The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 09, 1848, Image 3

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    Soorates,being.usked4bat lie T
elhe:beei;ilAraCt of
gaining-a high reputation, said, "To be what you
appear to be." rl.7.:tztra
Philadelphia Dagnorootsrpe Elatablistuiten ,
—Exerts:car, 3d story, Rooms 23-27 . .--Daguererrtype Por
traits of all sizes, ei th er singly or au .family
ored or without colors, arc taken. every day, sti any wea
ther. Copies - of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintings, Saituary,
&c., may also be procured. Ladies andGctulemen are
requested to exturunc_specimens.
On the 7th by . i.hc Rev. J. J. Graff. Mr. Rivtn
IViroox, to Miss daughter.of Jacob Livergood ;
all of Wrightsville,
On the 18th of .Augusi, at Festeris. Crossing's. near Cin
eland, EaWkIIII A. 11Inaria:, formerly, a reanlent of this
place, aged 3 years.
S •
tlIliaLS. "1 male and 3 female teachers are
requital co au the vacancies in the Public Schools
of Columbia. Persona desirous of applying fur schools
will hand in their applications on or before the pith inst.,
at 2 o'clock, P. 11f., to the Secrete)" of the school, 01 his
office, where the candidates for the male schools tire ex
pected to appear for examination. The schools will re
open on Monthly, Oct. at. ,
By order of the 13onrd.
GEO. MOOICE, Secretary.
Colamdist, Sept. 9, 1848.4 t
A FREE sosz
VOIL A FREE PEOPLE. The friends of " Free
_k Soil," favorable to the election of VAIN: .13(311%:5i &
ADAMS, arc requested to meet at the Court lletise t in the
city of Lancaster, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. On Saturday, the
utli day of September. (ti-lay). Se reml eminent speak
ers from this and the adjoining States arc expected to be
" Congress bag no more power to make a Slave butt
to make King-1101110re pet, .• r to 111 , 11tate or ettlattletll
,Lavery, than to institute a 1110tlarehy."
Mr. I.IRQUIIART, of Ohio, and Dr. LONGSHOR.F., of
Docks county, Pa., have- promised to address the meeting.
Lancaster, September 0,181 S.-11.
by . given that The undersigned have taken out letters
of administration on - the litate of .tohnEvann, late of Me
borough of Coluinbia, deceased. All persons having
claims against the stud estate, are hereby requested to
present them forthwith, duly authenticated; and Mow
knowing themselves to Ile in any wine indebted. are re
quired to make immediate payment to the undersigned.
September 9, I.9A9.—Gt
TO READ Tills. A good chance to clear from
$5OO to Sl.OOll a year. Agents wanted 111 even• Town
and County in the Union, to sell Scars , new nod Popular
Periodical Works," universally, ackuowledged to lie the
best and cheapest ever published, ns they cerlautly are
the most sulcalde, Any notice agent may clear $5OO or
$l,OOO a year. A cash capital of $35 or $5O will be de.
cessury. Full particulars of the, principles and profits of
the agency will he given on application. either per.onally
or by letter. 'l•he postage must in all cases be wild.
Please to address HOBERT SEARS., Publisher..
• .
fl Newspapers copying the above..(ineltiding this no
tice.) and givlng, it eight insertions, shall receive any one
of the bound volumes, which retail nt S 2 50 to *3 per
♦ ohmic. Send Only one paper directed a:• above, .
sept 9,1415-9 t
(IF DYlNG—especially in Autumn, the most
delightful eeeeon of the year :Rog then g,entit
invalid, asyon pans P. X. 211:GLER'S ' , .tore, Loeustat.,
above Front, and get a box of
They ere truly an etTective remedy. Plenty of testimo
ny will be exhibited to prove; this. Sept. le3e.
TILE subscriber has platinised. tha Patent righit
J. of Tirriby , s Improved NVEtter Wheel,•SvMell has been
proven to do more s orb with less 'voter 'than any other
wheel now in use. The svhcele can be seen in operatiow
at John Lintner's Sow Mill, and at John Kerr's Saw Mill.
Persons having. Mills on streams of water whereshere
is not sufficient 101 l for over,h4e find these
wheels to do more work than collo:Jr Pitelbback, Enders
shot, or Flutter Wheal,
Columbia. Lime. co, Pa.
Sept. 2, 1.8.19.-lf
TIM undersigned being about to leave Cohint=
bin, hereby 'Willier all pereons Indebted w Wm to,
come foprard and settle their account. , on or before lath
of Soria/ober, teas., JOILN JORDAN.
Columbia, September 2,
lIE Stockholders of the Columbia and Wash
ington Turnpike Itoml Company. hold an Dam
ian' in the public house of Edward Jacobs, (Prooklin Ho
tel) Columblo. on 'MONDAY. the Hth of September, 3 .8 4, 1.
between the .hours of 1. and J o'clock Y. M...for
one Prosidertt.and. six Directors, to manage the affairs of
said company for one year. A. BITNED,
Sept. 2, . " Secretary.
VIARIERCur.a. ALcAznlzta3r.
THE Sth Session of this Institution will com
mence on the 15th ofSeptember, In3±. tiring the present season the Principal has purchased
n large and handsome [mailing. mid adjacent to It erected
another, so that he is prepared to aceontmodate a large
number of modents.
The course ol instrnetion embraces all the Iln:inches of
a complete English and AlatheinatiCal education, togeth
er whit the Latin, Greek, French and German languages.
The charge for tuition. bonsning,'ke , for the winter
session of 20 weeks. is tilili. For a quarter of 12 weeks,
SIP. Ciecultirs, or any aililiticgial particulars, can be ob
tained by addressing the Principal by letter or otherwise
at the Academy. J. P. I IlelillIISIIA3l,
Marietta, Sept. 2,1 0 . P.-5 10 Principal.
1'172.T41C ME LE,
rough of Colt:Mau, on TUESDAY. the Nth day of
Septeinher.lt4S, at the public house of Col. D. Bert. will
be sold to the highest bolder. pursitnnt to the will of Ja
cob Strickler, deceased, the following REAL, ESTATE,
laic of Paid deceased. to sell
No. I. A 2 story BRICK BOCSTI, with all the requisite
back buildings and LOT or piece of GROUND, fronting
ou 1.0C1151 street, in the borough of Columbia., between
Prom and Second streets, adjoining, property of Colum
bia Bank and Joseph Cottrell, now occupied by the Mis
ses WCOVetS.
N 0.1: A large three story BRICK IIOBSD and Lot of
GIIOtKD, in the borough of fronting on Front
Street, between Locust am! Walnut streets, adjoining
property of Even Green end When...being large and com
modious and utivrintag ttttttttt situated for public bustiir,s,
contenting a very suitable room and all other convenien
ce• for a store. now occupied by Wtn 11. Spengler.
No. 1. A LOT or piece of GROUND, fronting on the
river Susthiellanna 227 feet. running back to the Colmn
hie and 'Washington turnpike, BOW occupied by James
(Arun, Esq., Its n (Amber Vaal. The Mole front of the
lot is well srharfed, adjoining property Of Abraham Bre
net rind Jonathan Pusey.
ALSO :—At the seine time and place, t.s ill he sold 10
shares of Stock in the Columbia and Wn.bington Turn
pike, 1 shares in the Columbia end Marietta Vorripthe,
and 20 allures in the Marietta and Portsmouth Road Com
Sale to commence. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day. when terms of sale ill be made known by the un
dersi sv
gned executors of said deceased's will.
C LUTIST' AN mta.taxarat,
Sept. 2, I£4.2.—tF.
kerchiefs. Jockey Ciub, Perfume De Jenny Lind,
Mousseline, Magnolia, Bouquet Caroline, Rose, Jesmin,
Portugal, Patchouly, Musk, ikc. For sale by
sepa4B W. A. I.F...ADF.R.
AValuable Scientific Work, upon the subject
of Gestation and Child-Birth. by R. M. IVeisselhoff,
ltl. D., late of Paris t just published by the author.
Thin work contains information upon subjects of the
highest importance to married persons. or those contem
plating marriage. It win be found of special value to
those whose means, health, or other circumstances do
not permit them to increase the number of their family,
without great inconvenience, sufferitg. or perhaps risk of
life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dangers at
will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French physi
fully communicated in this work. so that any per
son may avail himself of it at once. The means cost
comparatively nothing, and are within the reach of all.
The process is new, safe, infallible., convenient, simple,
and cannot injure the most delicate. Nor does it curtail
matrimonial privileges in the least.
Copies of this work will be sent, in a close envelope,
at a single letter postage, to any part of the United States
for $1 sent, post paid, to Dr. R. DT WEISSELHOFF. bon
2710, New b ork City. Copyright secured. No Booksel
ler allowed to sellikis,rrork. fleet. 2, 184,9 rimo.
'TS as
' Wt_ 11,4 MonopoliesAust fall, so
moat whiclabsia•be proved by
calling - at
-at the Old Established Cxocit,ll - .6.iau, and Jaw
glatvarind• or. John Felix,. 'Prom street, a few' door!'
below.: lien . % Washingtonliotel.
undersigned having lust return.
ed from Philadelplua and New York,
where Ire has purchased, at the pre
sentNery low prices, a large and splendid assortment of
of every description, which, together with his former ex-
tensive stock, he is determined to sell oll:quick and at
small advances. Now is is your titno if you wish to
purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at
astonishing low prices. The following embraces some of
the !aiding articles of his magnificent stock:
full jeweled; Gold and Silver Lepine, Quartier, mid Eng.
hall Watches; Gold and Silver Miniature Cases; Silver
Table, Tea. Salt, and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar'
Tongs, Butter Knives, dm.; Silver Scissor Hooks, Silver
Combs and Ilan Darts, Silver and Steel Belt Slides. Gold
and Silver Spectacles, Spectacle Glasses. Silver Thine.
/des, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens. German Silver
Spectacle Cases ; German Silver Table and Tea Spoons ;
Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Steel do.: Gold. Silver, and
Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps, Ear-Rings, Finger.
Rings ' Breast Pius and Bosom Studs ofevery description ;
Card Cases, Steel Purse Rings mid Tassels. Bag and
Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists, Shell
Side and Back Combs: Pell Knives. Pistol.", Spy Glasses,
Music 13011,8, Pocket Books aud Purses, together with u,
large variety of other useful and . ornamental articles I
usually kupt.m.lewslry Stores.
Particular attention paid to repairin,•• Clocks, Watches,
and JeVi•elry— aud all work warranted.
Thou kcal for past Tutors. the subscriber solicits a eon.
tinumwe of the smite—which lie natters himself to merit
Bunt lus ell:deuce and by a. strict utter din. to
N. U. Remember 'the place. It is in Front street,
is few door, BELOW lieu's Wuslungton I fowl. Colum
bia, Pa., where you cast buy clump and good Jews:lg,
and Morn - tided to give satistaction in every instance or
base your money rennided.
Colionbia. 19,1,11,
Lew t. TreJesnek Fashionable itAr
t'Aure,br...t door below Jollillrelix , s Jewelry More.
when• -you Call 111WayS act a Fa.hiottable Hut or Cap to
the lowcet city prier.. Cull and •xuntine our New Style
and for youri-elves. TIZJII)R.NICK S. Co
August 5, tcl - J—tf Front Street, Columbia, Pu.
A ND the Volunteers returning home. WALNUT
N0..12, Front Street, dtreetly opposite the bridge, and
three doors below Blacks Hotel, Coltnebia, Pt,.
The .üb~cri Let Would respectfully Inform the eituctis
of Columbia anti the public generally, that he Ito, bought
out the
formerly kept by James L. Pretionan, at the above well
known 'land. lie would invite the (once? {introit , - of the
establidunent and all others to call and exatitinc liie
STOCK.'OI , ' PASI I f0NA131.1.1 and CllklA CLUIIIING,
which exeeeil. iii extent. elegance. and sanely.
hitherto opened to dd., vicinity. And WiliCh he pledges
liiire,elt to sell lower than even hispretlecessur ever oiler
ed before. lice stock ren...6 in part of
Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Frock Coats, Sacks. Coatees.
Gairttemon's Fine Cloth and Castotnere Pants; Satin and
Silk-Velvet Vests, Plain and Finley, being the only kind of
tins quality for Fate in this place, Roundabouts, Pea
Jackets, Shirts, plain and limey, Satinet Pantaloons,
Graf/omen's Cotton Ilultlboge. Silk nail Cotton /blather
chit's, Cravats, :Rhin:utters, Umbrellas, Leather and Hair
Trunks, Travelling Bags, Ste. Together with a large as
sortment of .130 I'S CLCYPI I ING of every description.
Remember the TIMM?, BIG Dom*, the place to buy
c4atinp M 01111144, Na, 42. Front Street- directly opposite the
Bridge : and three doom...below Bluck't l lotel, Columbia,
Pa. " • • A G. STEVENS.
• "
LEWI& TREDENICIL tV Co,, late from.Philadel
phin, deniers in HATS and CAPS, would most res
pectfully Leg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia
'and its vicinity; 'that they have purchased the old mid
well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept by
Joan Vacancy thr many years, next doei, to J. Felix's
'Jewelry Store. Front Street, Columbia, I'i, where they
numid to spare no pains and means to Barry on the above
business in all its venous branches. Their stock con
sits m putt;of Lae Mole Skin, Beaver, Nutria ' and Cus
ter HATS. Also, it splendid assortment of Pearl and
timid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style, to
gether Nvith agood assortment of CAPS of every size,
price, and quality. New style Silk liars, wldeli wiz have
lu-t received from Philadelphia, and which we will sell
at ens prices,
\l'ltli the confidence resulting from nit experience of a
number of >Can, with one of the first hatters in Philadel
phia, wilt guarantee us in laying. that for cualiiell, nett
tree., CIIII:AP.NneS ' we cannot be sur
passed by any esuibli4lanent in the limos.
June 3, 2S44.—it:
OF T 11.4 head, lace and Itandsrsuch as scarvey.
erysipelas, sentiment, nett, Beret, sore heads, tall,
freckles. sunhurn, morpliew, yeliaty, dark disfigured skin
are cured. When these causes are removed, persons
who Him tile kith freely shook' remember that more than
Water is required to remove the limner from the pores.
I hare seen persons who have lied filthy skin diseases,
far yea rs, rand after trying every!), ing lii 50111. have been
mired by washing the shin With Jones's Italian Chemical
Soap, and can conseientionsly.uffer it for any of the
nhuve contpliaints. It is particularly adapted to persons
must thialduntry Shah. • 'they would tied their skit, much
whiter, clearer and smoother by its else. But they 'oust
be sure to ask for Jones's Chemical Soar., as there are
numerous counterfeits. Price 50 cells. For sale by It.
agent for Columbia. nu26•45-tilec2l
i. cen warrants the American people in soliciting for
treatment the
that can be found in the emusecret and all diseases
of ibe urinary organs. ft acts lir•t by purging Mr all irri•
toting trotter front the F.} stern which aggravates the dis
ease and at the same time nets upon the secretions
through the medium of the wh
blood. by ich all vestiges of
the ...spiting taint are eradicated front the system It also
eradicates secondary s) plunk, wtt
, cures whites or leeor
rhea in Women. mid is a general purifier of the system.
Ile vine to n-Ic for I luster's Nihau. Vegetable Panacea.
Price $1 per bottle. For sale by
September 2, ISle. IV. A. 'LEADER.
WANTED a first rate Wagon-maker, to take
charge ala shop and early on the business on his
otr n hook. above the Depot. A shop ill be rented to a
good mechanic at about $l5 per annum, and at least
ti1.:20 worth of work git en by the subscriber himself to
start on the first year. The is ork is principally on heavy
Ore Wagons. For further particulars address
August 19, Iqe.-2m Columbia, Pa.
TO SAVE MONEY. By calling at the cheapest
CLOTHING STORM under the sun you eun have
IWCllty pct Cent
C. LEVY Co., Front Street, one door above Sehrei ,
Hots% would respectfully call the attention of the
citizens of Columbia and vicinity to their large awl splen
did assortment of
Consisting, of Preach Broadcloth Coats of all colors and
de Feriptions, Pants, Vests, Caps, Itaisdkascittefs, Cravats,
Stocks, Stisyenders, Carpet Bags. A.c.,
C. LEVI At Co., flutter themselves that they can sell
the elieripeq Clothing in Columbia, or any where else.;
111111 if 3 on do not believe it, just give then, a call.
colilibia. August 10, 1e,17t.-tlin
L. NELLING, Herb Doctor, tato of Marietta,
begs leave to inform his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has removed to 111 e LOAM of Heavy Mante,
next door to Boyle's Ilotel. Front street Columbia, Pa.
Whilst lie returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal
encouragement hitherto received 111 the practice of his
profes.don, he respectilitly acquaints them that lie con
unites as u-ual the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, in all its
various branches, and will attend. either by day or night
all those who ninny have occasion lor his services
Columbia. July I, Iti4e.-11
GIVE EVERT MAN 'WHAT 11E :gamma —1 do eertafy that
having been attacked with a violent disease, I called on
Dr. C. L. Kelling who restored me to pe c re e s health in a
ff,V days. by his excellent Herb inerheines. I can se .
commend barn to all «•ho arc in any away afflicted.
Cohamlna, Pa. S. LAZARD
ESTORATITE. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative
_L will FORCE the Hair to grow on the head or face. Ity
acing a 3e. bottle the whiskers and beard maybe cult", a
tm] to any reasonable extent.
Sold only in N. York, at eiitChathtun street, and by H.
WILLIAMS., Agent for Columbia. je.24,1e-Om
AND COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Prattler & Co.,
thankful for past encouragement, would announce
to the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity. that they still
continue to manufacture Tin and Copper ware of all kinds
at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of the
Columbia Hank, and respectfully solicit a continuance of
public patronage.
March 11, 11.8450
ALL vasnaszs
Baltimore jclverei:leMenis :
QIIIIWEII4ATII. An entirely-nei irticle ffir
Shower Bathing, with warm or cold Water.
A. great, and important improvement- is made in this
Shower-Bath over all others, by throwing the water int
inediately on the body, Without wetting the head. unless
the will or pleasure of the battler; but a greater point
is gained bv being enabled to bathe with warm water.
which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of
all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair.
Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in
met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the
water to suit lbw wish, and commence bathing at any
season of the year without any unpleasant result, Ladies
can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the
tread or covering the same. •
The arrangements are simple and complete, and not
liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to
suit any height, front u moult child to the tallest person..
When the door 2,, closed, the fixtures are hid and the out
side appearance in that of a licatitheceof furniture.
They have received,the approbation of several medical
gentlenten—others are requested to — call turd' examine
therm Manufactured by the Patentee.
St South Ca'wait street, Baltimore
DATIIING.--Dead what Armstrong says :
Do not omit, ye who would health secure,
The doily fresh ablution, that shall clear
The sluices of the skin; enough to keep
The body sacred from undecent sod.
Still to he pure, even if it did not conduce.
(As much as it does) to health, very greatly worth
Your daily pains; 'lts this adorns the rich;
rho want of this is poverty'. worbt foe,
NVith this external virtue. age maiatains
A deem.: grace; without it, youth and charms
Arc loathsome•
LARRABEB, No. du South
Calvert street, EitIiUMOTC, bat removed ills Laborary to
MS new building. No. 21, and has tiluknys on hand the
large , t and ino-t complete assortment of pure Botanic
remedies in the United States, prepared under his special
care at his Laboratory--being the first erected us the
United States for the special purpose of preparing Ttion
soistAis l'ultnimsis. All of the pulverized and compound
ed articles are put np in quarter and half vowd packages.
and neatly labelled, with directions suitable far retailing
WO in bulk, mid upon littler tennis than the cause article
cmt be had for in the U. S. Every article in Ids lute is
warranted genuine—the public can rely upon 0114.
1/.." - e - A liberal discount Jostle to country merchants, who
are particularly feti . IICSICA to call and CXIIIIIIIIC quality.
Sic . before puridiusiug.
l 'she various Treatises, embracing, the most reputed
authors, mural the Thoinsoiliati or Botanic System of
Medicine, may also be had ,tut his establishment, by Clue
quantity or QlligiC copy.
Philadelphia .4 dvertisemenls.
- THE Largest Concern in the United States.
1111.1. k CLINE. No. 233 North SECOND Street.
above VINE. and N0.31b :11.1121071` Street, above
TEN'll I. Philadelphia,
:11orro!—Small profits and quick sales.
VA tarry !--EttO rel y unsurpassed sad unequalled.
Cirsternylos !—Far, very far in the back ground.
'We Mier. among others, this season:
'file Celebrated Empire Cook, the genuine.
tioncy's Economist—a new and prime stove.
Leibraidn's Ole Bull Cook.
The Philadelphia Air-Tight.
The Oar Stoves for.t New and splendid patterns.
The New Pattern Completes, 3 sires, do. do.
The Oven Stoves, 4 do do. do.
A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors Cannon
Radiators, Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches.
&c.. &C.. mo numerous to mention.
Philadelphia, Aligns: Id, 1549.
FEVRE AND 11.G1721!!!
Toxic MIXTURE! That„grew Nat ioual, ON Fa
vorite said Steritug 'Remedy ! of EIGIITEEN YEARS'
S'FAI\ DlNU—stil I nintpproaclied rit its wonderful suswess,
certainty, and safety, in the CURL or TILLS WIt.I:CCIIY.I) COX.-
PLA 1.:NT!!!
IC you would escape the arsenical (poisonous) gout,-
lei leas take not a bOttic
by the [Well signature.. of the, original ifiveutor awl
proprietor, Jolts It. littivAsto ; on a paper label, crossigg
the month ma,) eork.
mi.. remedy has never been bolstered up by, false and
deceitful pug's, but lms won ifs way to the confidence and
universal adoption of the inhabitants of MA EH AND A Gee
ALONE. to vihich all the agents, and every person who
have wed It, well testily.
1-1:1, Arch Street, Phila.
Cohunliia,llianieT, W. A. Leader; Lancaster. 3,
fade & Co; Marietta, .1. T. Ander:cm ; Binu
bridal:. J. Lando.; Fallinotah. G.ll- Horning, 31aldletown,
:B. Drown, B. rhott Port,nouta. Henry Bear, Me
llow:in, Wm. Bowan ; Collis, Ferry, A. Collins; New
Wmdeor, Eckert & Monday; Talc.% ater Lock, J. Kelly;
Wrialoacille, J. 4. Farhey.
August 3,
TYPE FOUNDRY. No. S PEAR Street, near the
The suli.criher having - made great improvement. in his
method of casting type and mixing of metals : and had a
thorough revising of his matrices. the faces of which are
not excelled, itt beauty and regularly of cut, by any in
the eountry; flatters himself that by it strict personal at
tention to business, ninth employing none but the most
skillful workmen. he is enabled to oiler a superior article,
- -
is constantly adding to his stock all that is new from
the hest workmen of this and other countries. and having
lately procured front Europe, a great varies!, of NEW
FACES and ORNAMENT*, solicits the attention of
Prulhers thereto.
Specimens will he sent to thine wishing to order
Piessms, Chases, Cases. Ink. Stands. Galleys. _Drums
Rule. and every other article needed to tarnish 0 complete
Printing Office, supplied nt Ihr, shortest notice.
Of the ite,est ttylc and of all size , , carefully put up 11l
foams of correct proporuou.
Philadelphia ; August If!, IS4a-lim
zi*'74l.*) " 'FA
(JOV) WORKS. The subscribers respectfully
1,.1 inform their friends and the public that they are now
prepared to execute nny orders with which they may be
nivored, for their WEST PHILADELPHIA COM
PLETE COOK STOVE. of which they have three sizes;
sites: Ilvsr.s. and Tops for C 3 limier Stoves, five sizes'
PARLOR sTovr.s. (for wood.) two :Des; GAS OVE:sIS,
three sizes: CAST-IRON HEATERS, and a large and
beautiful nssortment of Patterns fur Iron Railing%
. .
Thew Goods pre all made of the best material, and from
new and beautintl designs.
Their wEsT PIIIALIIA COMPIXTE is, without
doubt, the hest and most saleable Cook Stove in the
market. They arc constructed with Mott's Patent Feeder
Front and Grate, retool, gives them a decided superiority
over all others. . They only want a trial to confirm what
is here asserted.
CASTINGS of all kinds made to order with promptness
and despatch.
Samples may be seen and orders left at the Foundry, or
at 3. B. Komma's, 151 North Second Street; MATIIIEt: &
DOISEAVS 1 , 7:7 South Second Street, and at WILLIAIIs &
49S Market Street.
Phlla. August 19, 1c
By means of the rOCKET
ESCULAPIVS, or epee!, one hie
own pelowlen! twentieth edi
tion, with upwards of a hun
dred engravings. showing Ri
me demons in every phone
and form, rind malformations
of the generative system
The time has now arrived,
that persons suffering from se
cret disease, need no more be.
Comb the victim of quackery. as
by the prescriptions contained
in this book any one may cure
himself, without hindrance to
edge of the most intimate friend,
and with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the
general routine of private disease, it fully explains the
cruise of manhood's early decline, with observations on
marriage—pcsides other derangements which it would
not he proper to enumerate in the public prints.
n"'Any person rending ?wenn , rtry CENT. enclosed
in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail. or
five copies will he sent for one dollar. address, •• DR.
W. YOUNG, No. LW SPRUCE at., Philadelphia." poet
paid. _
WANTED—Proprietors of Drug or Donk Stores.
and Pedlers, in every town in the United States. to act
as agent. for the abnve work. sept2.4B•6m.
TONES'S Italian Chemiea Soap is called by the
Medical Society of Paris, a blessing, a miracle and
a wonder," to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora•
Lion of the skin
lt cures' pimples. blotches, freckles, salt rheum, scurvy,
sore heads, tan. sunburn, inorphew, and it chances the
color of dark. yellow or sunburnt skins. to. a fine healthy
clearness. rot mile by R. WILLIAMS, Agent for Co
lumbia. Je24'4B4sta
ACOMPLETE assortment oil:W-04 , 044nd
COOKING STOVES, for sale at reduced prices,-
at the ir4SHIVII.Te Store of S. \V. COTTRELL...
aulo , l-8-Orn Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
500 KEGS NAIMInd SPIKES for sate at man
ufacturer's prices pi the Hardware Store of
ati494 3-3 m Locust Street, Columbia. Pa.
JUST received, a lot of superior English SHOT
GUNS, Double and Single Barrel, for sale at low
prices at the Derdware Store or
aulolB.:3nt Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
AMERICO . and Russia Sheet Iron for sale
ut reduced prices, at the klardwarc Store of
atil9r4B-3in Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
ANEW ARUCLE which may be used with
Quill or t'Lrel Pen (Onfll is prererable) for billets,
Invitations, Se ,—it will'exactly be the thing. It is also
used for ornamenting Wood, Picture Frames, Chairs, &c.
For sale by It. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, August QM, PAS..
ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double for sale by W. A LEADER..
Columbia, Pa., August 12, 1149.
str.vies SAIRSALP.AI3/LLA..
TUST Received a first rate supply of Bull's
RSAPA 1{11.1,A. and for sale by
Co!amble, August 1,2, le-IS. W. A. LEADER.
QARSAPARILLA. Just received another large
supply 01 Townscud's S:arsnparilln. mid -for , 1111 e Ly
Auguet 12. 11-1, 4 . W. A. LEADER.
W. GLOBES of every size and shape, for
vac A. L EA/Nat.
luntbm, Augu.4. 1.1 1E49.
PPANACEA,Just received another supply of
Swim's Palmeea. For sale by W. A. LEADER.
JUST received a new supply of the handsomest
nod most splendid n,ortinent of CLunphine nod Ethe•
nal Oil Lump, ever kept In Columbia. On sale by
OIL. Fresh supply of Ethereal Oil for stile
by W. A. LEADER.
VIIENCII BrandAlkort 'Wine, Madeira Wine,
.12 Whale Wale, Chu Rye, and Sherry Wine can be bud
pure. for Medietuul purposes pt LEADER'S Drug Store.
S. PATTON have just received one ease
W. Goighntos. 111,1 colors, only 194 cts. pay-.2'48
ONEyard wide, very heavy, W only 6 1 1 :4
TON cents, at
juy2T4S . -'AT'Z.4
W &S. PATTON hare just received a spleen „ did 1156011111C11t of summer Dress 0000, ei very
low prices. juy29-'4,i
14ICB1NE, for the:.greatll ana presErvultun at
the Bair. For Kale by It. WILLIAMS.
Colombia., duly 8, le4B.
- 1)E JENNY LIND, Tor beautifying the RAIR, &c.
Fur sale by • • It. WILLIAMS.
Colamia, July 9. 1949.
'l l 3.3CItelka.NGS
OF Every description, suittible for dresses, now
upcUm . S
May t.'o, 1:7
VrATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and
Ili low :0 W. Zr S. PATTON'S.
Mny 1 sl4.—ti
ITI NGINGs. Parlor, Hall, Chamber and Ceiling
I_l.nper, umlif,s. hr2of ncnve,l
ttlways on Imm! tit Inanttfactnrer,' prim.. to.
J. D. & 3. WItIf:IIT'S.
Colombia, Mnrelt .23. 1.17.—ti
A iVD Cassitneres at the lowest prices, at
COPPER and Tin Pumps--•a good supply of
Pumps always on hand, and nude to order, at the
shorte , it note, by 11. PrA111.11:12..k. CO.
March 11,
GLOVES. An extensive assortment of Hosieries,
Giovcs,&c., at reduced prices, at
aulltr49-tf St SPANGLER'S.
EXTRACT De JENNY LIND, for the llandker
chief. For sate by IL WILLIAMS.
Columbia. July a,
AND Illolasses. Sovering's celebrated steam
Syrup Molasses. a delicious article for table use.—
Also, new crop HONEY at
iehttrAt—ti PRY 3: SPANGLER'S.
RIWKS always on hand and for sale
j_ by 11. PrAIILEIL & CO.
Mnreb 11, 1E49-1f
AFresh supply of those justly celebrated
TEAS just received by
fel.lAq°•lf Sulu Agents 11. Columbia.
nIL of the very best quality, with an assort
/ ment of Lamm fur burning the same. always un
hand nt .1. U. & .1. 'lVl2.l(il - 11":9.
Columbia, March 19, 1949-tf
A M CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For
sate at numuforturrs prices, by
April 7,1847.--f lit-arta A'
ARTICLE Boat Stove. We would call the at
tention of Boatmen to a new article of boat Stove
Made and adopted expressly for
theirth convenience. To
be seen and had at ELIER& CO.
March 11. 1819-tf
REHR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tra
ce., long and short, double and single Link, rcast,
carrying and halter chains, all of which we offer at man
ufacturers prices. apl , -tf Rumrt.E & HESS.
TIM Subscribers have constantly on band a
A-fnU assoritnent of wood, coal, and cookinc Stoves of
every size and discription. cannon stoves Also. Head
enbura'o patent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves, which has al, en
full satisfaction in all cases. The public ITC ItIVIICA to
cat! and examine for themselves, at thello - sire Store of
Oct. 9-11 1217MI'L 4;M l: A. HESS.
BT OTF,R LAB EXPRESS, Important News from
the East. great decline in DR] GOODS. We have
just received a laree and splendid assortment of
and much below the usual prices. A splendtd assortment
of DRESS GOODS, suitable forthe season. Call and eZ-
Cola:lAM, May 20, lE4a.—tf •
GOLD ntill.
4 , .:.;]*.Y=V4AFP , N ,
Philadelphia adverasements.
VEGETABLE PANACEA. We give:below a num
her of Cartikoates-of Cures of Scrofula sr King's
Evil, Tatter, Erysipelas, and Old Sores, which have been
cured in Philadelphia by the above most extraordinary
Thousandi of eases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Liver
Complaint. Mercurial Diseases, Ulcers and Impurities of
the blood, hare been cured by this Panacea. The testi
monials of which will be furnished in pamphlet form
We the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac Brooks,
Jr., at the office of Messrs. Row-and & Waholt, 376
Market street. Philadelphia, consider his case the most
remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard of.
his disease was Scrofula: mid terrible roust have heel,
his twelve yews conflict with the destroyer! Ili. pal
ate. the entire roof of his mouth, nose, upper hp, and low
er lid of the right eye have been destroyed. his face near
ly eaten up, and part of the jaw bone carried away. And
yet we can
. give no description of his case.
Mr. in forms as that in January last, the whole into.
I rior of his mouth. as well as most of his face, was a mass
of deep and painful ulcers!
On the 14th of January last, lie commenced taking Dr.
, 'lndian Vegetable Panaceas, whirls checked the
disease in a tew days. and from that time the cure has
progressed without intermission.
New flesli has supplied the place of the deep ulcers, '
and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, and lus
general health is restored.
We are assured that in the, treatment of Mr. Brook.s ,
cane. no Niereurials, Ointments, or Caustic applications
have beets used,—in fact, the Panacea alone, lint wrought
this wonderthi change.
I Philip S White. F.sq. J. W. Jones, M. D.
Rev. John Chambers, IV. steelling, M. D.
Rev. A. D. Gillette, 'l', P. S. Roby. M. D.
Rev. J. R. Nichols, Jacob Prick. AL D.
Rev. William Uric, S. B. Coles, NI D.
Rev. E. Kincaid, John W. Ashniend, Esq.
Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq.
E. Gnillon, Esq. L, A Godey, Esq.
And thousands of others equally respectable, whose I
nitrites might be added if necessary.
If there should be osm who still hesitates to use this
valuable medicine, or disposed to give the preference to
any other, or yield to the advice of prejudiced physicians
ater to U.St the Pat:act:a, we ask that one to rend the fol
lowing certificates. Mr. Caldwell a gentletnan of res
pectability and well know a itt the lower part of the city,
where lie carries ott his business as is currier.
Mrs. Foster is also well known as a respectable mem
ber of the Ebenezer M. E. Church. We would remind
the afflicted, that It is but a few weeks since we published
TIM= new certificates—here are two more.—ls there a
mcdtchie in existence that cures with the certainty that
this does? We invite those ssfflo have any doubts to call
upon Mr. Caldwell or Mrs. Foster, and they will have a
much fuller account than can he given tit a certificate.
I with pleasure give you a brief statement of the CUM
performed on my son by your Dr. Cullen's Latium Vegeta
ble Panacea. In the early part of last spring my little
boy, about four years of age, had the measles badly, du
ring winch time he took cold. After the measles left
him, his cars commenced discharging matter—Ms eyes
became much inflamed and very sore I found his sight
would be entirely destroyed. His head was literally cov
ered with scabby ulcers, which extended over a consid
erable portion of his face. We tried several remedies,
but without benefit. I saw in the •• Daily Sun' newspa
per a care performed on a child of Mr. Hopkins, by your
Panacea. and inviting those interested to call on hint. I
did so, and became satisfied to give it a trial. The first
bottle produced a decided change for the better. lie took
four bottles and the disease is completely mastered, and
I have no fears of a return.
I must say I was much opposed to patent medicines, as
they are culled—believed them to be catch-penny hum
bugs—but my mind is changed. I now believe your Pan
acea to be the most valuable medicine ever introduced,
and have no hesitation in recommending it to all who
need a medicine of the bind.
1 remount gratefully yours, &e.
..1011N CALDWl:LL,356sutith ea street.
Pattnam.rma,lllarch 1701,1619
110 WAND & . WAuro..s, Cents.--For the benefit of the nf
flicted, and in gratitude to you ; I cheerfully make the fol
lowing statement.
About eleven years since a red spot made its appear
ance upon my ankle. It dal not trouble me for some years.
About tour years ono tt became inflamed and painful. I
nom Mrovined it s was Erect elan. I procured some
salve from Dr. S.. whteu sptcaa the disease over my tin
ily and hem?. My face was so touch swollen that I wits
billld. I then applied to Dr. Gottincr—he gave me some
powders, which I look for some tune without any benefit,
I was now suriiiring more than pen or toupee con describe
—none eon kliOW any Ming of pay .uircrlng,..s unless they
hove been like afflicted.
3fr. Chase, a rnrocular (Head of spine. !lad so much
confluence to your Dr.
-,1411:1:1 Yegetable
era, thitt 111: peleg it a trial. "fir 11 - Nr.V7
IT Nt ULLL ccnv \IF. I 1. , it :111,11 (2311,1 Urt. yoLI,
'a} ad 4.1 .• • ••I1:] tg to,lito is Of 111‘,.
1:110.1. •• get it by ill tneutn.,' I It ..hve it to be the Lent me
dicine ever known. Yours, truly
South OA street, wen: side, Ott door above Wnalungton
Row o, . WAtrov—Gemlernen. I feel it to ho nay do
ty tog., yon a tutenattot of the ta•oaderiuf catty Dr. Cad
left. Indian etretnble. Penincen Lan etTected upon nae
that other like afflicted may know avhere thry ean pro•
cure that, great and, 1 beltove, the only Cairo !-or.
Ahont two years since, my neck begnii to swell ; kernels
formed under no, Jan., and ears. they combined to SM.CII
111111 become very painful. I was advised to try many
things, but to no purpose, except II WOl6lO of toy mosey.
Poultices broug,lit them to a head, causing them to break
and discharge very freely.
The swellings instead of diminishing in size, Men:cased
until the hinips extended completely around my neck,
many as large, as n lien's egg, and oils as large as my fist,
I was in this condition when your Panacea was recom•
mended to inn by Mr. Clemson. I commenced its usc.—
The swellings began to diminish almost front the time I
began to take it. My friend who recommended me to
take the medicine, tnsisted that I should continue to use
it, as be knew of so ninny persons who hail been cured
by it. I accordingly persevered, and have now used
about one dwell bottles, and consider myself a well man.
I do not think there is such another medicine in the
world. I will be pleased to see any one wishing further
information at Mr. Jesse Baker's hand box manufectory,
No. 22, Bank street, who can also certify to the above
'4111(111PM. JOIAN FARROW.
Mr: Tinker end Mr. Garrison whose store is nt No. 21
JOtIC9 . alley, are both well known in this city, and trill
coroborate the above stotement.
Mr. John W. Middleton. No. 65 South Eighth street.
gives the following brief history of his case t "I have
suirered for many t years with a severe SCROFTLA.laire.Ctillg
any legs. arms, and bend, at tunes not being able to w talk
without crutches. I laud tried almost every thing before
I commenced with your Panacea, but to little purpose.—
The Panacea has proved itself superior to all other medi
cines I have taken. as that alone has effected the cure: ,
Mr. Middleton was offered fifteen dollars a week, to re
main In the office of a certain doctor in this city, and
represent the cure as lacing effected by his medicine; it is
unnecessary to say that Mr. 51. spurned the villanous
fer with indignation. Mr. neat; be seen at his residence.
Philadelphia, Dec.2.,.17.
Mr. J. 13 Kemp, a gentleman well known in the city
gives the following information :—" I was troubled with
painful leg for about eighteen months. no distressing at
times an to disqualify me front following my business,
and deprive me of sleep. I was induced by a friend to
make use of your Da. Cri.i.v.v's Immo: Vroarma..k. PA
NACEA. My leg, at the time I commenced taking the
Panacea. WA+ much swollen and inflamed, with a large
ulcer open. The leg in now entirely well." Mr. Kensil
resides at No. 125 south Eleventh Sweet. Philadelphia,
Decernt.e r 21d, 1849.
Mrs. Mary T. Charles, a highly respectable lady living
in Williamstown, New Jersey, had antlered about nine
years with owns& on the leg. The attending Physi
cians said nothing but amputation cold save her hie.
Reading the many astonishing cures performed by
Dr. Cußen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, she sent a
friend to procure some of the medicine. but unfortu-
nately she missed the place and got into a Doctor's
Office, who represented his medicine as the PANACEA..
and of which she look about twenty bottles, a PANA C EA
before finding her mistake. I ler .I...cud then call
ed and procured Dr. Cullen's Pailaces, sod sder using it
about ten months. 'Mrs. Charles t'lss wrote. under the
date of December 20, 1547
- Messrs. nowand & Wait.v, 4...V.:V4....-I * Ju request
me to inform you how I one to. :are the pleasure
of stating to you that les so. , sssott —I have a god
appetite, nod my let,, sdt ,)
I,a,orat would have t o o
be taken otf, is ns-n ,
:41..11:1 T. cimittrs.
Parther imbeatuovic Iwo tw obtained by calling upon
Mrs. . t..•sst sht., t. below doull.
yr e ...../m. Notrand 1 Walton—Gentlemen :—T cheerfully
glee you the parneulurp:of n cure performed on me by
}Our peull. celebrated -Dr Cullen's Indian Vegeta
ble Paitaoa I hale Leen afflicted with the "Tenor"
about ten years on toy body and hands. It was exceed
ingly troublesome and annoying. I tried Orntraents. but
without Light wutlx; grocuzcd scam of your
Panacea; the aching was soon allayed"; and I bad taken
the medicine but a short time when bike made their ap-
pearance on different parts of me body. When the btles
disappeared the Totter went with them, and I am now
entirety well. I would certainly recommend the Pans•
cea to all who are similarly afflicted.
Mullicahill, Gloucester Co J, April 17, 18.17,.
Mr. Hazleton is a respectable farmer. and Well known
ns n Temperance Lecturer and monl reformer, to the
people of The lower eouaties of Now Jersey.
R. A: W.
Dr Comrs's Psirricow. sold wholesale and retail, by
the proprv.tors, Rowe & IV.i.mmai, No. 37U. 3Lar&et 111.,
and by their agents.
R. lirms and W. A. Leader, Columbia: Jas.Smith
and 0. Hills. lamer...ter: John S. Futhey arid Evans &
Lloyd. Wriglitw tile: .1. T. Andaman, Marietta.
VEC ET ABLE PILLS' REMEDY is a domestic pre
paration, which lion been used with entire success for
many years Being an Internal medicine. it has a decided
preference over ontwnrd application s.which are but pal
tatives nail not curatives. This medicine acts upon the
d Messed parts, preniur inn 'testate action. and a PERMA
MONEY. Wholesale and retail by
RO WAND At WALTON. Proprietors.
No 376, Market street, Philadelphia•
R. Williams and W. A. Leader, Cniumbia ; J. T. An
derson. Marietta ; J. S. Futhey & Evans. and Lloyd,
Wrightsville ; James Smith and G. liillsl. Lancaster.
rya COPIVIA. Dr, Cullen's Indian Vegetable
Rentedy is n domestic preparation, composed entire
ly of roots—no balsams, no mercury, or any other min
eral, nod very pleasant to the taste. Certain syphilitic
complaints, In all their forms, cured In a very few days,
if the Medicine Is taken as directed.
Prepared by ROWAN I) d WALTON. and sold whole
sale and retail. at No 3:6 Market street. Philadelphia—
IL and W, A. Leader. Colnmbia; J. T. Ander
son. Marietta; J. S. Flithey and Evans & Lloyd,
Wrightsville ; Janice Smith and G. fills, Lanewiter.
_MANUFACTORY, Siert, Riddle,. Screen mid Wire
CLOT,' MANUFACTORY, No. 4S, North Front
street, Plii/adelphia.
That subscribers continue to manufacture, of a superior
quality. all kinds of PLAI: and ORNAMENTAL WIRE
WORK, such as Sieves. Riddies, Screens, 3c., for all
kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Brick
dusts, .17e.
Pounders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly on
- . •
Alb - o. Safes. Wire Di,.lt Covers, Sofa Spriags, Twilled
Wire for Spork Catchers, 4,e.
Such as Cages, Nursery renders, Garden Bordering,
Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape Villas,
Also, Wire Fencing of every description.
ja" ()Alms tlianl,tully received. and promptly execu
ted by WATSON & COX.
August 12, 1t:-.12-am
TN LIGHT The attention of purchasers is in•
'rued to the extensive moldy of MURPHY'S latch
The construction and Improvements of these Lamps
render them imitable for any impose or place where virtu ^.
neinl light is required ; the brilliancy and magnificence - or
which have not been equalled. and at•oss-n.atr:rns az-
Emma. ni any yet invented. They ace perfectly free tram
any unpleasant odor.
ALSO--A general assortment of Solar. Lard, and Oil
Lamps, Fluid, Candelabras, Chandeliers, Hanging Lamps,
for Churches, Stores, Hull Rooms, Factories, Hotels anti
Hilliard Saloons, Lumps with shades, designed for reading,
All manner of Gas Fixtures, of every pattern, style and
Raving every facility for manufacturing, the under
signeal is prepared to sell, wholesale and retail, as CHEAP
as any manufactory an the United Slates, and the articles
are warranted equal in appearance and construction to
any that can be produced,
4lerchnius and dealers will find it to their advantage
to call and examine the stock and prices which cannot
fail to give satisfaction.
MANUFACTORY, No. 1.01, N. Second Street.
NATISIIINGTON Gallery of Doperreotypcs, No.
r 2.34, North Second Street,N.N% . corner of Callow
-1101 . Tech Philndelplon.
The Likenesses taken and benntlfully colored tit" this
ssrll 1.u0t.0 tuldishinent, for ONE DOLLAR.. are um
concec, d to ha EQUAL in every respect to ANY in
the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and Clear
We:1111.. A largo a• sof totem of MEDALIAONS and
1.1 ,cia:rs un hood, ut front i•.:2 to S 5, including the pic
Tac stub.ceiLers rc-p.twithiliy Invite the citizen.' of Lan-
CUStel county. to call and examine specimens of the latest
nuprovemcuta in the art of Dugherreotyping, tvhneh will
be exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
T. & J. C. 'fIiNINENT.
Philadelphia, July 1. 1.1,
tlttlEVqiqqqqqqg Ptltlqqlqgtlq
- 11 E 49 t c!!i:• : \ 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 ,i 1 17 for p tf:e ii : v E t E ek E • P ermanent
e- r, of
F.I.ATUT,ENCY, &e. 2 &c.;
nod for nil tLc d , raooo,opots or the Stomach nod Bowels
My-Tirss or T110L;;N:C; k•lil;rau.aily from diseases of
the titoinueli and Bowels. In the faee of this alarming
mortality. the best impulses of our nature arc enlisted in
rtimanting suffering wc cannot prevent. More than viva
"1 - 11.1:ttAtill persons to our knowledge were cured during
the past summer; nod we unhesitatingly say, that ninety
tuns out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is
no mistake about this fact. and us a test of our sincenty
and asi.ertion, us a medical and responsible individual,
we promise to refund the amount paid in every well au
thenticated case where it foils. dl you suffer. will you
let your little ones suffer when you have at hand a reme
dy like this. so potent in subduing disease. To doubting
ones frY'llead what physicians, the press, and others
say of the Cordial.
Ill:street of a letter from the Rev. Dr. Earle.)
Dartsville, Bucks comity, August 25, DM:.
Den r Fir:—l am now prepared to recommend your Cor
dial from having used it anti success in several instances:
and I am now trying, vow Panacea in a case of protracted
debility, attended with cough, apparently produced in the
young lady by her oat growing her ftITCIIFIll,” to use a
common VirlIPP. Team, &c.. ALFRIM LADLS M. D.
[Extract of letter from Ebenezer Cook.]
New York City. July 2(0,1947.
Dr. lierler Sir—) have used in my tinnily all Or the
thni which roe left with me last summer except two hot
ties which I persuaded a customer of mine to try, and
having proved very beneficial, he has recommended it to
some of his friends, who wish to have some of it, I there
fore wish you would send me some by . express. lam
satisfied from my own experience that it lathe bestmedi.
eine for children 'Prizerinno and S.ramnai IN'S
that is offered to the piddle, and all that is necessary for a
recommendation is to try it. Very , respectfully,
raticozmi. C 005,0991, 41 rand et, tor. of Alley.
This is to Certify, that I have used Dr. heeler's Cordial,
and have found it a valuable medicine in diarrhea, dys'
emery and all derangements of the stomach and bowels,
caused by Teething, and is particularly adapted to all dis
eases of those orgasm caused by acid fruits or the debili
riling effects of season mid climate-
D Al. Audson, at. a., Plum at., Phila.
Dr. Keeler's Cordial.—We would call the attenuon of
our renders to 11,1.5 t nvnlunbte medicine, which will be
found advertised at length in our columes. As a correc
tive in eases or Diarrham, a disease very prevalent at the
present time, it Is highly spoken of by all who have used
it. It is pericmly sale ID its nature, and speak expen
mentally. when we say that It affords immediate relief.—
[N cs es satmdav Gazette ofAugu%t 29,1947..
Dr. I:.•eler's Cordial and Carminative.—This article is
ailverti.eil in another pan Of our paper. it is warmly cc
coainienilcil by families who have stied it. It is especi
ally usetul among children, mid lion effected hundreds of
cures The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony
upon the subject, some of which is very strong. The
Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared
medicine. and pertcclly free Irons any thing injurious
(Pennsylvanian of September 1, WIZ. •
Dr. Keeler:—Dear Sir—As it is our duty to use every
honest means to promote the happiness of our fellow
creatures., I take emit pleasure in stating to you the ad.
vantage I received . froM you valuable Cordial and Car
minative Laid autumn I was attacked with Diarrlima.
which debilitated my system "'cry much: for nearly three
weeks I tried ninny remedies, but found little or no bene
fit, when my daughter informed inc of your Cordial.
bought a bottle, and hail not taken but two doses before
obtained relief. I WWI crairely recovered before I used
the whole of it ; flint hare 14... Mined Hearty ever since.
Re speelailly, yours, S. Hum. a a.
. .
Prepared nod imld. stilt:demie and retnil. N. VP. corner
of 'Pitied and south st., Philadelphia_ sold w holcsale by
Dr. McPlicr.on. Ilarrishuri;. (i. W. Miller. Lancaster
and retailed .y Ir. WIL.L.t.AMS, Coliunbia. and by drug
gist. and other. do onsibout Me colour). Price .2:0 Sus per
Witte. ir) -See iteraplittla..Jai
irrAutol. Dr. ItiELLEire• PAN/X . /it. the most effi-
CllClOlls remedy yet known, for all diseases arising from
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