue two weeks, It re- elected spiritual director at the close of the last camp, The Rev. R. Radcliffe will be musical director, Rev. W, Q. D., will again have charge of the young peo ple’s meetings, and Rev. E. 0, Stagden will again have charge of the children’s meetings. At a meeting of the adjacent pastors held on the gronds June 13, it was decided to hold special days as follows: Young peo- ple’s day July 25, sermon by the leader at 2 p. m., and song service and sociable at 7:30; Sunday-school day, Friday, 26th ; Temperance day, Saturday, Woman's Home Missionary Society, Tuesday, 30th; Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Thursday, August 1st. The contingent of tenting ministers promises to be larger this year than for years past. rrr lin Jennett, Ph. 27; Another Runaway. Eli Flowers, who is employed with H, H. Myers of near town, while driving through town on Saturday afternoon, near the residence of Elmer Schlegelmilch, a number of dogs scared his horse and he be- came unmanageable. The animal ran to the Cross Roads meeting house and there he upset and threw the young men out also throwing himself. Before the horse could regain his feet, Eli had him by the bridle and no further damage was done. Mr. Flowers sustained several bruises and one wheel of the wagon was broken. cineca dliimeiramii ee A Fine Lot of Cattle. Christian Garman, who is well known throughout this section as a successful cat- tle feeder, has the honor of having the finest lot of cattle in the He re- sides on Eli L. Nissley’s farm near May- town, The cattle, which are owned by Mr. Nissley, were sold and shipped to Philadel- phia last week. The price received for them was six cents a pound, Mr, Garman cannot be praised too highly for his ability in this line. country. a Schlitz Beer in Florin, The Florin Hotel places on sale today the world renowned Schlitz Beer, This is the beer that made Milwaukee famous and that has received so many highest awards for purety at fairs and expositions. As bottled by Jacob Schreiber and Son of Philadelphia it is a peerless product. We understand that it has quiet a rin in our neighboring town of Mount Joy. - Another Trolley Company, The action of Mt, Joy council in defeats ing the ordiance giving the Lancaster & Mt. Joy Railway company occupy Main street has resulted in permission to the or- ganization of a new company. A charter will be applied for at once, The new line will run from Marietta to Maytown, thence to Florin by way of the Cameron farms and thence to Elizabethtown. - Received an Appointment. Harry E Trout, who very successfully taught school in our section for a number of years, and who recently graduated from the Millersville State Normal School, has re- ceived the appointment of supervising prin- cipal of the Clearfield, F, schools. His many friends in this sectipn extend their best wishes as to his success. — RR en. Wnt. Hillsdale Camp, Extensive preyarations are being made for this camp, which will open on the 17th of August. More interest is being taken than Las ever for a large camp. Orders for tents are coming in daily and others wishingtents should send in their orders as \quickly as possible as they will not be accepted later than August 1, ne A Sunday Wedding. On Sunday morning at the Lutheran parsonage by Rev. George P. Goli, at May- town, Paris G. Shelley, of near town was united in marriage to Miss Florence K. Garber, of Maytown. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party drove to Mt. Joy, taking the train for an extended west- ern tour, taking in the Pan-American Ex- position at Buffalo, and other places, — ee i Baptismal Serviges. Rev Wayne Channell pastor of the ‘M. E. Church in this place, baptized nine per- sons on Saturday afternoon. Bertha Stoll, Malinda Myers and Gust Shetter were bap- tized a the church, Dora Stoll, Ella Kline, William McGarvey, Wesley Royer and Abram Weaver and wife were baptized at the cove. Gp rere Need a Trolley Line By actual count there are fifty-seven per- sons residing at or near Maytown, who use the Marietta turnpike every day regularly in going to and from work or college. A trolley line from Marietta to Maytown, would be well patronized and would be hailed with delight. ———— pe ———— Cases of Smallpox at Elizabethtown. Clayton Hein and two children of John Steiner, all of Elizabethtown, were found “a be suffering with smallpox on Saturday evening, The patients were quarantined Freee pftnd all précautions taken to check the spread of the disease. | When you want a modern, up-to-dete physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Price, 25 cents, Samples free at Carmany’s Store, Florin, Penna. Elizabethtown Notes. I B Abrams of the firm of Abrams & Davie, tailore, spent the past week with his parents at Girardville Insurance Agent Rife of Lancaster, of the firm of Rife & Prangley was in town in the interest of the firm The Newyille Sunday school will hold its annual picnic in Barne’s Grove near town on Saturday, July 20th The public is cordially invited Claud Lansdown, the photn- grapher, has sold out his gallery to Wm Rider who will carry on the busi- ness in the future Small congregations can be seen in the different churches during the hot weather Misses Martha and Leah Wormley attended the funeral of Mrs Martha Stibzen at Marietta on Sunday Joseph Landis is recovering from a severe sungtroke Mr and Mrs Julius Belser rejuvice over the arrival of a young daughter Operator A 8 Bard and family of Rheems, were in town on Sunday Many persons of the borough have been vaccinated during the week on account of the cases of smallpox pre- dominating Walter Ferguson of Philadelphia, spent several days with relatives and friende in the borough. Frank Dissinger, wife and son were visiting relatives in Middletown. While John Dualabon’s canary was hanging out the other night some miscrant stole it from the cage. Harry Reem of the Chronicle fores, spent several days with relatives in Lancaster: Irwin Stauffer, teller at the Ex- change Bank, spent several days with friends at Mount Gretna. J. E. Hoover and wife of Mount Joy and Wm, Wisegarver of Philadel- phia, were the guests of H. 8. Hoover, Many visitors from oui of town were in the borough over the Fourth. Old People’s Day was observed in the United Brethren church on S8un- day, The pastor preached a sermon in the good old German tongue. G20. W. Wagner the well known produce dealer moved to his new place of business on West High street Mrs. 8. P. Black and daughter of Columbia, passed the week with Dr: H. K. Blough and wife. The mid-summer communion ser vices of Christ Lutheran church, wi be held on Sunday moraing in the German language and in the evening in the English language, Preparatory services will be held the Saturday previous, The old panel fence around Mount Tunnel cemetery is to be torn down and a handsome iron one put in its place, which will be a great improye- ment and add much to the beauty of the cemetery. The base ball club crossed bats with the Highspire club in two games on the Fourth and were victorous in both games. Morning score 13—R2; Afternoon 20—8. pre Excursions to Pan American. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will run special excursions to Buffalo on account of the Pan-Amer- ican Exposition, frecm Philadelphia and adjoining territory, cn July 3, 9, 18, 23, 31, August 6, 15, 21, 27 Septem bar 5, 11, 17 and 26. Round- trip tick ets, good going only on train leaving Philadelphia at 8 a. m., Harrisburg 11.35 a. m., Sunbury 12.48 p. m, Will iamsport 1.50 p. m., Lock Haven 2.26 p. m., and on local trains connecting therewith, and good to return on regs alar trains within seven days, includ, ing day of excursion, will Ly sold at rate of $9.00 from Philadelphia, $8.40 from Rarrisburg, $9.80 from Trenton, $8.40 from Altoona, $9.00 from L.ances ter, 80.00 from Reading, $10.C0 from Winchester, and proportionate rates from other points. These tickets will not be goed in Pullman parlor or sleeping cars in either direction, For specific time and rates, consult local tickt agents. o« A Large Coniract. LH. K, Nissley has just closed a cor- tract for slating one hundred and fifty new houses at Sparrows Point, Md., whieh will take 1,029 squares of slate. He will begin work aboat the middle of Augunst. Mr, Nissley also has thelcontract for slating Arthur Brown’s ew bailding, The slate to be used will be green. ese fee —t— - A Fine; Peach Orchard. John G. Refst has a fine orchard cn his Eim Dale farm, of eighteen hund red trees. cne humdred of which are plums, the rest geaches., The trees are a very healtBy lot and are bearing profussly. bk when you huy Chamber- lea and Diarrhoe Remedy in, Pa., will refund your t satisfied after using it, imitted to be the most suc- use for bowel complaints hat never fails, It is pleas- You assume 3 berlain’s Col} J. S. Carm money if It is eve cessful and th ant, § ble. MOUNT JOY ITEMS. The News of our Neighboring Borough in in a Condensed Form, The flying horses left last Wedne:- day for Manheim. David Gaffin took a bicycle run to York last Sunday. biiss Ella Leib of Lancaster, spent last Sunday in town. Prof, Ii. Ranson Barclay of Mechics burg, is here on a yieit. Miss May Campbell of Lancaster; is the guest of Mrs. Anna Campbell. Mrs. Harry Webb is laying a new pavement in front of her residence. George Straw and wife, of York, spent Sunday with James Glatfelter, Deputy Sheriff Frank Brunner, of Philadelphia, was in town last Sun=- day. Miss Bessie Maze, of Manheim, is the guest of her sister Mrs, J. E- Schroll. Wolf Yoffee and daughter, of Balti- mcre, spent several days in town, the past week. Benjamin F. Gochnauer is making extensive improvements at the Red Lion Hotel, H. B. Spera the well known coach maker, at Middletown, was in town last Tuesday. There. will be mo gervices in the Lutheran church for two Sundas #8, July 21 and 28. Mrs. Anca Meyer, of 2738 Girard avenue, Philadelphia, is the guests of Mrs. Lewis Koch. A new crossing hae been laid across Manheim street at vhie intersection of West Main street. During the past week Rev. James A Feger and wife visited at the Eyan- gelical parsonage. The Lyceum base ball team, of Lan- caster, will cross bats with the locals here on Saturday. Mrs. Clara Haines and daughter Mise Mame Haines have gone to Nor- folk, Va., on a visit. Allen J. Pennell last Monday took charge of Heilig Brothers tea and cof- fee team at Middletown. Thomas F. McElligott end family, will leave next week, for a two weeks’ vacation to Atlantie City. Martin Spickler of New York City and his brother Carson, of Harrisburg are visitiog friends in town. Simon R. Snyder commenced thresh ing his wheat yesterday. He is doubt less in the lead in this respect. Harry C. Brunner and Mrs. Peter Brunner, returned home today from a two weeks’ trip to Allegheny City. A new drnggist came to town last Tuesday, in the shape of a son in the family of Druggist Howard G, Smoker Amos Urich of Pittsburg, and Miss Audrey Urich of Newark, New Jersey called on L. Percy Heilig, last Satur= day. Miss Walker, of Manchester, Eng- land, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Rich ard Downes, at the Presbyterian manse, Benjamin L. Greider and daughters Virginia and Pauline, of New York City, are the guests of Mrs. Steye J. Owens. Mary Watson last Tuesday took out lettcrs of administration on the estate of James P. Watson, deceased, late of Elizabethtown. The Church of God Sunday School will hold its annual picnic at Mumma's Grove, about three wiles southwest of town tomorrow. Mrs. Philip Frank has gone to Niag ara Falls and Buffalo, N: ¥Y. She will also visit Binghamton N. Y., and Pennbrook, Mass. Beginning Monday the barber shops in town will close every evening at 7 o’clock except Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings Mrs, W. W, Cessel and Mrs, J. E. Cassel left for Mount Gretna, where they will oecupy a cottage end remain during the summer. Joseph R. Livezy aud daughters, Sarah and Louisa, of Allen’s Lane, Mount Airy, were registered at the Red Lion hotel last Monday. Mrs. Jeremiah Conklin and daugter Katie, of Lancaster, spent several days in town the past week, as the guests of H. F. Brandt and family. The Rey. W. Penn Barr will leave town on Monday for three weeks Anyone needing his seryices wil please apply to M M Brubaker for his address In the Trinity U. E. church Sunday 100rning, subjeet by the pastor, “The Christ Like Life,” a continued subject The subject for the evening, ‘‘Waant- ing Love of 2 EE of Joplin, Mo., which were brought here by Mrg. John C. Keenman, while here on a visit last week. Amos L, Gallagher and wife, of Steelton, were in town last Tuesday, while on their way to Newtown, to attend the funeral of John Mumma, who is an uncle of Mrs, Gallagher. Hiram Spickler, Harry Hagenber ger, Charles Greider and Irwin Eaches spent the Fourth at Kagle’s mill fish ing and shooting. They had a jolly time and returned with over 60 fish The Holy Communion will be ad ministered in the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church, on Sunday, July 14 German at 10 00 a m, English at 730 p m Special collection for Synodical purposes Harry Sheaffer has opened a shoe repairing shop in the basement of Dayid H Engle’s furniture warerooms where he will half sole and heel men’s shoes for 65 cents, ladies shoes half soled and heeled for 45 cents Frank Hershey met with quite a bad accident last Wednesday, while un loading wheat for Simon R Snyder An iren pronged fork slipped down from the mow and one of the prongs cut a deep gash in his arm John Dillinger the infant child of William Dillinger, was last Saturday evening voted as beiag the prettiest baby in the town, at the glass blowers exhibition, James Smith was voted the homeliest man. Miss Bertha Morton as the prettiest lady of the town. J. M. Shenner also won a special prize. Live Stock Sales, I will sell 40 head of choice fresh and springing cows in Elizabethtown, July 13, at the Central House. This is an extra good lot of heavy cows hard to beat. In the lot are some weighing 1300 pounds and some extra big milkers. On Monday, July 22nd, I will haye the best lot of heavy cows at Union fquare I ever offered for sale at Union Square. Algo 8 head of driv ing and working horses ranging from 4 to 12 years old, a few extra good drivers, 2 white chapel buggies nearly new. Come one come all, Sales rain or shine. E. S. FARVER, Death Caused by a Fall: t week stated that Ni I rec®yed seri ous injuries, by falling from a cherry tree. The result proved fatal, as she died last Friday eyening. The de= ceased was fourty-four years old. She was a daughter of Abram Hiestand. Her, father, husband, seven children and several brothers and sisters sur- yive. The funeral was held on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Beth el church, in Mount Joy, with inter ment in the Mount Joy cemetery. I A reo r———— Death of a Civil War Veteran. John G. Mumma, a veteran of the Ciyil War, died on Saturday, at the residence of his brother, Abram Mum- ma, residing at Newtown, Rapho twp. He served in Company K. 195th Regi= ment Volunteers, and was a member of General Welsh Post No. 118 'G. A. R. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning at 9.30, with services in the U. B. church at Newtown. Ioter= ment in Silver. Spring cemetery. De= ceased was in his 54th year. His wife and only child, died some years ago, Scalded Severely. Miss Jennie Heisey, daughter of Abram Heisey, was very severely scalded last Thursday at the home of her parents, in Mt Joy The unfor tunate girl is subject to epilepsy, and while in the act of taking a kettle of boiling water from the stove for the purpose of washing dishes, fell in a fit spilling the water over her face and body, scalding herself in a terrible manner. At present she isin a very critical condition, and there are but slight hopes for her recoyery reenter Sehock Suggests. From Schock’s Marietta Register, Mount Joy evidently does not desire a trolley line to pass over its main street,jas council on Monday evening refused to pass an ordinance giving a railway company that privilege. The main streat of Mount Joy isa fine one, and the putting down of a track there on would not improve it, Why not demand a good sum for the privilege and have the road built above the tree tops, EE ———— - Appointed Auditor. F.C. Arnold has been appointed au« ditor the court, to distribute the baiance’in the hands of Susan H. ber, sil¥inistratrix of Moses G pis of Rapho townsh “hose legally } entitled to it am thatfpurpose] wii( sit on Thurads gpecimens of zine ore, from the mings X Squire i: has a number of fing !ly 18th, at 1 o’clock, in the I il of the | rt house at Laud “
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