'TVOIrs near uarc miles, vde Park. kage of Pur- p g1ve satisfac. ville, Mo, n naval offi- on leave of ets at them- ot-Eage ? 0, Smarting, ‘eet, Corns ot-Ease, a Cures nd Shoe Address, ohoma, 0 are Cement House" . The construction of cement houses IS under consideration in Pittsburg, where the millions of tons of furnace slag produced every year could thus be utilized. It has been shown that this slag: can be converted into cement Oy known processes at a less cost than the $1 a barrel suggested by Mr. Edi- son as the result of an invention on which he is experimenting. This ce- ment, it is claimed, can be made fully equal to the best that is known as ortland, although\a lower and a cheap- er grade would sulffice for house con- struction. Pulverizéd and mixed with lime, the slag has bleen ccnverted into a superior plaster, showing a tensile strength greater than \the ordinary sand and lime, Cement made from the slag would not only be ccopomical for house construction, but would make practi- cally fireproof buildinlgs. Such use of a product now ase or used only to fll ravines would alsd be preservative of the forests. \ Failed to Ing ec retort of a little @Pv to 4. attor- a justice's couft not long ago :d some amusement. The lad, be- on the stand as {a witness, was tioned concerning {a certain dime 1, alleged to have Been stolen. Nhat was pictured jon the cover?” d the attorney. ITwo Indians.” was {the reply. “What were the Indians doing?” ‘I didn’t ask em,” answered the boy. Free lood Cure. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures blood and skin humors like ulcers, eating rores, eczema, itching skin, aching bones and joints, boils, scrofula, blood peison, cancer, etc. B, B. B. cures all maligaant blood troubles, old deep-seated cases, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich. Druggists, $1. Treatment free and prepaid by describing » “ur trouble and writing Dr, Gillam, 12 Mit- che.’ St, ,Atlanta, Ga. At any rate, the pessimist is never wor- ried about the uncertainties of life. He always expects the worst. cternal and ireatment canse the the thick- ) instantly ation, and SOLVENT 1 humour nt to cure lp, and tations, Lysicians, SOAP £) purify- e scalp of of falling pd, rough, chafings, | nursery. b form of nd excori- the form any sana- lhemselves asion can 1 purifiers bJOAP com- UTICURA, ing ingre- No other reserving, d hands. er expen- es of the DNE Soap soap, and y Humour, In of crusts an A OINTMENT, tO on, and soothe hd cleanse the e most tortur- alp, and blood 61 hair, when NS, 27 Charter. Boston, U.8. A. pred | [PENNSYLVANIA NEWS. The Latest Happenings Gleaned From Al Over the State. | GOVERNOR } SIGNS MANY BILLS. Pensions Granted During the Week--Supple ment to the Pittsburg “Ripper” Act Approved =-Relic of the Merrimac--Carnegie Offers Pipe Organ to Two Churches--lasurance Collector Missing--Other Live News. These pensions were granted during the week. John W. Lewis, Washing- ton $6; George H. Nieman, Fleming, $10; William H. Hayden, Greensburg, $8; Joseph A. Bennett, Germany, $14; John A. Porterfield, Sharpsville, $12; Frederick Swearman, Keystone Junc- tion, $10; James T. Herrington, Osce- ola Mills, $24; John Eastman, Myrtle, $12; David Thompson, Huntingdon, $17; Peter Albright, Myersdale, $17; Thomas O. Cloyd Orbisonia, $12; Jos- eph Hain, Johnstown, $12; Orcla Stet- son, Harrison Valley, $8; Elizabeth Lozier, North Sewickley, $8; Harry F. Dayen, Allegheny, $12; George S. Buchanan, Brush Valley, $8; Robert H. Nichols, Torpedo, $6; Samuel B Gam- ble, New Kensington, $6: Bezalle Cam- eson, Franklin, $12; Samuel Sharp, Newville, $8; Abraham McKinney, Washington, $8; James McCartney, B aver Falls, $8; Daniel A. Barnhill, Newville, $8; Sarah A. Brown, Dysart, $8; Mary H. Wright, Caleton, $8; Sa- loma Cavanaugh Garrett, $12; Mettie Carter, Nansen, $8; Mary A. Breen, Al- toona, $8; Amelia Allen, Marienville, $8; George McClellan, Ne® Brighton, $6; Mary J. Stricker, Salem Church, $12; James Hindley Pittsburg, $6; \Wil- liam H Hollingshead, Bushman, $10; William F. Hanes, Hope Church, $6; Thomas Pryor, Pittsburg, $6; John L. Camblin, Newcastle, $8; John T. Butler Covington, $12; John W. King, New- castle, $17; Elizabeth Thompson, Wash- ington, $8; Charlotte Molton, New Sa- lem, $8. Governor Stone has approved the fol- lowing bills: Providing for the imme- diate printing and distribution of ad- vance sheets of laws of this Common- wealth as they are enacted from time to time. To prevent the importation and sale of dressed carcasses of lamb and sheep with the hoofs on. Relating to the collection of city, school and poor taxes in the cities of third class, and providing that the City Treasurers of such cities shall be the collectors of these taxes. To provide for the registration of labels, trade-marks, trade names, stamps, de- signs, devices, shop marks, terms, brands, designations, descriptions of forms of advertisement and to protect and secure the rights, property and inter- est therein of the persons, co-partner- ships or corporations adopting and filing the same. The supplemental bill to the act governing c ties of the second class, known as the Pittsburg “ripper.” John Korn, one of the carpenters who returned to work in Drifton shops, Hazleton, was kidnapped by strikers and held a prisoner for twent-four hours, when he promised to give up work and was released. The abduction was a bold one. Sevgral men entered house and togk K fom his bed an Hlace®®¥m in a wagon and drove off. 11 kidnaped man was under the special p:uiection of two armed officers, but the guards fell asleep and the man was spirited away without the men discovering the fact. The National Fire-proofing Company, composed chiefly of local capital, 1s tc absorb most of the independent manu- facturers east of Pittsburg. Its capital will be increased to $5,000,000 and its capacity will be doubled. Among the plants to be absorbed will be those of the International Fire Clay Company, at Perth Amboy, N. J.,, the New York & New Jersey Fireproofing Co., and the Raritan Hollow Company. The commencement and class day ex- ercises of the Cheltenham High School at Ashbourne, were held in Ashbourne Presbyterian Church. Addresses were made by Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, rector of Holy Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia; Rev. J. Thomp- son Cole, rector of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopol Church, of Cheltenham, at Ogontz, and Rev. Richard Montgomery pastor of Ashbourne Presbyteriar Church. The Junior response was made by Mary F. Coonahan. The Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, re- ceived from Mrs. Jennie E. Joy, of Phil- adelphia, a cane made from the wood of the Confederate ram Merrimac. The cane is surmounted by a silver handle representing a cannon, and a silver strap, giving an account of the stick, is wound about its upper end. The annual class day and commence- ment exereises of the Jenkintown High School were held in Masonic Hall. Rev. William Scott Nevins, pastor of Abing- ton Presbyterian Church, delivered the address, and the diplomas were presented by the president of the school board. R. E. Bower, an insurance collector, of Catasauqua, has mysteriously disap- peared, and it is feared that he has met with foul play. His accounts with the company are straight. Bower is 27 years of age and has been prominent in church and temperance work. Last fall he was the Prohibition candidate for Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions. Andrew Carnegie has sent word to two more churches in Greensburg county that they can have pipe organs at his ex- pense, the cost to be in keeping with the architecture of the buildings. These churches are the Methedist Episcopal, of Scottdale, and the Reformed Church at Greensburg. Guido Prescott, employed as water car- rier for the men building the Marysville end of the Rockville bridge, was almost torn to pieces by dynamite. The lad was in front of a blast that was about to ex- plode, not having been warned of his danger. One arm and a leg were blown off. Hon. Michael M. Glroy died in Arch- bald. He was a lifelong Republican and in 1884 was elected to the State Legisla- ture from the fourth district of this county. Charles S. Richmond, of Girardyville, aged 70 years, is dead. He was at one time district superintendent for the Philadelphia & Reading Coal '& Iron Company. . g Oliver Jackson, aged over 75 years, of West Chester, was rescued fram drown- ing at an old quarry hole neag there. He was almost dead when discOgered, but it is thought he will reg How Jackson got into the wateg n. ¢“ My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your § Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color.””—Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It’s impossible for you not to look old, with the { color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps Jo are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, | use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the § dark, rich color of youth. § $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your grughis cannot subriy you, § send us one dollar and we will express vou a bottle. Be sure and give the name | of your nearest express office. Address, | J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. Pps “iv 0 2 ROPSY™r DISCOVERY; gives quick relief and oares wors$ At the Horse Show. De Witt—I've been reading “Black Beauty.” It's a sympathetic story of the horse Blugore—QO! Yes, everybody's heard of that book. In our family it is sec- ond only to the Bible. De Witt—Well, I don't wonder. a sort of sermon on the mount. It's His Pa Explains. Bobby—Pa, when does a too old to learn? Father—When he gets too old to marry, my son.—Puck. man get —_ B ia uli I eadache Effective in cases of nervous disorders of women. Headaches from overwork, or other causes, Mailed to your addyess on receipt of 2 cents; mediam size, 65¢. ; larze size, $1.00. . BROMONIA (0. $s, Seymour Bldg., 6th Ave. and 42d St., N. Y. 2 ’ 3 Tr 4a RT Le FA A PAP Foronly 10 Cents we will send to any P. O.al. dress, 10 days’ treatment of the best madicine oa earth, and put you on the track how to make Jon. ey right at your home. Address all orders to The KR. B. Wills Medicin Company, 23 Eliza. beth St., Hagerstown, Md. Branch Oflicos: 129 Indiana Ave., Washington, D. C. ILLS PILLS—BIGGEST OFFER EV: MAD: A natural medicinal water—concentrated. Aperient, laxative, tonic. A epecific for all liver, kidney, stomach and bowel dieorders. It cures--Torpld Liver, Blllousness, Jaun. dice, Chronle Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia Heartburn, Slick Headache, Dysentery Constipation, Plies. Crab Orchard Water {8 the most effi. cacious of the natural mineral waters; most convenlent to take; most economical to buy. The genuine is sold by all druggists with Crab Appl trade mark on avery bottle. ) CRAB ORCHARD WATER C0., Loutsvi 999622000008 i COUGH an CHILL an hee i HE ALL ELSE FAIL Cough Syrup. Tastes Goc in time. Sold by druggists. goons “The Kauce that made West Point famons.?* McILHENNRY'S TABASCO. TO ADVERTISE [ { gases. Boos of testimonials and 10) days’ treatmend Dr. B. 4. GRBEN'S BONS, Box B. Atlanta, 6s. IT PAYS A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! THIS PAPER, B NU 26. a’ 7:4 2 11) | ¥ AL wy In our Roasting Establish- ments we positively do not allow the use of Eggs, Egg Mixtures, Glue, Chemicals, or similar substances. LION COFFEE is an absolutely Pure Coffee. popularity. lions of homes. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from . “THE VILLAGE GROCER.” (With due apoligies to HI, W. Longfellow.) OCERIES. — Under a spreading chestnut tree The corner grocery stands, The grocer—mighty man is he With hard and sinewy hands, And also coffee brands, [G @eorrer T 0 His goods are varied in their price And quality as well, The store itself looks neat and nice, As all his neighbors tell. ¥ And his one great ambition is To LION COFFEE sell. ) HON Watch our next advertisement, Just try a package of LION COFFEE and you will understand the reason of its LION COFFEE is now used in mil- Week in, week out, from morn till night, You'll hear this fellow blow About his coffee, always right, The LION brand, you know; Because it’s pure and honest goods He tries to make it go! Not only is it pure and good, But also very cheap. Because tis best for household use, A stock he’ll alway hogs In LION COFFEE thus his faith Is both sincere and deep. Buying—rejnicing—wondering, His customers attest TFhat LION COFFEE is, by far, In quality the best, And the premiums also are admired And always in request. the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDG, OHIO, p= That weigh out goods from morn till night, No housekeeper, in you will be wcll by taking— ALL DRUGGISTS. all bowel troubles, appendicitis, bil- fousness, bad breath, bad bleed, wind on the stomach, blonted bowels, foul méuth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after Sting, liver trouble, sallow complexion and dizziness. Yen your bowels don’t move regu= Izrly yom are getting sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It is a starter for the chronic silments knd lon suffering that come afterwards. No maiter what ails you, start taking OASCARETS foda%, for you ill never get well and be well all the time until br put Jou bowels right. Takeiour advice; start th CASCARETS to-day, under an abeclute guar= tee to cure or money refunded. “8 years of - No mattee how pleasant your surroundings, health, good health, is the foundation for en- ~ joyment. Bowel trouble causes more aches and pains than all other diseases together, and when you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing through the blood life’s a hell on earth. Millions of people are doctoring for chronic ailments that started with bad bowels, and they will never get better till the bowels are right. You know how it is—you neglect—get irsegular—Iirst suffer with a slight headache—bad taste in the mouth mornings, and general “all gone” feeling during the day—keep on going from bad to worse untill the suffering becomes awful, life loses its charms, and there is many a one that has been driven to suicidal relief. Educate your bowels with CASCARETS. Don't neglect the slightest irregularity. See that you have one natural, easy movement each day. CASCA- RETS tone the bowels—make them strong— and after you have used them once you will wonder why it is that you have ever been without them. You will find all your other disordess commence to get better at once, and soon THE TONIC LAXATIVE wh SOLD IN BULK. TO CURE: Five F30rs Hf the first box of fAsCAk: ji Ets was sold. ow 1t is ¥ over six million boxes a . yenr, greater than any similar medicine in the world. This is absolute proof of groat merit, and our best testimonial. We have falth and will sell CASCARETS absclutely gearanteed to cure or refunded. o buy teday, two 50c boxes, give them a fair, honest trial, ns per simple dircetions, and If you are not satisfied, afler using ore 50c box, return the nuused box and the empty box to us by maif, or the druggist from whom you Dat it, nnd get your mone, o for beth boxes. Take our advice—no matter what alls —start to- day. Health will Quickly follow and you will bids th 7 Arststurted the use o h ddress: STEBLING REMEDY CO., NEW YORK or ° CA BCNB ETE, Book frdiby mail, -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers