The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 09, 1848, Image 1

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SC i ; DY~B , Editor : and Publisher.
Odes-=Front Stieei, three dooni ebov eLoetist
Treasta,,The.Ser is published every Saturday, morning
at the low price of St per annum IN ADVANCE:, or
one dollar and fifty cents, if not paid within one month of
the thaatif aubserft4ng. -Single copies, THREE CENTS.
No paper will lie"discontinued until an arrearages'arc
No subscription received, or paper discontinued, for a
less period than six months. -
Letters to receive attention, must be post•paid.
[Fifteen lines or leis to the square:l
Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate
at SL persquare t for every subsequent insertion after the
third, W.; cents wine clnirged. The number of insertions
desired must be saarked, or the advertisement will be con
-rinsed until ordered - our, and charged accordingly.
A liberal deduction will be - made on the above prices
b yearly advertisers.
TUE Subsribers Respectfully inform their
facia: uml the publicoltut they nave taken the Store
formerly occupied by S:l4. Boude - .1. Co., corner of Locust
and Front Streets, and are now opening an entire hew
Stock of Goods,purchased at the present very low prices,
among which are
Olive. Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English, and
American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres ; Striped,
Plaid, and Figured Cassimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths,
Gambroons ; Low priced Summer Studs. Cord: and Rem
verteens, C.
Grenadines, Organdies, • Passluts, pare g e. Silk Tissue,
Lawns, Ginglinins, and Black and Blue-Black Gro du
Rhinos, Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks,
New Style Chamelies, ALSO, Calicoes, Muslim, Checks,
f+inghmins, Ticking, Chambreyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, Napsins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose,
New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &c., &c. ALSO,
Sugars, Coffees. 'Fens, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish
and Sperm Oils, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Sc.,c.,&c.
Our goods arc all NEW and selected wit h great care,
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices.
Columbia, March 25, 1648--tf
BARGAINS. The subscribers have, during the
past week, made a large addition to their former
stock of
which, for elegance and cheapness, cannot be surpassed.
Among which is a very large nasortment of PRINTS. at
4 cts. 6 cts. 8 cts. 10 ets, and 1.24 cis per yard. DRESS
GINGHAMS as low as 124 ets,l9 eta, and 25 cts, Alpa
cas and Linens, Lustre's. A general assortment of
Such as 4.4.5-4, 6-4, and 10-4 Bleached and Drown Sheet
ings, 'Pickings, Checks. Crash, Linen and Cotton, Drown
and Bleached, Tattle Diapers, tkc.
Sup. Blue and Black French Cloths; sup . Blue, Black,
'Brown, and Olive English Cloths; Plain and Fancy Cas
simerea, Satinets, Vesunga, ho.
CHINA, - Glass, and' Queensware ; Fresh Family Gro
ceries, selected with very great care, among which are
New Crop Sugars—Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Sugars.
Cotrees, Spices, the Superior Teas of the New York Can
ton Tea Company. Oils, Fish, &c.
All of which they are determined to sell•as LOW AS the
van , : Lowest. for cash or country produce.
Thaukful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a
continusutce of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon
them. .1. D. & J. witicarr,
• Locust St., 2 doors below Second St. .
Columbia, hirsh 25, 15.18—tf
truly magnificent establishment will be open in
In addition to their already mammoth troupe of Eques
trians and Animals, the Proprietors offer, the present sea
son, a series of Novel and Magnificent Entertainments,
far surpassing anything ever presented to the American
Public. The leading new feature of thin extensive Com
pany consists of a pair of tanned Elephant's. Jenny Lind
and Romeo, and ten Egyptian Camels, whose peribr
mances have been the wonder and delight of thousands in
Brent Britain and on the continent of Europe. Indepen
dent of those unparalleled novelties, the company proper
is composed of a host of artists whose rib:lines
stood the test of the most searching criticism, both in the
old and new world, and the names VtiliOt are now offered
are a sufficient guaranty that none Inn the most talented
have been selected.
Among them will lie found those of Mr. R. Sntals rind
his children, Maurice and Jessee: Mons Cane in his as
tonisbinq performances; Master Walter Aymer. the Juve
nile Equestrian Wonder in various acts of Equitation un
approached as a hare-bark ride; M'lle Rosalthe Nladican,
the Fairy Amazonian Princess of the Arena, only 7 years
of age ;Mr. Mangan , the great scenic and polybippiati
Equestrian; Sig. Perez. the Unrivalled Contortionist;
Mr. Ruggles. the popular and unsurpassed performer on
the Corde Volatile; Wm. Aymer, the .Acrifif Vaulter;
Albert Aymer; Messrs. Rice. Mitchell, Crawford. Lacy,
Tucker, arid a host of other performers, male and finnale,
all of the most approved talent in their various feats.
This Mammoth Corps will enter town on the Morning
of Exhibition, at Ito'clock in Procession and cavalcade,
preceded by the Sacred Egyptian Dragon Chariot of Isis
and Osiris, drawn by ten Egyptian Camels, containing the
splendid full band attached to the company.
Next in order will be the East Indian Car; to which
will be harnessed the two Elephants, followed by the may
nificent Stud of Horses, and all the numerous costly and
highly ornamented Vehicles belonging to the company.—
The beautiful Fairy Carriage drawn by twenty Lilliputian
Ponies, drivers in hand, will bringup the rear of the whole
procession the touts ensemble of which surpasses any
thing which language can describe.
Master of the Arena, Capt. L.A. Decamp. Equestrian
Director, Mr. 11. P. Madigan. Treasurer, Mr. J. W. Po
sher. Clowns, Pet/and...aid Lathrop. both distinguished
above all others in the country, for their wit and joviality.
and unsurpassed by any in the world for their genuine and
unexceptionable humor. Musical Director, Mr. EK.
Eaton. Leader of the Brass Geo. Seeley, Leader
of the String Band, Herr A. Gerloff.
The Pavillton in which the company will exhibit is by
far the largest ever erected, and will be brilliantly illu
minated on the night of performance.
Doors open at tend 7 o'clock P. M. Performance com
mences at 21 and 7i o'clock. Admittance 25 cents; Posi•
nye' y no half price. atißT-ISeit
Between:York, Wrightsville and Co
lumbia.—The -President and Directors of
the Baltimore and Busquehannaßail Road
Company having consented to centime the MORNING
TRAIN between the above places.
U:S.Tise Car will leave Columbia DAILY t (Sundays ex.
c te.Ptedl mei o'clock,,A. M., and the Tram will leave
'Wrightsville at 83 o'clock. Returning, the Train will
/cave 'Yorkist 8 o'clock, A. M.
April 17,1847. "- Supeet.
Olt y . Fresh - supply of Etkorad.OiL for ,sate
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To petsans advertising in the S* by the year, there
will hajto.extra charge, Subscribers can have the Spy
and their eard'itiscrted'Lpr nne year'by paying $1.50 in
advance, or if they have. Paid for the paper, 50 cu. for the
card. Those who axe not subscribers we will charge SI.
for inserting their card one year. •
Attorney. Locust Street, between Front and Second Ste
Attorney, Walnut St., !iota:cell Froniand Second
Physleian. corner of Locust nod Second streets.
Nos. 3 & 4. Walnut Street. above. Ilarr's Hotel
JEWELRY Sroun. No. I, .Sehreiner's Row, Front Street
Corner of Front and \Voini.t Streets. Columbia. Donna
J. D. d J. WRIGHT,
bry Goods .Nlerchants. Locust st. Inl door b elow 2nd st
Dry Goods Merchsuts.t.ocnet Ptreet. below the Dank.
W. dr. S. PATTON,
Dry Good. ItierchantF. S. E. corner of Locust &Front St.
Dry Gonda Merchnntn. N. W. corner of Loents & Front. st
Merchant Tailor, Frow street, 2d door above Locust at
Merchant Tailors Front St.. between Locum and Walnut
Clothing Merchant, No. 42. Prot it street
Druggist. Front Street. between 'Locust and Walnut Sts
Druggist, Front st, between Locust and Walnut 619
Drulrgist, ..ehreitters Row,Tront street
Hatters. Front Sweet- a few doors below Herr's Hotel
No. 2, Schreiner's Row, Front st.
Cabinet Maker, corner of Third and Locust Street.
Manufacturer. Locust Street. opposite Haldeman's Store
Boot n td Shoe Manufacturer, adjoining Herr's Hotel
Manufacturer, Second, between Locust -anti Walnut St.
Mrtnulacturer, Front st, between Locust and WnWan st
Boot mid Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust at
~ Hot, Root nod Shoe Store. No. 40, Front Pt
Manufncturer, Locust street, opposite the Town Hall.
Store. Locust street. algtve Front street
Variety Store. Front 31. between LoeuAt and 'Welnut et
Lumber Merchant anti Muster Builder. Locust street
Paper Hanger, Sc., Second, between Cherry & Union at.
Iferb Doetors.Pront Street. next door to lloylea lintel
HAIR DRESSER, hack of 'Herr's Hotel, Walnut street
Aod Tin-plate worker, Front st, just below tne Deopt
GRAY llads, Red Reads, and all with Bad Hair,
Avenue 11., New York, certifies that his head was entirely
bald on the top, and by the use of two As. bottles of Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative, he has a good crop of hair, and
will soon have it long and thick.
Mr.'William Jackson, of ho Liberty street. Pittsburgh,
Pa., certifies: On the Ad of. February, 15 , 17, that Mr.
Thomas Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely bald
for 15 years, and that by using two As. bottles of Jones
Coral Hair Restorative, the ban is growing fast and thick,
and will soon be entirely restored.
Gray Heads! Gray Heads! Read—l hereby certify
that my hair was turning gray. and that since I have
used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased
failing—is growing fast, and has u fine dark look. Before
I used Jones's Coral 'Hair Restorative I combed out band
falls of hair daily. IY. 'font's's% lid King st.. N. Y.
Mr. Power, a grocer. of Fulton at.. had his hair choked
tip with dandruff, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en
tirely cured it:
,Dr, you want to dress, beautify. end make your hair stft
and fine. Read—l, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board
the steamboat South America, do certify dint Jones's
Coral Ilair.ltestorative is the best article Y ever used for
dressing. softening, cleansing., and keeping the hair a
long tone cut order; all top custotners preferred it to
thing el.e.
Sold only in N. York at 5.9. Chatham street ; and 1,3- R.
WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. yed l'9°-rim
Air_ECILINICAL Paper in the World. New Vol
The Publishers of the scientific American respectfully
give - notice that the FOURTH YEARLY VOLUME•of
their Journal will be coruu u •nced on Saturday. September
This publication hirers entirely front the many
maga/ines Mid papers which flood the country. It is a
\Weekly Journal o f Art. Science. and Medi:lilies. having
for its object the advanceme n t of the INTERESTS
TORS. Earl, number is illustrated will from five to tea
vnyrioNs. nearly all of the best inventions ishich are
patented at Washington being illustrated lit the Scientific
American. Holm contains a Weekly List of American
Patents; notices of the Progress of till Mechanical and
Scientific Improvements; practical direction on the con
strnction. management, mid use of all kinds of MACHI
NERY. TOOLS. Am. ; Essays upon Mechanics. Chemis
try•. and Architecture; accounts of Porchgn Inventions.
advice to inventors; Railroad Intelligence, together with
a vest autumn of other interesting. valtioble, and useful
information The Scientific American is the most popular
journal of the kind ever published, and of more importance
to the interest of Mechanics and Inventors than any thing
they could possibly obtain! It in printed with Fleur type
on beautiful paper, and being adopted to binding. the sub
scriber is possessed. at The end of the year. of a large vol
ume of four hundred and sixteen pages. illustrated with
upwards of five hundred Mechanical Engraviugs.alld as
mdse. . .
TERMS:—Two dollars a year in advance, or if desired.
one dollar in advance, the remainder in six months. TO
CLUBS L copies SS, ten copies, pl 5. Those who wish
to subscribe have only to enclose the amount in a letter,
directed to " MUNN & CO.,
Publishers of the Scientific American, New York.
'All letters must be post paid.
VOLUME THIRD hound, 82.75, or in sheets, S 2, are foe
sale. They may be sent safely to any part of the country.
Patents secured and Mechanical Drawings eexcuted at
the cheapest rates, at the office of the Scientific Ameri
can. autfrtrlt
THE above reward will be given for the ap
prehension and convieuon of the person or persons
who broke the post and tassels of the enclosure belonging
to the subscriber, in the Presbyterian grave yard of Co
lumbia, Pa. JAhMS WRIGHT.
Columbia, August 26, 164.9..-3 t
A REWARD of 00 be given for the appre
hension and conviction .of the person or persons
who set fire to the pile of shavings on Saturday night last,
on the public ground.
By order of the Town Council.
Columbia, August 46 .1848.-4 t Chief Burgess.
A LL persons are.hereby forewarned not to de
"owe shavings otother combustible matter on any
part of the:Tebbe Ground of Old Columbia, otherwise
they will be dealt with according to law.
By orderof the board of managins of the public ground.
THOMAS LLOYD, Secretary.
Columbia, August 23, 11348.,-31
Variety Store, No 44 Front at..,
*5 REIVA-71.1:0.
ricim the 'Bostoti s Traveller:
O mercy me! Fou g ht to be
Aye buried long ago, ,
It is so plain, too late learns
Into this world'orwo. •
go hard are plans to understand
In which man's thoughts engage,
Xly perplexed brains will not take pains
To keep up with the age.
Men fasten lightning on a rod
To express all theliews,
And Sunderland tells ail the world. , •
:What every body does.
I wish these pesky mesmerists
'Were Looted off' Life's stage ;
They see through every thing but truth,
And keep up with the age.
My sole! what palm; from pinching boots?
'What scanty coats men wear?
What modest bachelor does not blush•
.at arms and bosoms bare?
No end there'll be to bloody wars
While politicians rage !
I wish that I had not been born
So far behind the age.
Who steals a loaf at famine's bid
Boards at the State's expense,
Who forges to a large amount
Is deemed a Mall of sense.
0 for a good strong hangmatis
A whipping-post and cage,
A ducking-stool for gossipers!—
But I'm behind the age.
At Church a hundred lusty lungs
In one grand blast join in
With organs thundering treble bass,
To swell the horrid dun;
O for that good old Hundred" Is)
My ear pains to assuage,
With Charley on his violin
But I'm behind the age.
No soul has he who has. not heard
Sublime Niagara roar
In transport wild, while Ole Bull
But one string fiddles o'er.
Viola Vixen's vestal voice
And Harry's flute but grant Ina ;
I would not stir an inch to bear
Bull or Bisescoianti.
Time was when females deigned to spin
Each day, acun or so ;
But now no runs they understand
But when they're after beau.
Thank fortune! I'm a bachelor,..
I'll meet fate like aunge,
Talc? ehloroternt, Mow 001 my brain,
And be uji with the age.
Our first presents a boy of some ten or twelve
summers, reclining listlessly upon a bed of moss,
beneath a large elm that stirs its branches in the
light brEeze. The large brown eyes are
den by the clustering curls that shade his pale face,
and there seems an unusual brilliancy in their Ina
trous depths. He had just torn the last petal from
a rose that he held, and as he flung it to the air, a
sigh stele from hia bosom, and the words, "even
so shall my memory pass," escaped his lips.
A rnbition,—thou fell destroyer of all that is
beautiful and pure, thou degrader of' the human
heart, thou fiend that intrudest upon the sacredness
of Love, and callest thy votaries to kindle thy un
holy fires upon his very altar—couldst thou not
have spared that young spirit from thy withering
breath? But like the grim " King of Terrors " thou
choosest the loveliest, the best, fur thine unhallowed
prey. That child, with Iris deep, impassioned eyes
turned up to heaven, first felt the desolating fire
dart within his bosom, and rush like burning lava
through his veins: but like the charmed bird, he
could riot escape the fast narrowing circles that on
ly lured him on to ruin, but madly wished to hurry
on into the rapacious jaws of the huge, unsightly
monster. "Give me a thought; let the f end visions
hidden within my own sfrange being, assume the
form of thought,—deep, grand, and spirit-like, that
shall sway the myriads who shell read and admire."
The whispered tones sighed inyhe branches above,
and every zephyr, as it glided past, seemed to bear
the deep import of those magic words, "Give me a
Among Iris few companions, the brave, spirited
child hod ever been as a being of a higher order,
one whose thoughts and feelings were utterly be
yond their reach. Unlike them in spirit, as well its
in mind, melancholy, and sometimes even morose,
he yet ruled them ; for they loved him for his dur
ing; many a village school-boy had told his idle of'
the young, wild creature, who had raved the life of
a playmate at the imminent peril of his own. In
dulged in every whon, an idol among his playlet
lovvs,,there was yet a restless craving after some
thing nobler than the vain flattery of ill-judging
friends, or the blind homage of those of his own
age;—the ever-flashing fire of his dark eye, the
ever.flitting color of his cheek betrays that images
of beauty were mirrored within that young heart,
that in after years would be pictured forth in the
glowing language of poetry.
. There, where the harmony of Nature's voice
swelled he heart with rapture, did the enthusiastic
bey first dream of the, as yet, unpolished gem that
lay hidden in its casket, ready to send forth its
!nitre, when the sunbeam fell upon it. Then a
brilliant future opened before him; he heard the
clarion blast ofFame, with its pealing, thundering
lone; he saw bright eyes grow brighter as he sp.
preached, and wealth poured its hoarded treasures
at his. feet; ,but amid the lyres that flung their ray-
Wring cadence on his ear, the harp of Love dis
coursed the sweetest and purest 'symphony ; , but a
fearful foreboding crept into his heart, lest that
harp's sweet melody should ,be lost amid the deaf
ening strains, struck from the jangling instruments
era° pushing. When roused from his reverie, he
rushed from the spot, hardly daring to glance for
a moment., through the mist thatobseured his des
tiny; he felt that his was mhigher path than that
trodden by the, men of pony intelleets.about him;
but th - orns were springing oh every aide, and black
thunder•eleuds,.flesbing .with- living fire, careered
in wild fury above it.
.The back-ground is the sea shore. vast, wild and
desolate; the 'alorni.ged is riding on the waves;
aver and anon they dash furiously upon the strand;
huge cliffs tower,up,into the threatening sky above,
while their bases stretch out into the, sea, dashed
for centuries by, those swelling , foaming billows.
The clouds above are whirling around-the tower
ing peaks, and the llghtning-flasb shoots down
on . the wives. Morning with Ate,quick,,yivid,are..
the hollow caverns of thane ant
the right, a ledge of rocks extends into the sea be.
yond, truly.sceming the abode of the tempest spir
it, who poises his 'black wings over his wide do.
main, spreading darkness and desolation wherever
he flies. This mariner tossed upon the wild.waves,
hears the death signal of his hop es in the rushing
thunder of its broad pinion, and resigns himself to
the billowy depths, uncomplaining at its all.power.
Gil mandate. •
A mere boy stands in mute, rapt ecstasy, within,
Ss it were, a niche of those monuments of nature's
greatness. The billows are dashing at his feet,
and on every side huge Summits rise in their wild.
grandeur far above him, until lost amid the dark
clouds that whirl around them. The sea.bird sends
forth its sharp shrill cry, as irco tell,
"Of the bidden things whreli the waves conceal,
And the sea-bird's song can alone revoal,"
The black, thick curls are east back from the
high, perfectly chiselled forehead, heavy with the
spray that dashes upon them; there is greater
depth of feeling in the large, black eye than before,
and lines of deeper thought upon the expressive
face. He had heard the soft, thrilling notes of the,
harp of Love, and listened to the honied welcome
that ever greeted his ear. His loved one, was, alas,
the ideal of a too active fancy, a being with none of
the frailties and follies of earth, but one who would
ever be to hint the radiant star of his horizon, the
guide to a purer destiny. The young enthusiast
deemed not that that bright dream should ever
fade; saw not in the dim future the shapes of
dread that hovered round him. Ho beheld in his
idol not a frail creature of earth, but a spirit from
its native heaven, and radiant with its own bright
He had heard the breath of Fame sound his name
in the halls of the great and noble; he lied seen the
warm blush rise to the cheek of beauty, and bright
eyes kindle for his sake; but still a voice within
whispered that he might have trod in a parer path,
a self-condemning principle within his bosom, that
pointed far into the untried ocean of Eternity. He
had taken thought from the sky above him, from
the dark heaving ocean, from the human heart,
from all that earth affords of beauty or of light; but
there was a thought that rested not within his
heart, a thought that would have curbed the fiery
passions within his breast, wild as his own loved
But he had found it not ; and still he felt the
void, but knew nut how to fill it. The deep, low
tone of the lulling tempest seemed, as it whistled
along the shore, to bear the impress of a tone from
the spirit.lend, "Give me a thought."
The Mer de Glace reflects the sun-rays that fall
upon its bosom, Spreading forth" 'it the base of the
majestic Alps, one' wide sheet of dazzling brilliancy
--cm one side the dark shadow of gont Blanc jells
upon it, affording a strange contrast to the spark
ling expense beside it. 'While on 'the mountain
summits, the sun glances upon perpetual snows,
and the mighty avalanche rears its terrible bead,
just ready, to rush into the vale below, carrying des
olation and death in its headlong career, down in
those Viet• vales, the trees are ever budding, the
flowers are ever blooming, and perpetual spring
gladdens all nature with her melodious voice. On
a little IRMO at the foot of the mountain, his face
glowing with some hidden emotion, stands Lord
Byron; the beautiful boy hie ripened to manhood;
he stands with ono arm resting'careleasly upon a
moss-grown rock, the other raised to the snow-clad
peaks above him, with face upturned, as if to catch
the inspiration of heaven, from the grand and beau
tiful of earth. Now the blue veins dwell upon his
lofty brow, now the black eye flashes, and the bo
som heaves. Now the storm of passion is over, and
the stern spirit recedes' into the vista of the past;
calli up the heart's cherished images, tuo soon alas,
forgotten for the homage of the heartless throng.
He had seen the flowers wither from his way, and
thorns spring up in their place; he had heard the
silver notes of the lyre of Love die away amid the
clash of worldly thoughts, and wordly pursuits, un
til even the star of Hope grew dim in the horizon,
and seemed just twinkling into nothingness. True
be had wandered amid the lovely, and the bright of
earth, had gained all that he so longed for in his
boyhood. He had stood and gazed upon the lofty
ramparts of the "eternal city," and heard again
the pealing shout of victory ; he had wandered in
the vine•clad valleys of sunny Italy; he had stood
upon the mountain's top, and seen the sun sink
duwn into the depths of' the rolling ocean; he had
gathered beauty from everything, from the bright
est star in heaven's own galaxy, down to the tiniest
flower that chequers time emerald sod, and he had
given thoughts to the world that made men bow
before his mighty intellect. But still a something
crept within his breast, that whispered of more g,lo.
rious images of light than earth contains, end still
front the vast, smooth sea before him, could he see
reflected those mystic characters, "Give me a
thought. The thought he needed, though lie knew
it not, was a thought of heaven.
The evening is casting her mantle over the clas
sic land of a Leonides., and a Socrates, a Homer,
and a Demostimene. But cruelty and tyranny
have dyed her fields with the blood of her children,
and converted the land of beauty and glory to n
waste, where the flowers of the heart must be crush
cd in the bud, and the priceless gem that should
lend its lustre to the being, is dimmed by time dark.
ness of superstition, and a faith even worse than
heathenism. Byron hod mused upon the fate of
the unhappy sons of Greece, until his heart heaved
with emotion, and his soul was enlisted in her
He had wandered forth amid the ruins of Athens
and of Corinth, while every fallen column, every
crumbling shalt, clustered associations of the past,
the glorious past, when her warriors stood with
lance, nod spear, and shield, and defied the united
armies .of the civilized world to conquer them ;
when from the lips of the orator and poet burst the
thrilling strains of eloquence; and then ho had
seen it■ once noble' children' bound 'with the iron
chain of slavery, their liberties invaded, their homes
desecrated, and all that should make life dear,
snatched from them by the ruthless hand of the op
pressor. •He had stood upon the plain where con
flicting armies had met, for men to lake up arms
against his fellow-man, only that they might crush
them to time earth, and blot out their names forever
from the book of Fame. ' • •
But on the battle-field, the death•blow had boon
given, and now ho lay at the open casement, look
ing out upon the fields decked in their beauty,upon
the vast arch:above, with its Over clouds chasing
each 'other away into the western horizon.
The feelings could be curbed no longer, and the
full, wild, passionate heart overflowed. "Swim
Omnipotent Hand must have framed this wonder.
ful Universe, with its myriads of worlds swaying an
the Viet immeasurable space. There is eßeing all
powerful, &Mune, and I feel that I must lie help.
less in his hand. I have formed a world of my own
within_ my heart, have peopled it with creatures of
my own wild fancy, but found, too late. I had given
the Omnipotent no place there. '
“Early I learned that the world wee cold, deceit.
fail; that the whirlpool of passion wee too often hid
beneath the smooth.gliding waves of seeming
friendship. 'Yet bete - I - realized almost all that I
dreamed of, hoped for in my hoyhocid'a days. But
one question I._ forgot to ask, • What shall be My
destiny beyond the graver I have spent my life
in guilt and wretchedness,and now a dark, terrible
future appears before me. Cursed with the male
dictions of the Almighty, doomed to dwell forever
with spirits of the fallen, to drink the bitter cup of
fearful retribution through numberless area,"—but
the picture was too dark, and the dying man, with
ono last bitter effort, pressed his hot hand upon his
eye•lids, as if to shut out the prophetic fantasies of
his own fancy. One shudder passed over the ems.
dated frame; the eye grew glazed, and that fixed
gaze stole over it, which tells that light has fled
Youthful reader, remember when the spring of
life has flown, when acts and scenes long past arc
treasured in the precious urn of -Memory, when
Death comes knocking at the portals of your heart
dist you must be borne to the judgment seat, per
chance, unprepared, to appear before it. Then
while life is teeming with happiness, while every
pulse is thrilling with rapture at the voice of Hope,
before adversity has darkened thy pilgrimage on
careb,-01, turn thy thoughts on Heaven.
"Are you going to get in that corn to-day I" said
John Hendricks to Mr. Butler, the farmer for whom
he was at work by the month.
" Yes," said Mr. Butler, " we must try to get it
in, in the course of the day."
If it is to be got in today, we must go about it
this morning. It. is time it was in, it is half des
troyed now. Benton's cattle were in again last
"I know they were. Here, Saul, do you run
over to Benton's, aid tell him his cattle lay in uur
corn last night."
"And he will tell you to put up the fence," said
"The fence ought to be seen to. Hendricks, you
bring me the axe, and I'll go now and tackle it up
a little," said Mr. B.
Hendricks went for the axe, and having searched
in vain for it, returned to Mr. Butler, who was try.
ing to set up a wash tub, which had fallen to pie.
ecs in despair of the fulfilment of Mr. Butler's
promise that he would get a hoop tomorrow.
"I can't find the axe; I would as so& under.
take to make a thing as find it in this place. It
seems to be a rule with every one who uses a tool
here to put it in a place where it can't be found no
how. If it was left where it was used last, a body
might find something once in a while, but as it is,
'tie about impossible. I expect the barn will be a
mong the missing some day."
"Never mind," said Mr. Butler in a conciliating
tone, " the axe will turn up the course of the day.
You see if you can set these staves up. I want to
see if Holmes can come and cut that buckwheat"
Hendricks did as he was requested. He set up
the staves, and looked round for the hoop to confine
them in place. "I wonder," said he, "if lam ex.
peeled to sit hers and hold these in place all day.
There is no hoop between here and the black.
smith's, I dare say.—l have done harder work than
Sitting hors and doing nothing, and more profitable
work for my employer; but I must obey orders.
Benton's cows arc to have another pull at that corn,
I see plainly."
In due time Mr. Butler same, and Mr. Holmes
was ready to go at the buckwheat as soon as he
had ground up his new scythe and spliced ono of
the fingers of his cradle.
" You have got them set up, have your
" Yee, but what is ageing to hold them up when
I let go of them ?"
" 'fere% a hoop," said Mr. B. " I forgot to tell
you about it."
Hendricks took it; while Butler and Holmes
were grinding the scythe he put it on and drove it
clown.—" There" said he, " that's the first job I've
known to be finished on this ground since came
here three months ego."
At this moment Saul returned. "Well Saul,
what's the news?"
.. Benton says liyde'a cattle are in the lower
"Very likely ; I saw a red squirrel running to.
wards the fence and I thought it likely he would
get on it and throw it down. If they hod the ;to.
Woes it will Bove Borne labor,"
" What about the potatoes,'' said Mr. Butler
coming up at that moment.
" Hyde's cows aro taking care of them," said
"You run and drive them out, Saul, and find out
where they got In and put up the fence a litdo,
just enough to turn them for the present. I'll see
to it in a dny or tw•n. Hendricks, you harness the
horses, we'll try to get a loud of that corn in be.
fore dinner."
In about half an hour, during which time Measrs.
Butler and Holmes had been employed in splicing
the cradle finger, Hendricks came to Butler and
" Where is the harness of the oil. horse 7"
"Oh, 1 let Finkle have it last night. 1 didn't
know us we should want it today. Isn't there
something else you can du 1"
" Yes, there is enough to do if a body could ev.
cr get at it. There he comes with the harness.
You ore sure you haven't lost any of the Finch
"I guess not."
"Well, it may be," said Ifendricks to himself,
..11101 some of that corn be saved uftcr ntl."
The render has bad a speArr.en of the mode of
proceeding on Mr. Butler's term, and will be ena.
bled to form a pretty shrewd gucea why it was that
Mr. Butler, who had an excellent farm and who
was always busy about something. wns not deemed
anu token by his neighbors to be a forehanded
Hendricks, with the aid of Ssul, succeeded in
getting in most of the corn to which allusion has
been made, so that Mr. Benton's cows came borne
the next day, which was the Sabbath, much less
well filled than ordinary.
On Monday morning Hendricks was out by day.
light, and at work when Saul made his appearance,
which was not until ho had given the sun duo pre
cedence.—Hendricks informed him that a new leaf
was turned aver. •Things about the place are go.
ing to be done this week as they ought lobe done."
said he.
" I'm agreed," said Saul, who was quite willing
to work, but wished very muds to be relieved from
the responsibility of directig his own movements.
"Mr. - Butler." said John after breakfast, " has
that axe came to light yet?"
" I havn't seen it."
"Here it is," said Lirzy, "I found in the grass
in the garden."
" And took care of it, like a sensible body," said
John, taking the axe from her hand. "Thank'ce."
The compliment. was not a very polished one,
but brought over her beautiful countenance a blush
'which she hastened into the pantry to conceal.
"Now" said be, " if you and SA!. will go at
those potatoes, I wil put up that fence in a shape
that will keep Hyde's cattle out of that meadow
for some time. I guess."
"Hyde ought to put up a part of it," said Butler.
"I know he had, but he will never do it; you
might as well try to get a hen to do a sum in the
rule of three, as to get him to do any thing worth
while. Come, let us have all those potatoes in,
and that fence up before sunset." -
...If wo get all the potatoes in, it is not much
matter about the fence."
" What's the reason it Isn't? Who wails, the cat
tle making mortar of the meadow ? ;Come on."
They got into a wagon which_had been brought
to the door before breakfast, and Hendricks drove
off at a rapid rate, making a groat clattering of the
loose boards of the wagon and rendering it some
what difficult for Mr. Butler and Saulto keep them
selves, or rather the board on which they sat, in
" What has got into John?" said Mrs. Butler,
pausing from her efforts over the butter bowl, and
watching the rapidly disappearing wagon.
" I don't know," said Lizzy, softly. Now she
had better not made any reply to the question, for
it was not asked with any expectation of a reply.
I say she had better not have answered it, for I am
not sure but that she strained the truth a little in
so doing—Some passages which bad taken place
between John and herself as.they came home from
meeting together on Sabbath evening, and set " in
the front room" together till the roosters crowed.
were, in fact, the causes of the turning over the
new leaf management of the farm.
Before night the fence was put in the most sub
stantial Sher, and the potatoes all put in the cellar.
The next morning when they were all at break.
fast. John inquired," Is Holmes to work for you 7"
"Ho promised to come and do what he could to.
wards finishing the buckwheat. He , thinks it will
take him a day and a half to finish cradling it."
" Well you don't want him tn-day. Send the
cradle home. and tell him it is cradled.
"Cradled! who did it?"
" I did it."
" When 7"
" This morning."
The look of astonishment and admiration with
which Mr. Butler regarded John, was not unobsorv.
ed by Lizzy, and led her to meditate on the propri.
ety of another retreat to the pantry. She adopted,
however, the expedient of holding a cap of coffee
to her lips for a very unnccssary length of time.
" What 'hall we go at to day, alter we have
shocked up the buckwheat?" said Hendricks.
"1 don't know; what do you think we had best
• •
44 flare the rye in where we took the cora off."
44 Well, we'll go at it then."
In like manner John's advice was asked daily
and followed; so that when winter set in the farm
presented a very different aspect from that which
it usually wore at that time. Commonly some
potatoes were frozen up, and some portion of the
sowing left undone, in consequence of the froat
overtaking the plow. But now every crop was se
cured, the grain sown and up quite green, the house
banked and quite a string of stone wall made.
That the corn was all husked in season; might
have been owing to the fact that turning over the
new leaf had inspired with the family such a spirit of
industry, that Lizzy had joined them in their hue.
kings, and took her seat near John, that he might
break off the ears that were beyond her strength.
It happened on one or two occasions that these
two continued their labors lung after Saul and his
father had gone to bed.
In the course of time it came to this, that Mr.
Butler used to ask. John what he was going to do,
as though his right to direct operations was un
questionable. For example, one morning John ha ,
a stone boat with several crowbars in at the door.
"What are you going to do," asked Mr. Butler.
"I rim going to build a piece of stone wall on
the east side of the meadow, The ground is high
enough for a wall to stand, end there are stone
enough on the knoll which ought to come out to
make it."
Mr. Sutler made no reply, but together with
Saul went to digging stone."
" This looks like a new farm," said Mr. George
one day to his neighbor, as they rode by Mr. Butler'.
" Yes." replied the neighbor, ' there is a new
hand at the bellows."
Does Hendricks work it on shares ?"
" No, he works by the month."
" Does he? What makes him drive on so?"
"I don't know for certain, but I guess Butler's
daughter is at. the bottom of it."
When winter set in, Saul, though lie was a good
boy to work, felt a desire to have a little moro fur
niture in the upper story, and asked leave to go to
the Centre to school.
" - Uncle Zeb says lie will board me, if I'll come."
"I don't see how I can spare you. We must build
in the spring, and wo have all the timber to get to
the mill," said Mr. Butler.
Saul looked rather down-hearted.
" You can go," said John, who was sitting be
fore the blazing fire, between Saul and Lizzy. "I'm
going to stay, that is, if they will let me. I tell
you what it is," turning to Mr. Butler," if you will
give me this critter," laying his hand upon Lizzy's
arm, "I'll stay and work for you at any lay you
Lizzy turned very red, but neither run for the
pantry, nor pushed away John's hand.
Well, 'said Mr. Butler, who had recently ecen
what things were coming to, •• that must be pret
ty much as you and she can agree, must n't it
mot her ?"
" I guess so," said Mrs. Butler, dropping several
stitches in a stocking she was knitting for John.
"There won't be much difficulty about it then,
I guess," said John. "Saul may go to school. He
may go to college if he has a mind. I can got his
support out of the farm without hurting any body,
I reckon." Then turning to tizzy, he said, "the
road is good and Jack wants to stir himself, and I
want you to go over to mother's. Suppose you
jump into the:wagon and ride with me."
tizzy looked towards her mother and rosy up,
and went to put her things on. The horse was
soon at the dour, and Liny was soon at John's
mother's, and John's mother was soon introduced
to Lizzy, who soon became her daughter•in•law,
that is to say, on Now Year's ere.
It is amusing enough to remark the ignorance
of town-bred children of the commonest matters of
country life. A friend tells us that &little girl from
the metropolis, who had visited a country place not
many miles from Now York, WAS filled with bur.
prise at the sight of a girl milking a cow.
didn't know you did it that way :" she exclaimed,
with round-eyed wonder . ; I thought they took hold
of the cow'. tail and pumped the milk out of her
What has she got such a long tail for else?"
A solemn philosopher announced as the remelt of
his deliberato reflections, that it was a remarkable
evidence of the goodness of Providence that great
rivers always run by great towns. it Wel theism
'•great scientificker" who explained the phenome
na of expansion by hest, and contraction by cold
with the irrerragible illustration that in summer.
when it was hot, the days stretched out very long
—but in winter, when it was cold, they contracted
until they became very short indeed
When Dr. H and Sergeant A. were walking an=
in arm, a wag says to his friend— .
• Those two are jest equal to one Inghway.inan'
• Why so r was the response.
• Because; rejoined the wag it is a lawyer and a
doctor—your, limey or your life.'
• You couldn't gat along without my pafs,'''as
the engine said to the steamboat.