Baltimore .advertisements. 1,414• 4 p aleNlO•ni STOCK OF FALL & lIINTER GOODS, at No. ILI, Market street, Baltimore, Md. HAMILTON EASTER, & Co., invite the attention of wholesale and retail purchasers to their stock of Goods now open, embracing, in RICH SILK AND DRESS GOODS. Every new style primed, plait and satin striped and plaid Cashmere and Aloussehne ; satin striped Orientals ; embroidered Cashmeres; rich white and colored dotted Muslim; embroidered Cashmere Robes •; colored LYollese Cloths ; Alpacas ;. rich and low priced Plaid Goods, and high colored Fabrics for Children's wear. - . . Colored Dress Silks of very rich, medium and low priced styles, of the latest importations. Rich high lustrcd Black Silks. of all widths. 'Rich black watered, satin striped and satia.plaid Silks. Millinery• silks, satins, Marcelines. Florence,&c., Silk :Velvets, a very• largo stock of all colors. SHAWLS, VISIT, AND MANTILLAS. Splendid long and square Cashmere Shawls. Rich embroidered. Crape Shawls. Embroidered cashmere and titter., long and square plaid, rich printed Cashmere and Terkeri, black and colored silk and mourning Shawls-of every style. Silk Visites, Mantillas, Cloaks, &c. MOURNING GOODS, In Lupin's very superior Bombazines. 3-4 and 6.4 black Mousselilies. 3-4 and 6-4 black Cash meres, black French Merinos, superior Alpacas, Mourn ing Cashmeres nod Dress Goods generally. Also, English and Italian Crapes; Gloves, Hoisery, love Veils, &c I= A full assortment of Lupih's French Merinos, =MU- Immured expressly for our sales, from samples of colors neat out by us. 1111BROIDERDIS, LACE GOODS, GLOVES, &c. .ikit elegant variety (at our usual low prices) of French Embroideries, in capes, collars, cuffs, berthes, sleeves, standing collars, eltemiictt.•s. Be. M Muslin and lace. Linen Cambric and Clear Lawn lidkes. in Corded, re vere, lamed and Real Valenciennes Laces and Edgings; Thread Laces, and Edgings, Muslin Edgings and Insertings; Lisle, Egyp tian and Bobbin lidr,lllo6 ; Belt Ribbons; Hoisery; Mitts; Gloves; 'White Muslin Goods; Linen Cambrics; Long Lawns, and small articles generally in great variety. IN LINEN GOODS and HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES We have a most extensive assortment, including Rich ardson's superior Irish Linens, of the best fabric, made c xr lo s y w Q foraso l inenso r sales gand linen sheetings of every width; table Damasks and Diapers, by the yard: satin Damask [elite cloths and napkins, of all sizes; Hnekaback. Rus sia and bird-eye diapers, crash, simian, star linen, drug get and linen crumb cloths, floor baize, table and piano covers. Flannelsrof every well known and approved make. 'We have also an elegant assortment of rich embroid• mild Lace and Muslin Curtains,(some really magnificent:) Curtain Muslin by the yard; Lace. Drop Curtains; and rich curtain goods generally. Blankets, a most extensive stock from 51.50 to Sid a pair, crib, cradle, and berth Blankets; splendid Imperial Marseilles Quilts. • DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS. Bleached and Brown Cottons, from to 3 yards wide, of all the well known makes. Drillings, Jeans, Linsey s i Kerseys i Plaids and the va rious articles requireed by Farmers' and Planters' ser vants' use. Follicular attention is called to our assortmedt of ,Goode for Men's wear, which will be found large, elegdnt and varied, including— French Cloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, &c. in great variety of styles. English and American Cloths and Cassimeres, Vestings. serge., salesins, sewing silks, and merchant tailors' Goods generally. Also, a complete stock of new style Cravats, Scarfs, l'ocket Hdkfs., Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Persons not in the habit of dealing with us. are apt to think we sell nothing but costly goods such is not the tact. As far as regards our retail stock - , our range em braces every thing that is substantial and desirable, no matter how common—from silks at $4 a yard to Colacoes in 6 cents! All our low priced goods we retail nt the lowest wholesale prices. We east with confidence invite an inspection of our stock from wholesale and retail buyers. as in extent, variety, and richness, it has never been equalled in Bal timore ; whilst the large quantity of goods passing through our bands, eatables us both to buy and sell cheap. Baltimore, Sept. 30, 1849.-3 m TIER NIAGARA. QUIVER-BATH. An entirely new article for Shower Bathing, with warm or cold Water. A great and important improvement is made in this Shower-Bath over all others, by throwing the water im mediately on the body, without wetting the head, unless ut the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies •an have the advantage of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same. The arrangements arc simple and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Built can be adjusted to suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the out side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of several medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. EPHRAIM LARRABEE. 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. BATIIING.—Read what Armstrong says : Do not omit, ye who would health secure, The daily fresh ablution, that shall clear The sluices of the skin ; enough to keep The body sacred front undecent soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce (As much as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains; his this adorns the rich ; The want of this is poverty's worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grace; without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. "sept3o'49-tonu2ol9 REMOVAL J'ABORATORY OF THOMSONIAN BOTANICItrEDI CINE.43. EPHRAIM LARBABEE, No. 20 South Calvert street, Baltimore, has removed his Laborary to his new building. No. 24, and has always on hand the largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic remedies in the United States, prepared under his special rare at his Laboratory—being the first erected in the Cnited States for the special purpose of preparing Tirotn- NONIAN Nixing:mu. All of the pulverized and compound. ed articles are pinup in quarter and half pound packages. and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing and in bulk. and upon better terms than the same article can be had for in the IL S. Every article in his line is warranted genuine—the public can rely upon this. ir:7 - A liberal discount made to country merchants, who are particularly requested to call and examine quality, he., before purchasuig. IQ - The various Treatises, embracingthe Mod( reputed authors. upon the Thomsonian or Botanic System of Medicine. may also be had at his establishment. by the quanuty or tangle copy. sept3ol2-tonte:249 4F -A. or 014'6;41 WINTER GOODS. J. D. &I. WRIGHT respect. fully announce to their town and country friends, that they have this dny received direct from the New York and Philadelphia Market. a large and elegant sup ply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, which have been .elected with great careaand will be sold at prices that cannot fail to please. Give us a call, and examine our stock before parches- I ng elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at a small ad %once on cost. .1. D. & .1. WRIGHT. Sept. 9,184 i. Locust st., third door below 2nd .0 Sheetings, I)LEACIIED mid Drown, 4.4,:.4.6.4, and 104 wide. lit JJ utmenully low price.. nl J. D. 6 J. WRIG111":4. Fall Ginghams. 1. BEAUTIFUL nasortment, yen. cheap. plat received at J. D. & J. NVIUGHTS. rei1:P0331.1 1 41223" TO ~aLERS. THE subscriber hits purchased the Patent righit of Timby's Improved Water Wheel, which has been proven to do more work with less water than any other wheel now in use. The wheels can be seen in operation at John Limner's Saw Mill, and at John Herr's Saw Mill. Per Nous having Mills on streams of water where there 1.1 not sufficient all for overshot wheels, will find these wheels to do more work than either Pitch-back, Under shot, or Flutter Wheels. JEFFERY •SMEDLEY. Machinist. Columbia, Lane. no, Pa. Sept. 2, 1€48.-Ir %mum I Tun tram OF DYlNG—apetiany in Autumn, the most delightful , season of the year' Stop then gentle invalid, as rou peal F. X. Zutatsx's Store, In Locust at., above Front, and get a box of DR. SOULE'S BALM PILLS! They are truly an effective remedy. Plenty of teatime= ny will be exhibited to prove this. Sept. 2, 1858 SOAP. JONES'S Italian Chemin Soap is called by the Medical Society or Paris, " a blessing, a miracle and mronder,t , to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora tion of the skin. hams' pimples, blotches, freckles, salt rheum, scurvy, sore heads, tan, suaburn, rnorphew, and it changes the color of dark, yellow or sunburnt skins, to, a fine healthy learners. For sale by R. WILLIAMS,Vigent for Co lumbia jc243,3-6m Philadelphia .advertisements. `V.'? s Vi. , 4..1, CLOTENG for men and boys, at George Colin's, Southeast corner of Second and Market streets. Gentlemen visiting the city and wishing to supply them selves with Cheap and Fashionable Winter Clothing will find a large. complete, and choice assortment of Bangap Coats, Cloaks, Business Coats, Dress and Frock Coats, and Boys' Coats in great variety, made of American, English, and French , Cloths. Pantaloons for men and Boys, made of Cassimeres, Doe-Skins, Satinets. &e., &c. Vests for men and boys of Silk. Satin, Velvet, Cloth, and Cashmere. Also. Shirts, Stocks. Handkerchiefs, arc,, at the lowest possible prices for CASH. Remember we will sell as cheap rs any Clothing House in the United States. GEO. CULIN. Southeast corner of Second and Market streets. Phila., Sept, 30, 1845.-6ns OWN REMEDY—The In. valid's best friend !—The -igitiol and only genuine INDIAN MEDICINE. BLEEDIxo PILIN Crazy!! 'rout Mauheim Centre, Her kimer Co., S. Y.J Dr. Wright—Deur sir—lt is iii. pleasure that I certify to tc eillency of your Indian 'egetable Pills. I had been isg afflicted With thin 1; mid bud used imuly reseribed remedies to no npuse Your agent at Little ills persuaded mo to give extreme gratification that I say they entirely cured tae, which hiss induced inc to be lieve that whenever a suir trial i 4 made of them, they will be found a cheap, speedy, and elleetual remedy sur the above complaint. April Mr. Lewis is a well known and respectable citizen of Herkimer county, N. York, mid considered himself in curable. Since his recovery, through the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, he has adopted them ns his only family medicine, and considers them the best be ever bad in his house, not only for himself but down to the youngest child. A PIIVSICIAN'S TESTIMONY.. [From Catskill, Greert . Comity, New York.) Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir—l have found your Indian Vegetable Pills n valuable remedy in cases of general de bility of the system, and in all Bilious disorders. lam also in the habit of recommending them to females in pe culiar cases. I observe them to operate in the system without producing debility or pain, leaving_ it in a healthy condition. JOHN DOANE, M. D. June 20,1848. THE .Brst. FAMILY MEDICINE. [From Norton Hill, Greene County, N. V.] Dr. Wright—We have used and sold your Indian Ve getable Pills for three years past, and do not hesitate to recommend them to our friends and customers as the best Family Medicine in use. N. de L. RAMSDELL. [From Marble [call, Pa.] To Dr. W. Wright—Dear sir—For the last two years I have had the agency for the sale of your Indian Vegeta ble Pills at this place. and have sold annually large quan tities at retail. They have, in every instance, given entire satisfaction. Many families in this section keep them, and consider them invaluable as a family medicine.— There is no medicine sold here that can be so universally recommended us Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Very truly yours, Wm. M. Litanxs. MEM The ing highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appointed agents tor the sale of this Celebrated medicine. in Lancaster county: Ilearville, Reuben Weidler. Bainbridge, John F. Beecher. Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner. Burt Township, Wm. W. Passim - ire. Helleview•, Buyers & Kennedy. Conestoga Centre, John 11. Harman. Church Town, L. & E. Rogers. Coopereville. E. Lewis. Colimiliia. Pry & Spangler. Cherry I lilt. Isaac S. Webster. Drumore. John A. Boyd. Earl Township, George Buchman. do do Weaver & Stauffer. do do Davis Wallace. Elimbethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, 0 P. Gross. do Martin Weidman. Fulton House, Fulton tp., 1.. P. Wilkinson. liempfield, Ringwalt & Martin. Intercourse, J. G. & S. L. Robinson. Leacock township, Frederick Swope. Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. If. Herr. Lair, Nathaniel S. \Volley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. Mountvi/le, John .Devlin. Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler. Mount Joy Township, 11. G. Clark & Co. Alaytown, John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner. Mill Creek. Henry Stauffer. New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer. Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. I'. Boyd. Paradise, A. R. & A. L. Witmer. Peach Bottom, Win. Arnold. Rawliusville, John Rawlins. Safe Harbor, John Herr & Son. Strausburg, Wm. Spencer. Salsbury, Freeland. IVashington John A. Brush. - D.7olfices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and rettul, 169 Baca street, Plaadelphia 2.9:9 Greenwich street, New York; and 199 Tremont street, Boston. 5ept30,49.—tap2319 Cheap millinery Goods. ASPLENDID assortment of Cheap Millinery Gooda consisting of RIBBONS. SILKS, SATINS, VEL, VETS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS, very low for CASIL, at EDWARD'S, 37, South Second at., PIDLADELPIIIA. .Philadelphia., September 16, 1848.-1 m 'S'ILVVIIS ! STOVES ! ! At No. 97, South Second street, Phil adelphia. C. J. TYNDALE respectfully invites an examination of his large stock of STOVES, embracing some of me BEST AND MOST ELEGANT PATTERNS of Pennsylvania. New York, Peekskill, Troy. die., to gether with a beautiful assortment of Fancy Sheet-Iron Stoves and Radiators. For Parlors, Dining-Rooms, Kitch ens, or Chambers, be believes that his assortment will compare to advantage with that of any other establish ment. lie has also a splendid stock of ORR'S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT STOVES, for which be has been the agent for many yearn in this city, in the manufacture of ninth for elegance and cheap ness, lie refers to numerous purchasers, and for beauty of patterns, he believes hi:ascii unrivalled. Err For Stoves, whether for Wood or Coal. his'assort ment is complete. lie returns Lie thanks to his old cus tomers, to whom and the public he renews his invitation tove him a call Mike old stand, N 0.137, South :Ind st. Philadelphia. September 111, ISIS.-2in lITERIZTZI QUPPORTERS. Mrs. James Betts, North East Licorner of Eleventh and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, original inventorand sole proprietor.: To Physicians, Ladies, and Druggists. Mrs. Betts most respectfnily communicates the con tinued success and increasing demand for her Uterine Supporter:; they are now very generally adopted by Pity. icians as the most successful medium of retie f for the distressing malady fur which they were invented, of any offered to time public. The evil results attending the use of Pessaries,. are obviated by the application of her Supporter, and the pa tient In enabled, to a short period, to resume her domes tic concerns and duties; and the long confinement to the sick chamber. with all its attendant &streaming. cense quences rendered unnecessary. • Twenty thousand ladies are now using them with the greatest ease, comlbrt, and advantage. ChuutuvE—That proceedings have been commenced in the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania against a serves! Instrument making firm in Philadelphia, for counterfeiting and selling the Support ers as and for" Bette' ,Utero Abdominal Supporters." All genuine Supporters have her written signature en closed in a circle of letter press • on each Instrument and In the hoz, area book and writion directions. him S. refers with pleasure to eminent Medical Pro fessors of all the schools In Philadelphia. and to cele brated Professore and Physicians in other cities of the United States. Mrs. Betts offers the following : The fine Supporter for Ladles, adapted to the various dimensions of Patient...oB 00 : an entire new Support very cooIU, MME light, and transparent article; weight only from 2 oz. to 3 ox., and possessing all the Important re quisites, ST 00: a very strong and durable Supporter, with all the latest Improvements in its arrangement, (for poor patients.) 03 00. The above are subject to a very liberal discount to sell again. when three or moralize taken. R. Williams. Agent, Colembia, where pamphlets can be had containing certificates of the most eminent phy sicians in this country as well u in Europe. Sep. 16, 1848-2 m. • A SIILAILP 801151111 WAS taken up by the subscriber on Sunday morning last, about half way between Columbia and Washington, and is now at his residence, near the Bear Tavern, where the owner is requested to call and prove properiy, pay charges, and take him away. Sept '2O, 1840 JAMES GREEN Philadelphia adveriements. EMI ,", , ,3 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. —,6,----,.7 ~,, THE CHEAPZST axo LARGEST .1 ...'......... ''----.., --... ASSORTMENT OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES iv PHILADELPHIA. Gold Levers, full jewelled l lb carat case, $3O and over Silver, n '. a IG and over I ° 4, Lepines II and over " Quartiers, sto 20 Gold Pencils. 1 50 Silver Tea-spoons, equal to coin, 4 50 Gold Pens, silver bolder and pencil, 1 CO With a splendid assortment of all kinds of Watches, both gold and silver; Rich Jewelry, Sc., Ac. Gold chain of the hest manufactures, - and in fact every Ming in the Watch and Jewelry line at; much:less prices than can be bought in this city or elsewhere. _ Please save this advertisement, and ea jet eteber NATURE'S LEWIS LADOMUS, No. Ca, Market street, above eleventh, north niJe or at _ JACOB LADONI US, 24G. Market street, first store below ',gilt. south sale. rrr We have Gold and Silver Levees still cheaper Alain the above prices—a liberal discount made to the trade. Plain.. scpt. 23,1c4.1.-I;in pm FANCY FURS for Ladies' wear. Charles Oaktlard. Furrier. No. 101, Chestnut street, a tow doors above Thad, Plaladelphia. would invite the ladies to cull and examine lute superior stock of Muffs. DOM, Tippet.. Se., of every variety, etntsistine of Rich Russia Sable. Hudson's Hay Marna, Norway Martin. Mink Sa bles,Baum Martin, Stone Marlin, Erinme Foch. Lynx, &c., &r. These skins have been selected with:great rare. and are made by the best workinea is the country. La dies may rest assured that HO article will be offered for sale in this establishment that is not Perfect in every re spect. CHARLLS OAEFOR U. 104, Chestnut! st., a few doors above Third. Philadelphia, sept., trff, 184.9.—8ut Just; LEWIS. Jtack.tnith PORTRAITS of a superior quality, handsomely colored, and put up in beautiful Morocco Cases. com plete, for only ONE DOLLAR. at SPIELER'S CHEAP DAGUERREIVN GALLERY", No. SOI WALNUT street, below Forth, Philadelphia. All pictures made at this es tablishment will be warranted perfect. Phila., sept. 1848.—0 m CI J. TYNDALE, No. 97 South Second street, Philadelphia, grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to a large stock of Stoves now on hand, of new, beautiful, and useful patterns. amongst which will be found handsome styles from New York, Peekskill, Troy, &c. He has also a large assort ment of Fancy Sheet Iron Stoves, for Parlors, Dining Rooms, and Chambers, handsome Radiators for wood or coal. Ile also continues to manufacture Orr's Celebrated Air 'right Stoves and from his long experience in the manu facture of these Stoves, being the first and for a long time the only agent in the City. he flatters hrmself Ile can sell cheaper and better than can be bought elsewhere. A large assortment now on hand of the very best pat terns of Cook stoves either for wood or coal. Old stoves repaired or taken in exchange for new. Philadelphia, Sep. 16.9 n. AT the Phoenix Hull Clothing Store, South West corner of Second and Dock streets, Philada. Now is the time and this is the store where the greatest bargains in clothing are lobe had. The subscriber would respectfully call the attention of the public to his Clothing Establishment as offering inducements to purchasers of clothing that no others can offer, having the most exten sive assortment mid variety ever ofihred in one store in this country. All sires fitted and all testes suited. from the boy of live years old mid upwards. All sizes of boy's as well as Men s Clothing to be lied at this store. Doing business entirely on the cash principle and having purchased the goods, and manufactured his clothing since the - great reduction in woollen goods, ena bling him to defy competition. Wholesale dealers are particularly invited to examine this stock before making other purchases. Orders for all kinds of Military Clothing attended to at the shortest notice. Don't forget the Phrenix : at the South West Corner of fdd and Dock - streets. WM. B. TAYLOR. Phdatlelphia, Sep. 16-3 m AND RlCAstock of Carpets, for Fall Trade. The Subscriber. in addition to his former stock, has ust received, and has now in his store, a large nod rich assortment of New Styles English and American CAR PETING manufactured to order, and decidedly the hand somest goods in the market, all of which arc offered on the most favorable terms. . • . COUNTRY MERCHANTS and Strangers visiting Philadelphia. who may be in want of Carpets, are re quested to look in and examine this stock of desirable goods previous to purchasing elsewhere, as they wail find all goods sold to be as represented. and at the lowest market prices. The assortment. in part, consists of: English Tapestry, English and American I.lm,ei. Three-ply Soper. Jai:rams With low priced Carpetings °call descriptions. Oil Cloth. NVindow Shades, Rugs. Piano and Table 'Covers, Sheep Skins, Stair Rods, BuidingA. Also, a large assortment of Rag. last. and Cotton Car pets, Iron, l:H• to 50 cents per yard. in the CIIEAP CAR PET WARE-ROOMS of IL H. WALKER, No. 25 North Second street. Directly opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sep. 16--Sm. TN DRY GOODS at No, SO, North 3d St., Philo dclphia. Country Merchants will fi nd FANCY AND OTHER DRY GOODS from the Philadelphia nod New York Auctions embracing such articles only an can be bought at less than ordinary market rub,. thereby enabling him to supply those who huy for CASH nt less price+ thou can be furnished elsewhere. A. DEWAI.D, Philadelphia. Sep. 16-I.m. No. ell N. nd street. THE Largest Concern in the United States. 1111.1. & CLINE. No. 231 North SECOND Street, above VINE. and No. 34S MARKET Street, above Philadelphia. , ISlcrrroi—Small profits and quick sales. Vs.incrirl—Entirely unsumassed and uneqnallefl. COMPETITION l—Far, very tar in the back ground. We otter, among others, this season: The Celebrated Empire Cook, the genuine. Roney 's Economist—n new and prune stove. Leibrattlit's Ole Bull Cook. The Philadelphia Air-Tight. The Our Stoves for 2 New and splendid patterns. . Cooking, The New Pattern Completes, 3 sizes, do. do. • The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do. A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors, Cannon Radiators, Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches, &e , &e.. too numerous to mention. Philadelphia, August 12,1848. ift,4 ;04 *OVA , .) 3-11•514 * TOVE WORKS. The subscribers respectfully S inform their friends mid the public that they are now prepared to execute any orders with which they may be favored, for their WEST PHILADELPHIA COM PLETE COOK STOVE, of which they have three sizes ; CONNON and BARE CYLINDER STOVES. seven sizes; BASES and Tors for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes• OVEN PLATES, four sizes; COTTAGE AIRTIGHT PARLOR STOVES, (for wood,) two sizes; GAS OVENS, three sizes; CAST-IRON HEATERS. and a large and beautiful assortment of Patterns for Iron Railing. Their Goods are all made of the best material, and from new and beautiful designs. Their WEST PIIIALTYA COMPLETE is. without doubt, the bent and most saleable Cook Stove in the market. They are constructed with Motes Patent Feeder Front and Grate, which gives them a decided superiority over all others. They only want a trial to confirm what is here asserted. CASTINGS of all kinds made to order with promputeui and despatch. Samples may be seen and orders left at the Foundry. or at I. 13.'s, 154 North Second Street; Ittkritair & Dotamitt's 11E7 South Second Street. and at Wrztasms & limns', Oki Market Street. WILLIAMS, KOHLER, MATHIEU & CO. Phila. August 19, 19.18.-6 m. THOROUGHLY ERADICATED BY. ROIVIDTD'S TONIC 1111.14TURE: That great National. OW Fa vorfieand Sterling Remedy I of EIGHTEEN YEARS' STANDING--still unapproaelhed in its wonderful success, certainty, and safety, in the coax or 11111 WRETCHED COY.- PLAINLV cth d mgsliikoeunvor 'le an s The y o n n "I. n n o ° tVi by the " written signature' , of the original Inventor and proprieior, Joule R. . Rowan, 031 a paper label, crossing the mouth and cork This remedy has never been bolstered up by false and deceitful puffs, but has won its way to the confidence and universal adoption of the inhabitants of Fevre A.IID Anna Duirincra, BY ITS GOOD WORKS AND FRUITS ALONE, to which all the agents, and every person who have used it, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE. 143, Arch Street, Phila. AGENTS. Columbia, R. Wl:hams, W. A. Leader Lancaster, .1, Gish & Co.; Marietta, J. Awfer, _.l. T. Anderson ; Bain bridge, J. Landis; Fallmouth, G. H. Horning: Middletown, M. Brown, R. Phott ; Portsmouth, Henry Bear, 31. Me- Baton, Wm. Rawatt ; Collin's Ferry, A: Collins; New Windsor, Eckert k Monday, Tide-water Lock, J. Say; Wrightsville, J. S. FutheT. August 5,1949. FURS. 3 {.144 43-1 STOVES!! I STOVES !!! GREAT ATTRACTION, A. LARGE GREAT BARGAINS STOVES FEVRE AND AGUE! I I ratritlN'S .A.ND PREVOST'S IMPORTED EXTRACTS for Hand kerchiefs, Jockey Club, Perfume De Jenny Lind, Mousseline, Magnolia. Bouquet Caroline, Rode, Jesnim, Ponape], Patchouly, Musk, &c. For sale by sem2'43 W. A. LEADER. EMI STOVES. A COMPLETE assortment of Wood, Coal, and COOKING STOVES, for sale at reduced prices, attlie Hardware Store of .1. 'W. COMMA.. auISIS-3m Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. ; NAILS, SPIKES, & BRADS. tin() KEGS NAIL and SPIKES for sale at =LA- C./ yk./ ufacturer's prices at the IfordwareStore of =MEM GUNS. JUST received, a tot of superior English SHOT Double and Single Barrel, nor sale at low iniees att. Derdware Store of J. w. COTTRELL. tutl9'l.34m Lbeunt Street. Columbia. Pa. SHEET MELON. MERMAN and Russia Sheet Iron for sale at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of J. W. CO TELL, Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. =I GOLD nwzr. ANEW ARTICLE which may be used with Gimil or Steel Pen (quill is preferable) for billets, imitations, will exactly be the thing. It is also ured for ornamenting Wood. Picture Frames, Chairs, La. For sale by P WlLTr.slat, Columbist, August 13, 1643. TRUSSES. ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double Trusses for sale by %V. A LEADER. Columbia, Pa., August 12,124,1. DULL'S SARSAPARILLA. JUST Received a first rate supply of Bull's SARSAPARILLA, and for sale by Columbia, August 12, 1248. W. A. LEADER. ownrszwas SARSAPARILLA. Just received another large supply of Townsend's Sarsaparilla, und for sale Uy August 12,1848. W. A. LEADER. LAMM GLOBES. T AMP GLOBES of every size and shape, for .nle by W. A. LEADER. Columbia, Augu;t 12, 1848. SWAIM'S PANACEA. Just received another supply of Swim's Pahacea. For sale. by W. A. LEADER. TIGHT. JUST received a new supply of the handsomest and most splendid assortment of Cutuplane and Me rial Oil Lamps ever kept in Columbia. For sale by W. A. LEADER.. ETECEILEI L OIL. Fresh supply of Ethereal Oil for safe by W. A. LEADER. LIQUORS. VIIENCII Brandy, Part Wine, Madeira Wine, White Wine, Old Ryr, and Sherry Wino can be had pure, for Methcinal purposes at LEADER'S Drug Store. - - - BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! W& S. PATTON have just received one case Y Y t Gingliams, fast colors, only lilt cis. jiira3B BROWN !MUSLIMS, ONE yard wide, very heavy,' only 61-1 cents, al Juy02 , 48 wr. & PATTONS. ORE NEW GOODS. W& S. PATTON have just received a splen did assortment of Summer Dress Goods, at very low prices, tuyeelb POIVLADE lIICININE, for the growth and preservation of the Hair. For sale by IL WILLIAMS. Columbia, July 8. 1848. POMADE ir)E JENNY LIND, for beautifying the HAIR, &c. For stile by It. WILLIAMS. Columbia. July 5.18.18. matnientaxisms OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now ut w. & s PATTON'S. Alny St. te4S.-1( CARPZITS, VATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and low at W. & N. PATTON'S. May 20.1539.-tf VALVED. HANGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling Papers and Borders, Firebords &e., of the newest styles, always on hand at manufacturers' prices. at .1. D. & J. ‘vmoiirs. Columbia. March 25. 18.17.—tf CLOWNS AND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at .p221t3-if W. & S. PATTON'S I . . COPPER and Tin Pumps—a good supply of Pumps always on hand, and :nude to order. ut the shortest notice by H. PFAIILER & CO. March 11, 1.84u-te NOSEIBRIr AIVD riLOVES. An extensive assortment of llosieries, 1 .—.1 Gloves, &c., at reduced prices, at kali/484f FRY & SPANGLER'S. +• r 44 : a. 4. *1 EXTRACT Ile JENNY LIB, for the ilandker chief. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, July e, I ele. ECON'Erir 4 -ND Molasses. Sovering's celebrated steam Syrup Molasses. a delicious article for table use.— A en, new crop HONEY at 111.19'484C FRY & SPANGLER'S. NIGH MKS always on hand and for sale IA by 11. PFAIII.EIt & CO. Blarch il. 1848-1 f PELKIN TEA. AFresh supply of those justly celebrated TEAS just recutved by PUY & SPANELLR'S, reb191.941 Sole Agents for Columbia. t , ' , ••01.1 AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For _EI sale at manufactures prices, by April:oB•ll7.—tt_ • • Rctirtnx & 111 Ml. - - _ NEW A lITICLE Boat Stove. We would tall the at tendon of Boatmen to a new aruele of, boat Stove made and adapted expreitely for their convenience. To helicon and had at 11. PrABLER & CO. ltierehlt. Vm.e.5.1,.:1:11 TIMM Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chnins,,Tra- IL eta, long andshost, double and stogie Lank, breast, carrying and hatter Chains, all whicirere offer at man ufacturers prices. ap7-tt RUMPLE & HESS. zi , ~'.1.1.31,11 rriKE Subscribers have constantly" on hand a 1. fall assortment of wood, coal, and cooking Stoves of every size end diseription. canton stoves. Also, Ilea& enburg's patent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. which has given fall satisfaction in all cases. The public are invited to rail and examine for themselves, at the Hardware Store of Oct. 9-tf RUMPLE te 1-19.14 S yat ..r.• .7: 1 N•i,....11L'1 r 4 air II - I)tyOVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from the East, great decline in DRY GOODS. We have Just received a large and splendid assortment of SUMMER GOODS, NEW STYLES and much below the usual prices. A. splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the season. Call snd es amine W in S PATTON. Columbia. May 20, 10118.—if J. W. COTTRELL. Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. PHILADELPIIIA, April 11th, ISI9. Rowssa A: WALTON—Gentlemen. I feel it to be my du ty to give you a statement of the wonderflil care Dr. Cul len's Indian Vegetable Panacea has effected upon me, that others like afflicted may know where they can pro cure. that great and, I believe, the only cure for. About two years some, my neck began to swell; kernels formed under my jaws and ears, they continued to swell and become very painful. I was advised to try ninny things, but to uo purpose, except a waste of my money. Poultices brought them to a head, causing them to break and discharge very freely. The swellings instead of diminishing in ALL., increased until the lumps extended completely around my neck, many as large us a hen's egg. and one as large as my fist, I was ill tills condition when your Panacea was recom mended to no by Mr. Garrison. I commenced its use swellings began to diminish almost from the time I began to take it. My friend who recommended me to take the medicine, insisted that I should continue to use it, as he knew of so many persons who had been cured by it. I accordingly persevered, and have now used about one doyen bottles, and consider myself a well man. I do not think there is such another medicine in the world. I will lie pleased to see any one washing further infomtation at Mr. Jesse Baker's bond box manufuctory, No. 22, Bank street, who can also certify to the above statement. JOHN FARROW. Mr: Baker and Mr. Garrison whose store is at No. 22, Jones' alley. are both well known iu this city, and will coroborate the above statement. Mr. John W. Middleton, No. 85 South Eighth street, gives the following brief history of his ease : I have suffered for mauy,yenrs with a severe SCROFUL). affecting my legs, arms, and head, at times not bring able to walk without crutches. I had tried almost every thing before I commenced with your Panacea, but to little purpose.— The Panacea has proved itself superior to all other medi cines 7 babe taken, as that alone has effected the cure.' Mr. Middleton was offered fifteen dollars a week, to re main in the office of a certain doctor in this city, and represent the cure as being effected by his medicine; it is unnecessary to say that Mr. NI. spurned the villanous of fer with indignation. Mr. M. coat be seen at his residence. Philadelphia, Dec. 2d47. Mr. J. IL Kenn', a gentleman well known in the city gives the following inihrrnation I wan trouble) with Si painful leg for about eighteen month, no dintresning nt times as to disqualify me front following my !tonn-its, and deprive me of sleep. I was Induced by a frteitil to make use of your Dm CCI4.EVA VrAs KT AIME PA. NACEA. My leg, at the time I commenced taking the Panacea. was much swollen and inflamed. with a large ulcer open. The leg is now entirely well." M,. Kensil resides at No. 125 south Eleventh street. Philadelphia, December 29., 1E49., - Arm Mary T. Cherles,a highly respectable lady living in Williamstown, New Jersey, had suffered about nine years with ULCERS on the leg. This attending Physi cians said nothing but amputation cold Mave tier fife. Reading the many astonishing cures performed by Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, she sent a friend to procure some of the 'medicine, but unfortu nately she missed the place rind got Into a Doctor's Offite, who represented his medicine as the PANACEA, and of which she took about twenty bottles, without benefit, before finding her mistake. Her Mend then call ed and procured Dr. Cullen's Panacea, and after using it nbotxt ten months, Mrs. Charles thus writes under the ' date of December 20,1867: Messrs. Rowand & Walton—Gentlemen—You request me to inform you how I am getting. I have. the pleasure of stating to you that my. health 11s good—l have a good appetite, and my leg,which it wawells thought would have to be taken off, is now entirely MARY MARY T. CHARLES. Further information may be obtained by calling upon Bice. Early, in Vernon street, below South. Messrs. Rowand & Walton—Gentlemen :—I cheerfully give you the particulars of a cure performed on me by your justly celebrated " Dr. Cullen•s Indian Vegeta ble Panacea." I have been afflicted with the "Terser" about ten years on my body and hands. It was exceed ingly troublesome and annoying. I tried Ointments. but without relief Last winter I procured some of your 1 Philadelphia Jldvertisements. Mr. CII7IaLICIMPS JUAN VEGETABLE PANACEA , We give below a Imla her of Certificates of Cures of Scrofula i r King's Evil. Tenor, Erysipelas, and Old Sores, which have been I cured in Philadelphia by the above most extraordinary MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. Thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Mercurial Diseases, Ulcers and Impurities of the blood, have been cured by this Panacea. The testi monials of which will be furnished in pamphlet form grans. ISAAC BROOKS' CASE. We the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac Brooks, .Tr.. at the office of Messrs. Rowand & Walton, 3:11 Market street, Philadelphia, consider-his case the most remarkablehne we have ever witnessed or heard of. His disenfie was Scrofula. and terrible must have been Ins twelve years' conflict with :he destroyer! His pal ate, the entire roof of his Muth, nose • upper lip. and low er lid ofthe right eye have been destroyed, las face near ] ly eaten up. and part of the jaw hone carried away. And yet we can give no description of his ease. Mr. U. :reins us that in January last, the whole inte rior of his mouth. as well as most of his face, was a mass of deep and painful ulcers! On the 14th of January last, lie commenced taking Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, checked the disease itt a few days. and from that nine the cure has progressed without intermission. New flesh has supplied the plat . , of the deep ulcers. and though badly disfigured, Ins face is sound, and his general health is restored. Sc are assured that in tile treatment of Mr. Brooks' lease. Ito Mereurtals. Ointments. or Caustic application , . have been used—in fact. the Panacea alone. has wrought this wonderful change. Plultp S. White. It.sq J. W. Jones, M. D. Rev. John Chambers, s 1 Steelling. M. D. Rev. A. 1). Gillette. Tajo ' bWg,.'lt.D. nev..s. Aiences, Rev. William Uric, S. Coles, M. D. Rev. E. Kincaid, Johns W. Ashmend, Esq. Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith. Esq. E. Guidon. Esq. L. A. Corley, Esq. And thousands of others equally respectable, whose names might be added if necessary. If there should be onz who still hesitates to use thus valuable medicine, or disposed to give the preference to any other, or yield to the advice of prejudiced physicians xor to use the PANACEA. we ask that one to read the fol lowing certificates. Mr. Caldwell a gentleman of res pectability and well IaIOWII in the lower part of the city, where lie carries on his business as a currier. Mrs. Foster is also well known as a respectable mem ber of the Ebenezer Psi. E. Church. We would remind the afflicted, that it is but a few weeks since we published TIIREE new certificates—here are two more.—ls there a medicine in existence that cures with the certainty that this does? We invite those who have any donlas to call upon Mr. Caldwell or Mrs. Foster, and they will have a much fuller account than can be given in a certificate. MEASLES. To ROWAND & WALTON-6 cuts. I with pleasure gave you a brief statement of the eras performed on my son by your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegeta ble Panacea. In the early part of last spring my little boy, about four years of age, had the measles badly, du ring Nvllich tune lie took cold. After the measles left him, his curs commenced discharging matter—his eyes became much inflamed and very sore I found his sight would he entirely destroyed. His head was literally cov ered with ,scabby ulcers, which extended over a consid erable portion of his face. We tried several remedies, but without benefit. I saw in the "Daily Sun" newspa per a cure perlormed on a child of Mr. Hopkins, by your Panacea, and inviting those interested to call on him. I did so, and became satisfied to give it a trial. The first bottle produced a decided change for the better. lie took four bottles and rile disease is completely mastered, and I have no fears of a return. I must say I was much opposed to patent medicines. as they are called—believed thorn to be catch-penny hum bugs—but my mind is changed. 1110 W believe your Pan acea to be the most valuable medicine ever introduced, and have no hesitation in recommending it to all who need a medicine of the kind. I remain gratefully yours, Sc. JOHN CALDWELL., 35G south i.'d street. ERYSIPELAS PIIILADELNUA, March 17th, 154,3 ROWAND .b WALTON, Gents.—For the benefit of the af flicted, and in gratitude to you, I cheerfully lODICC the fol lowing statement. About eleven years since a real spot made its appear ance upon my ankle. It did not trouble me for some years. About lour years ago it became inflamed and painful. I arts then informed it was Erysipelas. I procured some salve (rein Dr. S.. which spread the disease over my bo dy and head. My face Was so much swollen that I was blind. 1 then applied to Dr. Gardner—be gave tne some powders, which I look for sane time without any benefit, I was now suffering more Omit pen or tollglle COO describe —none can know anything of my sufferings unless they have been like afflicted. Mr. Chase, a particular friend of mine, had so much confidence in your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea, that he insisted on my giving it 11 trial. "Ha XNEW rr WOULD CUDD ME." At Ins request I called upon you. mid procured a bottle of the medicine, which gave me en couritgement to go on. I have taken six bottles. and am entirely well, and have been so for almost two years. I would say to all who need a purifying medicine of the kind, t• get it by all means," I believe it to be the best me dicine ever known. Years, truly, ELIZABETH C. FOSTER. South fid street, west side, 2d door above IVashington street. KING'S EVIL. SCROFULA, OR RING'S EVIL SCROFULA ERYSIPELAS. SCROFULOUS, AFFECTIONS. TETTEIR. Panacea; the itching WWI soon allayed ; and I hail takes the medicine but a short time when biles made their ap pearance on different parts or me body. When the biles disappeared the Teter went with them, and I sin now entirely well. I would certainly recommend the Pana cea to all who are similarly JOH afflicted. N W. lIAZLETON. MuWeal:till, Gloucester Co., N. J., April 17, 1317 Mr. Hazleton is a respectable farmer. and well known as a Temperance Lecturer and moral reformer, to the people of the lower counties of New Jersey. R. & W. Dr. Cer.t.o.x's PAN teas. sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietors, Rows:VD & WALTON, No. 376, .llszket and by their agents. R. Williams and W. A. Leader, Columbia; Jim Snwh and C. Hill, LATIMOPT : John A. Futhey and Evans & Lloyd. Wrightsville :.1. T. Anderson, Marietta. September 11. 1849.—1 y. A CEIR.TAIN PURE EOll. THE PILES. Dr. COLLIN'S INDIAN VEG El ABLE PILE-3 REMEDY is it domestic pa rat inn. which late been used with enure success for many years. Heine an internal medicine. it has a decided preference over outward opplication.l.which are but pai iatives and not curatives. Title medicine NCI, upon the diseased parts. Kadin:lna healthy action. and a PERMA NENT CURE—WHICH WE WARRANT or recited the MONET. Wholesale and retail by ROWAN!) & WALTON, Proprietors. No 376, Market street. Philadelphm• R. Vt'illiams and W. A. Lender, Columbia; J. T. An derson. Marietta ; J. S. Putney & Evans. and Lloyd, Wrightsville ; Janice Smith and 0. Hills. Lancaster. ■ept24B.2y , NO IVrll32Ctralr nR COPATIA. Dr. Cullen's Indian yytable a domestic preparation, Mop° -.entire ly...if roots—no balsams. no mercury. ar any other min eral, and very pleasant to the taste. Certain syphilitic complaints. in all their farms, cured In a veryfew days, if the medicine I. taken as directed. . . Prepared by ROW/ ND & WALTON, and sold whole rate and retail. at No 376 Market street. Philadelphia— R. Williams and W. A. Leader. Coltnbia; J. T. Ander son. Marietta; .1. S. Ftithey and Evans & Lloyd, Wrightsville ; lames Smith and G. Hills, Lancaster. sept2'4B-ly • • 'lv:, • MANUFACTORY. Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire CLOTH MANUFACTORY, No. 48, North Front street, Philadelphia. The subscribers continue to manufacture, of a superior quality. all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK, such as Sieves. Riddles, Screens, &c., for all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Brick dusts, &e. Founders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly on hand. _ . Also Safes, Wire Dish Covers. Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, ko. ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK. Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering, Flower Stands, Tminers, Trellis work for Grape Vines, ike.. le. Also,Wire Fencing of every description. tell Orders thankfully -t?; August 12, ISIS-3in ECONOMY TN LICH: The attention of purchasers is in vited to the extensive variety of MURPHY'S latest Improved SAFETY PINE OIL LAMPS. The construction and Improvements of these Lamps render them suitable for any purpose or place where arti ficial light is requlred ; the brilliancy and magnificence of which have not been equalled, and at ONWHALY Tux ax rENSE of any yet invented. They are perfectly free train any unpleasant odor. ALSO—A general assortment of Solar. Lard, and Oil Lamps. Fluid, Candelabras, Chandeliers, Hanging Lamps, for Churches, Stores, Hall Rooms. Factories, Hotels and Billiard Saloons, Lamps with shades, designed for reading, &c. All manner of Cos Fixtures, of every pattern, style and (Minh. listing every facility for manufacturing.. the under signed is prepared to sell. wholesale and retell. as muse as any manufactory in the United States, and the articles are warranted equal in appearance and construction to ally that can tic produced. Merchants and dealers will Gnd it to their advantage to call and examine the stock and prices, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. .M.SNUFACTORY, No. 101, N. Second Street. Philadelphia, July 10.1.9.-3 m I , 34 r 4=l WASDINGTON Gallery of D_aguerreotypes, No. North Second Strect,N.W. conierot Callow hill street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this well known establishment, for ONE DOLLAR, are uni versally conceded to be =lust. in every respect to ANT in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large a.,sortment of MEDALLIONS and LocKwrs Oa hand, at from $2 to Sr, including the pie illreS. The subkcribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan caster county, to cull and examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheerfully and without charge. T. At J. C. TENNENT. Philadelphia. July I. ISts.o-43m gqqPgPTlggq Pt4gllgzlgqqg NICOMIEIIIII3 READ this attentively. Dr. KEELER'S COMA and CARMINATIVE, for the speedy and permanent cure of DIA RRIKEA, DYSENTERY, CIIOLERAMORBUS, SUMMER COM PLAINT. CHIRAC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, FLATULENCY, dm., Re.; and for nil the deraugenamns of the Stomach and Bowelc IrOm TEETHING tryThris or THOUSANDS die annually from diseases of the Stomach and Bowels: In the face of this alarming mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted in mitigating suffering we Cannot prevent. Moro than rtes vim:skim persons to our knowledge were cured during the past summer; and we unhesitatingly say, that ninety nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is no mistake about this fact. and as a test of our sincerity and assertion, us a medical and responsible individual, we promise to rapid the amount paid in every well au thenticated case where it fails. Will you suffer, will you let your little ones suffer when you have at hand a reme dy like this. so potent in subduing disease. To doubting ones pv - Rearl what physicians, the press, and others say of the Cordial. [Extract of a letter from the Rev. Dr. Earle.] Bu:ks county, August 25, Mt Dear Sir :—I am now prepared to recommend your Cor dial from having used it with success in several instances ; and am now try ing your Panacea in a case of protracted debility, attended with rough. apparently produced in the young lady by her "out-growing bar strength," to use a commonplinue. yours, &c., At.rarm Esau.; at. D. a phrase. [Extract of a letter from Ebeneker Cook.] New York City, July 2D, 1907. Dr. Keeler: Sir—l have used in my family all of the Cor dial which you left with me last summer except two bot tles which I persuaded a customer of mine to Ley, and having proved very beneficial, he has recommended it to some of Iris friends, who wish to have some of it, I there fore wish you would send me some hy . express. lam satisfied from niy own experience that it is the beet medi cine for children Tnacruma and I.4mnsint Coterzaneni that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary for a recommendationis to try it. Very respectfully, Esimazza Cone, 294, Grand st. con . of Alley. This is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Keeler'. Cordial, and have found it a valuable medicine in diarrhwa, dys entery and all dcrangetnetts of the stomach and bowels, caused by Teel :Ling, and is particulorli , adapted to all dis cases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the debili; haling effects of season and climate. D. M. Atrasos, :u. it., Plum at., Phila. Dr. Keelefit Cordial.—We would cull tire attention of oar reader+ to this invaluable medicine, which will be found adverti.‘ed at length in our columes. As a correc— tive in cases of Eitarrhiru, &disease very prevalent at the. present time. it t.. highly . spoken of by all who have and it. It is prrti•rtly sale w its mature. and speak &Virzi- . menta lly, we ... tre soy that it affords immediate [NearoSatuntoy Cerene of August 23,1847. Dr. Kceler'a Cordial and Carminative,—TMs article is advertised in another part of our paper, it is warmly re. earnmended by families who have tried it. It is especi ally useful among children. and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the subject, some of which Is very strong. The Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully- perpared ' medicine, and perfectly free from any thing injurious.— [Pennsylvanian of September 1. 1947. Dr. Keeler:—Dear Sir—As it is our duty to use every honest means to promote the happiness of our fellow creatures, I take great pleasure in stating to you the ad vantage I received from your valuable:Cordial - mai Car minative. Lost autumn I was attacked with Diarrheas, which debilstated my system very much; for nearly three weeks I tried many remedies, butioand little or no bene fit when my daughter informed me of your Cordial. I bought a bottle, and had not taken but two doses before obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I used the whole of it; and have remained hearty ever since. Respectfully, yours, ht. Senn, a. D. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, N. W. comer of Third and South IL, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Ilanisbum • G. W. Miler, Lancaster l— aud retailed by R. WILLI AMS, Columbia, and by drug gists and others throughout the country. Price VIS cgs. per bottle. (17 . See namphiets...Ca 'Also, Dr. HEELER ' SPANACEA. the IMO ea* cations remedy yet known, for all diseases analog fray impurities of the Bloom, or habit of the body. • Ladles of delicate constitutions will find it admirably adapted to their cases. Medicine Awniabes nothing superior to it for chronic maladies, syphilitic dleorden, skin affections in debilitated . padents, attended With loss of appetite and imperfect digestion. Price EL See pamphlets for par. Oculars. For sale only-by IL WILMLAMS, Agent rot Columbia. Philadelphia; /une . 10.1114111. ly