The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, October 07, 1848, Image 3

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    Fumy Loos.—lf we could look into the heart of
a girl when she first begins to love, we should find
the nearest resemblance to what poetry has de.
scribed as the state of our parents when in Para
dise, which this life ever presents.
Certificate from IHr. Ingerson, of Lancaster, N.
IL, a highly respectable citizen of that place, and Jailer
of the county of-Coos.
I, George NV. locomen, of Lancaster, hereby certify
that 1 have been troubled with the Asthma for about
twenty years- Last November, when I began taking
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, I had been unable to
do anything for several months, and had not, except a
very few nights, been able to rest In my bed. Almost as
soon ssibegan to take it. I felt relieved. I have taken
about IwcP bottles. My health is altogether improved.
A fectOreturns of the Asthma, which I have bad in that
time, wercitimost Immediately reproved by taking of the
Balsam. Met well, and my health is, and has been for
months better than at any time previous for many years.
I - cheerfully recommend this medicine to all tvho are
. STrrillarly afflicted. GEO. \V. INGRSON.
Lancaster,N.ll. April 23.1846.
- For sale by SETH W. FONVLE, General Agent, 138,
Washington Street. Boston I Aslo,
For sale by R. IVamcsis, Front Street Columbia, Pa.
Inas=lion of fib Eyes, like all other In
flammation. is caused by impurity of the blood. Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills will be found a certain cure for
the above painful malady; because theypurge from the
body those corrupt and stagnant humors which are the
cause not only ofirrilammation of the eyes. but of every
description of disease. From three to six of the above
named Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on go
ing to bed, will in a short time completely rid the body
of everything that is opposed to health ; and therefore
will most assuredly make a perfect cure of inflammation
of the eyes,and atthe same time the blood and other
fluids will be of such a healthy quality, that disease of
•of any kind will be absolutely impossible.
NO', that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills have the written signature of Wizta.t.m \Valour on
the top label of each box.
It Thegenuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who
are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by
agents advertised in another column.
'Principal Office, 1.69, Race Street, Philadelphia.
Oh the Ist inst., by the Elev. William Darns, Miss
MARGARET 'Vous°, near Columbia, and GEORGE rOFF, of
In York, Pa.. on the 29th ult by the Rev. Mr. Sewell,
Miss SABAN JANE DACESIERTY, of York, and Mr. Jenne
KEAGENV Pr,nter, of Harrisburg.
At the same time and place by the same, Miss ANsEt.tzs.
Dwuonairry and Mr. J 05E1.11 MILLER.
In Harrisburg, on the first inst., by the Rev. C. W.
Schaeffer, Miss lIARRIES S. KUNKEL. and Alr. ANTIIONY
KING, both of Harrisburg.
In Marietta, on the 4th inst., by the Rev: George AT.
Clawges, MOO , MARY ANN BROWN and Mr. Joins GRAIRM,
both of Marietta.
On Saturday morning last, is this place, Mrs. Atrium/.
SPANGLEM, Consort of Col. Michael Spanglerdate of York,
deed., in the Oath year ocher age.
fr,vi**4 op* , :'F a) •141
9 1 .112 undersigned has just returned from Phil
adelphia with a large assortment of all kiwis of
to which she would respectfully call the attention of the
ladies of Columbia and vicinity. Ile r stock consists of a
-hoice selection of Bonnets of the latest style, varying in
price from fiOets. to 510. Also, a large alsortment of Rib
bands, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Flowers. &c., &e., all of
which she is prepared to make up, according to the latest
fashions . , and sell cheap. L. BROWN.
Third door above Chalfant & Ifaldeman's store.
Columbia, Oct. 7, 1048. Front street.
r~, , s
GOODS: We have just received a splendid as
sortment of FASHIONABLE, FANCY, and STA
PLE FALL and WINTER GOODS, to which we respect
fully invite the attention of the public.
Columbia, October 7, 18.18.
IERIN°, 111011ABLS, la., for Ladies' Dresses. We
would call the particular attention of the LADIES
to our choice stock of the above Goods, and also to ex
amine a beautiful selection of Chashmeres, Plaids, do
Lnins, &c., in keeping with the latest fashions.
octl'4B-tf FRY & SPANGLER.
FOIL Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. A good
assortment at Fry & Spanglcr's. oer4S
wear, with an assortment of other goods suitable for
children, at Fry & Spangler's. 0e748.
M '
of the very latest styles, for Men and
C at Fry & Spangler's. oc7'4S
A LARGE assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vestings, Sattinets, Tweeds, Herseys, and Ladies'
Dress Gooch., at the lowest prices, at
Oct.:, lea FRY & SPANGLER'S.
VLANIELS, Ba. Just received a large lot of
x 8,9, 10, 11,124 Whitney Blankets, and a large stock
of Flannels at all prices, at FRY & SPANGLER'S.
WALL BONNET ROBBONS.—some splendid and lash
ionable styles, just received at Fry & Spangler's.
SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Tu endless variety and prices
at Fry & Spangler's. 0c7,46
TOREIgell WORKED COLLARS, some as low as 14
X cents, at Fry & Spangler's. 0c7'48
Delains, plain and figured for 121 cents, ut
:la: October 7,1845. & S. PATTON'S.
BLANKEDS—Large and Cheap at
Oct. 7, le4a. W. & S. PATTON'S.
ANOD and convenient two story brick
dwelling house, situate on Fourth street. apply to
N. F. Possession given immediately.
Columbia, October 1848.—tf
- RUMNESS PROPERTY at Public Sale, without
_LY reserve. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
court of Lancaster county, will be sold on Saturday :kith
October, at the house of John Barr, in the Borough of
Columbia, the following real estate, formerly the residence
Of Gen. Thos. Donde, dee'd—A double lot of ground, with
a large Brick Dwelling and back buildings, and an Office
on the front, with stabling and carriage house thereon
erected, situate on Front street, near the bridge, in the
Borough of Columbia, 52 feet front on said street, and ex
tending back about 300 feet to al4 feet alley. This house
being very large, and constructed of the best materials, is
susceptible of being divided and altered to a first rate
Itii.iness property, worthy the attention of business
men. It will positively . be sold without reserve.
Persons wishing to view the premises will please call
on the subsenlier.
Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M., - when terms
(which will be very liberal,) will be made known by
Columbia, October 7, 1545.-t
HE ea-partnership heretofore existing be
tween William Cross and William Waddle, trading
an er the firm of Cross it. Waddle. line this day hem' dis
solved by mutual consent. - AVILL.I.kM CROSS,
Sept. 30, 1846. AS7LLIAItt WADDLE.
The business of the late firm will be settled 6): VVilliain
Waddle and Thomas Hoge, agent for William Gross.
October 7, 449-30.
CLOTIOGIor men and boys, at George Colin's,
Southeast corner of Second and Market streets.
Gentlemen visiting the city and wishing to supply them
selves With Cheap and Fashionable Winter Clothing will
find a large, complete, and Choice assortment of Bengup
Coats, Cloaks, Business Coats, Dress and Frock Coaw,
and Boys' Coats in great variety, made of .Americah,
English, and French Cloths. Pantaloons for men and
Boys, made of Cassimeres, Doe-Skins, Satinets. &c., &c.
Vests for men and boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet,. Cloth, and
Cashmere. .Also, Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c„ at
the lowest possible prices for CASH. Remember we
will sell as cheap rs any Clothing House in the United
States. GEO. CULIN.
Southeast corner of Second and Market streets.
Phil., Sept, 3D, 184e.-6m
NEW razz
•aOODS. The subscribers have just received and
\.,11 opened their Fall Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cal
mores. and Vestings of the most desirable styles. Salti
nes, Woolen and Canton Flannels, Velvet Cords, Lind
says, Makings, Checks, uslins, &c., very low.
LADIES' DRESS COODS.—Silks, Suttn striped Cash
meres and Palmetto Cloths. Bach style Cashmeres,
Lamestines, Mohair Lustres, changeable Lustres, plain
and figured, Brochees Detains and Alpacas of every qual
ity, all of Which will be sold from 10 to 20 per cent below
former prices. W. & S. PATTON.
Columbia, October 7, 1049.
1.11k:A.2-03i.k . /13-•;11
TARE NOTICE, that it will be to your intern
to call and examine the large stock of Cloths, Cas
mac rem, Sattinets. Vestings, &c., of every style and quali
ty, at reduced prices. Nosy opened at
Columbia., Oct. 7, 18.18. W. & S. PATFON.S.
W& S. PATTON have just received a spiel'-
. did assortment of Full and Winter Dress Goods,
at very low prices, oetT4B
ATATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and
low nt W. & PAT.CON'S.
— Oct. 7, leiti.—tf
OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now
opeuiug ut W. & S PATTON'S.
Oct. 7, 1.6.1e..-tf
NOTICE. The U. S. Mail—Eagle Line—will leave
Columbia hereafter at 3 o'clock, P. M., instead of 3,
us formerly. The morning Irani will leave at 91, o'clock,
A. M., as heretofore.
October 7, 15 , P.3.-I.t. Proprietors.
TEACIIERS WANTED. Nine Teachers for the
township of Reliant, for teaching school. They are
to meet at Stoner's or Rudy's school house, on the ]llth
day of October, inst., where the CXll.MillUtloll will take
October 7,—te Secretary.
Baltimore .ddvertisements.
Market street, liallimore, Md.
HAMILTON EASTER, & Co t , invite the attention of
wholesale and retail purchasers to their stock of Goods
now open, embracing, in
Every new style printed, plain and satin striped and
plaid Cashmere and Mousseline; satin striped Orientals'
embroidered Cashmeres; rich white and colored dotted
11E11.1i119 ; embroidered Cashmere Robes; colored Lyonese
Cloths; Alpacas ; rich and low priced Plaid Goods, and
high colored Fabrics for Children's wear.
Colored Dress Silks of very rich, medium and low
priced styles, of the latest importations.
Rich high Insisted Black Silks, of all widths.
Rich black watered, satin striped and satin plaid Silks.
Millinery silks, satins, Marceline's, Florence, &c.,
Silk Velvets, a very large stock of all colors.
Splendid long and square Cashmere. Shawls.
Rich embroidered Crape Shawls.
Embroidered cashmere and tibet, long and square plaid,
/eh printed Cashmere and Terkeri, black and colored
ilk mid mourutlig Shawls, of every style.
Silk Visites, Mantillas, Cloaks, Oie.
In Lupin's very superior Boinbarines.
.33-1 and 6-4 black Mousselines, 3-I and (3-4 black Cash
meres, black French Merinos, superior Alpacas, Mourn
ing Cashmeres and Dress Goods generally.
Also. English and Italian Crapes; Gloves, Iloisery, lave.
Veils, Ac.
A full assortment of Lupin's French Illerinos, manu
factured expressly for our sales, from samples of colors
sent out by us.
An elegant variety (at our usual low prices) of French
Embroideries, m capes, collars, cull's, berthes, sleeves,
standing canals, cliemisettes..kc. in Muslin and lace.
Linen Cambric and Clear Lawn lldkes. in Corded, re
vere, hcm'd and einbM.
Real Valenciennes Laces and Edgings; Thread Laces,
and Edgings, Muslin Edgings and Inserungs; Lisle, Egyp
tian and Bobbin Edgings; Belt Ribbons • lloiseTy Mitts ;
Gloves; White Muslin Goods; Linen ' Cambrics; Long
Lawns, and small articles generally its great variety.
Wo have a most extensive assortment, including Rich
ardson's superior Irish Linens, of the best fabric, made
expressly for our sales.
Pillow case linens and linen sheetings of every width
table Damasks and Diapers, by the yard; satin Damask
table cloths and napkins, of all sues ; lluckaback. Rus
sia and bird-eye diapers, crash, dowlas, star linen, drug
get and linen crumb cloths, floor baize, table and piano
Flannels, of every well known and approved make.
We have also an elegant assortment of rich embroid
ered Lace and Muslin Curtains, (sonic really magnificent:l
Curtain Muslin by the yard; Lace. Drop Curtains; and
rich curtain goods generally.
Blankets, a most extensive stock from SI die to $1.3 a
pair, crib, cradle, and berth Blankets; splendid Imperial
Marseilles Quilts.
Bleached and Brown Cottons, from to 3 yards wide,
of all the well known makes.
Drillings, Jeans, Linseys; Kerseys; Plaids and the va
rious arneles reclaimed by Farmers' and Planters' ser
vants' use.
Particular attention is called - to our assortmcdt or Goods
for Men's wear, which will be found large, elegant and
varied. including—
French Cloths, Cassuneres, Doeskins, &c. iii great variety
of styles.
English and American Cloths and Cassimercs, Vestings,
serges, stlesms, sewing silks, and merchant tailors'
Also, a complete stock of new style Cravats, Scarfs,
Pocket Ildkfs., Hosiery, Gloves, etc.
Persons not in the habit of dealing with us, are apt to
think we sell nothing but costly goods ,'—such is not the
fact. As far as regards our retail mock, our range em
braces every thing that is substantial and desirable, no
matter how common—from silks at SA a yard to Colicoes
at 0 cents! All our low priced goods we retail at the
lowest wholesale prices.
We can with confidence invite an inspection of our
stock from wholesale and retail buyers, as in extent,
variety, and richness, it has never been equalled in Bal
timore ; whilst the large quantity of goods passing through
our hands, enables us both to buy and sell cheap.
Baltimore, sept. 30, Ve4e..-1.1
THE N1A.GA8..69.
qIIOWER-BATII. An entirely new article for
/.../ Shower Bathing, with warm or cold \Voter.
A great and important improvement is made in this
Shower-Bath over all others, by throwing the water nil
medintely on the body, without wetting the head, unless
at the will or pleasure of the bather; but is greater point
is gained liv being enabled to bathe with warm water,
which no other Shower-Ruth is adapted to—and most of
all. the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair.
Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in
met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the
water to suit their wish, and commence - bathing, nt any
season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies
can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the
head or 'hovering the same.
The artaingetnents tire simple and complete. and not
liable to get out of order. Tire Bath can be adjusted to
Malt any height, from n small child to the tallest person.
tine door is closed, tine fixtures are hid and tine out
side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture.
They have received the approbation of several medical
gentlemen—others are requested to cull and examine
them. Manufactured by the Patentee.
21 South Calvert street, Baltimore.
DATHING.—Itcad what Armstrong says :
Do not omit, ye who would health secure,
The daily fresh ablution, that shall clear
The sluices of the skin ; enough to keep
The body sacred from undercut soil.
still to he pure, even lin did not conduce
(As much as it does) to health, very greatly worth
your daily pains; 'tis this adorn., the rich ;
The waut of this in poverty's WONI We,
With this external value, age maintains
A decent grace; without it, youth and charms
Arc loathsome. :sept:o4:2—tonte.2ol9
Calvert street. Baltimore. has removed his Laborary to
his new building, No. 24. and has always on hand the
largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic
remedies in the United States, prepared under his special
care at his Laboratory—being the first erected in the
United States for the special purpose of prepanng Timm-
SONIAN Mgoiciars. All of the pulverised and compound
ed articles are put up in quarter and half pound packages,
and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing
and in bulk, and upon better terms then the same arueM
can be bad for in the U. S. Every article in his line is
warranted genuine—the public can rely upon this.
1117" A liberal discount made to country merchants, who
are particularly requested to call and examine quality,
kw., before purchasing.
irrThe various Treatises, embracing the most reputed
authors, upon the Thomsoman or Botanic System of
Medicine, may also be had at his establishment, by the
quanuty:or single copy. sept3o'4B-toan2o'49
o 'o
• e
DRY GOODS , Better bargains than ever can
now be had at that unrivalled place for bargains,
North Queen street, where they are just opening invoices
of spdendul Da ass GOODS, whiett will be sold at small
Rich Lvaliam Satin—Chameleon.
Figured and plain Aranieres.
Chameleon Sarin de Chin.
Figured and plain Chameleon double Poult de Soles
Gros Gnomes nun Gros de Rhinos.
4-4, 5-I—Rich brilliant boiled Silks, for dresees, &c
Lupin's sup. French Merino, }.. Colors—Cherry, Blue
for Lteedresses,&c. Crimson, Maroon, Mode
New styles Mouse de ',sines and Cachmeres.
Jaspe. Cuetimers, a now article for dresses sod sacks.
Plain Illus. de Laines from 1.2 k cents upwards.
The Most complete and largest assorunent can now be
seen at prices astonishing low
Sup. extra size French Wool, long shawls.
Rob Roy Wool Plaid, long shawls.
The richest designs Terkerri shawls.
French Cachniere,Thylict, etc.
Modes and Block Thybet, silk Fringes.
CHAS. E. WENTZ .1c.13R0, Lancaster.
1 case splendid Parametres and Mermoes nt IS and 2.1 cis.
1 ease rich California Plaids, all wool filling, only 12: etc.
These goods cannot be equalled in this city.
Superb styles of Fall nod Winter I3onnet Ribbons.
Magnificent styles for svatst and neck.
Velvet ribbon, plain and shaded.
Merino scarfs for ladies.
Buboes superfine full shades Kid Cloves.
Embroidered and plain si lk gloves.
1 iosiery—very cheep indeed. •
FRENCH WOOL CLOTHS.—The newest article for
Lathes' Fall Sacks AT THEME HIVE,
North Queen st., Lancaster
2 cases of the best prints ever sold, fast colors, only diets
Musluts and Flannels—cheaper titan ever
AT THE BEE JOVE, Lancaster.
Rich patterns of FrenchGingliams,l4 ens.
IYoolen Plaids for children near.
A cheap lot of Satinetts and Cussimeres.
lease good unbleached Conon Flannels, only 6: cents,
worth 10.
DRY GOODS of every description, lower in price, and
better in styles, than can be bough in till!, city, now going
sapidly at CIL A 5.1.1 WENTZ & 11RO.,
Bee Hive, N. Queen at, Lancaster.
Just received I case of new styles black and silk Frin
ges and Chinos. New styles silk buttons for Indies
dresses. AT 'rim 131 M HIVE,
North Queen Street, Lancaster.
Just opened 10 pieces superior French fabrics, very
cheap—AT TUE BEE
Mod Plaid Silks for dresses—only 37} cent.
TIIE BEE HIVE, North Queen st
Lancaster, October 7, 184O.—tf
Philadelphia sldvertisements
TTOTEL, The subscribers beg leave to inform
their frienda and the public in general, that they
have taken the
No. 109, Race Street. Philadelphia, formerly kept by .1.
Peters & Son. Thu House being large and COUVCIIICIII.
and in the business part of the city, they hope, by strict
attention to ii.iness, that their friends will give them a
call ; that nothing shell be wanting on their part to make
their guests feel at home. Terms . , $1 per day.
L. REX PETERS, of Phila.
305. 110 W EXT.
Phila. Oct. 7,151941ni formerly of Lancaster.
Cheap Millinery Goods
EL A SPLENDID iinsortment of Clump Millinery Goods
consisting, of RIBBONS, SILKS. SATINS, VEL,
VETS, FLOWERS nod 'FEATHERS, very low for
CASIL nt EDWAIHiIi, 37, South Second mt., PHILADELPHIA.
Philadelphia, September in,
qIIPPORTERS. Mrs, Jams Eats, North East
L./Corner of Eleventh and Walnut street., Philadelphia,
original iiiventoraild note proprietor.:
To Physicians, Ladies, and Druggists
Mrs. Betts most respectfolly communicates the con
tinued success and increasing demand for her Uterine
Supporters; they are now very generally adopted by
Physicians as the most success ful medium of fel le r for
the distressing malady for which they were Invented, of
any offered to the public.
The evil results attending the use of Pessaries, are
obviated by the application of her Supporter, and the pa
tient is enabled, m a short period, to resume herdoines
tic concerns and duties ; and the long confinement to the
sick chamber, with all its attendant distressing conse
quences, rendered unnecessary.
Twenty thousand ladies are now using them with the
greatest ease, comfort, and advantage.
CAUTION.--PLEASE Oaskava--That proceedings
have been commenced in the Supreme Court of Penn
sylvania against a Surgical Instrument making firm in
Philadelphia, for counterfeiting and selling the Support
ers as and for "Betts' t Utero Abdominal Supporters."
All genuine Supporters have her written signature en
closed in a circle of letter press; on each instrutuent
and in the bnx,are a book and written directions.
Mrs. B. refers with pleasure to eminent Medical Pro
fessors of all the schools in Philadelphia, and to cele
brated Professors and Physicians in other cities of the
United States.
Mrs. Betts offers the following :
The fine Supporter for Ladles. adapted to the various
dimensions of Patients, 08 00 an entire new Support
er for SUMMER use, for Ladles requiring the use of a
very cool, light, and transparent article; weight only
from 2 oz. to 3 oz., and possessing all the Important re
quisites, $7 00: a very strong and durable Supporter,
with nll the latest improvements in its arrangement,
(for poor patients.) $5 00.
The above are subiect ton very liberal discount to sell
again, when three or more arc taken.
R. Williams, Agent, Columbia. where pamphlets can
be had containing certificates of the roost eminent phy
sicians In this country as well as in Europe.
Sep. 10, ISIS -2m.
VEGE'I ABLE PILES REMEDY is a domestic pre
paration. whirls ha■ been used with entire supra.s for
many i earn. Being nn internal medicine. it has a decided
preference over outward application ..which are but pal
lativen and not curatives. This medicine nets upon the
diseased parts, producing healthy action. and a PERMA
NENT CURE—IV/11C11 W C WARRANT or refund the
MONEY. Wholesale nod retail by
ROWAND At WALTON, Proprietors,
No MG, Market street, Philadelphia•
U. Williams and W. A. Leader, Columbia ; J. T. An
derson. Marietta ; J. S. Finney de Evans. and Lloyd,
Wrightsville; James Smith and G. hills. Lancaster.
ik'il;ool.lvr. 4 .14.49:4>
11 /1 A 11T FACTORY. Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire
CLOTH MANUFACTORY, Nu. 4e, North Front
street, Philadelphia.
The subscribers continue to manufacture. of a superior
quality. all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL WIRE
WORK, such as Sieves. 11.111(11.1t, SCreellS. Am., for rill
kinds of Grnin, Seeds, Sand, Ore, Snuff; Starch, Brick
dusts, &c.
Founders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly CM
Also. Saf•s. Wire Dish rovers.. Sofa Springs, Twilled
NVi re fur Spark Cumbers. Ac.
Such as Cage, Sur+ery Fender, Garden Itnnlcrind,
Flower Stand:, Tt aloe 1%, Trani, s, ork turJpe
Also, Wire Fenring of every description.
1D - Orders thankfully received. and promptly execu
ted by WAT: 4 ON & COX.
August 12, 124.-.lm
WASHINGTON Gallery of Daguerreotypes, No.
234, North Second Street,N. W. corner in Callow
hill street, Philadelphia.
The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this
well known establishment, for ONE DOLLAR, are uni
versally conceded to be EQUAL. in every respect to ATCY in
the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear
weather. A large assormient of MEDALLIONS and
LOCKETS on hand, at from S 2 to Sd, including the pic
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan
caster county, to call and examine specimens of the latest
improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will
be exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
Philadelphia, July 1, 1848-bin
Opening This Day,
would revectfully invite the attention of the public gene
rally, and the ladies in particular.
Sept. 30--tf FRY & SPANGLER"
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber for
suqaeription to the Columbia Spy, adveruattrg. and
job work, are requested to make payment of the amine to
Geo. W. Schroyer, who is duly ustborired to receipt
therefor. C. WESTBROOK.
Columbia, sept 30,1041.3.
MOLASSES, and COFFEE. The subscriber has
just received and offers for sale 2.5 hogsheads of N.
Oilcan. SUGAR. ii hogsheads Sugarbouso MOLASSES,
anti :at bags Rio COFFEE. F. S. 1.11./.717..
constantly on hand a large assoi talent of all
kinds of st ell seasoned WINDIER.
Columbia, scat 30, 18.1..
0000 asssortinent just received and for sale very
IL low, at J. D. & J. WRIG ars
Alpaca Lustres.
AVERY fine assorunent of Plain, Plaids. and Stripes
at 12lets. and upwards, at J. D. &J. wRIGITVS
OF LETTERS remaining in the P. O. for the quarter
ending Sept. SO, 1845.
Persons inquiring for letters will please mention it they
arc advertised.
A Itinger John Lindsey A M
Ammumnn Jesse C Loney Robert
Bard Philips, Widow Lynch Samuel
13enedich Benjamin Lechler Henry
Basler Tobias Landis Christian `tV
Basslnger Peter Lutz Samuel
Blakey Wm McGill James
linsfiehlS it Miller Jacob B
Brubacker J C "darkly Fred
- - .
Blake Mary Mcliivaughtin James 2
Hartle Benjamin Marriott James C
Bowen l McDonald Cap
Coats Margaret 2 Meinhardt Peter
Creswell Wm S McCullough Sarah Miss
Coughlin Michael Myer Gatlin
Charles Mary Mms 2 Macondal Eliza Miss
Carter James Morse. Simon
Conrad li:lius McCandless Peter
Columbia P 0 Mirky Henry
Davie Milton Newell James It
Dorsey Sarah Phillips Wllia.llll
DOWIIIII John Phillip!. Clnrk B
.. .
Daly James Ruffee John
Draper Mr Robinson Samuel
Davis M Reed Mary Ann
Erbe Barthel Ramler Michael
Ellenberger Samuel Reynolds AV F Major
Evans & Mayer Rinehard John
Eancklin Henry Rose John
Fisher John NV Roach George
Felger George F Riedhauser John
French Casslab Reynolds John M
Fullerton Robert Rinne David
French James M Scichrish Adam
Fisher John Reamer Henry
Finler Mr 0 Stock Barbara Miss
Fecher Oliver Snyder Pplllip
a rubb Aaron Slawk Mary Mrs
Gallaher Ann Miss Stover Frederick
Green James Steinruck BartronJ
Haling:in William Sweeny Susan 2
Grently Jll6lllll Snyder Simon
Gralian William Shoenberge r & Missing
Garber Ann Miss Swarr Ann Miss
Hal! George Schneider Christiann
Hasler Joseph Thomas Elizabeth 2
Helier Abraham Trump Sarah
Heller Joseph Thompson Samuel
Halpin James Thomas Margaret
l loppe Christian Thompson H A
Heller John Al Weaver Samuel
Hauser Frantz Wolf Edward
Hall Washington Walters Mary
Hollingsworth li It Wollindin Thomas
Kreider Mary Ann Weller John S
Kauffman Nancy Weimer Christian
Komi Elizabeth Mrs Walters Joseph
Kingsbury Almeria e Wilson Radiant
Law James 9 Ifeiss George
Yardly & Son
Lyle Samuel
Columbia, Sept. 30, 1..94,9
DENS, Pen Holders and Pencils. G. &E. M.
Smith, (late of the firm of A. G. Bagley & Cs.,lman
ttfacturers of (fold Peas. Pen holders and Pencils, No. LG
Malden Lane, New York.
. .
We, the subscribers offer to the trade. and the public
generally, our different styles of Gold Pens, which arc
warranted against all imperfections by fair usage, and al
so to be superior in every respect to any others made.
I laving increased facilities fur nutntitacturing, we are de
termined that no pen shall be delivered from our estab
lishment unless it's perfect. %Fe also keep constantly on
hand our superior field Pencils. and Pencils with Pen,
which we are enabled Rimier ache lowest laws. All or
ders addressed to the subscribers, will be carefully and
promptly attended to. G. & F. !q.t.-I%IITH,
Sept. 30,—din No la Minden Lane, N T.
Illection Notice.
Columbia Bank & Bridge Co., Sept. 27,1946.
An Election for thirteen directors of the Columbia
Bank and Bridge Company, will be held nt the Banking
House, in Columbia, on l'Ndnesday. the oth day of No
vember next. between the hon. of 10 A. M., and 4 I'. AC
- -
frj — The United States Gazette, of Philadelphia; Lan
custernin and Union & Tribune, of Lancaster, will insert
the above as heretofore. sept3olS-Ut
rpllE subscriber takes leave to inform the till
erns of Columbia and vicinity, that he has again
commenced the business ofWagon Making and repairing,
at his old stand, at the conjunction of Locust and Walnut
streets, and the road leading to the Ore Mines.
Being well provided with timber of all sizes and quality,
lie is prepared to do all kinds of work—front a heavy
Road Wagon to lighter ones of various kinds.
Oaring had n long experience 111 the business, Inc re
spect:ally asks a liberal share of the patronage of his
old customers, us well as of the community in general.
J A.AI ES ST.A N Ins 1".
Columbia, Sept. 30, 1348.-Gt
A"persons arc hereby forewarned that I will
pal no debts whatever of my wife, Jan.'s, contract
mg, she having lea my bed and board without any cause.
R. ii AXILTON. mark
Columbia Sept. 30,1 SIS—tr
Q.CIIOOL. Tim subscriber intends opening a
Li NIGHT SCHOOL, in hie school room, on Monday
evening next, the inst., for the histrim.ion of both
sexes. in the various 'dawdle, °Men English education.
Great facilities will be afforded to Mows who desire n
thorough knowledge of Euulish Grammar. Terms mod
rote. L. J. RHOADS—
Cultunbin, September 23, leAs.4t
Cloths and Cassimeres.
uE sithscribers respectfully invite the attention of their
frieuds and the pulilie to their FA1.1.. STOCK of
of FRENCH and ENGLISH mums a: cAssumutEs
Lust receive 4, among which are some splendid styles of
Fancy Goods—French blacks, blues, Sc. nt reduced
prices. .1. D. 3: J. %vim irr.
Columbia, September 14, ISIS.
Don't be too late!!
ri,on alb very cheap Flannels now selling . with a rush
.12 at 12jets. per yard, at J. D. hJ. SVIDGII'IIvr..4.
(IF every description of the new FALL styles, just re-
V eelved ut J. D. at J. \Vint; DT'S.
G. W. BR.&NDT,
111. MERCHANT TAILOR, Front street, Colum
bia. Pa., respectfully announces to time citizens
of Columbia and the public generally, that he has
just returned trout New York, with ii choice selection of
!NUS. of the very latest style of pattern, and best quali
ty of material, which he will be bum to make up. in a
manner that cannot be surpassed in any of the Atlantic
I Its stock consists of Cloth• of all the desirable shades
and qualiiiea, of the market, witch as. French, English,
mid American black, blue. blue black, brown, olive,
drab, &e., he.. combined with all endless variety Of Cas
anneres and Vesungs, together with a general assortment
of Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Gloves. die.. he.
Having secured the services of Mr. Dem. Young, who
is well known to this community, as one of the most skil
ful " Cutters" in the country, he Mailer* himself that he
will he enabled to give enure satishtction to those who
may be disposed to favor hint with their patronage. The
citizens in want of articles in his line ere very respect
fully invited to call and examine his clock before making
their purchases. as he feels mauled that a due regard to
economy wall Justify such a course ; and he would here
say, that no pains will he spared in the employment of
such workmen as will give entire satisfaction to even
the most fastidious. G W. H.
Columbia, Sep. 16,--.2m. •
BLEACIIED and Brown, 4-4,34.6-4, and In-4 wine. at
unuouully low pncus, ut. J. D. &J. WRIGI IT'S.
- Fall Clinghams.
ABEAUTIFUL assortment, very cheap. J un received
ut .1. D. & J. WRIGHT'S.
kerchiefs, Jockey Club, Perfume De Jenny I.uc%.
Mousseline, Magnolia, Bouquet Caroline, Rose, Jcsuan,
Portugul, Patchouly, Musk, 6:c. For sale by
sept2l W. A. LEADER.
ACOMPLETE assortment of Wood, Coal, and
COOKING STOVES, for sale at reduced mice.,
at the Hardware Store of J. w. currniu.t..
Lociict Street. Columbia. Pa.
500 KE ufae G t S ur N i n a p S rie an -a d t S t Ife l fi E a r S d ‘ f v o a r r e C lsa ! r a e t or a
Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
JUST received, a lot of superior English SHOT
GUNS. Double and Single barrel, for sale at low
prices at the Ilerdware Store of
Locust Street, Columbia. Pa.
AIIIERICNN and Russia Sheet Iron for sale
at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of
J. W. C071'11.F.1.1.,
Locust Street, Col Liu, Pa.
ANEW ARTICLE which may be used with
Quill or Steel Pen (quill is preierable) for billets,
invitations, &c.,—it will exactly be the thing. It is also
used or ornamenting IVood, Picture Frames. Chairs, Sr.e.
For sale by li. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, August t 20.1649.
ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double
Trusses for sale by W. A LEATtbliart
Columbia, Pa., August It!, ISIS. :
T UST Received a first rate supply of Bull's
t) SARSAPARILLA, and for sub: by
Colombia, August 1:2, 1048. W. A. LEADER.
SARSAPARILLA. Just received another large
supply Gf Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and for sale by
August 12, 18.15. 1 . W. A. LEADER.
T DIP GLOBES of every size and shape, for
_LA bale by W. A. LEADER.
Columbia, Augniit 18, 1848.
JUST received a new supply of the handsomes
and most splendid assortment of Camphine and Edit.
rial Oil Lamps ever kept in Columbia. 1•or sale by
- 14 1 RENCIf Brandy, Port Wine, Madeira Wine,
j 2 White Wine, Old Rye, and Sherry \Vine can be had
pure, for Medicinal pnrpoges at LEADER :S Drug Store.
RICININE, for the growth and preservation o
the Hair. For 881 C by R. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, July 8,16.18.
DE EMT LIND, for beautifying the HAIR, &c
For sale by It. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, July 9,1848.
HHANGlNGSParlor,liall, Chamber, and Ceiling
Barters and Borders, Vachon's &c., of the newest
sty lea, always Olt hand at manufacturers' prices, at
J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S.
Columbia. 1817.—tf
COPPER and Tin rumps—a good supply o
Pumps always on hand, and made to order, at th
shortest notice by IL PFAHLER S. CO.
March 11, lU4S-tf
NIGIIT HMIS always on hand and for sale
by 11. PRA FILER & CO.
March 11. 194 Q-if .
AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
sale at manufactures prices, by
April 7, 16.17.—tf Iturenas & I I MS.
ARTICLE Boat Stove, We would call the at
tention of Boatmen to a new article of boat Stove
made and adapted expressly fur their convenience. To
be seen and had at 11. rrattLEß & co.
march 1, 1543-ti
HERR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tea
cee, long and short. double and single lank, breast
carrying and halter Chains, all of which we offer at man
ulacturers prices. ap7-ff RUMPLE &11 ESS.
1) ESTORATIVE. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative
will vortex the Hair to grow on the head or face. By
using a Ss. bottle the whiskers and beard maybe eullOa
led to any reasonable extent.
Sold only in N. York. at 52 Chatham street, and by R.
WILLIAMS. Agent for Columbia. je2l'4,94fin
AND COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Pfahlcr & Co.,
thankful for past encouragement, would announce
to the citi/eits of Columbia and its vicinity, that thee still
continue to manufacture Tin and Copper ware of all kinds
at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of4he
Columbial3ank, and respectfully solicit a continuance it
public patronage.
Ninrell 11. i'4°-tf
VIE Subscribers have constantly on hand a
A full assortment of wood, coal, and cooking Stoves of
every sire and discription, cannon stoves. Also, Bead
enburg's potent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. which has given
full satisfaction in all cases. The public ore invited to
call and examine for themselves, at the Hardware Store of
Oct. 9-tf RUMPLE
OF DYlNG—especially in Autumn, the most
delightful season of the year? Stop then gentle
invalid, as you pass F. X. ZIFALEICS Stunt, in Locust it.,
above Front, nod get a box of
- - -
They are truly an effective remedy. Plenty of testimit=
ny will be exhibited to prove this. Sept. 2,1
ol e
fully announce to them town and country f
that they have this day received direct from. th
York and Philadelphia Market. a large and elegant .
ply of PALL & WINTER GOODS, which have been
selected with great care,land will be sold at prices that
cannot fail to please.
Give us a cull, and examine our stock before purchas
ing elsewhere. as we arc determined to sell at a small ad
vance on cost. J. D. St T. WRIGHT.
Sept. hi, IS4C. Locust at., third door below 2ml st.
CIiELD 11.12M1L
A Valuable Scientific Work, upon the subject
_1...1..0f Gestation and Child-Birth. by It 3f. Weisselhoff,
Al. D., hue of Pariajust published by the author.
This work contains information upon subjects of the
highest importance to married person , or those contem
plating marriage. lt will be found of special value to
those whose means, health. or other circumstances do
not permit them to increase the number of their family
without great inconvenience. suffering. or perhaps risk, •
life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dange •
will, (recently discovered by a eclebrated French p
clan) is fully communicated in this work, so that nay •,
son may avail himself of it at once. The means
comparatively nothing. and are within the reach of
The process is new, safe, infallible, convenient. aim
and cannot injure the most delicate. Nor does it cu
matrimonial privileges in the least.
Comes of this work will be sent, in a close envelope,
at a single letter postage, to any part of the United States
for Si sent. post pity, to Dr. It. M. WEISSELfIogp. box
2:10, New ork City. Copyright secured. No Booksel
ler allowed to sell this work. Dept. 2, 1148. fratr.
Philadelphia Advertisenzents.
246 .22111) 413,
MARKET STRRET, Philadelphia.
Gold Levers, full jewelled,lB carat case, ear; and over
Silver, 1G and over
" Lepines
" //earners,
Gold Pencils.
Hever Teu-spoons, equal to coin. -
gold Pens. silver holder end pencil, 1 00
Wall a sidetidtd assortment of all kinds of Watches, both
gold and silver: Rich Jewelry, &a., .kc. Gold chain of
the best inanufactures,:and in fact every thing in the
Watch and Jewelry , line at much less prices than can be
bought in this city or eke:where.
Please save this iiilverii.einent, and call at either
No. 413 Market street. above eleventh. north side,
Or at JACOB i t Avomus,
216. Market street. lira store below Eight. south side.
tEr - We have Gold and Silver Levers still cheaper than
the above priee•—a liberal discount made to the trade.
Phila.. wept. 26, ISIQ.-6in
R I CH FANCY FURS for Ladies' wear. Charles
Oakford, Furrier, No. 101. Chestnut street. a few
doors above Third Philadelphia, would invite the ladies
to call and examine his superior stock of Muffs, Boas,
Tippets, &c., of every variety. consisting of Rich Russia
Sable. Hudson's Bay Martin, Norway Martin, Mink Sa
bits, Baum Martin, Stone Martin, Ermine Fitch, Lynx,
&c.,&c. These skins have been selected with:great care,
an are made by the best workmen in the country. La
dies may rest assured that no article will be otrered for
sale in this establishment that is not perfect in every re
88. Chestnut Est., a few doors above Third.
Philadelphia, seat ; '23.1849.4m
PORTRAITS of a superior quality, handsomely
colored. tool put up ut bcauuful Morocco Cases. Cool.
plete, for only oNti DOLLAR. at SPIELER'S CHEAP
below Forth. Pluladelplits. All pictures made at this
tabhshmeutwill be warranted perfect.
Phila., scut. tn, 1e48.-61n
n J. TYNDALE, No. 97 South Second street,
Philadelphia. grateful for the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed, would cull the attention of his
friends and the public generally to a large stock of Stoves
now on band, of new, beautiful, and useful patients.
amongst which will be fi>wul handsome styles from New
York, Peekskill, Troy, Sic. lie has also a large assort
ment of Pulley Sheet Iron Stoves, for Parlors, Dintew
Rooms, and Chambers, handsome Radiators for wood or
Ile also continues to ma Inuit cture Orr's Celebrated Air
Tight Stoves and (rota his long experience in the manu
facture of these stoves, being the brat and for along time
the only agent in the City, he flatters himself he can sell
cheaper and better than can be bought elsewhere.
A large assortment now on hand of the very best pat
terns of Cook stoves either fur wood or coal.
Old stoves repaired or taken in exchange for new.
Pluladelphia, Sep. IG---dut.
AT the Phoenix Hall Clothing Store, South
West corner of Second and Dock streets, Philada.
Now is the time and this is the store where the greatest
bargains or clothing nre to be had. The subsi , riber would
respectfully call the attention of the public loins Clothing
Establishment as offering inducements to purchasers of
clothing that no others can otter, having the most exten
sive assortment and variety ever offered in 011 C store in
this country. AU sires fitted and all tastes suited, from
the boy of five years old and upwards. All sizes of Boys
as well us Men's Clothing to be had at this store.
Doing business entirely on the cash principle and
having purchased the goods, and manufactured his
clothingftince the great reduction in woollen goods, enm
tiling lain to defy competition. Wholesale dealers are
particularly invited to examine this stock before making
other purchases.
Orders for all kinds of Military Clothing attended to at
the shortest notice. N.,.
Don't forget the Phoenix, at the South West Corner of
d and Dock streetn. WM. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, Sep. 16-3 m.
AND RICII stock of Carpets, for Fall Trade.
The Subscriber, in addition to his former stock, has
us: received, and has now in his store, a large and rich
assortment of New Styles English and Amencan CAR
PETING manufactured to order, and decidedly the hand
somest goods in the market, all of which are offered on
the most favorable terms.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS and Strangers visiting
Philadelphia. who may be Ist want of Carpets, are re
quested to look in and examine this stock or desirable
goods previous to purchasing elsewhere, as they will find
all goods sold to be as represented, and at the lowest
market prices.
The assortment, in part, consists of:
English Tapestry,.
English and American Brussels,
" ins
Super. Ingrains
With low priced Carpetings of all descriptions. Oil Cloth,
Window Shades, Rugs, Piano and Table Covers, Sheep
Skins, Stair Rods, Bindings, &c.,
Also, a large assortment of Rag, List. and Cotton Car
pets, from 12. to 50 cents per yard. at the CHEAP CAR-
No. 25 North Second street,
Dir:ttly opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Sep. 10-3111.
r.i a r ~~
TN DIY GOODS at No. 80, North Sd St., Phila
." dolphin.
Country Merchants will find FANCY AND OTHER
DRY GOODS front the Philadelphia and New York
Auctions embracing such articles only as can be bought
at less than ordinary market rates. thereby enabling him
to supply those who buy (or CASH at less prices than can
be furnished elsewhere. A. DENVALD,
Philadelphia, Sep. 16-3 rt. No. 80 N. 3d street.
44 THE Largest Concern in the United States.
HILL 4, CLINE, Na zri North SECOND Street,,
aboVe VINE, and No. 348 MARKET Street, above
TENTH, Philadelphia.
Mono!—Small profit, and quick sales.
VARIETY !—Emirely unsurpassed and uneqnalled.
Comm - nylon !—Far, very tar in the back ground.
We offer, amonothers, this season:
- The Celebrated Empire Cook. the genuine.
Roney's Economist—a new and prime stove.
Leibranbt's Ole Dull Cook.
The Philadelphia Air-Tight.
The Our Stoves for 2 New and splendid patterns.
The New Pattern Completes, 3 sizes, do. do.
The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do.
A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors, Cannon
Radiators. Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches,
fice., Sic. too numerous to mention.
Philadelphia, August 12, 194 d.
111•,4 La z• s ff:b op •cl
STOVE WORKS. The subscribers respectfully
inform their friends and the public that they are now
prepared to execute any orders with which they may be
favored, for their WEST PHILADELPHIA COAL.
PLETE COOK STOVE, of which they have three sizes ;
sizes; BAsl3 and Tors for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes;
PARLOR STOVII., (for wood.) two sizes; GAS OVENS,
three sizes ; CAST-IRON HEATERS, and a large and
beautiful assortment of Patterns for Iron Railing.
Their Goods are all made of the best material, and from
new and beautiful designs.
Their WEST PHIALD'A COMPLETE is, without
doubt, the best end most saleable Cook Stove in the
market. They are constructed with Molt's Patent Feeder,
Front and Grate,
which gives them a decided superiority
• all others. 'They only want a *rialto what
•re asserted. S ^
ASTINGS of all kinds made to order ess
''Stimples may be seen and orders left at tbe,Foundrreit'
at l Emmett's, 154 North SecondAttreetrlitsztusxia.
Totszse's 157 South Second Street,4Ment 'Wzmmossa.fs
fletus', 495 Market Street. •- • ,•••
Phila. A ugust 19, 1548.•-fim.
TN LIGHT ! The attention of purchasers is in
sited to the extensive variety of MURPHY'S latest
Th& coastructuni and Improvements of these Lamps
render them suitable for any purpose or plebe where lint
fiche! light is required ; the brilliancy and magnificence of
which have not been equalled, and et ova-mats TUE ra
re:ma of any yet invented. They are perfectly free trout
any unpleasant odor.
ALSO—A general assortment of Solar. Lard,and Oil
Lamps, Plaid, Candelabras, Chandeliers. Hanging Lamps.
tlbr Churches, Stores, Hall Rooms. Factories, Hotels and
Milliard Saloons, Lamps with shades, designed for reading.
All manner of Gas Fixtures. of every pattern, style and
Having every facility for manufacturing, the under
signed is prepared to sell, wholesale and retail, IS caw
as any assaufactory m the United States, and the articles
are warranted equal in appearance and construction to
any that can be produced.
blercharits and .dealers will find it to t 6 vantage
to call and examine the stock and prices, which Z•annot
(ail to give satisfaction.
MANUFACTORY, No. lib. N. Second Sneer , i
Philadelphia, July 911,1148.--Im ierlp
11 and (Aar
5 to2o
1 50
4 50