The New Color. © CSCO PDBOO® Ottinger—My new golf cap is going : C = onstipation ay no- {to be of automobile blue. ; nite is Miss Henriques—I didn’t know there ok or |was any such shade as “automobile is easily cured and the bowels restored blue.” to a healthy condition by the use of guest, Ottinger—Oh, yes! That is the all this | color the air becomes around an auto- xcur- | mobile when it breaks down with two gentlemen in it. your name and add 4 4 UE. IT'S FREE. the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and puch valuable information. Send at once to the New Haven, Conn. the natural remedy ror all stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. By our method of concentration each 6 oz. bottle is equivalent to three gallons of the spring water. £7 Sold by all drug- ; ! gists. Crab apple J trad k DOUGLAS tn wie ward SHOE UNIGN CRAB ORCHARD WATER C0., Louisville, Ky. $3.50 MADE. § . ; SOP POPDPRDBDAOD preh of W. L. Dougias $3 and ¢ “a —_— —— shoes is $i to $5. My Bi ; 7 WILLS PILLS—BIGGEST OFFER EVER MADE. dge Line cannot be equalled : at any price. ; ’ For only 10 Cents wa will send to any P. 0. al- It is not alone the best ‘ J dress, 10 days’ treatment of the best medicine on leather that makes a first J § earth, and put you on the track how to make Hone 106 it is the brains, 5 ey right at your home. Address all orders to The planned the best ! d XK. B. Wills Mledicin Company, 23 Eliza. ! “ 3 iss poy fechmosl both Ss Hagersionn, Md. Branch Offices: g is mechanical skill anc § 29 4 . ‘ashing ) s shoes the hest in the w orld for men, } 120 ndiana Ave, WW Sskiugions D.C ving W. L. Douglas shoes with name 5 v > : fr enonid Keep them, if he does not, iT = A Y S a8 A ir} 5 RTISE 13 ow to order by mall. { op THIS PAPER, hO UG LAS, lirockton, Mass. | x y B NU a4 ms Co., | : : : : “Oh, Promise Me.” § Oh, promise me that when I am your bride And we begin housekeeping side by side, » Oh, promise me wherever we may roam That I shall do the marketing for home, ‘All that we eat I certainly must chogg And I insist we LION COFFEE I w atch our next advertisement. ry a package of LION COFFEE rou will understand the
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