The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, October 14, 1848, Image 1
...7:•••• • orwrk.r.o. E ONE DOLLAR, A YEAR IN ADVANCE.] AND LITERARY REGISTER. NEW 'SERIES; TOL. 2, NO. 15.] CEO. W. SCUROYER, Editor and Publisher. fes—Pront Street, three doors above Locust Tintras-LThe SPY is published every Saturday morning at the Mw price of Si per annum IN ADVANCE, or one dollar and fifty cents, if not paid within one month of the time of subscribing. Single copies, THREE CENTS. No paper wilt be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. No subscription received, or paper discontinued, for a less, period than six months. Letters to redeive attention, must be post-paid: TERMS OF ADVERTISING. (Fifteen-lines or less to the square-1 Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate of Sl persquare; for every subsequent insertion after the third, 25 cents will be charged. The number orinsertions desired must be marked, or the advertisement will be, con tinued until ordered out, and charged accordingly. ' A liberal deduction will be made on the above prices ,o yearly advertisers. IMPORTANT TO SEICLIMOLS. TIM subscriber has purchased the Patent right of Tunby's Improved NVater Wheel, which has been proven to do more work with less water than any other wheel now in use. The wheels can be seen in operation at John Lintner's Saw Mill, and at John Rerr's Saw Mill. Persons having Mills on streams of water where there is not sufficient tall for overshot wheels, will find these wheels to do more work than either, Pitch-back, Under• shot, or Flutter Wheels. JEFFERY SMEDLEY, Machinist. 5ept.:2,1268.4f Columbia, Lane. co., Pa. r - rr7WN'rent7T7ll VMS TREDENICK & Co., late from Philadel phia, dealers in HATS and CAPS, would most res pectfully beg leave-to inform the citizens of Columbia and. ha vicinity, that they have purchased the -old and well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept by Jona VsuonErt far many years, next door to J. Felix's Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia, Pa., where they intend to spare no pains and means to carry . on the above Moines* in all its various branches. Their stock eon. sits in part of fine Mole Skin, Beaver Nutria, and Cas tor HATS. Also, a splendid assortm enti of Pearl and Braid Summer HATS of the-latest fashion and style, to. gether with a good assortment of CAPS of every size, price, and quality. New style Silk lists, which we have just received from Philadelphia, and which we will sell at city prices. With the confidence resulting from an experience of a number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel phia, will guarantee us in saying. that for fashion, neat ness, durability, and. CHEAPNESS, we cannot be sur passed by any establishment in the union. LEWIS 'TBEDENICK & Co. Columbia, June 3, lfl4B.—tf. DR. lIIIN'LrEIR'S TND!AN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Hunter's Pana cea warrants the American people in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES that can be found in the cout.try, in secret and all diseases of the urinary organs. It acts fint by purging off all irri tating matter from the system which aggravates the dis ease and at the same time acts upon the secretions through the medium of the blood, by which all vestiges of the sypilitic taint are eradicated from the system It also eradicates secondary . syphillis, cures whites or lcucor rhea in women, and is a general purifier of the system. Be sure to ask for Bunter's Indian Vegetable Panacea. Price Rt per bottle. For snte by September 2, 1848 ' W. A. LEADER., NOW IS TEE TIME rrO SAVE MONEY: By calling at • the - cheapest 1; CLOTHING STORE under the sun you can save twenty per cent. C. LEVY & Co. ' Front Street; one door above Chinni nee' Row, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to their large and splen did assortment of EASONABLE READY MADE CTOTHLVG, Consisting of French Broadcloth Coats of all colors and descriptions, Pants, Vests, Caps. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocks. Suspenders Carpet Bags, &c., &c. C. LEVY & Co. ,flatter Themselves that they can sell the cheapest Clothing in Columbia, or any where else:; and if you do not believe it. just give them a call. Columbia, August 19, 1E48.-2ro. EXIBTOV.&L. CL. EFILING,• Herb Doctor, late of Marietta, . begs leave,to inform his friends and the public gen erally, that he has removed to the house of Henry Martin, next door to Iloyle's Hotel, Front street Columbia, Pa. ‘Vhilst he returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal encouragement hitherto received in the practice of his profession, he respectfully acquaints them that he con tinues as usual the PRACTICE OF MEDICINFOnaII its various branches, and will attend, either by day or night all those who may have occasion for his services. Columbia, July 1, le4s.—tt NB.IV' STORE. TIER sulariters Respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have taken the Store ormerly occupied by S. B. Boucle & Co., corner of Locust and Front Streets, and arc trod opentitg an entire new Stock of Goods, purchased at the present very low prices, among which are FRENCILENGLISH & AMERICAN BLACK CLOTHS. Olive, Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English,. and American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres ; Striped, Plaid, and Figured Cassimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths, Gambroons; Low priced Summer Studs. Cords and Bea reticent, &e. LADIES' DRESS GOOD . Grenadines, Organdies, Parelins, Berege. Silk Tissue, Lawns, Ginghams, and Black and Blue-Bleek Oro de Rhine', Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks, New Style Chamelies, ALSO, Calicoes, Muslin, Checks, Gingham., Ticking, Chambreyse, Linenend Cotton Table Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose, New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &c., dm. ALSO, GLASSWARE & Q SWARE—GROCERIES: Sagan, Coffees, Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish and Sperm Oila, Soaps Candles, Spices, &c.„ &c., &c. . Our goods are all NEW and selected with great care, and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a share of custom of our friends and the public; All kinds of Country Produce taken in at the highest _prices. ROOT. CHALFANT. PETER HALDEMAN, Jr. Columbia, March 25, , BALD m amas GRAY Heads, Red Headkand all with Bad Hair, Read: Mr. ABRAHAM VANDERBEEK. of RI Avenue D., New York, certifies that his head was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two ties orJones's Coral Hair RCISIOIIIIIVe.bc -hippos good crop of hair, and will soon have it long and thick. Mr. William Jackson, otegYL4berty. meet. Pittsburgh, Pa., certifier:' On the ' 3d of February, 1d47, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely bald for 15 years, and that by using two 3a bottles of lone's Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing last and thick, and will soon be entirely restored. Gray Heads! Gray Heads! Read—l hereby certify that my hair was turning gray.. and that ;thee I have used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased growing fast, and has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative 'combed out hand. fulls of hair daily. W. TOYLPIC.IIO, la King et, N. Y. Mr. Power , a grocer, of Fulton st.. had his hair choked up with dandruff, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en tirely cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify. and nuke your hair soft and fine. Read—l, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the • steamboat .South America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative is the best article I ever used for dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the hair a long time in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. Sold only in N. York at Eet Chatham street; and by R. WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. 3e24'48-dm MEORMINGF ILILAZN ell4mßetween York, Wrightsville and Co lumblft.—The , President and Directors et the Baltimore and Suatraeharum Rail Road any having mounted to • uottiftll6 the MORNING between the above places. Mr The Cu will leave Columbia DAlLY_Mandays az emtedl at o'clock, A. and the Train will Leave Wrightsville at di o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York at S o'clock, A. 31. D. C. M. BORMAN', April 17, WV- . , . Super't SOAP. JOIE' %Italian. Chemical leap le all& b 7 the fif 'ea! Society o fblessing, a mime and ia wonder," to mire eruption, disfigurement or discolors tow dew It pimplea,;tdotefies, freckles, iak sirmawurvi. sere ed, tan, sunburn,. raorpliew; and it thalweg( met color of dark, yellow or atitibbrnt Abu. to - atsielliiatity, ekueaaas saw by ft. WO ut 41.153.ArtW0r C 0..• la bit )00184et t. • • ...Air IF 4 C I A . •! r . . _ . J3usincss Miraton. TEEM OF THE DIRECTORY. • To persons advertising in the 877 by the year, there will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one year by paying 81.50 in advance, or if they have paid for the paper, .50 cis. for the card. Those who are not subscribers we will charge Si for inserting their card one year. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Attorney. LOCUM Street, between Front and Second Ste PHILIP GOSSLEI{, Attorney, Walnut St., between Front and Second ILLIAM S. McCOR.ILLE, Physician, corner of Locust and Second streets. T. IIeRRELL, DENTIST. Nos. 8 & 4,llrateut street. above Beres Hotel P. SCHREINER'S WATCH AND Immure Stone, No. 1, Schreiner's Row:Front Street HERR'S WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of Front and Walnut Streets, Columbia, Palma CONNELLEE,,WOLF, cfr. CO., Manurrs of SIOVeP. Hollow-ware, &c:, Wrightsville; Pa. J. 0.. k. J. WRIGHT, , Dry Goods Merchants. Locust st, 3rd door below, 2nd at FRY Az SPAN(, LER, Dry Goods Merchants, Locust street, below the Bank W. di 8. PATTON, CHALFANT & HALDEMAN, Dry Goods Merchants. N. W. corner of Looms h Front. st J. W. FISHER, ,Merebant Tailor, Front street, 2d door above Locust Et JOHN JORDAN & CO. A. G. STEVENS, Clothing Merchant, No. - 42, Front street. WILLIAM lA.. LEADER, .1' .1 q t • • • t NV, R. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Front et. between Locust and Walnut ate • G. L. MYERS, Druggist, Sehreiners Row, Front street. LEWIS TREDENICK & CO., Hatters, Front Street, a few doors below Herr's Hotel WM. TEMPLE, HATTER, No. 2, Schreiner's Row, Front In. P. SEIBERT, _, Cabinet Maker, corner of Third and Locust Street. JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturer, Locust street. opposite Haldeman's Store C. GROVE. Root and Shoe Manufacturer, adjoining Here's Hotel FRANCIS BRADLEY• BOOT & SHOE Manufacturer, Second, between Locust and Walnut at. . J. M. WATTS, BOOT & SHOE Manufacturer, Front at, between Locust and Walnut at S. GROVE, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust at 3. H. HUNTER, Hat. Boot and Shoe Store. No. 40, Front at J. N. IWCA.RTY, BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturer, Locust street, opposite the Town Hall. P. X. ZEIGLER, VARIETY AND • . . __J AVBI• M.A.THioT, Score. Front at. beuween LocoAt and 'Walnut IST FIPEPINWIPNiNM;MMPIRONI4. k,, SAM I)EL E VANS, Lumber Merchant and Muster Milder, Locust street H. SUYDAM, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Paper Hanger. &r., second, between Cherry & Union at., MARTIN Ar. K.ELLILVG, Berl, Doctors. Froth Street, next door to Boyle's Hotel CLEGGETT, BARBER AND • HAIR DRESSER, bock of Herr's Hotel. Walnut street JOSEPH KELLEY, SHEET-IRON 1. 1 ..1. ‘• • C . j t . 1.5 . • •• t POS'ZPONZINCENT. TEACHERS WANTED, Nine Teachers for the township of Helium, for teaching school. They aro to meet at Stoner's or Ritdy's school house, on the 10th day of October, inst., where the examination will take place. JOHN STONER. October 7,—to Secretary. :11.34 , "' •0 TRIMS as well as Monopolies must fall, so ± must prices. That is a facwhich can be proved by calling at the Old Estah/ished Cspea, Warm and Jaw 'ant Stand of John Felix. Front street, a few doors below Ilerr's Washington Hotel. The undersigned havingjustveturn - ed from Philadelphia and New York, where he haw purchased, et the pre sent very low prices, a large and splendid assortment of CLOCKS, 'WATCHES, AND JEWELRY of every description.'which. together with his'former ex tensivcatock, he is determined to , sell oll..quick and at small advances. Now is is your time if you wish to purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at astonishing low prices. The follownis embraces some of the leading articles of his magnificent stock: GOLD suit SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES, fall jeweled; Gold and Silver Lepine, gnarlier, and Eng- Huh Watches . Gold and Silver Miniature Cases; Silver Table, Tea, Salt,and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, &e.; Silver Scissor Hooks, Silver Combs and Hair Darts, Silver and Steel Belt Slides, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Spectacle Glasses, Silver Thim. Ides, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens, German Silver Spectacle Cases; German Silver Table and Tea Spoons; Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Steel do ; Gold, Silver, and Steel {Vetch Keys; Bracelet Clasps, Ilar.Rings, Finger- Rings, Breast Pins and Bosom Studs of every description; Card Cases, Steel Purse Rings'and Tassels. Bag and Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists, Shell Side and Back Combs; Pen Knives. Pistols, Spy glasses, Music Boxes, Pocket 'Books and Parses,mgmber with a large variety of other useful and ornamental articles usually kept In Jewelry Stores. Particular attention paid to repairing Cloaks, Watches, and Jewelry—and all work warranted. Thankful for'past favors. the subscriber solicits a con tinuance of the same—which he fiances hi:ate:l'3o merit from his experience and by a strict attention to business. JON FE N. B. Remember the place. It it in Front street, a few doors BELOW Herr's Wuhington Hotel. Colum bia. Pa., where you eau buy cheap . and good Jewelry, and warranted to give satistaction lit every Instance or have your money refunded.. J. F. Columbia, August 19; 1i49 -V . WANTF,II , a first rate Wagon maker, to take charge of a shop and carry on the business on his own hook. above the Depot: A shop Will be tented' to a good mechanic at about SIS per , anaum„ and at lnt $1.20 worth of work given by the subscriber himsel f ( to start on the first year. The work is procipally on.healY Ore Wagons. For further particulars address 11. M. WILLS. AugustA9, 1848.-2 m . Columba. Pa. ' • ' 3178 T 11.111311:MID A L A NEW STYLE OF RATS IND CAPS at lIIt Lewis Tredeniek & Co.'. Fashionable HAT & CAP Store, first door below John Feliz'a Jewelry store, where you can always get a Fashionable Hat or Cep at the lowest city. price. Vail and ,examine our New Style and judge for yourselves. TREDENICK & Co., • A*mt 1.848-11 ' 'Front Street, Caldera/fa, Pa. ALL. pxoutsxui' OF THE head, fate and hands, such u nu' rm.. eryalpelsa, nJuteuns, heb, amty som heads, tan, Geddes, sunburn, merpbew„yellowadarkdisfigi=n are cured, Strben tbess' canoes 'are' reitiored, s whom. th e tam freely shobld'imientitor that than water is required , to remove tbe *tumor from the pores. I ,bave seen pumas ,who nave had /I,lthy skin diseases, for ears, and alter trying everything In vain; hive been eared by washing the skin With Jones. Italian Chemical Mean, ant Can runocientioasly offal it for any od. the aboyomenolainta. pattieularly t raptod to persons (tom the sonny,i3oritlf. They weak' id OW skin -"el whiter, clearer and imetither sr d sog ' Hut Atli-J.l3lHk La &0111.{0 auk Itmes!, cheinieshflear tharatif• namerouemamtstleits. Arland 4 6ll lll . arta*.Or Williams, agent for Columbia. a MS•101-tdecsa JOHN SLACK, Variety Store,lgo 41, Front at COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1848 p atm THE INDIAN SUMMER. There is a time, just ere the frost Prepares to pave old winter's way, When Autumn, in a revery lost, The mellow daytime dreams away When Summer comes, in musing mind. Toga= once more on hil/ and dell, To mark how many sheaves they hind And see if all is ripened well, Wlth balmy breath she whispers low, The dying fIOVVeTi look up, and Eire Their sweetest incense ere they go, Fortier who bade their beauties litre. She bends above the quiet pool In which the rill forgets to play, The frolic eddies quickly school Their eyes . to glass hes transient stay. She enters 'neath the woodland shade, Her zephyrs lift the lingering leaf, And bear it gently where are laid The loved and lost ones of its grief. She seeks the shore, old ocean heaves In gladness huge Ms mighty breast, Prisons his wild winds in their eaves, And, basking in her smiles, is blest. At last old Autumn, rousing, takes Again his aeeptre and his throne, With boisterous hand the trees he shakes Intent on gathering all his own. Sweet Summer, sighing, flies the plan. And waiting Winter, gaunt and gram, Sees miler Autumn hoard his grain, And smiles to think its all for hint ! Groion Osaom.vs Alisteltancous. BVLu OIT Mao Cuartura.—The following rules were found in the study" of King Charles 1., altar he was beheaded, January, 1649. 1. Urge no health.. 2. Profane no divine ordinances. , 3. Touch no state matter.. 4. Reveal no secrets. 5. Pick no quarrels. 6. Make no comparison". 7. Maintain no ill opinions. 8. Keep no bad compauy. 9. Encourage novice. 10. Make no long 11. Repeat no grievances. 12. Lay no wagers. ' Should the above tit:calm faithfully adhered to, they would. prove a sovereign balm to many of the diseases of the present generation. Rule eleventh has been tried, ,and is found to be efficacious in removing obstructions to thepeace of social, politic■l and religious associations. In com plicated diseases it is neeaisary in_ order to ensure. a cure, he take the whole number at once.- Try it ye afflicted ones, if you would lessen the ills of hu manity. INDOLENCE.-Q, the miseries of indolence! Who would be an indolent dog? I can do nothing I 'shall die," says •the indolent man, without put. tiog forth one effort or lilting a foot to extricate himself from a difficulty. The promises of the Bible are all against such a chaiacter ; the whule world is against him. Find him in his rocking chair and request a favor of him and what is his re. ply? "There is a lion without—l cannot go." Give him a push and lie will not matte an effort to prevent a fall, and down ho tumbles. What a con. summate fool ! And yet the fellow thinks he is happy. Nonsense. The sow is more at rest. " A want of occupation is not red— A mind quite vacant is a mind diatressed." An indolent man is good for nothing en God's, footstool. Ho has no decision—no animation—no pluck. His way is a hedge of thorns. Than die in indolence, we would rather break our neck en. deavoring to leap over the Andes. Tim Caists—A Comoo.uv.--" Why bless me, Mrs. Jones, you don't look well this afternoon. You haint got the fever and agur, has you 1" " No. alarm, but I'm werry . unhappy : 'us band tells me the crisis has arrived." "The crisis! why, it ain't possiblo: When did he heal. that?" • ' ," Oh, it was in everybody's mouth, he says, at the political , meetin' t'otber . night, and they all seemed mighty concerned about it." "Well, now that 1 recollect it, my old man read it from the paper, the night afore last, that it had arrived sure enough, and the editor seemed to be in a peck of trouble about it too." " Goodness, gracious l what'll we do V' • "I bunt an idear, artless the Governor calls out thomilitair."—Picayune. • • • Whilst the fan.bearc3s were in vogne,:ther were kept in that form with preparatiunsof wax, which gave the hair an agreeable smell and the color that was desired. (There were blue beards 'in those days.) The beard was dressed over night; and, that it might not get out of order • whilst he wear er was asleep. it. as inclosed in:a kind of bigotsge or petite night-cap.—St. Ft*. . .A. gentleman in his esgerness,at tahle to,answer a call for some, apple pie, owing to the kaireslip ping on the, Sottom of the dish found his knhckles buried in the crust, when a wit who sat' Just epic'. site to him, grarely.observod,usle held plate, ” Sir may 1 trouble yon t far a bit whilst rim hand's . . There Mae one Ilieroelee,"who asserted that the torrid zone is inhabited by men whose-ears nerve themrfor an umbrella. and by others whose- feet parsed them for the same, purpose when they lifted them up. liaboasteci that be bad seen it; and that he heard it reported that there are some rich `who have no beads, and others who haVe ten heads, four bands. and four feat.r—Steph.Byrant . • Tbernikooleo replied to one :taking whether he preferred to be Achilles or flocner—" Would'.t tiiCin prefer , to be declined victor ie the Olympic garisokOr only i beraldiprtMlaimingtfie. names of :tbommmereme - - *Won't ; Ton sing • song, air Vuaid a lady to her loverota they were alone one cretins.. Tbp lover soon commenced the pojular. lit of *1 woit't go 'home 'llll Metallic,' and sure mace Vidldn't. . . -- .44l;*ein t'eaeilii Ain - nil. .' Betty " Nikliettir,eat your sappat'andria to bed." Select eale. From the Union htarazine for October. BEAUTY AND GENIUS IN OBSCURITY. ZY XR:i. NARY B. UO2:011 " All are merry. all are happy, all are loved, in this great city, but one unfortunate: All happy, all gay ! And I, with spirit loving all'things beau tiful, longing for companionship with the gentle and refined, with the knowledge burning within, that I might adorn the circle of intelligence. so dia. taut from the sphere [ move in, I must live, and grieve, and die, in this pent-up atmosphere; with no name in the world's history, no place in any . mortal's memory .t." Oh.! the bitterness of that gifted mind—the crushing hopelessness of that Lonely lot Worse than the bed of languishing was the sickness which filled that soul; worse than death, far worse, the coldnesi which was creeping over that rich heart ! A young girl sat by the window of a low dwell ing, in a crowded street. She was a foreigner, with the dark rich beauty of her native land tri umphant through the gloom of heavy eadneas which rested on her eloquent face. She sat with her head drooping, and her beautiful hands clasped—a pic ture of hopelessness, lovely even in its coloring of abandonment to the bitter hour. Lonely and touching was that sorrowing one; and when a voice from a bed in one corner of the room faintly called " Corinne," the struggle she made to overcome the oppression of her spirit, so she might answer the call, composedly gave her high brow a holier calm, and made her seem in that poor dwelling, like a mortal type of those who are the,invisible agents of heavenly mercy. That was indeed en humble room—a very hum. ble room for genius and beauty to make a home of! No birds were there—no flowers—no music from hearts or lips: Sickness was there, and gloOm, old age, and fretfulness, shadows and sighs! The only sunshine there, was the young girl, in her patient care of her sick .mother: she never complained of that. The greatest shadow on the hearth, was that of an old man, sullenly brooding over by-gone days; an old man withered by the going out of fiery youth, when there was no other, inner life, to give a charm and freshness to the aged brow. That shadow was ever on the hearth—her mother's wandering words ever in her ear. Why wonder that the lonely girl gave vent sometimes to the bit. ter tide flooding her heart; that she pined for sym. pithy, as a weary and fainting traveller in a strange land? The morning upon which that sad soliloquy wee breathed, when the heart of the spiritually.longing girl seemed weighed down with a now heaviness, was New Year—.. happy New Year;' and she had felt anew how little aim was cared for—how little the world possessed of gladness to her, as she heard the noisy greeting of children in the street, and saw the little gills shown proudly around. She passed from childish joy to the pure pleasure of older minds, rejoicing in tokens of affection on this day of festival; end, in her solitude and sad• nest, envied all sintessly the blessedness of those remembered by the loving. Yes, 't was Now Years day in gay New-York. The air was clear and cold—the heavens in a most favorable state for communicating the bright morn. ing greeting of r ay, generous Old Sal, to our fair mother Earth. The streets of the famed Gotham rested from the constant pressure of' loaded drays upon their stony breasts, (forgive me: that I make them so cold-hearted,) and the closed .shutters of the " legion" merchants on Broadway gave silent notice, that young clerk, dealt with more animated things that day than measuring sticks and silica, and were not 0 at borne" to never so anxious cum. tomer'. All over the great city, lair maidens and plain, high-born and lowly, were preparing fOr "calls," expected. All over the great city, creation's lords looked in their mirrors anxiously, and put the finishing grace to'whiskers as caretully turned as a lady's .cerl. All over the great city, white gloves and well. brushed hats lay upon bachelors tables, ready for the hour which Fashion had said was the proper ono to commence " congratulations." And all over the great city luxuries were laid out, as if the slaves of Aladdin's lamp had been called upon fur a universal feast. Door-bells rung; servant men and maids, an. awering them, received large-packages and small, all eloquent with compliments and gifts. Fifes were played, drums were beaten, trumpets made their loud ;durum through the nurseries of all homes, where baby-boys played war with their new toys; and wonderful was the birth of waxen beauties, with marvellous blue eyes—out of order soon, from constant using—which made the hearts of baby-girls bound with the embryo emotions of motherly joy. Some young ladies' hearts were dancing, some trembling hopefully. Some young men? hearts were delightfully calm and firm, some dreadfully undermined by diffidence and doubt. But all had hoped All ? Tbero was no rich table spread in the close room called Corinne's home. NO toilette received her thought'—tio en s came, with - its Voice elleie, or friendly interest. Sho listened to no footstep, for there was none bot would paws by. She waited for no fond kiss, fur the lips of brother and sister in the wide world's family were to her as if they had bean of ice; they were deadly cold to the stronger in the low Avrelltng ! Alone upon the sea of life! with no star in the beafen 'at liope=no voice in' the ' dreary waste of deep, dark water, to soothe! Poor girl ! Poverty in gold was very light to bear, compared to that dread poverty the soul was crushed by ! "Her duty was the one objeCt'cillier She freely gave lrerynnth and strength to it; bat it made 'her eye dim sometimes. Her mother. beautiful bat weak, had, after her first' widowhood, been bought by an old man's gold. The "weelth which bribed her to forget the dead was lost; and she soon sank into a languor of tire heart and mind, that made her child's-fife a. con. slant sacrifice. The husband. stunned by the fill from militant* to poverty; - aid with no heart of youth. to win' back by patience, his lost riches. became morose and sullen, leaving to his atcp.daughter the. miserable effort to gain their daily bread. Was not tbica — tionts tetritak . - a young spirit dowel No vomfda in her anther's smile. for there was ricaroely:a ray of reason in it; and the sbedrev'el:that old man, *stranger as it were, even on liar health! She must not leave kW eb die, or Itm star** and WO she poured the weather her gifted intellect:out lavishly for their sakes, coining her lofty, ponghts fer . feedl Afew months ago, and they bed lived in a sun ny lindjef poetry; hid looked upon* landscapeof vineyard, stream and wood.mrtaiob" they oraddvall their own. And now they were Illmtenaltia of a low, mean dwelhog. acre. tbs water, over which iliou had ted - y piide'ana - cover!:y. The motbdr gelteitifirrith the driblet; raid' SisaaniiiiLhicirtars se a child ; but the old mmeialdhltretamtst.tellaa.. [51,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS, for the beautiful Corinne bad been, innocently. the ruin of his !louse. A young Italian count, wanting 'in all things honorable, had offered the girl indignities, which she resented so proudly, with such galling con tempt, that his evil nature was excited almost to frenzy, and be determined to bring her down to poverty, if not to shame. ft was en important crisis an the step-father's affairs, when this bad purpose was resolved.. upon; and its accomplish- ment brought bitter trial to the virtuous Corinne. The old nom cursed her often as the destroyer of his forturies—the dark shadow upon his life. Mir a shadow of evil! Old man look- upon the hearth! Before the noon of that New Year's day, clearer paleness stole over the mother's face—a stranger brightness filled the wandering 'eyes— » What CM it meant" whispered Corinne's heart. It means, poor orphan child, that the Author of the he to you so burdensome, is nearing her re. ward—thatthe old man broodingselfishly will soon be left ■ griefiess widower, the solitary sharer of your unhappy destiny—with visions all too wonder. ful for speech ! And gently, peacefully, the spirit passed from the earthly to the heavenly. Corinne stood by the bed of death, moved by its sanctity, but more envying than grieving, as she saw the calmness settling on those features, su lately troubled with the expres. sion of a fading mind's unquiet. When her father left her for her better home, Corinne had needed every consolation; for to him she owed all the cul tivation of her intellect—the best affection of her heart. But her mother'. beauty had been her only dower; and when disease came to her, the weakness of her mind heartme distinct with the fading love liness. Alas: that one who had received the pre. ciuus gift of an'imniortal child, should ever neglect devotion to it, for fond attentions to charms not half so beautiful .. a mother'. love Yet as Corinne gazed on her beautiful parent, no longer restless with life, she trusted that the weak. ness she had mourned over would be moat merel. fully dealt with in the great' judgment court; for her mother had been a potted, darling child, and the sin of selfish vanity must fall more heavily on other heads than hers. Until sunset the orphim was busy round the dead, who slept ao peacefully. The old man made no sign that he was moved by his bereavement, but sat with his forehead upon his hand, as he al. ways sat, and his voice muttering, as it always muttered, dark words against the virtue whose keep. ing had cast him from his place of honor down— down to the wretched fortunes of that hour. , The beauty, which ho had sought with childish eagerness to win, was like the loveliness of the child whose purity hid ruined him ; and it became hateful to him. Death upon that-white brow could nut soften him, for the armor of his soul was of the steel of selfishness; and tio dart but that which would destroy his own mortal nature could pierce it. Corinne bad finished the duties which are called sad—she had shrouded the still waving lines of beauty in the last robe—when a knock startled her. It was a strange sound in that dull place, and Cars lone hastened to answer it, as speedily as if it had been the' voice of an angel visitant, whispering, Let Hope in I" There was no angel visitor upon the threshold as she opened the door ; but Hope did come in. A gilt was handed her—her, the lonely; the uncarod kw: A New Year's gift: or a valuable Italian work, elegantly bound, "A tribute from a friend, who respected talent and great fidelity." And the note which accompanied it—how bind, how Zoeiag: full of warm interest in her history, hinting at present necessity of the writer's remain ing unknown to tier; but breathing throughout a half veiled passion, very like a lovers. The old min had raised his head anxiously at the sight of the unexpected package; hut had' bent it again, with something like a groan, as ,a ornamented hook alone repaid him for the etturt. He thought it might be gold. Oh ! it was gold to one poor heart there ! It'was a voice front a human soul—a bright link thrown to her. from the social chain, binding her anew to the outer world. It was a gleam of light danCing through all the dark chamber* of her soul, giving her new life even in that visiting-place or death.— It was true, that she had on that New Year's'clay lost all sympathy of blood with the race her mother sprung from; but the long chilled current of her heart had beers warmed, And began to flow, as the youthlial tide ever should. The icy crust at the fountain-head of joy gave way st the warm touch of friendliness.' Even her eye was moistened with the sweet waters, so refreshing to her thirsty soot. And when she sat down by her mother's bed again, she almost trembled at the power a new hope had over her ; she almost saddened again, in belies ing she was cruel to her mother's memory, in fill. ing her place so soon with a sew image., But her parent lied been dead to her for months; and the joy of being thought of; loved, had ,heert born to her since the sun rase 'We cannot wonder that the day of festival did not end in such tears as it had opened with. Passionate, gifted, spiritual Corinne Giettti, gave the rich treasure 'of her unshired thoughts. to the author of the earnest note lying now chafe to her heart; and that New Year's evening., by the depart. ed, remained forever clear in the young girl's memory when time and happiness had faded the impressions:if herothic lonely hours. "My poor, poor Karl! iVhat gladness can all this wealth snd brightness give me, when my only son, my darling boy, it losing all his nobleness in the lore of wine 7" Was them any cause for ' sorrow on this New Year's evening in the rich dd welling of Peter Van Schenck ? Was the heart Of a millionaire troubled as one crashed by poverly 1 ' Brilliant were the rooms, and gay the meeting of young friends. in. thicinanaion of IL father (dent ing for his Ant born. The New Year's tablee t wari loaded' with' delicate — confections • the fadelful Chinese and antiqoe 'Wanda were ' boidened-iarlih costly gifts;. deeding light .faU allwrounal.:ilkwatin ating curtained memo& rich in canning litiputinriV and music was %hete t with Bowers smiles, aiib their Bet was irtralthititgk' the blies of light Might fell &ready onthitt , Aithetwbroncit could not, take the shade.., offo.,,9o.4hough.the mother's eye sparkled sometimes at one joy the light wild not put ont the glimmering ors tear. which trernbled.ori the lasfiis;droalting °nod end heavily upon the cheek. And although abeaieter shone a gem of_beautp beneath the brilliant rep, it could not pierce.the. Inner, temple, where lay the rains of strong affection, and'gita them joyfully. 4 A son, so !Midi/Nan only brother... aritlia warm Iteirt:sed Weed reined braWtoi dates life, bad-time - ldolielat trim:ids* leapt for sorrow more bins than that the deattutali v hflpga; T or ms t l y e arm;poung Wart Vitakenci hid fared t h e w i no . c up better than the of Intiitiiittel on this annual tetorned at a late hoar, and with w poluted brow, int birarietneiatie home- The anxious ear e 6 tather,mother, mister, thed ever caught his Welt.kmown monad of the ure. iimmtietep, sa st approaChediihrtedor; had liitiniett. vititig"ilowly'eatiftikiiiioW~gledrlthii • which hal Aos latar-entagl teheir;reeten.,42llo:74lP. [WHOLE 'NUMBER, 955. Year's night was sure to bring the event - blink form, the wandering eye; for the many eallsadaring the exciting day brought many a draught pf.ppisop,to Karl's lips. which evil away with this rod snare of wine , which evil lurks in, because it cannot linger atniiirthe fruits and flowers which innocence loves so well Let it no longer fascinate with its glowing eye and biting tongue the suns and brothers, who pass from hoiise to house with the New' Year's congnitnla tions! • Let nature's unpainted gilts, the varied confectionary of ingenious Art, and the cheering contents of the smoking urn, be enough of hospitali ty. without the luxury which a mistaken generosity offers to too-easily 'excited Jim. But what light stronger than the brightness of the artificial day—what joy gieater,than the youth. ful hope upon the faces of thirt gay coinpaoyhas cast suddenly away the shadow from the father's brow—has quenched the tsar in the mother's oye— has gilded the ruins in the sisters heart? Nothing more bright than the preienceof i young man, who; presenting a' beautiful boquet to Kate Van Schenk.; kissed her cheek lovingly. • ; r It was the son—the brother! His eye wasoleer, his flue form erect, his hand firm and warm, as he gripped his slider's, with an emphasis that had' a world of meaning in it. lie met his mother's eye with tte conciousness of Ds joyful wcnder glowing in his face ; end sought her side,after due atten- tion to his sister's guests, with the ferioroea prod igal. - ' 'He bad a gift for With his parent.; but what were gifts compared to his dear' ' presence, air be stood there in wanly beauty. with rumen ,unwaser ing—with intellect unquenched by wine? And oh t how merrily to them now passed the boars All was shaduwless, now that toe light of Harrs clear eye fell upon the scene. A gleam of joy had come to the rich dwelling, while the beautssul watcher by the untroubled couch dreamed of new life. That night, a strong man bent his knee tbr the first time before the throne, and asked for strength to overcome a foe. It was Karl Van Schenk, sanc tifying by earnest prayer his vow of reformation, 'T was .New Year's evening again.- .Twelve months bad passed since Hope had sent her angels to the poor dwelling of Corrinne, and the young Karl's, luxuriant home. The lowly room was des olate now ; but again the rich mansion of:Peter Van Schenk was dazzling with light---again comp a ny was assembled in the spacious rooms. But the rooms were crowded now, end more Isor. ishly adorned with - the rare embroidery of flowers. Jewel. &abed. feathers , ktesed • snowy_ necki;rich dresses added grace to, lovely forme. All was life, all flutter, all animation. It was s bridal: ,W bowl Who was the bride 1 • The very beautifa,' whose romantic story was on all lips? Who was it, that bore herself so gracefully., so nobly, before a multitude of eyes? What made all hearts ac- knowledge 'there was' worth enough' undeethat gifted brow to equal rank; end wonder not, that the passionatelove of such amreature, bad wort a victim from fast-strengthening chains? , It was Corrinne l--Corrinne , the lonely orphan girl! , :—wbo' jibed vow' by ''the'aides 'ot' Nail , VIM *thank, the wife, theidolof his mod.: • It was Cot. rinne raised !ruin t 4. darkness; _of her low home to this brilliancy of fashion and wealth: Corrio ne the dreaming ivithlter--ilielaborer for bread— mow petted by a happy family—now the object of such love as abe had longed fur in heavily-burdened hours An] never was theree happier bride]; never was there'll Wilier bride 'lrriown in the proud circle in which the Van Sehenks Moved. Even the , old man, whose, shadow bed been upon. tits hearth so long, caught the admiration of the crowd; and made himself useful now in telling how wealthy be had been and ennobling bin beautiful step-daugh ter's purity by ,ginag it es the cause of their chan ged fortunes. The old man's heart was sollempi wondertally by'the homage Coati= was now the object or: But bow Immo tbia all about? One little year ago, and the unknown friend sent his first token of' interest—ay, /o:v 7 —to the young foreigner. One little year ago, that affection was first acknowledged, which bad the puler to tales the lover from tins "downward - way" to the glorious height of .temperaace and prayer. It had proved a more, persuasive guide than filial 'or fra ternal love • and led to his home a changed —a deliberated min. All uncuneiously 'Beauty and Genius in Obscurity had brought light and jay to high places clouded by grief. Karl had first seen ClOlOllO in the arm of the publisher, who accepted her articles to his own profit more than beta: Struck by her peculiar beauty, be had sought - all means to %now ber-hia• tory, watching her secretly in her regular visits to the publisher, (the only visits she seemed to make,) and strengthening at every sight of her the interest which tad been awakened in his hurt.' • • ' Flo read her eloquent appeals to the wayward. the sinning, the, unclisritybleof the earth, with wondering admiration and delight. But justbefore that memorable New • Yeti's' day; - he bad - been touched to his very isoullti one of berwomanly'dit. fences of the weak and ; erring, in *which she• had declared she would sooner trust the , being whom leading • misaion Was the love of wine, thin one whose spirit had tintrnth fords - foundation—who steeped his words in sweet deceit, and eintitillaid his brow with falsehood. There .was no: bops where beautiful truth was not permitted to he a yawl bht the strong draught did cot alvrayi or speedily drown the noble sentiments of the aoulai Kart felt Match, wee aetwitbetead. Mg his years of weakness, the heavenly whisperers were not all 6401'd—dist ieGnement of, his mind way not yet made grove , bytbe companion. ship of those who spurned ell tooralitilisf.r Time wee- hop* for ideal sod• ea the. mewing. of Altai first New Year, he earnaiitly resolved to keep hie lip from touching the glees, which sclightbe offered to him during-bin inatiy-calls.--When evening came, his lip wail pare of the .reelettetnand; pith hopeful heart he sent his firsteitfpring to .O r mi• de girl whose lenity had strengthenta Corinne was 'too holy in her loriallkeisind for hiaa.ta bring ahaostronionew laheryead: determined to mike her hie „gyro 3 retitedwiktdir he could win hir,'after a trial of hue' vow of tem perance for hitficylette - Hey still remained unknown deitakeiecitailary ileAtto constantly received eumetwatipest cokaNehat the one heart in "tlie,gay outet,„yrory,etill Art *warmly for heir--ioic droithrprey for,e gift Co g, 'ad hermits!'" thinipi 'lllPeftdcharti is osorsetritb Nor Ahoy hi keep hirepbustrahrif The ale xlittpthe,paerted...aeWitad the " 0 "• known.'_tr papre4 so faithfully At &my. hid sot icing to Wait - for/the asiotid 'girls deolaratioe.that elsoWasit r adied.' tar" hit - el 2 liar proud spirit could not break; Altetelintiallhe• tempt or condescenekm,ebtamigtbt. meacmiebly peel fecm, the wealthy fpoily , she. anal if she wedded Karl:end it was not wilt th e ►Mg Kate warmlfelaimedleir WOW. and the " • of her layer bigoted her fortiorjorobo bealtholight their aching hearts,, Atiat.eter_wast confuted her dower of purity was more oortlyjn their ayeethae kedge" told:. - 0041/1111wredd pail amtil the , Csaishosavatiks day so memorably cobra, Wpm tdet Pm* IM4 itad Mill