IMLZ, OF TALLIBLE REAL ESTATE: In the bo- TougLoi Columbia., on TUESDAY. the -.kith day of September, 1e49 at the public house of Col. U. Bern will be sold to the highest bidder. pursuant to the will of Ja cob Strickier,,dcwased, the following It& tl. ESTATE. late of raid diqceased. to wit: N0...1,..A 2 stotY BRICK ilocsr.. with nll the requisite back buildings and LOT or piece of 01101:NU. fronting on Locust street, in the borough of Columbia. between Front and Second streets. adjuring property of Colima. bia Batik and Joseph Cottrell. most occupied by the Mis sea Weavers. No. 2. A large three story BRICK. 110FSE and Lot of GROUND, in the borough or - Columbia., hunting on Front street, between Locust and NVallitit street, adjoining property of Evan Green and others, tiring large and com modious and advantageously situated for 1011.11 e business, containing a very suhable room mid all other Cons emen ces for an store. now occupied by - Wm 11 Spangler Nu. B. A LOP or piece of GROUND. fronting on the river Susquehanna t.t27 feet. Tllllllllll{ bark to the Colum bia end It - lashing - ton turnpike, now oectipied by James Given, Esq., ea a Lumber Yard. The whole flora of the lot is well wharfed, adjoining property of Abraham Bru ner and Jonathan Pusey. ALSO:-=At the same time and place. will be sold 10 shares of - Stock in the Columbia. and NVashington Turn pike, 3-shares iu the Columbia and Marietta Turnpike, and 20 slm i es in sllts3larieita arid Portsmouth florid Com pany. bide to commence at 2 o'clock nit the afternoon of mid day. -when teror of sale 'will be Mode Luowt, by tine uu ceraigned est:co:ors 0f said deeensed•ii will. JACOB N.P.PP. CI UtISTIAN AIELLINGER., JACOB It sTrucKLEn. Sept. 2. 18.19.—ta. MehRIZITTEL ACILDMIVIY. rtlIE Sth Session of this Institution will corn )uence on the. lifth of Se ptemhrr, uring the. prenent. acuson the PI iacipul has purchased a large and handsome budding, and adjacent to n erected another, 1:0 that he is prepared to accommodate a large number of atudepts, • The course of instruction embraces nil the branches of a ompletc English and Mathematical educutron, togeth er wills the Laun, Greek. French mid t:e•nnun l.• u tguages. The charge tor tuition. boarding, for Mc waiter .cosion of ta weeks. is STsi. For a quarter of 12 week•, 230. Ctrculars, or any additional pitructiltirs, can be ob tained by addiessttig too Principal by letter or otherwise ut the Academy. J. P. 11ICKERSIIAM, Marietta. Sept. SI, 1C49.--5t - Principal. DR. 23171111ZER'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA, lluntres Pana cea %vtirrauts the Atnericuli people in soliciting for Irrauneutthe WORST POSSIBLE CASES that can bell:mud/1i the coubtry, an secret and all diseases of die urinary organs. It acts fir.% by purging otr all irri tating mutter from the system which aggravates the dis ease and at the same tune acts upon the secretions through the medium of the blood, by which all vestigek or the symlitic taint are eradicated from the s) stein It also eradicates secondary syphillts, cures whites or Icticor. rhea in women, mid is a general mina, of the system. Be sure to ask for s Indian Vegetable Panacea. Price :1 per bottle. l'or sale by veptexuber 2, ISM W. A. LEADER. 14-7•ll4.ll•:)*zet};i Valuable, Scientific Work, upon the subject of Gestation and Child-Birth, by :11. Weisselholl; . D., lute of raris.just published by the author. This work contains information upon subjects of the highest importance to married persons, or those contem plating marriage. It will be found of special value to those whose means, health, or other circumstances do not permit them to increase the number of their family, without great inconvenience.suffering. or perhaps risk of life. A method of avoiding these trouldes and dangers at will, 'recently discovered by a celebrated French physi cian) is fully communicated in this work. so that any per son may avail himself of it at once. The means cost comparatively nothing. and arc within the reach of all. Tha process Is new, safe, Infallible, convenient, and cannot injure the most delicate. Nor does it curtail matrimonial privileges in the least. Copies of this Nsork will be sent, in O. close envelope, at a single letter postage. to any part of the United States for 01 sent, post paid, to Dr. R. NI. WEISSEII.IIOFF. box 2710, New 1 ork City. Cop) right secured. No Booksel ler-allowed to sell this work. Sept. 2. ISle. timo. NOW XS THE 119CWIE TOSAVE MONEY. By calling at The cheapest ci.OTHING ti'FORE under the eon you can enve twenty per cent. C. I;EVY h. Co., Front tarect, one door shove Sehret. ner's Row. would re , pectlidly call the attention of the eidrcua of Columbia and vicinity to their tarp, and splen did waeortnient of SEASO:s:AIit,E READY MADF, CTOTHING, Consisting of French 13rontleloth Coats of nil colors and descriptions. Pam., Vests, Cape, Hantlkerrlnci. Cravats. Stocks, Su.pentlers, Cnrre , 14 " , '• 6 ' e•• LEVY & antler themselves that they can sell the cheapest Clothing in Columbia, or tiny where nod if you do not believe it, just nice thew a call. Columbia, _At:p.n. t ID, N.-. 2151 REMOVAL. L. IiELLING, Ilerb Doelor, late of Marietta, L begs lease to inform his Ifirtiits and Ilia public gen eially„ that lie bus remits ad to the home ot - I leery Marlin. :next door to Boyle's llntel. Viola street Colombia. Whilst he returns sincere thanks for the cry liberal eliCOUTnatitelit 1111110110 reccis ad in the planner of his. profession, he respectfully acquaints them that he Con tinues national the VEAL:TICE OF hI 1.:1)1C1N1.:, in all it, various arunclios, and will attend, eider by day or night all those who ;nay have occasion for his services Columbia, July 1, IN.—ti GIVE EVERY MAN 'WHAT TIE MEISITE.—I do certify that having been attacked %stilt a violent disease. I called on Dr. C. L. /telling who restored too to perfect health in a few days, by has excellent Herb Ine.lacines I can rc• commend lain to all who arc an cur Pas allheted Colitmbin, Pat. S. LAZARD. WANTED. AV — ANTED a first rate Wagon-maker, to take If charge or n shop nod carry Olt tile b 1.111... Oil his own hook, above the Depot. A shop will be rented to a goal mechanic at about $l5 per annum, and at least 120 north of work given by the subscriber himself to etart on the first ?ear. The work is principally on heavy Ore Wagons. lor further particulars eddies. H. rl. %%MIS, Columbia, Auguct 0.1 , 1 Q -2:n ALL DISEASES OF 7118 head, face and hands, such as scurrcy. erysipelas. saltrheum, itch, sores. sore heads. tall, freckles, sunburn. morpliew. yellow, Mirk disfigured akin arc cured. %Viten these causes are removed. persons who use the bath freely should remember that more than water Is required in remove the humor•froto the pores. 1 hare seen persons who hove had filthy skin diseases, for year.. nod atter try mg everythatig in vain, have been cured by washing the skin with Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously offer it for any cif the above complaints.. It IS particularly adapted to persons from the sunny South. 1 hey would find their skin much VitllMT. clearer and smoother by Ibsen. But they must ha sure to ask for Jones's tlhetutcal Soap, as there are numerous counterfeits. Price SG Cents. For sale by It. Williams, agent fur VOW mina. s utIGAS-talec2 I JUST RECEIVED 4 A NEW STILE OF EATS AND CAPS at gEr s Lewis Tredemeh te Co.'s Fa sluona Me I lAT &CAP Store, first door below John I'eltx'4 Jess el ry store, where you can always get a Pasloonable I lat or Cnp at tie lowest eit.• price. Call and cz mina nur Sew Style and judge for • ourselves. VII EDEN ICI': Z, Co , August 5, Front Street, Columbia, Pa. MUM'S AND CAPS. T EWIS TREDENICK & Co., Into from Philadel phia, dealers in ILVI'S nod CAPS, would most riii.- peetfolly bre le ice to inform the citizens of Columbia and its victims., Mot they hose porelinsed the old and well idiown lint Manufacturing Iditabliehment kept by &tux Vscorti.s nor many year, next clodr to J. Felix's Jewelry Store, From Street, Columbia, Pn., where they intend to spare no pain. tool means to carry on the above business in all its varioile branches Their stork cone sits in litrt of fine .Mole S'l,lll. Beaver. Ntitrin, nod Cot ton HA I's. Also, p splendid ii,eortincot of Pend nod Braid Stormier .11.1.7 S of the )aunt and i aiii nod style, to. gether with 2 good OASOriDI,It nt CAPS of every SITC, price, and twattly New style Silk lint, which we have lust received from Piontilelphin. and which we omit sell tit city prices With the confidence reeultines. front an experience of number of years win, one of the ri,"l kin rhitudd phis, will guarantee to in nun inc. hut for ihehion, nerd . Cass, durability. rind we cannot be sur passed by any estaldiehmem in the 1 LEWIS TItEDENTCK Co. Columbia, Jane 3, 181.—tf. T Mini VE. Jones's Coral noir Restorative roan: the Ihde to grow on the i.• Li or Ity using a 3.. bottle It,, , olitAkerg and beard ow) be cools., ted to any rentonnl.le extent Eilold only in York. n! -2 Chatham street. and by It VITILI.WES.Agent tor leg 1'4•4-11rit wng• AND COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Pfahler Si, Co., thankful for past enessuracoment, would anneastee to Me eittrens of Columbia and tie rte Laity. that they still continuo to manufacture Tur arid Copper sync,' of all kinds at their old %WWI. in Locust Mr...el, one dour north of the Cohmtln:. hank. n a,: ry •pecifultg stAtitit cGl.•.nuanc l •t pUblle pntrelti3go a ;11nrelt It, I-1.-11 COMVACKLIA. 11.8.141 f. AND BRIDGE COVANY, May 13,1548. The Directors of the Coluntbiir Bank and Bridge Corn pany,desirous of arlbrding to ptirsons who are disposed to deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate of inter,t, have determined to allow interest for the same at the ibllowing rUTCB, viz: For all deposits to remain 12 mouths, 4 per et. per annum. do do do b do 3 do do do do do 3 do 2 do do The sums so deposited to be payable without interest at any unermedude unto, at the option of the depositor. The interest to cease at the end of the period for which the deposit was made, unless the same be renewed for a further period. SAMUEL SHOCH, June 10, Cashier. NOTICE. IN pursuance of the provisions of the net en " An Act to prescribe the manner of giving notice ot apphcations for Banks," and in accordance with the provlsions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President. Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Batik, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. at the nun session to coenee on the fast Tuesday of January next. A. D 1449, for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of incorporation, with banking and discounting pr is lieges, for the term of tell years from lilt first Wednesday in Alay, A. D. Itsl. The date last mentioned. being the tune to which their present Charter is extended. The said Corporation is to be continued by the name and at!, Ic of the Lancaster Bank, Anti w ith the same powers and privileges which arc now enjoyed under its present Charter and Act of Incorporation, and is to be located in die City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bank, as authorized by law ' was six hundred thousand dollars; the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred and three thousand Mlle hundred dollars; and the amount paid in three hundred thousand and thirty dollars The legis lature will not be asked for an increase of capital or ex tettston of privileges. By order of the Board of Directors. cinusTLAN nacioLuv, Cosier. City of Lancaster, June tIG. Isl S.. julyisk-t.-6m N0T1C.73. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in tend to make application to the bcytslattuc of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their next session, for the renewal, extension, and continuance of the banks ing, discoutimig, and other privileges they possess under existing laws. The Company to be conuimcd by the name, style. and title of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, in the borough of Columbia, in the county of Lancaster, and slate of Pennsylvania. .13y order of the Board. SAMIJEL SIIOCII, Cashier Columbia Stine 24, 1648. tulyl.4B-13m NOTICE I S hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county intend to make application to the Legislature of the Communw ealth of Pennsylvania, at the next fiCS6OII thereof, for the incorporation of a company under the name and style, or intended name and sty le of "The Columbia Saving's Institution,' , designed us an office of discount and deposit, with a capital not exceeding one hun dred thousand dollars, and to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. George Wolf, 11. E. Atkins, Peter I laldeman, Henry Haldeman, IL Chalfant, John A. Hook, Peter llaldcinan, Jr., 11. Cranston, IL E. Cochran, Daniel I Reuben NI ullison, Samuel Brooks, John L. Wright, Philip Gossler. John Barr, Columbia, July 1, INS.-Gm COLUIVEBI.O. IRON 1 4 017NDRY. THE Unndersigned, hereby tender their sincere acknowledgments to their customers, nod the pub lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has Ms tended their efforts to please, and wonld inform them that it will be their, greatest pleasure ns heretofore, to conduct their business 111 such a manner as to merit their continu ed approbation and support. We continue to make till kinds of Castings, vit MILLGEARING. SPUR, BEVEL, MITRE and NOR. TICECOG-WHEELS, CAST SliArTti for wilier wheels, Se Also, CAR W lIEEI,S and other Car Castings, to goiter With all binds of Castings, tor which unexceptional reference cats be given Mr superiority mid ay:flaunty. We have quite a variety of PATTERNS for making Hot Blast Pipes, for Blasi Furnaces. and for Wider Pipes, and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it will eer ! minty be an whetting° to those in want, to call und ex amine ler themselves, as we can innimfacture as cheap, Or cheaper, thus any other establishment in this semion of country. We have different kinds of Patterns fur Steam Engines, Threshing :Madam's, Ploughs, Common Stoves, Stove Plums. Stove Cylinders and Grade, and many other thing- in our Imo of business. being the making mid eel leeting together of the past eleven years. Ilu-ing the best of mechanics employed at Pattern making. Sc,. we I are prepared to make any thing in our line of business at the shortest notice. and being ins orably situated at the I Canal Basin. give us the advantage of inanithieturing and forwarding Castings to any point vs ith despatch mid at the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF SAMUEL TRUSC ' OTT. Ibmling tinder the firm of Geo NVolt t Co. NEW STAND A ND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this owthol ot inlornung hi, friends and rosonnersthnt he Ito+ ented the New Store Room known a. Haldeman's New turner. being on the South Wcot corner of Front and Locust street. s, here he Intends to keep emistlinnly on hood a good supply of 11.1:1DV MADE CLOTHING, SHOES AND BOOTS, and n general nsoortment of Family Groceries; together 55th Floor told other Mead; Oats, Corn. told Chop for horse, Also. Liquors of all kinds, owlutling Wines and Cordial.. All of 'Aorta I pledge iny‘elf no sell as champ for cosh no possibly coo be atforded. Please cull and ex noon., both the goods and prices. K. 13.—A this ennui and front shop 1.13000ng. to rent on nerommodnfints, Scrub.. 1115 self nod Soo would !the to board v, oh the nionly. ELIJ All IiAItItATT. Colkimlnn, Much :I's, 1914—tf IT XS TEE C 1 of Maids, Wires, Widows, and the , 1 crowning ornament of man. It is to the scalp on guano is In the earth in making It fruitful. It is as certain in its cifFct as death. to-miaow or next year. Now, render, these respectable citizens certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following effects without fail: _ It will force the human hair to grow on the head. face, or body—it will mop it falling. tore scurf or dandruff, and make red, grey, and light hair grow dark. Mr. W. Tompkiiis.o2 King st., New York. Mrs. 'Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. James Power. grorer s yulton st . Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas Jackson. E 9 Liberty St.. ihtlsburgh Henry E. Cullen, (late) barber on board the South America. lint the beautiful, the glorious ellen it has in dressing and beauttlying the hair—making it soft. dark, silky, and keeping tt bit thrice as tong as any other article made. Irls SO Eco:somicA I. AM) CHEAP. It costs butt shillings for a trial bottle, and the public are conscienttounly and linneatly assured that the above are tut real and trite qualities. lie careful and get the Rennine. Ask for Jones's Coral Hair Restorative. and take tin other. For pale only by R. Nt illiants. agent fur Columbia. ti2o'4.s.4dee 21. X'OR SAME, pj the subscriber, Six Lectures on the uses of -1..) the I.L.NC:s. and Cau,es, Prevention said Cure of CoNSINII"PION, ASTHMA, and disenbeF of the Heart; tin the Laws 01 Longevity ; and on the mode of preserve tog male and 'male health to an hundred year, with 2S illustration, designed tor all classes of readers, by Samuel Sheldon Fitch, A. M., M. 1). Also his Silver Inhaling Tube, Shoulder Bruce, and Abdominal Supporter, Ace. It 'WILLIAMS, Agent. Columbia. July 22 NEW 6-00 D S. Vy7 M. & S. PATTON have just received a large • and lascionablc stock of D ER DRESS GOODS; ESE Consi.ting of Ginplinins. I,nwng, liarege%, Linen and Al. puma Lustres.larny Prints eic., at the very• lowest prices. MSECI Plain and cliangenble Dress Silks, Pack and Mac- Black for :11anulas, with every style of Dress Goods for the season. Please coil and examine our stock. Columbia, April dd,lPl.9—if W. & S. PATTON. TO SPORTSMEN. THE undersigned have just received the best _IL and most complete n•sortment of English and German stop ntut twist and patent breech DOUBLE BARRELED GL.NS. which have ever been oircred in this market at such prices that will atilt all. Also, six Barrelled Re volvutg self-cocking PISTOLS. Call and examine for yourselve., at the cheap Hardware. Store of RUMPLE & Coloodua. August 21, 15,17. DEMM'S'S C,ENVINE litero-Abdominal Supporters, Ileeom mewl, 1 by Plo,,tietnns of tie highest standing in all tilted Mutes. Also in Philadelphia, by Prof. Jr. %Los, end Prof. Horner. of the tiniveranc of Pen.- v ) 1, at.ia , Prot Jo , , pit Pa n o ast and Pro f.. 1. mitchell, of the J^t t ot 51e4.4, al College; Prof Wultbank, of the 1 el.yll. unin. Medieul College; William 11urriPt 17. IL. Ler turer gni ; hurl many others or high standing. This nu:en:ton 11.. s been before the public over twelve years, and is the moot so,cesstal instrument of Ile class. Sold in Columbia by P WILLIAMS, July e, 1834 Agent. :tow fA:". GREAT. REVOLUTION N TRIGS of Dry Goods. Who are to be benefited by this remarkable change? VIE PEOPLE! 'Why? Let them call at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen street, and see ; here they can buy as much for SI 00, us they a short time ago would have had to pay St 00 for. This then is a radical change for the express benefit of the people. Let them e all early and see the LARGE LOTS of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening: for Revolutions now-a -days are remarkable for their bre ivty. Splendid Lawns, fast colors. cents 30 inch Muslin s, heavy and fine, flb cents NUS DR LANES: A good article of Plain Modes and Blk. only 1.2! rents A good article. highly Cauldron. 310ERNING DRESS GOODS: Ladies can be supplied with every article for mourniutr. Good plain Blk. Chintzes, only Ilk cents do do Lawns. 12i, Is, and 25 cents Mazatlans,l3aregea and Silk Tissues. GI.OyES Lisle thread. Silk and Kid; aliases Gloves in variety, AT Tan lies lIIVZ, CHAS. E. WENTZ &RIAD. GING HAMS :—J ust opened,d cases of splendid French. Scotch, and English Dress Ginghtuns. New patterns and cry cheap—at THE DEC HIVE, North Queen street. LADIE'S' SUMMER DRESSES The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, just received—among the newest styles are : Magatlans, • - - Magnificent. Zeplinnes. - Beautiful. -Zephry Tissues, - - - - Lovely. Pompadours. Fascinating. &c., &c., perfectly exhaustless, at the 13E1; 111VE, North Queen street, CHAS. E. WENTZ Sr. 13P.0. BONF.I' RIBBONS Just opening, the newest styles for Spring and Summer, the greatest variety ever seen in Lancaster. Great core , ias been taken in the selection of styles and colors, nt the BEE MVP:. E.NIBIZOIDERMS French N. NV. Lace Capes. do do do Collars. do do do Edging and Inserting. Embroidered Swim- Mishits. for Dresses. At the • BEE HIVE, North Queen el Lancaster, April 15, ZONES'S TALIAN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, I Salt Rheum. Scurvy, Er) sinclas. Sore Reads, Old Sores, Sore Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and tender Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun burnt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear whine. as smooth and soft as an infant's. And, in fact, every kind of erup tion and disfigurement. Read these certificate, : From the N. 0. Sentinel, Oct.. 1'.41 • • One of our subscrffler"Mr. H. Leourird, informs us that he has been cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum. of eighteen year's standing, on his head, fingers and hands. by a cake Oral! article much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap. lie also informs us that he has tried ha effects on his female slave Rose, much marked with sun spots, and he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. , James Elthnm, a planter in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncles and pimples, which lie wus afflicted with for ninny years. by a part of a cake of Jones's Italian Ch....lai cal Soap. Persons purchasing this must always ask for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL rrtoAP.,—and perhaps, as many who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will be too much discouraged lorry the genuine, we say to such, try thin 011 Ca —, on w ill not-regret it; buialways sec that the trams ofT. Jones's on the Wrapper. Sold :it S 2 Chatham st.. New York, and by FL WILL IAMS, Agent for Columbia. Je24'4U-rim INDENENIT Ir. TM Franklin Fire Insurance Company of PIIII.ADELPHIA.—OFFICE, N0.163} CIiEt.NUT Street, near Path street. DIIIF.CTOIIS. Cu Allt.F.S N. ItANCKETI, GEORGE. W. IlicuAßDa, 'l'lloTins Drarr, 1110ROVA . A1 D. Lewis, TouLtS 'WAGNER, ADOLPHE E. 130utu, SAMUEL GRANT, DAVID S DROWN. JACOU It SMITH, Atoltlllti l'At Ma...". Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited. on every description of propel ty in town and country, at rates as low ns are COIIRStent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund. which, with their Captial and Premiums, safely invested. affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January 15t.16 , -1-3, as published agree:Ml) to an Act of A , senthly, were as ful. lows, viz: Mortgages, Real fimate. Temporaq. Loans, Stori,s, Cobh. Ac., Since their Mem poration, it period of eighteen years, they base paid ups, arils of ono. loallion. two hundred thou sand dollar,. los,en by fire, thereby atfording evidence of the adviiiitaze. of iii%urailee, as well as the ability and dispo , itiod to meet with promptness. all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCIiER, President. CHARLES 0. BA NeSER. Secretary. • TIIONIASI.I . .OYD, of Columbia. Agent for York and Lancaster Counties. hi?, SUNDAY . TRAIN. Baltimore S.: Susquehanna Rail Road. QisMia-1.: - .4. The :Morning PASSENGER TRAIN will run $ front Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Stilt day.ttt U o'clock, A. NI., and Returning will start front Co -1 bin at 11 P M., Wright,ville, 2 I'. M.. and from York at o'clock, I'. M as on other days of the week. mail between Baltimore and York will be carried by this tram. No other train wall run Ott Sunday. D. C. 11. IRMIDLEY. Superintendent of Transporiation. 0ct.27, 1,17 SALT. AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD.---FARE REDUCED.---The Pas nenger Trains runs daily us follows bel ,a ow : Leaves Baltimore at 2 o'clock, A. M.nd ar rives at Ili o'clock, P. M. An tires at York at 12 o'clock, P.M., and leaves for Co lumbia at 11- o'clock. P. M. Leaven Columbia at 2 oiclock. I'. M., and leaves York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock. P. M. Farr. from Baltimore to York, $1 50 Wrightsville,- - 2 00 Columbia.- - - - - 21^+ The Train connects at York with Stages for Harsisburg Gettysburg, Chambersburg. Pittsburg and York Springs FARE FO CaO TYS111:11G AND LIARRISI3UBG. The Company is authorised by the proprietors of the Singe Lines to receive the Into through from Baltimore to Gettysburg and llasrisburg. 13,ktrialonr, TO GETIYSTIVIIG AND 11.sualsectiO. Fare through to either place. $3 00 D. C. 11. BORDLEV, Super`t. May 8, 1.517-tf Ticket Office, G 3 North st., Bolt, READ lIIS LETTER. Who will be without a beau tiful baud or flair, when they ran have one for Ore s t lingo! Twenty years' loss of hair and wonderiti restoration! Dear Sir—The powerful effects of Jonc's Coral Hair Restorative has been so decisively demonstrated in the cases of several respectable ."111,115 of liar town. who, on account of your selling three shilling bottles. try 3t without fear. One instance. whirl, has attracted particular atter, lion, is the rase of a gentleman who had little or no hair for twenty years; he had tried numerous preparations in vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and wore a w•ig. At my recommendation, hr tried the Restorative, and after rising at, according to the direction, for a short time, the s oung hair appeared, and he has now as fine a head of hair as any person in Daltnnore Yours, &c. JOHN KILKINGTON. ror sale by R. Williams, agent for Columbia. THE CLMTATE OF NEW YORK is Strangely destructive to the human cuticle, (or skin.) the nit from the sea, the sudden chance fromirat to pild,li . n4 . ttn:ninke causes YELLOW, DARK, COARSE : CUM PLEXIObIS. It Is requisite that the pores of the akin ehnuld be kept kept open—that theirmouti. should be freed from Impurity —'twee thus the ancient Roman Philosopher. curtd nil diseases—they computed that more diseases end unheal thy vapors left through the pores of the skim, than f.)r any other outlet of the bndv. It isnecessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all humors are diepelled from the skin from the pores, when washed with Jones . . Italian Chemical Snap. I have seen it cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barrier's ltch.Sore Head. Ringworm, when every Internal and ex ternal remedy had fatted—its effects in rendering the skin wiitte. clelr and soft, though It be yellow and coarse, le woniletful—it remove. Preekles.Tan.Sunborti.:Dorphew and disfigurement of the skin—hat persona moat be par ticular and nett far Far sale by IL Williams, agent Cyr Columbia, a u26•484de21 Dooms AND SUOES Li TAMES JORDAN, Fashionable Boot and f L 1 Shoe maker. respectfully. informs his friends and the public. that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMEN T , immediately opposite Peter flabictima's Store. ', litre he is prepared to execute sill orders I a his line. with nea c iness and despatch. He feels confident in giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Members of the 0. U. A. AI.. are respectfully invited to g ive him a call. Columbia. April El, I:-tn.-1y Philadelphia advertisements. AND GLASSWARE. Kerr's China 1141, Chesnut, street, opposite the State House, Philadelphia, is the cheapest place in the city, to buy all kinds of CHINA, LIVERPOOL WARE AND GLASS, and where can be found the largest assortment. and of the newest styles, and fully TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT less the,t at any similar establishment. Families, Hotel at at store keepers, visiting the city for the purpose of busing DINNER SETS, and TEA SETS, and all other kinds of ware in this hue, wall serve their own interest by examitinting the stock and prices of this a tore, after pricing elsewhere, and they Will be fully satisfied that the above are facts. —.no r! purchased at this louse twill be packed and AU ware purchased WARRANTED PROM lIRFAKADE. r Remember that this ('heap Establishment is in Chesnut street, tin telly opposite the sate l louse, Philu. August 12, I ESI 73-Um ST. HOUSE. No. 121 Chesnut Street, a few doors below Fourth, North side.—The subscriber re spectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all nines taken to render this one of the be,t. and, from its central situation, it is one of the ino-4 convenient Hotels in the city. his TABLE is furnished, at all times, with tbc choicest i delicricies of the SCLISOII. this WINES and LIQUORS are not surpassed by any other establishment in this city. His servants are careful, honest and obliging. Terms of Boarding to suit the times. Country Merchants and Business Men will find the M- I cation of liar Citkancir Sr. Horse, in the most business part of Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall be done to give satisfaction to those who la nor bun with their patrcinagc SAMUEL MILLER, Philadelphia. Aug. 12. 1E464 y Proprietor. DR. DRAKE'S PANACEA. THE only radical cure for Consumption ! , It also removes and permanently cures all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, viz: Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pestules on the face, Blotches. ales, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tel ter. Scald Bead, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Sy Online Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, Diseases arising from an injurious use of Mer cury, Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in life. Also. Chronic Consinntional Disorders. In this medicine several innocent but very potent arti cles or the vegetable kingdom arc united, funning a com pound entirely different in its character and properties from any oilier preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the hands of every person, who by business, or general course of life. Is predisposed to the very many aiiiments that render life a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often result in death CONSUMPTION. . The iolloww•ing testimony is (rein an 111/I0 practitioner of this city Dear Sir:—]n reply to your question respecting the use I of Dr. Drake's Panacea. 1 will say that although a perfect disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condi tions of the system, still I have believed that n cure for Consumption would he discovered sooner or later, and was led to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases. 'They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be PLLNIONAHY CONSUMPTION, and abandoned by them as in curable. One of the persons bad been under the treat ment of several very able practitioners for n number of years, and they stud she had "old fashioned Consumption combined with Scrofula," and that she might linger for sometime, but could not be permanently relieved. In' both cases the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying. Only (rule or live bottles were used by one of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. They are both well. I will only add, that fa miliar as I am with Consumption by inhetita»ce and by extensive observation as a study, mid knowing also the injurious cal:cis in nine cases MIS of ten of tar, boneset, and other vegetable tonics. ns well ns of ninny of the ex pectorants and sedatives. I should never have recommend ed the use of Drake's Panacea WI had not been acquaint ed with the ingredients. Suffice it to say theseware re commended by our most popular nod scientific physi mans, and in their present combined state, form probably the best lilts rotten that has ever been made. The cure is n accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in France a few years ago, by one of her must eminent venters on medicine, and now established by facts which admit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. GCNN, Corner Chest. and Filth st. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Astonishing cure of Liver Complaint and Dyspesia, in connection with General Debility of the whale optima. I . IIILAIOMPIIIS. March 7, It+l3. Messrs: Storrs & Co.—Gentlemen :-31p at tie has been for several years afflicted w ith pam through her nut title and shoulder. accompanied with chills through her whole opulent. 1.1111 !LIMOS/ COOSIIIIO1) Il tick stomach, at tended with pout, invariably after eating ordrinkisig ; SO much so as to deprive her of till satisfaction in attempting to eat, Cecil if bile lied a desire for food. which wits not often the case. as her appetite woe completely gone. A friend persitati.l her to Kier DR.A lift7S PA NA CEA a trial and I ant now happy to ,t) the first bottle gave tier relief. Ora family ph) strain et.uinined the Panacea, and approved of hero-mg it. She has 1111,111 three battles Sitter. and to greatly bent:fitted. She has now is good ap petite, and can eat her meal. so MI satisfaction. The chills. pain. and tick stomach have entirely left her. and we kel confident that the Panacea has affected a domphe cure 01 her ditilculues, and would recommend to all who arc af flicted as she has been to try Dr. Drake's fanners. WILLIAM ASIIMA.N, No.:131, North Third Street. The above are but a few of the numerous testurionials we are constantly receiving. of the wonderful efficacy of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasant, yet tang search ing remedy ; and the first trial will prove its power. Its reputation has increased since as introduction to a degree hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries. S-00.555 GS 108 2i5 110 124.150 00 5Q.50• tl l .l 15.1.17 -7 MEWS With the firm conviction tilalllo Other remedy, so called, of the present age, Is equal "„to this, and that the theory• upon which it is compounded is too firmly established to be overthrown, the proprietors solicit a trial of Dr. Drnke's Panacea. willing to stand or full upon its own merits. well satisfied it ',rill sustain the reputation it has already acquired. IrrCAUTION.—The genuine DR. MAKE'S PANA CEA Is put up to large square bottles—ll has the signa ture of Geo. F. Storrs on for wrapper—and also the name •• Dr. Drake's Panacea, Pinln blown in the glass. Prepared only by Storrs & Co., Druggists, No. 21 North Sixth Street. Phila. A6ENTS.—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; Ileinitsh & Son Lancaster; C. A. Morns & Co., York. April 15.1.45.-1 y rEIMS ATTENTIVELY! Doctor llottand's Cele brated GERMAN 13117ERS, 'Will effectually cure the laver Coinplaint, Saundlee.Dys pepsin, Chronic or :Nervous Debility, ludigestiou Flatu lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease at the Kidneys, Pulmo nary Affections, (arising from disease of the stomach and liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered stomach in both Male and Female, each us Female Weak ness. Diceiness, Fullness or Blood to the Bead. Inward Piles, Flintering, of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing. Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or Limbs, Cold Peel, ac. They remove all acidity. and give tone and action to the stomach. and assist digestion; they contain no alco holic stimulant, and can be taken by the roost delicate stomach, and will iii every case entirely destroy Costive s, and renovate the whole system. removing all im purities trom the body. and remnants of previous disease. and give health and vigor to the whole ironic, thereby preventing frightful dreams, walking while asleep, &c.. which often result in accident. The functions of the stomach are of the utmost impor tance to every one, constituting the source and fountain of life, which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re markable sympathies, none such remarkable power in modifying every part of the system. A greater number of persons fall victims to the harrassing of Constipation and Dispepsia and more organic diseases commencing in the digestive system, than all other diseases combined. The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Influenza, and other epidemics, is owing to disease or de rangement there. If the digestive system in in perfect health, the nervous system and the circulation of the blood will be also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose all their terror. Baltimore, July 1731817 Those living in, or districts harmed with FEVCR AND AULlit annually. will find thin by the timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen the system, no excess of secunedat, nud they will not in any one instance take the disease. Pre Velllloll is far better than cure. The rare MICCCss in treating diseases of the stomach snecesstlitly, has not been so much a want of pathological huowledge of its functions, as the preparation of suitable Vegetable compounds, so as to °Maul net only their whole power, but as they would be most effectual mid grateful. We are all aware that ton many preparations have been, and are now beiore the pubic, that act only as pall. olives, antioome that change the locality of the disease, or prevent it for a short period, then it returns more for midable than in the first instance. Such preparations hays destroyed the public confidence. Tins astute stand ing alone an its number of cares, and Untivalledoss thou sands of our citizens can attest who have tested its vir tues- can always be depended upon for the above named diseases. It will cure any ease that can be mired by medicine, no matter who, or what et, se ll! perfectly restore the diseased orgaute functions of the Stomach-Intestines, Resperntion.thretilatton, fix. These tinter*. and the Spikenard Ointment will cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases. For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE OFFICE. No. _',n, Race Street, one door above r.ighth, south side. Phila delphia. In Lancaster, by John PrLong ;in flarriaburg. by Daniel W. Gross; in Pittsburg. by \Vin. Thorn--and by dealers generally throughout the United States. 117. Pamphlets containtng cures and descriptions of diseases. gratis. Aleo for sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE RUM ARCTIC PILLS. for the cure of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop , ay. and severe Nervoua Affections; SPIKENARD OINT MENT. for the mire of Piles. Tett.r, Ringworm. fite.. die., die s fnerrhlS,lS.P.-Dm CUELAZ CIIELTA CHESNUT PHILADELPHIA, December 14, 1E147. READ Philadelphia- Adverlisemeraisi GREAT DZIEMILUCTION. HOW many die.a most horrible death without the simple cause being suspected. Softie linger for years, as they suppose, from dispepsia, when it is worms, which causes most diseases. There has come under our notice several cases of supposed dispepsia of several years' standing, when we have recommended Syrup, which has entirely restored them to health. We would say to MILTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach, Sick Head Ache, Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools, Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, &e., he assured it Li simply worms, and it needs but a trial of 110BENSACK'S WORM SYRUP - - - - - to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above symptoms and the Syrup hails to cure, the agent will re fluid the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the greatest sin you arc convicted of, is to let your children suffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable remedy at hand. It is said by oar oldest Phydcians, that Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis cuses the human family are subject to. Then, (lOW ill/. pertain it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand. Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes. you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your neighborhood and get a Book of llobensueles, containing certificates of Caret , and the symptoms of worms. Al ways keep a Bottle of flobenbacli's %Vorm Syrup on hand, it as a friend in need. READ ;ON! "READ ON:: READ ON: ME.SRS : I take great pleasure an informing yon of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy rap; having been afflicted fur five years, and rousted away to a mere skeleton. without mining any benefii from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts to try your Worm Syrup, as he informed me it land brought worms from him; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks county, a man over fifty years old, whom I am well ac quainti.d with. I then commenced taking your Syrup, and it brought a very large qUtilltity of worms, some ten inches in lengiL, mid entirely restored me to health, and, I must sny I wel like a new limn. Yours. truly ; JOHN HART, Phil'a co. Mr..f. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three yeses of age, living live miles out of the city, back of Second et. road and us only one nmongst the hundred grown persons Ma, have been saved by HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. Messrs.:Hammack : I have been looking for some of your Worm Synip for some time ; I base sold all hut our bottle ; I wish you to send me two dozen immediately. 1 believe it to be a good medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satisfaction. I have known one dose to bring from a child three worms, ten inches long, and from another twenty worms, eight inches long in one day. I have sold different NVorm Me dicines for a number of years, but never sold any that gave such universal satisfaction. Respectfully, yours, WM. BROOKFIELD, Bridgeton, New Jersey Putt.sura.rius, May 25,1947. Messrs. J N.B G. S. llobensuek—Gentlemen-1 have been for some time using your '• Vermitligu" in my prac tice, and 1 am happy to say that in my hands it Los sue ceeded in its intention, so no fully to justify my confidence units use. I think it among the very best preparations in Use. S. W. APPLETON, 31. 11.. No. 46, South st Prepared only by J. N. & G. S. 11011ENSACK. ild and Goatee street, Philadelphia, and for salo by all re sociable Storekeepers in this mid adjoining conntien. whom we authoriz a to give back the money in every case it fails to give with Action. Price 25 cents. Also 'Wiens:tel.'s Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price 12b cents, a certain cure for . Tooth Ache. I lobensack's Rheumatic Liniment. Price cents. do Cureell Salve. Price It cents, for weak backs. sprains, fresh anti old sores. burns. etc. Hobensack's 'Fetter and Ringworm Oinunent. Price .25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin— tor sole us El bOV.I. Philudelphin :Rey F27..—tno 18.1 q. CZOTEMPZG. r..ENTLEMEN 'Visiting' the City, and wishing to supply theinselVes with CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE READY-MADE .CLOTHING, Will find a LArtan, COMPLETE, AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT, Al the lowest. possible prices, for CA Sli, Manufactured of the best and most durable materials, and of the latest and 11104 t approved styles and patents, for Men and Boys, of AMERICAN. ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN CLOTHS, CASSIAIERES, SATINETTS. Astl. DOESKiNS, TOMETIIRA Arun A SrLIINDIID VARtTn. '4 OF SILK, sATIN, VELVET, AND CASIMIR! VESTINOS; Alvt; a great variety of 11 0 Y C OTIII N C ; AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER. OF SECOND AND MA ItiC ET STREETS,: PHILADELPHIA. AT PRICES AS LOW Ats ally other valahlitthwent In the Mulct% States. (rrlioullienht corner of S ECON.!) AND MARKET. Aprll S. GEO. CULIN. TESTED MY THOUSANDS Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Scarcely have ten short years elapsed since an humble attempt was made to combine. in a suitable medi cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the Indian. All swan dark ut the tune as tii the result. The inert that could be estimated was, that the principles adopted as the basis to build upon were sound. So much reliance was placed upon calomel and the lancet, that the ill success of the new experiment would have tended to confirm that reli ance. while it shook the purpose of the proprietor. Now, however, all doubt and diiTiculty ms nt an end.— Everywhere this medicine has been greeted with wel ,‘„,„„ everywhere lies its use been attended ith the most gratifying success. From small beginnings its sales are now counted By MILLIONS! . . and it is held in higher estimation at :the 'present time than when it was originally introduced, FEVERS% Fevers, like every other form of 'sense, are only an effort of nature to expel from the body something that is opposed to health; it is merely a struggle between the good and bad humors for supremacy, and the commotion Mich mutes is called Fever. The usual symptoms of a Fever Rre lienv Mess languor, anxiety, sighing and yawn ing: with alternate fits or cold and beat, atter which the patient complains of pain in the head arid hack, thirst, dif limaty of breathing, pain in the limbs, a SPIISC of fellness about the region of the stomach. nooses nod siclsness, with sometimes a vomiting of bilious matter. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar. ly adapted to the cure of ALL xtvas or revert, because they mint only thoroughly cleanse the stonier!. and bowels from rill bilious humors, but they open those excretory ves , els which empty into tile bowels; and consequently, the impurity contained in the circulation (which is the cause of all disordered motions of the blood, called Fe vers.) is thrown into the bowels, from whence it is car ried off by the regular nlvine discharges. In using Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills for Fevers, the only care necessary is. to have the medicine operate COPICI;sI.Y BY THE BOWELS. If the symptoms are urgent, trout four to eight pills should be taken, night and marmuig, until the fever Inissubsidedi after which smaller doses, once in twenty-four hours. will be sufficient to re store the body to n sound slate of health. The following highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appointed agent!, for the sale of this Celebrated medicine, in Lancaster connty : Reuben Weidler. Bainbridge, John I'. Beecher. Bird-in-!loud, Jacob Bruner. Bart Township, Wm. W. Passmnre. Belleview. Buyers & Kennedy. Conestoga Centre, John if. ll:inn:in, ('hutch Town. L. & linger.. Coopersville. I; Columbia,. Fry & Spangler. Cherry 11.11. loam. S. 'Webster Driainore, John A. Boyd. Carl r.trorge pitchman. do do \\ - .aver h. Staufer. do do Davis XVII Ilse, I:lleabednown, John 1,3 itch. Ephrata, 0.1 1 . hr.., do Martin Weidman. ruilon Home, Fulton tp.. 1. Het nplield, Ringu nit A .Martin. Intercourse. J. &S. 1.. Robinson. Let:cock township. Frederick Swope Larriff ter Square, J . F. h 1). 11. Herr. S Nailmniel S. %Volley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer at Cassel Mount villa. John Devlin. Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler. Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. Mnytown, John Reinhold. do Slnymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer. New Holland. Brubaker & Co. Nesv Provideuca, Hildebrandt & Meyer. Poplar Grove, S. It. Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. P. /30Yd. Paradise, A. U. dr A. L. Witmer. Peach Bottom. 'Wm. Arnold. Rawlinsvllle, John Rawlins. Safe Harbor holm Herr A: Son. Strausburg. Wm. Spencer, Salsbury, H. Freeland. Wnslidnglon, John A. Brush. p/Wr—Olfices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrifflit's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 109 Roca 2Su3 Greenwich street, New York ; ;r e nd I t o'r T hi re i to l n p t hi s a treet, Roston. June 21. 180.—trip2.19 Philadelphia dlivertisemetzte, Atop:kap VOR SALE at the sign of the 41 Red Rocklin," Fourth and Market Street, Philadelphia. 0. WHEELOCK, Puormsroa. CAKES :--Fruit, Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, Queen Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Sbort Cakes, Cheese Oakes, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Spice- Nuts, and Mager Nuts. PIES t—Strawberry Ifurtleberry•, Blackberry, Currant, Cherry, Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard, Apple Peach, Mince, and Itheubarb Pies pouring in hot front the oven at all hours of the day. CHEESE:—Timothy Jackson's Ne Plus Ultra Medal Cheese, (vary supenor.) Pine Apple Cheese, and a great variety °father Cheese, both new and old. • N. B. Sortie of the Cheese sold at this establishment is equal to the heat English TEMPERANCE llitlNKS—always cold—Roe eel h; Mineral I'Vuter, Lemonade.. Beer, Mead, Milk, &e. Philadelphia, Jane 10, I,l9.—rin WHY WILL ITU SUFFER. Thousands of lonics of, the Y AMERICAN COMPOUND have been sold during the past year. mid was never known to fail of curing., in 11. few days, the worst crises of a certain delicate disease. Siminal weakness and all diseases oldie Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need tear 110 exposure, as it leaves no oder on the breath. requires no restriettons ni diet or business-•-•COlitalliti no Mercury or noxious drugs in3urions to the system, and is adopted to every use, sex, or condition. It is alsoMe best remedy known tor Flour Albus, or IN - bites; (female complaints) with which thousands suffer, without the knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used in the priv ate practice ofa physician with unerring success. radically curing ninety-nine of the hun dred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain and full directions. IiTION—Ask for the AmturcANTotvreoitgen, and numb:tee only of the agent. l'nec per bottle: NVILLIANIS, agent for Columba'. June 3. lti.ld.-ty • .41. 1 11770011'S EMPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling attention. to this unequiled STOVE, the proprietor hns the pleasure to inform the public that (exter nally) it has undergone an entire change—the pipe and hearth placed opposite cacti other, and a SUMMER IIEARTII•ANO nnollANG APPARATUS, being rabic& thus rendering it faultless, and unless there is another faultless Stove in the market, this is unques tionably the best, us It now embraces every valuable im provement possessed by any other Stove an addition to some peculiar to itllelt; secured by. Letters Patent. Th e success of this Stos e, shire its introduction, is un equalled, Nothing has ever been offered for citlinaryjmrs poses, that lass given such general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied after its form; some dealers liave'even used its fundumental principles, but the proportiond•weirs so unlike the or iginal. that they bear the relative value, that a COUnterfea does to amitotic coin. Complete COOK and other COOK STOVRS, in great variety. P. R. caLnEra, No. 412, Market st. thrard Row. below To eltlh Street. PHILADELPHIA. UrrAll :lON purchased at Tllls 21Toni: w ill be livered in Columbia, free of charge, uptOP.el y OLIVER EVAN'S SALAIIIANDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, Warranted e9unlto any other make, and have never been injured by Fire or Burglars, in a single instance. Ile also keeps on band a full supply of eolall3oll ChM!, Made of lighter iron, at lower prices. Letter Copy ing Presses and Books. Trucks for Stores, Factories. Se. Druggists' Presses. Eagle Glass Paper.- Poriuble Shower Baths. Sc. Packing Levers, Heisting Machines. Retrigerutors and Wales Filters.. OLIVER EVANS', 61 South Second St.. below Chetinut, Philadelphia. REFRIGERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat, Rutter, Milk, and all articles intended tor culinary pur poses. WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Emig' Celebrated Wa ter Filters, for Purifying Water that is brackish or 'mlid dy. whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise can be had 01 all siecs and prices, at •the Warerooms, No. 111. South Second Street, two doom below Chesnut St., ?Idled. Philadelphia, October 2d, 1847. ArriacTED Itratio. A Certain Disease Cured in TIVO DAYS.--The mosT SPEEDY REMEDY FOR PAINS IN TIM loins. recent and chronic facetious of the kidneys, dis ease of the bladder, gravel, seminal weakness. k. e. l'cr sons who, by indulging in a secret habit, having ontruled on thontselves constiautionsil debility. should apply Im mediately to DD. KINEELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi- cal lion,, the oldest inetnittion of Site kind in die Oily. °dice. N corner of TIMID and UN lON Sts- be tween Spruce and Pine. II squares from the Exchange,. This Medical House was established by Dr. K. yenta ago. Mir the suppression of quackery, there hieing so many persons, without knowledge; name or character, who put hulverti.minents in the public papers, that an m -141111111011 of this kind man highly necesonry to prevent the afflicted, especially strenger, ' trout falling into the bands of some unskilful' wretch. who. instead of curing. might send Ins victim into cot Untimely grave. Theretore, the afflicted should shun the 'numerous pretended physicians who know nothing of the practice of inedicine, , but eon suit Dr. Kinkelitt, Wilo curve u CEItTAIN DISi.:4IISE in tat or three days. according to the suite of the patient, without the use of Mercury. No inereuriul remedies are used by Dr. Kinkel:li; his medicines arm palatable and harmless, and all bit patients are honorably shielded, ITOOI even the possibility of being discovered. lie W/10 places himself under the care of Dr. K.. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman. and confidently rely upon his skill as a physimati. and it he is Oat speedily :shoved no re 1111111eTIO1011 veil' be demanded. Strictures. one of the most troublesome and dangerous 8110C1i011P. which 011011 end in gravel, inliamution, ♦veak ness. &0., Dr. ICinkelin guarantees to 'remove speedily ; DM also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland, &c, Stric tures have ruined many ti ho had 'no knoWledge of 4 111eir existence. TAKE PnnnrtLAtt Noller..—YOMlr, men who have in jured thein , eves by Ei certain practice indulged in—a habit frequentently learned from MI companions, or at school, the effects of which urn nightly felt. even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediate ly. Weakness and constitutional del ility immediately cored and full vigor restored. Alf letters post paid, TAKE NOTICE.—IIe. Kalkelin has had greater practice in the above nrections than any physician in the United. States. lie also possesses an advantage over all others. from the Met of his having atiftlied ut the great hospitals of I,:nrope. Thousands tu Philadelphia gin testify that he cored them after every other:remedy hadfailsd. Sepa rate rooms for private eollslllllltiO/L Open till 9 mt. • TRAVELLERS supplied at a moment's !Mike, with the requisite medicines to cure themselves privately. I...scam:vs of medicines sent to any part of the U. S. More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. octi' "0 TEMPORAL! 0. A1021.23E1 CAUTION TO Tim PUBLIC—The only genuine . WISTAR'S HALSAAI OP WILD CHERRY." has the writteii signature of the General Agent, W.lll. SPEAR, on the out side wrapper surrounding each bottle; thin is believed to be the only article, bearing the above title, us °initiating front the Doctor. The virtues of Cherry, for relieving affections of the Lungs, and that sit important organ, the Liver, has long enjoyed the confi dence 01 - domestic practice. Cny of Philadelphia, F5-IS'illinm M. Speer, of the city of Philadelphia. being duly sworn according to law, de poses and sit) n that lie L in the possesNioa of the original recipe for preparing a Balsam on Wild Cherry, for affec tions of the Lu ug., u hieh tt as given to hint Icy Dr. blister. a regularly educated Ph.) sician. (hilt he believes it to lie the only one in 1 1 0. 11. 54i011 of any person except the neid Dr. %Vista r himself. W. M. SPEAR. Sworn and subscribed before me, and eny sea l a ffi xe d. on the tir.t day of November, A. D. 1t47. (L. S.) JOHN SWIFT, Mayor. A eop} rigid for the. Balsam is secured. Absurd no it tarry appear in the :ace of the above unde niableproof, 1111 1111.11V1i111111 linen li..loll, Mn,,.. recently applied to OM United States District Coon of Pentisyls a nte for on injuttenott en the General Agent for the Umtr.l SWAP% and the British Pres-antes. to itrevent said r Agnpi from selling the only genuine Dr. AVi.tar'a Ilitls:un 01 Wild Cherrv. (said mill, aduol claiming the right.) Oi course the Icon. Judge of rind Commrt promptly retuned it. The Bal-ntia is not one of the quack nostrum., of the day. claiming to en re persons a hone canes are hal and the reach of medicine, (or restoring others io life:) it only chum , . and lies proved in thousands ut Guars , to he. the first, most efficacious. und only genuinepreparation of Wild Cherry of the nineteenth century, for affection, of the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys frequently 1011).1nm:hi; an consump tion, over offered to the public. A liberal dinronnt in drilegints amt il . mintry dealer.. a. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC —I have this day nppourted T. W. DYtYI`T & SONS. o. IN. North Second street. Philadelphia. Wholesale Furnishing Agents for the (only genuine) Dlt. WISTAIt'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, for the following States, viz : Sew York. New Eng land State.. New JeeeeV, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbin, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolasa;sad • GeOrgia. • • Also, for the interior of Pcnnaylvania. Ail orderi for the Balsam will hereafter be .addressed to them. Also for sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAAI N. SPEAR, No. 115, Vine street, below Filth street,Phdade/• phis, General Agent for the United States and they Bntish Provinces, for the (only genutoe).Dr. Wistar's Haltom of Wild Cherry. WAL AI. SPEAR. Philadelphia, March 27, 101 A AGENTS,—J. & W. Penfold it Co., New York; A. Mc- Clure & Co, Dr. Itchier Co., Albany, N. Y.' John F. Prescott. Troy. N. Y.; Char/as Byeri,Jr.,Protaidlenee, R. I.; Redding At Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder, Iloaton,Masa.; James Green, D. Scott, Jr. & Co., Worcester, Mass.; 11. &.1. Brewer. Springfield, Mass.; G. W. Welsh, & Co., Hart . ford, Ct. • J. Gash & Co., Imricaster, Ps.; C. As Morris & Co., zudt'Dr. A. H. Barnitz, York, Pa; Reynolds & Cu, Leeksville, N. C.; John L. KidwelkGeorgeto D. ; Alex. Duval, Richmond, Va.; W. AIL Liumwa, Pa. Price St per bottle; six bottles for S 5. Ap15 9 454 117" DR. DICOTT WEE