The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, October 14, 1848, Image 4

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    • ESTAIrir
.9P - JOE MANS , DRCIIMIED: • NOTICE lshtio given that the undersigned bare taken out letters
adminisuation an the Estate ofJohn Evaas. WO of the
totem& of Columbia. deceased. AU persons having
•elaima against the said estate, are hereby requested to
present them forthwith, duly authenticated:. and those
knowing themselves to be in any wise indebted. are re
quital to make urunediate mment to the undersigned.
• - J. S. CLARKSON'.
September 9. 1948.-dt Admitustratora
TO BEAD THIS. A good chute to dear from
$5OO to MOO a year. Agents wanted in every Town
asideounty in the Union, to sell .13esrs , new and Popular
Periodical Works," universally acknowledged to be the
best and cheapest ever published, as they certainly are
Owl:oast saleable. Any active agent may clear $6OO or
$1:000 1 year A rash capital 835 or SdO will be ne
cessary. Pull paniculars of the principles and profits of
the agency will be given on application. either personally
.er by letter. The pottage must in all eases be paid.
Please to address ROBERT SEARS. Publisher.
No. 120. Nissan at.. N. Y.
ElT•Newspapers cop qtng the above, lincl 4ding this no
otrcgest d
w irr i e c rilio re na t ,S:l , l tzcrwa 33 ny o p n t e r
volume. Send only one paper directed as above.
wept 9,194.3-9 t
TNpastime of the provisions of the act en•
J.. titled, "An Act to pr • be the manner of giving
notice of applications for Banks." and in accordance wit
the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the
President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster
Bank, hereby give public notice, that they intend making
application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. at the
union to commence on the first Tuesday of January
next, A.-D. ISA for the renewal and extrusion of their
present Chaster and Act of Incorporation, with banking
and discounting privileges, for the term of ten years from
the first Wednesday In May, A. D. Ihsl. The date last
mentioned, being the time to which their present Charter
is extended.
The said Corporation iato be continued by the name and
style of the Lancaster Bank. and v. its the same posers
and privileges which are now emoyed under us present
Charter and Act of Incorporation, and is to be located in
the City or Lancaster. The capital stock of said lank,
as authorized by law, was six hundred thousand dollars•
the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred and
three thousand nine hundred dollars; and the amonnt paid
in three hundred thousand and thirty dollar,. The legis
lature will not be licked for an increase of capital or ex
tension of privileges.
Ily order of the Board of Ihrecturs,
City of Lancaster. Julie 26. 114 t. y 1.414.4, it
TO Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in
.', tend to make application to the Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. at their next session.
for the renewal, extension, and continuance of the hank
intr., discounting, and other privileges they ponces under
existing lawn. The Company to be continued by the
name, style, and bile of the Columbia Bank and Bridge
Company, to the borough of Columbia, in the county of
Lancaster. and state of Pennsylvania.
By ordrr of the Board.
sAmtxr. SIIOCII, Cashier.
Columbia June 24. 1648. julyl'4B-Gm
IS hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county
intend to make application to the Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pcnnsylvanta, at the next session
thereof, for the incorporation of a company under the
name and style, or intended name and style of "The
Columbia Sayings Insulation," designed as on office of
discount and deposit, with a capital not exceeding one hum
dyed thousand dollars, and to be located in the borough of
Columbia, Lancaster comity, Pa.
George Wolf, 11. E Atkins.
Peter Haldeman, Henry Haldeman,
R. Chalfant, John A. Hook,
Peter Haldeman, Jr , B. Cranston,
R. E. Cochran, Daniel Ilerr,
Reuben Alullison, 'Nemec' Brooks,
John L. Wright, Philip Gossler.
John Barr,
Columbia, July 1, IP4P.-6in
TUE Vandersigned, hereby Under their sincere
acknowledgment+ to their customers, and the pub
lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at
tended their °darts to please, and would inform them that
it will be their greatest pleasure as heretofore, to conduct
their business in such a manlier as to merit their continu
ed approbation and support.
We continue to make all kind+ of Cavan., ; vie .
_ .
TICE COCi.WIIEEI.S. CAST SI I.‘ FTS for water wheels,
&c. Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Cussing& to
gather with all kinds of Rail-Road Castings, for which
unexceptional reference can be given for superiority and
We have quite a variety of PATTERNS for making
Hot Blast Pipes, for Mutt E urn:secs. and for Water Pipes,
and, being well prepared for Casung Pipes, it will car
telnly be an advantage to those in want. to call and ex-
Maine fOr thenliiCiVegt. as WC can manufacture as cheap,
or cheaper, than any other ektablishinent sit slue section
of country.
We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines,
Threshing Machines, Plougl., Common Stoves, Stove
Plates. Stove Cylinders add Crates, and many other
things in our line of hustness. being the making and col
lecting together of the past elesen years. !laving the
beat or mechanic* employed at Pattern making, 6.c., are
are prepared to make any thing in our line of business at
the shortest notice, end tieing tuvorably mutated at the
Canal Ruin. give us the advantage of manutacturin6r and
forwarding Castings to any point with despatch and at
the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF.
Dealing under the firm of Ciro. Wolf Si Co.
Colombia, March•i,lft9--tf
EIIND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this
method of linorming his friends rind customers shot
e assented the New Store Room known as Haldeman's
New Corner, being on the booth West corner of Front
and Locust Street. w here he intends to keep const.intly on
hand a good supply of
and a general assoruncut 01 Faintly Groceries; together
with Flour and other Heal; Oats, Corn. and Chop for
pa rs ec Also, Liquors 01 ail kinds. including Wines and
Cordials. Allot winch I pledge myself to sell as cheap
for cash as possibly can be afforded. Please tall and ex
amine both the goods and prices.
N. B.—A dwelling arid tront shop adjoining, to rent on
accommodating teeing. Myself and Son ...sold late to
board with the family. r..LIJAII SA Ii.R.A.TT.
Columbia, March 25. 14.1.4---tf
la of Maids, Wives, Widows, and the
crowning 071/11Meni of man
It 1a to the scalp ea guano ta to the earth to making it
It is** Certain In ha Create death, to-ntort no or neat
Now, reader, them, reepretable titlzena certify that
Jones's Coral Halt Reatorause will nave the follow tog
affects without fall,
It will force the human hale to grow on the head, face,
or body—it will atop it falling. turn scurf or dandruff, and
wake red, grey, and light tutor grow dark
Xr. Tottaph ths,7l King Ct., New y ot a
%re. Matilda Reeves, Myrtte V•1111C. Broolyn.
Kr. James Power,grocer. Fulton et ,Brooklyn
Mr. Thourlia Jackson, hi Learly at., rutabaga
flinty E. Cullen, (late) MIDI., no board mu Fonda
Be the beautiful, the glneinui effect It has in &eyeing
laud beautifying the bair—enaktue it ant 4.iik..lllty, cud
aceping It so thrice as long rte any other article made,
coats but 3 *lnnings; for a trial bottle, and the public
sra coseesentionaly and honeatly grinned that the above
'Jetta Teal sad true qoalitito.
Be careful and get the genuine. Ask for Josses Coral
Hail Reiterative, and tabs no other. For rale only by rt.
Williams, agent for Columba. ant64E.tdec
BY the subscriber, Six Lectures on the uses of
the LUNGS. and Causes, l'revenuou and Cure of
coNsanrrioN, ASTHMA, and diseases of the Heart;
On the Lases of Longevey ; and on the mode of preserv.
tug male and tamale health to an hundred years, with
illustmu ans. detagrred (or all classes of readers, by Samuel
ritteldon Vtteh, A M., M. U. Alto Ma Silver Inhahng
Tube, Shoulder Bract, and Abdonunal Supporter, dte., Agent,
Collarnbit, July 22
zo arozersiviiimr.
rj`Hß tiftdersigned have jut received the best
isaisausteosuplete assorars.ot of BngL.n and Uerwan
awl" awl twist and patent Itot;i3Ll; 13a1tRELED
witch have evrr beta of f ered ni this market at
each prices that will 3/i1 al,. Also. six Itstrtlied
vo3viug sad self-cocking NS POLK Cad
for yourselves, at the eat al , ••••,r, ei
111. Nin;
Coiumtua. August J 1 1-47
F7:47Tr.T7M. P • • •
ftJAMES JORDAN, Fashionable Boot and
Shoe maker. respectfully informs los friends and
the public. that he has opened
tessoedi suety opposite Peter lialdemares Store. where he Is
prepare d to execute all orders in his line, with nearness
and des patch. He feels rout; dent in Ovine sttlafaction to
all who may favor hint with a call. Members of the 0.
T.: A. . are respectfully invited to give him a call
c."elumbia, April H , tedu -I y
, .14111 , 1 1 - '•• : :: ':-., ',-
ULETTERS remaining in the - P. 0. (0614 - varier
ending Sept. 30,1049. „..
Persona inquiring for letters will please mention it they
are advertised.
Altinger John Lindsey A X
Ammumon Jesse C Loney Robert
Bard Philips, W3dow_ - Lynch Samuel
Bened.lch Benjamin Lechler Henry
BolleeToblais- , Landis Christian W
Basinger Peter Lutz Samuel
Blakey Win McGill James
Sadie-LISA MlllerJacnb B
Brubacker J C Markly Fred ..
Blake Mary McHaughtin James I
Bartle Benjamin Marriott J 5111511 C
Bowen E McDonald Cap
Coats Margaret 2 aleinhardt Peter
Creewell Wm d 'McCullough Sarah Miss
Coughlin Michael Myer Gatlin
Charles Mary bliss 2 Mecondal Eliza Miss
Carter Ja Wee Morse, Simon
Confect Elias McCandless Peter
Columbia P 0 Maeky Henry
Darla Milton Newel/ James It
Dorsey 'Sarah Phillips William
Demurs John Phillips Clark B
Daly James Ruffee John
Draper Mr Robinson Samuel
Davis hi Reed Mary Ann
Erbe Barthel Bernier Michael
Eisenberger Samuel Reynolds W F Major
Leans & Mayer Rinehard John
Cancklm Henry Rose John
Fisher John W Bosch George
Feiner George F Rlsdhauser John
French Cassinh Reynolds Jahn Id
Fullerton Robert Rhine David
French James AI Selchrlsh Adam
Fisher John Slimmer Henry
Finier Mr 0 Stock Barbera Mims
Ferber 0111,ir Snyder Ppiiiin
Grubb Aaron Slowk Mary Mrs
Gallaher Ana Nits• Stover Frederick
Green Jalliril Stenirack Bartron J
Glahagan William Sweeny Susan 2
Greatly Instil. Snyder Simon
Gralian Wiiisain Shoeriberger & Missing
Garber Ann Mhs Swarr Ann Miss '
ffal! George Schneider Christian*
Hasler Joseph Thomas Elizabeth 2
Heller Abraham Trump Sarah
/tenni-Joseph Thompson Samuel
Halpin .1110,1111 Thorns. Margaret
Hoppe Christian Thompson II A
Helier John Al W Samuel
Datum Frantz Wolf Edward
Hall Washington Walters Mary -- - •
Hollingou tab B B Wolßndin Thomas
Kreider Mary Ann Weiler John 9
Kauffman bane, Weimer Christian
Komi Elizilbuth Mrs Waiters Joseph
Kingsbury A horde C Wilson Rachael
Law James S Weiss George
; Lyle Samuel Yrircily &. Son
Columbia. scut. 3 0 . 1242.
Cheap Tiffillineiy Goods.
ASPLENDID assortment of Cheap 61:11inery Goods
VETS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS, very low for
C/011., at tuwatfs,67, South Second at., Ptimanztruta.r,
Philadelphia. September 16,154,3.-1 m
ITALIAN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches,
Salt Rheum . Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sure Heads, Old
Sores, Sore Beard and Barbers Itch, Chapped and tender
Flesh, Freckles, 'fan, Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun
burnt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, as smooth
and soft as an Infant's. And, in fact, every kind of erup
tion and disfigurement. Read these certificates:
From the ti. 0. Sentinel, Oct., 1944
One of our subscriber, Nr. 11. Leonard, informs us that
he has been cured of old, scaly Salt ghettos of eighteen
year's standing, on hi% head, fingers and hands, by a cake
of aWarticle much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's
Italian Chemical Soap, He also informs us that he has
tried its effects on his female slave Rose, much marked
with sun spots, and he found in two weeks her akin much
clearer and whiter.
. .
James Elthani, a planter in Jersey City, wan cured of
carbuncles and pimples, which he was afflicted with for
many years, Ly a part of a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi
cal hoop.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask for Jones's
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP,—and perhaps, as ninny
who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will be too
much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try
this once—ton will not regret it; but always see that the
name. o IT-Jones is on the WratTer.
Sold A &.2 Chatham st., New Nock, and by It. WILL
IANIS, Agent for Columbia. le23'4S-13m
4.;t.)at , i , ;•0.4 , 4•1
T 114 " Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Stieet, near Fifth street.
Toaus WAGNER, Anotroa E. Bone,
SAmusr.. than, 'DAM S BROWN,
Jkcon 11. Sxtrn. Moms PATTRRSON.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
TRIES as low as are consistent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Captial and Frennums, safely invested,
affords ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1P49, as
puLlished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, viz:
Real Estate.
Temporary Loans,
Cash, Sc ,
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years,
they have paid upwards of one reiltto,e, tire hundred tape.
sand didters, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities.
CHAR.Lr.s BANCKER, Prestdent.
Citsat.cs G lisNeasn, Secretary.
THOMAS LLOYD, of Columbia.
Agent for York and Lancaster Counties.
Feb. 12,
Baltimore Susquehanna Rail Road.
The Morning PASSE,NG ER. TRAIN will run
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
day. at 9 o'clock. A.M., and Returning will start from
lumbta P. M., Wnghtsville ' dP. M., and from York
at :l o'clock, P. M., as on other days of the week. The
mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this
train. No other train will run on Sunday.
Supermiendent of Transportation.
w ot RAIL ROM-an REDIJCED.—The Pas
-Inteet Trains runs daily as follows below:—
Leaves Baltimore at 2 o'clock, A. LI., and ar
rives at 6k o'clock, P. M.
Arrtves at York at 12 o'clock, P.M., and leaves for Co
lumina at 14 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 ofclock, P. M., and leaves York
for Baltimore at If o'clock, P. M.
Faro from Baltimore to York, 8t 50
Wrightsville., 2 Oa
Columbia,- - - 2 12k
• -
The Train connects at York with Stages for Harsisburg,
Gettysburg, Chambersburg. Pittsburg and York Springs.
The Company is authorised by the proprietor* of the
Stage Lines to receive the fare through item Baltimore to
Gettysburg and Zurrisburg.
Bs.t.umoist To GorrYeamto atsr. Hatoussuas.
Fare thrOClollo either phice. $3 00
D. C. If. BORDLEY, Super'c.
Ticket Office, 63 North st, Bah,
May 0,1517-1 f
THIS LETTER. Who will be without a beau
tiful head of Han, when they can have one for three
inga! Twenty years' loss of hair and wonderful
restoration !
Dear Str—The powerful effects of „Tones Corsi Hair
Restorauve has been so decisively demonstrated in the
cases of several respectable citizens of the town, who, on
accountof your selling three shilling bottles, try it without
fear. One instance, which has attracted particular atten
tion, is the case of a gentleman who had little or no hair
for twenty years; he had tried numerous preparations in
vain, and ultnnately bad his head shaved and wore a
wig.. At my recommendation, lie tried the Restorative,
and attar using it. according to the direction, for a short
time, the young hair appeared, and he has now as line a
head ahem as any person in Baltimore.
For sale by R. Williams, agent for Colnmbin.
OF NEW YORkis strangely destructive to the
human cntkre, (or skin,) the air from the sea, the
sudden change from heat to cold, and the smoke ceases
It Is requisite that the pores of the skin should be kept
kept open--that theirmnuths should be freed from Impurity
—'twee thee the ancient Roman Philosopher cured all
dlueash—they computed that more diseases and unheal
thy vapors left through the pores of the skin, than fur
any other outlet of the body. It le necessary. therefore,
to ke-p the pores open—ell humors ere dispelled from the
%kin from the pores, when washed with Jones', Italian
Chemical noon. I hive seen it cure the wont and °ldea.
Wilma of Silt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber's
itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, w hen every Internal Ind OZ.
ternatretnedy had flitted—lts erects in retiderint tbeekin
white, clear and soft, though it be yellow Mad ensue, hi
wonderful—it removes Frinkles.Tan,Sonburn;Morpbew
and disheartens% of the skin—but persons must he par
t leant and ask for ionee's SOll4l. Foe gently R. Williams,
agent for Columbia •u46llBtele2l
Philadelphia - Advertisements.
AND GLASSWARE. Ines China Chesnut
Street, opposite the State House, Philadelphia, is the
cheapest place in the city,lobuy all kinds of ,
and where can be found* the layeeit ' assorting= and of
the =weal styles, and fully TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT
less than at any sindlar establishment Families, Hotel
and Store keepers; visiting the city for the purpose of
buying DINNER SETS, and TEA SETS,und all other
kinds of ware In this line. will serve their own interest by
ezaminming the stock and prices of this store, after pricing
elsewhere, and they will be fully 'unified that the above
are tact..
All were purchased at this bona., will be packed and
rr Remember that this Cheap Establishment is In
Chesnut street, directly opposite the State House, Phila.
Au : it 12. lgole-3m
ST. ROUSE. No. Chesnut Street, a few
doors below Fourth, North site.—The subscriber re
spectfully informs his friends and the public in general,
that he still continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times taken to render this one of
the best. and, from its central situation, it is one of the
most convenient Hotels in the city.
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest
delicacies of the season.
Hui WINES and LIQUORS are not surpassed by any
other establishment in this city.
}lts servants are careful, honest and obliging , .
Terms of Boarding to suit the umes.
Country Merchants and Business Men will find the lo
cation of the enema' Sr. Horst, in the most business
part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges hitnself that every thing in his
power shall be done to give satisfaction to those who fa
vor him with their patronage
Philadelphia. Aug. 12. IRS-1 y Proprietor.
THE only radical care for Consumption !I It
also removes anti permanently cured all diseases
arising from an impure stare of the blood, viz:
Scrofula or King's Evil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions. Pimples or Peatales on the face,
Blotches. Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tot
ter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and
Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciauca or
Lumbago, Diseases arising from an injurious use of Mer
cury, Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in life. Also,
Chronic Constitutional Disorders.
In this medicine several innocent but very potent arti
cles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming& com
pound entirely different 111 its character andproperues from
any other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on
the system when laboring under disease. It should be in
the hands of every person, who by business, or general
course of life, is predisposed to the very many ailiments
that render hie a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often
result in death.
The following teguniony is from an able practitioner or
this city
Pun.snxxritts, December 14,1547.
Dear Sir:—ln reply to your question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say that although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all
diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condi
tions of the system, still I have believed that a cure for
Consumption would be discovered sooner or later, and
was led to try your medicine in two very inveterate eases.
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
PVIZIONA.RY Coivsesuctiox, and abandoned by them as in.
curable. One of the persons had been under the treat
ment of several very able practitioners for a number of
years, and they said she had " old fashioned Constunptiou
combined with Scrofula," and that she might linger for
sometime, but could not be permanently relieved. In both
cases the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying.
Only four or five bottles were used by one of the persons
before she began to improve rapidly. The other took
about ten. They are both well. I will only add, that fa
iniliar as I am with Consumpuou by inheritance and by
extensive observation ass. study, and knowing also the
inflations effects in nine cases out of ten of tar, bonesut,
and other vegetable tonics, as well as of many of the ex
pectorante and sedatives, I should never have recommend- ,
ed the use of Drake's Panacea. if I had not been acquaint
ed with the ingredients. Suffice it to say these are re-
commended by our most popular and scientific physi
cians, and in their present combined state, form probably
the best alterative that has ever been made. The cure is
n accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in
Prance a few years ago, by one of her most eminent
writers on medicine, and now established by facts which
admit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours
L. C. GUNN, Corner Chest. and Rita st.
Astonishing cure of Liver Complaint and Dyspesta, in
connection with General Debility of the whole svtern
Pitit....naz.ruts, March 7,1515.
Messrs.' Stern & Co.—Gentlemen wife has been
for several years afflicted with a pain through her right
side and shoulder, accompanied with chills through her
whole system, and almost constantly a sick stomach, at
tended with pain, invariably after eating ordrinking; so
much so as to deprive her of all satisfaction in attempting
to cat, seen it she had a desire for food, which was not
often the case, as her appetite was completely gone. A
friend persuaded her to give DR. DRAKE'S PANACEA
a trial and I em now happy to say the first bottle gave
her relief. Our family physician examined the Panacea,
and approved of her using It. She has taken three bottles
since, and is greatly beneatted. She has now a good ap
petite, and can eat her meals tvith satisfaction. The chills,
pain, and sick stomach have entirely left her, and we feel
confident that the Panacea has affected a coniple cure of
her difficulties, and would recommend to all who are al
flieted asshe has been to try Dr. Drake's Panacea.
No. 334, North Third Street.
$090,558 6.6
1.08.34 e 90
124,459 CO
58.563 25
45,157 87
Ths above are but a few of the numerous testimonials
we are constantly receiving, of the wonderful efficacy of
Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasant, yet most search
ing remedy • and the first trial wttl prove its power. Its
reputation his increased since its introduction to a degree
hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries.
54220,097 07
With the firm conviction that no other remedy, so called,
of the present age, is equal to this, and that the theory
upon which it is compounded Is too firmly established to
be overthrown, the proprietors solicit a trial of Dr.
Drake'. Panacea. willing to stand or fall upon its own
merits, well satisfied it will sustain the reputation it has
already aquired.
jp''' PION.—The genuine DR. DRAKE'S P.A.NA
' CEA is put up in large square bottles—it has the signa
ture of rico. F. Storrs on the wrapper—and also the name
"Dr. Drake's Panacea, l'hila." blown in the glass.
Prepared only by Storrs dr. Co., Druggists, No. 21 North
Sixth Street, Phila.
atOZNT..—R.IVILLTAMS, Columbia; Heinitsh & Son
Lancaster; C. A. Morris & Co., York.
Anvil 15. lath v
TS ATTENTIVELY: Doctor Rolland's Cele-
Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint, Jaundice, 'dys
pepsia, Chrome or Nervous Debility, Indigestion Flatu
/enee, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease 01 the Kidneys, Palm
nary A ffecuons, (arising from disease of the stomach and
liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered
stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weals.
ness, Dizziness, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Inward
Piles, Fluttering of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spints,
Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or
Limbs, Cold Feet, &e.
They 'remove all acidity, and give tone and ECtiOritto
the stomach. and :waist they contain no alco
holic aumulant, and can be taken by the most delicate
stomach, and will in every case entirely destroy Costive
re- a. and renovate the Nvhole system, removing all im
purities from the body, and remnants of previous disease,
and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing frightful dreams, walking while asleep,
which often result in accident.
The functions of the stomach are of the utmost impor•
Lance to every• one, constituting the source and fountain
of life, which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re.
markahle sympathies, none such. remarkable power in
modifying every yen of the system. A greater number
of persons fall victims to the harraoting of Constipation
and Dispepsia and more organic diseases commencing In
the digestive system, than all other diseases combined.
The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera,
Indurate., and other epidemics, is owing to disease or de•
rangement there. If the digestive system is in perfect
health, the nervous system and the circnlation of the
blood will be also, asupon it they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror.
Baltimore, July 17,1347.
Thosc hying in. or visiting districts hammed with
FEVER AND AGUE annually, wiU find that by the
timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen
the system, no excess of bile will accumulate, and theywill not in any one instance take the dtscase. Prevention
is far better than cure.
The rare SUCCCSIII In treating diseases of the stomach
successfully, has not been so much a want of pathological
knowledge of its functions; as the preparation of suitable
Vegetable compounds, so as to obtain not only their
whole power, but as they would be most effectual and
We are all aware that too many preparations have
been, and are now before the pubic, that act only as pan
auves, and some that change the locality of the disease,
or prevent it for a short period, then it returns more for
mldable than in the first instance. Such preparations
have destroyed the public confidence. This article stand
ing alone it, its number of cures, and unrivalled, as thou
sands of our citizens can attest who bare tested its vir
tues, can always be depended upon for the above named
diseases. It will cure any case that can be cured by
medicine, no matter who, or what else has failed; it will
perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the
Stomach, Intestines, RespfratiOn. Circulation, he.
These BAUM., and the Spikenard Ointment will cure
any Cale of Inward Piles; it Is a rare ,reeeneriee to re .
quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases.
For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE OFFICE.' No.
77d, Race Street, one door above Eighth, south side, Phila
delphia. In Lancaster, by John F. Long; in Harrisburg,
by Daniel W. Gross • in Pittsburg', by Wm. Thorn—and
by dealers generaLlyihroughout the United Stares.
Er Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of
Also (or sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE ARM
'ANTIC PILLS, for the cure of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop
sy.and severe Nervous Affections: SPIRMNAILD ODIT
NIELNT. for the cure of Piles, Tenet Ringworm. he.,
&c . c marchtd,ta4B-9in
it.!:‘, 4!).:i•.;,f411
i• Philadelifiiie Sdvertisemerds.
valid% beet friend
'give and only genuine '•
Bz.zromo Past Cintro!!.
7 rom Manheim Centre, lier-
Unser Co.. N. Y.
Dr. Wright—Dear s ir—lt Is
ith pleasure that I certify to
it efficacy of your .Indian
'egctable Pills. I had been
ng afflicted with the Bleed
ig Piles, and had usedmany
tescribed remedies to no
otiose. Your agent at Little
- Falls persuaded me to give
, it is with extreme gratification that I
say they entirely cured me. which has induced me to be
lieve that whenever a fair trial is made of them, they Will
be found a cheap, speedy, and effectual remedy for the
above complaint. Irass Lawn.
April Z 3, 1548. • Blacksmith.
Mr. Lewis is a well known and respectable citizen of
Herkimer county, N. York. and'•considered himself in
curable. Since his recovery, through the use of lirrighes
Indian Vegetable Pills, he has adopted them as his only
family medicine. and considers them the best he ever had
in his house, not only for himself but down to the youngest
A. Pwrstets:es Turracerr.
(From Catskill, Green County, New York.(
Dr. NV. Wright—Dear sir—l have found your Indian
Vegetable Pills A valuable remedy in cosmic( general de
bility of the system, and in all Bilious disorders. I am
also in the habit of recommending them to females in pe
culiar cases. I observe them to operate in the system
without producing debility or pain, leavingg . it in a healthy
condition. bun Done, M. D. •
June 2041848.
Tins then. FAX= l'irmnents.
(From Norton Hill; 'Greene' County, N. Y.]
Dr. Wright—We have used and sold 7our4ndlan Ve
getable Pdls for three years past, and do not hesitate to
recommend them to our friends and customers as the best
Family :Vedic= in use. N. & L. Itansezu..
(From "garble flail, ra.3
To Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir—For the last two years I
have had the agency for the aisle of your Indian Vegeta
ble Pills at this plate. and have sold annually large quan
tities at retail. They have, in every instance, given entire
satisfaction. Many . families in this section keen them,
and consider them invaluable as a family medicine.—
There is no medicine sold hero that can be so universally
recommended as Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
Very truly yours, Wra. Al. Luzinm.
Fcb. 1, 1849.
The following highly respectable Storekeepers have
been duly appointed agents :or the sale of this Celebrated
medicine, In Lancaster county:
Bearville, Reuben W etdler.
Bainbridge, John F. Beecher.
Bird-in-Band, Jacob Bruner.
Bart Township, Wm. W. Pam:more.
Belleview, Buyers & Kennedy.
ConestomiCentre, John Harman.
Church '/'own, L..& E. Rogers.
Coopereville, E. Lewis.
Columbia- Fry .k. Spangler.
Cherry Hill, Isaac S. Webster.
Drumore, John A. Boyd.
Earl Township, George Buchman.
do do Weaver & Stanger.
do do Davis Wallace.
Elizabethtown, John Lynch.
Ephrata, 0. P. Gross.
do Martin 'Weidman.
Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson.
Hernpfield, Rzeigivalt & Martin.
Intercourse, J. G. & S. L. Robinson.
Leacock township, Frederick Swope.
Lampe ter Square, J. F. Ze. D. IL Herr.
Luiz, Nathaniel S. Walley.
Lancaster, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
hlountville, John Devlin.
Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler."
Mount Joy Township, H. U. Clark & Co
Maytown, John Reinhold.
do Slay maker & Co.
Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner.
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer.
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer
Poplar Grove, L. 11. Paxson.
Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd.
Paradise;A. R. & A. 1.. Witmer
Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold.
John Rawlins.
safe Harbor. John Herr & Son.
Strausburg ' m. Spencer.
Salsbntry,ll. Freeland.
Washington, John A. Brush.
DTOffices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's
Indtan Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, WO Race
street. Philadelphia; 238 Greenwich street, :New York;
and 19d Tremont street, Boston.
QTOYES I At No. 97, South Second street, Phil
kJ adciplun . .
C. J. TYNDALE respectfully invites an examination
of his large stock of STOVES, embracing some of tue
or Pennsylvania. New York, Peekskill, Troy, &c, to
gctlier with u beautiful assortment of Fancy Sheet-Iron
Stoves and Radiators. For Parlors, Hitting-Rooms, Kitch
ens, or Chambers, he believes that his assortment will
compare to advantage with that or any other establish
meat. He has also a splendid stock of
for which he has been Are agent for many years in this
city, in the manufacture. of which for elegance and cheap-
ness, he refers to numerous purchasers. and for beauty of
patterns, he believes himsett unrwalltri.
lr.rFor Stoves, whether f o r Wood or Coal. his assort.
ment is complete. He returns his thanks to liis old Cut*
tamers, to whom and the public he renews his invitation
togive him a rail at the old stand, No. 97, South 2nd at.
Philadelphia. September 16, Ib4C.-2m
HOW many dio a most horrible death 'without
the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for
years, es they suppose, from dtspepsia, when it is worms,
which causes most diseases. 1 here has come under
our notice several Cares of supposed dispepsia, of several
years' standing, when we have recommended the Syrup,
which buss entirely restored them to health. We would
say to AULTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach.
Sick Head Ache, Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools,
Leanness Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after
eating, Sensation of rising In the throat after eating, &c.,_
be assured it is simply worms, and it needs but a trial of
to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above
symptoms and the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re
fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the
greatest sin you are convicted of, Is to let your children
suder and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable
remedy at hand. his said by our oldest Physicians, that
Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other die
eases the human family arc subject to. Then, how im
portant it is to have a sate and pleasant remedy at hand.
Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes,
you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and
you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your
neighborhood and get a Book of Hobenssers. containing
certificates of cute. and the symptoms of weans. Al
ways keep a Bottle of Hobensack's 'Worm Syrup on band,
it is a friend in need.
lilimas Hou...,uea—fientlemen t I take great pleasure
in informing yon of the great efficacy of your NV orm By
rap; having been afflicted for five years, and wasted
away to a mere skeleton, without teetering any benefit
from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts
to try your Worm Symposaheinformed meithad brought
worms from him; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks
county, a man over fifty years old, whom I am well ac
quainted with. I then commented taking your Syrup,
and it brought a very large quantity of worms, some ten
inches in length. and entirely restored me to health, and,
I must say I feel lake a new man.
Yours, truly, JOHN HART, Phil's co.
Mr. J. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three years of age,
living five miles out of the city, back of Second st. road
and is only one amongst the hundred grown persons tha,
have been saved by HOBENSACK'S WORM dl RCP.
I have been looking for some of your Worm Syrup
for some time ; I have sold all but one bottle ; I wish you
to send me two dozen immediately. I believe it to he it
good medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satisfaction.
/ haraknown one dose to bring from a child three worms,
ten inches long, and from another twenty worms, eight
inches long in one day. I have told different Worm Me
dicines for • number of years, but never sold any that
gave such universal satisfaction.
Respectfully, yours, 'MI BROOKFIELD,
Bridgeton, New Jersey
Puttsostrats, May 25,1847.
Messrs. J.N.k G. S. Hobenseck—Gentlemen—l have
been for some time using your “ Verratfugen in my prac
tice. and I am happy to say that in my bands it hus sue
ceaded in its intenuemoto as folly to justify my confidence
in its use. I thankit among the very best_preparation.s
.c. W. Amster!, X. D. No. 40. South st
Prepared only by J. N & 0. S. IiORENSACK, ad
and Ceases street, Philadelphia, and for sale by all re-
IMetabie Storekeepers in this and adjoining roonties,
whom we authorise maim back the money in every ease
it falls to give satitfitedon. Price 25 cents.
Also Elobeosackrs Hyena Tooth Ache Drops, Price
121 cents, a certain core for Tooth Ache.
Hobensack's Rheumatic liniment. Price2s'eents;
do Curcall Solve. Price 124 centsifor weak
backs, sprains, fresh and old sores, bums, etc.
Hobensack's Teller and Ringworm ,Ointment. Price
25 cents, Werrsh ove. ented to cure all irruptions of the 'skits—
foirsale es
Philadelphia May 27,—ino 1848
Extract is put up in clue=—it is siz times
cheaper. pleasanter, and evarrintodcel, epepor to any sold.
It cures diseases _without yontiling,purgipg,.sic)toess, or
debilitating die violent; end :is tpsoMkil •si k f.a.d,lipteft for:s.
The great - beauty and superiority of this Sari . isperidb4.
over all other resew:lipids, whiLstitersidiesitsit,•
disease, dt invigorates the body.
Bronchitis, Consumption. Liver Complaint; Colds;Cougha.l
Catarrh. Asthma, Spitting of Blood; Soreness in .the
Chest. Hectic Flush, Night Sweats. Difficult or •Profuse•
Expectomtion,and Pain in the Side have and Can
he cured.
Probably there never was a remedy that has been so ,
successful in desperate cases of consumption as' this; it.
cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal
the ulcers on the lungs, and the patients gradually regain
their usual health and strength.
There is scarcely a thy passes but there are a number
of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of
Dr. Townsend', Sarsaparilla. .The following was recently
received :
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir s—ror" the last three years I
bare been at with general debility, and nervous con
sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain
my health at all. Atter going through a course of medi
cine under the care of some of the most distinguished re
gular physicians anstmembers of the Board of Health in
New York and elsewhere. and spending most of rny.earn
saga in attempting to regain my health, and after reading
in some paper of your Sarsaparilla., I resolved to try it
After using am bottles I found it done me great good and
called to see you at your o ffi ce ; with your advice I kept
on, and do most heartily thank you for your advice. I per
severed in taking the Sarsaparilla, and have been able to
attend to my usual labors for:the last four months, and I
hope by the blessing of God and your Sarsaparilla to con
tinue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations
of all who knew my case. CISCRLISS
Orange, Essex Co., N. 4 - August 2;1E47. ,
State of New Jersey. Essex County, as : • `•• •
Charles Quimby being duly sworn according to law, on
his oath moth, that the foregoing statement is true accord
ing to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Sworn and subscribed to before me at Omnge, the 3rd
August, 1247. CYRUS ItatuVritl, Justice of the Peace.
C ai ate
New York, April 27,1947. Nuts'
Dr. Townsend—l verily believe that your Sarsaparilla P ES.—Strawberry liurtleberry, Blackberry, Currant.
has been the means, through Providence, of Savlng my Mt rry, Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard,
life. I have for several years had a bad tough. It be- Air de, Peach, filince, and Itheubarb Pies pouring in hot
came worse and worse. At last I raised large quantities fro the oven at all hours of the day.
of blood, had night sweats, and was greatly debilitated NEESE :—Timothy Jackson's Ne Plus Ultra Meda)
and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used ( ectie, (very superior,) Pine Apple Cheese, and a at
your Sarsaparilla but a shunt time, and there has a won- v riety of other Cheese, both new and old.
derful change been wrought in tee. I am now able to
N. B. Some of the Cheese sold at this establishment
walk all over th e city I lament) blood, and my cough is
has left me. You can well,irnagine that lam thankful goal - to - the beet English Cheese. ' „ ,
for these results. Your obedient servant. . )13' TEMPERANCE cold—Ron-
Woe.Rc~sker.,6s, C at h er i ne , lineral Water. Lemonade. Beer, 11 . 1ead,1)11111,i dem
• Philadelphia , June 10,1948.-8 m •
Read the following and say that Consumption is incu
rable if you can
, • t
Very few families indeed—in fact we have not beard o
one—that used Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in time Joe
any children the past summer. while those that did or t
sickened and died. The certificate we publish below s
conclusive evidence of its value, anti is only another in
stance of its saving the lives of the children:
D. Townsend—Dear Sir: I had two children curediby
your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint and dysenst.iry;
on.. was only 15 months old, and the other 3 years. T bey
were very much reduced, and we expected they
. w old
die; they were given up by two respectable physi c ans.
When the doctor informed us thatuve must lose the t, we
resolved to try your Sarsaparilla vie had her , ' .n /much
of, but, had but little confidence, there. In" much
stuff advertised that is worthless; but we at ink
ful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the mull.
I writs this that others may be induced to us,
Yours, respectfully, " Joust V
Myrtle• Avenue, 'Brooklyn; Sept. 151647.
James Cummings, Lim., one of the seem
natio Asylum, Blackwell's Island, by the get
en of in the following letter :
This is only one of more than four that
rheumatism that Dr. Townswendts Sat
cured. The most severe and chronic cast
eradicated by its extraordinary virtues
, .
BtAckweit.'s'lsturn. S., .. , ,e 47.
Dn. Tows:sem:l—Dear Sir : I have autTere'd terribly. for
nine years with rheumatism; considerable /of the urns, I
could not eat, sleep or work; I had the ni ea distressing
pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen I have used
tour bottles of your sarsaparilla, and they have done me
more than one thousand dollaneWorth of good—l am so
much better. Indeed. I ant entirely relieved. You are at
liberty to use this for the benefit of the a icted.
Yours, Respeefully, Is. its Cc:ousels..
DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSA.PARIL .A. is a favorite of
the Ladies. It relieves them of a great; amount of suffer-
mg. end gives them line complexions,#nd buoyant spirit'.
Mrs. Parker kindly sent us the follow' ig:
Smern BROOK/. a, Aug., 17,1847.
De. Tow:me:re—Sir : It gives me Leasure to testify to
the beneficial effects I have experie: _ed from the use of
your Sarsaparilla. My system was, very much reduced
by nervousness and general debility, ud with a variety of
female complaints. I read your ad •ectisement, and was
induced to try the effect of your TCI edy. It restored me
to a better state of health. 1 had- n t enjoyed for several
years previous to taking it; and I do most cheerfully re- I
commend it as ay:di:able raedicineito all who arc afflicted
as I have been.
Mae. PAII.X/R, Beitlq It., South Brooklyn.
The following is from a very Faspectable farmer resid.
in g at Ileumpste ad:
Dn. Toweseee—Dear Sir: Id l y wife has been suffering
so severely from the Dyspepsia and general derangement
of the system, that we suppose she must die. The Shy
sicians could not resist the d Abe, and she would have
died beyond doubt if we had net given her your Sarsapa
rilla. It has saved her life4rtienly. She is almost en
tirely relieved, and is gainistrength and health. She
still Continues the use of it. i
Yours, respectfully, / ELIZA ABRABI.
I New TORE, Seer. 0, 1E47.
Da- Towsenrea:.—Dear i Sir—l ant constrained, as an
act of justice, to publicly acknowledge the great benefits
received trom the use oh . your Sarsaparilla, being in town
about two yeare since le a very weak and debilitated
state. My discasewas a chmniaindammation of the li
ver and stomach, mid, as many thought e.ousuruption; ,I
was so reduced that I had very little 'hive of resolery.
Hearing and reading considerably of the effects of your
medsente, I resolved to try it, thought I entertained a prmu.
dice against advertised remedies. I had taken the mcdt
cine but a short ume, and began to recover gradually and
continued to get better, and am now well. Indeed I am
so touch improved that arty friends scarcely recognized me
when I returned to the.cuy. You are at liberty to publish
this if you think it will extend the use of your excellent
remedy. , . T. Tirivirm.
One thousand or mote additional agencies, fbr the sale
of Dr TownitemPs Sarsaparilla, will be established in
such places where an agency is not already appointed, in
the States of PennAY/yenta, :Vets , Jersey Delaware, Ma.
ryland, Virginia. add other Southern and western States.
The term. of agency .to be complied with will be as fol
lows; Not more than one person will have the appoint
ment in A place, who will he advertised as suet' in one
Or more papers published at such place, or the nearest
paper to the place. The will also be furnished with el
and handbills setting forth the virtues of the medicine,
with thoir names printed as the Agents, for circulation.
A list of all such names will be regularly published in
DYOTT'I ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies or all such
will be furnished them for circulation gratis, wits splen
did showbills of Dr- Townsend's entire establishment.
For all these advantages, the payment for a supply of
the Sarsapirila will be required when ordered, and Many
time when the Agency te relinquished, if any of the Med
icine should remain unsold,it will be taken back at the
price paid for it.
Persons who may wish the sale of this valuable medi
cine on the terms above specified, will addreu. by letter,
or apply at the Principal office and sole agency of
T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 132 N. 2d st, Phila.
And at the same ume they will mention the names of
any newspapers published in or near the place in which
they reside. ' •
. -
It., B. With the above advaruages, the price of:the
Sarsaparilla will be 59 per dozaw packed in boxes. of 2
doz. each—less than a box will not be furnished.
Principal Otrace,.l26 Fulton street, New York.
Sole agents lkir Philadelphia. Dr. T. W. DYOTT &
SONS. Columbian College, 132 North SECOND street
also for sale by Frederick Brown, corner of Chestnut and
Filth streets ; Lancaster, Deintish and Son : Wilmington
Edward Bnnklitarst ; York, Morris & Co.; Carlisle, S.
liott; Harrisburg. Dr. McPherson; S. S. Hance, AMU
more ; and by the principal Druggists throughout the Dot
ted States, West Indies and Canada.
Nonegenuine, unless put up in large square bonier,
which contain a quart. and signed with the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend, and his name blown on the
N. B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine should not
be induced to take any other. Druggists pin up Sarsapa
rillas, and of course prefer selling their own ; others have
purchased that put up in small bottles, and because they
make a greater profit, mammon(' them. Do not be de
ceived by Any-4nquire foe Dr. Towndaend's nod take no
"Betnetuber the genuine Townsend's Sarsaparilla,'
sold oti by the Sole Aagents, T. W. &M IT dr.• SONS
N 0.132. North Second Street, Phila.
Each bottle is always enveloped or Accompanied with
a copy of e' Dyott's Oracle of Health.
W. A. LEADER. color Columbia
rrlin. afro
OII4OPAYIA.' . Dti ,
..Remedy is a donned
ly of roots—no , balsams,
end, end very pleasant
ci , ai nialauK• in all their
If the medicine/0 taken
Prepared by ROW&
sale and retail, at • No
R. Williams and We A
son. Marietta; J. el
I Wrightsville t lames'
~,,- VOURSELF I FM IS Celt?*
•. . \ 1 By means of the Perim
, . • ESCUL 01
APION. Or 4 , 31 - eall Al:
, , a,,,, i O.. physician I twentieth eill.-
µ c.; . ~??
. 0 . tion. with npwardn tif a hum
..‘,..t.;;•...0. + rs, deed engravings, showing tut
-0., .if• v • ~. 41 . 1 vine diseases in every urban*
~ . ;,, . -r and form,, and malformations
5. 4 v ~,,/ - )of the generative system.
CI , .. ~' 1 • By W. YOUNU, Ni. D.
1. 1
•;..` L - ~ f , The time has now arrived.
• tifil ... that persona suffering from ea
- ` J j.' , eret di,, need no more be
- ..' , ..",.,f7 • come the viscose quackery. as
1 ,-::...> - -; by the prescriptions contained
~,,..' .7' . ,41 this book...any,onosnatt.cane
himself, without hindrance to
^ he knoweledge of the most intimate friend,
tenth the mum] expenee. In addition to the
tile of private dieease, it fully explains the
,iihrind's early decline, with observations en
oesides other derangements which it would
er to enumerate in the public prints. '. _
business, or t
and with one
general rout
calm of nir
not he prur
person 'mulling TWhIVTV-rive CENTS enclosed
will receive one eiwymfthis book, by mail, nr
will be sentlor nne'dollar. Address. •• DR.
NO, No. 152 SPRUCE. at., Pliihittelphisi?, post
inf Any
In a letter /
five come
an a l d'
awl Pad
ae agent
fANTED—Proprietors of Drug or ilook'Storeir,
era, In every town in the United Stater, to act
. for the libuve work. ees2'gB.6m.
SALE at the sign of the a Bed Cotain,l ,
fourth and Market Street, Phtladelpyta.
O: WHEELOCK% Paomultroa,
Sponge; Pound, Iced, Spiced; Qieen
Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes; Cheese
s, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Spice Nuts;
.and Ginger
YOU SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of: the
AMERICAN COMPOUND have been sold during
the past year, and was never known to fail of , curing, in
a few days, the worst cases of a certain delicate disease;
Siminal weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs.
Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy ,
need fear no exposure, as it leaves no oder on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet or beehives—contains no
Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is
adapted to, every, age, sex, or condition. -It is also the
best remedy known tor Flour Albus,' or Whites, (female
complaints) with which thoupands surer. without the
knowledgel of a remedy. This celebrated remedrhas
loug been used in the private practice of a physician with
unerring success, radically curing ninety-nine of the hun
dred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain
and full directions.
ECrCAUTION—Ask for the AIdrRICAN * CoMrournp, end
urehase only of the agent. Price $1 per bottle: K:.
Vituams, agent for Columbia.
June 3, le4e.-ly
EMPIRE COOKING STOVE. la again calling
attention to this uneoalled STOVE, the proprietor
—has the pleasure to inform the public that (extor
flatly) it has undergone an entire change—the pipe and
hearth placed opposite each other, and a.
being added, thus rendering it faultless, and unlesi there
is another fauttless Stove in the market, this is ouches
amiably the best, us it now embraces every valuable im
provement possessed by any other Stove in addition to
some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove, since its introduction, is un
equalled. Nothing has , evec been otihred for culinary pup.
rrest that has given such general
ve ,
used its fundamental principles, but the proportions were
so unlike the original. that they bear tine relative value,
that a counterfeit does to ngenuine coin.
Complete COOK and Other COOK STOVES, in 'great
variety. " P. IL umBERT, No. 412, Market it
Girard Row, below Twelfth Street. PHILADELPHLa•
ZrAll Stoves purchased at THIS STORE will be de
livered in Columbia, free of charge,
3s of
FOUSDRY. No. 8 PEAR Street, near the
Exchange, Philadelphia.
The subscriber having made great improvements in his
method of casting type and mixing of-metals, and' hacta
thorough revising of his matrtces, the faces of which are
not excelled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any tn
the country; flatters himself that by a strict personal at
tention to business, and employing none but the most
skillful workmen. he is enabled to offer a superiorarticle,
lie is constantly adding to his stock all that is newfrom
the heat workmen of this and other countries, and having
lately procured front Europe, a great variety of NEW
FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention Cl'
Printers thereto.
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order.
Presses, Chance, Cases, Ink, Stands, Galleys, Brass
Pule, and every other article needed to furnish a complete
Printing Office, supplied at the shortest notice.
Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully , put up is
founts of correct proportion. . ' .
Philadelphia, August 12,1848-6 m.
WASHINGTON Gallery of Dagnerreotypes,tlfo.
T T 234. North SecondStrect,N. W. corneroi
hill street, Philadelphia.
The Likenesses taken and beautifully colbred at this
well known establishment, for ONE DOLLAR, are uni
versally conceded toitt squst in every respect to ANT in
the city- Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and elear
Weather. A large astoionehr or MEDALLIONS' and
LOCKETS on hand, at from se to S 5, including the pit;
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lap•
caster county, to call and examine specimens of the latest
improvements in the am of Daguerreotyping, which will
be exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
I. e4.9.-6m
Philadelphia. Jul
A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.--The
loins, recent and chronic affections of the kidneys, die
ease of the bladder, pastel, seminal weakness; gee. Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit, having entailed
on themselves constitutional debility, should apply _be
otediamly to DR. KINKELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi
cal House. the - oldest institution of.the kind in the City.
Office. N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Sts., 13e.
pineiti squares from the Exchanger
This Medical House .91111t‘estAtblIshedlly Dr. K. fifteen
years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there. being'
so many porsons,withotd tnowledge, nerds ok character,
who put advertisements in the public papers, that an2ni
atitutton of this kind was highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted, especially strangers, from fa ll ing into the hands
of some, unskilful! wretch, who, instead of curing, might
send his victim into an untimely grave. Thereforeithe
afflicted should shun the numerolts pretended physicissis
who know nothing of the practice of medicine ; but con.
stilt Dr. Kinkelin, who cures a CERTAIN DOUSE in two or
three days. according to the smut of the patient, without
the use of Mercury: No mercurial remedies are used by
.11r. Kinkelin; his medicines' , are palambls and hairless,
and all his patients are•hohomlily shielded, froWweenthe
possibility of being discovered. Hs who places "Malec
under the ease or Dr. E., may religiously confide in96 l
honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon WIWI
as a physician, and i 1 he is not speedily relieved to re
muneration will be demanded. •,
Strictures, one of the most troublesome and , daitsmous
affections, which Mien end in gravel; intlionstion,wealt•
ness, &c., Dr. Kinkelin guarantees to' remove speedily
as also, swellings, 'diseased prostrate gland, asc. -.Stric
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
TARE PASEICVLAR Nonce.—Young men 'who have in
'tired themseves by a certain practice indolgedia habit
frequententty learned from evil companions, ite at school,
the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply intatadikte.
ly. Weakness and constitutional debility itnamdisuily
cored led full vigor restated. :All letters postpaid. '1
Taxi Nonce.—DrAlinkalin has bad iTimitorqsalictiar
in the shove adhertkins 'than any physician In!thsuLlaitad
States. Hestia*, paucities anasidlyiustyptiovng till others.
from the fact of his , having studied in r tit great 60:appals
of Eunme. Thousands tri "Philadelphia tan teatliyahat
he 'cured then:nailer every other reriedr4panweeverfr
rate rooms for private consultation. 'Opeurdlt s ertlifr.
"Tnarzt.mcia supplied `at a Settometit's
vegisidittedWitiestrierdralbl*adVille t vOltf:
rsonstral~Medicines ilsWelfdauty
Mere particulars in the Spirit of the as,
. t
..lullea's'andian. %dab
evaporation, composed entire.
, mereurr; or:a drothersole.
o the taste. Certain" syphilitic
o nos, cured' bra way tee 'day;
as directed.•
Ddr..WALTON.and add who*.
76 Market street. Ptaladelpbta...
Leader. Connoblar.l.l%.Ander
Finney , and Evans. 411 c. Lloyd,
Smith and LADCIIO4I.IV.
P., R. G.