EISTAT.I3 - OF JOHN EVANS, DECEASED. NOTICE is hat -by given that the undersigned have talc en out letters of administration on the Estate of Juhn Evans. late of the boretugh , of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims steinst the seta estate, UM hereby requested, to present Mem forthwith. duly authenticated; and tbose Knowing themselves to be in any wise indebted. aro re quired to make immediate payment to the antderettmed. ABRAHAM ZOCK, .1. S cr.AßKsos. Adrure,tratore. Septembnr 9, 194°.-Gt PLZLELSZI TO BEAD THIS. A good chance to dear from 3000 to 31,000 a year. Agents wanted in every Town and County in the Union. to sell "Sear,' new and Popular Periodical Works," univereally ackuowledged to be the best and cheapest ever published, as they certainly are the most saleable. Any active agent may clear 5,500 or 81,000 4 year. 4 each capital of 53.3 0r.:V.50 will be ne cessary. Pull particulars of the principle,. and profits of the agency wilt be given on applicatiou, either personally or by letter. The postage must in all cases be pant. Please to address nonnwr Shall*, Publisher. No. leo. st.. N. Y. New papers copying , the above. imeluthiig this no- I ewe.) and giving it eight insertions, shall receive nay one of the bound volumes, which retail at tit! 50 to Ss per volume. Send only, one paper directed as above. sept 0, 1848-St Noirscm. TN Rana= of the provisions of the act rn ..l titftd "An Act to prescribe the manner of giving motive I:Applications for Banks. , and in accordance Wail the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Bank, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at the session to • continence on tlis first Tuesday of January next, A. D. [841), for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of Incorporation, with banking and discounting privileges, for the term of ten years from the first Wednesday in May, A. D. 1851. The date last mentioned, being the tune to which their present Charter is extended. -41. The said Corporation is:to lit continued by the nurse and I,, & atyle of the Lancaster Bank, and with the same powers and privileges which are now enjoyed Wilk, to, present Charter and Act of Incorporation, and is to he located 121 the City of Lancaster. The capital stock of sold bank, as authorized by law ' was six hundred thon , and dollars: the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred mad • three thousand nine hundred dollars; ant the antottat pout in three hundred thousand and thirty dollnrs The legts t` Wore will not be asked for an 11/C/131221.1 01 . capital or ea tension of _privileges. By order of the Hoard of Director.. CHRISTLAN 13.1C/LMAN. Casier. ' City of Lancaster, June 8,1545. julyr•le,-thrt NOTICE. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Cotnpany itr tend to anal,: °indication to the Legislature 11l the t Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their for the remeaval,extentdOn. and 4.0111110.1A1ic4, 01 the bunk ing. ihseoutiting, and 011ier priVilOges they p 05,..% under cThling SAW, The Company to jut, I . I,IItIIIIICA by tbe name, style, and title of the Columbia Moil: and Bridge Company, in the borough of Columbia, m hilt: county of Lancaster, and state of Pennsylvania. By order .1 the. Hoard, SAME:TA, al lOC IL eavhier, Columbia June AO lia-bin NOTXCC T S hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county J.... intend to make application to the 1 egishittirc of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the next session thereof, for the incorporation of a company under the name mid stsle, or intended name and style of .. 'Me Columbia Savings institution,' designed ii., au aloe of discount and depoot, with a capital not exceeding oac hurl. dred thousand dollars, and to he located to the liormigli of Columbia, Lancaster county. Po. George Wolf. H. 11-tikielp. Peter Haldeman, henry I [alderman, It. Chalfant, John A. nook, .. Petty fieldsman, Jr., 11. C ruir.toti, R. E. Cochran, Daniel I Reuben Itlitllison, Samuel 13r00k,, John L. Wnglit, Philip UO,il: r. John Barr, Columbia, July I, I.?.lB.—Gin COLITIVX33X.a. IRON roitrznnor. IRE 'Undersigned, hereby lender their sincere acknowledgments to their customers. and the pub lic generally, for the very liberal pntronage that has at tended their efforts to please, and would 10101111 then! 111.1 ,t will be theirgventest pleasure a.s heretofore. to conduct their business Set skirls a manner as to meta then matins edt,ticricrool,t,a, a innc to nd , oc .pu support. l II kinds of Castings, 1,14 MI LI. GEARING. SPUR. BEVIII,. ItlITItl; and MOB TICE COB-WIIEULS, cAsr S tiApni tor venter wheels, dee. Also. CAR wiint.Ls anti other Car Casting , . to gether with all kinds of Rail-Road C:astings, tor which unexceptional retercnec con be given tor ,uperiorny and tve have mine it variety of PATTERNS tor maktng Trot Blast Pipes, (Or Blast FtITILICCS, and for Witter Pipes. and, being well prepared tor Cionag Pipes, It will cer tainly he an advantage to those In es tint, to call and ex amine for themselves, us we can niatnithetore as cheap, or cheaper, than any other establishinets w Out section GI vainiWy- We have different kinds of ratter!, f n Steam En gthe c, Threshing. Machines. Plonchs. Common Stoves. :stove Plates. Stove Cylinders and 13 rat,. :Lod to.iny Oilier ,„ things in our line of hiatus.. lning the Iloilo a:: and col j*itt, kettng together of the past eleven y care I laing the ''" "best of mechanics employed lit Patten, milking, Sc.. we are prepared In niche any thing to our line net truNt