The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, June 29, 1901, Image 1
= SATURD \ \ \ \ AY BULLETIN 1 FLORIN, PENNA, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1901. ~~ J) NUMBER RIEF, ed by Our es this was in was | tional Meeting. Miss Lavina Witmer and Ellen Men- augh attended the Y. P. C. U. of the United Brethren church, held in Mid- dletown, June 235 to 27. Among the appropriations made by the Legislature last week was that of $2,000 for an experimental tobacco growing saloon at Mount Joy. We call the attention of our readers to the new advertisements of Howard E. Ebersole, The Pennsylvania Busi- ness College, and A. K Flowers’ new summer resort, ‘Glen {@vchard’. a erm : Home Campmeeting. A home campmeecting will be held in the Florin Methodist Episcopal church, begin- ning on Wednesday evening, July 3. The following is the programme : Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Rev. Wayne Chan nell will preach Thuksday 7.30—Rev. John Boehm. Friday 7.30—Rev. David McCartney of the Marietta M. IE. church, Saturday 5.00—A baptism will take place at the Borough Mill, Saturday 7.30—A Love Feast will be held in which several ministers will assist. Sabbath Day. 9.00 a. m. Sunday School, 10.00 a. m. Rev. Delaplane Gollie will preach. 6.30 p. m. Epworth League Devo- 7.30 p. m. Rev. Gollie will preach. Several candidates will be by prinkling and the probationers will be ad- nitted into full membership. A very cordial invitation is extended to Spirited the baptized every one to attend these services. singing, Gospel preaching, a shout Lord’s Camp. Everybody welcome. in nr RI St Victims of a Mad Dog. The relatives and friends of Milton Swarr, of Landisville, are very much erned over the misfortune which has ailen him and Frank, his five-year-old son. Mr, ani- 0. con- be- Last Sunday while caressing his dog pwarr was bitten on thehand by the al, ordinarily a very gentle-natured al. Dr. 8. G. Grey, of Landisville, ized the wound, and, on account of cer- n symptoms exhibited by the dog, ad- sed that the animal be allowed to live, but ani- catl- pt in safe confinement in order to discov- suffer- the the ositively whether or not it was Wednesday evening Swarr crawled into m the rabies, le son of Mr. where the animal was confined, and he was bitten, His mother hearing the d’s screams went to his assistance, and y difficulty rescued him. Dr. T. C. Det ‘as called in consalta- and he advised that Mr. to the Pasteur Insti- for treatment. They Thursday. Runaway Team bld son of Martin mile east of town, orning, from the eceived two weeks 1 been assisting Jno ter with a 2-horse eneman, on the Rev rin, when the hor- received such se= cause his death. id in the Uaited f this place last 2. lie Register, s granted by the ek, are the follow: f Elizabethtown bf A. B, Coble, late orcugh. Manheim borough, hrine Diffexderfer, rough. wer Estate. y who has been to make distribu” hb remaining in ihe . Witmer, executor deceased, late of will sit for that pur- July 16th, in the he court house at dge in U. S, the State Library, , has our thanks da Grove Pioneer. hre of the train ear- ial party over the United States, at Darb ness. ¢ lights op suc- ap- ate e- MOUNT JOY ITEMS. The News of our Neighboring Borough in { : in a Condensed Form. Samuel Hummor of Steelton, was in town last Wednesday, A flying horse is doing business near the Exchanga Hotel. . Cove Ledge, Knights of Pythias elected officers last evening. Mrs. Mazie Shelly visited friends at Elizabethtown last Wednesday: Miss Lulu Owens spent the past week with friends in Philadelphia Samuel Bookman and wife of Har- risburg, spent last Sunday in town with friends. Rev. Downes was at Elizabethtown, last Wednesday, visiting James Wat- gon, who is dangerously ill. A new crossing was laid yesterday across Marietta street, at the inter- gection of East Main street. Joseph Goss, wife and mother, cf Elizabethtown, spent last Sunday in town, the guest of D: F. Gable. Benjamin Bear accepted a position as salesman in Robinson’s wholesale drug store, at Memphis, Tennessee, Miss Sophia Pyle will leave to-day for Pittskurg and Uuiontown, where she will spend some time with friends. Misses Kate and Ada Brubaker, of Rapho township, returned home yes- terday from a six weeks’ yisit among friends in Kansas. A young folks party in honor of Masters Roy and George Brown, sons of Geo. Brown, Jr., Tuesday eyening’ was an enjoyall> affair, Rey. Richard Downes of this place, delivered an address at the corner- stone laying of the Latta Memorial church at Christiana, Tuesday. Albert Root, Harvey Kauffman and Owen Brandt, were at Conewago. last Wednesday night, where they caught a large'mess of fine frogs. Mrs. O. &. Longenecker of this place, was last week elected first vice president of the Bacred Heart Acad- emy Alumni association of Lancaster, G:orge Schneider and Miss Minnie Fach, both of this place, were united in marriage on Wednesday of last week, iy Rev. Wiest of Harrisburg A 2 the marriage licenses issued Mesdny Dy the clerk of orphans court, was that of Phares W. Shearer and Mary H. Hoffer, both cf Rapho township. Dante! Bradley, residing two miles east of this place. got his foot in the mower last Wednesday and had it cat very badly, Dr. Newpher attended to his injuries. William Reynolds and wife, Isaac Maze, wife and daughters, Laura and Bessie, and grandson, Harry Aston, of Manheim, visited the family of J. E. Schroll on Sunday. * Heayenly Mindedness, will bp the subject used’ by Rey. A. R. KR. in the United Kvangelical church). on Sunday morning. Ia the evening the theme wil! be, The Danger of Apathy. If any of Jamee Glatfelter’s cus for- ers fail to find him at the wmsble yard, they can rest assured that 1@ i8 at his home, nursing his darlipg daughter, which arrived at his houd \ last Tuesday. \ ball business yesterday. Harry done a big business in the sale of snow- balls last summer and he will doubt= less do fully as big a business this year. Misses Maggie Bear, Louisa Kuhns and Mawe Kuhns, left iast evening for the Pan American XExposiiion at Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Crysta Beach, Canada, where they will spend the summer. Rev, Isanc H. Allbright of £hamok- pastor of the United Brethren church day, made a pleasant call at the STAR & News office: Philip Frank of this place, last Mon day issued an attachment for $5,750 ana the Valley National bank, of Lebanon, cne for $7,537 against ex- Auditor General Amos H. Mylin, Car oline E. Bylin is named as garnishee. Two games of base ball, will be played in town next Thursday, with the Lyceum Athletic Team of Lanecas- ter, at 9.30 o’cloek in the morning and 3.00 in the afternoon, in Engle’s field. The admission for ladies will be 5 cents and gents 10 cents. Degree Staff Court Mount Joy No. | 228 Foresters of America. will hold a festival in the hall, on Saturday even- | | ot June 29, at which time ice cream, | ike, &e., will be served. Martin A. | pickler, chairman ; A. J, Pennell, | retary and George W. Bhickley, | surer. sh Trexler who is employed in Breneman’s store, while en-: 5 unloading potatoes at that! it Wednesday, sprained his! | Harry €3ramm opened his snow] in, who twenty years ago was the] at Florin, while in town last Wednes= | back so severely that he had to be hauled home and have the services of a doctor. Haz is however now on a fair way of recovery. On Monday afternoon Ralph, the thirteer-year-old son of Harry H. Brandt, essayed to carry his eight- months’ old sister, Alberta, down stairs. When almost at the bottom the boy tripped and fell with the infant in his arms, The child’s left leg was broken between the knee ard hip. Dr, F. M. Harry reduced the fracture. * Post, Master Pennell received in- formation from the department that persous living along the Milton Grove mail carriers route putting up boxes of a suitable kind the mail carrier will deliver wail in it. No mail will how- ever, be collected from the boxes. The boxes will however, have to be put up so that the mail can be put ia boxes, withour the carrier getting from his wagon, July Races. The Middletown Fair Association is preparing to giye a two days reries of races, next Thursday and Friday, which promise to be among the lead ing racing events in the central part of the state. Prizes aggregating 150 will be awarded and the large amount and the excellent track will bring together some of the fastest racing horses in Pennsylyania, The following events will be run: Thursday, July 4, 1—3 minute 1'rot and Pace, purss $200; 2—2.30 Trot and Pace, purse $200; 3—2.18 Trot and Pace, purse $250. Friday, July 5, 4—Free for all Trot and Pace, $250; 5—2.40 Trot and Pace $150; 6—2,50 Trot and Pace (For Mid dletown horses that have been used and driven in Middletown 40 days previcus, $100.) Entries will close July 1st, A general admission of 25 cents will be charged. Middletown is accesgable on the Pennsylyania Rail- road, the P. & R, and by trolley from Harrisburg, Of all events arranged or the celebration of Independence Day and the one following, nothing will offer more entertainment than the above races. arrmRe A Good Record. Percy Heilig, Frank Schock and David Gaffin, last Sunday rode from Mount Joy to Philadelphia and back te Mount Joy, the same day, a dis- tance of more than 150 miles. Perey Schock of Marietta was also along with the party and rode ali the way except on the return trip he went by train from Downingtown to Lancaster, Samuel! Gaffin also started with them, but before he rode a mile his bicycle broke and by it he received some pain ful scratches and bumps, the way his bike unloaded him. The wheelmen started at 4 o'clock in the morning and by 10.30 there were on Lancaster aveaue, beyond 52nd street, Philadel- phia. After partaking of a hearty dinner and an hour’s rest, they started for the return trip and were home by 8.30 o’clock in the evening. Their eyelometers showed that they role 152.2 miles, This is the best record we ever heard of any bikers making in this section, A century run, by which 100 miles are meant, is gen- erlly expected to be all that a bicy- cler can do in one day. rt ene AR rm Fourth of July at Lititz. Lititz pring has quite a reputation ‘for its Fourth of July demonstrations WW his year’s program is a grand if not grander than on any former occasion. there is no place better adapted for ceflebrating the nation’s birthday than this beautiful spot. No pains will be spa ed to make this year’s observance one \that will outdo all previous efforts Somd® of the features of the day will be an‘\lndustrial, Civic and Mummers Parad : base ball, morning ané after- noon ; \ Ib the evening there will be y of firwo:ks on an elaborate | scale : faNry lamps, Chinese lanterns and candles will brilliantly illumirate the entire : The Sixth Regia ment Band Will furnish music all day and evening.Y Excursion trains will be ran over th R. & C. railroad and trolley ears frox Lancaster will be run at short intelyvals. There will be trains both north \and south after the evening’s programXne is ended. Reduced Rates to jan Francisco. On account of thef Fifth Interna=- tional Convention ¢¢f the Epworth League, to be held ijn San Franeisco July 18 to 23, the Pefonsylvania Rail- road Company will sell, July 4 to 12, from all stations on ifts line, excursion tickets to San Franeijfsco at greatly re- duced rates. For spgcific information regarding rates, routfes. and conditions of tickets apply to f}icket agents. Commiteg Ae Minniegl. Vogel, wife of Henry J. Vogel, gvigeeTesides on the Manheim “turn- pike j@§st outside the limits of Lancaster city cgfmmited suicide by shooting herself gaheart Monday mornin while Ly Mus. J PRAIRIE FOURTH Jt Was Celebrated in a Way That Pleased the Yankee Sottler (FEET AIN'T no use t’ think o’ Fourth o’ July in this God-forsaken hole,” P| grumbled the new station master, as his eye rested scornfully on the scattered collection of wooden shanties which made up the little western town. “Back in Perry: ville at least two brass bands 'ud a been playin’ now. I ¢’n see th’ wagon all cov ered with flags 'n bunting a standing in front of th’ Methodist church all ready, for 1 th’ little girls in red, white an’ blue that was THE PATRIOTS OF NEW STOCKHOLM. to represent th’ states. ‘An’ Judge White 'ud a been all ready with his copy o’ th’ declaration under his arm, an’ askin’ every- body, if they, thought it was going t’ rain 'n spoil th’ doings. We'd a had dinner at th’ grounds with th’ Hollises an’ th’ Perrys, me’n Libbie an’ th’ kids. They'd a been singin’ of th’ ‘Star Spangled Banner,” and we'd a had plenty o’ firecrackers an’ fire- works at night. Well, T ain’t mentioned th’ Fourth t’ th’ kids this year; maybe they'll forget it with nothing t’ remind ’em of it among these furriners.” His dull eye came slowly back from the dull line where prairie met sky. “Yes, 1 guess th’ glorious Fourth don’t mean much t’ these Swedes an’ Dutch. Hello!” As he watched, a fat little German was excitedly climbing to the roof of his rickety board dwelling with a roll of bunting; un- der the excited, broken English of his wife's direction he was fastening it to the caves. At the same moment the tiny upper win- dow in Ole Johnson's shanty was opened for the first time in months, though the family slept in that room. A few mo- ments later Old Glory flung its starry folds from the sill. Old Fritz Schmidt was wring- ing “America” from his groaning horn across the way. From down the road came a shill chorus of childish voiees singing the “Star Spangled Banner,” with various ac- cents. The new station master ran acros: the road and into his new little house, which smelled still of paint. Ten minutes later, three American youngsters, with flags in their caps and strips of buniing about their shoulders, had joined iz the singing. The glorious Fourth wus being celebrated at New Stockholm ds well as at Perryville. The experiment of tobacco growing in Ireland is now meeting with sue- CESS. The French minister of public works has published some statistics whieh show that during 1900 no less than 50, | 048 boats of various sizes were at work on the Seine. The boats carried 10, 000,000 tons of merchandise, of which 649,037 tons were used in Paris. An old horn snuff box once belonging to Sir Francis Drake, possibly the one which he used at Plymouth Hoe during his famous game of bowls, bas just been sold for £3 10 shillings in London. The snuff box is a quaint old relie, bear- ing the coat of arms of Sir Francis, with his name on the lid. A German expert in the east points out thatas time goes on more and more men are required to coerce China inte doing the will of another power. The opium war required only 4,000 Euro- peans, the Anglo-French war against the Chinese, 16,000 and 4,800 Indians. The Japanese needed 95,000 men and 115,000 coolies, and to-day we find 90 men of war and almost 150,000 men at- tempting to compel obedience from the giant empire. THE CYCLING WORLD. On a bad or narrow road always make room for the heavier vehicle. The Touring club of France makes a splendid showing with a member- ship record of 80,000 riders. Ring your bell before passing from} the rear a team or another cyclist It can do no harm and may possibly do a great deal of good. Tom Cooper says he is going to be a cycle racer until he is too eld te guide a wheel. He adds that he has been obliged to assert his stand ow: ing to the constant rumors purport: ing to come from him, and claiming to indicate his intention of retiring from the track. Lives of English Kings, The four Norman kings of England averaged 55 years, the eight Plan- tagenets 53. The Wars of the Roses shoriened life in the succeeding. dynasties, the three Lancastrian; Yings averaging 43 years, and thel Murder and Suicide. Howard Shenk last Sunday, shct and killed Mrs. Hill at Charlestown, West Virginia and then killed him- self. Mr. S8henk was the only son of Rey, Levi Bhenk of Rapho township, a New Mennonite preacher. Shenk went to Charlestown on Saturday and secured possession of a note cent by his rival to Mrs. Hill He npbraided her for caeting him off and when he left he said he would kill himself. He called on Mrg, Hill on Sunday morning and she consented to see him. They were alcne in the room when the double tragedy was enacted. The position of the bodies indicated that Shenk held the woman while be ghot her in the head. When he saw that she was dead he walked to a rocking chair. placed his pistol be- hind his right ear and discharged the bullet that ended his life. 8henk premeditated the murder. He sent a letter to his firm telling them that he intended leaving the country. Another letter addressed to his father asked him to care for his child, as he would never hear from him again, and he asked his father not to believe anything bad he might hear, but that he was deceived by a woman he loved, The husband of Mrs, Hill is a* cripple, an inmate of the State Howe for Incurables at Huntington, Mr. Shenk was a clerk in Wolfe Yoffee’s clothing store, in Mount Joy, about five years ago. : Shenk’s first wife was Miss Margie Ohmit of Marietta. She secured a di= vorce from him, and one child was the result of that warriage, Mira Edith Shenk, who lives with her grandfather, Rev. Levi H. Shenk His second wife was Miss Lillie Woods of Columbia, She also secured a divorce from him. Shenk lived fey several years in Columbia, and was ay clerk in Fuld & Bachman’s store. He left Columbia to accept a posi tion in a Harrisburg store, and short ly afterward he accepted a position a traveling salesman with the firm of Mason & Boswell, Staunton, Va. The main facts in the tragedy are that insane jealousy of the woman caused Shenk to kill her and then himself, She refused to allow Shenkg cowe any more to her house, hay'ug found another man f or her lover. Shenk’s body was brought to M2: nt Joy yesterday afternoon and was tak en to the residence of kis father by by undertaker Davia H. Engle. The The funeral was aeld Friday forenoon from his father’s residence, 3 miles south of this place. ———ree—————— Elizabethtown Notes. J. G. Westafer was in Harrisburg op Friday. .- J. B. Asper and family are visiting relatives in Cumberland county: Miss Mary E. Keller, daughter of F. H. Keller, of this place, graduates from the Millersville Normal school this week. - On Saturday afternoon the town club crossed bats with the Paxtang club which resulted in & victory for the home club by a score of 18 to 8. Rev. G. W. Getz pastor of the Bethel church spent geyeral days at Findlay, Ohio. Christ Lutz spent seyeral day with Mechanicsburg friends. Rutter’s Consolidated shows exhib- ited in town on Thursday and Friday and was well attended considering the inclement weather. Lieutenant J. H. Parthemer and wife were visiting friends in Lebanon. Mrs. Lizzie Coble, Miss Louisa Cob- le and Miss Lizzie lewis were in Lan- caster during the week. Forty hours’ devotion services were held in St. Peter's Catholic church on Sunday morning and continued until Tuesday evening. Among the par- ticipants were Reys. Haas of Middle- town, Crotty of Gettysburg and Wiest of Harrisburg: The closing exercises at the college were well attended on Thursday. Many visitors from a distance were present. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Tehn took place from her late residence on West. High street last Thursday morning and was very largely attend- ed. Seryices were held in St, Paul’s U. and interment in Mount Tunnel cemetery. Complimentary Concert.; A balloon ascension and complimen- tary concert by the famous Ephrata Band will be given at Donegal Inb, Maytown, Satusguy evening, June 29, The committee Sf the Independence Day League of Ephrata, will make a three of York only 30. The five Tu-| dor sovereigns averaged 48, and the | six Ssuarts 52. With the accession of | the house of Hanover the average in-|, treased enormously, the six sover-j! pigns of the present dynasty averag-| mg 74 years. Their average reign is ilsc rke longest, being over 31 yeaTs, the Plantagenets being next with 30. f brief advertising tour over the 1'rolley Lines of Lancaster County on Satur- day and their destination will be the Donegal Inn, Maytown, where a grand balloon ascension will be held 6 o'clock p. m., and'glso a compl tary concert by the E Band