THE SPY & REGISTER SATURDAY MORNING, Sept. 30,1848 AGENCIES. . . V. B. PALI:ma is duly au th orized to receive anhvcr/P -tone and adveruseinents for this paper. in tbe.eities of Philadelphia, New York, Balumore, and Boston, and reept therefor. K:. W. Cana, Philadelphia. tacos Wmariussi-ta, Lancaster city: ' %Ytt.malt A. PElRclit, Travelling agent. / • , Bkonca Priatr, No. 151. Slavin street, Nniv York. Wttataa I`nousov, 5,‘ E. Corner of Baltimore and South sweets., Baltimore, A' We are again obliged to ask •emr venders to excuse the Invited amount of reading matter in our paper this week. We will endeavor to male - *arrangements to give more in future. In the meantime we would direct their attention to our new advertisements, which we hope, in the absence of something better, will interest them somewhat, and may give them information which will prove to be of more advantage than forty newspapers as large u the side of our office, filled with love tales, and gossiping' about nothing, and political elan• • ders, &c. ILTWe have been requested to state that on the evening of Friday, the 6th of October next, Thad deus. Stevens, Esq., and other distinguished orators will address the friends of Taylor and Johnston, at -the Town Ha, in Columbia. Ell'We have been requested to state that Col. Wm. Bigler,Geo. W. Barton, Esq., Geo. C.Collins, Esq., John W. Forney, Esq., and other distinguish ed. speakers will address a meeting of the friends of Can, Butler, Lungstreth, &c., at the Town Hall, this evening. Otto Bavristoat Anvicansastercrs.—Through the its:Num of Mr. Thompson, several of the best deal 'era in Baltimore have laid before the readers of the Spy, their claims to patronage. Hamilton Easter, ty Co., they of the finest and moat elegant establishment in the Monumental City, have given such an outline of their business, that we shall only direct strangers to their store.— If you want to find them, " follow the crowd." The Niagara Shower Bath.—Mr. E. Larrabee, No. 24, South Calvert St., manufactures this truly useful article, possessing advantages over any other bath we have ever seen. The streams are projected upon the neck—obviating the difficulty which has rendered shower baths so unpopular, among pa tients of delicate and nervous habit; and the shower is continued at the pleasure of the bather. The bath is a very respectable piece of furniture, which none who have tried it, would be without.— Those desirous of doing so, can examine a sped men at our residence. Price $2O. E. F. Hunt is authorized to act as agent for this vicinity.—A serious accident occurred on 5..1. atrday morning last, at the Railroad in Lancaster. William Everdink, a German, who resides in this place, and is now in the employ of Mr. Thomus Baumgardner, Cool Merchant of the city of Lan. caster, Lad his arm so badly crushed as to render amputation necessary. The operation was sue. cesafully performed near the shoulder joint, by Drs. H. E. Muhlenbcrg and Elder. The patient, - we learn, is doing well. Another.—Mr. Greenawalt, Despatcher on this end of the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, was run over by a horse the other day, at the basin and considerably injured, though not dangerously . Another StiU.—Yesterday tiporning a horse, at- tached to a butcher's wagon from Wrightsville, took fright below our office and ran up Front street at full speed, leaving the bed of the wagon on the rail' road track in front of our door, and the running gears farther up on this of the street. No person Injured. Several dogs got a good breakfast by the accident. FINC.-A new two story frame dwelling house, afloat° in the outskirts of the town, near the Union Pike, and belonging to Daniel Underhill, was entire. ly destroyed by fire on Wednesday last. We have not been able to learn the cause of the fire. The house was not quite ready to be inhibited, and is a serious loss to the owner. YORK AID COURSALAND RAILROAD!--We learn that at the election held on Saturday last, the fol lowing named gentlemen were elected ofieera of this company by a unanimous vote: President—Thomas C. Humbly, of York Directors—George M. Gill, William B. Duvall. and Adam Denmead, of Baltimore; John Hough, George Criat, and Samuel Small, of York. The Company being thus organized, we learn that the road will now proceed to a speedy com pletion. =I FIRL ON THE PORTAGE RAILROAD. -711C Pitts burgh mere state that on Friday morning last the engine houses at the plane No.S were discover ed to be on fire, and before any assistance could be rendered they were burned down, rendering both the stationary engines et that place useless for the present. This will of course stop operations at this point for a few days, probably six or eight at farthest. In the meantime arrangements have been made to wagon goods, passengers, baggage, &e. round the plane. The cause of the fire is not known. Five cars belonging to Bingham's Line, Mailed with dry goods and groceries, were con temned, es also six bloom ears. == FROM ATRICA.—The British brig Beam arrived at Now York on Saturday, from Sierra Leone, Au gust 1. She brings information that four slave ves sels had been captured, condemned and burnt at that placc.—A brig, name not known, prize to H. M. Brig Alert, had SOO slaves; the Waterwitcb. 472 do; the Brig Sea Lark, 561 do; all Brazilians: Spanish Nebr. Bonilla, none. IrrThe Pieayane says that a messnge was re ceived in New Orleans 011 the 1211) instant,by ttm Atlantic Telegragh, which came through from Waahington in one hour and twenty minutes. irrWe are obliged to omit several advertisements this week. They will appear again next. EUTwogentleman lately travelled from St. Loois Ito Baltimore in 73 hours—a distance of 800 miles. ebe thorl abroab. atisccUntoio 310n5.1', SEVEN DAYS LATER FRON EUROPE.: The steamer Acadia, Capt. Stone, with Liver pool dates to the 9th inst., arrived at Boston Sat allay afternoon. We give the following summa- War the news. - THE STEAMER UXITED STATC3.---The steamer United States, Captain Backstair, was compelled to put back to Southampton, on, atecoant MI an,acci dent to her condenser. Lamearom. GRAIN Maa=r, Mgr 9, The Grain Market has declined to nearly the extent of its re cent advance. Corn was galling at 335. to 345• per quarter ; Flour at 32a. 6d. to 34s per barrel. The following is from Wilmer & Smith's Times dated Liverpool, Sept. 9th : "The fine weather and temporary settlement of the dispute between Germany and Denmark, has had a favorable effect and produce being abundant, prices of grain have receded. The news from the Manufacturing Districts is encouraging. ENGLAND.—The Queen opened Parliament in per son on the sth, and immediately afterwards depart ed for Scotland. IRELAND.—Ireland continued tranquil, the State trials not having been resumed yet. Faance.—Lamartinc has published a defence against the charges made against him, in conse quence of which General Cuvaignac has been com pelled to deny any intention of suppressing the Coustitutionnel. This journal and La Preset have resumed their fierce attacks against the Govern ment. The latter even wages war against the Re public. despite General Cavalgnao's declaration not to allow the Republic to be impeached. The Buoimpartists are moving to elect Louis Na poleon to the Presidency. The disturbances in the Provinces continue in consequence of the extraordinary tax of 45 cent imes imposed by the Provisional Government. The French Government on the 7th received des. patches from Arno, the Minister at Berlin, offi cially announcing Austria's acceptance of the me ditation of France and England, in the settlement of the Italian question. A sharp correspondence has taken place between Gen. Cavaignec and Changerier, on acccunt of a defection of the National Guard, only e small por tion of each division appearing on the Sunday pa. rades. Ledru Rollin is preparing to start a new paper in opposition to La Reform. ITALY.—Accounts from Italy represent the whole country to be greatly excited• Tumults had ocour red at Genoa and at Leghorn. The difficulties that had taken place at Rome have been suppressed. At Turin, on the 24 inst., the Austrians having enforced a contribution of 40,000 florins on the ci tizens, payable in four hours, and the AIM not being forthcoming commenced to pillage the city. The inhabitants, encouraged by the patriotic defence of Bologna, rung the tocsin and commenced a fearful battle, assisted by women and children, who Threw furniture out of the windows on their heads. The Austrians in the country hurried to their as sistance and the result of the struggle was not known. SCIILESSWIG AND HOLSTETN.—Schlesswig and Holstein have refused to acknowledge the Armis tice concluded by Prussia for the Getman Confed- cration. The Blockade of the Elbe and lids have been raised since the .5(11. The Prussia and Baltic ports are also free. AN ANCIENT PRESS.—The Leonard Town, Md., claims to have the oldest printing press in Mary. land. /Is statement runs thus :—But few of our readers arc aware, we expect, that the press upon which our little sheet is printed, is the oldest now in use in the United States, and probably in the world. Yet such is a fact. The press now in use by us has been in almost constant service for more than a hundred years Upon it was first printed 4, 771 e Maryland Gazdte," the earliest paper print. ed in the Province of Maryland, and one among the very first in America. Upon it, also, was printed the first volume of the laws of Maryland that ever appeared. It is constructed somewhat on the Rammage principle, and requires three pulls, though two were originally sufficient, to produce a goad impression. It is truly a venerable object and has afforded us matter for many an hour's pleas. ant reflection, and we shall be sorry, very sorry, indeed, when the time arrives for it to be removed from the place it has so lung occupied in our office. =l2 It is said that in 1804, according to the best es. timate That can be obtained, there were in existence only about 4,000,000 copies of the Bible. Now there are more than 30,000,000. In 1804 the Bi. b le bad been published in only 48 or 49 languages; in 1848 it existed in 136. In 1804 it was access'. blc in languages spoken by about 200,000,000 of men ; in 1847 it existed in tongues spoken by 600,. 000,000. During the last year 1,419,283 copies were issued by the British and Foreign Bible Soci eties alone-400,000 more than any year before, except 1845. The Chinese Repository contains a list of Prot estant Missionaries to the Chinese, 67 in number, of whom 13 are stationed at Hong Kong, 13 at Canton, 9at Amoy, 6 at Puchan, 9 at Ningpo, 15 at Shanghai, and 2in Siam. Of the whole num. ber, 43 aro supported by American Missionary So. oldies. 19 by English, two by a Missionary Society in China, 2 by a Swiss and two by a German Mis sionary Society. In this list the families of mis sionaries are not included. The new Synagogue in King street,Canterbury, England, is being erected on the site of the ancient house of the rodoubted Koight•Templars, once the unrelenting- foes of the persecuted Israelhes, but now themselves swept from the face of the earth, together with their house, which has thus given place, in the lapse of ages, to so singultrr a rever sion. rrAccoonts from Constantinople announwhe occurrence of a dreadful fire in tbst capital, Mach destroyed property to gle amount 0f.C800,000 star ling. RErrrs ttr Psals,—There , are at OMB tune,'earlY 5,000 leneinents to be let;iii Paria4:prinuiPally at the high prices of k5OO 141;2500 6,11111C1P. ' ,PI the boulevard Beau Marwale:Mere areihirty-five!'new ly finished houses, which do ; not contain- in all thirty-five inhabitants, Ice. "than and to a house. A house in the Rue de Baune, bri'oging 3000 francs a year. recently put, up at public sale for 35,000 francs, found cid purchaser. It appears, from the Roman Catholic Directory, that the total number of Roman Catholic churches and chapels in England and Wales is 545 ; .is Scot land, 85. Of Catholic colleges, there are, its Eng land, 10. 01 Missionary priests, in England and Wales, there are 707. The American Baptist Board have now under appointment aix additional missionaries, one of whom has gone to join the Ojibwa mission, and the remaining five expect to sail the present fall for different stations in Asia. One of the Secretaries of the London Society for the promqtion of Christian Knowledge, stated et its last meeting, that the issue of books, tracts, &c., during the past year had been, as follows : Bibles, 129,942 New Testaments, 90,850 Common Prayers, 287,372 Other Bound Books, Tracts, Lee., 3,646,934 There is at present, says the N.E.Putitan, a considerable degree of religious interest in several churches in Boston. It has • been in, progress, in some, during the warm season, and under what are considered the most favorable circumstances•—lts fruits are such, as well as the mode in which it has proceeded, as to leave no doubt that the Holy Spirit has visited his people. II:TA beautiful Hebrew Synagogue was conse crated in Cincinnati last week. The Jews num ber about 3,000 in that city, and have three Syn agogues. Er' le Mormon Temple, at Nauvoo, has not ac tually been purchased for a Protestant Theological Seminary, as was reported, but only the refusal of it obtained, with a view to raise the means of pur chase among "Christians residing at the East." 12rIt is said, that on the suggestion of Prince Albert, the new two shilling pieces are to be called florins. These coins will shortly be issued. 10 - A letter states that the wife, children mother and sisters of the patriot Mitchel, are about to come to this country. OrThe French army actually on foot amounts• according to Gen. Lamoricie re, to 548,000 men. The estimated expense of the War Department for the year is .125;233,224f. 0..74 - The New York Star predicts that the great est free black tcritory on our continent, will br found, in time, in Upper Canada. The Baptist mission at Ningpo, China, distribu ted in the year 1847, 95,000 pages of Tracts and Scriptures. In 1802, Pittsburg contained a log church and a few huts. It now has 100 churches, 125 clergy men, and 100 Sabbath schools. The Synod of New Jersey will meet at Wilkes. barre, Pa., on the 18th of October. Dr. Pomeroy, of Bangor, lies been chosen Sec. rotary of the American Board of Missions, in the placed( the Rev. Mr. Greene, resigned, The Annual Convention of the New York Dio. crap will assemble on Wednesday next, in St. John's Chapel, in the city of New York. It is ex. peeled there will be some discussion on the subject of appropriating funds for the support of the sus. pended Bishop ; and also on the question of admit. ting colored churches into the convention. CONNECTION OF IDEAS. -A facetious old lady, de scribing the rambling sermons of her minister, said : If his text had the small-pox, his sermon would never catch it." An exchange says there have been many defini. Lions of a "gentleman," but the prettiest and most poetic is that given by a girl in New York :—" A gentleman," said she, "is a human being, combi. ring a woman's tenderness with a mares courage." Is your children have a cough, be sure to take them to some church on Sunday, where the coal gas will bring out the full strength of their lungs. A constant barking may keep awake some of ,the sleepy sinners. "Tom," said a drunkard to his friend, " where shall I find the poor linen'? I should like to see it." " My dear friend, continue in your present course a short time longer, and you will not need to ask the question," was the pointed reply. TAKING IT EASY.-A traveller in England observ. ing a peasant at work, and seeing that he was to. king it remarkably easy, said to him— "My friend, you don't appear to sweat any ?" "why, no, master, six shillings a week glint sweating wages." Goon MANNIM—Good manners arc the blossoms of good sense, and, it may be added, of good feel ing, too; for, if the law of kindness be written in the heart, it will lead to that disinterestedness in little as well as in great things—that desire to oblige, and attention to the gratification of others, which is the foundation of good manners. GETTING , OVER A DIITICULTY.—A countryman once brought a piece of board to an artist, with the request that he would paint upon it St. Chris. topher as large as life. "But." returned the artist, •'that board is much to small for that purpose." The countryman looked perplexed at this unexpee. led discovery. "That's a bad Job," said he ; " but lookee sir, ye can let his legs hang down over the edge of the board." 33According to the census of the Isthmus of Panama taken in consequence of the treaty con. eluded between the United States and New Grana da, it contains 132,208 inhabitants and 71 villages. Il3"The Liverpool Times states that with a view of putting a stop to the practice of palming copies for originals, a plan is in agitation for registering every picture that may be painted, and for affixing thereto a registration mark or stamp. THE UPPER AND LOWEis.!.. ::CLASSZS or SOCIETY.— Upon what - does this diitinction depend? Na ture is saidio be harmonious in all of her.iaws of production;,--The sa me parent treealways produces the same kind of fruit. The same class of quad rupeds alivays keep their dentity l in their tiffspring, and the [Annan family bylniture seem to follow the same rule, unless a voluntary change is effected by acts of the parentage. But in countries that stand prominent in the world, and give customs, habits and social laws to civilization, we behold monstro sities developing themselves. In the same family we see the oldest made a noble, a lord, a king, while the younger drop down to an inferior grade, and are known only as the lower classes; in the so cial scale. This, we know, depends upon human law, upon conventional agreement. Our ancestors, when they fled from oppression hosed upon such monstrosities, undertook to disenthral themselves, and began at once in the free woodsof wild Amer. ica, to talk about equality, equal rights to all men. And when nor government was instituted, we see the same spirit standing out in bold relief, in the bold declaration that no rank of nobility shall be allowed in a country where all men are born free and equal. In those days, men and women claimed to be, and felt that they were brothers and sisters in the great human family, and were ready to fra ternize, and live together as such under the spread. log branches of the tree of liberty that they plant• ed for their protection. But we degenerate eons and daughters of that no. ble.initidcd ancestry, have spurned their rich legs. cy, and feel most proud in displaying our own choice in borrowed characters of apes. America now has no nationality of character or manners, but is aping the habits and customs and manners and sentiments of others, whom our f.ithers and mothers in the infancy of this Republic, despised and abhorred as (teapots and tyrants. We now be. gin to divide society, and upon what grounds? Upon the same as they do in the countries we are aping—upon external circumstances, such as birth and wealth ! A young moan by chance gets wealth— gets married, and commences housekeeping with a wife who must sustain the dignity of their station ; his brother is a plain laboring man, and when the table is spread with the dainties and luxuries of aristocracy, the brother "must wait until the second table, as workmen ought not to sit at the same ta ble with people of true refinement !" ft is a most shameful and despisable fact, that people in our country arc making fools of them selves, simply because others have done so, and made the masses of society bow down and say that they are gods, and we will worship them on ac. count of their gold ! There are as many in Amer. lea to bow down and worship golden calves, as there were among the old larnenies, in the days of their folly and degeneracy- We have no objection to gold or wealth, but have an objection to its being made the test of distinction among men, or a des. pontiff) to crush down and trample over human nu ' lure with all the tender sensibilities and refined sympathies that live and burn in the soul and heart of many a person in the ranks of the poor! We most sincerely believe in an aristocracy of society—but we want a rational, humane, elevated one—one that is based upon good deeds, instead of money—where persons shall be exulted for their works, mental, moral, and physical ! The working classes, the honest, intellectual, moral, and humane, are the true nobility in the sight of common sense of Heaven.—" Let him that would be greatest," said the great Regenerator of the human family, "serreat meat." Let him do something that is generous, good, great, sublime in its character, and he shall be esteemed as great 7 IVe arc totally heart sick with the follies of this nation, and iu this day of revolution, we call upon the laboring classes, who are downtrodden and die. piscd, to arise, unit with a manly spirit, take an elevated stand, cultivate the mind, that the true impulses of humanity may beam forth with all their native lustre, and maintain the rights to which nnturc and nature's God entitle you!—Spirit of F 5 eedom. 4,164,428 GA 311ILINO.—.The arduous and perilous work of opening the eyes of the community to the horrible mysteries of Gambling was commenced some years since by J. 11. Green. who in boyhood and destitute orphanage had been forced by seeming necessity into a.soriation with gamblers, had been initiated into and ultimately become nn adept in their nefa. rions arts, and had thus aided in bringing many to ruin. At length disgusted, penitent, and self oh. horring, he forsook the guilty craft, made restitu. tion of his plunder. PO Ihr as he was able, united with a Christian Church, and commenced the work of opening the eyes of the nnintinted to the swind ling nature of the games, ostensibly of chance, by which gamblers despoil their Victims.--Having been some time engaged in the manufacture and sale of Playing Cards, lie knows and can prove that they arc almost or quite never honestly made— that the manufacturer is nearly always an necom. plice of the gamblers, and that all his cards are pri. vately marked so that he who has paid for the marking and procured them to be put in the market at low rates in order to force their sale and general use, can at all time. distinguish, by n glance at the backs, either the whole or all those most important in the genie he professes to play. Then, boxes from which cards arc dealt in the game styled Fare (a very common game ott which thousands after thousands are daily staked and quickly lost) are full of fraudulent devices, whereby the banker or dealer is enabled to give himself the winning cards whenever he thinks fit to do so. Add to this the immense advantages which an eye and a memory trained to incredible feats, whereby the thorough gambler knows from a glance the relative position of each card; a sense of touoli so exquisite tint he can soon distinguish each card by the edge alone; and a slight of hand so amazing that be can deal with apparent fairness to each player around the board precisely such u hand as he chooses. Thus, as between the practised gambler and the novice or honest player there is no fragment of chance hut a simple game of plunderer and plundered. Ho who plays with a gambler has no more chance of winning in the than in an attempt to dig gold from the drifting sand, or distil it from the waters of the ocean. Mr. Green has steadily pursued for years the work of exposing Gambling throughout those sec. lions, where the vice is most prevalent; and hip representations have induced the Legislatures of several States to pass stringent and effective laws for its suppression. Ho has just planted himself on our City, fur a determined campaign.—N. Trib. une. The Catskill Mountains were whitened with Snow on Saturday morning last, which had Wien the previous night. Moro Some Tostinion—.-41s. Sarn W FOWL; Sir: A sell. 01 gratitude to you, and of duty to the pub lic, prompts me to make the following statement. which. if of any service to you, is entirely at your disposal. It may have the effect to induce some other sufferers to make a trial of your invaluable medicine, which I can truly any, has literally snatched me front the grave, to which I was filet hastening. Last July I was attacked by a sudden cold, which resulted inn very severe cough, with violent pains in the side and chest. From that time I began to **mete away, notwithstanding I was tinder the treatmeut of skilful physicians. They prescribed for me in vain. I became so much reduced that soy'friends frankly told me that I must die. and that I was liable to do so at any hour. At this crisis ! heard of Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry, by way of a neighbor, whose bfe had been saved by it., and immediately sent kr a bottle. The effect produced was indeed wonderful. My physi cian, one of the most respectable men in Boston, who had previously told me that a cure was hopeless, came in and I informed him what 1 had taken, and told him the good effects I had experienced. He examined the Bai lie/74 and told me to continue the use of it; since which time I have continued to improve daily; and the same physician who had given me up entirely, told me a few days since, that I might yet live for many years. I feel that I aim now recovered, and gaining strength everyday. MARY ROWE. No. 48 Union street, Boston, April 18, 1846. We can .cheerfully testify to the truth of the above statement. Mrs. Rowe having been an inmate of our fam ily for some months past. WILLIAM DENNET. MARTHA BENNET. ' For sale by SETH W. FOWLE, General Agent, 138, Washington Street. Boston; Axle. For sale by R Witaissrs, Front Street Columbia, Pa. IIZTIn the Austrian meditation the sovereignty of Lombardy was insisted on ; no conditional tertiary was ceded to Austria. A liberal constitution is promised to Milan. Dr• Swavner COMPOUND STRUT. OF WILD CDEICRY. AN IMPORTANT LETTER Read the following letter from Wm. Shaw, a respects- Lle Druggist in Wilmington, N. C., a gentleman of un doubted veracity, in whose word the most implicit confi dence may be placed, another proof of the superiority of DR. SWAYNVS COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD GUMMY, in curing Coughs. Colds, Cossustprio:v. Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lungs and Breast. Witatmoroy, N. C.. Jan. 5. 1846. Most Extraordinary:Work.—The Married Wo man's PRIVATE. MEDICAL COMPANION. by Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, Professor of Diseases of IVoinnn, Sixth Edition. 161 no. pp. «50. Prim.: $l. 4sooUcopies sold in three months! Years of suffering, of physical and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and pecuirianry difficulty to the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses sion of tlais work. . . Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother. the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, to every compinint to which her sex is subject. COPIES WILL BE SENT BY MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. - - Over ten thonsand copies have been scat by mailw•ithin three months, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar, the Married IVoinan's Private Medical Companion" will he sent (mailed free) to any part attic United States. All letters mast be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Mauriecau, Box 1224, New York City. Publish ing oillee, 1'22,, New-York. The "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. For sale at the Spy Office. Colninbus, Pu. New-York, May 2.0, I`,l2—lin Black Spots on the Skin. During the summer season, we trequently meet with persons who lire sorely annoyed with black spots about the sumo(' a pin's head, Just under the lining of the ourrace—the•e spots are truly annoying, and repulsive in appearance; they are nothing more or less than dust, tile skin being warm and the perspiring freely. the duns, clogging op Ilse duets of the sebaceous glands, their oily secrettons Is not given off, and, consequently, a cheesy deposit Is the result; this becomes rancid and turns black. disfigures the com plexton, and often Inhumes and suppurates. Let Rad way's snap be freely need, absorption will take place, and The spota will speedily disappear. Alen. if Radwny' s soap was made use of as a toile: snap through the day, these emitn and other annoying excrescences would met trouble Rnilway's Snap, ankle from its medicinnl properties, is a delicious Toilet steep of very excellent and superior make. Unlike soaps of the common mode of manufac ture, sorb as scented fancy snaps, and soaps made from common brown soap, or pale yellow sn,.p, strongly seat ed with essential ode to tilde the disagreeable smell of the alkalies. Radwny's Soap is mode of the purest ma terials. instead of common grease or tnilow.,l,e purest oils from the olive mid other oleagmone plants are need for its sapnnacenus qualities. Another great and good quality in Radway'a Soap is, that it will not irritate or inflame the skin ;—most soaps, on account of their Im pure qualities and the lack of skill in their menu fncture. not °illy irritate the tender cutmule, but actually pro duce eruptions: Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to get Railway's Soap in all its purify, call on 11. Wtxxxxvs. and Wm. A. Cream, Columbia. and Zuhin & Jackson, in Lancaster. Ruch cake of the genuine, must be signed R. 0. Hurl war J.& IL G. RADWAY, 2 Courtlond Si.. N. Y. septlll42-lm Philadelphia Daguereotype Establishment —Excitxxsu, 3d story, Rooms 25-37.—Daguereotype Por traits of all sires, either singly or in family groups, col ored or without colors, are taken every day, in any wea ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintings, Statuary, may also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to examine specimens. W. h F. LANGENIIEIM. Columbia Retail Provision Market. Flour, $5 00 a 5 50 Wheat, 1 10 a 1 20 Rye, 66 a 69 Corn, ' 44 a 46 Oats, 28 a 31 Hanle, 8 a 10 Dried Beef, 123 a 14 Butter, 15 a 181 Eggs, 10 a 121, Potatoes, 35 a 37 Beef; 6 a 8 Veal, 5 a 64 Flour—ss 37 a 5 50 for good old Mock Penna and Western, and 85 75 for good Ireab ground; Rye flour 94 00 a 4 12 ; Corn meal 92 87,1 a 3 00. Grain—Wheat 31 10 a 1 20 for good Penn; Rye 69 a 70 for Penn ; Corn 65 a 66 for yellow Penn. Iron—Penna Pigs 23 a 27 per ton for Anthracite, and 925 a3O for Forgo and Foundry Metal. Bar Iron ranges from 970 to 75, and Blooms $55 to 70. Lumber—The supplies are increasing. Cargo sales of Yellow Pino Boards at 915 a 16 per AL; Susquehanna , $ll a 15; Hemlock Joists, 97 a 7 50; Scantling 97 a 8. = LittiniAre in fair demand, with sales of 150, 000 Eastern at $1 20 a 1 25 per M. The Sour market at the clove was firm. after an active demand at easier 'rates; sales at 85 25. Sales of white wheat at 81 16 a 1 20, and red wheat 81 08 a 1 11; oats 28 a 30. TIE above reward will be paid to any person who brings the author of the report in circulation stating that I had several hundred dollars' worth of the goods in my store, which were taken from the car that Wan burned below Mountville on the night of the 16th of this month : or to any person who can prove that I was in any way concerned, directly or indirectly, in taking away one cents' worth of the said goods. D. W. WITMER, ID — Men who raise such reports against their fellow men-in order to weaken them in the estimation of the pub lie, deserve the condemnation of every good citizen in this commtmay. D W. W. Sept. XI, IS4o--11 DR. SIWAYNE—Dena SIA:—You will please send me twelve Boren, or more, as you see fit. of your Stave OF WILD CIIERRT. From bales to-dayHulse but a half do zen on hand; the sales are rapidly increasing and will. I have no doubt, continue to do so. An acquaintance of mine called a few days ago to say be would give me a certificate of its good etTects. Ile to from the country, and a minister in the Methodist Church. Shortly after obtaining the agency, I prevailed upon him to try n bottle though I doubted whether any benefit would be derived. for be, as well as myself, thought his case was confirmed Consumption; in tact every symptom was indicative.— Shortly after, he wrote to me to send him four or five bot tles mon'. Ile came to town last week. I will quote his own language: said ho, "I sin a new man. and I consider it a duty I owe to the public, to tell what Dr. SWII)IIC'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry has done for me." I will publish his certificate, and as he is generally known all over our section, I expect good results from it. WWI every feeling of respect. yours truly. WM. SIIAW. Letters such as the above arc daily received from all parts of the country, but we publish this as one of the niany proofs of its efficacy. Avoid all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that bearing the written signature of Dr. Swayne, as they are most likely quite destitute of the article from which they borrow a name. The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by Dlt. SWAYNE, corner of Eighth and Race eta., aid for sale by ageimi in all parts of the United States, and some parts of Europe. Sold by WAL A. LEADER, Columbia, arid Dr. A. 11. DARNITZ, York, Pa. „Aug. 12, 1898 —St. . . It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage. as it discloses important secrets which should be known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness, af fluence.' . . . The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters to the author will attest. - vi,l)e illarkets. Retail Lumber Market. COLUMBIA, Friday Sept. 30, 1848. Inferior Cull Boards and Grub Plank, 8 8 00 Culling 11 00 2d Common •• 16 00 Ist Common 22 00 Pannell 30 00 Hemlock Scantling, 9 00 Pine Scantling, from 14 to 18 00 Plaster Lath, 2 to 2 2.5 Shingles, 8 to 14 00 PHILADELPIIIA. Sept. 30, 1848 BALTIMORE Sept. 30, 1848 $lOO REWAUD. Opening This Day, ANOTHER splendid lot of FALL AND WINTER STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, to which w•e would respectfully invite the attention of the public gene rally, and the ladies in particular. Sept:3o-1f FRY E. SPANGLER• NOVICE ALL persons Indebted to the subscriber for suqscription to the Columbia Spy, advertising. and. Job work, are requested to make payment of the asme'to. Gco. W. Schroyer, who is duly authorized to receipt thereto:. C. WF.'TBROOK. Columbia, rcpt 30, 1318. MCLASSES, and COFFEE. , The subscriber has just received and offers for sale 25 hogsheads of N. Orleans SUGAR. 6 hogsheads Sugarhouse MOLASSES, and SO bags tho COFFEE. F. S. BLETZ. ]D — constantly on hand a large assortment of all kinds of well seasoned LUMBER. Columbia, Sept 80, 1846. A GOOD asssorttneta just received and for sale very 1 - 1 low, at • .1. D. t.l. WRIGHT'S Alpaca Lustros. % VERY fine assortment or Plain, Plaids. end Stripes at ltncts. and upwards, at J. D. &J. witmwrs M-71 OF LETTERS remaining in the P. 0. for the quarter ending Sept.:3ll, 161 S. Persons inquiring for letters will please mention it they UM advertised. Altinger Joho Ammumin Jesse C Bard Philips, Widow Benedich Benjamin Bailer Tobias flasslnger Peter Blakey Wm Barfield S It Urnbacker-I C Blake Mary Bartle Benjamin Bowen E Coats Margaret 2 Creswell Win S Coughlin Michael Charles Mary bliss 2 Carter James Conrad Elias Columbia P 0 Davis Milton Dorsey Sarah Demurs John D tly James Draper Mr Davis 51 Erbe Barthel Eisenberger Samuel Evans dr. Mayer Eancklin Henry Fisher John \V Feiger George F French Casslab Fullerton Robert French James AI Fisher.lnhn Finier Mr 0 Fecher Oliver Grubb Aaron Gallaher Ann Miss Green James Gabagan Greatly j u mp. Grattan William Garber Ann Mum !fall George Basler Joseph !feller Abraham Mellor Joseph llalpin Jrtmes Hoppe Christian Helier John St Hauser Frantz Hall Washington Hollingsworth 1113 Kreider Mary Ann Kauffman Nancy Koun Elizabeth Mrs Kingsbury Almerin E Law James 9 Lyle Samuel Columbia, 5ept.:30,1145. Lindsey A M Loney Robert Lynch Samuel ' Lechler Henry Landis Christian W Lutz Samuel McGill James Miller Jacob B Illarkly Fred N'eNaughtin James 2 Marriott James' C McDonald Cap Mehl hart( Peter McCullough Sarah Miss Myer Gulllp Macondat Eliza Miss Morse. Simon McCandless Peter Masky Henry Newell James R Phillips William Phillips Clark B Ruffee John Robinson Samuel Reed Mary Ann Ramler Michael Reynolds W F Major Rinehart] John • Rose John Roach George Riedlinuaer John Reynold. John M Rhine David Seichrildi Adam deatner Henry Stock Barbara Mies Snyder POMP Slawk Mary Mrs Stover Frederick Steineack Banton] Sweeny Susan 2 Snyder Simon Shoenberger & allaying Swarr Ann Miss Schneider Christiann Thomas Elizabeth 2 Trump Stirs,' Thompson Samuel Thomas Mi. rennet Thompson. 11 A • Weaver Samuel Wolf Edward Walters Mary Wolfindun homas Weller John S Weimer Christian Wallets Joseph \Vitoria Rocked! Weir. George Yardly & Son G. G. CLAIBORNE, F. M GOLD - DENS, Pen Holders and Pencils. G. kE. N. (late of the firm of A. G. liugley & C 0..) man ufacturers of Gold Pens. Pen holders and Pencils, N 0.16 Maiden Lane, New York. We, the subscribers offer to the trade. and the public generally. our different styles of Gold Pens, which are warranted against all imperfections by fair usage, and al so to be superior in every respect to any others mode l/acing increased facilities formanufacturtng, we are de termined that no pen shall be delivered from our estab lishment unless it is perfect. We also keep constantly on hand our supe-mor (told Pencils, and Pencils with Pen. which we are enabled to offer at the lowest rates. All or ders addressed to the subscribers, will be carefully and promptly attended to. G. & }t. M. SDI IT/ I. :tent. ccc No Id Maiden Lane, N. Y. Election Notice. Columbia Bank & Bridge Co., Sept. 27,16'48. An Election for thirteen directors of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, will be held at the Banking Ilouse, in Columbia, on ‘Wednesday, the Sth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A. M.. and 4 P. hi SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier. Irr The United States Gazette, of Philadelphia; Lan caste-flan and Union & Tribune, of Lancaster, will insert the above as heretofore. ' sepao'4B-6t WAGON MAKING. T HE subscriber takes leave to inform the citi zens of Columbia and vicinity, that he has again commenced the business al - Wagon Making and repairing. at his old stand, at the conjunction of Locust and NValnut streets. and the road leading to the Ore Mines. Being well provided with timber of all sizes and quality, he is prepared to do all kinds of work—from a heavy Road Wagon to lighter ones or various kinds. Baying had a long experience in the business, he re spectfully asks a liberal share of the patronage of his old customers, as well as of the community in general. JAMES STANDLEY. Columbia, sept. 30,1848.-6 t NOTICE ALL persons are hereby forewarned that I will pay 110 debt's whatever of my wife. June's, contract log, she having left my bed and board without any cause. his WILLIAM le: APEIOLD. mark Wan e es It. HAMILTON. COI ttttt bin Sept. 30.1.919-11 NIGUT QCHOOL. The subscriber intends opening a 1..) NIGHT SCHOOL, in his school room. on Monday evening next, the :sth inst., for the instrue.ion of both sexes. in the various branches of an English education. Great facilities will be afforded to those who desire a thorough knowledge of English Grimmer. Terms mod rate. L.. 1. RIIOADS. Columbia, September 23, 1545.-tt Cloths and Cassimeres. T.atbserdicrs respectfully in Vile the :mention of their 1 friends and the public to their FAL!. STOCK of of FIIENCII mid ENGLISH CLOTHS it. CASSINIERES Just received. among whirls nre sonic styles of Fancy Goods—French blacks, Woes, de.. at reduced prices. J. IL d J. WRIGHT. Columbia, Septemberl6, 1840. Don't be too late!! TlMthe very cheap Flannels now sellmg. with a rush _l2 at ]mete. per yard, at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Prints VF ever' description of the new FALL styles,jost re vetve nt J. D. &J. WIIIGHrs. 0. W. BILIM11)21, 1 EMMET TAILOR, Front street, Comm- Ma. Pa., respectfully announces to the citizens of Columbia and the public generally, that he has just returned from New York, with a choice selection of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and SILK and FANCY %%ST INGS, of the very latest style of pattern, and best quali ty of material, which he will be happy to make up, in a manner that cannot be surpassed in any of the (Atlantic His stock consists of Cloths of all the desirable shades• and qualities, of the market, such as, Franck', English, and American black, blue, blue black, brown, olive, drab, &c., drc.. combined with en endless variety of Cars simeres and Vestings, together with a general assortment of Handkerchiefs. Cravats. Gloves. &c.. Arc. Having secured the services of hir.•Beel. WOWS', who in well known to this community, as one of the most skil ful " Cutters" in the country, he flatters himself that he will be enabled to give enure satisfaction to those who. may be disposed to favor him with their patronage. The citizens in want of articles in his line are very respect fully invited to call and examine his stock before making their purchases, as lie feels assured that a due regard to economy will justify such a course; and he would here say. that no pains will be spared in the employment of such workmen as will give entire satisfaction to even the most fastidious. G. W. B. Columbia, Sep. 16.--3 M.