. illi li ttillAtillig ailbern The skin lithe principle • min of touch swingftptbe vast quaotity of nervous matter in turreogispositilsn.. .9. to speak.. h Is• the vast sewer of the system draining o , more refuse matter than all the other glands of the a stem together. This is effected by the persplratery a app, ntt Os of the Dirmie.— The Sebaceous glands ofike Darmie secrete the oily sub- ' stance whichYenders t"-takin pliable. The function of the third set of Is of the skin, vie absorbents. is to remove any morbid deposit between the Dermis and l i Epidermic Whenever the oily seeretioh is allowed to tamale too long.on thesurface o the skin, and meeting as it does With fine dust which 0 ntinually floats in the atmosphere, the action of tbeulkin Is interfered with, and some detergent becomes neursaaryl,tri'restore it. A flee action of the akin is indisperwible to health, for when it is Interfered with the reface matter which other wise would be excreted Is thrown back on the system. The action of the absorbents of the Dermis does not Immediately concern health,-but is the one on which beauty depends. Since it is Abe. only channel through which any morbid deposit, such as tan, freckles. pimples, der- can be removed, there are few arirles that mimeses aniinduence over these absorbents. Itarlway'• Soap Is the mostpotent of these. For It le from the introduction (Into& soap) of 'ltch articles as have 1 , power over these absorbent., (securing thereby the beattrifying as well as the detergent effect) that hang Its cardinal virtues. This isseteritiOn is entirely our own, and was Bret introduced to the public under the name of Its ways Chinese Medicated Soap. Ladles and gentlemen, if you wish to get Radwey's Soap in all its purity, call on R. Wrist/op . , and Win. A. Lzazirs, Columbia. and Zahm & Jackson, \in Lancaster. Each cake, or the genuine, must be signed R. C. Rad way .T. & R. O. RAD WAY, 2 Courdand S4t., 'i. Y. septi6'B,lm On the Bth inst., by the Rev. Wm. Barns, Tr. TOON.A.B SMELLS to Mrs. ELLZABIL7II SMITH', both of C. lumbia. Oa the 12th instant, by the stone. Mr. Jot v Awn, to M 34 CA.21141.111018 WELSO, both of Columbia. 15,000 FTE RICE far sale from the Boliveh Brick Vorks, IVestmoreland county, Pa., said to lie supe rior for Furnaces to any made. For sale by HENRY KALiFFELT, Head of Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa. 117"Laneastcr 1:IMou lc Tribune copy and charge ad vertiser. October 14,1848 Pl:l73lgle SALE. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, an Saluday the ildth day of October, 4.84 d, at the premises; the following described propetly, viz: A two story b tick TAVERN HOUSE, sign of the Green Tree, formarly kept by John Smith., but at present by Edward between Locust c Howard. tiv altuate on Me vast vide of Front. Walnut streets, 42 feet front and an 8 feet al tey , and i feet deep. Also, at the same time and place, a Wharf 1 1 e feet long by 50 wide, situnde immediately ia the rear soPthe house above described. Sale to commence al 2 o'clock in the afternoon of sai ' a day when terms will be made known by 1 Columbia; Oct. 14, 1848—ar JOHN SMITH. DELTALIMPIZIKir GOODS. THE undersigned has just returned from Phil adelphia with n largo assoriment of all kinds of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, to which she would respectfully call the attention of the ladies of Columbia and vicinity. Her stock consists of a •zhoice selection of Bonnets of the latest style. varying in Iptice from Mesa %GIRO.' Also, a large assortment of Rib. bands, Silks, amine, Velvets, Flowers. &e., &c., all of which she isprepared to make up, according to the latest fashions, and sell cheap. L. BROWN Third door above Chalfant & Haldemnn's store. Columbia, Oct. 7, 1848. Front street. TALL do WINTER aOODSI. We have just received a splendid as- ILL •ortmeut of FASHIONABLY., FANCI, and STA PLE FALL and WINTER GOODS, to which we respect fully invite the attention of the public. FRY & SPANNLER'S, Columbia, October 7,1848. AZIPALCASS, MERINO, MORELS, in, for Ladies' Dresses. We would cull the particular attention of the LADIES to our choice stock of the above Goods, and also to ex =Milli:, a beautiful selection of Cliachmeres. Plaids, de Loins, &c.,.tn keeping.wah the latest fashions. ocatki-tf FRY & SPAIVGLEIL SLID GLOVES, FOB Ladles' and Gentlemen's wear. A good assorunent at Fry & Spangler's. oc7,4ti .FANCY COLORED FRENCH MERINOS for children's wear, with an ussortment of other goods suitable for children, at Fry & Spangler's. 0c7'48. CAPS, CAPS, CAPS, of the very latest styles, •for Men and Boys, at Fry & Spangler's. 0c734 roa maxim. A LOGE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Veetings, Satinets, Tweeds, Kersey', and Ladle.' Gress Goods, at the lowest prices, at Oct. 7, , 1848. FRY & SPANGLER'S. BLAILITZETS, VLANNELS, &c. last received a large lot of .12 8, 9,18. 11, 12-4 Whitney Blankets, and a tinge stock of Flannels at all prices, at FRY & SPANGLER'S. 'LLALL BONNET ROBBONS—some splendid and lash "! ionable styles, just received at Fry & Spangler's. QHAWLS SHAWLS: In endless variety and prices 1.3 at Fry & Spangler's. 0c7'46 FRENCH WORKED COLLARS, some as low us lge cents. at Fry & Spangler's. 0e748 A LPACAS. DeWitt, plain and figured for 1:4 cents, at 11 October 7, 1848. W. & S. PATTON'S. DLANKETS—Large and Cheap at Oct. 7, Istld. W. & S PATTON'S. FOR AZINT. AGOOD and convenient two story brick dwelling house, situate 011 Fourth street, apply .to FRY Is SPANGLER. N. B. Possession given immediately. Columbia, October 1, 1.849.—tf V.IIIGVABLEI RUMNESS PROPERTY at Public Sale, without J...) reserve. In pursuance of as order of the Orphan's Court of Lancaster county, will be sold on Saturday •28:h October, at the house of John Barr, in the Borough of Columbia, the following real estate, formerly the residence of Gen. Thos. Boude, dec'd—A double lot of ground, with a large Brick Dwelling and back buildings. and an Office on the front, with stabling and carriage house thereon erected, situate on Front street, near the bridge, in the Borough of Columbia. 52 feet front on said street, and ex tending bock about 300 feet to al4 feet alley. This house being very large, and constructed of the best materials, is susceptible of being divided and altered to a Arst rate business property, worthy the attention of business men. It will positively . he sold without reserve. Persons wishing to view the premises will please coil on the subscriber. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M., when terms (which will be very liberal,) will be made ,known by SAMUEL B. BOUDE. Colombia, October 7,1848.-3 t ovk sA RE eo-partnersbip heretofore existing be tween William Cross and William Waddle, trading r uler the firm of Cross & Waddle. has this day been dis mayed by mutual consent. WILLIAM CROSS, Sept. 00,1848. WILLIAM WADDLE. The business of the late firm will be settled by 'William Waddle and Thomas Hoge, agent for William Cross. October 7,1848.-3 ts s•4i=tY:O. VRII of Maids, Wives, 'Widow; and the i ji ?rowning ornament of men. It is to the scalp as guano is to the earth in making It fruitful. It le as certain in its efect as death, to-morrow or next year. Now, reader, these respectable chimes certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the follow log 'Sects without WI: It will force the human hair to grow on the head, face, or body — lt will stop It Inning, tare sea rf or dandnza: and make red, grey, and light hair grow dark. Mr. W.Tompkins,9lKing et., New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. James Power, grocer. Falb= et.,l3rooklyn. Mr. Thomas Jackson, 89 Liberty st, Pittsburgh Henry E. Cullen, (late) barber on board the South America. But thebeantifal, the glorious effect it has in dressing and beautifying the hair—making it soft, dark. silky, and keeping it so thrice as long as any other article made. IT IS SO ECONOMICAL AND CHEAP. It costs but] shillings for a treat bottle, and the public. are emucientiously and honestly assured that the above are its real and tree qualities. Be caned and get Ms genulae. Ask for Jones's Coral Hair Rbateraties, bad take ao Mbar. For rale only by It. agent Or Coblarbbb ! Philadelphia . .ddvertisemenia. EVlEFlElggq4l7l l lqqqq4Elrittll PITELMEnr HE BLOOD. DB. KEHLER: PANACEA, for the removal and permanent cunt o fall diseases arising ram an Impure state of the BLOOD and habit of the body. trig: I Chronic Bronchitis, Catarrh, Plurisey, Coughs, etc. Scrofula In all its forms Tette'', Scald head, Ulcers of the face, hndy and extremities. Chronic Rheumatism. chronic diseases of the stnmich, liver and skin; White-swell lags, Enlargement o f the Joints. old nicer', constitutional debility, syphlitic disorders, mercueial and hereditary predispositions, etc. Spring and summer have passed away, and autumn is once more with us. There is a melancholy sadness in the sessop,and all nature feels the change that is stealing silently nn. Man seems to ahrink from the coming winter and prepares to meet the chancen which the seasons im pose upon time. But how ait with the bed-ridden mar tyr to actiorui.a. liver diereses. chest erections, rheu matism, or any of the numerous disorders winch take their rule in the organs of digestion and an soon dry up the springs of life. How dons he feel the change, What gloomy forebodings dwell in the tenure 7 The sear and yellnw leaf of autumn remind them that w decay's effac ing lingers" ere already active In their work of desolu tion. Ile knows and feels that without relief ' With hint life's scenes will anon be o'er His beating heart will cease to beat. and he marvels. But has not the hottnteoue band of nature scattered around us a remedy to expel-disease from our system. and bring the blood upon nor cheeks. blunt houre, dam weeks, arid ,itimitha he command in anguish Ana suffering', We ammer,liNn. DR. KEE PANACEA lea remedy of unsurpassed alterative powers, and will, so far as human agency and fnresight can go, drive disease from the system, and restore it again to itealth. From the past we may indite of the future. What has once been done can be done again. From the many advantages conferred on the afflicted by the PANACEA, all may reasonably hope for, and expect to derive bene fits. npßead the following evidence-at lilathwodtriwei, N. J., Fetiruary 13,1848. Dr. Keeler—Dear slr-1 am entirely out of your Pana cea—l was called on for half a dozen day before yester day. Your mediciee is selling very well where I have Introduced It. and lain satisfied tba:t he more it is known the more popular it will get. Very respectfully. your's, IVI3I. PAR FIII3I. M. D. We are continually receiving such fin iterleg notices as the above, all speaking in the highest praise of the Pana cea. It Is the best remedy before the public. • , 'Sea Pam ph lets Prepared and sold. witolesale and retail. N. W. corner of Third and South at., Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Harrisburg G. W i Miller, Luneaater ; and retailed by R. WILLI AMS,A Columbia, and by drug gists anddtbers throughout the country. Price SI per bot tle, 6 bottles $5. jrrsee pamphleis_Ca iire'Also Dr. KeelePs Cordial & Carminative, the best medicine known for Diarrhma. Dysentery, Cholera lit lament, Cholera Morbus, Colic Fluileney etc., and for all , derangements of the stomach and bowels caused by TEETHING. Philadelphia, Oct 14,1848.-8 m e 41--iwir,-* ,HOTEL, The subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public an general, that they have taken the WHITE SWAN HOTEL AND STAGE HOUSE, HH, Race Street, Philadelphia, formerly kept by J. P peers & Son. The House being large and convenient, and in the business part of the city, they hope, by strict attention to business, that their friends will give them a call ; that nothing shall be wanting on their part to make their guests feel at home. Terms, $1 ter day. L. REX PETERS, of Phila. JOS. HOWETT, Ph In. 0ct.7,1648-3m formerly of Lancaster. WINTER Ii,LOTHING for men and boys, at George Galin's, Scaitheristcorner of Second and Market streets. Gentlemen visiting the city and wishing to supply them selves With Cheap and Fashionab:e Winter Clothing will find a Itirge. complete, and choice assortment of Bangup Coats, Cloaks, Business 'Coats, Dress and Frock Coats, and Boys , Coats in great variety, made of American, English, and French Cloths. Pantaloons for men and Boys, made of Cessirneres, - Doe-Skins, Satinets. &c., &c. Vesta loricien and boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet,. Cloth, and Cashmere Also, Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Ae„ at the lowest possible prices for CASH. Remember we will sell as cheap rs any Clothing Mouse in the United States. GEO. CULIN. Soul. east corner of Second and Market streets. Phila., Se I, 30 , 16418,6 m • UTERINE QIIPPORTgRi. blcs. James Betts, North East Liennier of Eleventh nod Weise'. streets. Pltaladelplils, original Inventrr and sole proprietor.: To Physicians, Ladies, and Druggists. Mrs. Wits notion reepectfoolly communicates the con tinued coerces and %narrowing demand for her Uterine Supporters: thy are now very generally adopted by Physicians as floe most succeeslut medium of relief for the dietressing malady for which they - were invented, of any offered to Inn public. The ev II renulta attending the use of Pessaries, ore obviated by the application of tier Supporter, and the pa tient in enabled, io a short period, to resume her douses tic concerns and dulles to arid the long croofiliement to tile nick chamber. withiall lie attendant distressing conse quences, renderer' Unnecessary. Twenty thourmild 4adies are now using them with the greatest ease. conifott, and advantage. CAC I'ION.--PLusoz OBSERVE--That proceedings , have been commeoocad in the Supreme Court of sylvenia ag.oloost rt Surgical Instrument making !iron in Philadelphia. for counterfeiting end selling the Support ers as and for Betts, Ultra Abdominal Supporters." All Moline Supporters hate tier written signature en- closed in a circle of latter preen, not each instrument and in the box ere a loobk nod written directions. Mrs. U. refers with pleasure In eminent Medical Pro. tensors of all the schools in Pholadelploia. And to cele- ' braced Professors and Paysiciatis in other chies of the United States. Mrs Berta offers the Rillowing The fine Supoorter for',l,ad les. adapted to the variation dimension's of Pat lents. 88 00: an entire new Support er for SUMMER Use. for Leonia requiring the use ate very cool, light. and transparent article ; weight only from 2 oz. to 3 0r... end possessing ell the Important re quinotes, 87 alt: a very follow and daraltia Supporter, with all the latent improvititents lu Its arrangement, (for poor patients) 85 00 o The above are stibieet ton very liberal discount to sell again. when three or more nos taken. R. Williaine. Agent. Columbia, where pamphlets can he had containing certificates of the must eminent phy sicians in this country as wellas in Europe. Sep. 10, 1842-2 m. A CERTAIN CURE EMI TILE PILES. Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGE I ABLE PI.I.Ed REMEDY Is a domestic pre paration, which hes been used with entire success for marry years Being an internal medicine. It has a decided preference over nutward appiicalion•.whlch are but pal istives and trot curatives. This medicine nett upon the diseased parts, producing healthy t akin. and a PERMA NENT CURE—WHICH IVE WARRANT ur refund the MONEY. Wholesale and retail by ROW AND & IA , ALTON, Proprietors, No no, Market street, Philadelphia• IL. Williams and W. A. Leader. - C niombla ; J. T. An derson fiIIIrICUEL ; 3. S. Finney da,Evans. and Lloyd, Wrightsville; James Idisfith and o.mila, Lancnater. sept2'4S-2y - in:mow= Im3ul - NTANUFACTORY. Sieve, Itiddle,tereen and Wire _CI CLOTH MANUFACTORY, No. 4d, North Front street, Philadelphia. The subscribers continue to manufacture, of a superior q uality, all o jie P r L er Riddles,OR NAMENTAL forVi WIRE kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand , Ore, Snuff, Starch , Brick duets, &C. Founders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly on hand. Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers. Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, If.C. ORNAMENTAL .WHiSE WORE. Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering, Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape Vines, lec.. &c. Also, Wire Fencing of every description. te.l7.;°'4'" thankfully received. and promptly execu -IVATSON & COX. August 12, 1849-3 m FIIIME AN= .&411:1211! I TIIOROUGALY ERADICATED BY ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTURE! That great National. Old Fa vorite, and Sterling Remedy! of EIGHTEENYEAR= STANDING—stiII unapprosehed in its vibnderful success, certainty, and safety, in the cyan or rots WRETCH= cox " smelt Mr If you would erzape the arsenical (poisonous) coun terfeits take not a bot,le from any one, that is not guarded by the written signature' ) of the original Inventor and proprieior, Joint Rovrann, on a paper label, crossing the mouth and cork. This remedy has never been bolstered co nfid encey f and deceitful puffs, but has woo its way to the and universal adoption of the inhabitants of Flom moo Amin Dormers, BY ITS GOOD WORKS AND FRUITS ALONE, to which all the agents, and every person who have used it, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE, 143, Arch Street, Phila. AGENTS. • Columbia, R. Wi l liams. W. A. Leader, Lancaster. 3, Gish & Co.; Marietta, J. Awfer, J. T. Anderson ; Bain bridge, Landis; Fallmouth, G. H. Horning: Middletown, M. Brown, R. Mort ; Portsmouth. Henry Bear, M. Me- Benoit. Wm. Rowan ; Collin's Ferry, A. Collins; New Windsor, Eckert & Mandan Tido-water Loch, J. Kelly; Wrightsville, J. S. Puthey. August 0, Me. a . • 0 OBS. The •ambseribert have . justreceived end opened their Fall Goods, cansistutgemof C1 4 0 115 4W I mere,. and Vesting. of the moat desirable styles. S!titi.. nets, Woolen and Canton Flannels, Velvet Cords, Lund says, Tickinmt, Checks. &c., LADIES' DRESS GOODS.—Silks, Saun striped Cash meres and Paunetto Cloths. Rich style Cashmeres, Lamestines, Mohair ,Lusires, changeable Lustres, plain . and figured, Brochees Delains and Alpacas of every qual ity, all of which will be sold from 10 to 20 per cent below fanner prices. W. & S. PATTON. Columbia, October 7, 1848. ramilarmar ! TIRE NOTICE, that it will be to yon t interest to ell l and examine th e large stock of Cloths, Cal simeres, Sattinets.Vestings, &c.. ofevdd' style and (pals. ty. at reduced prices. Now opened at Columbia. Oct.?, IS4B. W. h S. PATTON-8. WORE NEW GOODS. W &S. PATTON hare just received a splat v v . did assortment or Fall and Winter Dress Goods, at very lowprices. oetr4B CARPETS, AfATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and -.11 low at W. & PAT TON'S. Oct. 7, 1948.-tf 'TRIMMINGS Every description, suitable for dresses, now W. & S PATTON'S. ‘ISc7TITI9nf creannam 01 1 HOWL. NOTICE. The U. S. Mail—Eagle Line—will leave Columbia hereafter at 3 o'clock. P. M., instead of 3; as formerly. The morning train will leave at DI o'clock, A. M., as heretofore. S. 0. ROCKAFELLOW & Co., October 7, 184.4.-Ito Proprietors. Opening This Day, ANOTKER splendid lot of FALL AND WINTER STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. to which we would respectfully invite the attention of the public gene rally, and the ladles in particular. Sept. 30—tf - FRY & SPANGLER• Baltimore .advertisements. SPLENDID QTOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, at No. cm, L.) Market street. Baltimore, Nd. HAMILTON EASTER..k. Co., invite the attelvion of wholesale and retail purchasers to their stock of Goods now open, embracing, in RICH SILK AND DRESS GOODS Every new style printed, plain and satin striped and plaid Cashmere and Mousseline ; satin striped Orientals ; embroidered Cashmeres; rich white and colored dotted Muslins ; embroidered Cashmere Robes ; colored Lyonese Cloths; Alpacas; rich and low priced Plaid Goods, and high colored Fabrics for Children's wear. Colored Dress Silks of very rich. medium and low priced styles. of the latest importations. Rich high lustred Black Silks, of all widths. Rich black watered, satin striped and satin plaid Silks. Millinery silks, satins, Mareelines. Florence, ,te,, Silk Velvets, a very large stock of all colors. SHAWLS, VISITES, AND MANTILLAS. Splendid long and square Cashmere Shawls., Rich embroidered Crape Shawls. Embroidered cashmere and abet, long and square plaid. rich printed Cashmere and Terkeri, black and colored silk and mourning, Shawls, of every style. Silk Wishes, Manillas, Cloaks, die. MOURNING GOODS, • In Lupin's vcry•supertor Dombarines. 3-4 and 13-4 black blouseclines. 3-4 and 8-4 black Cash meres, black French Merinos, superior Alpacas, Mourn ing Cashmeres and Dress Goods generally. Also. English and Italian Crapes; Gloves, Hoisery•, love Veils, S.C. FRENCH MERINOS. A full a.sortment of Lupin's French Merinos, manu factured expressly foxour sales, from samples o f colors sent out by us. EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, GLOVES, &c. An elegant variety (at our usual low prices) of French Embroideries, in capes, collars, cud's. berthes, sleeves, standing collars, chemizettcs, &c. in Muslin and lace. Linen Cambric and Clear Lawn lldkcs. in Corded, re vere, licm'd mid embtd. Real Valenciennes Laces and Edgings; Thread Laces, and Edgings, Muslin Edgings and Inscrungs; Lisle, Egyp tian and Bobbin Edgings; Belt Ribbons; licesery; Mitts; Gloves; White hltielin Goods; Linen Canibries; Long Lawns, and small articles generally in great-variety. IN LINEN GOODS and 110USEEEEPING ARTICLES We have a most extensive assortment. including Rich ardson's superior Irish Linens, of the best fabric, made expressly for our sales. PIIIOW case linens and linen sheetings of every width ; table Damasks and Diapers. by the yard: satin Damask table cloths and napkins, of all sires; Huck:aback. Rus sia and bird-eye diapers, crash. dowlas, star linen, drug get and linen crumb cloths, floor baize, table and piano covers. Flannels, of every well known and approved make. ' We have also au elegant assortment of rich embroid ered Lace and Muslin Curtains, (some really magnificent:) Canal!' Muslin by the vard; Lace Drop Curtains; and rich curtain goods generilly. Blankets. a most extensive stock from $1 50 to $l5 a pair, crib, cradle, mid berth Blankets; splendid Imperial Marseilles Quilts. DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS. Bleached and Brown Cotton% from to 3 yards wide of all the well known makes. Drillings. Jeans. Limeys; Kerseys; Plaids and the va ?lons articles requireed by Farmers' and Planters' ser mutts' use. Particular attention is called to our assortment of Goods for ltien'a wear, which will be foupd large, elegant and varied. including- French Cloths. Cassimeres, Doeskins, &n. in great variety of styles. English and American Cloths and Cnssimeres. Vcstings. serges, silcsias, sewing silks, and 'Merchant tailors' Goods generally. Also, a complete stock of new style Cravats, Scarfs, Pocket lidkfs., Hosiery. Gloves- etc. Persons not in the habit of dealing with us. are apt to think we sell nothing but costly goods i—such is not the fact. As far as regards our. retail stock, our range an braces every thing that is substantial and desirable, no matter how common—front silks at $4 a yard to Colicoes at 14 cents! All our low priced grads we retail at the lowest wholesale prices. We can with confidence invite an inspection of our stock from wholesale and retail buyers. as in extent, variety, and richness, it has never been equalled in Bal timore ; whilst the large quantity of goods passing through our hands, enables us both to buy and sell cheap. Baltimore. Sept. 30, 1e48.-3m THE NIA.G.A.R.A. SIIONER-BITH. An entirely new article for Shower Bathing, with warm or cold Water. • A great and important improvement is made in this Shower-Bath over all others. by throwing the water im mediately on the body, without waning the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but u greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair. Many itersons cannot take a cold bath—their case in met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the water to sun their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without tiny unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without weuirqr the head or covering the same. The arrangements are simple and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be. adjusted to suit any 'might, front a small ehildi to the tallest person. When the door is closed, theilxtures are hid and the out side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. - They have received the approbation of several medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine Stem. Manufactured by the Patentee. , • .EPHRAIhI LAIIRABEF.... 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. BATHING.—Read what Armstrong says : Do not omit, ye who would health secure,' The dhily fresh ablution, that shall clear - The sluices of the akin; enough to keep - The body sacred from undceent soil. Still to be pure, even if a did not conduce (As much as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains; his this adonis the rich; The want of this is poverty's worst foe. With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grace; without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. :septlir4c—tosu:lol9 X.EPEOVAZ. T ABOILITORY OF THONSOMIN BOTANIC KEDI 11_4 CINES. EPHRAIM LARRABEE. No. 20 South eavert street. Baltimore. has removed .his Laborary to his new building. No. 24. and has Mears on hand the largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic. remedies in the United States, prepared under his Special care at his Laboratory—being the lint erected in the United States for the special purpose of preparing Thou somas Mantonots. All of the pulverized and compound ed articles are put up in quarter and half pound packageess. and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing and in bulk. and upon better terms then the same article can be had for in the U. S. Every article in his line is warranted genuine—the public Can rely upon this.. lETA liberal discount made to country merchants, who are particularly requested to call and C1A161146 quality, die.. befiare purchasing. Eps•The various Treatises, embracing the mom reputed authors, upon the Thomsonian or Botanic System of Medicine, may also be had at his establishment, by the quo:airy:or single copy. copt3o4lB-toso2lY4O - • TALL AND inTEVITIIII: • TIDY GOODS. Better bargains than ever can now be bad at that unrivalled place for bargains, THE BEE HIVE STORE, . North Queen street, where they ure just opening invoices or splendid Dame-Goons, which will •be field at mall profits. SILKS I SILKS ! ! SILKS!,!! Rich Ispahara Satin--Chameleon. Figured and plain Armteres. • . , . Chameleon Satin de Chin. . ' Figured and plain Chameleon double..Poult de Soirs Gros Grains. and Gros de Rhines. i, 4-4, s.4—Rich brilliant boiled Silks, for dresses, &e ERIXO ! MERL/M1.31i Lupin's sup. French Merino, )Colors — Cherry; Blue, for Ladies' dresses, &c. Crimson,Maroon, Modes Brown. New styles Mouse de Laines and Cachmeres. Jaspe. Cachmere, a new article for dresses and. sacks. Plain Mus. de Luise, front 12} cents upwards: , SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! The Most complete and largest assortment can now be seen at prices astonishing low . Sup. extra size French Wise], long shawls. Rob Roy Wool Plaid, long" shawls. • • Mlle richest designs Terlcerri shawls. French Caehmere, Thybet, cm. Modes and Block Thybet. silk Fringes. • - CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO: Lancaster. 1 case splendid Parametres and fircrinoes at 18 and 25 cts 1 case rich California Plaids, all wool filling, only 124 cis These goods cannot be equalled in this city. . RIBBONS! RIBBONS!! Superb styles of Fall and Winter Bonnet Ribbons Magnificent styles for waist'and neck. Velvet ribbon. plain and shaded. Merino setufs for ladies. • Unions superfine fall shades Kid Gloves. Embroidered and plain silkgloves. liosiery—very cheap indeed-. FRENCH WOOL CLOTHS.—The newest article for Ladies' Fall Sacks AT THEBEE RIVE, North Queen st., Lancaster CALICOES ! CALICOES!'! cases of the best prints ever sold, last colors, only 61- eta ➢lushes and Flennels—chesper than ever - AT THE BEE HIVE, Lancaster. Rich patterns of French Ginghams,victs. Woolen Plaids for children wear. A cheap lot of Suunetts and COSEifflarCS. lease good unbleached Cotton Flammls, only 61 cents, worth 10. DRY GOODS of every description, lower in price, and better in styles, than can lie houglt in this city, now going rapidly at CHAS. - E. WENTZ 4.. BRO., Bee lime, N. Queen st., Lancaster. Just received I case o(new styles black and silk Frin ges and Gimps. New styles silk. buttons for ladles , dresses. AT THE BEE HIVE, North Queen Street, Lancaster. CLOTHS! CLOTHS!! Just opened 10 pieces superior Frenrh fabrics, very Cheap—AT TEE BEE HIVE, CHAS. E. WENTZ & BRO. Good Plaid Silks for 'dresses—only 371 cents. AT THE BEE HIVE, Nord. Queen it Lancaster, October 7, 1848.—tf NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the subscriber for suusuription to the Columbia spy. advertising. and Jolt work, are requested to make payment of the same to Geo. W. Sehroyer, who is duly authorized to receipt therefor. C. WESTBROOK. Columbia, sept 30, 1049. SUGILR, MOLASSES, and COFFEE. The subscriber has ,tibt received and oilers for sale d 5 hogsheads of N. Orleans 50C1...M. 6 hogsheads Sugarhouse - .IIOL4SSES, and 30 bags Rio - COFFEE. F. S. irj•Acso. constantly on hand a large assortment of all kinds of wall seasoned LUMBER. Calumbia, cops .20, 161. R. . Blankets. • A . GOOD asssortmeat Just 'received and for sale very low, ut . J. D. S.l. 'WRIGHT'S Alpaca Lustres. AVERY fine assortment of Plain, Plaids. and Striees at I_ ete. and upwirds, at J. D. kJ. WRIGHT'S GOLD • DENS, Pen liolderrand Pencils. G. &E. M. Smith, (late of Me - firm'of A. G. Bagley & C 0.,) man macturers of Gold Pens: Pen holders and Vetle6S, No. 16 Maiden Lade, New York. We, the subscribers offer to the trade; and the public generally. our' clillbrent styles of Gold Peas, which are warranted against all Imperfections by fair usage, and al so to be superior in every respect to any others' made. Having increased facilities formanufacturing, we are de termined that no pen shall be delivered from our estab lishment unless iris perfect. We also keep constantly on band our superior Gold •Pencits, and Pencils with Pen, which we are enabled to offer while lowest rates, All or ders addressed to the subscribers, will he carefully and promptly attended to. G: @ E. N. SMITH, Sept. 30.-2ln No 10 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Election Notice. Columbia. Bonk & Bridge Co., Sept. 7, 1549. An Election for thirteen directors of the. Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, %rill he held at the Banking Hoam, in Columina, on IN cdnesdny, the Bib day of No vcruher nest, bctweeu the hours alit A. M. and 4 IL M SAMUEL S'IIOC IL Cnslder. frrThe United States Gazette, of Philadelphia; 'Lan eastenan and Union & Tribune, of Lancaster, will linter , the above as heretofore. sem:3o'4B4: WAGON IVLAN.ZNG. TILE subscriber takes leave ' to' inform the cal -1 Zell9 of Columbia and vicinity, that he lies again commenced the buieness of Wagon Making and repammg. at his old stand, at the conjunction of Locust and Walnut st reels. and the road leading to the Ore•Mities. Being well provided with =hero( all Rims and quality, he is prepared to do all kinds of work—from a heavy Road Wagon to lighter ones of various kiuds. Having had a long experience in the business, he re spectfully asks a liberal share of the patronage of his old customers, es well as of the community in gener al. JAMES STAINDLEY. Columbia, iept. 30,1899.-6 t NOTICE. . A"persons are herebr forewarned that I ' will pay no debts whatever of my wife, - .lane's, contract ing, she having led my bed and boardwitbout any cause. his Witness WILLIAM X APBOLD. IL Flaammse.mark Columbia Sept. 30,1543—tf - Cloths and Cassimer4.3s. HE subscribers reipeCifully invite the aileniion of their T friehda mid. the 'public`lo their FALL STOCK of of FRENCH andI24OLISII CLOTHS & CASSIAIERES joss received, among which are some spletidd styles of Fancy Hoods-r French blacks, blues, dce.. at reduced Oriees. .1. D . J. %vim irr. Columbia, September 16,1846. • ' _ • Don't be too late!? Tv, It the very cheap Flannels now selling with a rush at 12We. per yard, at J. D. & , .1. WRIGHT'S. Prints OFecerrraadtc. serlption of the niseDFIIIL. G. W. BRANDT, DERRCRANT TAILOR, Front street, Cobra his, Pa., respectfully announces to the citizens of Colornliia and the public generally, that he has just returned from New York, with a choice selection of CLOTHS, CASSINIEMM, and SILK and FANCY VEST ING'S, of the very latest style of pattern, and best quali ty of material, which he will be happy to male Al in a manner that cannot be, surpassed in any of the Atlantic cities. His stock consists of Cloths of all the desirable shades and qualities, of the market, such as, French, English. and American black, blue, blue black, brown, olive, drab, &c.. die.. combined with an endless variety of Car• simeres and Vestiugs, together with a general assortment of Handkerchiefs. Cravats, Gloves. &c.. dec. Baying secured the services of Mr. Benj. Young, who is well known to this community, as one of the most skil ful "Cutters" in the country, he flaunts himself that he will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may bd disposed to favor him with their patronage. The citizens in want of articles in his line are very respect fully invited to call and examine his stock before snaking tbetr purchases, as he feels assured that a doe regard to economy will justify such a course ; and be would here say, th at no pains teSU be spate' in the employment of such workmen as will give entire satisfaction so even the most fastidious. G. W. B. Columbia, Sep. 10,-3m. BLEACIFED gad Brawn. 44,54 . 64, sad 104 wide. at tlututually 197 pies}, at J. D. &J. WRIGHT'S. \'~~ t ~ k sad!' CHllghalliS. BEAUTIFUL assortment, very cheap. JUR received 11 at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. PREPOTS% IMPORTED EXTRACTS for Maud kerchiefs, Jockey Club, Perfume De Jenny land, Mausseline, Magnolia.Rouquet Caroline, Rose, jesmtn, Portugal, Patobouly. Musk; Am. For sale by seper43 W. A. J.F.ADER. Symms. A COMPLETE assortment ofl Wood, Coal, and COOKINO STOVES, for mule at reduced prices, at the. Hardware Store of J. corntrzr.. auardeLdni Locuet Ste et, Colurnbia. Pa. . . N.atzs. SP=233, & 23.11.2LD5. 500 KEGS NAILS and SPIKES for sale at man utacturee.; prises at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTILF:LL. Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. IMEMEM GUNS. • JUST received, a lot of superior English SHOT GUNS. Double and Single Barrel, for, sale at low prices nt the lierdwaro Store of _ _ MUM SIMEXIMI MON. AMERICAN and Russia Sheet Iron for sale at reduced 'lmes, at the Hardware Store of J. W. corm:Lt.. Loctigt Street, Cotumbin, Pa. MEM ANEW ARTICLE which may be used with Quill or Steel Pea (quill is preiernble) for billets, invitations, &c.,—it will exactly be the thing. It is also used for ornamenting Wood, Picture Frames Chairs, For sale by it WILLIAMS. Columbia, August X, 1848. • witussms. A SUPERIOR lot of both single and double l'ruonen for sale by W. A LEADEIL Columbin. Pa, August 12.1.:44. 3BULL'S S.S.B.S.A.PARILLII.. TUST Received a first rate supply of Bull's SARSAPARIL.LA, and for sale by Colatnbis, August 12, 1e42. W. A. LEADER. ToViTNSEIND , S SARSAPARILLA. hit 'received another large supply of Townsend's Sarsaporilln, nod for sale by August 12.194 e. W. A. LEADER. LAUVER' GLOISES. LAMP GLOBES of ,every size and shape, for W. A. LEADER. Qo;utb l ig AuguAt 12,1848. JUST received a new supply of the handsomest and most splendid assortment of Cam and Libe ria] Oil Lamps ever kept in Columbia. For sale by W. A. LEADER. I'RENCII .Brandy, „Port Wine, Madeira Wine, While Wine, Ola Rye, and Sherry Wine can be had pure, for Medicinal purposes at LEADER'S Drug Store. POZYLAIDE PICININE, for the growth and preservation of the Huir. For 'tole by It. WILLIASIS. Columbia ? July E.,lb4d. POMADE DE JENNY LEO; for beautifying the HAIR, &c. For sale by , 14. WILLIAMS. Columbia, July 9.1919. PILIEMIL xANGEGS. Parlor,lialVeliantber, and Ceiling Papers' puct , Firebords &c., of the newast id% aTs on Land atinanufaeturers' prices, at - J. D. Zs J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia. March 25, 1847.—1 f 13011.TVIEN. COPPER and Tin Pumps—a good supply of Pumps alwisys ou head, and made to order,. at the shortest nonce b H. PFAIILER £ CO. March 11. 18.18.41" ETEr.REAL - I\llOllT RIMS Always' on hand and for sale '1)/' H. PFAHLER S. CO. March 11. 13484( /MIMI! AND ,CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For sale at mailufactures prices, by April 7, 1647.—tf Ftramt & ARTICLE Boat Store. We would callthe at lemma of Boatmen to a new article of boat Stove made and adapted expressly for their convenience. To be teen and had at - H. YFAHLER it CO. March U, 1.3.15-ti I . 1 ETERR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chins, Tra long and short, double and single Link ' breast carrying and halter Chains, all of tvhich we offerat man ufacturers prices. ap7-11 •• IUJMPLE & T4ESTORATIVE. Jones's Coral Bair Ileitoralive will FORCE the Bair to grow on the head or face. By acing toSs: bottle the whiskers and beard maybe cultiva ted to any reasonable extent. Sold only in N. York, at SQ. Chatham street, and by U. WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. je24-4.9-0m AND COPPER 11USINESS. Pfahlcr& Co.. thankful for past encoura g ement, would announci; to the citirons of Colunibia audits vicinity, that they still coiuutpe to manufacture Tin and Copper ware of all kinds at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of this Columbia Bank, and respect Sully solicit a continusuwe public patronage. March 11- lbSti.if , THE Subscribers have constantly on hand a full assortment of wood, coal,: and cooking Stoves of every - sim and &striation, cannon stoves. Also, Head enburgl• patent Air-Tien Foxier Strives. which has given full satisfaction in all muses. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves at the Hardware Store of Oct. 9-tf RUMPLE & ILE S. F DYlNG—especially in Autumn, the most o delightful season of the year? Stop then gentle invalid, as you puss F. X. Ztsoina's Store, in Locust st., above Front, and get a box of , • , DR. SOULE'S tiALra . PILLS: They are truly an effective remedy. Plenty ` of testimo ny will be exhibited to prove this. ept. - 2, 1e43 • NEW PALL AND GOODS.' J. D. ti L WIGHT itipect v v fully announce to their town and country fronds, that they have Attie day received direct from the New York and Philadelphia Market. a large and elegant sup• ply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, which have been selected with great care,And will be sold at prices that mccaconvir cannot fail to please. Give us a call, and examine our stock before purchas• . p LIGHT The.ititention of p \ nrchosers Is La ing elsewhere. as•ws are determined to sell at a small ad- Wince On Cost. • J. D. &J. WRIO/IT. ~• Sted to the erteiudve viimity of .113LPIIVS lawn Sept. U, 194: 4 . Locust st.. third door below dad at. ! improved _ Valuable Scientific Work, up on the subject A t- Gestation and Child-Birth. by R M. D., late of Parishiust published bytbe author. This work contains information upon subjects of the highest importance to married persons. or thou contem plating marriage. It will he Wand of special vain, to those whose means, health, or other circumstance. do not penrut them to Increase the number of their family, without great inconvenience, suffering, or perhaps risk of life.. A method of avoithey there troubles and dangers at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French physi clan) is fully commanicaten in this work, so that any per ' son may avail bineseif of it at once. The mesas cost comparatively nothing, and arc within the reach of alt The mai ...," taws. safe, infallible, convenient. simple, and canned:dote the most delicate. Ziar does it curtail matrimonial privileges in the least. Copies of this work will be sent, in a close envelope at • single later POstageoo say paw of the United Slidell Or it sent, poet paid, to Dr. Fit. - X VMSSELEICIFF, box 2710. New York City. Copyright secured. No Somme/. let allowed to sell this work. Sept. 2,11148. dine. ZATBELT'S AND J. W. COTTRELL. Locust Street, Columbia. Po. COULD INN. LIQUORS. N7L'W CELBINS. TIN STOVXIS. WIECAT 'S TEE USE CIIMD BERT'S. Em ERIN STREET, Philadelphit THE CHEAPEST avrt LARtcES'a assontramer or GOLD ANDSILVER WATCHES la PHILADELPHIA. Gold Levers, full jevrelled,lB carat case, WO and cast Silver, " 114 18 and over Lepines - 11 sad over Quartiera, 5 to RD Gold Pencils. 1 80 Silver 7'ex-spoon. equal to coin, - 450 Gold Pens. silver bolded and pencil, 1 00 With a splendid avoorunent of all kinds of Watches, both gold - and silver: : Rich Jewelry, &c.. die. Gold chain of the' best manufactures, and in fact every thing in the Watch and Jewelry Ilneat-InucXless prices than can be bought in this city or elsewhere. Please.save this advertisement and millet either LEWIS' LADOMUS. 10. 413. rThlket street, above eleventh. north lode, JACOB LADartlliS, CIA . , . - - :246. Market atreei. Lsm more below richt. wink Bid e. Err Vre have 4..0f a and Sliver Lvvere aull cuettper thou the above prices --s liberal dbocosatmade to the trade. , Phila.. sap.. 2.1,1b49,43m 'rußs. RICH FANCY FURS far Ladies' wenr.'"Charles Oaktord. Furrier. No. 104, Chestnut street, a few doors above 'Phird. , Philtidelphie, woutd invite the ladies to call and examine hut supenor stock of Muffs. Boas, Tippets. arc.. of every...variety-consisting of Rich Russia Sable, Hudson's Bay Martin. Norway Martin. Mink Sa bles. Baum Martin. Stone Alarun. Ermine Pitch. Lynx. &c., Sm. These skint. have been selected with:great care, and RTC made by the best workmen in the country. La dies may rest as.tured tlint s uo article will •be offered for sale in this establishment that is hot perfect In every re spect. ' • CHARLES O.4.KPORIY. • 104, Chestnut et.. a fea• doors above Third. Philadelphia. Sept.. 13,1545.-6 m z.a.azzolaEorsrpm PORTRAITS of a superior quality, handsomely colored, nod put up in ocsuitiul Morocco Cases, com plete. for only ONE IX/I.L.A R. at SI'IELER'S CHEAP DAGUERREAN GALLERY'. No. ^oi. wALNur street, below Forth.lade:phut. All pictures made at this es. tab:101111cm I he WUTT2Iltea Phlay sept. il3, 1415.-dm STOVES!!! STOVES!!! (1 J. TYNDILE, No. 97 South • Second street, %_1 • Phileilelphia, gniteful for the liberal patronage heretofore be.towed, would call the attention of his friends and thv !lbite generally to a large stock of Stoves now on , hard. or new, beautinil, and useful patients. amongst which will be found handsome styles from New York, - Peekskill, Troy, S:c. lie has also a large assort ment of Fancy Sheet Iron Stoves, for Parlors, Dintlig Rooms, and Chambers, lutudsonie Radiators tor wood or coal. _ _ He also continues to manufacture Orr's Celebrated Air Tight Staves sad trans ins long experience in the manu facture of these :stoves, beak- the mai and for a long unit the only agent in the City. he flatters himself hh can sell cheaper and better than can be bought elsewhere. A large assorunent now on hand of the very best pat. terns of Cook stoves either for wood or coal. Old stoves repaired or taken In exchange for new. Philadelphia, Sep. 16—.2m. GRIL&T ATTRACTION, AT the, Phoenix Hall Clothing Store, South West curlier of Second and Dock streets. Philada. Now is the time and this is the store where the greatest bargains in clothing are to be had. .The subs-ribcr would respectfully call the attention of the public to his Clothing Establishmenom Miming inducements...to purchasers of clothing that no others can offer, has tie the most exten sive assortment and variety ever °tiered in one store in this country. All sizealitied and all tastes suited, from the boy of five rears old and upwards. All sizes of Boy's as well as Men's Clothing to be had at this store. • , Doing business entirely on the cash principle and having purchnstd the goods, and manufactured his clothing since the great raducuon itt woollen goods, ena bling bmt to defy competition. Wholesale dealers are particularly invited to examine this stock before making other purchases. Orders for all kinds of Military Clothing attended to at the shortest nonce. Don't forget the Phoenix, at the South West Corner of and Dock streets. WM. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia; Sep. 113—.1rn. .a. .LARGE AND Tau 'stock of•Wipets, for Pall Trade. 'The.Subscriber, in addition to his former stock, has ust received, and has now in his store, a large and rich assortment o f New Styles llnglish and American CAR PETING manufactured to order. and decidedly the hand somest goods in the market, all of which are _uttered on the most favorable terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and Strangers visiting Philadelphia. who may be in avant of Carpets. are re quested to look in and examine tins stock of desirable goods previous to purchasing ekevrhere. as they will find all goods sold to oe as represented, and at the lowest morketprices. 'Lie assortment. in part, consists of: English 'l'a entry. English and American Brussels, 'Three-ply Imperial, ti Super. tamales. With low priced Carpetings descnptions. Oil Cloth, NViadow Shades, Rugs. Piano and Table Covers, Sheep Skins, Stair Rods, Bindings, Jac., &r. Also • a it,OlllllClll of Rog, 1.131. and Cotton Car pets. nom t2i to fiticentspar yard. at the CHEAP CAR PEP WARE-ROOMS in . R. H. WALKER.- No 2.5 North Second street. Directly opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sep. 10—fini. G1U5113.2! XIIKTLGFAMS TN DRY GOODS at No. 80, North Sd St., ,2,lphia. Country Merchants will find FANCY AND OTHER DRY GOODS trout the , Philadelphia and New York Auctions embracing such articles only as can be bought et less than ordinary market rotes, thereby enabling bun to supply those who buy for CASH at less prices titan can be furnished elsewhere. , A:DEWALD, Philadelphia, Sep. , No. SO N. 3d street. STOVES. THE Largest Concern in the United Slates. HILL.& CLINE, Is:Ia.:al North SECOND Street, above VINE, and N 0.341 MARKET Sweet. above TENTH, Philadelphia. bloc to !—Small profits and quick sales. VARlLTT!—Entirely unsurpassed and uneqnalled. • • 03'31mm:cis !—Far, very far in the back ground. • We offer, amonothers, this season r The-CelebratedEmpire Cook, the gennine. "• ' Roney's Economist—a new and prune stove. " • ": Leibranbt's Ole Bull Cook. The Philadelphia Air-Tight. •.) New and splendid pattern. The Our Stoves for Cooking, The New Pattern Completes, 2 sites, do. do. The Oven Stoves. • - 4 .do. do do. A splendid ussortinent of Iladintors ior Parlors. Cannon Radiators. Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Chtirches, &c. too numerous t o menuon. Philadelphia, August 12, ISld. 1v.:4-3{citql.4l.l.*Orhir.}Al .54.: • 41 QTOVE- WORKS. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public Mit they are 'now prepared to execute orders with which they may by favored, for they 'WEST PHILADELPHLA COM PLETE COOK wrovE, of which they have three sizes; CONNON and BARE CYLINDER STOVES. *even sizes; BASES and TOPS for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes, OVEN PLATES, four sizes; COTTAGE AIRTIGHT PARLOR STOVES, (for wood.) two sizes; GAS cwaNs, three sizes ; CAST-IRON HEATERS, and a ferge and beautiful assortment of Patterns for Iron Railing. • Theca Goods nre all made of the best material and front new and•belutilul deiamis.• : Their WEST' rsi.A.LD , A cow -Lai - I . s is, wit.hpip doubt, the beet - itiel most saleable Cdcilt Stove in dm market.:They are constructed with Mottio-Patent Feeder - Front and Orate, winch fives Thom a decided - superiority over all others. They only want a trial to confirm wire le - here asserted. _ ' ts 'CASTINGS of all kinds tiladFlo order widipri*peueso and despatch. • Samples may be seen and orders left at the roundly. nr et J. 5. Kotium's, 154' North. Second Street , his mum a Dosszse's 10: buuth Second BlAcut, and at IV/Lewes & Hints', 45b Market Street. WILLIAMS. , KOHLER, mATurgi; • co— Phila. August 15..1545-Bm. SAFETY rim: OIL LAIIIIS The construction and improvements of these Lampe render them sultaLle for any rurposeor place where arti ficial light is required: the brilliancy and magnificence - of which have not been equalled, and at ena-11.41/ rim =- swum of any yet invented. They are periert) free from any unpleasant odor. , • . ALSO—A genaml assortment of Solar. lard. mut: Oil Lamps, Fluid, Candelabras. Chandelisra Hanging Lamps, for Churches, Stores: Hall Rooms, Factone s. Hotels and Billiard Saloons, Lamps with modes, designed for reading, be. All manner of Has Fixtures, of every ymtero, style and Mush. Having every facility for manufactaritur..the under signed is prepared to sell, wholesale and retail. as I.IIW as anrutarnActory in the United States. and toe articles are warranted equal in appearance and oonstrnetisse to any that can be produced. Merchants and dealeraWill find It to their advantage to call and examine the stock and prices, which cannot tall to give satistactkett MANUFACTORY. No. 191. N Second fired. Philadelphia, .Toly P 9, 1818.-,lta =I