The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 16, 1848, Image 3

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    Slack Spats on th e Skin, During the seminar
reason, we frequently meet with persons who are sorely
allhoyed with black apots,mbout the size of a pin's head,
.)sat ander the lining of the surface—there spots are truly
annoying, and repuleiv'e in appearance; they are nothing
more or less than duet, the akin being warm and the in.
dividesl perspiring freely, t hee dust, clogging lip the ducts
elite sebaceous chards, their oily secretions is not given
Mr. and, consequently, it cheesy deposit Is the results
tills becomes rancid and turns black. disfigures the com
plexion, and often inhumes and suppurates. Let Rad
way's soap be freely used, absorption will take place,
and the spots will speedily disappear. Al so, If Radway's
soap was made use of as a toilet soap through the day,
these spots and other annoying exctesteneea Would net
itrdkide 'you.
Radway's Soap, aside from Ito medicinal preperties, is
a delicious Tolle: Snap of very excetrent and ahperlor
make. Unll l / 4 2 soaps of the common mode of manufac
sure, such as scented fancy acmes, and soaps made from
common neap, or mile yellow isorip, strongly sein
ed with ereemtal oils to hide the disagreeable lnette(
the nitrifies, Radway'e soap is made of the purest ma
teriatti. instead of common grease er tallow ,the remelt
011s . frcith tie nitfe and other oleaginous plants are used
for Its ha'pOnaceoas qualities.- Another great and ;mod
sluality In Radway's Soap is, that It will not irritate or
inillametheakM ;—triost soaps, OR atcoant of their Im
mure qualities and the Itteltor skill in heir manufacture,
not only irritate the tender marmite, but actually pro.
Zlice eruptions:
Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to get Railway's
4qoap lawn as purity, coil OR R. tVits.iams, and Wm. A.
ILRA.DER, Ooltriabta,eurd Rehm & Jackson. in Lancaster.
Rooll'oeAte , uf the genuine, must be signed R. G. Rail
way. J. & R. G. RADWAY, 9 Courtland St., N.Y.
'Philadelphia Dagizereotppe Establishment
—Ezettasmx, 3d story, Dooms 25-27.—Daguereotype Por
traits of all sizes, either shigry or in family groups, col
ored sir viiithoutualors, are taken every day, in any wea
elms. Copies er Daguerreotypes, Oil Piiintings, Statuary,
tke.,may also be ti.rocured. Ladies and Ormtlemen are
cequestea to examine specimens.
•ap1.5'48-ty W. & P. LANGENIiEINI.
On the 11. tit Mat., by the Rev. William Barns. Mr. PIOUS
Cloths and Cassimeres.
HIE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of their
1 friends and the public to their FALL STOCK of
just received, among which arc some splendid styles of
Fancy Goods—French Hacks, blues, Sec., at reduced
prices,. J. D. Sc..l. WRIGHT.
Columbia, September 16, 1843.
G. W. 133LaLVIDT,
11 MERCHANT TAILOR, Front street, Colum
bia, Pa., re.pectildly'aintounecs to the Cid/C . IIS
of Columbia and the public generally, that he has
Just returned from New York, with a choice selection of
INUS, of the very latest style of pattern, and best quali
ty of material, which be happy to make up, in a
manner that cannot be .surpassed in any of the 'Atlantic
His stock consists of Cloths of all the desirable shades
and qualities, of the market, such as, French, English,
and American black, blue, blue black, brown, olive.
drab, &c., &c.. combined will, an endless variety of Cus
simeres and Vesting's, lOgelber Witlk a general assortment
of Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Gloves, &c.. &c.
Having secured the services - of ulr. Hem Young, who
is well known to this community, as one of the most skil
ful "Cutters" in the country, Inc flatters himself that Inc
wilt be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who
may be disposed to favor him with their patronage. The
citizens in want of articles in his Iliac are very respect
fidly invited to call and examine his stock before making
them purchases, as he feels assured that a duo regard to
economy will justify such a course.; and he would hero
say, that tio pains will be spared in the employment of
such workmen as will give entire satisfaction to evtn
the most fastidious. H. W. B.
Columbia, Sep. 16,-3m.
GOAD just received and for sale very
II low, at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S
Alpaca Lustres.
A VERY fine assortment of Plain, Plaids, and Stripes
at itacts.miti upwards, at J. D. & witicarrs
Don't be too late:
FOR the very cheap Flannels now selling with a rush
ut Me's. per yard, at 3. a & J. %IntIGUT'S.
O F " e" description of the' new FALL styles, just re
ceived at J. D. 11; J. IVILIWIT'S.
LEAC lIED and Brown, 4.4, 5-4. G-4, and 10-4 wide, at
unusually low prices, at J. 1). &J. WItIGIIT'S.
rail Ctinghams.
at J.
assortment: very cheap, just received
J. U. & J. t unnel
QUIOOLS. 3 male and 3 female teachers are
required to fill the vacancies in the Public Schools
of Columbia. Persons desirous of applying for schools
will hand in their applications on or before the 10th inst.,
nt 2 o'clock, P. M., to the Secretry of the school, at his
office, where the candidates for the male schools are ex
pected to appear for examination. l'itc schools will re
open on Monday, Oct. 2d.
By order of the Board,
G 1 t}. MOOBE, Secretary.
Columbia, Sept. 9,1649.--4 t
F=77% - 4"nrr"l ,
WINTER GOODS. J. D. &J. 'WRIGHT respect,
fully announce to their town mid country friends,
that they have this day received direct from the New
York and Philadelphia Market. a large and elegant sup
ply of FALL & 'WINTER GOODS, which have been
selected with great cure, and will be sold at prices that
cannot fail to please.
Give us a call, and examine our stock before purchas
ing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at a wall ad
vance on east. J. D. & J. WRIGHT.
Sept. 9,1E48. Locust Si, third door below Ind st
hy.given that the undersigned have taken out letters
of administration on the Estate of John Evans, Into of the
borough of Columbia, deceased. All persons having
claims against the stud estate; arc hereby requested to
present them forthwith, duly authenticated; and those i
knowing themselves to be n any wise indebted, are re
quired to make immediate payment to the undersigned.
September 0,1049.-6 t
TO READ THIS. A good chance to clear from
esou to $5,000 ayear. Agents wattled in every Town
and County in the Union, to sell "Sears' new and Popular
Periodical Works," universally acknowledged to be the
best and cheapest ever published, as they certainly arc
the most saleable. Any active agent may clear SSW or
51,000 a year. A. cash capital of 535 or $5O will be ne
cessary. Full particulars of the principles and profits of
the agency will be given on application, either personally
or by letter. lite postage must iti all cases be plod.
Please to address RUPERT SEARS, Publisher.
No. 120, Nassau st.. N. V.
It7'Newspapers copying the above, (including this no
tice) and giving it eight insertions, shall receive any one
of the bound volumes, which retail at 52 511 to 53 per
volume. Send only one paper directed as above.
Sept 9,15155 t
CIF DYlNG—especially in Antmnn, the most
delightful seavoa of the year? Stop then gentle
invalid. ae you pa. F. X. Zatustaats Store, in Locust
above Front, and get a box of
They are truly am effective remedy. Plenty of testimo
ny will be exhibited to prove this. Sept. 2, /8,1!+.
THE undersigned being about to leave Colam
bin, hereby notifies all persons indebted to him to
ome forward and settle theirecounts on or before 18th
of September, 1848. JOHN JORDAN.
Columbia, September 2,1249.-2 t
TllEStockholders of the Columbia and Wash
ington Turnpike Road Company, will hold an Elec
tion at the public house of Edward Jacobs, (Franklin Flo
•tel) Colombia, on MONDAY, the 18th 01 September, 18481,
between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock P. M., for chasing
one President end six Directors, to manage the affairs of
said company for one year. A. BITNEE,
Sept. 2,1848.--3 t. Secretary.
JONES'S Italian Chemiea Soap is called by the
Medical Society of Paris, "a blessing, a miracle and
a wonder:. to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora
tion of the skin.
It ewes , pimples, blotches, freckles, salt Thema, scurvy,
sore heads, tan, iambus% morphew, and it changes the
color of dark. yellow or shnburnt skins, to a fine healthy
clearness. For sale by R. WILLIAMS,Agent for Co
lumbia. 1e24'484tm
Philadelphia ddvertisements.
CJ. TYNDALE, No. 97 South Second street,
r Philadelphia, grateful for the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed, would call the attenuon of his
friends and the public generally ton large stock of Stoves
now on hand, of new, beautiful, and useful patterns,
amongst which wilt be found handsome styles front New
York, Peekskill, Troy, &e. lie has also a large assort
ment of Fancy Sheet Iron Stoves, for Parlors, pining
Rooms, and Chambers, handsome Radiators for wood or
Re also continues to manufacture Ores Celebrated Air
Tight Stoves turd from his long experience in the manu
facture of these stoves, being the torso and fur a long time
tire only agent in the City, lie flutters hitopoelf be can sell
cheaper and better than can be bought elsewhere.
A large assortment now on lined of the very best pat
terns of Cook stoves either fur wood or coal.
OW stoves repaired or taken in exchange for new
Philadelphia, Sep. Ili-2in.
AT the Phoenix - Hall Clothing Store, South
West corner of Second and Dock streets, l'hilada.
Now is the time and this is the store where the greatest
bargains in clothing are to be had. 'Flit subscriber would
respectfully call the attention of the public to his Clothing
Establishment as offering inducements to purchasers of
clothing that no others can offer, having the most exten
sive assortment and variety ever offered in one store in
this country. All sizes fitted and all tastes suited, from
the boy of five years old and upwards. All sizes of Boy's
as well as Men s Clothingl, to be had at this store.
Doing business entirely on the cash principle and
having purchased the goods, and manufactured his
clothing since the - great redaction in woollen goods, ena
bling bun to defy competition,. NVholeside dealers are
particularly invited toexamine this stock before making
other purchases.
Orders for all kinds of Military Clothing attended to at
the shortest notice.
Don't forget the Plactilx, at the Routh West Corner of
2d and Dock streets. WAI. D. TAYLOR..
Philadelphia, Sep. 16--3 in
AND RICH stock of Carpets, for Fall Trade.
The Subscriber, in addition to his former stock, jilts
ust reeetvo4, and has now in In store, a large and rich
assortment of New Styles English and American CAR
rr:riNG- manufactured to order, and decidedly the hand
somest goods in the market, ull of which are offered on
the most favorable terms.
. .
COUNTRY MERCHANTS and Strangers visiting
Philadelphia. who may be in want of Carpets, arc re
quested to look in and examine this stock of desirable
goods previous to purchasing elsewhere, no they will find
all goods 1 , 0/11 to be as represented, and at the lowest
market prices.
The assortment, its part, consists of:
English Tapestry,.
English and American Brussels,
••• Three-ply Imperial,
Super. Ingrains.
With low priced Carpeting, of all descriptions, Oil Cloth,
Window tshades, Rugs. Piano and Table Covers, Sheep
Skins, Stair Rods, Ilnalings, &c.,
Also, a large assortment of Rag, List, and Cotton Car
pets, front 121 to SO cents per yard. at the CHEAP CAR
No. .t.." 5 North Second street.
Directly opposite Christ Church, Plnladelphim
Philadelphia, Sep. 16-4lnt,
ivi r uje a]
QJIPPORTERS. Dirs. James Betts, North East
L./corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets, Philadelphia,
original inventorand sole proprietor.:
To Physicians, Ladies, and Druggists
Mrs. Bette most respectfnlly communicates the con
tinued success and hicreasing demand far her Uterine
Supporters; they are now very generally adopted by
Physicians as the most successful medium of set ie f for
the distressing malady for which they were invented, of
any offered to the public.
The evil results attending the use of Pessaries. are
obviated by the application of her Supporter, and the pa
tient is enabled, in a short period, to resume herdomes
tic concerns and duties ; and the long confinement to the
sick chamber, With all its attendant distressing conse
quence% rendered anneceseary.
Twenty thousand ladies are now rising them with lbe
greatest ease, comfort, and advantage.
CAUTION.--PLEess OBSUHVE--T ha t proceedings
have been commenced in the Supreme Court of Penn
sylvania against a Surgical Instrument making firm in
Philadelphia, for counterfeiting and selling the Support
ers us and for" Botta' „Utero Abdominal Supporters."
All genuine Supporters have her written signature en
closed in a circle of letter press; on each instrument
and in the box.. area book and written directions.
Mrs. U. refers with pleasure to eminent Medical Pro.
fessors of all the schools In Philadelphia. and to tele.
Waled Professors and Physicians, its other chits of the
United States.
Mrs Betts offers the following :
The fine Supporter for Ladies, adapted to the various
dimensions of Patients, 88 00: an entire new Support
er for SUMMER use, for Ludits requiring the use of
very cool, light, and transparent article; weight only
from 2 oc. to 30z., and possessing all the important re
quisites, 37 00: a very strong and durable Supporter,
with nil the latest improvements in hs arrangement,
(for poor patients.) $5 00.
The above arc subiect ton very liberal discount to sell
again. when three or more are taken.
R. Williams, Agent, Columbia, where pamphlets can
be had containing certificates of the most eminent phy
sicians in this country as well as in Europe.
Sep. 16, 1848-2 m.
Cheap Millinery Goods.
SPLENDID assortment or Clienp Millinery Goods ,
tl consisting of RIBBONS, SILKS, SATINS, VEL
VETS, FLOWERS and Fr:Ann:as, very low for
Cpsii, aL lilowarm's, Z 7, South Second st., PHILADELPHIA.
Philadelphia, September 16, 1646.—1 m
QTOYES 1: At No. 97, South Second street, Phil
ntlelphin. . . .
C.. 1 . YNDALE respectfully invites an examination
of his large stock of STOVES, embracing some of tue
of Pennsylvania, New York, Peekskill, Troy, he., to
gether with a beautiful assortment of Fancy 'Sheet-Iron
Stoves and Radiators. For Parlors, Dining-Itoonts, Kitch
ens, or Chambers, lie believes that his assortment will
compare to advantage with that of any other establish
ment. Ile has also a splendid stock of
for which lie has been the agent for many years in this
city, in the manufacture of which for elegance mid cheap
ness, he refers to numerous purchasers, and for beauty of
patients, lie believes Wunsch unrivalled. a
117 - For Stoves, whether for Wood or Coal, his assort
ment is complete. Re returns his thanks to his old cus
tomers, to whom and the public he renews his invitation
to give hint a call at the old stand, No. 07, South :hid at.
Philadelphia, September 16, 1.9.49.-2 m
TYRANTS as well as Monopolies must fall, so
must prices. That is a fi let Wbich can be proved by
calling at the Old Established CLOCK. WAven, and is:m.-
IEI.TM Stand of John Felix, Front street, a few doors
below lteres Washington noted.
ft".t....:1=4 The undersired havinf just return
ferroenlielloi t e n l iVeli n as%l, N at e lhe 'i ll o r r e k2
sent very low prices, a large and splendid assortment of
of every description, which. together with his former ex
tensive stock, lie is determined to sell on :quick slid at
small advances. Now is is your time if you wish to
purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at
astonishing low prices. The followang embraces some of
the leading articles of his magnificent stock:
fu;l:;,,voe,t; Gold and Silver Lephia, gnarlier, and Eng.
lb.!, NY:itches ; Gold and Silver Miniature Cases; Silver
'Futile, Ten, Salt. rind Mustard. Spoons; Silver Sugar
Tongs, Butter Knives, &c.; Silver Scissor Hooks, Silver
Combs and Hair Darts, Silver and Steel Belt Slides. Gold
and Silver Spectacles. Spectacle Glasses, Silver Thim
bles, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens, German Silver
Spectacle Cases; German Silver Table and Tea Spoons;
Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Steel do.• Gold, Silver, and
Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps, inr-Rings, Finger-
Rings, Breast Pins mill Bosom Studs of every description;
Card Cases, Steel Purse Kings and Tassels, Bag and
Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists. Shell
Side and Back Combs; Pen Knives, Pistols, Spy Glasses, I
Music Boxes, Pocket Books and Purses, together with a
large variety of other useful and oniarnentnl articles
usually kept in Jewelry Stores.
Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches,
and Jewelry—and all work warranted.
Thankful for past favors. the subscriber solicits a con
tinuance of the same—which he natters himself to merit
from his experience and by a strict a JOH Nttention business.
N. B. Remember the place. It id in Front street,
a few doors BELOW Ilerr's Washington Hotel, Colum
bia, Pa., where you can buy cheap and good Jewelry,
and warranted to give sansfaction ift every instance or
have your money refunded.
Columbia, August 0, tr4B.-1y
TIIE subscriber has purchased the Patent righit
of Timby's Improved Water Wheel, which has been
proven to do more work with less water than any other
wheel now in use. The wheels can be seen ill operation
at John Linuier's Saw Mill, and at John Kerr's Saw Mill.
Persons having Mills on streams of water where there
is not sufficient fall for overshot wheels, will find these
wheels to do more work than either pitch-back, Under
shot, or Flatter Wheels.
JEFFTI, tY SMEDLEY, Machinist,
,Sept. 2. 1649 -if Columbia. Lane. co, Pa.
Philadelphia advertisements.
IN DRY GOODS at No. 80, North Sd St., Phila
Country Merchants will find FANCY AND OTHER
DRY GOODS from the Philadelphia and New York
Auctions embracing such articles only as can be bought
at less than ordinary market rates. thereby enabling him
to supply those who buy for CASH at lean prices than call
be furnished elsewhere. A. DEIVALD,
Philadelphia. Sep. 16-2. m. No. CU N. 3d street.
TILE Largest Concern in the United States.
1111.1. & [ANIL No.tril North SECOND Street,
" above VINE, and No. J 49 MARKT:I' Street, above
Nforro!—Sinall profits and quick sales.
VAItIVITYI—Entin•Iy unsurpas, r ed nail unequalled.
CO:11:TILION !—Plir. very far in the lir). ground.
We oiler, among others, this season:
The Celebrated Empire Cook. the gthittitie-
Rottey's Economist—a liele and prune stove.
Leibratiln's Ole Bull Cook.
The Philadelphia Air-Tight.
The Our :Stoves for )
New and splendid patterns.
The New Pattern Completes, 3 sizes, do. do.
The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do.
A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors. Cannon
Radiators, Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches,
&c.. e., &c., too numerous to mention.
Philadelphia, August 12, le4s.
TONIC ?.UXTURE! That great National. Old Fa
vorite. and Sterling Remedy! of EIGIFFEEN YEARS'
STANDING—suit unapproached in its Nvonderimil succe.,
certainty, and safety, in time CURE OP THIS WRETCHED COM
fa — If you would csnape the arsenical (poisonous) coun
terfeits take not it bottle from any one. that isnot guarded
by the written signature" of the original inventor and
proprieior, Jew: It. ROWANIJ,OII a paper label, crossing
the mouth and cork.
This remedy has never been holstered up by false and
tleeeirtbl puffs, but has won its way to the confidence and
universal adoption of the Inhabitants of FEvEn AND Ante
lbsTuters,rrs 00101) WORKS AND FRUITS
ALONE: to which all the agents, and every person who
Lave used it, well testify.
143, Arch Street. Phila.
Columbia R. Wiilitons, W. A. Leader; Lancaster..l
C ish nu, J. Awfe r, J. 'F. Anderson ; Bain:
bridge, J. Landis: Fallmouth.G. H. Horning: Middletown
M. Brown, IL. Phou ; Portsmouth. Henry Bear, M. Me
/Noon, Win. Hawaii ; CollnPs Perry, A. Collizz4; New
Windsor. Pekort & Mutably; 'ride-water Lock, J. Kelly;
Wrightsville, J. S. Futhey.
August 5, Ink?.
rrYPE FOUNDRY. No. 8 PEAR Street, near the
Exchange, Philadelphia.
The subscriber having made great improvement% in his
method of casting type and mixing of mends; and had a
thorough revising of Isis nunnees.othe faces of winch are
not excelled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by ally in
the country; flutters; himself that by It strict personal at
tention to busineso. unit employing none but the most
skillful workmen, he is enabled to oiler a superior article,
AT “111:1A:4.11 REDUCED yEI4SES.
He k constantly adding to his stock all dart is new from
the best workmen or this and other count ries, and lowing
lately procured from Europe, a great variety of NEW
FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of
Printers thereto.
Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order.
Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink. Stands, Galleys, Brass
Rule, and every other ankle needed to furnish u complete
Printing (dine. supplied at the shortest notice.
GERMAN 1300 K AND 3013 TYPE,
Of the newest style and of aU sizes, carefully put np in
foams of correct proportion,
Philadelphia, August 1318-thit
QTOVE WORKS. The subscribers respectfully
1. inform their friedds and the public that they are now
prepared to execute arty orders with which they may be
favored, for their IVEST PHILADELPHIA CONI
PLETE COOK STOVE, of which they have three sizes ;
sizes: Mass and Tot's for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes;
PARLOR sTov KS, (for wood.) two sires; GAS OVENS,
three sizes; CAST-IRON HEATERS, and a large mud
beautiful assortment of Patients for Iron Railing.
Their bloods are all made of the best material, and from
new and beautiful designs.
Their wnsT PHIALIYA COMPLETE is, without
doubt, the best mud most saleable Cook Stove in the
market. They are tit:distracted with Mott's Patent Feeder
Front and crate, which gives them a decided superiority
over all others. They only WWI/ a trial to conlirm what
is here asserted.
CASTINGS of all kinds made to order with promptness
and despatch.
Samples may be Seen and orders left nt the Foundry. or
at J. IL KiMILEIeS, 154 North Second Street; Alzrittatt &
Wass:airs le7 South Second Street, and at WILLIAMS &
4944 Market Street.
Phila. August 19, 1548.-41 in.
1 By means of 1110 POCKET
ESCULAEIUS, or every One Air
awn physirianr twentieth edi
tion. with upwards of a hun
dred engravings, showing pri
vate diseases in every shape
and form, and malformations
of the generative system.
By W. YOUNG, M. D.
The time has now arrived,
that persons suffering from se
cret disease, need no snore be
come the victim of quackery. an
by the prescriptions contained
in this book any one may cure
himself, without hindrance to
business, or the knowelodge of the most Intimate friend,
and with one mails the 11111011 expense. In addition to the
general routine of private disease, it fully expiable the
cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on
marriage—pesules other derangements which it would
not he proper to enumerate In the pulgic prints.
o"Any person sending TWENTY- rive Ewes enclosed
in a letter, will receive one copy ofthi■ book, by mall. or
live copies will be sent Abr one dollar. Address, DR.
W. 'YOUNG, No. 154. SPRUCE bt., Philadelphia," post
WANTBD—Proprletors, of Drug or Book Stores,
and Pedlers, in every town In the United States, to act
as agents for the above work. sept2'4B-Gm.
Billimore Advertisements..
SIIOWER-BITH. In entirely new article for
Shower Bathing, with warm or cold Water.
A great and important improvement is made in this
Shower-Bath over all others. by throwing the water im
mediately on the hotly, without wetting the head, unless
at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point
is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water,
which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of
all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair.
Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in
met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the
water to snit their wish. and commence bathing at tiny
season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies
can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the
head or covering the same.
The arrangements are simple and complete, and not
liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to
suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person.
When the door is closed. the fixtures are hid and the out
side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture.
They have received the approbation of several medical
gentlemen—otbere are requested to call and examine
them. Manufactured by the Patentee.
21 South Calvert street, Baltimore.
DATlllit:G.—Ttead what Armstrong says :
Do not omit, ye who would health secure,
The daily fresh ablution, that shall clear
The sluices of the skin; enough to keep
The body sacred front =decent soil.
Still to be pure, even if n did not conduce
(As much as it doesl to health, very greatly worth
VOUT daily pains; 'tin this adorns the rich ;
The want of this in poverty's worst foe,
With this external virtue, age maintains
A. decent grace; without it, youth and charms
Are loathsome. aml6'd?-ly
Calvert street, Baltimore. has removed his Laborary to
his new building. No. 21, and has always on hand the
largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic
remedies in the United States, prepared under bin epeeist
care at his Laboratory—being the first erected in the
Untied States for the special purpose of preparing Tuon
sowtsx Manwirtas. All of the pulverized and compound
ed articles are put up in quarter and half pound pack s.
and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing
and in bulk. and upon better terms than the same article
can be had for in the U. S. Every article in his lute is
warranted genuine—the public can rely upon this.
MT - A liberal discount made to country merchants, who
are particularly requested to call and examine quality,
ice. before pnrchasing.
ilb - The various Treatises, embracing the most repnted
authors, upon the Thomsonian or Botanic System of
Medicine, may also be had at his establishment, by the
quantity or single copy . ati2Glo.ty
kerchicfs. Jockey Club, Perfume De Jenny Lard,
Alausseline, Magnolia, Bouquet Caroline, Robe, Jeenutt,
Portugal. Patchouly, Musk, &c. For sale by
scparld \V. A. LEADER.
ACOMPLETE assortment of Wood, Coal, and
COOKING STOVES, for Mlle at reduced prices,
at the hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL.
oul9lB-3m Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
500 KEGS NAIL and SPIKES for sale at man
ufacturer's prices= the Ilardwure Store of
Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
JUST received, a lot of superior English SHOT
Gt;Ns. Double and I...;ingle Barrel, tor,salc at low
prim, at am ilerdware :Slum. of . _
Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
AMERICA and Russia Sheet Iron for sale
at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of
nul9'4S-Om Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
ANEW ARTICLE which may be used with
Quill or Steel Pen (quill in preferable) for billets,
invitations, will exactly be the thing. It is also
used for ornamenting Wood, Picture Frames. Chairs, dfc.
For sale by IL WILLIAMS.
Columbia, August 11, IS4 S.
ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double
Trusses for sale. by W. A LEADER.
Culkillibux, Pa., Auplet l^ 18V.
TUST Received a first rate, supply of Bull's
0 B A RS AP A 11l LL , and for si d e by
Colombia, Augngt It 2, W. A. LFADER.
QMISAPARILLA. Just received another large
kJ supply of Townsend's. Sarsaparilla, nnd for sale by
August 12, te..t!. W. A. LEADER.
LIMP GLOBES of every size and shape, for
gale by W. A. LEADER.
Columbia, Augu ‘t 12, 1.643.
1)/11101 Just received another supply of
Swim's Paltacak. For stile by W. A. LEADER.
JUST received a new supply of the handsomest
Enid 111Ost bpleoditt It...ion:lo,lkt of Camp Moe. anal Edit:-
roil Oil Lamps ever kept ill ColumLtx. For cute by
W..\. LEADI R.
OIL. Fresh supply of Ethereal Oil for sale
by W. A. LEADER.
IiiRENCII Brandy, Port Wine, Madeira Wine,
White Wine, Old Rye, and Sherry Wine can be hud
pare. for Medictual purix,e‘es ut LEADER'S Drug Store.
& S. PATTON have just received one ease
Gllngllncno, fast colors, only lYi cts. ju)22,18
nNE yard wide, very heavy, only 61-4 cents, at
part. 48 Y & pxyrows.
W& S. PATTON have jest received a spier
did assortment of Sumner Dress Coml., at very
low prices. toyStr49
j) ICININE, for the growth and preservation of
A.A., the IGiir. For sole by R. WILLIAMS.
Coltunloin..July t 4,164.
DE JENNY LIND, for beautifying the HAIR, &c.
For sale by It. NVILLIANIS.
Columbia. July 8. I'M.
OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now
oprumg ut IV. St s PA'rrON'ts.
Allay 20,
MATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and
low at \V. ac S. PATTON'S.
May .20, 1,,,.4-c-tr
'HANGINGS. Parlor,llall;Cliamber, and Ceiling
p.,p.T. and Borders, Fat:bards 3.e.. of the newest
st) leg, always on hand at manufacture ra - price., a t
J. D. & tV RR.: I irs.
Columbia, March 25, IQ47.—rf
Lk ND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at
alp22'4S-ti W. & S. PATTON'S
COPPER and Tin Pumps--a good supply of
always on hand, and :nude to order, ut the.
1111.111 , 1 notice by 11. PPA.III.ER. & CO.
March 11,
GLOVES. An extensive assortment of llosieries,
Gloves, Le., at reduced ItriccA, nt
redttr4S-a: FRY & SPANGLER'S.
11XTRACT De JENNY LIND, tor the baker
_LA elsiel: For sale by it. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, July 8, VAS.
AND Molasses. Soveriag's celebrated steam
=Vivi. Melenses, la deticantat article for table use;
new crop HONEY at
feblifP.-tf FRY it SPANGLER'S.
1111VILS always on hand and for sale
.1.1 by 11. PFAIILER dr. CO.
111nrch 11. 1843-)f
AFresh supply of those justly celebrated
TEAS just recrived by
felollEl 4 4l Sole Agent]. for Columbia.
t ,:S
AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
sale at manufactures prices, by
April 7, 192--tf Ilmarrm
A RTICLB Boat Stove. We would call the at
sermon of Iloatmen to a new article of boat Stove
made and adapted expressly for their convenience. To
be wen and had at & CO.
March 1 t, 1848-tf
.p z. 1 ,41. • ~,izil
Yllll% Celebrated Lowden Filth Chains, Tea
ces, long and short, double and dtangle Link, breast,
carrying and halter Chaina, all of which we offer at man
ufacturers prices. ap7-tf RUMPLE HESS,
trIlE Subscribers have constantly on hand a
full assortment of wood. con), and cooking Stoves of
every sire and discnption. cannon sloven. Also, Head
enburg's patent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves, which ban given
full satisfaction in all cases. The public are invited to
call and examine for themselves, at the Ilardware Store of
Oct RUMPLE dc 111:S5.
BY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from
the Rant, great decline in PRli GOODS. We have
Just received a large nod splendid assortment of
and much below the usual prices. A splendid assortment
of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the assort. Call and ex
amine. W. h. S PATTON.
Columbia, Mac 20, 1814—if
Philadelphia adverlisenzenle
Dr. CULL N'S xikamul.rr
VEGETABLE PANACEA. We give below a num
ber of Certificates of Cures of Scrofula 4 r King's
Evil, Tuner, Erympelas, and Old Sores, which have been
cured in Philadelphia by the above most extraordinary
Thousands of cases of Itheumatiatn, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, Mercurial Diseases, Ulcers and Impurities of
the blood. have been cured by this Panacea. The test,.
moinals of which will be furnished in pamphlet form
We the undersigned. having 'visited Mr. Isaac Brooks,
Jr., at the otlice of Messrs. itowund & Walton, 376
Market street, Philadelphia, eotimler his case the, most
remarkable One we have ever v7illiesseil or heard of.
Ills ilbmise was Scrofula, and terrible must have been
Iris twelve years' conflict with :be destroyer! Ills pal
ate. the entire roof of his month, nose. upper lip. and low
er lid of the right eye have been destroyed, his tare near
ly eaten up, and part of the jaw bone carried away. And
yet we can give no description of Ins ruse.
Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the whole inte
rior of his mouth, ns well as most of his face, was a masa
of deep and painful ulcers!
On the 11th of January last, he commenced taking Dr.
Calico's Indian Vegetable Panacea , which checked the
disease in a few days, and Main that time Me cure has
I progressed without intermission.
New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ulcers,
and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, and his
general health is restored.
I.Ve arc assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooks'
case, no Nfercurials, Ointments, or Caustic applieations
have been used.—in fact, the Panacea alone, has wrought
this wonderful change.
Philip S. White, k.sq. 2. \V. Jones, M. D.
Rev. John Chambers, W. Steeping, M. D.
Rev. A. D. Gillette, T. P. S. Roby. M.l).
Rev. J. It. Nichols, Jacob Frick, M. D.
Rev. William Uric, S. B. Coles, M. D.
Rev. E. Kincaid, John W. Ashmead, Esq.
Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq.
E. Guilloo, Fey. L. A. Godey, Esq.
And Mo.:lnds of others equally respectable, whose
names might be added if necessary.
11 there should be ONE who still hesitates to use 0114
valuable Medicine, or disposed to give the preference to
any other, or yield to the advice of prejudiced physicians
NOT to use the I'hISSWES-We ask that One to read the fol
lowing certificates. Mr. Caldwell a gentleman of res
pectability and well known in the lower pert of the city,
where he carries on his business as a currier.
Mrs. Foster is also well known as a respectable mem
ber of the Ebenezer M. E. Church. We would remind
the afflicted, that it is but a few weeks since We published
THREE new certificates—here are two more.—ls there a
medicine in existence that cares with the certainty that
this does ? We invite those who have any doubts to cull
upon Mr. Caldwell or Mrs. Foster, and they will have a
mush fuller accoant Man cm be given in a certifieate.
To ROWAND & NYAvrox—GeoL,
I with pleasure give you ft brief statesman of the CURE
performed on my son by your Dr. Culletes Indian Vegeta
lee Panacea. lit the early part of last spring my little
boy, about four years of age, had the measles badly, &-
Hug which time lie took cold. Atler the measles left
Isms, Isis ears commenced discharging matter—his eyes
became much inflamed and very sore I found his sight
would be entirely destroyed. His head was literally cov
ered with stubby ulcers, which extended over a consid
erable portion of his face. Vl'e tried several reinedses,
but without benefit. I saw in the "Daily Sun" newspa
per n cure performed on a child of Mr. Hopkins, by your
Panacea, nail inviting those interested to cull on him.
did so, and became satisfied to give it a trial. 'Me first
bottle produced a decided change for the better. lie took
four bottles and the disease is completely mastered, and
I have no fears of a return.
I must say I was much opposed to patent medicines, as
they am called—believed theta to be catch-penny hum
bugs—but my mind is changed. I now believe your Pan
acea to be the most valuable medicine ever introduced,
and have no hesitation in Tccounstending it to all who
need n medicine of the kind.
I remain gratefully yours, &c.
J 01IN CALDWI:LL, 35d south 2d street
PUILADEI.PHIA, Atarolll7th,l.B4B.
ROWAND & WALTON, Gcntn.—For the benefit of the af
filleted, and w gratitude to you, I cheerfully :nuke the fol
lowing statement.
About eleven years since a red spot made its appear
ance upon my ankle. It did not trouble me for sane years.
About four years ago it became inflamed and plutn!. I
was then informed it was Erysipelas. I procured sonic
salve from Dr. S., which spread the disease over my bo
dy and head. My face was so much swollen that I was
blind. I then applied to Dr. Gardner—he gave me some
powders, which I took for corns time without any benefit,
I was now suffering more than pen or tongue call describe
—none can know anything of my sufferings unless they
have been like afflicted,
Mr. Chase, a particular fiend of mine, bad so much
confidence in your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pann
cen, that he insisted on my giving it a trial. "En KNEW
IT 'WOULD even ME." At Isle request It called upon you,
and procured a bottle of the medicine, which gave toe en
couragement to go on. I have taken six bottles, mud an
entirely well, and have lieent so for almost two years. I
would say to all who need it purifying tneilteme of the
kind, "get it by till means," 1 believe it to be the best me
dicine ever known. Tours, truly,
Smith 2d street, west side, Xd door above 'lVashimpon
Puttansa.ruta, April 11th,1.8.0.
ROWAND & WALTON—Gentlemen. / feel it to be my du
ty to give you a statement of the wonderful core Dr. Cul
len•e litdinll Vegetable Panacea Ims effected upon me
that others like afflicted may know where they can pro
cure that great and, 1 believe, the only cure for.
About two years since, my heck began to swell; kernels
Mrined under my Jaws and ears, they continued to swell
and become very paimul. I was advised, to try many
things, but to no purpose, except a is rite of my money.
Poultices brought them to a head, causing them to break
and discharge %cry freely.
The swellings Instead of diminishing in size, increased
until the lumps extended completely around my neck,
many ns Inrge ns n Letfs egg. and one tin large as my fist,
I was in till, condition when your Panacea was recoil..
mended to me by Mr. Garrison. I commenced its use.—
The swellings began to ditnimsh almost from the time I
begnn to take, it. My, friend who recommended tile to
take the medicine, inseitind that I should continue to use
it, as he knew of so ninny persons who had been cured
by it. I accordingly persevered, and have now used
about one dozen bottles, and consider myself a well man.
I do not think there is such another medicine in the
world. I %ell! be pleased to sec any one wishing further
information at Mr. Jesse Baker's hand box manufactory,
No. Pd, Bank street, who con also certify to the above
statement. JOHN FARROW.
Mr: hiker and Mr. Garrison whose storo is at No. 29.
]ones' alley, arc both well known itt (1114 city, and wilt
coroboratc the above statement.
Mr. Julia W. Itliddleton ; No. f 4.5 South Eighth street,
gives the following brief history of his case : I have
suffered for many,years with a severe OCROFULA.UireCtiIIg
my legs, anus, and head, at limes not being able to walk
without crutches. I had tried almost every thing before
I commenced with your Panama, but to little purpose.—
The Panacea has proved itself superior to all other medi
eine!, 1 have taken, as that alone has effected the cure."
Mr. Middleton was offered fifteen dollars a week, to re
main in the °Moo of a certain doctor in this city, and
represent the care as being effected by his medicine; it is
unnecessary to say that Mr. M. spurned the villanous of
fer with indignation. Mr. M. out be seen at lug residence.
Philadelphia, Dee. 2947.
Mr. 1. A. Kong', a gentleman well known M the city
gives the following information I was troubled with a
painful leg for about eighteen months, so distressing at
/DOM as to disqualify me from following my business,
and deprive me of sleep. 1 "was induced by a fiend to
NAMA. My leg, at the titan I commenced taking the
Panacea. wan much swollen and inflamed, with a large
ulcer open. The leg is now entirely well.” Mr. Kermit
resides at No. 125 south I:leventh street. 'Philadelphia,
Mrs. Mary T. Charles, a highly respectable lady living
in Williamstown, New Jersey, had suffered about rune
years with I:ILCISRIP on the leg. The attending Physi
cians said nothing but amputation cold save her hie.
Reading the many astonishing cures performed by
Dr. Cnlien's Indian Vegetable Panacea, she sent a
friend to procure some of the medicine, but unfortu
nately she missed the place and got into a Doctor's
Office, who represented hint medicine as the PANACEA,
and of which she took about twenty bottles, without
benefit, before finding her mistake. Iler friend then call
ed and procured Dr. Cullen's Panacea, end alter using it
about ten months, Mrs. Charles thus writes under the
date of December 20,1847:
Messrs. Rowand & Walton--Crutlemen — Yoll reqerst
me to inform you how I am getting. I haveothe pleasure
of staling to you that my health to good—l have a good
appetite, and my isshwehiela a was thought would have to
be taken oll; is now entirely MA
Further Information may he obtained by calling upon
Mrs. Early, in Vernon street, below South.
Messrs. Rewind dr Walton—Gentlemen :--I cheerfully
Rive yea the particulars'of a cure performed on me by
year justly celebrated / 3 Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegeta
ble Panacea: , I have been afflicted with the " Tetter ,
about let. years on my body and hands. It was exceeib
ingly troublesome and annoying, I tried Ointments, but
without relief Last winter I procured some of your
Pallinea the itching was soon allayed; and I had taken
the niedtcine but a short time when Liles made their ap
pearance on itillerein patio of me body. When the hilts
disappeared the Toter went with them, and I son now
entirely well. I would certainly recommend the Pana
cea to all who arc similarly afflicted.
Mullicahill, Gloucester Co., N. S., April 17, 1847.
Mr. Hazleton is a re,pectable farmer, and well known
as a Temperance Lecturer and moral reformer, to the
people of the lower counties of New Jersey.
R. & IV.
Dr.'s PANACEA, 8011.1 wholesale awl maul, by
the propnrtors, Itowsso & NVALTON No. 376. Market st.,
1.1111 by their ap:ats. _
R. NV:Maio, and W. A. Lendr.r, Columina; Jas. Sundt
Lancamer: John S. Father . and Even,
Lloyd, Writtlethellte: J. T. Anderson, Marietta.
September •!. 1e4.1 —I y,
VEGE'I AIME PILES REMEDY is a domestic pre
paration, which has been used with entire success for
many years. ile i gan internal medicine. it has a decided
preference over outward applieations.whiell are but pal
latives and not curative,. This medicine acta upon the
diseased parts, producing healthy action, and a PERMA
MONEY. Whoterale and retail by
ROWAN) & WALTON, Proprietors,
No 376, Market street, Philadelphia
R. Williams and W. A. Leader, Colombia; J. T. An
derson. Marietta ; J. S. Futhey /c Evans. and Lloyd,
Wrightsville ; James Smith and C. Mils, Lancaster.
OR COPAVIA. Dr. Cullen's Lillian Vegetable
Remedy is a domestic preparation, composed entire
ly of roots—no balsams, no mercury, or any other min.
eral, and very pleasant to the taste. Certain syphilitic
complaints, in all their forms, cured in a very few days,
if the medicine is taken as directed.
Prepared by ROWAN D & WALTON. and sold whole
sale and retail, at No 376 Market street, Philadelphia—
n. and %V. A. Leader. Colombia; .1. T. Ander
son. Marietta ; J. S. Pulley and Evans & Lloyd,
'Wrightsville ; James Smith and o.llills, Lancaster.
septT 48.1 y
k,`,o4:l(iitigaii.lkvi • :11.
AfiiNUFACTORY. Sieve, Riddle Screen and Wire
_y_f_ CLOTH iIIANI.:FACTORY,o. 49, North Front
street, Philadelplua.
Tho subscribers continue to manufacture, of a superior
quality, all hinds of PLAIN stud ORNAMENTAL WIRT:
WORK, such as Sieves. Riddles, Screens, &c., for all
kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Brick.
dusts. &e.
Founders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly on
• • .
Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers. Sofa Springs, Twilled
Wire for Spark Catchers, &e.
Such as Cage., Nursery renders, Garden Bordering,
Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape Vines,
&a.. &C.
Alim. Wire Fencing' of every . description.
lII' Orders timidatilly received. and promptly 'seem.
ed by WATSON ft COX.
August 12, 131 P 1m
TN LIGHT! The attention of purchasers is In
vited to the extaturivu variety of MURPHY'S !Meat
The construction and improvements of these Lamps
render theta suital,le for any purpose or place where arti
ficial light is required; the brilliancy and magnificence of
which have not been equalled, and at °sit-Haas rug Ex-
PSNSe of any yet invented. They aro perfectly free from
any unpleaszun odor.
ALSO—A. general assortment of Solar, Lard, and Oil
Lumps, Fluid, Candelabras, Chandeliers, Hanging Lamps,
for Churches, Stores, Hall Rooms, Factone a, Mauls and
Hilliard Saloons, Lamps with shades, designed for reading,
All manner of Gas Fixtuxes, of every pattern, style and
Having every facility foe manufamating, the under
signed is prepared to sell, wholesale and retail, as CIINAP
as any manufactory to the United Stings, and the articles
ate warranted equal in appearance and construction to
any that can lie produced.
Merchants and dealers will find it to their advantage
to call and examine the stock and prices, which cannot
fail to give satisfaction.
OIANUFACTORY, No. 191, N. Second Street.
Philadelphia, Judy 20, 1:4 5.-am
W ASIIENGT h ON Secon d Gall
t,Nery of Daguerreotypes, No.
'Mb Nort Strec. W. corner oi
hill street, Ilailailelphia.
The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at this
welt known establishment. for ONE DOLLAR., are uni
versally conceded to be EQUAL ill every respect to ANY in
the city. Pictures taken equally well to cloudy and clear
weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS and
LOCKETS on hand, at from St to 85, including the pic
The subscribers respecifially invite the citizens of Lan
caster county, to call and examine specimens of the latest
improvements in the art of Daverrcotyping, which will
be exhibited cheerfully anal without charge.
Philadelphia, July 1,184 S-Gin
111,1 i l 1 1 1 'UU Ii kILIWoM i il l AlLkk= I
READ this attentively. Dr. KEELER'S CORDIAL
mid CARMINATIVE, for the speedy and permanent
core of
nod for an the derengetoents of the Stotnach and Dowels
TI7 . TENS or THOUSANDS die annually from diseases of
the Stomach and Rowels. In the face of this alarming
mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted in
mitigating suffering we cannot prevent. Mora than riva
THOUSAND persons to our knowledge were cured during
the past summer; and we unhesitatingly say, that ninety
nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is
no mistake about thin fact, mid as a teat of our sincerity
and assertion, as a tnedicut and responsible
we promise to retina the mount paid' in every well au
thenticated ease where it fails. Will you sittrer, will you
let your little ones stiffer when you have at hand si reme
dy late this, so potent in subduing disease. To doubting
ones 10 - Itcad what physicians, the press, and others
say of the Cordial.
(Extract of a letter from the lacy. Dr. Earle.]
Davi:Tine, Bucks county, August tM„ 1847.
Dear Sir am now prepared to recorrunend your Cor
dial from having need It with success in several instances;
and I am now trying your Panacea in a case of protracted
debility. intended with cough, apparently produced in the
young lady by her •• out-growing her streimth," to use
conunou ... ALFRED X. D.
ofn letter from Ebenezer Cook.]
New York City July 2D,1847.
Dr. Keeler: Sir—l have used in ray family all of the Cor
dial which you led with :no last summer except two bot
tles which 1 persuaded a customer of mine to try, and
havingproved very beneficial. he has recommended' it to
some of his friends, svho wish to have some of it, I there.
fore wish you would send me some by express. lam
satisfied from my own experience that it lathe beistmedi
cine for children Tuesrutso and Scam= Commit:ars
that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary for a
' reemrunendation is to try it. Very respectfully,
Eitexcexit Coot, 254, Grand st., car. ot"
Tlds is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Keeler's Cordial,
and have found it a valuable medicine in diarrhea], dye.
emery and all derangemehts of the stomach and bowels,
caused by Teething, and is particularly adapted to all dis-
Canes of these organs caused by acid fruits or the debili.
lading tafeets of season and climate.
D. Al. ALLMON, at. D, Plum at., Phila.
Dr. Keeler' Cardtal.—We would call the attention of
our readers to this invaluable medicine, which will he
found advertised at length in our colonies. .As a correc
tive in cases of Diurrblea, u disease very prevalent at the
pteseut time, ins highly spoken of by an who have used
it. It is perfectly safe in to nature, and speak experi
mentally, SVDell we say that it alforda immediate relief.—
INears datunltir Valetta of August 28, 1847.
Dr. Kroler's Lorilial and Carminative —This article is
advertised in another part of our paper, it is warmly re.
conunended by femilies who, have tried it. It is especi
ally useful among children, and has effected hundreds of
cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony
upon the subject, sonto of which ts very strong. The
Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared
medicine, and pertectly free front any thing injurious.—
[Pennsylvanian of fteptember 1, 1847.
Dr. Keeler:—Dear Str—As it Is our ditty to use every
honest means to promote the happiness of our fellow
creatures, I take great pleasure In staling to yens the ad
vantage I received from your valuable Cordial amid Car
minative. Last autumn 1 was attacked with Diarrhass,
which debilitated my system very much; for newly three
weeks I tried minty retnedies, but found little or no bene
fit, when my daughter informed toe of your Cordial.
bought a bottle, and had vet taken but two doses before
11 obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I used
the whole et it • and have remained hearty ever since.
Re ' speetfully, yours, S. EIVDD, D. D.
Finland and sold, wholesale and retail. N. W . , corner
of Third and South st., Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by
Dr. McPherson, Harrisburg; G. W. Miller, Lancaster :
a . ,rid retailed by H. WILLIAMS, Columbia, and by drug.
vista and others throughout the country. Price 2. cts. per
bottle. ILrtwe
13:7ALso, Dr. KEELER'S PANACHA, the most cgS•
cantons remedy ) known, for all diseases arlalata 11•01.1
impurities of the ltuwu, or habit of the body. Ladies or
delicate constitutions will find it admirably adapted as
their eases. Medicine furniabee nothing superior to it tior
chronic maladies, syphilitie dieorden., skus sanctions in
debilitated patients, attended with loss of appetite and
imperfect digestion. Price tn. See pamphlets for par.
tieulara. For sale only by R. WILMIA Agent for
Philadelphia. Junt_l o , 1.49 fy