TEE SPY & REGISTER. SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 14, I,__W. AGENCIES. Y. B. PALXIII Is duly authorized tii.reeeive inbserip. Mime and advertisements kw this paper. la the .eithts of Philadelptla, New York, Bah:snore, and 8e." 2 . end sacei W. M pt there-foz. W Philadelphia. • . .lacoa M. Wzrinmiissast. iotnemeer ear, Velkusst A. Pstmcz, Travelling/Loaf. Ozcataz Paid. No. 151, Nassau Street, New York. Wriaksor ?souses. S. E. Corner of Baltimore and Bomb meets, paltirnore, 'Tne"Els.mr Iteremac. a very neat, spirited daily '.has Made if appearance in Philadelphia. It adso *toss the principles and the nominees of the Buffalo minsentiost. Dr. Elder is the editor, and will no Amin, make a good thing of it., Tem 13csunas Mats's At lIIANAC FOIL 1849.—Here is a. work that printers will praise, for neatness, concheatess, and as Abe medium of more interest ing and useful information for Merchants, Menu 4itzhlechataics, and business men generally, _than can be found elsqwhere in biz months reading. We shall let our scissor, run riot in its rich pages, fOr the benefit of our readers. It is compiled and .published by V. B. Palmer, the indefatigable news paper agent; and is funnaktedmt Ili cents, single copy, $7 per bundrefi, and e 65 per thousand. ,117Tbe Election wentoffquietly in our borough, and people seemed to onderstand that they were 'aimed in a duty that eeipiired no bluster or brow beating, rickets were spilt to some extent, bat without materially changing the rote for any can. aids's. Oar. borough gate 47 majority for Long .strtsth, and the county some 4300 for Johnston. 'e returns from the State are probably in the hands of our readers, so that we shall forego their .publication until we here them nfficially : they in. diem a close election, With a probability of the election of Gov. Johnston. Tremendous Whig gains M the State. 17.3 - The 'Medical Intelligencer states, any. the Boston Jonroal of Health, that. Imp a , Register of the Society of Friends,or;Quakcrs;it appears as a consequence of their temperance; that one•half of those that are born, live to the age r'f fr.rty•seven years ; whereas, says Dr. Frice, of the general papu. lition of•Loctdonpone-half live only 234 years.— • Aitdong the Quakers, one in 1.0 .arrives at 70 years 'of 'age; of the general population of Loudon, only one in 40 Never did a more,powerful argument support the practice of temperance and a virtuous life. lETStays were first invented by a brutal butcher of the thirteenth century, as a punishment' for his wife. She was very loquaciuus;and finding nothing would cure her, he put a pair of stays on her in order to take away her breath, and so prevent her talking. This cruel punishment was inflicted by other husbands, till at last there was scarcely a wife in all London who was not condemned to wear stays. The punishinent 'became so universal at Last, that the ladies, in their own defence, made a fashion of it, and so it continued totho•present day. Hora.—This predious jewel, Planted in the hu man breast, is an evident token of the Divine favor to his fallen children. - Were it not Tor hope, life would become a burden, and deal helothed in dark ness. In this life, it leads the . pour laborer on in his wearisom toil fur a better heritage for his ran; it sustains the merchant through all the shift ing trials of trade ; it cheers the students of law, of medicine, of divinity, in their pursuits; it sup porta the mariner over miumainc wave and swelling flood, when the storm and the , lightning arc over and around him; it inspires the waiting wife and mother to watch and pray for his safe return; it leads the blushing maiden to the altar of love, and inspires the prattling boy to deeds of juvenile prowess. It is to the Christian an anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast. == 3:7"Poetry is the flower of literature; prose is the, corn. potatoes, and meat ; satire is the aquafortis; wit is the spice and pepper; love letters are the honey and sager; letters containing remittances are the apple dumplings. A Mare AND AN EXAMPLAr......A Van Wormer, a lawyer, at St. Charlee, Kane county, Illinois, was recently tarred and feathered, and then ordered to lerie the village, by a gang who charged him with getting op useless lamming. 05^Accordian pianos of fine tone, beautiful finish, and price not beyond $45, are now manufactured in large number, at Buffalo. The manufacturer it Weald cannot keep pace with the demand. laThe longest day in Great Britain is 17 hours 'and 2minutes. In the United States it is only 14 LoUrs and 50 minutes. The shortest day to Great Britain is 7 hours and 20 minutes, in the United States it is 9 hours and 10'minutes. lif-THlevii York city is now, second only to Lon don and' Paris, of all the titled , 'tif Europe, L on. don Has a Population of 2,000,000; Paris. 1,090,000 ; 7.llsiii York. over 500,000. • 'Vie disturbances of the heart produced by wird. der' odifortnnes affect the cutaneous m101111 . '4001 6 11110 a way as to cause the hair to turn wbiterin a ,fate boors. meet English medical ivork con. 4aliiinumerrotts exatiples of this fact. • • 1. „ r , Mather.” said w lad." is it wrong to break egg osheakir •LCurtainly - not, my deer," replied the instiOCtr;',"bitt What do you ask such silly questions ; 4 •Bewajose I hate just dropped the basket w ith a g thongs In it," replied Abet - promising chip. •API% Cincinnati; n third Jewish ',metope WIIII cnoienrotall wish roloron pomp, Amid a .52eivd , prAttendotar - CM t ' litriPtartlr ri!ade are coming Tito me very repully in Obis. PHI ere said to be earning forty per cent pprsanum on theiroost. la African Coffee, grown si Basta, Cove. the ~Iteisosyleania Colony, is welliog in Philadelphia an - il<lf as twenty omit, a pound. leersitri Pearde-.-We have beard of people being haMilted by .. ".rs4 monkeys," tiut until the folk lowing liete_dent eves in our midst, we were prokwelly_knoiant upon -the. psychediites . ", peculiarliiis of the genus Sulu, assimilating them to the bateau race, is their posthumous fun. Jack, every body's pet, in the upper portion of out borough—having exhausted hi laughter.provoking powers in the normal state known as animal life, took it into his bead to "shuffle off this mortal i coil," some months since; and was gathered to his fathers 'with all due solemnity, by a sympathizing Ijuvenile neighborhood, who having shrouded and i coned his defunct ape-ship, laid him gently down to slecp,tuatii time should have denuded his hones, and made him a fitting -subject tor anatomical ho nors, and a demonstrative of simial osteology. It happened that his master bad a " cotuin," who called one day lest week, and other topics inning in interest, it was proposed to exhume poor Tack, and ascertain bow the elements progressed in the work of resolving him irate a lifonkey.atonty. While they were digging far that purpose, a. F colored friend of oars, celebrated for his polite ness and respectable deportment, as well as his ' - dread of snakes, chanced to pass, and curiosity led him to inquire what was going on. Now it was that the spirit of the dear (at any price) departed, I t saved his mauler to reply "Why. I want to see if there it anything in dreams: I have dreamed for three nights in succession, that a dead child was buried there"--ebocking down the spade with em : pule to mark the spot. "Language Nile" du., to describe the gravity of manner with which the confederate jokers proceeded to investigate this grave affair ; and the horror depicted upon the faces of the delving dreamer, and daguerreotyped thence upon those of his associates, when tire spade struck with a dull funk upon the coffin lid. A few mo ments: and the wooden jacket was torn from the clay cold breast of the bony Jack. A glance was enough, and he of the tawny cheek and dusky brow, pronounced it "a nigger baby! sure." A consultation was held, and it was at, first de. : eided to keep the matter durk; but the "sober second thought"' 'convinced all parties that it was better to make it public—lest some future dreamer should be induced to violate Jack's tomb, and perhaps let out the secret which three were enough to keep. As soon as this was concluded upon, Mercury might have taken lessons in travelling from the frightened identifier of the, defunct's , race. Five minutes more, and' a magistrate and a coroner, might have been seen," wending their way to the scene of the „ murder most foal,” to inquire on behalf this corn. monvrealtb, into the cause, that led to the death and deposit of the bones aforesaid.' Of course the whole affair came to light—and was made light of by the worthy officers of .Ihe hits', who laughed at the joke, and told it for others to laugh at. Not only of patriots and great men can it be said, that "E'en in their ashen glow their former fires." BRIEF HISTORY Or THE Navy.—The new work lately published by authority, and compiled from the records of the Navy Department, thus briefly sums up the' casualties' among naval officers zinc* the United States have had a Navy : Died, 994 Killed in action, 52 Killed in duels, 21 Killed by accident, 7 Drowned, 67 Lost at sea, 87 Murdered, 6 Resigned, 1,635 Dismissed, 402 Cashiered, 51 Discharged under peace establishment, 277 Discharged, 3 Last appearance or unknown, 545 Deserted, 3 In service, • 1,505 It is gratifying to know that in so long a period, only three desertions have occurred among nearly six thousand officers, a proof of the high character of our naval service. RIMEDILS roe Frrs.—For alit of passion. Walk out in the open air; you may speak your mind to the winds without hurting any one, or proclaiming yourself to be a simpleton. For a fit of Idleness.—Count the ticking' of a clock. Do this for one hour, and you will be glad to pull off your coat the next and work like a hcrn. Fat a fit of extravagance and folly.—Go lo the work-house, or speak with the ragged and wretched inmates of a jail, and you will be convinced— Who makes his bed of brier and thorn, Must be content to lie forlorn. PREVENTIVE or RAILWAY conga quence of the frequent collisions of Railway trains on curves, a signal has been invented in England which promises good results. It is worked by a crank, which moves a wire on poles, like the elec. trio telegraph, and operates at a distance of three quarters of a mile. If a train approaches, the look. out turns the crank, and a signal is made at the dig. Lance mentioned, and there is time to stop before any danger occurs. MATRIMONIAL RrvAtair.—During the sale of the Duke of Buckingham's • s raivables" not those which his ancestor claimed from Richard the Third of which his brother Clarence stood possessed—a beautiful statue of ..Venus rising from the sea" was hotly bid for by two rival agents, and brought much more than its value. The report is that the agents representimi Queen and Prince Albert who each wan. ted to present it' to the other. This is 'a very pret. ty story. hut the poor people will have to pay for the painting. The most imptitant" articles." that have been agreed to in the newel:as titution of France, are the granting a habeas corpus Amt. abolishing capi. tat punishment for •Telitical lances, abolishing slavery, and aeltnoirledging a universality of bola. ation In political matters. Stmarners poi patant was taken out a short time ago in !England, foe an apart:hut named a Caimans which is designed to supeecede tight laming,thatpglp and,pangstons ruin. whereby basun - and the feasts atedastraget Mcarciiier 711»i; persecution become a Eavoritepation with any httinan be. in. the !naart annabledevOid or that feelingwiiich elevates ea in the Opiniosi"of the gait and good. To obviate at once the injuries :received from persecution, is almost impossible; therefore, ...the greater punishment is due to him or her who is guilty of so disgraceful a deed. We never deem ourselves foil of errors, bat are sure to discover in others, especially those we envy. a legion or diserePaneier, horrible in their nature, indestructible only because we think al!, and inca pable of being obliterated for want of a desire on our panto ascertain if such an end can possibly be accomplished. Would that those whose faith in their own is lasting and fifffl, could mete dot to others a like portion of charity and esteem. The too often expressed thoughts of our enemies are the weapons that disturb our happiness and re. pose: therefore, to calumniate a fellow.being mali ciously or without a cause, is but to enrol ourselves with the guilty wretch who purloins his master's goods and wounds his best and truest friend. But one of the most inhuman acts which a men or woman who is intimately connected with anoth er can perpetrate, is to circulate openly sayings calculated to defeat or destroy their came and in fluence. For, the moat contemptible whisper can deprive ' us of our reputation, in a moment, perhaps, when peace and plenty are within • our sphere.' If• the wicked in thought - and treacherous in 'deed would canvass the future results of their iniquity, how soon would envy depart from their bosoms, while repentance would enter to fill up the vacancy crea ted by a failing fur which we must render en ac count to that Being who will one day summon us to eternity, and front whom no one's works are secret ed or hidden. Bunn' or HANGS:M.—The New Orleans Daily Chronicle says that last Tuesday the aentence•of the law was privately carried into effect in the pal ' ice jail of tho Third Municipality. The culprit (who committed a brutal assault on the person of a little girl about nine years of age) exhibited up to the last hour of his life the same sullen disposition which he zssumed at the time of his arrest, and which ho has maintained ever since, showing no disposition to accept spiritual comfort or' consola tion of any hind; his only anxiety appeared to be centered in watching• an opportunity to escape. We saw him as be lay in his manacles with hi■ eyes glaring wildly around, and when the e'xecu fierier approached him to remove him to the yard of the jail, he became furious, & not until a kind hearted friend, who seemed to have some secret control over him, came and soothed him, would he let any of the officers approach him. He was at length induced to go to the place of execution, and it was only by stratagem that he was suspended by the fatal noose, and so Lunglingly was it attach ed that it slipped over his head, and he was than despatched by shooting him through the head with a ELECTIONEERING EXTRA.—Among the election. cering expedients resorted to at the late election in Paris, was the following ingenious proceeding:— The agents of M. Delessert, one of the candidates induced Mr. Green, who ascended in his celebrated balloon from the Hippodrome., to lake up with him some million. of hula bulletins, bearing the name of M. Delcssert, as ballast. As he passed over the department of the Seine ho let these descend in showers from the clouds on the astonished and be wildered citizens, who seemed to receive front heaven this inspiration to vote for the son of the exprelect of Police. iliTSoap Stone Griddles are among the new things I under the sun. The Buffalonians have commenced the Buckwheat cake season with them, and brag hugely about their superiority over all other kinds of griddles. They have just been introduced into the Buffalo market, and their alleged advantage over all other articles of this kind is, that no grease Is necessary in cak e•bu king, and as mutterer course. the process not accompanied with that unpleasant smell which attends baking on the iron griddle, and which fills the house with smoke. The cakes are as smooth as glass when baked,land to the eye and palate are more acceptable titan by the present mode.—Albany Eye. Jour. UM Emutnano Etpt.—Theodore Parker, in a late discourse, said that as much matter was printed in Boston, alone, in fourteen days, as was written in the whole world, during the fourteen centuries be. fore the art of printing was discovered. In view of this, who will deny that the develop ment of men is progressing ? 113'Samuel Lawrence, the greatest wool purcha. ser and manufacturer in the conntry, says; "The business of wool growing in this country, is des. tined to be of immense importanee,and I am Srm in the belief that within 25 years, we shall produce a greater quantity than any other nation; and - he adds.there is not enough annually raised in this country, by 10.000,000 lbs., to meat the demand of the manufactures. A MATHEMATICIAN . ' /DLL OF HOllOll, -..A grad. nate of Cambridge gave another the lie, and chat lenge followed. The mathematical tutor orthis colledge, the late Mr. V-, heard of the dis pute, and sent forth. youth, who told him be must fight. `"Why?" said the mathematician. "He gave me the lie." " Very well, let him prove it ; if he proves it, you do lie; and if he does not prove it, he lies. Why should you shoot one another ? Let him prove it." A Vxweamarx Vocaurn—Breham, now 75 years of age, gang at a concert in Birmiegham, a short time age. A paper of that town says: "We at. tended, with misgivings es to the remit of to ex traordinary an experiment; but the manner in which he gave OM or two of his old favorite pima, made our fears give way to wonder. His pathos and autquitit declamation in Handel's recitative, Deeper and Deeper still,' were truly thrilling; and hie rendering of • The Death of Nelson,' irresisti bly *ought up the, reminiscence of the palmy m us of that gam asthma" Weemitsit zetruectellite aretionstently • Vs' • ing complaints against the climate of this country? which iiihe mouths or people„ss sensibility and taste, appear to ea to be the mostinreasonable and ungrateful lamentations In the world. Taken al. togethei, the "skyey influences" in America seem to us to be more delightful than in any land in which we have ever sojourned. Dhats beet. our j lot to gaze `upon the clouds of every degree of lon- I gitude and latitude between the Black Sea and the Atlantic, and between the Pyramids and the Krem lin. We know the colors of the opening and the, closing day in Persia, Egypt, Turkey and Italy. We have gazed into the depths of the ethereal can opy from amidst the sallies ofSpain and the moon- tains of Switzerland. But we stoutly contend that there is no spot upon European soil where the eye may catch such splendors, or the bodily frame may drink such inspiration from the air, as in this much depreciated America of ours. To an invalid, we grant, the changes are too sudden and too extreme to be salutary: and a person in health here must make it a part of his system of life - to have two or three sets of clothing at hand, and he must change his apparel just as regularly as the wind does its course. But, under that condition, which we take for granted as indispensable, we aver that there is not iu the world a land in which those who are susceptible of atmospheric impressions can par. take such intense and rich enjoyment as this. There are some persons who give no further at- tention to the weather then to protect themselves from its inclemencies: there are others who look to the state of the outer scene as one of the princi pal sources of their delight. To one who thus knnws how to use the pleasures which life sets be fore him, no finer feast of the senses throughout the year can be offered than iv here spread befi.re us. To one who like ourselves, is devoted to a systematic banquetting upon the luxuries of heay. en's breath—who is apician in his perception and appropriation of the glorious and the delicious in breeze and cloud and sky—it is impossible to con ceive of a more animated variety of refreshing and gladdening influences than are shed abroad in the region where we live. The famed clear blue of the Dalian sky is as monotonous as it is beautiful: it cloys upon the eye and mind like the luscious delicacy of Carlo Dulce: and after months of ad miration, it grows, so oppressive in its unvarying perfection, that an 'eager temper le" tempted to ex. claim," Up, spirit of the storm !" and the warmest panegyrist of cloudless expanses would feel it a re lief to hail the approach of a genuine north.easter„ With us, every feeling and every taste that a man may have within his nature is by turns addressed and gratified by the inexhaustible range of impres. aloes which the circle of our seasons brings out. What can be more intoxicating in its exulting power of joy than the sounding stream that pours from the north-west a stream of purity and strength and coolness? What more exquisite II:111'1.th° ro seate flush of morbid loveliness which its current refracts to the declining sun' What can be more fully charged with the serene and dainty softness of Eden itself than the fresh but fitful breathings which the south-west sends forth to woo the heav en to the disclosure of the most sacred recesses of its bosom of rapture-kindling beauty Under what zone are the decorations of the eloudage so varinue, so magnificent, so full of the vital glory of spiritual interest ? The uncertainty in which we always live aa to what" wind "a day" or night "may bring forth," appears to us to add the pleas antness of the case. From the sunset of to-day you never can anticipate the character of to-mor row's morning horizon: but speculation is left to wander over the whole circle of possible atmos pheres, and finally to be surprised by something which it had not conjectured. If yea have a rainy or dull state of things at any time, the chances are ' even that the next sunrise will be brilliant and hope ful. In the season at which we now ere, what can be more ravishing to the eye or the spirit than the purged purity of the autumnal sky, lustrous whit a roseate tint as lovely and delicate 'as the hues of the pearl? And then what display even of tropical splendors can rival the diamond blaze of our nights in winter ? Taking the year throughout, we venture to maintain that no where will the lover of natu ral beauty find himself more bountifully furnished with the choicest exhibitions- of the sky and air than may be met with by one who never wanders beyond these Atlantic shores. = The destruction of Messina is one of the most heroic, desperate and bloody 'Wake that ever oc curred in wars of independence. The Neapolitan forces bombarded the city for five days, and on the Sth and 6th of September attempted to carry it by storm, but were repulsed, though the discharger from the citadel, which has throughout been held by the troops of Ferdinand, were incessant and terrific., and were aided by the mortars and cannon of the fleet, end the entrenchments without the 'Wills. On the '7th, with their city almost in ru ins, the Messiness attempted to negotiate an ar. mistice; but, faithful to the spirit of the people, the leaders would not accept the conditions that the Neapolitan Commander offered. On the Bth, the final assault took place; the majority of the inhab itants bad left the city the night before; only the fighting men remained tofesist to the last moment. The Sicilians held their positions most gallantly, and retreated fighting. The Neapolitans entered the city, which was little more thin a mess of ru ins already. As its defenders withdrew from street timitreet, indomitable in the midst of their battered and smoking homes, they set fire to what was left undestroyed. Their antagonists followed them into a quarter of the city which bed' suffered the least in the bombardment, when suddenly a Leigh. ty explosion, like an earthquake, completed the ruin, and buried in one destruction the remaining edifices of 'Messina and thousands of the meseena. ries of the tyrant. The city had been-conquered but in its stead the oonquerent bold only a black. seed and worthless mass of devastation. Dv:Tam-rum or Massnat.—A Paris letter of September 21, published in the N. Y. Tribune, ha■ the following account of the events which preceded and attended the destruction 9f the city of Messi na: In this straggle I grieve toasty that outrages were committed by some of the defenders of efty which should not have stained so heroic a re sistfnes.7•Wrooght op to the Glummest fanatical hatred of the assailents, a porticos of tb•Attose Piiesat class of the population mutilated the bodies of the fallen Neapolitans, carried their heads on pike!, through the streets, and perpetrated other hofrible excesses which at :cuch a moment the au thorities were unable to prevent. But these Things, it should be remembered. were not the work of the people of Messina, but only of the worst part of them, and can shadow but pot obscure the courage persistence in spite of which they were vanquished. The King of Naples may now be able to conquer the whole of the Island, as he has in his posses- I 'ion its main fortress, but he will conquer it only by exterminating the inhabitants and devastating their fields and villages. Conquer them he cannot. Tax Essausn itittsrocazer.A good deal of ex citement exists in England the respecting the breaking up of the Duke of Buckingham's splen did and princely palace at Stowe, and the sale un der tl/n ruthless hammer of the auctioneer, and harsh mandates of remorseless crediicrS, of its magnificent contents. The mere catalogue of the luta contains two hundred and seventy one.pages ; more than sixty thousand ounces of goldend silver plate, including fifty elaborate pieces of historic value, the gills of royal personages and distinguish. ed men, are on sale. The Duke of Buckingham is the representative, not of one, but of many fam ilies.. It is a mighty larreek,of ages that has been accumulated in this palace, full of:historical, nation al and political associations. The galfiriei of fam ily portraits and collections of family memorials Seem to connect all the great men, and all the great achievements of modern Europe, With, the names of Chandos,Temple, Cobbam, Nugent, and Green. villa. Here is the victor's portion in the spoil of celebrated sieges, the memento of historical friend. ships, and the esteemed gifts of royalty or beauty. In tile manuscript-room is the most extensive and valuable collection 'of Irish documents anywhere to be found. For the pictures, marbles, bronzes, antique articles of vertu, curiosities, china, glass, &c., we can only say that they extend tei five thou sand items. "It is not our 'purpose," says the Times, "to speak of that which money has.collected, and may collect again. Such things are only scattered fur a fresh accession elsewhe u re, under new and more favorable auspices. But the heirlooms. of many great families, the records of many great events, and memorials of many great persons, all spools. neously collected into one great whole, is a singu lar and most significant tact, the obliteration of which we can only compare to the overthrow of a nation ore throne." The Times goes on : "This is a most deplorable, and we must now add, a most disgraceful event.' These cOltimna Nave spared neither people nor prince. Should we deal fairly if we spared the destroyer of his _house, the man whose reckless Bourne has thrown to the ground a pillar of the state, and struck a heavy blow at the whole order to which he belongs The public opinion of this country respects the House of Lords, but not a degenerate aristocracy. It is apt to can. vase and to censure noble names, because it meas. urea their ill dads with their great responsibility. The Duke of Buckingham has filled all miracle with the painful presage of a wilder ruin. Such events speak, in these days. When dynasties are falling around, aristocracies have crumbled into dust, disgrace acquires the force of injury, and personal ruin is a public treason. For an event of peace, we have known nothing ,more serious and lamentable." CHESTNUTS AS AN ARTICLE OF DIET:-111 a new work by O.S. Fowler, on Physiology, after discuo_ sing the requisition for carbon in food, and arguing that it could be obtained from the vegetable king. dom quite as well as from meat, showed that nuts contain it in large quantities, and urged their in corporation into our diet, as follows : Nuts, as generally eaten, are unwholesome, for two reasons. They are often eaten between meals, which we shall soon tee to be highly injurious, and when the stomach is already overloaded. Second., ly, they contain a great amount of carbon, and thus increase that superabundanee of it which is one great cause of disease. Yet oaten with, and as a part of food, they would undoubtedly prove highly beneficial, as they are eminently nutritious and palatable. The inhabitants of the South of France, Savoy, and a part of Italy, live almost ex. elusively on chestnuts during full and the early part of winter, making them into bread and pod. dings in place of flour. Nuts abound in vegetable oil, and of course in carbon, and also in &tine and fibrine—three of the most important elements required for sustaining. life. Yet they should be dried or cooked." The following, from tho "Scientific American," shows that this suggestion has occurred to other minds also: "Here in our fair laud we have the chestnut—a fruit natural to our soil and climate, but cultivated by no onewith the same views and objects as the apple or peach. Now the chestnut is a valuable and nutritious article of food. The peasantry in varions parts of Southern Europe enjoy a breakfast of roasted chestnuts, although I must say they ore larger and finer in those countries than we have them here, and this is the reason that induced me to write this letter, knowing the interest you take in the progress of all• science. It is my opinion that our chestnut may begreatly improved by pr op. , er culture—there is no doubt in my mind but the , Italian kind, which are the size of a small apple, might be successfully cultivated in America. This fruit is easily preserved and kept for a long time. I trust that some of our cultivators will give this subject their attention, and place the chestnut in its proper position as ea article of American.diet and a natural fruit of our clime. Yours, te. " "Brooklyn, 1848." • "S. R. J." 07A series of observations, by means of the tele graph line between Philadelphia and Cincinnati, are about to be taken by Professor E. Otis Kendall and Sears C. Walker, In connection with the coast survey, so. is to ascertain the precise latitude and longitude of Philadelphia and Cincinnati. The wire of the Western line has been conducted Into the Observatory at the Central High School, for this purpose, and the experiment. are to be made . at night, after the offices have closed for the transmis sion of messages. The Philadelphia. and Cin cinnati wires being connected at Pittsburg, those distant cities will be placed in instantaneous con• nection with each other. Professor Kendall super intends the experiment at the Philadelphia agues and Prollseser Walker at Cincinnati. 117.1ifeci, by uniting. under we leditisr,.nury, virtue of the social law, acquire prodigious 'dun tagin4o themselves, which singly they could tug obtain; £19,000 hero been subscribed to build rather Matliew a church: gig ;sllarkets. ~ Columbia Retail Provision 'Market. Flour, - •' , - Wheat, '' ' ' - 1 - DT - it 1 - 20' - Rye, • , 66 - a 69' Corn, 45 a 50 Oats, 28 a 31. Hams, 8 a 10 Dried Beef, • -12 i, a 14 Butter, 15 a 18.1-• Eggs, 10 "ia: 12f Potatoes, 40 . i 50 Beef, 6 a 8 Veal, . - ,5 a 61. Retail Lumber Market. Counsels, Friday 5ept.30,1848. Inferior Cull Boards and Grub Plank, 3 8 00. Culling 1100. 2d Common 4. 4 16 00 lst Common 4 4 22 00 Pannell 66 30 00 Hemlock " Scantling, 9 00 Pine Scantling. ' limp 14 to. 18 00 Plaster Lath. 2to 2.25 Shingles,' , 8 to 14 TO PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 30, 1848. Flour—ss 37 a 5 50 for good old stock Nona end Western. and 85 75 for good fresh ground; Rye flour 84 00 a 4 12 ; Corn meal 82 s77j• 3 00. Grain—Wheat 81 10 a 1 20 for good Peon; Rim 68 a 70 for Penn ; Corn 65 a 66 for yellow Iron—PennaPigs23 a 27 per ton for Anthracite. and 825 a3O for Forge and Foundry Metal. Bar Iron ranges from $7O to 75, and Blooms 855 to 70. Lumber—The supplies are increasing. Cargo sales of Yellow Pine Boards at 815 a 16 per Ilt• ' Susquehanna,sll a 15; Hemlock Joists, $7 a 7 50; Scantling 87a 8. Laths—Ate in fair demand, with sales of 150,- 000 Eastern at $1 20 a 1 25 per M. BALTIMORE Sept. 30, 1848 The flour market at the close was firm, after an ACUTE! demand at easier rates; soles at $5 25. Sales of white wheat at SI 16 a 1 20, and red wheat $1 08 a I 11 ; oats 28 a 30. A Valli:ale Ztentedy.—We like at all theca, to give credit when credit is due, and if at:the same time we can relieve the distressed, we are doubly gratified; we therefore give the following voluntarrtesumony as to the beneficial effects of Wistar's Balsam or‘Vild Cherry, by the editor orate Columbia SoutlrCarolinisin, who appears to have obtained great relief by its use.—(Old Dominion. Wtursn's tiLLSANE Cr WILD Cuaaar.—We seldom re sort to patent medicines, havingf, agreat respect for th e skill of the regular profession, Out chance threw into our way the above named medicine, immediately after the close ofilte last session of the legislature, when our lungs were almosi dried up by the highly ratified atmosphere of our stove warmed state house. The Balsam immediately relieved us of a most harrassing cough, which threatened our health in a serious degree. We feel that we are in debted to it for some fifteen pounds of animal weight— which addition once felt cannot be forgotten, Noi.e genuine unless signed I Burrs on the wrapper. For sale by SETH W. FOWI.E, General Agent, 139, Washington Street, Boston; Aslo, For sale by R. Wu-Lusts, Front Street Columbia, Pa. The Cause of the pressure upon the brain is a collec tion of morbid humors in the blood, which not only de range die circulation, but also by increasing the apparent quantity of the vital fluid, cause a distention or swelling , of the blood vessels. a pressure upon the nerves which lend to the brain, and headache, gtcldiness,alpitation of the heart. insanity, apoplexy, sudden deat h, and other dreadful reecho. - Wright's Inchon Vegetable Pills are always certain to relieve pressure upon the brain; because they take out of the circulation those very humors which are the cause not only of all disordered motions of the blood, but of every malady incident to man. They also aid and im prove digestion, as well as purify the blood, and therefore not only give health and vigor to the whole frame. but are always certain to prevent any evil results from a pressure upon the brain. _ ltzwang or Gouts - mom= .sgro latrrazzotcs.—Remem bee. that the ortg,inal and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the wntten signature of Wizzrata WRIGHT on the top label of each box. ila'The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who arc the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by agents advertised in another column. Principal Odice, iag, Race Street, ,Philadelphia. Dr. Swaim CONPOC2CD SYDrr or WILD C 117311 AN bowman LETTER. Read the following letter from Wm. Shaw, a respecta ble Druggist in Wilmington, N. C. a gentlemen of un doubted veracity, in whose word the most implicit confi dence may be placed, another proof of the superiority of DR. SWAYN6 . 3 CO:MI.01;ND !.. 6, 111UP Ow IrVIID CUEIIIIT, in curing Coughs. Colds, CONVUNIPTION. Asthma; Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lungs and Breast. • _ WILMINGTON, N. C.. Jail. 5, 1546. DR. SWAYNE--Dasta Sat:—You will please send me twelve dozen. or more, as you see fit. of your STROP or AV= CHERRY. From sales to-day, I have but a hairdo zen on hand ; the sales are rapidly increasing and will, I have no doubt, continue to do so. An acquaintance of mine called a few days ago to say be would give me a certificate of its good effects. He is from the country, and a minister in the 'Methodist Church. Shortly after obtaining the agency, I prevailed upon him to try a bottle though I doubted whether any benefit would be derived. for lie, as well as myself, thought his case was confirmed Consumption; in fact every symptom was indicative.— Shortly after, he wrote to me to send him four or five bot tles more. He came to town last week. I will quote his own [language: "sir," said be, lam a new man, and I consider it a duty I owe to the public, to tell- what Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of 'Wild Cherry has done for me." I will publish his certificate, and as be iggenerally known all over our section, Lexpect good ; resnlts from it. With every feeling of xespeet, yours trulyt, • WM. SHAW. Letters such aathe above are daily received from all parts of the country, but we publish this as one of the many proofs of its efficacy. Avoid all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry. except that bearing the written signature of Dr. Swayne, as they are most likely quite destitute of the article front which they borrow a name. The loriginaNtUl4olllllgemlike article is prepared by DR. STA YNE, corner of Eighth and Race sts. Phila delphia, and for stile by agents in all parts of the United States, and some parts of Euro pe. Sold by WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. H. BARNITZ, York, Pa. ,Aug. 12,1848.—8 t. Most Extraordinary Work•—The 3 ionied Wo man's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A. M. MAIIRICEAU, Professor of Diseases of Woman, Sixth Edition. 18mo. pp. 150. Prise ei. 25,000 copies cold in three months! Years of suffering, orphysical and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and pecunianry difficult, to the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses sion of this work. • It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage. as at discloses important secrets which should he known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happinesi, af- Buenee. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters to the author will attest. Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother, the one either budding into womanhood or the onem the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies. and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which ber sex is subject. COPIES 'WILL BE SENT By MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mailwithis three months, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar, the " Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to Drany part of the United States. All letters must be post-paid those containing a remittance) and addressed to . A. M. Mauricean,Box 1494, New York City. Publish ing office, 12D, Liberty-at., New-York. The ' , Married Woman's Private Medical Compinlon" is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. For sale at the Spy Office, Columbia, Pa New-York, May 20, 1848 —4m Philadelphia _ —Exotic:tax, 3d story, Rooms 25:3E—Dagnereotype Pae. trans of all sizes, either singly aria family groups; pie. ored or without colors, tiro taken every day, in any urea dies. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintings, Statuary, ac s may also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are nuparsted to,examine specimens. ap1641147 W. & F. L&NOIMMM. listablbihment
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers