ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE.] AND LITERARt REGISTER. NEW SERIES, VOL. 2, NO. 13..] W. SCHREYER, Editor and Publisher. 'Odes—Front Street, three doors above Locust. Traus.—The Sett is published every Saturday morning at the low price of SI. per annum IN ADVANCE, or one dollar and fifty cents, if not paid within one month of the time of subscribing. Single copies,THREE CENTS. paNo paper will be discontinued until all arreamges are id. No subscription received, ox paper discontinued, for a less period than sir months.. Letters to receive attention, must be post-paid. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Fifteen lines or less to the square.] Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate sot $l. per square: for every subsequent insertion after the third, 25 cents will be charged. The number of inscruons desired must be marked, or the advertisement will be con tinued until ordered oat, and charged accordingly. A. liberal deduction will be made on the above prices yearly advertisers. lIE Bth ,ession of this Institution will tom• mence on the loth of September, 1848. ring the present season the Principal has purchased a large and handsome building, and adjacent to it erected another, so that he is prepared to accommodate a large number of students. The course 01 instruction embraces all the branches of a complete English and Mathematical education, togeth er with the Laun, Greek, French and German languages. The charge for tuition, boarding, &c., for the winter session of 26 weeks, is 345. For a quarter of 12 weeks, $3O. Circulars, or any additional particulars, can be ob tained by addressing the Principal by letter or otherwise at the Academy. J. P. incicensuAhr, Marietta, Sept. 2,1848.-31* Principal. DE. 2117NTE73213 TEDETAILE PANACEA. Banter's Pana cea warrants the American people in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES that can be found in the couttry, in secret and all diseases of the urinary organs. It acts first by purging off all irri tating matter from the system which aggravates the dis ease and at the same time acts upon the secretions through the medium of the blood, by which all vestiges of the sypilitic taint are eradicated from the system It also cradtcates secondary syphillis, cures whites or leucor rhea in women, and is a general purifier of the system. Be sure to ask for Hunter's Indian Vegetable Panacea. Price SI per bottle. For sale by September 2,1948. W. A. LEADER. wow IS 'TIE TII% TO SAYE MONEY. By calling at the cheapest CLOTHING STORY. under the sun you can save twenty per eent, C. LPN Y 8 Co., Prom Street, one door above Schrei ner's Row, would respectfully cull the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to their large and splen did assortment of SEASONABLE BEADY ItIADE CTOTHTNG, Consisting of French Broadcloth Coats of all f!. and descriptions, Pants, Vests, Cops, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocks. Suspenders, Carpet Bags, &e., &c. C. LEVY & Co., flatter themselves that they can sell the cheapest Clothing in Columbia, or any where else:i and if you do not believe it, just give them a call. Columbia, August 19, 1848.-2 m ItiIMOVAZ. ( 1 . L. RELLING, Herb Doctor, late of Marietta, IL/. begs leave to inform his friends and the public gen erally, that he has removed to the house of Henry Martin, next door to Boyle's Hotel, Front street Columbia, Pa. Whilst he returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal encouragement hitherto received in the practice of his profession, be respectfully acquaints them that he con tinues as usual the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, in all its various branches, and will attend, either by day or night all those who may have occasion for his services. Columbia, July 1, 1548.—1 f Grvx 2VERY MAN WHAT 118 MEETTS.-1. do certify that having been attacked with a violent disease, I called on Dr. C. L. /Ceiling who restored me to perfect health in a few days, by bin excellent Herb medicinei. I can re commend him to all who are in any way afflicted. Columbia n Pa. S. LAZARD. HATS AND OAPS. LEWIS TREDENICK & Co, late from Philadel phia, dealers in HATS and CAPS, would most res pectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, that they have purchased the old and well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept by Jon V.A.t70112A1 for many years, next door to J. Felix's Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia, Pa., where they intend to spare no pains and means to carry on the above business in all its various branches. Their stock con sits in part of fine Mole Skin, Deaver, Nutria, and Cas tor HATS. Also, a splendid assortment of Pearl and Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style, to. gether with a good assortment of CAPS of every size, price, and quality. New style Silk Hats, which we have just received .from Philadelphia, and which we will sell at city prices. With the confidence resulting front en experience of a number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel phia, will guarantee us in saying, that for fashion, neat ness, durability, and CHEAPNESS, we cannot be sur passed by any establishment in the Union. LEWIS THEDENICK to Co. Columbia, June 3,1848.-4 f. NRW S'2o 13. E. 'YU übscribers Respectfully inform their friend. and the public, that they have taken the Store ormerly occupied by 8. B . 13oude & Co., corner of Locust and Front Streets, and are now opening an entire new Smelt of Goods, purchased at the present very low prices, among which are FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN BLACK CLOTHS. Olive, Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English,and American Black and Bliie•Black Cassimeres ; Striped, Plaid, and Figured Cassimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths, Gambroons; Low priced Summer .Studs. Cords and Bea. verteens, &e. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Grenadines, Organdies, Passlins, Barege. Silk Tissue. Lawns, Ginghams, and Black and Blue-Black Oro de Ithines, Plain and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks, New Style Chamelies, ALSO, Calicoes, Miding, Checks, Gingham', Ticking, Charnbreyse, Linen and Cotton Table Diaper,Napains, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose, New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &c.&c. ALSO, GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE—GROCERIES. Sugars Coffees. Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish and Sperm Oils, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Am., &c.,&c. E Our goods are all NW and eelected with great care, and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds of Country Produce taken In at the brat prices. ROBT. C ALFANT. PETER HALDP" " Columbia, March 25, 1843--tf PETER iiirnaiiisr, Jr. BALD 8E 1 A.1) Gaffgads' Bed Reads, and all with Bad Hair, Read! Mr. ABRAHAM VANDERBEEK, of Sid Avenue D., New York, cerdfies that his head was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long and thick. Mr. William Jackson. of en Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa., certifies On the 3d of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head, on the top. was entirely bald for 15 years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jonc's coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast and thick, and will soon be entirely restored. Gray Heads! Gray Heads! Read—l hereby certify that my was turning gray. arid Am since I have used Jones% Coral Hair Remorortive it has entirely ceased ailings—ts growing fast, and has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones's Coral Hair,ltestorative I combed out hand. falls of hair daily. W. Tasman, 92 Klngst" N.Y. Mr. Power, a er, of Fulton st.. had his hiur choked up with dandruir, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en tirely cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify, and make your hair soft a nd fine. Read—l, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative is the best article I ever used for dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the hair a long time in order ; all my customers preferred it to any tldag else. Sold only u. N. York at 82 Chatham street ; and by R, WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. it:24,484m -monarinrci m m `:w aciazzr. Betweou York, le and Ca lumbla.—The President and Directors of the B a ltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road Company having consented to CalltinZtt the MORNING 'TRAIN berMeen the above places. tg-The Car will leave Columbia DAlLYOundirysez. canted! at 6 o'clock, A. M., and the Train will leave W'rightevillo at dI o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York at 9 o'clock. A. M. D. C. H. FORMBY. Supeet Apnl 17, 1%17 THE COLUMBIA - SPY. 33usinco5 Mirectorn. TERM OF THE DIRECTORY. To persons advertising in the Spy by the year. there will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one year by paying Sliio in advance, or if they have paid (or the paper, 50 cts. for the card. Those who arc not,,subscribers we will charge Sl for Inserting their card one year. JOHN P. HOUSTON, Attorney. Locust Street, between Front and Second Sts. PiLI LI P GOSSLER, Attorney. Walnut St.. between Front and Second WILLIAM S. McCORIKLE, Physician, corner of Locust and Second streets T. TYRItELL, DENTIST. No•• 3 & 4. Wnlnut street. nhnve snrr'• Hotel P. SCIIKEIN Eit'S AN II JEWELUY &rang, No. 1, Schreiner's Row, Front Street HERR'S WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of Front and Walnut Strum, Columbia. Foyle CONNELLEE, WOLF, & CO., 'f. Or Lv P . 1.%•-wir ' 01 v I J. D. & J. 'WRIGHT, Dry Goods Merchants, LOCUM, st, 3rd door below r.'nd .1 PRY & SPANGLER, Dry Goods Aferchants. Locust street, below the Dank. W. & 8. PATTON, Dry Goods M reboots, S. E. corner or Locust & Front at CHALFANT . HA.LDESMAN• • •• • V . • • tit . •• t J. W. FISHER, Merchant Tailor, Front street, 2d door nhove Locust st JOHN JORDAN & CO. Merchant Tailors Front St., between Locust and Walnut A. G. STEVENS, Clothing Merchant, No. 42, Front street WILLIAM A. .LEADER, Druggist, Front Street, between Loma and Walnut Ste R. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Front et, between Locust and Walnut its. G. L. MYERS, Druggist, P..ehreiners Row, Front street. LEWIS TEEDENICK CO., Hatters, Front Street, a few doors below Herr's Hotel WM. TEMPLE HATTER, No. 2, Sebreiner's ? low, Front at. P. SEIBERT, Cabinet Maker, corner of Third and Locust Street JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SHOE Mencructurer, Locust street. opposite Haldeman's Store C. GROVE. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, adjoining lierrle Hotel FRANCIS BRADLEY. BOOT .c SHOE Manufacturer, Second, between Locust and Walnut Bt. J. M. WATTS, BOOT & SHOE Manufacturer, Front at, between Locust and Walnut at S. GROVE, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust st ~ ~. .. , J. N. EPCARTY, BOOT AND SHOE Manufacturer, Locust street, opposite the Town Hall. F. X. ZEIGLER, VARIETY AND Shoe-Finding Store, Locust street, above Front street. JOIIN SLACK, Variety Store, No 41, Front on. MATHIOT, rjrn. r t tir• nn . st nt Rf Wlll. H. SPAIVIWJEK, Bonk seller and Stationer. Front st. 3d door above Locust SAM ILJELt EVANS Lumber Merchant and Master Builder, L ocust street H. SUYDAM, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Paper Hanger, hr., second. between Cherry & Union et MARTIN Ar. KELLING, Herb Doctors, Front Street, next door to 13oyle's Hotel WM. CLEGGETT, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. back of Herr's Hotel. Walnut street. JOSEPH. KELLEY, SHEET.IRON And Tin-plate worker, Front at, lust below the Depot raIIiTCXE REVOLUTION. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies must fall, so must prices. That is a (act which can be proved by calling at the Old Established Clocx, W.secn, and Jmv. tome Stand of John Felix, Front street, a few doors below Herr's Washington Hotel. 1504„,„..1- 4 - ___ The undersigned havinejust return. , ed from Philadelphia and New York, where he has purchased, at the pre. lerll very low prices, a large and splendid assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY of every description, which, together with his former ex tensive stock, he is determined to sell on quick and at small advances. Now is is your time if you wish to purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at astonishing low prices. The following-embraces some of the leading articles of his magnificent stock: - - - - • GOLD and SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES, full Jeweled; Gold and Silver Lepi»e, Quartier, and Eng lish Watches; Gold and Silver Miniature Cases; Silver Table. Tea, Salt, and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, &c.; Silver scissor Hooks, Silver Combs and Hair Dana, Silver and Steel Belt Slides. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Spectacle Glasses. Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens. German Silver Spectacle Cases; German Silver Table and Tea Spoons; Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Steel do.: Gold, Silver, and Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps. Ear-Rings, ringer- Rings ' Breast Pins and Bosom Studs of every description ; Card Cases. Steel Purse Rings and Tassels. Bag and Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists,Shell Side and Back Combs; Pen Knives, Pistols, Spy Gasses, Music Boxes, Pocket Books and Purses, together with u. large variety of other useful and ornamental articles usually kept ita Jewelry Stores. Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, 'Watches, and Jewelry—and all work warranted. Thankful for past favors. the subscriber solicits a con tinuance of the same—which he flatters himself to merit from his experience and by a strict attOHNention FEL to bus X. iness. JI • - - - N. B. Remember the place. it is in Front street, a few doors ramovv Herr's Washington Hotel. Colum bia. Pa., where you can buy cheap and good Jewelry, and warranted to give satisfaction 111 every instance or have your money refunded. J. F. Columbia, August 19, Ibl -1y WANTED a first rate Wagon maker, to take charge of a shop and cen y on the business on his own hook. above the Depot. A shop will be rented to a good mechanic at about Sl5 per annum, and at least 51.20 worth of work given by the subscriber himself to start on the first year. The work is principally on heavy Ore Wagons. Tor further particulars address U. At. WILLS. August 19. 18.14.-2 m Columbia, Pa. JUST 3LIEICILTATEITO • A NEW STYLE OP EATS AND CAPS at, Ili Lewis Tredentek dc Co.'s Fashionable HAT & CAP Store, first door below John Felix's Jewelry afore, where you can always get a Fashionable Hat or Cap at the lowest city price. Call and examine our NOW Style and judge for yonrwlves. TREDENICK. & Co.. Augusts, 184:4-ti Front Street, Columbia, Pa. AWL DISZLIIB33B OF THE head, fate and hands, such as scum. erysipelas, saltrheum. Itch, sores, sore heads, tali, freckles, sunburn, 'minnow. yellows dark disfigured skin are cured. When these canoes are removed, persons who use the bath freely should remember that more than water is required to remove the humor from the pores. I have seen persons who have had filthy skin diatom...a, for years,and alter trying everything in vain, have been cured by washing the akin with Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously offer it for any or the above complaints. It is particularly adapted to persons from the sunny Eolith: They would find their skin much whiter, clearer and smoother by its vse. But they must be sure to ask for Jones's Chemical Soap, as there are numerous counterfeits. Price 50 cents. For sale by A. Williams, agent for Columbia. ati26'4B-tdeco4 4 EBTORA.TII TE Jones's Coral Hair Restorative .1. will soars the Hair to grow on the head or face.. By outing a 3s. bottle the whiskers and beard mays va red to any reasonable extent. Sold orally`n N. York, at 82 Chatham street. and by B. WILLIAM. Agent for Columbia. r2-I,4fLain WANTED. COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, S PTEDIBER :30, 1848 portni. BESSIE. =I She lay before me in her little shroud, Her pale hands soaly folded on her breast, As if o'erwearied, she had sank to rest. To dream of heaven s and of the radiant crowd That tread its golden pavements. Not a trace Of dying anguish lingered on her face: But on her lips a sweetly serious. smile Still seemed to play—a token front The Lord Of bliss won her sinless spirii poured. Then came a thought of Him who blessed, erewhilc, Young children—" Suffer them to come to me "" Still thrilled that heavenly voice upon my car, And my heart answered, as I dropped a tear. Thy will be done !—we leave our child with 'Thee When over her sweet face the coffin lid Was closed for ever, and with tents we gave Our loveliest to the keeping of the grave, (And who that knew her would our tears forbid?) " Tic a sad world," said one, '• a world of woe, Where sorrow reigns supreme." Yet frommy heart The all-sustaining hope did not depart; But to its impulse true, I answered- 0 1%7'o! The world has much of good—nor seldom Joy Over our spirits broods with radiant wing! Gladness from grief, and life front death, may spring; Treasures are ours the grave cannot destroy, Then chide not harshly our instructress stern, Whose solemn lessons Wisdom bids us learn!" I'LL WHISPER-WIFE. Of all the titles woman fair— Pear woman—here can ever bear— Though all ere holy words to me, Associate in my heart to be, With holy thoughts and things— Yet one among them ever brings Such gushing feelings on its wings— Such memories of Love and Care— Of Trust and Faith In days that were, Of Hope and Joy for time to come— Of Truth—of Chastity—and florae— , That of all others, that I feel, I love thee best in woe or *veal. It is not Sister—Love—Bride ; 'Tis dearer, far, than all beside; in all the chequered way of life, Her hand in mine, I'll whisper—wtrn: Zelect Z.ctle. From holder's Magazine for October HAND AND GLOVE. =3 CRAHTER I. Roc—Why, 'tis a hoistrous and Cruel style, A style for Oath:tigers: why she defies me As You Like 11." I have seen many coquettes by nature and many more who strove to obtain that killing title, but never one who failed so completely as my lovely little pet in her childhood, Bose Montrose. At eighteen she was mistress of rare beauty, a spark ling flow of spirits, and a most provoking, bewitch ing disposition, in short, every qualification to succeed in her ambition, except simple heartless. ness. Her mother was never more than a mere fashionable, and had always sought to educate Rose fur the same useless life. Even at the point of death, she strictly enjoined upon the guardian, a kind-hearted, but inexperienced oddity of an old bachelor, to keep her daughter at a certain finish. ing establishment until she became properly quali. fled to enter the world as the fashionable daughter of a fashionable mother. One can hardly wonder, that her mind trained under these influences, took an artificial bias. And indeed, what young beauty, spoiled by education, lortune, and the close friend ship of romantic school-girls, would have a differ ent ambition on her first. peep at the world from that of supremacy over the lords of creation / And so Rose Montrose flirted, and laughed, and played the unmerciful despot. But I who knew her well, was perfectly aware that all this was for eign to liar character: I believed, in fact, that her arbitrary commands arose from a nervous timidity, striving to conceal itself in the role she would act, just as cowards sometimes in endeavoring to asaumo coolness, rush desperately into the wildest dangers. In n 8 other way could I account for her caprice of a moment and reeling for the next hour. Her lov ers were as perplexed as they were disheartened. Her playful pettishness would occasionally subside, and then break forth in a torrent of sparkling wit at the first semblance of sentiment or feeling. 'rite truth was, that she knew the sacred fulness of heart's emotion, and shrank from exposing it to one, who might see but could not understand. As was said to me, by a young friend, of whom here. alter, whose occasional puns betrayed his sole un gentlemanly propensity, her artlessness was so plain that none but an ignorant cockney could call it heartlessness. and he confessed with a blush that he WAS Once such an one. Their walk had been extended to the full accond mile, before either of the pair awaked from that absorbing conversation. Hose Marmotse was lean ing un the arm of a young gentleman, whose dreamy, artist•like eye had beim passionately seek. ing hers for the lad half hour in vain. He had been pouring into her ear glowing descriptions of the olden days of chivalry, and an depicting the thoughts of others had artfully, yet without pre. meditation drawn forth his own. It was the skill which love bestows upon even the Artless. She had listened In silence though all tumultuous within, until their path ceased before the verge of a cliff and she awaked from herself to the artificial again. It was to stop the nervous beating of her heart. and interrupt the burning words she yet longed to hear, that she stepped forward to the very edge and rattled on hurriedly, "Mr. Sumner, all this is very fine,—the scenery 1 mean as well as your eloquence. But certainly those knights were as chivalrous as they were fool. iah to venture so much for such a simple, silly thing ass lady's smile. Look half way down this frightful cliff, and you will see a few wild Bowers growing almost out of the very rocks. Now, if 11 cavalier were here, like those you have described, how gladly would he risk his neck and seize those flowers to wreathe in some lady'ahair 1 lam glad that the gallants of our prudent days have more sense." She spoke nervously, and as be cast his eyes down the precipice, bent upon him an imploring look. as if beseeching bhp not to hear words that she would give worlds to unsay. But it was too late. " Were each an one here, he would rejoice in the opportunity to earn a boon that she could not re• fuse. He would place the wreath in her hand, and ahe Would place her hand in his." Hit words were impetuous. half-enquiring, and the warm blood mounted to her cheeks. She felt her self possession •anishing,yet spoke eagerly the fret' words of 'her heart. "And she would keep the flowers forever." Then she shuddered and calmly added, " Come let us /cave this silly romance and return." They walked back in silence. Late in the evening Sumner left the house of Mr. News after en unsatisfactory visit. He saw that much of her coquetry was effected, but there was still enough to cause him serious uneasiness. Sev eral times had he endeavored to draw from her en answer to his ardent and undisguised avowels of lova.-yet hitherto she had avoided tile subject with the full tact of woman, as he bitterly called her girlish, blushing timidity. But she had now al. most. challenged him to the proof of his devotion, and he vowed to appear before her on the morrow with a claim torso audience, which she could not avoid. There was a. scorn too, as he fancied in her tone when she praised the carotid wisdom of mod. ern lovers. He determined to obtain the flowers that very night when none were abroad to witness and ridicule his attempt. This chivalmus plan required some rather unro. mantic means in the shape of an iron bar and a coil of rope. These he procured from his sleepy landlord, and-after a few minutes brisk walking, prepared to descend Vienne with their help. The bar was firmly driven into the earth, and the rope with knots every few feet fastened to it securely. With a strong grasp he then 'commenced his de scent. About halfway down he stopped to rest for a moment upon a crag that pushed itself boldly .out from the almost perpendicular side of the precipice. Descending still farther, he found that the rope resting upon the edge of this rock just. above, sus. pended him at some dozen feet out from the main wall ; but when he had swung just opposite to the flowers, a few violent springs enabled him to gain a firm foothold. The prize was now in his grasp, but in the eagerness of success, he loosed his hold of the rope, and it swung far out of his reach. However, there was nothing peculiarly dangerous in his position. Like the famous samphire.gather. er, in a similar predicament, he knew that a bold leap for the rope might save bins, and at the worst the deep flood was rolling only fifteen or twenty feet below. Carefully securing the flowers in his bosom, he watched the oscilition of the rope, and a t the critical moment sprang nimbly out into the air. His agile limbs practised in boyhood among his native Highland mountains and tali sea-clifffs did not fail him now. Bat hie full weight, cast sod denly upon the rope, tore it et once from the bar, and he dropped into the cold sea. The first natural im pulse was to swim for the nearest pointof land, and the second to burst in a hearty, though somewhat silly laugh at this uncomfortable termination of his romance. Once on shore he hurried to his quarters in the village inn. Like a true lover, he first dried the flowers, and arranged them into a graceful wreath, and then, more like a man of sense, exchanged his dripping clothes for a warm bed. But his sense came too far behind folly, and on the morning after his chilly immersion, he awoke in a high fever. Rose Montrose was sitting alone with blushing cheeks, and a soft smile beaming from her half. closed eyes. There was nothing around her to cause this silent expression of pleasure; the maiden wee only receiving delight from the thickening emo• Lions that rose up from her heart, tremulous in first love. A sweet, uncertain tumult of thoughts sur rounded with enchantment the single idea that love really reigned within, and swayed the fairy scepter over her, who had hitherto prided herself on her queenly command upon other's hearts. At that moment she did not think of his feelings for doubt on that subject had never arisen, but she trembled at the thought of her own deep passion. And then the delicious color, that consciousness had called forth, fled from her cheeks, and she clasped her hands suddenly at the idea of her mocking chalk. lenge the previous day. She feared that Sumner had nut seen through her coquettish hypocrisy of the moment—that, which she then feared he might perceive; that, which was ; assumed to hide her heart. Suddenly his step was heard, and—oh! the mysterious working of Woman's heart—ashamed to be detected while her face was yet transparent of feeling, timid and fluttering, she raised her eyes desperately with a confused consciousness that she was about to finish het role of the coquette. In her blindness she fancied that otherwise her heart would be unavoidedly revealed, and she shrank from en exposure of its depths—meet of all to him. She was not yet sufficiently accomplished in her game, and always bungled sadly. Never more than now. Sumner entered the room with irregular step and flushed face, wherein fever plainly burned, but the Mooed it to be no more than a lover's natural tre pidation. Had site not loved, it would have made heemore cool, collected and unepairing in her co quetry, but as it was she trembled with him and fully shared to his supposed agitation. And she hardly knew whether site was right or wrong, as he hurriedly placed a wreath of wild flowers in her hand, saying abruptly and in husky tunes, "There—your hand." " Ah, yes these are the pretty fieltiflowers I ad mired so much yesterday. You arc very kind in being so thoughtful, and really deserve some re. ward." Her words crowded on each other with desperate rapidity. "but my band is too useful a member to be parted with lightly. Will not this g love answer your purpose ? Why, you seem afraid of it It is only a glove that lam giving you." All this was very silly and very cruel, and so Rose well knew. but for her life site could not say other wise. He received the glove site carelessly tossed into his hands: the color fled from his cheeks and lips ; his tall form shivered as he bowed coldly. and staggered rather than walked from the room. Gone: it was reality then. Rose sprang to the window, and as she remarked his faltering step, and rernembeted Alm wild, feverish expression of his face, know the truth and wept. The wreath was cast violently upon the floor and trodden under foot: —the cause of their sorrow had been obtained at the peril of his life. But it was his gift—she raised it again and pressed it to her bosom. Soon cants the news that he was dangerously ill, delirious, and poor Rose wept that she hid cast away the right to be by his side. DailY• servant was sent from Mr. Nevem to inquire atter the pick man's health, but it was always Rose who met him in the hall and took the words from his mouth. At last the news came by hil landlord that Sum ner was slowly recovering. and Rose again wept, but now fur joy that she could see him and frankly explain all. She felt no hesitation at the idea of exposing her own foolish weakness, fur he bad suf fered from it, and had he not a right to know 7 But une day, a close carriage whirled by the house, and her next messenger brought the news that Sumner had suddenly departed; even before he was perfectly restored to health. Two weeks after this, Mr. Never' paused in his perusal of' the paper and read aloud: " In the list of passengers for the last packet, we notice the' name of L. Sumner. Esq., the talented artist. The pond of his destination is understood [81,60, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS, to be Rome; his object of course. is to stay the maestros in his art. We wish lam consaccess." CHAPTER IL " Love comes, the 'xautiful, the ties, The ccov.n of all laumtutity In !Hence and alone To seek the elected onc:' One year from this time found Leonard Sumner still in bis Italian studio, and happy only when the glowing subject of his art reminded, him of a re, slily more perfect and beautiful than eren the deli caw!), created shadows traced by'hii pencil. Frani the first he felt no resentment at the seeming heartlessness that drove him from his native land. His noble heart only swelled with astonishment that'such unworthiness could, and sorrow that it did exist in a form to captivating, and ' a mind which he knew to be so richly endowed.. A small. er soul would have been considered puffing- itself with offended pride: he thought of it only with sadness that a kindred spirit was imperfect. Still there was a wound, and without any angry hangh fitters of feeling, he experienced a saddened morti fication, that he had been rejected, and in such a manner. Perhaps he thought less of it than at fast, but this was natural and in 'healing, Time had also softened. His whole energies were turned to the cultivation of his favorite art, and already his studio was visited by the munificent patrons of ge nius. One day Mr. Nevers unexpectedly entered the room. The yotmg artist greeted his, old friend with warmth, before be thought of the awkward ness 'of their meeting, bat his inquiries for the health of Miss Montrose, were as cool and busi. ness-like as any fashionable gentleman could have desired. Mr. Nevers was more embarrassed. The good old bachelor fidgeted upon bit chair during the preliminary remarks that followed as usual, and then with awkward directions explained the particular object of hie visit. lit seemed that he had picked up it.protege in the person of a Spanish boy, whom he found in the streets of Cedii. The youth appeared to' be educated, was friendless, houseless, and at the time Mr-Nevers saw him, was gazing away an afternoon at a beautiful paint. log 'with but a real in his pocket. Nature lied ev idently intended him for an artist, and Mr. Nevers' present object was to übtain for him a place in some studio as pupil, where he might fulfil all the expectations which his fine promise had excited. Mr. Nevere told the story quite well, although ho was walking on strange ground, and acting a part, the very thought of which, but two months before, would have made him roll up his eyes in comical amazement. 1 The idea of a constant companion was not pecu liarly pleasing to Sumner, who lived. only when alone with his memory, but the wishes of her guar dian seemed almost to coma from Rose herself, and I lie could not decline compliance. Ms. - Never, with drew with an odd expression, half of pleasure, half of whimsical anxiety upon his honest countenance, and left the artist to follow out the train of delici ous imaginings, which their sudden meeting had called forth. Foolish certainly and profitless, but he almost fancied himself again with Ruse and the past year blotted out forever. Early its the next day came his visitors. The young Spaniard, delicately formed, and with bright eyes throwing an air of intelligence over his clear olive and rather Moorish face, finely relieved by long•' jet tresses descending upon his shoulders, might perhaps in other circles have become that pet of all somewhat young ladies, a handsome boy. He seemed about seventeen, certainly no less by the long delicate moustache that drooped daintily from the corners of a finely.cut mouth. Though clear and high toned, his voice seemed somewhat strained into a manly prolongation of sound, At first sight Sumner involuntarily raised his hand as if to clear away something from before his eyes, but on sec ond thought, and a deliberate survey of the other's person, merely formed the opinion that his future pupil might not prove the source of annoyance that he had anticipated. A short conversation confirm ed him in this belief, and after the departure of Mr. ' , levers, he proceeded to the first instructions with a hearty pleasure that astonished himself, and in. deed seemed to confuse the boy. All Surniier's ad. va,nces were received with a species of cool grati tude, that chilled the artist's fervor end really per. plexcd him, though it seemed to please inwardly the cureless young Spaniard. But his hand was quick and skilful, so that after abar.doning this, sudden interest in the graceless boy, Sumner de rived reul pleasure as en artist in watchful the magic developments of genius hitherto unskilled only in the finer rules which ages have drawn from the spirit of the great masters. They had been together in this singular coin panionahip but a day or two, when &Sicilian noble. man entered the studio of the foreign artist, whose pencil had attracted so'much attention throughout Rome. Hie desire was to obtain a painting of a free, glowing, and artless Swiss shepherdess, a " mountain nymph—sweet Liberty." He withdrew with munificent offers of patronage, leaving Sum. nor already rapt in the bright creation of his fancy, and impatient to be alone. Day after day he wrought with passionate skill upon the canvass, wholly absorbed in his labor, and scarcely exalting ing a look with the boy, who was studying with equal ardor in the opposite corner of the room. Thai Are_they busied. Sumner upon his painting s the young Spaniard in mentally delineating the other's features in his carr. i eyes, when the Sicil. ion again appeared. "ii is unfinished!" exclaimed Sumner. " Unfinished :" said the noble, hurrying to the easel with an exclamation of delight," then do not finish it. Touch it not with your brush again,— it in matchless, another of inch unfinished paint. inga and thin shall be doubled." He placed a heavy puree in the ,artist's hand. Sumner quietly returned it. "I cannot part with thin, either now while it is incomplete or at any other time." "Not part with it." " Impossible." They exchanged low bows aol th. Sicilian walk. ed out in dignified resentment. Sumner gazed One moment on the canvass with a burning eye, then turning about, he saw his pupil„ and hurriedly seizing him by the wrist.drew him forward full be fore the easel. There ! is there nut something incomplete 1"' For the Stet time the boy now saw the painting on which Sumner had lavished inore Ilan an artist's devotion,—the faithful portraitof Rom Montrose. A crimson dye strangely blushed through hie dark complexion, as he gazed upon this living proof; that Sumner'. heart had breathed upon his imagine. tion and mingled the evehantinentof memory with the creations of his soul. Rut the master taw none of this, for his eyes , were again fastened up. on that sweet and generous !see. And then the pupil, with ti powerful effort that Vera the Wood from his cheeks sod lips, spoke very calmly, though his tones trembled somewhat in the earnestnes of his words. "Aye t the painting is perfection itself, but there is something incomplete in the expression of t h a t ace. I see there frankness and a generous natore.—perhap.a soul, but. the emotions which spring from the very heart have not risen to beam from that countenance. The model ffent which that Wm arught may posslitor' Whey nobility, end immeasurable depths of true affectiov, but that no. [WHOLE NUMBER,. 956. bility has hithertobeen stifled, and those depths re. maimed as sealed fountains. And there must have been causes, too, which have restrained this nate. tal developement ;—faulty education, perhaps, or inexperience, for that Lady seems young, too' young, it may be, to know that she carries a falsehood on her face; th st years and epochs have not yet shown her how different she really is from _the artificial character she bears. Yes, the portrait is incom plete. Emotions, the teachings of the - heart, and the heart itself :nested there. Yetshe is not, et will not always be thus, unless her existence is meaningless, and she no true woman. Believe me, they are lines and features in that face; which, if rightly traced, betoken a better future. In this manner it is incomplete." Sumner gazed on this noble boy with amazement, for as he poured forth these tepid words, his eye Mimed with a strange" brilliance, .and the whole fusing „seemed shaken with a pewterer emotion which he was too proud to conceal. '4 new,but Un defined thought leaped lain life with in the artist's mind, and he tonged for solittidatii inalyzs it. Ile spoke in general terms, quite different irdnitis Im passioned manner but a moment before:.. :. "It is true, and grievous wrong met Imp been done through ignorance. But that was not my meaning. This is, indeed, a portrait df i real nacedel,and I may say, correct in ginerth but still there is something in the original—l know net what—which is not here. I have tasked my mem ory in vain; that otherwise faithful representation lacks some hidden property uf the original. per haps longer thought will enable me to reach it". Ile seized his hat and departed, leaving his pupil in the same attitude, but now with a blush upon his cheeks, and softly murmuring to hirruielf: rash and suspects but does not know. Ah! how rush and hasty those forward words that came before'a thought of prudence. Will he now think the less urine T I know not—it matters not, for all is done. Something incomplete! I could have told him—l will tell him now, before I go, never to enter this studio again. First, away with this disguise." A little water removed the dark Moorish hue from that arch and tempting lace; a sly twitch, and the drooping moustache fell from the corners of her mouth, now drawn up into a merry laugh, and in full beauty Rose Montrose stood before her leas lovely image. Those slender fingers seized the brush and skillfully traced a fairy wreath uf wild flowers, such as the artist drew, all faded and dead, from her humus. One hand of the portrait clasped tightly a single glove, and the other seems passion ately buried in the flowers. And then, with a &nee, part of merry pride, part of' anxious fear, Rose withdraw. MEE= The next morning, Leonard Sumner entered his studio with the determination to solve the mystery which his young pupil had thrown around him. A single step within, a single glance at the portrait, and the whole truth rushed upon his mind with clearness, even bewildering in its simplicity. Ile hastened to Mr. Nevers' house without delay, She was sitting alone, and as one might who knew that her lover was near. Ile walked straight forward, and seating himself by her side, said softly, " Dear Rose, may I repeat my lait words at oar last meeting—your hand 7" •' Oh forgive the past," she exclaimed, looking up with tearful energy, "and forget my folly, my madness. Believe me, that I knew not what I said, that I feared to say what I felt; that I was. weak, foolish—anything but earnest and heartless, Remember that no true light had ever shone upon me; that I had lived only in the world, and was nil worldly. I see my failings ; I know that in what constitutes tho noblest part of human charac ter I was incomplete. The frame of my heart was unfinished." "But there is notiping incomplete at this moment. When you stood before that portait and hurriedly unveiled a heart of whose richness ,1 had been ig norant, I sew at unce where was my mistake, and indeed, my sweet pupil, half fancied that the earnest-eyed Spanish boy knew more of Rose Montrose than did even her lover. Ah, Rose, be hold the glove you gave ins once, and would grant me nothing more." " And this is the hand that should have accom panied that glove " said the blushing girl. frankly placing it within ' his own. Here Sumner would always stop, and obstinately refuse to relate a word farther. But ha often afro , mil that he had nail= of ROlOl Sumner's ever flay ing the coquette in future. , Aliactilitcous ,items. A &ANIS ON TIM CAZU.L.—An unsophisticated Joker was fishing one day in the muddy, waters of the Emden', portion of the Pennsylvania Canal, when to his great surprise he got a savage bite. Fie inunedlately gave his line a jerk that would have brought out a shark, when lo! and behold, be pulled out a huge snapping turtle and threw it flat on the low-path. He stood in amazement, gazing on the singular " beast," when bye and bye an Irishman came along, followed by a large dog. ' The countryman triad by gentle words to get the son of the Emerald Isle to put his fingers into the turtle's mouth, hut Paddy was too smart for that, but, says he, " VII pat my dog's tail in, and soe what the bloody baste will do." Be immediately called up his dog, took his tail into his hand, and stuck it into the turtle's month. He had hardly got it, in, when Mr. Turtle shut down upon the poor dog's tail, and of he started at railroad speed, pulling the turtle at a mote - rapid rate than it ever travelled before. The countryman thinking his day's work would be thrown away if the animal should ran long at that rate, turned with a savage look upon the laughing Irishman, and ex. claimed—. Cali back your dog ! call back your dog!" • Paddy put his hands into his pockets, threw his head to one side, winked, and then answered with provoking sang froid.. Be Jotters! call back your AAP" ScUlotL KINDNIIIRS.—How sweet is social ,dre. tic:if—When the world is dark, without, we have light within. When cares disturb the breast,— when sorrow broods around the heart,—what joy gathers in the circle of love! We forget the world, with all its animosities, while blest with social kindness. That men cannot be unhappy that bee a heart that vibrates in sympathy with his own— who is cheered by the smiles of affection and the voice of tenderness. Let the world be dark sad cold—let the hate and animosity of bad menestEi. er about him in the place of bitsimossi—but whin he enters the ark of love—his own cherished Mr cle—he forgets all these, and the cloud passes from his brow and the sorrow from his heart The warm sympathies of wife and children dispel every shadow, and he feels a thrill of joy in his bosom which words arc inadequate to express. fie who is a stranger to the joys of social kindness, has not pegun to live. A CURIOUS ADVANTAOII.-The following Idler tiaetnent appears in a Dublin paper:—" If Edward Madan, house painter, who is in the habit of trav elling to all partirof the country in prosecution of his bosineas, willl communicate with his brother. Henry Heiden, at 48 goldenlane, Dublin, it will be kw his advantage, at hie wife is dead." =