nen Reswu 1nis. Building Lots For Sale! priigried offers fer sale, Thirty Choice s in the village of Florin, Lancaster (o. t very reasonable prices. y yerson who intends to buikl should not by any ans select a loeation until they have eonsulted II. Nissley. All the lots have a high elevation, good tion, eonvenient to schools, post office, churches, pes, PP. R. R. depotand only x mile from Mount The fh Jots would also be very eanitable fer an OT sosee-kind, the P. R. I, siding border- In on the southwest, thereby saving the pureh- » additional eost of laying a siding which any uring establishment should have member these lots will all be gold and if you choice come a running. Call on or address H. B. Nissley, Florin, Pa. n Grove Hotel RENT ars a Good Country Stand, the or rent. The property has all spacious rooms, good water, ‘ge shed for horses, stock yards, of farming Lind. Also a shop h rents for §35. Ilere's an op- w. Possession given April 1st. calling on or addressing S. WEAVER, FLORIN, PA. ~ 0 TO ddler Shop Blount Joy ress strictly kvnd I anything kept pe Promptly. ¢ \ 5 28-30 E. King, Lancaster, i Penna. Independent Telephone 1450. ‘Mount Joy Steam Heater Co. ifas on exhibition in C. Buohl*3 store room, oppoxite D. I. Engle's Furniture Warerooms on West Main street, Mt. Joy, a Full Line of Prizer Square and Ogk, Single and Double Heaters and Ranges ALSO OIL STOVES. Wse=Call znd See Stock and Leern Prices COAL Lor Coal That Will Burn you should place your order with me. No advance in price I. N. HOSTETTER FLORIN, PA. al v Ss denny Lind is tle most satisfactory | wagon I ever handled ; I never get any | complaints about it,” TAYes, you know you | brought my brother one three years ago and | he's got it yet and it’s just as good as ever That's the reason I want one just like it"? | “Ha! Ha! Your Uncle Kris knows the | good things. But you're a wise fellow Sam | my, and I'll not forget you. Good bye, and | a Merry Christmas. aa YOUNG BROS, .»» FLORIN, PA... PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TINT TD ADLTY ER 24, 1901 IN EFFECT NOVEMB Going East Bron Flori Lawcaster Accomedation Seashore Express . . Lancaster Accommodation Laucaster Accommodation Philadelphia dail . (Sanday) Paikedelphia Mail, From Florin Going West Way Passenger . . Mail . . . . . . ’ Lancaster Accommodation . . Lancaster Accommodation Harrisburg Express . (Sunday) Way Passenger . . Going East From Mount Joy Lancaster Accemmeodation Harrisburg xpress Seashore Fxpress . . Lancaster Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Philadelphia Mail . . (Sunday) Main Line Express . . (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . . Going West From Mount Joy Way Passenger = . . ’ . ’ 6 55a Mail . . : . . . . + l0M4an Niagara Express > iw . . . Ha Lancaster Accommodation :32p Laneaster Accommodation 6002p harrisburg Expres 73 0p (Sunday) Way 655 a (Sunday) Niagara Express 04am (Sunday) Fast Line , 20pm Desirable Residence residence in 3ount Joy. Containing six roon | There is a fine bck open heart | and bay win low on both floor: {in the pleasiniest residence section of Mou | From the veranda there | south on Market street, and north on same streed | The purchaser could easily erect other houses either | frontage on bota streets. Ten’s, Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes! Shoes! Felt, Rubber and Leather Bocts, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Ladies’ Furnishings Strictly ash. Qne Price To All. Satisfaction Guaranteed, - ———AT - » - oy Ll Private Sale! The undersigued offers at private sale, his desirable The property has eighty feet frontage on Marietta street and seventy feet on West Donegal street. Each of these streets is macadamized and excellent pavements and shade trees are on both streets. The improvements consist of a 2-stery JFrame House I Bath Roem and Kitchen, = of building. A and new sink. > dining room, There is an unobstructed ot, as there is plenty of erything in connection | Pos: ession | on Donegal or Marietta str yroperly is ia excellent repair, i will be given April 1. A. S. FLowEg SRO R "SMITH, FEE rol GEER THATY) uk MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c Rear Star apd News Printing Ofice MOUNT JOY, , PENNA. D's Washingtsn D C Pm ems Rob Douglas, M MAGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain A powerful irvitaiit and a Golden Remedy for the Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Guns, Sore Throats Head Colds, Caotarrh, Weak and Sore Cramp, Wind or Coft Corns re- NS Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Dyspepsia, Colic, Ete Bunions a fieced at once. PRICE, TEN CEN —— Oe J. D. Basten, Sole Prop. & Mfr., Florin, Pa, FOR SALE. In the West Wag of Mount Joy Borough A FINE LARGE TWO-STORY TEN-ROOM DWELLING With Large Store Room gud VWarerapms At- tached. Al necessary outbuildings. Cull un or adgress T. B. Hershey, Justice of the Peace, Mt. Joy STOP AT. THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine ST., JANCASTER The annex now complete with the S vl 110 54 oF, nakes ag pha ood Homemade Furniture a A Upholstering Done to Order Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lots to Suit the Purchasers UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING — —_ Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Estimates Cheorfully Furnished JOSEPH B. GAINTZ PLUMBER #: AND # GAS 4 FITTER T-xro Pocrs West of Bew man's Store, Ind. Tel. No. 835 MOUNT JOT, FENNEL. - a — ET ——— Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons For Milkmen, Bakers, Merchants, constructed in « first-class manner by enced and capable mechanics under the direction of « manufacturer who lets the work speak jor its worth, it guarantees every product of experi- DN vy MARIETTA CARRIAGE WORKS The same care exercised in repairing as manufacturing. Contracts made with- out inquiry are seldom satisfuctory Inquire anywhere about new vekicles, but don't neglect lg Plave on the list C. EO RY. Marietta or of the Marietta Carrvige Torks, who will willingly refer you to those tor whom work has been dong as to whether it is satisfactory.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers