“THE BULLETIN. FLORIN, PA. J, E. SCHROLL, - Editor and Publisher, SUBSCRIPTION: Fifty Cents Per Annum, strictly in > advance. Six Months, - - - Single Copies, - - - Sample Copies Free. 25 Cents. 2 Cents. Special Rates to Yearly Advertisers, Address all communications to—- THE BULLETIN, = Florin, Pa. Entered at the Postoffice at Florin as second-class mail matter. A manuscript of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” recently sold for $830. If poets possessed Methuselah’s longevity tiaey might make good money. Male mosquitoes do not bite, but get their living from the juices of flowers. It is evident that in mosquitodom, at least. the female sex is privileged. An electric railway which is being built in India has filed an order for 1,000,000 pounds of trolley wire with a Connecticut manufacturing firm. This is another triumph for American over ' British manufacturers in their own field of operations. The American city milkman is not the sole occupant of the milk-water trust. Our consul at Frankfort, Ger., reports that of 122 samples of milk examined by the board of health, over half were diluted with from 10 to 60 percent of water. A test of 3794 sam- les in Hamburg resulted in proving 5 objectionable. Illustrating the cheapness of the parcels postal service in Germany, it is enough to cite the fact that the epartment allows packages to be sent soldiers at the low rate of 20 pfen- 8 (5 centgup to three kilograms ng weight, regardless of ar 3.562.800 HINERS ENTOMBED IN A BURNING NINE. Over 30 Men Reported to Be Imprisoned In the Shaft. THE DISASTER AT PORT ROYAL, PA. Number of Explosions Occurred and It Is Feared There Is Little Hope for the Miners--Wiliiam McCune, Superintendent of the District, is Among Those Entombed--Those Rescued Could Give No Cause for the Explosion. Port Royal, Pa. (Special).—The Pittsburg Coal and Coke Company's Shaft No. 2 at this place is again on fire, after steady running for years, and over 30 men are in the mines, many of whom, it is feared, will never be heard from again. About 6 o'clock smoke was seen to be issuing from Shaft No. 2, which is on the line of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. It is thought the fire start- ed from an explosion, and that six men were in at this time, the men being Jack Peoples, Tony Stickles, Frank Davenport, Daly, Lawrence Set- ler and John Stakes. Stakes and Set- ler were not near the place in which the explosion occurred, and upon the arrival of a rescne party they being nearly overéome by damp. They could give no information as to what had caused the explosion and the res- | cuing party reported that four other men were entombed. About 7 o'clock William McCune, general superintendent of this district; Dennis Wortley, pit boss of the mine: Michael Roy, foreman of the Euclid mines, and several other bosses, with about 30 men, went down Shaft No. 1, which is just opposite on the Balti- lJ more and Ohio side of the river, and have not been heard from since. three hours after the rescuing party had been in the mine two more explo- sions were heard. around the opening of the shait had in- creased, including many mothers, wives and sisters of entombed men. All sorts of plans have been suggest- ed to rescue the men. Some talk of turning the river into the mines, but many are opposed to this idea, for fear of drowning the miners. All that would be necessary to let the deluge of water loose in the mines would be to pull a plug which was placed in the | mines after the explosion of seven years | ago and the water would rush into the mines at a rapid rate v A CABLE 5,834 MILES LONG. itish Pacific Line to Be Greatest Yet Constructed. Vashington (Special).—The United | tes Consul at Victoria, B. C., reports a surveying party has located the ng site of the British Pacific cable h is to connect the Dominion of | da with the Australian Confedera- on Kelp bay, near Banfield creek, miles from the entrance to Bar- sound, and something over 100 rom Victoria. location. is described as admir- | lapted for the purpose—a good and 12 fathoms of water close a so that vessels of 10,000 seven The R Pretoria Boer wd concent] the Briti Rose J that she mer hotd prisone her to The College from he cover the their owt Prof. ( Montana matics to 1877) gahela Miss N phis, wo 1ad been nia durii Derby. The P ganized San Isid the Twe nor. Rev. 1 baccalaur were | quickly brought to the surface after | | y & About | Meantime the crowd | commenc { College, j It is re president Corporati Steel Co Wiilian| | man, une [curities if [to his faf Eiabor | nade fq | Christian held in ( Capt. +S. "Ke | the G. A | Chicag [filiated other cit Edwa drunk i chester, | Chambo ried a M | Winche: | Sylvar {and Daj arrieste( charge [in Read: A con mond, V |aging r ing po desired. Mrs. in court | was bein | for the Edway | Shaw's | the lattd Norfolk Jame; | arrestec | of forgi checks. The s | Bedford acid in | recover Majg org
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers