TEE SPY & REGISTER. SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 14, I,__W. AGENCIES. Y. B. PALXIII Is duly authorized tii.reeeive inbserip. Mime and advertisements kw this paper. la the .eithts of Philadelptla, New York, Bah:snore, and 8e." 2 . end sacei W. M pt there-foz. W Philadelphia. • . .lacoa M. Wzrinmiissast. iotnemeer ear, Velkusst A. Pstmcz, Travelling/Loaf. Ozcataz Paid. No. 151, Nassau Street, New York. Wriaksor ?souses. S. E. Corner of Baltimore and Bomb meets, paltirnore, 'Tne"Els.mr Iteremac. a very neat, spirited daily '.has Made if appearance in Philadelphia. It adso *toss the principles and the nominees of the Buffalo minsentiost. Dr. Elder is the editor, and will no Amin, make a good thing of it., Tem 13csunas Mats's At lIIANAC FOIL 1849.—Here is a. work that printers will praise, for neatness, concheatess, and as Abe medium of more interest ing and useful information for Merchants, Menu 4itzhlechataics, and business men generally, _than can be found elsqwhere in biz months reading. We shall let our scissor, run riot in its rich pages, fOr the benefit of our readers. It is compiled and .published by V. B. Palmer, the indefatigable news paper agent; and is funnaktedmt Ili cents, single copy, $7 per bundrefi, and e 65 per thousand. ,117Tbe Election wentoffquietly in our borough, and people seemed to onderstand that they were 'aimed in a duty that eeipiired no bluster or brow beating, rickets were spilt to some extent, bat without materially changing the rote for any can. aids's. Oar. borough gate 47 majority for Long .strtsth, and the county some 4300 for Johnston. 'e returns from the State are probably in the hands of our readers, so that we shall forego their .publication until we here them nfficially : they in. diem a close election, With a probability of the election of Gov. Johnston. Tremendous Whig gains M the State. 17.3 - The 'Medical Intelligencer states, any. the Boston Jonroal of Health, that. Imp a , Register of the Society of Friends,or;Quakcrs;it appears as a consequence of their temperance; that one•half of those that are born, live to the age r'f fr.rty•seven years ; whereas, says Dr. Frice, of the general papu. lition of•Loctdonpone-half live only 234 years.— • Aitdong the Quakers, one in 1.0 .arrives at 70 years 'of 'age; of the general population of Loudon, only one in 40 Never did a more,powerful argument support the practice of temperance and a virtuous life. lETStays were first invented by a brutal butcher of the thirteenth century, as a punishment' for his wife. She was very loquaciuus;and finding nothing would cure her, he put a pair of stays on her in order to take away her breath, and so prevent her talking. This cruel punishment was inflicted by other husbands, till at last there was scarcely a wife in all London who was not condemned to wear stays. The punishinent 'became so universal at Last, that the ladies, in their own defence, made a fashion of it, and so it continued totho•present day. Hora.—This predious jewel, Planted in the hu man breast, is an evident token of the Divine favor to his fallen children. - Were it not Tor hope, life would become a burden, and deal helothed in dark ness. In this life, it leads the . pour laborer on in his wearisom toil fur a better heritage for his ran; it sustains the merchant through all the shift ing trials of trade ; it cheers the students of law, of medicine, of divinity, in their pursuits; it sup porta the mariner over miumainc wave and swelling flood, when the storm and the , lightning arc over and around him; it inspires the waiting wife and mother to watch and pray for his safe return; it leads the blushing maiden to the altar of love, and inspires the prattling boy to deeds of juvenile prowess. It is to the Christian an anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast. == 3:7"Poetry is the flower of literature; prose is the, corn. potatoes, and meat ; satire is the aquafortis; wit is the spice and pepper; love letters are the honey and sager; letters containing remittances are the apple dumplings. A Mare AND AN EXAMPLAr......A Van Wormer, a lawyer, at St. Charlee, Kane county, Illinois, was recently tarred and feathered, and then ordered to lerie the village, by a gang who charged him with getting op useless lamming. 05^Accordian pianos of fine tone, beautiful finish, and price not beyond $45, are now manufactured in large number, at Buffalo. The manufacturer it Weald cannot keep pace with the demand. laThe longest day in Great Britain is 17 hours 'and 2minutes. In the United States it is only 14 LoUrs and 50 minutes. The shortest day to Great Britain is 7 hours and 20 minutes, in the United States it is 9 hours and 10'minutes. lif-THlevii York city is now, second only to Lon don and' Paris, of all the titled , 'tif Europe, L on. don Has a Population of 2,000,000; Paris. 1,090,000 ; 7.llsiii York. over 500,000. • 'Vie disturbances of the heart produced by wird. der' odifortnnes affect the cutaneous m101111 . '4001 6 11110 a way as to cause the hair to turn wbiterin a ,fate boors. meet English medical ivork con. 4aliiinumerrotts exatiples of this fact. • • 1. „ r , Mather.” said w lad." is it wrong to break egg osheakir •LCurtainly - not, my deer," replied the instiOCtr;',"bitt What do you ask such silly questions ; 4 •Bewajose I hate just dropped the basket w ith a g thongs In it," replied Abet - promising chip. •API% Cincinnati; n third Jewish ',metope WIIII cnoienrotall wish roloron pomp, Amid a .52eivd , prAttendotar - CM t ' litriPtartlr ri!ade are coming Tito me very repully in Obis. PHI ere said to be earning forty per cent pprsanum on theiroost. la African Coffee, grown si Basta, Cove. the ~Iteisosyleania Colony, is welliog in Philadelphia an - il