The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 09, 1848, Image 4
COLUZICILLIL seas awn BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18,1848. The Directors of the Columbia Bank and Btidgc Com play,desirous of affordingto persons who are disposed to deposst money For definite periods, at a moderate rate of Interest, haie determined to allow interest for the same at the following rates, viz: For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum. do do do 8 do 3 do do do_ do do 3 do 2 do do The sums so deposited to be payable without interest at any intermediate time, at the °poen of the depositor.' The Interest to cease at the end of We period for which the deposit was made, unless the same be renewed for a farther period. SA:VIVEL SHOCH, June 10,1848.-3 m Cushier. NOTICE. TN pursuance of the provisions of the act en titled, An Act to prescribe the manner of givin,g notice of applications for Banks," and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President. Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Bank, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at the session to commence on the first Tuesday of January next, A. D. IAS, for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of Incorporation, with banking and discounting privileges, for die term of ten years from the first Wednesday in May, A. D. Ihsl. The date last mentioned, being tlie time to which their present Charter is extended. The said Corporation is be continued by the name and atyle of the Lancaster Bank, and with the same powers and privileges which arc now enjoyed under its present Charter and Act of Incorporation. and is to be located in the City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bank. as authorized by lass-, %vas six hundred thousand dollars, the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred and three thousand nine hundred dollars; middle amount paid in three hundred thousand and thirty dollars The legis lature will not be asked for an increase of capital or ex tension of privileges. By order of the Board of Directors, C I RUSTIAN BACHMAN, Casier. City of Lancaster, June 26.1h46. julyP49-6m NOTICE. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in tend to make application to the lectslann c of the Commonwealth of Penns) lcuuie. at their next session, for the renewal. extension, and continuance of the bank ing, discounting, and oilier privileges they possess under existing laws. The Company to be continued by the name, style, and title of the Columbia Batik and Bridge Company, n the borough of Columbia, in the county of Lancaster, and state of Penal: Medina. l3y order of the Board. SAMUEL, SILOCII, Cashier. July 1'79-Gin I= ivolexcr. qi S hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county intend to make application to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the next session thereof, for the Incorporation of n comminy under the name and style, or Intended name and style• of e The Columbia Sittings Instionion,” designed us un office of lascount and deposit, wish n capital snot exceeding one hun dred thousand dollars, and to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. IL E. Atkins, Henry Haldeman; John A. Hook, 13. Cranston, Daniel Herr, Samuel Brooks, Philip Gossler. George Woli, Peter Haldeman, R. Chalfant, Peter Haldeman, Jr., R.E. Cochran, Reuben Mulliton, John L. Wright, John Barr, Columbia, July 1.1848.—Gm COMITIVIZIA. IRON POUNDRW. "FHB Undersigned, hereby tender their sincere acknowledgments to their customers, and the pub lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at tended their efforts to please, and tvould inform them that it will be their greatest pleasure as heretofore , to conduct their business in such a manner as to merit their continu ed approbation and support We continue to make all kinds of Casting., Vl7 _ - - MILL GEARING. SPUR, BEVEL, MITI*: and MOR TICE COG-WHEELS, CAST SI lAETS for water ss heels, Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings, to gether with all kinds of Rail-Bond Castings, for which unexceptional reference can be given for superiority and avalibilety. We have quite a variety. of PATTERNS for making Hot Blast Pipes, for Blast Furnaces, and for Water Pipes, and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes, it will err taknly be an advantage to those in want, to call and ex amine for themselves, as we can manufacture s ethers , Or cheaper, than suk, miter estilDllStinlelit 111 this SCCIIOII of country. We have daTerent kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines, Threshing Machines. Ploughs, Common Stoves, Stove Plates. Stove Cylinders and Grates. and many other things in our line of husuass, being the making, and col lecting together of the past eleven years. Hoeing the best of mechanics employed at Pattern making, &c., we are prepared to make any thing tri our line of business at the shortest notice, and being tavorably situated at the Canal Basin. give us the advantage of manufacturing and forwarding Castings to any point with despatch and at the lowest rates. GEORGE. WOLF, SAMUEL TRUSCOTI'. Dealing under the firm of Geo Wolf & Co Colombia, March 4, 184S---tf NEW STAND ND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and customers shot rented the New Store Room known as !Wideman's New Corner, being on the South 'We't corner of Front and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on hand a good supply of READY MADE CLOTIIINC;, SHOES AND BOOTS, and ngeneral assortment of Family Groceries; together with Flour and other Meal; Outs, Corn. and Chop for horses. Also, Liquors of all kinds, including %Vines and Cordials. All of which I pledge myself to sell as cheap for cash as possibly can lea afforded. Please call and ex amine both the goods and prices. N 13.—A dwelling and (tont shop adjoining, to rent on accommodating terms :Myself and Son would like to board with the family. EI.IJAII DAR BAIT. Columbia, March , IT IS TILE GLOW of Maids, Wives, Widows, and the crowning ornament of man. ft in to the scalp an guano in to the earth in making It fruitful. It is to certain in its effect as death, to-morrow or next year. Now, reader, these respectable citizens certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following effects without fail: It will force the human hair to grow nn the head, face, or body—it will stop it falling. cure scurf or dandruff, and wake red, grey, and light hair grow dark. Mr. N. Tompkins, 92King at., New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn. Mr. James Power, grocer, Fulton st.,Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas Jackson, BB Liberty st., Pittsburgh Henry E. Cullen, (late) barber on board the South America. But the beautiful, the glorious effect it has lo dressing and beautifying the balr—makinc It soft. dark, silky, and keeping It els thrice as long Ss any nth,•e article made. It IS SO scosomwm. AND CIIEAP. - . It Mitt but 3 shillings for a trim bottle, and the public ars eonsesentlonely and honestly assured that the above ma Rarest and true qualities. Be careful and get the genuine. Ask far Jollllll . x Coral Bair Restorative, and take no other. l'or •ale only by R. Williams. agent for Columbia. tin26'lS-tdec 21 FOR SALE, T;iY the subscriber, Six Lectures on 111 e JIMA of the LUNGS. and Causes. Frew.lino!! end Cum at C NSUMPTION, ASTHMA. sad ditxust , of V., I lean . ort the Laws of Longevity; and on the mole of pre,tv ing mete and female health to an hundred ) ems. :is titustratione, designed for all classes of rea.h.r.., I.y ~,,,,,,, , Bheleori Fitch, A M • :il D. Also his Sil ve t 1 e t,,: t ., Tahr, Snoulder Brace. and Aboontinsl Supporter. to R WILLIAMS, ..%.;e... I=l NEW GOODS. WM. & S. PATTON hate just received a large and fos.cooa.b!e Atock of BRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS ; Et/flamingo( Ginghnms. Lawn•, Baregcs, Linen and Al. pima Lustres, fancy PrTtste..].t the very lowest prices Plain and cnnageable Dress Saks, Black and Bloc- Black for Manillas. a•nh every sty lc of Dress Goods for the season. Pirate call and assume. our stock. Columbia, Apnl 22, 1E39-t( IW. h S PATTON. TO SPORTSMEN. TIM undersigned hare just received the best and moat comile.riennsjilsjelM.:Vialllir and foirmati ISYNV,dvrtre'll and v - ver bean orfr.r. (4„ A , rt ,,, R ,L I ; EI) nt such prices that veil! suit nll. Also, stx Barrelled Re volvlng and self-reeking PISTOLS. Call and examine for yourselves, at tht. cheap Herdic:lre More of RUMPLE & HESS. Columbia, August 21. 1017 SETTS'S UINE Ultra-Abdominal Supporters, Recom mendod by Physicians of the highest standing in all parts of the United States. Also in Philadelphia, by Prof S. Jackson. and Prof. Horner, of the University of Penn sylvania; Prof. Joseph Pancoast and Prof. J. K. Mitchell, of the Jefferson Medical College; Prof. Wnitbank, of the Pennsylvania Medical College: William Harris, M. D., Lecturer on Midunfer7; and many others of high standing. This Invention has been before the public over twelve Zrand is the most successful instrument of its class. ilin Columbia by WILLIAMS, Judy P, 1649 Aliftnt- • . • # offmnplauxesp..._ GREAT ILTIVOLWITON TN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who are to be benefited by this remarkable change ? THE PEOPLE! Why? Let them call at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen street, and see; here they can buy as much for S 1 00, as they a short time ago would have had to pay Sd 00 for. This then is a radical change for the express benefit of the:people. Let them call early and ace the LARGE LOTS of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening: for Revolutions now-a-days are remarkable for their brevity. Splendid Lawns, fast colors. 121 cents 3d inch Mushns, heavy and fine, 6/ cents HES DB LANES: li A good article of Plain Modes and Blk. only 12} cents A good article, Highly Cameleon. MOURNING DRESS GOODS: Ladies can he supplied with every article formourniug. Good plain Blk. Chintzes, only 12i cents do do Lawns. 121, 18, and 25 cents Mazatlan, Bareges and Silk Tissues. LADIES" GLOVES: Lisle thread, Silk and Kid ; Misses Gloves in vanety E O , AT vas BEE HWE, CHAS. E. WENTZ &E opened,4 cases &splendid French. Scotch, and English Dress Giughams, New patterns and cry cheap—at THE BEE HIVE, North Queen street. LADLE'S' SUMMER DRESSES : The greatest variety of the most splendid styles, just received—among the newest styles are: Mazatlan, - • - Magnificent. Zephrines. - • Beautiful. Zephry Tissues, - - Lovely. Pompadours, Fascinating. &c., &c., perfectly exhaustless, at the BEE lIIVE, North Queen Street" CHAS. E WENTZ & 13RO, BONET RIBBONS: Just opening., the newest styles for Sprang and Summer. the greatest variety ever seen in Ltutrauter. Great care has been taken to the selection of styles Lind color, ut the BEE HIVE. EMBROIDERIES : French N. W. Lace Capes. do do do Collars. do do do Edgiag and Inserting. Embroidered Swiss Muslins. for Dresses. At the BEE HIVE, North Queen st. Lancaster, April 15, ISlS.—tf ZrONES'S ITALIAN Chemical Soap ears Pimples, Blotches, Stilt Rheum. Scurvy. Lo.ipelas, Cure Heads, Old Sores, Sore Heard and Barber a Delt,Chupped :Ind lender Flesh. Freckles. Tali. Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun. burnt or Yellow Skin to n pure clear white. as smooth and soft as an infant's. And, in fact, every kind of crup• tion and disfigurement. Read these certificates : Front the N. O. Sentinel, Oct., 1E44. One of our sub.eriber, Mr. H. Leonard, 'Worms us that lie has been cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen year's standing, on his head, fingers and hands, by a cake of an article much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's Italian Chemical Soap. lle also informs us that he has tried its effects on his female slave Rose, much marked with sun spots, end he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. James Ethan, a planter in Jersey City), wai cured of carbuncles and pimples, which he was alluded with for many years, by a part of a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi cal Soap. Persons in purchasing this must always ask for Jones's ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP,--and perhaps, as many who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—vou will not regret it; but always see that the name of. T. Jones is on the Wrapper. Sold at 82 Chatham st., New York, and by R. WILL IAMS, Agent for Columbia. 3e24'19-Gm I.*N'l"}a-'rk'p1 , ;094 . 41 TIIE Fire Insurance Company of PIIILADELPHIA.—OFFICE,No 1631 Cans:SUP Street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCRER, GEORGE \V. RICHARDS, TIIOSIAS HART, MORDECAI D. Lewis. TOBIAS IVAcyrn, Anorturs E. Dome, SAMUEL GRANT, DAVID S Bnowsc, Jacon R. Sawn!, Mounts PAITERSON. Cm,' t..... in mitten in.,..r..,.., ~.,..“.....l . 16..1.4, apes every description of property in town and country, at rates as low as nre cOnsistent with security. 'Fhe Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist, 134 3 , as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol lows, viz: Mortgages, 8500,553 65 Real Estate, 103,359 00 Temporary Loans, 124,450 00 Stocks, 53,563 :23 Cash, Sc , 45,157 87 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million, two hundred thou sand dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, rd/ liabilities. CHARLES N. 13.AINCKE12, President. CHARLES G. BA NCIt ER, Secretary. THOMAS LLOYD, of Columbia, Agent for York and Lancaster Counties. Feb. 1.% ISIS-Iy. SUNDELW Tzt.aziv. Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road. The Morning PAStiIiAGERTRA IN will run from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun day. tit 9 o'clock, A.M., and Returning will start from Co lumbia at Wrightsvtllc ' 2 P. M., and from York ut 3 o'clock, P. AI., as on other days of the week. The mail between I3ulumore and York will be carried by this train. No other train will run on Sunday. D.C. H. 13ORDLEY, 0ct.27,15.17. Superintendent of Transportation. B.4LT. ANa SITSQUEELIiNNA RtaRAIL ROAR-FARE REDUCED.--The Pas• senger Trains runs daily as follows below:— Leaves Baltimore at 2 o'clock, A. M., and ar rives ut o'clock, P. M. Arrives at York at 12 o'clock, P.M., and leaves for Co lumbia at I} o'clock, P. AI. Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock, P. M., and leaves York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock. P. M. Fare from Baltimore to York, $.l 50 Wrightsville,• - 2 00 Columbia,- - - - - 2 IN The Tram connects at York ywith Stages for Harsisburg, Gettysburg, Chambersburg. Pittsburg and York Springs. EARL ro GETTYSBURG AND HARRISBURG. _ - - - - The Company is authorised by the proprietors of the Stage Lines to receive the tare through from Baltimore to Gettysburg and Quin burg. HALTIMORE TO GETIA7,IIVRG An. HARRISBURG. Fare through to either place. $3 00 D C. If BORDLEX, Rupert. May 5,1547--tf Ticket Other,. lii North it.. Balt, READ TRES LETTER. Who will be without a beau and head of I Intr, n hen they eon pine on., for thr..c shilhn,7, 7 Twenty )care' lug. ut how and ‘Nonderrul testuratlon Deal po . , viml cliccts of Jone', Coral flair N , •-aort,tist 1111.... t en .0 tleci,vely demonstrated in the 0t tevetal re..peetable. citizen‘ of t'ar WIIO,OII 11!..C1,11Ill of yoar three hhillmg , tattle,. try it ‘Sitlinat (Lill . . Dine nt...taint e. who-lt has attracted pariienlaratten: tin, µ the r 4 , 1:1..! a .1 . 11ti..111 . 111 t,1,1 ,••• r n n r fieh LEINE 7. 1 .17-E C1RED1.9.%2M OF NEW YORK is strangely destructive to the human cui., ie, (or the air frnta the 51.3. the sudden thrnce from heat in told. and the slunk.: causes YELLOW, DARK COAIISE COMPLEXIONS. It is requisite that the pares of the akin should be kept kept open--that thrumnillhs thould be freed from impurity —'twos thus the ancient Roman Philosopherecored all diseases—they computed that mere diseases and unhen I thy vapors left through the pores of the akin, than for any other outlet of the body. It is necessary, therefore. to keep the pores npen—all humors , are dispelled front the skin from the pores, when washed with Jones's Italian Chetnical Soap I have seen It cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber'. Itch, Sore (lead. Rolgsvortn, when every internal and ex terhal remedy had foiled—its effects in rendering the skin White, clear and soft. though It he yellow and coarse, Is wonderful—it removes Freckles'. Tan, Su n burn,:bforphew and disflgurement of the skin—bat persons magi he par. titular and ask for Jones's Soap. For sale by It. Williams, agent for Columbia. ati26'48.1.de24 BOOTS AND SHOES. shoje/3nuLkSer I re O spe li c i Ll F y as utr il s itil js e friends iot and the pubhe. that he p a BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, immediately opposite Peter Haldeman's Store, where he is prepared to execute nil orders in his line, with neatness and despatch. He feels confident in giving sausfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Members of iho a U. A. M. are respectfully invited to give him a call. Columbia, April e,184.8.-ly DX, ' • •• o' • C O'neximunm OF LIREAPARILIii; Thlt Ex. p l eas a nte r, a n d QUA= Borrize—ic ts air times cheaper, warranted superior to any sold. IL cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickness, or debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted for a FALL AND WINTER.. MEDICINE: The peat beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla, • over ail other remedies by it eradicates disease, it invigorates the body. ' CONS3LPTION CURED. CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN. CONSUMPTIQ.V CAN BE CURED. Bronchitis, Constamption, Liver Complaidt, Colds, Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma, Spitting of Blood,"Sorenesa in the Chest, Hectic Plush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectonuton, and Fain in the Side, acc., have and can be cured. Probably there never was a remedy that has been so successful in desperate cases of consumption - ab - slits glamorises and strengthens the system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, and the patients gradually regain their usual health and strength. There is scarcely a day passes but there are a number of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. The following was recently received: Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir :—Por the last three years I have been afflicted with general debilityitad nervous con sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain my health at all. Atter going through a course of medi eme under the care of some of the most disunguished re gular physicians and members of the Board of Health in New York and elsewhere, and spending mostof my earn ings, in attempting to regain my health, mid after reading in some paper of your Sarsaparilla, I resolved totry it.— After using six bottles I found it done me great good and called to see you at your office; with your advice I kept on, and do most heartily thank you for your advice. I per severed in talanig the ei arsaparffla, and have been able to attend to my usual labors tor:the last four mouths, and I hope by the blessing of God and your Sarsaparilla to con tinue my health. It helped me beyonn the expectations of all who knew my case. C lIA RLES gamier. Orange. Essex Co, N. J.. August 0, I:147. Slate of New Jersey, Essex County, ss : Charles Quimby being duly sworn according to law, on his oath studs, that the toregoing statement is true accord ing to the best of his knowledge stud belief. Citsm.xs QCINIBT. Sworn and subscribed to before me at Orange, the Srd August, lel7. Crass BALDWIN, Justice of the Vence. Read the following and say that Consumption is ineu ruble if you con New York, April M, Dr. Towinend—l verily believe that your Sarsaparilla has been the means, through Providence. of Saving my life. I have toe several ) car, had n had cough. It be came worse and worse. At last I raised large quantities of blood. had night sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and dal not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla but a 01 , 111 rime, and there ha> a won derful change been wrought in me. I ma now able to walk all over the city I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that lam thankful for these results. Your obedient servant. WM. Russzu.. 65, Catharine M. Very few families indeed—in fact we have not heard of one—that used Dr. Townsend's Sampanlla in time lost any children the past summer. while those that did not sickened and died. Tim certificate we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value or only another in stance of its saving the lives of t hildren D. Townsend—Dear Sir: Iha sr° children cured by your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint and dysentery; one was only 15 months old,.and the other 3 years. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die; they were given up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed us that we must lose them, we resolved to try your Sarsaparilla we had heard so much of, but had but little confidence. there being so much stuff advertised that is worthless; but we are very thank ful that we dsd,;for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both. I write this that others may be induced to use it. Yours, respectfully, Jour Wasox,:Ja. Myrtle-Avenue, Brooklyn. Sept. 15 IEI7. James Cummings, Esq., one of the assistants in the Lu natic Asylum, Blackweil's Island, by the gentlemans pok• en of in the following letter :" This is only one of more than four thOusand ca=es of rheumatism that Dr. Townswend's Sar‘aparilla hips atm utssunte cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues BLACKWELL'S ISLAND. Sept. 14, 1F.47. Da. Towssr-no—Dear : I have suffered terribly for nine years with rheumatism: considerable of the time I could not eat, sleep or work; I had the most distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have used tour bottles of your sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars' worth of good—l am so much better. Indeed, lam entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours, Respee fat Iy, JANLES CCAINUNC., - - - DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is a favorite of the Ladies. It relieves Men, of a great amount of suffer ing, and gives them fine complexions, and buoyant spirits. Mrs. Parker kindly sent us the following Sorra Dnommvx, Aug., 17, 1;3.17. Da. Tow:rsexa—Sir : It gives me pleasure to testify to the beneficial effects I have experienced from the use of your Sarsaparilla. My system was very much reduced by nervousness and general debility, and with a variety of female complaints. I read your advertisement, and was induced to try the efiect of your remedy. It restored me ton better state of health, I had not enjoyed for. several years previous to taking it; and I do tnost cheerfully re commend It as a valuable medicine to all who arc affltcted as I have been. 5t,t20,0 . 97 67 The following is from a very respectable farmer resid ing at Ileampstead Dn. TOWNbEND—Dear Sir: My wife has been suffering so severely from the Dyspepsia and general derangement of the system, that we supposed she must die. The Phy sicians could not resist the disease, and she would have died beyond doubt if we had not given her your ::;arsapa rilla. It has saved her life certainly. She is almost en tirely relieved, and is gaining strength and health. She still continues the use of it. Yours. respectfully, ELIZA ABRAM. LIVER COMPLAINT. New YORK, Sri's'. 9,1b47. Da. TOWNSEND:—Dear Sir—l am constrained, as an act of justice, to publicly acknowledge the great benefits received from the use of your Sarsaparilla, being in tow•tt about two years since in a very weak and debilitated state. My disease was a chronic inflammation of the li ver and stomach. and, as many thought consumption; I was so reduced that I had very little hope of recovery. Hearing and reading considerably of the effects of your medicine, I resolved to try it, though I entertained a preju dice against advertised remedies. I had taken the medi cate but a short time, and began to recover gradually and continued to get better, and dm now well. Indeed I am so much improved that my friends scarcely recognized me when I returned to the city. You arc at liberty to publish this if you think it will extend the use of your excellent remedy. T. TinvlNG. CIRCULAR. One thousand or more additional agencies, for the sale of Dr 'Townsend'. Sarsamo ills. wilt be established 111 such places where an agency us not alreade appointed, in the Suites of New Jersey. belaware, Mu. rl land, Virginia, and other Southern and 1 Vesterti States. 'rite terms of agency to be complied with 'fault be as fol lows; Not more than one person will have the appoint ment in a 'does, echo will be advertised as such In one or store ptiper.i published at such place, or the nearest paper to the place. The will also he furnished with isl and handbills setting forth the virtues of the medicine, with thou names printed ns the Agents, for circulation. it.t or all such 'tames will be regularly published in tti t l' -1 ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies of all such .• 1.1 I.e tarnished them for circulation gratis, evitu splen ' of Dr. Townsend's entire establishment. nil these advantages, the payment for a supply of • • . arsimulla will be required when ordered, and litany nen li/C Agency is relinquished, if any of the 31cd , ~•, ie 411ould remain unsold, it will be taken back at the piste paid for it. 13r0t.tnorr. Jut} 17. 1',17 r,oss who may wish the sale of this valuable medi cam• on the terms above specified, will address, by letter, or apply nt the Principal office and sole agency of T. W. DYOTP & SONS, 132 North Second street, Phila. And at the same time they will mention the names of any newspapers published 11l or near the place in which theyreside. N. B. With the above advantages, the price of:the Sarsaparilla will be S 9 per dozen • packed in boxes of 2 doz each—less than a box will not be furnished Principal Office, 126 Fulton street, New Yolk. Sole agents for Philadelphia. Dr. T. IV. DYOTT & SONS, Columbian College, 132 North SECOND street; also for sale by Frederick Brown, cornerof Chestnut and Filth streets ; Lancaster, Heintish and Son : Wilmington Edward Brin khurst ; York, Morris do Co.; Carlisle , S. El liott; Harrisburg. Dr. McPherson; S. S. Hance, Balti- more; and by the principal Druggists throughout the Um ted States, West ladies and Canada. None genuine, unless put up in large square bottles, which contain a quart. and signed with the written sig nature of S. P. Townsend, and his name blown on the glass. N. D.—Persons inquiring for this medicine should not be induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsapa rillas, and of course prefer selling their own ; others have purchased that put up in small bottles, and because they make a greater profit, recommend them. Do not be de ceived by any—impure for Dr. Towndsenors and take no other. Mir Remember the genuine' Townsend's Sarsaparilla,' sold on by the Sole Aagents, T. W. DYOTT dc SONS N 0.132 North Second Stteet, Phila. Each bottle is always enveloped or accompanied with a copy of "Dyott's Oracle or Health. W. A. LEADER, for Columbia. zrz CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION PII7ING BLOOD. TWO CHILDREN SAVED LUNATIC ASYLUM. = =M Alas. Fnnxzn, Bohm 51., South Brooklyn lIIMV2aEI PhikaclfiNa .advertisein-en,ts. 473EDZI4Lr . o;!=r4S. _ . AND GLASSWARE. lerr'sChltta - lat‘ qttesuat • street, opposite the Suite House, PhiliulelPlua, tfic cheapest place in the city, to buy all kinds of CHINA, LIVERPOOL WARE AND GLASS, and where can be found' the largest assortment. and of the newest styles, and fully TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT less than at any similar establishment. Families, Hotel and Store keepers, visiting the city for the purpose of buying DINNER SETS, and TEA SETS; and all Other kinds of ware in this line, will serve their own interest by examinining the stock and prices of this s tore, alter pricing elsewhere, and they will be fully satisfied that the above are facts. All ware purchased at this house will be packed and WARRANTED FROM lIIIFAKAGE. ,Er Remember that this Cheap Establislanient is in Chesnut street, directly opposite the State House, Phila. August 12, 184e-,3m unraNtrz ST. ROUSE. No. NI Chesnut Street, a few doors below Fourth, North side.—The subscriber re spectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all times taken to render this one of the best, and, from its central situation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels in the city. His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest delicacies of the season. His WINES and LIQUORS are not surpassed by any other establishment in this city. His servants are careful, honest and obliging. Terms of Boarding to suit the times. Country Merchants and Business Men will find the lo cation of the Cxissist. - r Ss. Horse, in the most business part of Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall be done to give satisfaction to those uho fa vor him with their patronage SAMUEL MILLER. Philadelphia. Aim. Id. IP4S—ly Proprietor. DR. DIL&RE'S.PANACEIL, T ' IE only radical cure for Consumption ! It also removes and permanently cures all diseases arising,.from an impure state of the blood, viz: Serotula or Kung's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or l'estules on the face, Blotches. Biles, Chrome Sore Eyes. thug Worm or 'let ter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, Diseases arising irons an interims use of Mer cury, Dropsy,, Exposure or Imprudence in life. Also. Chronic Colstitutional Disorders. In this inedmine several innocent but very potent arti cles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forminga com pound entirely Mire rent in its character and prOpelllcS front any other preparatioll,and unrivalled in its operation oil the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the hands of every person. who by business, or general eouise of ide. is predisposed to the very . many ailments that render life a cut sc.instead of a Idest.lllg, and so often result in death. _ _ _ CONSUMPTION. The following, testimony is from an able practitioner o, this city PIIILADELPILIA, December 14, 124). Dear Sir:—ln reply toyour question respecting the use of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say that ulthough a perfect disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea. or cure for all diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condi tions of the system, still I have believed that a cure for Consumption would be discovered sooner or later, and was led to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases. They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be PuzzoNsror CONSUMPTION, and abandoned by them as in curable. One of the persons had been under the treat ment of several very able practitioners for a number of years, and they said she had - old tashioned Consumption combined with Scrofula," and that she might linger for sometime, but could not be permanently relieved. to both cases the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying. Only four or five bottles were used try one of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. They are both well. I will only add, that fa miliar as I am with Consumption by inheritance and by extensive observation as a study, and knowing also the injurious effects in nine cases out of ten of tar, lioneset, and other vegetable tunics, as well as of many of the ex pectorants and sedatives, l should never have recommend ed the use of Drake's Panacea if I had not been acquaint ed with the ingredients. Suffice it to say . these are re commended .by our most popular and scientific physi cians, and in their present combined state, form probably the best alterative that has ever been made. The cure is in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in France a few years ago, by one of her most eminent writers on medicine, and now established by facts which admit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. GUNN, Corner Chest. and Fifth st. Li vuds vi-hurLALN DYSPL:PSIA Astonishing cure of Liver Complaint and Dyspesin, in connection AS ith General Debility of the whole sytem: PtiILADELPHIA, March 7, 1e143. Messrs. - Storrs & Co.—Gentlemen :—My wife has been for several years afflicted with a pant through her right side and shoulder, accompanied with chills through her whole system, and almost constantly a sick stomach, at tended with pain, invariably utter eating ordrmking ; so much so as to deprive her of all satisfaction in attempting to eat, even if she had a desire for food, which was not often the case, as her appetite was completely gone. A friend persuaded her to give DR. DItAlsE'S PANACEA a trial and I inn now happy to say the first bottle gave her relief Our family physician examined the Panacea, and approved of her usnm She has taken three bottles since, and is greatly benained. She has now a good ap petite, and can eat her meals with satisfaction. The chills, pain, and nick stomach have entirely left her, and we feel confident that the Panacea has ufkcted a comply, cure of her difficulties, and would recommend to all who are af ted os site has been to try Dr. Drake's Panacea WILLIAM ASIIM AN, North Third Street. The above arc but a few of the numerous testimonials sve are constantly receiving, of the wonderful edicacy of Dr. Drake's Panacea., It is n pleasant, yet most search ing remedy ; and the first trial will prove its power. Its reputation has increased since its introduction to a degree hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries. %Villa the hrm conviction that no other remedy, so called, of the present age. is equal ;ct this. and that the theory upon which it is compounded is too firmly established to be overthrown. the :proprietors solicit a trial of Dr. Drake's Panacea, willing to stand or fall upon its **wit merits, well satisfied it will sustain the reputation it has already acquired. ID - CAU FR/N.—The genuine DR. DRAKE'S PANA CLA is put up in large square bottles—it has the stgva lure of C:eo. F. Storm on the wrapper—and also the mane •• Dr. Drake's Panacea, Phila." blown rn the glass. Prepared only by Storrs & Co., Druggists, :s:o. 21 North sixth Street. Ishaa. AGCNTS.—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; Heinitsh & Son Lancaster; C. A. Morris & Co., York. April 15.1 5 4 5 .-1 v READ TINS ATTENTIVELY! Doctor Ilofland's Cele bratcd . _ _ GERMAN BITTERS, Will effectually cure the Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Dys pepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility. Indigestion Flatu lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo nary Affections, (arising from disease of the stomach and liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered stomach in both Male and Female, such as Female Weak ness, Dirtiness, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Inward Piles, Fluttering of the Licari, Difficulty of Breathing, Constant Imaginings of Evil, Great Depression of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or Limbs, Cold Feet, &c. They remove all acidity, and give tone and action to the stomach, and dtgestioni they contact no alco holic stimulant, and can be taken by the modt delicate stomach. and will in every case entirely destroy Costive ne•s, and renovate the .•hole system. removing all im purities from the body, and remnants of previous disease. and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby preventing frightful dreams, walking while asleep, &c., which often result in accident, The functions of the stomach are of the utmost impor tance to every one, constituting the source and fountain of life, which is nutrition. No organ possesses such re markable sympathies, none such remarkable power in modifying every part of the system. A greater number of persons fall victims to the harrassing of Constipation and Dispepsia and more organic diseases commencing in the digestive system, than all other diseases combined. The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Influenza, and other epidemics, is owing to disease or de rangement there. If the digestive system is 111 perfect health, the nervous system and the circulation of the blood will be also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose all their terror. Those living in, or visiang districts harraed with FEVER AND AGUE annually, will find that by the timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen the system, no excess of bile will accumulate, and they will not in any one instance take the disease. Prevention is far better than cure. The rare success in treating diseases of the stomach successfully, has not been so much a want of pathological knowledge of its functions. as the preparation of suitable Vegetable compounds, so as to obtain not only their whole power, but as they would be most effectual and grateful. We are all aware that too many preparations have been, and are now before the pubic, that act only as pall- Wives, and some that change the locality of the disease, or prevent it for a short period, then it returns more for midable than in the first instance. Such preparations have destroyed the public confidence. This article stand ing alone ni its number of cures, and unrivalled, as thou sands of our citizens can attest who have tested its vir tues, can always be depended upon for the above named diseases. It will cure any case that can be cured by medicine, no matter who, or what else has failed ; it will perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respiration, Circulation, &c. These Bitters, and the Spikenard Ointment will cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re. quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases. For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE r.FFICE. No. 27e, Race Street, one door above Eighth, side, Phila delphia. In Lancaster, by John F. Long; in Harrisburg, by Daniel W. Gross; in Pittsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and by dealers generally throughout the United States. Ilje" Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of diseases, gratis. Also for sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE RHEU MNTIC PILLS, for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism , Drop sy, and severe Nervous Affections; SPIKENARDOINT MENT, for the cure of Piles, Tenet, Ringworm. &c., he., Re. Philad4phict .advefdift)nenti. asuwar Dassztatinesoic prow many die - a mosthorrible death. without the simple cause being suspected. Some lingee for years, as th ey stippose , from dispersos, when it is worms, which causes most diseases. There has come under our notice several cases of supposed dispepsia, of several years' standing, when we have recommended the Syrup,- which has entirely restored the m to health. We would say to AULTS when they ureathicted with Sour Stomach, Sick Head Ache, Pits, a frequent deceive to make Stools, Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness; Sickness after eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, /cc., be assured it simply worms, and it needs but a trial of HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above symptoms and the Syrup Mils to cure, the agent will re fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children stiffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable remedy at hand. It is said by our oldest Physicians, that Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis eases the human family arc subject to. Then, bow im portant it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand. Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes. you may rest satisfied that It is caused by worms, and you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your neighborhood and get a Book of Hobensuck , s, containing certificates of cures and the symptoms of worms. Al ways keep a Bottle of Hobensack's Worm Syrup on hand, it is a friend in need. READ ! :READ ON ! ! READ ON! ! ! Mesas HOBSNSACK—Gentlemen : I take great pleasure in informing yon of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy rap; having been afflicted for five years, and wasted away to a mere skeleton, without recteving any benefix from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts to try your Worm Syrup, as he informed me it had brought worms from him ; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks county, a mail over fifty years old, whom I am well ac quainted with. I then commenced taking your Syrup, and it brought a very large quantity of wont., some ten inches in length. and entirely restored sue to health, and, I must say I ice] like a new man. Yours. truly, JOAN HART, Phil'a co. Mr. J. Hurt is u gentleman unity-three years of age, living five miles out of the city, buck of Second st. road and is only one amottpt the hundred grown persons tha, have been saved by 110BENSACICS WORM n VRUP. Messrs.:llobensack I have been looking for some of your Wonn Syrup for some unte ; I have sold all hut one bottle ; I wish you to send mu two doyen immediately. I believe tt to be a good medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satisfaction. I have known one dose to bring from a child three worms, ten niches long, and front another twenty worms. eight inches long in one day. I have sold different Worm Me dicines for a number of years, but never sold any that gave such univerml satislaction. Respectfully. yours, WM. BROOKFIELD, Bridgeton, New Jersey PUILADELTMA, May 25, 1847. Messrs. J. N.S G. S. Hobentack--Gentlemen-1 have been for some lime using your Vermuluge in my prac tice, and I am happy to say that in my hands it has sue ceeded in its intention, so as fully to lustily my confidence in its use. I think it among the very beat preparations in use. .C. W. APPLETON, M. 1):: No. 46, South at Prepared only by J. N. G. S. 110BENSACK, 2d and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for sale by all re spctable Storekeepers in this and adjoining counties, whom we authoriz to give back the money in every case it fails to give Mill ..action. Price 2.5 cents. Alio Hobensock's Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price 121 cents, a certain cure for 'Tooth Ache. Hobensack's Rheumatic Liniment. Price 25 cents. do Carman Salve. Price 12i cents, for weak backs, sprains, fresh and old sores. burns, etc. Hobensack's 'fetter and Ringworm Ointment. Price 25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin— for sale as above. Philadelphia Slay 27,—tno 1849. cLominget. GENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and 'wishing to supply themselves with CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE' RZA.DY-MADE CiLiOTI-LLNG, Will find a ' LARGE, COMPLETE, AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT, Ar.the lowest possible prices, for CASE, Manufacture.) of the best and most durable materials, and of the latest and most approved styles and patents, for Men and Boys, of AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS. AND DOESKINS, TOGITTZLER WITH A SPLENDID VARIETY OF SILK, SATIN, VELVET, AND CASHMERI. VESTING S; Al4O a great variety of BO VS' CLOTIIIN G; AT TUE SOUTIIE.AST CORNER OF SECOND :NO MARKET STREETS,: AT PRICES AS LOW As any other establishment in the United States. EP - Southenst corner of SECOND AND MARKET. Phila., April 5, GEO. CULIN TESTED Mr TIKSINDS Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Scarcely have ten short years elapsed since an humble attempt wns made to combine, in a suitable medi cal preparation, a lea of the herbs of the Indian. All was dark at the tune as to the result. The most that could be estimated was, that the principles adopted as the ha•is to build upon were sound So much reliance was placed upon calomel and the lancet, that the ill success of the new experiment would have tended to confirm that reli ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor. Now, however, all doubt and difficulty is ut an cnd.— Everyw•here tilts medicine has been greeted with wel come q everywhere hos •its use been attended with the most gratifying success. From small beginnings its sales arc now counted BY MILLIONS! and it is held in higher eitimation at the present time than when it was originally introduced, FEVERS. Fevers, like every other form of disease, arc only an effort of nem re to expel from the body something that in opposed to health; it is merely a struggle between the good and bad humors for supremacy, and the commotion which ensues is called Fever. The usual symptoms of a Fever arc heaviness languor, anxiety, sighing and yawn ing. with alternate fits of cold and heat, alter which the patient complains ofpain in the bead and back, thirst, dif ficulty of breathing, pain in the limbs, a sense of fullness about the region of the stomach, nausea and sickness, with sometimes a vomiting of bilious matter. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar ly adapted to the cure of ALL xl.Nas OF FEVER, because they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels !rum all bilious humors, but they open those excretory vessels which empty into the bowels, and consequently, the impurity contained to the circulation twhieh is the clause of all disordered motions of the blood, called Fe vers.) thrown into the bowels, from whence it is car ried off by the regular ulvine In using Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills for Fevers, the only care nee.essary is. to have the medicine operate COPIOUSLY BY THC BOWELS. If the symptoms are urgent, from four to eight pills should be taken, night and morning, until the fever has subsided; after which smaller doses, once in twenty-four hours, will be sufficient to re store the body to a ...mind state of health. 'l'lle following highly respectable Storekeepers have been duly appeared agents tor the sale of this Celebrated medicine, in Lancaster county Benrville, Reuben Weidler. ButFlaidge, John F. Beecher. Bird-in-land. Jacob Bruner. Bart Township, Win. W. l'assmore. Buyers & Kennedy. Conestoga Centre, John H. Barman. Church Town, 1.. & E. Rogers. Coopersville, E. Lewis. Columbia. Fry & Spangler. Cherry Hill, Isaac S. 'Webster Drumore, John A. Boyd. Earl Township, George Buchman. do do Weaver & Stauffer. do do Davis Wallace. Elizabethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, 0. I'. Gr 0.... do Itlartin Weidman. Fulton House, Fulton ip., L. P. Wilkinson. llempfiehl, Riugsvalt & Martin. Intercom..., J. G & S. L. Robinson. Leaeock township, Frederick Swope. Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. H. Herr. Linz, Nathaniel S. Wolley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. Mountville, John Devlin. Marietta, W. A. do B. Spangler. Mount Joy Township, 11. G. Clark & Co. Msytown, John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer. New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer. Poplar Grove, B. IL Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd. Paradise, A. IL & A. L. Witmer. Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold. Rawlinsville, John Rawlms. Safe Harbor, John Herr & Son. Strausburg,Wm. Spencer. Salsbury, H. Freeland. Washington, John A. Brush. Ey•Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Race street, Philadelphia ; 228 Greenwich street, New York ; and 198 Tremont street, Boston June 24, /F4B —tare:F.:4lg Philadelphia Advertisements; XAMTRXES VOE KALE at the sign otthe - "lied CartAigp x.nmAwaxam.kiTtsu.tikkiwaphic- 0. WHEELOCK, Prionmeroa. • CAKEst:—.Pniit, Sponge, Pound, iced, Sdeeds ClPeeq, Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes,Cheese Cakes, Rusk, 4 , ipples, Jumbles, Spice Nuta;,,,sind Ginger Nuts. , PIES :—Strawberry liartleberry, Blackberry, Calmat, Cherry, Plum, Cratsberry,„Egg Custard, Chassa..Cmotard, Apple, Peach, Mince and Rhenbarb pies pouring in hot from the oven at all goers of the, day. ,• CllEESE:—Timothy Jackson's No Plus Vitta.lifedil Cheese, (very superior,) Pine Apple Cheese, and sxreatr variety of other Cheese, both new and old. • N. B. Some of the Cheese soldarthisestablishmentriiP equal to the best English Cheese. ' Ca - TEMPERANCE DRlNKS—always cold—Rou sell's Mineral Water, Lemonade. Beer, Mead, Milk, &c. . Philadelphia, June 10,1848.—em - WBY , .17071A1 -- VOO SUFFER. Thousands - of bottles ,of ..41a, AMERICAN COMPOUND have been sold'idinitag' the past year, and was never known cog curing, in a few days, the worst cases of at certain delicate disease, Siminal weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, as it leaves no oder on the breath, requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no Mercury or noxious drugs Injurious to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex, or condition. It is also the best remedy known tor Flour Albus, or 'Whites. (female complaints) with which thousands suffer. without the knowledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used in the private practice of a physician with unerring success, radically curing ninety-nine of the hun dred cases in a few days. Arbund each bottle are plain and cull direction, ED — CAUTION—Abk for the ANIVIIICAN 7CON11.01.:::D, 0.1141 parelinne only of lie agent.' Price Si per bottle: 11. WILLIAMS. agent for Columbia. .lone 3. ATWOOD'S EMPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling attention to this uneqa Iled 'STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to inform the public that (exter nally) it has undergone an entire eltange 7 4be pipe and hearth pieced opposite each other, and a SUMMER HEARTH-AND BROILING APPARATUS, being added. thus remadring it faultless, and unless there is soother fatally. Stove PI the market, this is 'unques tionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable im provement possessed by any oilier Stove in addition to some peculiar to itself. secured by Letters PURIM. The success of this Stove, since its introduction, is un equalled. Nothing has ever been offered for culinary pur poses, that has given such general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied after its form ; some dealers have even used its fundamental principles, but the proportions were so unlike the original, that they bear the relative value, that a counterfeit does to a genuine coin. Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES, in great variety. P. IL GILBERT, No. 412, Market st. Girard Row, below.Twelillt Street. PHILADELPHIA. n"All Stoves purchased at THIS STORE will be,dtpti livered in Columbia, free of charge aptV4B4y OLIVER EVAN'S S • ALMIANDEII, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, Warranted eguMto any other make, and have never been tigured by Fire or Burglars, in a single instance. Hn also keeps on band a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter iron, at lower prices. better Copying Presses and Books. Trucks for Stores, Factories, dm. Druggists' Presses. Eagle Glass Paper. Portable Shower Baths, &e. Packing Levers Hoisting Machines. Refrigerators mid Wates Filters. OLIVER EVANS, 61 South Second St., belowChesnut, Philadelphia. REFRIGERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat, Butter, Milk, and all articles intended for culinary pur poses. , WATER FILTERS.—OIiver Evans' Celebrated Wa ter Filters, for Purifying . 'Water that is brackish or mud dy, whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise can be had of all sizes and prices, at the Warerooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two doors below Chesnut St., Philad. Philadelphia, October 2d, 1247. AFFLICTED READ. Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.:—TIie . MOST SPEEDY REMEDY FOR PAINS IN THE loins, recent end chronic affections of the kidneys, dis ease of the bladder, gravel, seminal weakness, it-e. Per sons who, by indulging in a secret habil. having entailed on themselves constitutional debility, should apply im mediutely to DR. ICINKELIN, of the Philadelplua Medi cal House. the oldest institution of the Lind in the city. Office, N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Ste.. be tween Spruce and Pine, 11 squares from the Exchange. This Medical )louse was established by Dr. K. MIRTH years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there-being so many persons, without knowledge, name or character, who put advertisements in the public papers, that an in siltation of this kind was highly necessary' to prevent the afflicted, especially strangers, from fulling into the hands of some unskilful! wretch, who, instead of curing, might send his victim into an untimely grave. Therefore,. the afflicted should shun the numerous pretended physicians who know nothing of the practice of medicine, but con suit Dr. Kinkelin, who cures a CERTAIN DISEASE in two or three days, according to the state of the patient, without the use of Mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by Dr. Kinkclin ; Ins medicines are palatable and hermit:Ss, and all his patients are honorably shielded, from even the possibility of being discovered. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. K., may religiously confide in his 110110 E as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician, and if he is not speedily relievedmo re muneration will be demanded. Strictures, one of the most troublesome turd dangerous atlecuons which often end in gravel, inflamation, weak- MSS. &c., Dr. Kinkelin guarantees to remove speedily ; as also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland, .4.c. Stric tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their existence. TAKE PARTICI:LAE NQTICE.—Young men who have-in jured themseves by a certain practice mdulged in—a habit frequentently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which arc nightly felt. cyan when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediate• ly. Weakness and constitutional debility immediately cured and full vigor restored. All letters post paid. FAKE Noricr.—Dr. Kinkelin has had greater practice in the ahovc affections than any physician in the United States. He also possesses an advantage over all others, from the fact of his having studied in the great hospitals of Europe. Thousands In l'hiladelphia can testify that he cured them after every other remedy had failed. Sepa rate rooms for private consultation. Open till 9P. Al. TRAVELLERS supplied at a moments notice, vith the requisite med Mines to cure themselves privately. PACKAGES of medicines sent to any part of the U. S. More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. 0c0,47-ly "0 TEMPORAL! 0 MORES!" rAUTION TO THE PUBLIC--The only genuine DR. WIS TAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY" has the written signature of the General Agent, W. M. SPEAR, on the out side wrapper surrounding each battle this is believed to be the only article, bearing the above title, as endowing from the Doctor. 'The virtues of Wild Cherry, for relieving affections of the Lungs, and that all important organ, the Liver, has long enjoyed the confi dence of domestic practice. City of Philadelphia, ss—William M. Spear, of the city of Philadelphia., being d uly sworn according to law, de poses and says that be is in the possession of the original recipe for prepasing a liabmin of Wild Cherry, for race nous of the Lungs, which was given to him by Dr. Wistar. a regularly educated Physician, and that lie believes it to be the only one m possession of any poison except the said Dr. Wistar himself. N. SPEA IL Sworn and sul,cribed before me, and city scul affixed, on the first day of November, A. 1). 1517. (L. S ) JOHN SWIFT, Mayor. A copyright for the Balsam is secured. Absurd as it may appear in the face of the above unde niable proof, an individual from Boston, Mass., recently applied to the United States District Court of Pennsylva nia for an injunction on the General Agent for the United States and the British Provinces. to prevent sold Agent from selling the only genuine Dr. IVi..tar's Balsam or Wild Cherry, (said individual claiming the right.) Oi course the lion. Judge afraid Court promptly retried it. ' The Balsam is not one of the quack nostrums of the day, claiming to cure persons whose eases are beyond the reach of medicine, (or restoring others to life;) it only claims, and has proved in thousands of cases. to be the hrst, most efficacious, and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry of the nineteenth century, for affections of the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, frequently terminating in consump tion, ever offered to the public. A liberal discount to druggists and country. dealers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.—I have this day appointed T. w. Dyarr & SON'S, No. Bh, North Second street. Philadelphia, Wholesale Furnishing Agents for the (only genuine) DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, for the following States. viz : New York, New Eng land States. Ne'w Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. • Alio. for the Interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for the Balsam will hereafter be addressed to them. Also for sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAM M. SPEAR, No. 145, Vine street. below Fifth street, Phihulel phia, General Agent for the United States and the British Provinces, for the (only genuine) Dr. IVismes Balsam of NVild Cherry WM. M. SPEAR. Philadelphia, March 27, 1E49. AGENTS —4. & W. Penfold & Co., Near York ; A. Mc- Clure & Co ' ., Dr. Herrick Co., Albany, N. Y.; John F. Prescott, Troy, N. Y. ; Charles Dyer, Jr., Providence, H. I. ; Redding & Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder, Boston, Mass.; James Green, D. 8' con, Jr. k Co., Woreeater, Mass.; H. &J. Brewer, Springfield, Mass.; G. W. Welsh, & Co., Hart ford, Ct. ; Dish & Lancaster. Pa. •C. A. Morris & Co., and Dr. A. H. MAIL; York, Pa.; Reynolds & Co., Leeksville, N. C. • John L. Kidwell , Georgetown, D. C.; Alex. Duval, Ridmond, Va.; W. A. Liana., Columbia, Pa. Price St per bottle; six bottles for 56. A145'413-1 - Mr DR. DV:MT -1:17 P. R. G