ng men and igh character, intellect, energ sique should be encouraged to mar- for the good effects it would have coming generations. The State puld hold examinations and award plomas to those who qualified. When | l young man’s cttenticns to a young woman had reached the point of a pro- eir respective diplomas would be in Jer. If each had one, then they 1d apply for a subsidy. writer points out that the large n population of New England is it- pufficient to readjust the matter of ed farms satisfactorily. The cities and innumerable villages pwns are an ample market for t the farmers can supply, and it xt door market. ern settlement has long passed, | I i law. turing conditions are stable, New England farmer, ignor- which never had the pos- geod farm values, has only Nore attention to the good ining in order to have re- returns. It is hot claimed shécially interested in the t all the expedients have 1sted for utilizing these old e process has only fairly be- | | (he. last fifteen or twenty witnessed a steady aban- Eng.and land which the next decade or ltness its restoration rks the New York | money, which aes | Hellman estimates at $100,000. pbosal of marriage an examination of | | Jelks sent troops to aid The first rush | | jail here, and the town is under martial | 1 31 35 Bank's Cash Gone. Los Angeles, Cal, (Special). —H: J. | ATCT 1 ta for the pped. honors upon Li Hung Ch? and Prince and decorates Yung Lu, nded the troops against the allies, Maurice Huten, president of the nama Canal Company, upon his re- turn to Paris, gave out the offer he made to President Roosevelt. An anti-British mass-meeting 1 Army ca hinese edict was Fleishman, cashier of the Farmers and | held in Munich, Bavaria, where address- { es were made violently denouncing Jos- | Merchants’ Bank, of this city, has dis- bank’s | Ww. | appeared with a sum of the Vice-President H. Fleish- man has been cashier and assistant cash- eph Chamberlain. Gen. Bruce Hamilton surprised and captured a Boer Commando at Trich- | ards Fontein. ier of the Farmers and Merchants’ Bank | for many years.- He began work for the bank when a boy, n 1875. He was un- der bond with a surcty company for $30,000. In addition to this, he has real estate and personal property in this city sufficient, in the opinion of Mr. Hell- | man, to protect the bank from the loss of a dollar. Three Negroes Killed. | Italian victims of the wreck on the Wa- { bash Railroad near Seneca, Mich. Andalusia, Ala.,, (Special). —Goverpor | Sheriff Brad- | shaw in protecting the negro riotérs in | The Sheriff is fearing an attack | at any moment by a mob from Opp and is prepared to protect his prisoners. | Three negroes, whose names are un- known, were caught and killed by a posse near Opp, because, it is alleged, they took part in the riot, and the whole county is in arms against the negroes. Mr. Kruger's New Hore. Utrecht, (By Cable) —Mz, Kvbger, former president of the South African | 1 s arrived here and taken | possession of his new residence. Mr. | Kruger, who appeared to be in excel- | lent health, received a great ovation | from crowds of people. | Republic, has Waris Library Open on Suuday. Washington, D. C, (Special).—The i (™ annual report of Herbert Putnam, Li- | | brarian of Congress, recommends that | the library be opend on Sunday. | Mr. Kruger has taken possession of his new residence, at Utrecht. A stir has been caused in London by the premature disclosure to a favored few of the decisions in favor of Charles who |! T. Yerkes for the electrifying of the un- derground railroads, thus enabling them | to make big profits on the rise in stocks. It was announced in the Italian Par- liament that the government would take measures to safeguard the rights of the The Belgian Chamber of Deputies discussed the question of the Boer con- | centration camps in South Africa, but a | vote was deferred. Lord Kitchener reports that last week Boers were killed, 17 wounded and | 2 made prisoners. The German government officials at | Berlin are worried over the recent up- | roar in Poland caused by the convic- tion of Polish parents hom mobbed Prussian teachers for flogging children who refused to learn catechism in Ger- man. Ficancial. The General Electric Company has de- | clared the regular quarterly dividend of ; 2 per cent. : The New York Subtreasury statement shows that the banks lost $7,115,000 last week. | The depositors of the Dresden Sav- 5 Bank, which made an assignment, ! vill lose 7,500,000 marks. ! The Pressed Steel Car Company has | received an order for 1000 hopper and ore cars from the Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie. { shivered. i fin by the deputies and carried up the | steps to the scaffold for the purpose of was reversed, DUT 100We he train was going scarcely | es an hour, but the heavy train ind piled the engine on the rocks and before the engineer and fireman could | jump the locomotve roiied over and over | 300 feet down the bluff to the river. Engineer Randall and Fireman Potruff were crushed to death beneath the engine’ Three care were wrecked, going over the bank after the engine. Traffic was delayed six hours. PUT IN COFFIN TCO SOON. This Nurderer Was Cut Down Before Life Was Extinct. Little Rock, Ark. (Special).—Bud Wilson, the convict who killed R. H. Naylor, a guard of the Yell County Con- | vict Camp, last December, was hanged at Danville. Jefore the lid was placed on the cof- | fin the body began moving about. Wilson opened his eyes and his whole frame He was taken from the cof-| hanging him again. When the platform was reached the | i body became rigid, remained so for a| Wilson | moment and then became limp. physi- | was examined carefully by the | cians, who finally pronounced him dead, | death having been caused by strangula- | tion. What's His Name? » Washington, D. C, (Special). — The | State Department has been advised that | tlie Crown Prince of Siam, Maha Va jiravudh, has aranged to visit the United St 2s next October. No member of the royal fzmily of Siam ay has visited | America. S$ Sextirrender “Impending, Miss Stone London, (By the Daily Telegraph the surender at Saloni of. Miss Ellen M. Stone, the Aforices Lg on her companion, Mme. TsilkanJs yend- ee ing. Nable).—A dispatch to { Sofia says that Coronation Date is June 26. | London, (By Cable).—At a session of the Privy Council, King Edward defi- nitely fixed June 206, 1902, as the date for his coronation. It was also decideq that Parliament will meet January 1 i the | Chinese ] | ment is required to furnish a list of its FRerasion of Chinese. Representative Kahn, who represents the San Francisco district containing the Chinese quarter, in which about 30,- 000 Chinese reside, introduced a Chinese Exclusion law. It defines strictly the | status of those who by treaty have a right to enter the country, excluding all except Chinese officials, teachers, | students, merchants, travelers and re- | turning laborers. In each of these ex- cepted cases a section is devoted to the rigid identification and specification of persons included. In the case of officials the Chinese Govern- officials coming to this country. Mr. | Kane says this will overcome the whole- sale creation of officials, including those of the Six Companies, who are said to have been made officials in order to take | them outside of the exclusion laws. To Investigate Crop Problems. The Secretary of Agriculture an- nounced the establishment of a new di- vision of soil management in the Bureau of Soils, with Prof. F. H. King, for- | merly professor of soil physics in the University of Wisconsin, in charge. The work will consist of following up the soil surveys and investigating problems connected with the proper distribution of crops and the best methods of cultiva- tion. Capital News in General, United States Senator J .C. S. Black- burn, of Kentucky, and Mrs. Mary E. Blackburn were married at the rectory of St. Paul's Church by Rev. Father { Mackin. The President made a number of nom- | nations to the Senate, including Fran- cis E. Baker, of Indiana, to be United States circuit judge. : Special Commissioner Rockhill made his report to the Secretary of State on his work in China. Mr. Richardson (Tenn.), the leader of | the House minority, offered a resolution | to place upon the House payroll the four special smployes usually allowed the mi- nority. The resolution was adopted without division. Congressman Wachter has decided abandon his scheme to induce @ toma ss a bill tg 20th | a kopje. A mpankment - —Une Killed. Macon, Ga. (Special).—The Central of Georgia passenger train from Savan- nah, after crossing the river entering Macon, at about 4 o'clock A. M., with about 100 passengers, jumped a switch on a high embankment. The engine and tender parted from the train. The bag- gage and express cars were thrown over into a culvert and burned. The second- tlass coach was thrown on its side and surned. The first-class pasenger coach fell over the embankment. The Atlanta sleeper, filled with passengers, caught fire and was destroyed. The only per- son killed was Julia Boynton, colored, of Columbus, Ga. Corn Breaks 10-Yecar Record. New York, (Special). —Grain markets wound up the week here in characteris- tic bull fashion, with a spectacular dis- play of the public's control over the situation. In all markets records were smashed right and left, while, at 7314 for May corn in New York, that market was higher than at any time in a decade. Wheat broke all records for the season. The biggest advance came after the reg- ular close and forced prices up 134c. a bushel, making nearly 6 cents advance for the week. Kitchener as “Old Rip.” London, (By Cable).—A letter just South Af- rica says that a subaltern drew a cari cature of Lord Kitchener as Rip Van Winkle leading a centenarian soldier up staff officer showed it to Kitchener, and the chief gave one of his grim smiles and said: “It is an ugly prophecy, but if necessary we will hang on here until we are that age. Our duty is to win, and we will.” The subaltern was paralyzed with terror until assured that Kitchener had not asked for the artist's name. received from an officer in o— ANNA. T @ canary breeders of | Germany, Bird song of cage birds, ments, and restore If givea during feathers it will n through this riod without the loss of song. ng meil on receipt of 15¢. in stampa. i ly all druggiste. Bird Book Free. THE BIED FOOD CO., B, £00 N, Third 8i., Philedelpha, Pa. TRADE B THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD They bring Iealth, Stren and Happiness to the Weak” and Convalescent. An Unexcelled Appetizer. MISHLER HERB BITTERS CO., 400 North 3d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. $1.00 per Bottle. FMISHLER’S RED LABEL BITTERS unexcelled for all Female Complaints, £1.50 per bottle. 80 years of constant study of Catarrh of the Vose and Throathave convinced Dr. Jones tha 1is AMERICAN CATARRH CURE is the best o 111 remedies for these annoying complaints Neither douche nor atomizer are necessary 1) using it. The American Catarrh Cure restore the hearing, cures the hawking, cough an expectoration, removes the headache and nos bleeding. Italsoimproves the appetite, pro duces sound sleep, invigorates the whol system and increases the vitality. Sold by druggists, Also delivered by ma on receipt of £1.00, by DR. W. B. JONES, No. 400 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa _ TO DYSPEPTICS Enjoy a good dinner, then take one of ‘Dr. Carl L. Jensen’s Pepsin Tablets Made from pure pepsin—of the required strength to remove that intestinal indigestion go pronounced after cating a hearty meal. For sale by all druggists generally, or send 25c¢ in stamps for a bottle. | DR. CARL L. JENSEN, 400 N. Third 8t., Philadelphia. Terre sample re goa —— (E rT esa) ih vem eid IEEE e—————— Rem
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers