The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, June 15, 1901, Image 5

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    A y UV
My, the coupler
of a car which caused
The partnership of E. Sumpman
& Bro, has been dissolved by mu-
tual consent. ‘The business will
hereafter be conducted by Emanu-
el Sumpman.
Charles H. Dillinger and Minnie
M. Baker were united in marriage
at the home of the bride by Rev,
A. S. Hottenstein of East Peters-
burg, last evening at seven o'clock
Our best wishes accompany them
through life,
"Elizabeth, wife of B. C. Portner,
died at her home in this borough
of consumption, on Thursday, in
her 29th year, Deceased was a
daughter of Henry Davis and is
survived by a husband. The fun-
eral was held on Monday afternoon
with interment in the Eberle ceme-
On Friday afternoon while Benj.
Welsh was taking a barrel of iron
from the first to the second floor on
the elevator, at the Grey Iron, the
barrel caught at the second floor
and the cables being very strong,
they kept the elevator moving up-
wards, mashing the barrel and ele-
vator into kindling wood betore it
could be stopped. Welsh who was
on it, jumped off uninjured.
Grand Holiday Opening.
Don’t miss the Holiday Opening.
Large -assortment complete, prices low.
A handsome 1go2 calendar given away |
free to every purchaser, at S. Cohen &
I'ro’s. Philadelphia Shoe Store, 247]
Locust street, Columbia, Pa. Largest !
shoe sto’ in © county.
. N¢ n
a a
«Whose There?”’ «Its Me”,
Albert johns, a moulder at the Bl li
rietta Hollowware Works, who lives at]
Maytown, received a “‘call” at his!
home from an unwelcome visitor at an'
early hour Thursday morning. Mr.
Johns was awakened about three o'clock |
by a noise on the first floor. He heard |
steps ascending the stairs and inquired, |
“Who there?”’ “It’s me,” replied
gruff voice and then the intruder beat
a retreat. An investigation showed |
that the caller had stolen a box of ci— |
pairs |
gars, some tobacco and serveral
of stockings. The residence of Jac
Miller, Sr., south of Maytown, on the
Vinegar’s Ferry road was visited]
during the same night, and a quantity |
of food stolen.
reer eee AR ements
Who Was It? |
A man in town was so disgusted at |
He fedhis chickens|
the high price of corn, he resolved
try an experiment.
on corn meal mixed liberally with saw- i
dust to reduce expenses. In the due |
course of time eggs laid by hens fed with |
this mixture were tested in an inc ubator |
out of a dozen, only two|
, the remaning ten Dbring-
and finally,

were abortive
ting forth nine woodpeckers and a de-
licate check with a wooden leg. That
system of feeding has been abandoned, |
for fear that results of future tests woukl
only be a bunch of toothpicks from each |
88 placed in the incubator.
A ———

{ The BS .
cellent Chr)
| Try it, only 3
Ride. |
| Pool Ta
A good second-han
iby 8 feet. Also a full
i full rack of cues. All to i}
| Apply at this office.
a grand Christmas
italist, gave the Topek
| etery 3
in memory of Mis five children.
William Watson and wife willl
where they will k
‘Charles Miller over Christmas.
A broken bolt caused the
leave e next Tuesday for Steelton | Like some
e the guests of
ton Cuban
wheel grower is interested in this matter and
“0 UTTWer
is is hereby Cc led to meet on
December 23, 1901, in the G. AN
(hall, North Queen street, Lancaster, 0
action relative to the pro-
i posed removal by Congress of the tariff
tobacco. tobacco
to drop off the wind-pump on the there should be a full attendance.
Musser farm tenanted by Benjamin | Davip HoLLeENBauGH, B. EZRA HERR,
Brubaker, 24 miles southwest of
Joe McGarvey sr., who recently |
bought the property he occupied of
| not to take it and Monday
into the Cutler property.
Miss Phoebe Risser, teacher of
the Pleasant Hill School, will hold
r, December 24.
Aduilsdion 10C,
on Tuesday evening
All are invited.
Claylon L. Nissley, administrat-
r of Maria R.Risser deceased, will |
sell her personal property at public,
sale on the premises of Peter
issley 21 miles west of town
| Thursday, January 2
The personal property of Jonas
E. Hostetter will be sold at 10.30
tomorrow forenoon on the farm °
of Iilam M. Hostetter in Kast Don
egal township and that at his resi-
dence in this place at 12 o'clock.
John E. Nissley, a Florin young
man who has become a Kansas cap-
their annnal dinner on Thaunksgiv-
'o 113 of his 175 guests he
od of clothes f
'corporators of the bridge company
Secretary. President.
New Bridge at Steelion.
It is said that a new steel bridge will
ob | Williagn Widman jr., has decided (soon be built across the river at Steelton
mov ed connecting that town with
| | beland.
New Cum-
The bridge will be constructed
for a trolley line and wagon way and
the fare will be five cents. The in-
also interested in trolley lines between
and Mount Holly;
Middletown and Elizabethtown and
Womelsdorf and MM yerstowr.
A Crash in the Fog.
Boiling . Springs
Engine No. 134 crashed into the rear
of an east-bound Pennsylvania Rail-
road freight train at the water tower at
about 6:20 a’clock
Friday morning, the result being adara-
aged and wrecked
two cars of 1g. train,
track was blocked a short ti
* jorward
engine cabosse
accident was due to the
Manheim Enforg€s Vaccination.
The ManheipA“school board has de-
cided that t e comptilsory
law sholi’be entorced in that borough
ape’recently eighteen pupils were dis-
missed for having failed to become vac
of them have since
and returned to
. Po
cinated. Some
omplied with the law
vaccination |

as also by
ROOn. Only
+. J. Snell wanted to attend a part
was afraid to do so on account of pai
his stomach, weich he feared would “N
worse. te says, “I was telling my trouby
to a lady friend, who said: ‘chamberlain’s |
Colic, « holera and Diarrhoea emedy will |
put you in condition for. the party,’
bought a bottle and take pleasure in stating
that two deges cured me and enabled me to!
Jive a goed time at the party.” Mr. Suell |
is a resident of Summer Fill, N. Y. This
remedy is for sale by J. S. tarmany Ilorin |
ee ee GRP ee
Two Extremes.
Many of our citizens are killing quite |
as usual
weighty porkers this season
and Albert Fike still upholds one end of
the list with a pig
| pounds while T.
vores for the other end with a
that Hyped the beam at 66 pounds.
. |
that weighed 412
F. Stoler is a strong
‘pig- |
Noone can reasonably hope for good |
health unless his bowels move once cach
day. When this is not attended to, dis-
orders of the stomach arise, biliousness,
headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow.
If you wis h to avoid these ailments keep
you boy wels regular by taking C hamberlain’s
Stomac h and Liver Tablets when required.
hey are go easy to take and mild and gen—
tle in effect Sold at J. S. Carmany ’S
Ilorin, Pa
Rp erie
Church Chronicle.
Methodist Episcopal Church—Preaching
every Sunday evening at 7 p. m. by the pas-
tor and Rev. John Boehm on alternate eve-
nings. Epworth League at 6 p m.
bath School at 9 a. m., Amos Risser Super-
Class meeting Sunday morning
at 10 a. m. Prayer-meeting Thursday 7
m. Rev. Wayne Channell pastor,
John Foehm assistant pastor.
en eee en A eee?
If you would have an appetite
and a relish for your meals take
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
correct disorders of the stomach and regu-
late the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents.
Samples free at J, S, Carmany’s store.
11} 1
like abear
i thcugh it were a banner.
er whatever nit
Pld write 2* she sald. “It was al
a mistake. ¥ have no talent. T am a
"myself too seriously. Don’t look so
woe-begone, Marian. And go on with
{ your work, both of you. I am going
to wrife something after my kind.”
And that evening she read them a
ii a story at which Xate
laughed in a half frightened way, and
of which Marian said candidly
“It doesn’t sound like you, Madge.
, Of course it’s bright and funny, and
al that—but your last story was beau- |
“And didn’t sell,” said Madge.
i “What is the use of writing beautiful
I have a drawer full of them, |
and every one of them has traveled ail |
over the country. Now I'll try
emuse the public instead.” y
And less than three
wa the reply,
Bertram that the story was accepted,
weeks after-
rds came
further contributions.
I'ifty dollars! h, impossible! It
must be five, or, at the most, fifteen.
But no—the three heads bent over the
i cheek, and there it was, too plain to |
| be mistaken
| ters embraced one another and cried |
fand laughed, and did
And then the three sis-
more absurd |
things than they had ever done since
the struggle for a living had begun
with them; and Kate ran around the
room, waving the slip of paper as
But after
first gush of gladness was over the |
DP. | pale young author sat down and looked
et them wistfully.
“It is so discouraging,” she said, “to
think that all th¢s money has been
paid for the lightest and mest incon-~
>ntial thing I ever wrote.
“It would be much more discouraging
{fit hadn’t been paid at all,” said Kate;
ind presently the author was dancing
gayly around the room.
I have been taking!
notifying Miss |
a check for $50 and inviting |
1€F Clas
p lifted a pale
He was the editor who h
{ sent back the beautiful story th
| wrote itself.
| “What would you do,” she aske
| with a thrill in her young voice, *
| you were poor, and could not wai
[if there were others depending of
| you—it anxieties were crushing your
| Tory soul-—-2"
“Well,” he said, carefully, “there
are higher duties, perhaps, than mereg
| ly writing what one likes to write, Per,
| haps we are too quick to judge what i
our lifework. If we only knew, it ma
be that our lifework is keeping the p
boiling, and paying debts, and aki
care of those dependent on us,
seems a pity that—that we cannot
work out our dreams. You see,
ing once established a reputatiox
this kind, one becomes its slave insf
of its master. I regret that I dig
| have the opportunity to examine
| of your serious work before you ¢
ed out on this line. There might
|been great power in it. I judgg
i you would have written with st
| —and no doubt with wonderf
| 0s”—for he had seen the gle
turned on him.
“yes,” was the gay reply
her voice altogether gay?—a
| new tone was thrilling thro
| have discovered qt last whe
ius lies. I have the most ung
| ent for pot-boiling, and fro
| on there will be peace be
| and the tribe of milkmen, aj
| have winter wraps and cool {
| summer, and the larder will
{ full. What are beautiful s
write themselves, comp:
| that?”
| And because Mariag
| her, not understand
snatch of some mey
she folded the ma
into its envelopg
bey Jifs as it wa