COLVIN:BM BANS AND BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18, 1848. The Directors of the Cohan Sin Bank and lbidge Com pany, desirous of affordingto persons who are distmscd to deposit money for definite periods, at u moderate rate 01 interest, have determined to allow interest fur due solute at the following rates. viz: For all deposits to remain 12 11101111, , , 4 per et. per annum do dodo 6 do :1 do do do do do .1 do x do do The sums so deposited to he puts able without interest at any intermediate dine, at the option of the depositor.' The interest to cease at the cud of the period for which the deposit was made, unless the same be renewed for farther period. 5.A311,71LL 1.3110C11, June 10.1049.-3 m Cashier. NOTICE. TN pursuance of the provisions of the, act en titled, -An Act to prescribe the manlier of giving notice oforplicauens for Banks." mid in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Baiik, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Penney 'yenta, at the session to commence on the first Tuesday of January next, A. D. 1840, for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of Incorporation, ivitb banking mid discounting privileges, for the term of ten years from the first Wednesday ieMay, A. D. 1551. The date last mentioned, being the time to which their pre.ent Charter is extended. The said Corporation is:to be continued by the stone and style of the Lancaster Bank, and with the same powers and privileges which arc now enyoyed under its present Charter and Act of Incorporation. and is to be located to the City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bank. as authorized by law ' was nix hundred thousaild dollars; the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred and three thousand nine hutidriid dollars; and the amnion paid in throe hundred thonsalid and thirty dollars The legis lature will not be asked for an increase of capital or ex tension of priWAeges. - Sy order of the Board of Directors. CHRISTIAN BACHMAN, Casier. thy of Lancaster. June iN3.lBle. NOTICE. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in tend to make application to tine Legislatore of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their next 5C..1.1011, for the renewal. extension, and continuance or the hank sag, discounting, and other privileges they ...existing laws. rho Company to Inc routward In) the name, style, and title of the Colombia Munk and Bridge Company. the borough of eoltualua, in the comity of Lancaster. and state of PC1131.) h'lllll,l. his order of Board. SAMUEL. SIIOCI Cte.llier. Jlll5 Columbia Jour tn. trld NOTICE I 8 hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county intend to make application to the i.. igi-laiiire of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the :text , estmot thereat: for the incorporation of a company tinder the name 11111 i style, or intended name and .1) le of -The Colombia. Savings Institution,” leagued as an olbee of di-c0..... and deposit. with a capital not exceeding one bull. tired thole amt dollarg. nod to he located to the borough of Colombia. Lancaster county. Pa. George Wolf, 11. E. Atkins, Peter Ilaldenian, henry Ilaldentan, R. Chalfant, John A. Hook, Peter Haldeman. Jr , B. Crai,ton, R. E. Cochran, Daniel Item Reuben Alullison, Samuel Brooks, John L. Wright, Philip Clossler. Joint Barr, Columbia, icily 1, LE-1P..-Gm THE BEST A/rECILINICAL Paper in the World. New V01....1L lame of the" SC 'ENT] MC AMERICAN.' The Pnblishers df the Scientific American respectfully give notice that the FOURTH YEARLY VOLUM!: of their Journal will be commenced on Saturday. September rind. This publication differs entirely from the nattily magazines and papers which flood the country It is a Weekly Journal of Art. Science. and Meehrunes. having for its object the advancement of the INTERESTS OF MECHANICS. MANUFACTURERS and INVEN TORS. Each number t+ illustrated with from live to tell original ENORAV INUS OF NEW MI:C1 lANICAI. IN VI,NTIONS, nearly all of the best inventions which are patented at Washington being illustrated in the Scientific. American. It also contains a Weekly Lest of American. Patents; notices of the Progress of all Met:halm-al and Scientific Improvements; practical direction on the con struction, management, and use of all kinds of MACHI NERY. TOOLS. &e. ; Essays upon Mechanics, Chemis try. and Architecture ; ReCO4llll , of Foreign Inventions aid vice to inventors; Railroad Intelligenee, together with a vast amount of other interesting, valuable, and useful information. The Scientific American is the most popular journal of thekind ever published. and of more importance to the interest or Mechanics and Ins entors than any thing they could possably obtain' It is printed wlth clear type on ben I paper. and being adapted to binding. the sub scriber is possessed. at the end nt the year. nt a large vol ume of four hundred and sixteen pages. illustrated with upwards of five hundred Nleelnimeal Eng," tug'. and an Index. TERMS:—Two dollars a ;ear in advance. nr tf desired, one dollar in advance, the rem:nailer in sic innuth, '1•0 CLUBS :-5 copies Ss: ten copies. cl 5. Those.eho wi sh to subscribe have only to enelo, the amount in a letter, directed to MUNN A. CO., Publisher, of the Stun - mite Amenca it. New York VAll letters mum lie post paid M I I.:METHIRD bound, tt..2 73, or in sheet, ore for They maybe scut sntely to any part of the country. Patents secured and Mechanical Drawings resented at the cheapest TALC , nt the office of the Scientific Antert• can. COLI7BILBIA. IRON FOUNDRY. THE &undersigned, hereby tender their sincere acknowledgment,. to their customers, and the pub lic generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at tended their efforts to please. and would inform them that it will be their greatest pleasure as heretofore. to conduct their business in such a inanacr an to aunt their continu ed approbation and support. Ve. continue to make all kinds of Castings. viz 'MILL CiF,ARINO. SPUR. BEVEL. MITRE and Molt- TICIiCOG-\~ HI:1•:I.S, I'AST snAvrs for water wheels, &e. Also. CAR WIII:ELS and other Car Castings. to• gether with all kinds of Rail-Road Castings. for which unexceptional coherence Call he given for superiority and We have quite a variety of PATTERNS toe making lint Blast Pipes. for Blast Furnaces. and for Water Pipes, and, being well prepared for Casting Pipes. it will cer• tainly be an advantage to those in want. to call and ex attune for themselves, as we can manufacture as cheap, or cheaper, than any other establishment in this section of country. We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines, Threshing Machines, Ploughs,. Common Stoves, Stove Plates. Stove Cylinders and Grates, and many other things in our line of liminess, being the making and col lecting together of the past eleven years. Having the best of mechanics employed at Pattern making, S.c we arc prepared to make any thing in our line of business nt the shortest notice, and being fas ornbly situated at the Canal Basin. give us the advantage of mantitactimng and forwarding Castings to any point with despatch and at the lowest miss. eiEORGE Wol.r. Ml'Et. TRUSCOTT. Dealing tinder the firin of Cie°. Wilt st Co. Colombia, March 1.1413—ii NEW STAND AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes ibis .rnethod of informing his friends and customers that helms rented the New Store Room known as Dahl...lan's New Corner, being on the South West corner of rront and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on hand is good supply of READY NIADECI,OTIIING.SIIOI:S %ND ROOTS. and a general assortment or Family rirwerwL: wgrther Pith Flour and other Meal: Oats. Corn rind Chop tor horses. Also. Liquors of all kinds. 1111"1111111117. U,ama a and Cordials. All of which I pledge mys. It to sill for crick an possibly can be afforded. Please rail and ex manse both the goods and prices. N. lI.—A duelling and front shop adjoining. to lent on accommodating terms. Myself and Soo would like to board with the minty. ELIJA II 11.11{11A'17. Columbia. March IT IS THE GLORY of Maids, Wives, Widows, and Ilie crownin g ornament of man. . . It is to the scalp as guano is to the earth in making it fruitful. It is as certain in its effect se death. 10-morrow or next year. Now. reader. these respectable citizens certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following effects without ran: it will force the human hair to grow on the head. face. or body—it will stop it failing, cure ecurf or dandruff, and make red, grey. and light hair grow dark. Mr. W. Tompk ihs. Jt King at.. New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn. Mr. James Power, grocer. Fulton et..llronklyn. Mr- Thomas Jackson. ti 9 Liberty at.. Pittsburgh Henry E. Cullen. (late) barber on board the South America. But the beautiful, the glorious Piiert ii has in dressing and beautifying the hair—making It soft. dark, silky. and keeping_ii .....thlic-S.M2°.ll° as ° P . P1 h .7.1!!!! made. 1T . N SOECONO.Mic!, . . ft costa but 3 shillings for a trial bottle. and the public are conecientiously and honestly OfFlirt•ti that the above arc its real and true qualitier. Re careful and get the genuine Ask for Jones's corm Hair Restorative. and take no other. For sal.• only by Williams. agent for Columbia nii2n*C-44, ^I FOR. BALTAMI, la the subscriber, Six Lectures on the uses of the LUNGS. and Canes, Prevention mid Cure of CONsIIMPTION, ASTHMA, and di.eases of the Heart ; On the Laws of Longevity ; and on the mode of preserv ing mate and :emelt health to an hundred yearn, with 2d Illustrations. designed for nil classes of readers, by Samuel Sheldon Flub. A. M., M. D. Also his Silver Inhaling Tube, Shoulder Brace, and Abdominal Supporter. Sc. R WiLIAA MS, Agent. lurnble. July" :!-2. GREAT REVOLUTION I' PRICES of Dry Goods. Who arc to be benefited bythis remarkable cGaistgr? THE PEOPLE! Why ? Let them call at the ?LEE EWE STORE, North Queen street. and bee; here. they can buy as much for SI W. as they a short time ago would have had to pay 5.2 00 for. This then is a radical change for the express benefit of thelpeople. *Let them call early and sec the LARGE LOTS of cheap and beautiful Goods just opening: for Revolutems now-allays are remarkable for their brevity. Splendid Lawns, last colors. 121 cents ln.! inch Muslins, heavy and flue, 01 cents MUS DO LANES. A good aruele of Plain Modes and 818. only Id{ cents A good :uncle, lltglaly Cainelcon. MOURNING DRESS GOODS: Ladies can lie supplied with every article for mourning'. Good plain 111 k. Chaves, only 1:21,- cents do do Lawns, 121, 13, and dv cents Mazzitlans,Bareges and Silk Tissues. Ln.le thread, Silk and Sid; Misse, Glove+ in variety, Ar THE CHAS. E. IVENTZ & Hit°. GINGII.-VMS:—..It4 opened, .1 cu.., 4plcudid French. Scotch, and Engl6ll Netv patterns and cry cheap—at THE BEE HIVE, North QUCCII street. The greatest variety of the most qilcitilid styles, just received—Mllol, the newest stj. les Are Zephrine , . Zepltly - Pompadour , , - - - Ake . ac , perfuelll, tit,: 1.1111 lil Nurtli Queen Furee' CIL% S. E. IVE.V.I'Z 1 11110. opening the!lit,VCM strieS kir Spring anti Summer. the pit 5.14 ly ever -cell in Lancaster Gnat aisle luas beets taken sat Ilse seltst.tscsn ui siylc, and col o Invar, at tine Bur: Eli Blum nunins : ' , tench N. Lave Cape, do .1.. do Collars. do do do I Aging and Inserting Enthronlewd Al.lnn, fur Dresses. At the DEE; 111 VE, North Queen st I.ane.t.i.•r. April to le.-ti \ 11E'RE kiting Bald, are You t Well, that c. a Tu.inrtune and tart a crime. tau to remain bald. hen ,n lane an opportunity caret, to retire your hair, by mdlltul and liberal use of JO) uc's War Tome, in bat short at crime. Thts valuable preparatiou cxeites tine calp to a new anti he: action, cleanses at Irons seer! and dandruff, prevenis the hair front falling ME mire, erupt e dt,eases %Odell often uproar upon the head, allti as a inatority of eases produces it lute growth of new hair. It also gives the hair a rich and heamind appear mace. For -ale at W. A. LEADER'S July I. Golden Mortar Drug Store. 1 1 . 011PhilNT. This disease now prevails to an V ulaaumrg c‘.tent, and thom.ands of help. , " children will be curried air by it 11111,i timely relict he afforded 'Titre relief may always he hail by applying to that most certain and pleasant remedy, Jayne's Cariahlau cc Balsam. which never fails. It has frequently nitrite cures of Sumner Colllllllllllt Mier physicians at tire highest standing have pronounced the child as actually at the struggles of death. Try it—try if you have ally love ur compassion. oreven mercy. for y our helpless children Why will you let them die when a certain remedy may be had h) calling at W... 1 LEADER'S Gulden :Mortar bring Stare, From street Culumbia..lnly I, 1.41,2-if 3ONES'S ITILIAN Chentkal Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, J. Salt Rheum, Scurvy. Crs..ipelas, Sore llead., Old Sore,,. Sure Beard and Barber's itch, Chapped and tender Flesh, Freckle,. Tan, Sunburn, and changing Dark, ...2.1111- buritt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear V. hire. as smooth and sou as ant infant's. And, 111 fact, every kind of crup ricer and di,figurenient. Bead these certificates From the NO. Sentinel, Oct , 11. One of our subscriber. Mr. IL Leonard, informe us that be has been cored of old...enly Salt Rheum. of eighteen year's standing. on his head. fingers and hand.. by a cake of an article much inlverti-ed lately—we .peak 01 hail:111 Che11111::11 Soap Ile also 11\1 . 0111N us that he hire tried Its effects on tin female slave nose. much near bed tenth sun sputa, and he found in two week• her skin much clearer and Water. James Eliliani. n planter in Jersey Cite, .ca; mired of carbuncle. and 1111111,1e5.W1111,11 lie svne (tiTileTed mule for many year-. by a part of a cake at Jones's Italian Chemi cal Soap. Persons 1n purcha•utg tits most always ask for Jones's ITALIAN CIIUMIC.\ L SOAR—and perhaps. as many who have been rhymed with the counterfeits, will be TOO 1111101 tli,ouragt ml to try the genume. We say to such try 1111. once—volt will not regret u : bat always see that the name o"I'. J ones 1, on the \V rapper. Sold ..At o 9 l'halluitn , Nev. Yurk, rind by R. WI LI.- I.,VMS,Agent for Colombia. INDEMNITY. TEE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of rmLADELviir.t.—OFFICE,No 1'33; CiIL:sSUT Street, near nab Street DIRECTOIIS. Caanms N. Baacaaa, Gaoraa; W. RaertArras, THOMAS HART. MOUSE, AI D. LEwrs, Tomas W.taNca, ADOLPHE U. Boma, SAMUEL. GILA Cr, DAVID S DIIOWN, JACOB H. San Ca, Moaats Parrvitsoa. Continue to make insurance, perpetual Or limited, on every description of property in to, 0 and country, at rates its loss as arc con,steut with security The Company hay c rc4eryml a large Contingent Fund. which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested. atlords ample protection to the assured. The assets 01 the Company, on January let, lE4q, us pallshed agreeably to an Act of Assembly. were as wil lows, viz: Mortgages, cc 90,553 tl5 'teal Estate, 10=,:}5y 00 Temporary Loans, 124,450 00 Stocks, 53,5011 2.1 Cash, tee , 45.157 87 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen yearn, they have paid upwards of one snidiion. tiro hundred thou sand dollars, losses by tire, thereby affording evidence of The advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with pioniptnees, all liabilities. CILIIILES s. BANCli1:11, President ellAttLltS 6 HAMMER, Secretary TitOMAti L 1,0 1 .1), of Columbia, Agent for York and Lancaster Coulthes Yet, i 2, lEV.,--1). Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road. The Morning PASSI.NGER TRA IN run - 1.17 - from Baltimore regain rly, hereatter, on Sun day. nt 9 o'clock. A. . and Returning start from Co lumbia at l 3 P. M., Wrightsville, 2 P M., and from York at :1 o'clock. P. M.. an on our.. days or the t, colt The mad between Baltimore nod York ‘.% 111 be carried by this ITnlzi No utile. I 1 ant Nall ran on ',nada) 1) C II 13011D1.1 - .Y. Superintendent of Tian,portation. Oct 27,1'47 SALT. AND SUSQUEHANNA llt A , IL 11 . 1 r i a n . . , --1 , 1 , 11 d E ... 1 1 1E . I D. 7 T , 1 , 7 , Pas mum.", .tt,,,,• d0 , k , m ,„ nd ar riecs at lei o'clock. P. 31 Arttre% at York 0112 o'clock, P.M ,nnd leans fl.r Co latotatt at o'clock, P. M Leaves Colombia at 2 ofclock, P 31., and leaves York I,•r It, ltanori• at 3 o'clock. P. 31. I . arc trot.. Italtitocre to York, St 50 Wrlghtsvilk., -- 21,0 Colotol•ta, - - - 2 121 - - 'the 'Frain comic, t, at York with Stages for Ilanastiorg, Gett,lntr, rhatobersburg, Pittsbllrß and Vnrk ,-bong, I;_ . Sl' . fl ron-rYsahric The Company tc authorteed by the propnetor. of the Stage Lane's to receive the fare through from Baltimore to Gcttyeburg and Ilarrirburg. • BALTIMORIS TO f; ETITSOLMO AND IlAußtsitußG rare through to either place. tdfl 00 • 11. C. 11. BORDLEY. Super t. Ticket Office, 0.1 North et., Balt, May 5,1847—tf READ RIS LETTER. Who will be. without a beau will head of Bair, when they enn hare Ono fur three alit Hugs! Twenty years' loss of hut, and wonderful restoration! =OM Dear Sir—The powerful effects of June's Coral Hair Restorative has been so decisively demonstrated in the case. of several respectable citivens of the town, who, on account of your selling three shilling bottles. try it without tear One Instance, which hat attracted particular atten tion. is the ease of a gentleman who had little or no hair far twenty y ears; lie had tried numerous preparations in 'ban, and alimiately had his head shaved and wore a wiz. At my recommendation, he tried the Restorative, ! and nn. r using it. according to the direction, for a short lime. the I. ming hair appeared. and he has now us fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore. Yours, e JOHN KILVINGTON. I'or sale hs IL Williams, agent for Colnmlna. HAMS AIND Bacon of the best quality at ap72lr-li IV. A, PATTON'S ~,f♦ ' 111 5 4 16 4.4 " ". • • • LADI ES , GLOVES LADIES' SENINIEIt DItESSES - )lagnifieent - Iteuotttal. - Lovely. - 110 NET RIBBONS HO ! HO ! STIPMVIMIL 51,?....0.097 67 SUNDAY' TRAIN. Doltimore, July 17. 1E47 DR. 'TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. This ki Extract IS put up in testrr BOTTLFS—it la SIX thee.: cheaper, pleasanter, and warrattn-d superior to any sold. It cures diseases without vaunting, purging, sickness. or debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted hir a FALL .AND WINTER MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla, over all other remedies is, whilst it eradicates disease, it invigorates the body. CONSMPTION CURED. CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soreness itt the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expectoration, and Pain an the Side, Se have and eau Le cured. Probably there never was a remedy that has been so successful In desperate cases of consamptron us slits; It cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, and the pattern, gradually regain their usual health awl strength. cumoes CASE' OF CONSUMPTION There is scarcely u day passes but there are a number of eases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of Dr. Townsend's Sassaparilla. Thelollo,lllg was recently received: Dr. 'Townsend—Dear Sir :—For the lust three years I have been altheted «uh geueral debility and nervous con sumption of the lust stage, and did not expect to ever gain toy health at all. Alter going through it course of meth emit under the care of Willi, tit this most distmgmshed re gular physicians and members of the Board of Health it New York and el4e,here, and spending most of toy earn ings. in attempting to regain my health, and alter reading in some paper of I our Sarsapardlu, 1 resolved tistry After using six battles I found it (1011 e me great good and milled to see your office ; with }our advice I kept ins, and do must heartily thank you for Our advice. I per severed in taking the Sarsaparilla. mid have been able to attend to any nsind labors tor:tha last four months, and I hope by the blessing of God and your Sarsaparilla to con ! tome my health. It helped me beyond the expectations of all who knew my case. Cuero tra getintr. Orange. Essex Co., N. J, August 2, 1047. Stale of Ness- Jersey, Essex County. ss Charles Q by being duly sworn according to lass-. on Lis oath stoat. that the atregoing statement is true accord ing to the best of ill., know ledge and CnAnLns QII:151111% Sworn and subsetibed to before nt Orange, the tlrd August. tar Crary BALDWIN, .luslirc tit lilt. Peat,. SPITTING BLOOD. Read the Collo, tag mid arty that Consumption is incu rable if you can New York, April 23, 1'317. Dr. 'Fownseml-1 verily believe that your Sarsaparilla has bee. the means. through Pro, 'deuce, of Saving my life. I haw for several ear, had a bad cough. It be e:nue wor,e :11111 Mope . . At lii,t I raised large quantities of blood, had inglit sweats, and was greatly debilitated 111111 reduced. nod 11111110/ expel . t to list' 1 Bute oily used Vont . Sar,apaiilla limit a short time. and there has a won aerial change bee. wrought 1.11 Int, I unit nuts ❑hl,e In walk all over the city I rake no blood, and iu) cough lint lett ine. You elm well imagiite that lam thankiul tar these result'. YOlll . 01/01110111 nut. W3l. Russet.r.. 6.5. Catharine st. TWO CHILDREN I•IAVED. Very f•ty family.. indeed—m diet we have not heard a one—dint 11.,011 Dr. Townsend's Ruroaparilla Intone 10-t tiny children the past summer. while 11101, 100 111i1 1101 sickened and died. The certificate we publish below is elinclosise evidence in iO4 value, and is only another in stance of it, saving the lives of the children D.Town,cial—Deur 1 111111 Iwo children cured by roar Sanaptaillnot the:moaner complaint iiiiddy4entery; One was only 15 months old, :nut the other :1 y our.. They were 100 y much reduced. and we expected they would the; they were given up by two respecatible physicians. When the doctor onortned it, that we mom lose them. w•t• resolved to try your Sarsaparilla we had heard so much ot, but had ben little confidence. there being so nnu•h stall ndverin•ed that i, w orildes...; but we very thank inl that we did. for it undoubtedly saved the lives ot both. I write this that others zany lie induced to toe u. Your.. u•speen - ally, hurt WthsoNZJR. Myrtle-Avenue. Broohlyn. Sept 15 = :hone, 1'1111.1111.1r, Euq . one ,n the 11.,1,1a1114in the T.ll untie I:lnekwt gentlenion,pok en of in the letter : This is only our 01 more than tour thott.,aud easc.a of rlienumit..tu that Dr. Ton nswentl'. Sarsaparilla has cured. The aunt severe and atonic a, sex urn nr.•kly . crudreuled by its extraordinary virtues 13‘...tcttwEr..t.'s Sept. 1.17. On. Towsscvo...-Dear Sir. I have starred terribly C., n• years wnli thruntrit,rm, cos., t 4.., ruble Of the time I could nut eat, sleep or work; I had the most distressing pains. and my lunlc were tenthly struliru. I have aced lour bottles of your so r,apartlla, and they have done me more than one thoutaud dollars' NVOI lh 4it good—l am so much better. Indeed. lam comely relieved. You are at liberty to tae th, to. the benefit oe . the aditet•d Yours. Respecially, .1 tut, Crmui,,s. =MEM na. TowssEND S SARSAPARILLA. Is a Immo: of the Ln. dle, It reh, 0, them of a great :unonnt of staler and gives them Cow complexion, and hoot ant qpirit, Mrs Parker kindly sent us the fallowing . MEMMUIRMEMEI Do. TowYsEso—Sir • It giree me pleasure to te•uity to the bencOetal effects I have experienced front the u.e of your Sarsaparilla. My Nystem was very much reduced by nerVOUSIICS•and general dchtltty, and with a variety of tetnale romplaints. I rend your advertisement. and wac induced to try the efiect of your remedy. It restored me to a better , tunic of health. I had not enjoyed for several years previous to taking mm ; and I do most cheerfully re commend it us a valuable medicine to all who are 111111CO,I as I have been Mits l'Auktu, Baltic st , South Brooklyn =I The tolloning o. nom a very iespectable farmer resid ing nt Hea mintead DR TOWN , W:NO—Dear Sir: My will• bus been sutrering so severely from the Dyspepsia and general derangement of the system, that we supposed she must die. The Phy sicians could not m=ist Ibe disease, and she would have died beyond doubt if eve had 110 t given her your Saruapn• TIM, It line saved her life certainly. She is almost en. urely relieved, and is gaining strength and health. She still COMMURS the use of it. Tours, respectfully, ELIZA ABRAM. LIVER COMPLAI yr. N Vont:, Scrr. 9, ISE' Dn. Tow v.m.ti :—Dear ain con , trained, as all act of publicly nekim, ledge the great benefits received front the use of yottr Sarsaparilla, being in town about mat y ear , strict m n Very weak and debilitated Stale. Aly disease was a eliTollll2 inliallial:111011 of the li ver and stomach, mid. as many thought consumption; I was so reduced that I had very little hope of recovery. Hearing and rending considerably of the effects of your ...theme, 1 resolved to try it. though I entertained a preju dice itganist advm lieu 1 renteduu'. I had taken the medi eine but a short unto, and began to recover gradually and continued to get better, and am now well. Indeed I am no much improved that my mods scarcely recognized me vv. hen I returned to the city. You arc at liberty to publish this if you think it will extend the use of your excellent remedy. T. TIMING. cilicur.Aß One thousand or more additimial agencies, for the sale of Or Townsend's Sarsaparilla. will be establishes] in mull places where all agency is not already appointed, in the States 01 Penns) leant*. New Delaware, iyland, Viremin, nail °Met Southern and %Vc,terii Slates. The terns. Cl :gene} to he complied with will be us fol lows; Not more Mao one Prone will have the appoint ment in a place, w•ho ‘. dl he iidvertised as site!, in one or inure papers published at such Mace. or the nearest paper In tlh• place. Thu' ss ill also lie furnished with al ' and handbills setting iorin the virtues of the medicine. with than . name,- printed ns the Agents, tor circulation. A lint of all sue), manes wdl be regularly published in DI - 071'S ORACLE OF iIEALTH, copies of all such will be furnished Mein lift circulation gratis, .von splen did showbills in Or- Townsend's more establishment. For all these advmdages, the payment for a supply of the Sarsapirlln will he required when ordered, and at any time when the Agency is relinquished, II any of the Med mote should remam unsold, it will be taken back at the price paid for it Persons who may wish the sale of this valuable meth elite on the terms above specified. will address, In - letter, Or apply at the Principal oilier and sole agency of T. W DrOTT & SONS, De North Second street. Phila. And at the same tune they will mention the names of any newspapers published in or near the place iii which they reside N. 13. With the above advantages. the price of:the Sarsaparilla will be $9 per dozen' packed in bores of 2 don. each—less than a box will not be furnished. Principal Office, P.M Fulton street, New Yolk Sole agents for Philadelphia. Dr. T. W. oycyrr S. SONS. Columbian College, 112 North SECOND street; also for sale by Frederick Brown. corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets ; Lancaster. Ileintish and Son : Wilmington Edward Brinkhurst ; York, Morris & Co.; Carlisle • s, El liott; Harrisburg. Dr. McPherson; S. S Hance, Balti more; and by the priiimpal Druggists throughout the 11i ted States, NVest Indies and Canada. None genuine. unless put up in large square bottles, which contain a Taw, and signed with the written sig nature of S. I'. Townsend, and his name blown on the glass. 11.—Persons inquiring for this medicine should not he induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsapa rillas, and of course prefer selling their own; others have purchased that put up in entail bottles, and because they make a greater profit, recommend them. Do not be de ceived by any—inquire for Dr. Towndsend's and take no other. M — Renternber the genuine 'Townsend's Sarsaparilla.' sold on by the Sole Angelus. T. W. DICOIT & SO.NS No.l3slNorth Second Street. Phan Each bottle is always enveloped or accompanied with a cepy of -Dyou'a Oracle of health. W. A. LEADER. Acent for Columbia. MDR, D7/011"1"../11 Philadelphia ✓Ydvertisements. CIZEII2 Cral'ir.a. AND GLISSWARE. Kerr's China ILO, Chesnut I street. opposite the State House, Philadelphia, is the cheapest place m the city, to buy all kinds of CHINA. LIVERPOOL WARE AND GLASS, and %Oleo: can be found the largest assortment. and of the newest styles, and fully TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT less than ut any similar establishment. Families, Hotel and Store keepers, visiting the city for the purpose of buying DINNER SETS, and TEA SETS, and all other kinds of ware in this line, will serve their own interest by examinining the stock and prices atlas s tore, after pricing elsewhere, and they will be fully satisfied that the above are facts. All ware purchased at this house will be packed and WARRANTED FROM BRFAKAGE. ?Cr Remember that title Cheap Establishment is m Chesnut street, directly opposite the State House, Pinta. August 12, ltslB-11m CIIESNUT QT. HOUSE. No. 121 Chesnut Street, a few doors below Fourth, North side.—The subscriber re specttully informs its friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all times taken to render this one of the best, and. from its central situation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels in the city. TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest delicacies of the season. Ills WIN ES am! LK - Icons are not surpassed by any other e,taliliAntesit in the. city. Ilia servants are careful, honest and Teruo of Boarding to stilt the times. Country Merchants and Business Men will find the lo cation at the riir,..sur Sr. noise. in the most business part of Philadelphia. The stibsciiber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall be done to give satisfaction to those who fa vor hint vs ith their patronage SAM BEI. lutp, I'hdadelphuaAug. 1!2, y •tor. DR. DRAKE'S PANACEA., TILE only radical curc for Consumption !! It _L. alb° 0.1005 to and permanently cores all diseases a re,ing front an impure suite of the blood, vit.: Scroftilit or King's lied. Rheum:akin, Obstinate Cuta neous Ertiptions, Pimples or l'cstuleS on the face, Blotch°, Bile, Chronic Sure Eyes. Ring Worm or Tot ter. Scald Ilead. Enlargement mid Pam of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Syphilitic S)unittims, Sciatica or Lumbago, Disea , ,, arising 110111 an linuriou, use ut Mer cury, Dropsy, Expo.utre ur Imprudence in life. Alm., Chrome Cuintitotional Disorders. In this medicine Nevem] mialeent but vet y potent atti c:les 01 the Segetable kingdom nre untied, ibritting a com pound entirely dilrerent 111 us character and properties from Tiny other preparation, and unrivalled in its °per:Mott on the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the hands of every person, who by basinesA, orgeneral tantrse Me, is predispu-ed to the von) ninny 11111111 C W, that render life 11 curse, instead ofc blessing, and co alien result 111 death. c . oNst7Ni tc.timony . Irow au able: yractitioncr of tbu city' t, December I I, ISI7 Dear Sir:—ln reply to your tilie.tion re•peeting the use of Or. brakes Palmetto- I will say that although a perfect disbeliever ill the extstence of a Panacea. or cure for till diseases, however valnable it may be w certain COIIIII. 110116 of the stern, still I have believed that a cure fur Consumption would be discovered sooner or later, and 101101 led to try your medicine in two very Inveterate cases. They Were 1100101111eed by the attending physicians to be PULNIO,..AIIY C0: 1 0 1 1:11e1107r. and 11 1 / 1 1111.1011ed by rhelll us in curable Otte of the persons had been under the treat ment of several very able pruchtioncr,, for it manlier of years..., and the) Said she Imd n Old 611011011.1.1C0114111111111011 eolollllled with Serollllll,.' 11110 she might linger for somenine, but could not he periumiently relieved. In both eases the elleel of the Panacea has been most gratifing. Only (Mir or live bottles were uteri try one of the persons belore she begat. to (reprove rapidly. 'rho other took about ten. They are both well. I will only told. that fa miliar a, I am old, Cotediniption by inheritance and by extensive observation us a study, and knowing also the injurious elirrets ill 11111 e eases nut at tell of tar, boneset. and oiler vegetable tunics. as well as sit many of the ex p.:0.0111111..811d MIAMI res. l allollllllleVer haVe reeollllllollo - the use of Drakes I . IIIIIIeCII tf I had not been at:nu:dat ed with the ingredients. Suffice it to say these are re ermintended by oar 1110.4 popidur mill scientific 0111.1 111 their present combined state Mon probably the best :literati re that has es er been wade. The cure is IleCOrdatlee of ( . 011.1111111110e1 1101110114 i 10 France a fay years ago. by one of her most Clllllll4O tenter., 01111114110111, alai maw eslahllshea by Met. which Adam 01 101111,011le. Very Ilespeettolly Your., 1.. C GUNN, Corner Chest. and Izidi st. LIVER CONIPI.AINT AND In SPI;P:SIA Astonishing cunt of Liver Complaint and 1/yspesia, lit connection is tilt General Debility Lit Ile is hole as tom: Pini./.11E1.1.111.1. Mare It 7. 1:41. Storm & Co —f.lesitleinen Wile 111. bet, t it seveial ) ear. afflicted is silt a pain through her right tide Mill shoulder. accompanied with doll, through her whole system. and almost cc...taint!. a sick stomach. at tended with pain. invariably alter eating ordritiking; sn much so as to deprive her ot all SUlSSlaellisli in attempting to eat. even it she tool a desire for food. which wii• 1101 Dien the ea,. as her appetite was completely gone. A mend persuad,l her to give 1)11. DRAKE'S i'AN.WI:A a trial and I :Lin now happy to say the first bottle gave her relief Om funnily physician examined the Panacea. Unit apployed of her using it. She has taken three bottles sitter. Lind is greatly licnefitied Slw has now a good ap petite. and can eat her meals with sati.itiction. 'phi, pain. and tick stomach have eutircls lett her. and we teel confident that the Panacea ha, alrected a couple cure nit lier Millet:lnes. and would reeommend to all who are an. fined us she has been to to Di. Drake's Panacea. ASH MAN, No. :qt, North Third Street. The above are but a few of the numerous testi:swan& We :ITC constantly receiving, of the n 11114,1111 efficacy of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is a pleasmot, yet most se:trill mg remedy ; and the first ti nil si ill prove its power. Its reputation has increased since its introduction to a degree littherto unknown in all medwal discoveries. With the arm COISVICIIMI that 110 other remedy, so called, of the pre.ent age, equal "to the., and that the theryr) upon which it i. eompoundeirts too firmly estrilili.lied to lie of erthrown. the :proprietwrs sultett n trial of Or. Drake's Panacea. willing to stand or tall upon its own merit,. well stity.fied n will susnon the reputation it has already acquired ILD—CAUTION.—The gentinto DR DRAKE'S PANA CRA , put up in large square bottles—it has the signa ture of Cleo. Story on the wrapper-1111d alto the name •• Dr. Drake's Panto-ea, Phila..' blown in the glass. Prepared only by Storrs & Co., Druggists, No. 21 North Sixth Street. Phila. Actyrs —R. WILLI tMS, Columbia; IleinitAt & Son Larlen,ter; C. A. Morn', & Co., York. April 15. 11-4,.-Iv FVW-T1 THIS ATTENTIVELY! Doctor Hottand's Cele. _E brated GERMAN BITTERS, Will effectually cure the laver Complaint, Taundice.Dys pepsin, Chronic or Nerviou. Infficestion lance, Asthma, Diabetes. Disense at the Kidneys, Pulmo nary Affections. (arising from disease of the stomach and liver.) and till diseases unsung front a .eak or dn.ordered stomach in both Male and Female, such ns Feunde Weak ness. Dir./mess, Fullness or Moot to the head. Ln. turd Piles, Fluttering of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing. Constant Inummings or Evil, Great Depression of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Side, Duck, Breast, or Limbs, Cold Feel. Ar. Miry remove all acidity. and give tone nod action to the stomach, and assrst digestion; they contain no oleo holic stimulont. and can he taken by the insist delicate stomach. and *sill in every ease entirely destroy Coolve ne-s.und renovate the whole system, removing all im purities front the body. and remnants of prey ions disease. and give health and vigor to the o•hole ffUllle. thereby preventing frightful dreams. .alking %slide asleep. Ac.. which often result in The tunctions of the MOM:tell are of the utmost zmpor- Inner to every one. entNututing the source and tuuntain ot lur, nineh ts nlllllllOll. No organ possesses such re markable sympatlne4. none such remarkable power in %undo) mg every part of the s) stein A greater nnmbcr of pernclas tall Vielltrts to the Itarrtoonng of Countpanon unit Dispepsta and more Orgartie dineanen eolllllll.l3eli s ig ", the digest e system . than all other diseases continued The many thousands who the welt Yellow Fever. Cholera, Intlucti7o. and other epidemics, is owing to thscase or de rangement there. If dal digestive system is in perfect health, the nervous system and the circulation of the blood will be also, an upon it they depend. then epidenttes loose all their terror. Those living in. or districts liareiniscil with FEVER AID AGUE annually, will find that by ti t , timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen the system, no CXC,CS of bile will accumulate. and they will not in ninny one instance take die disease. Prevention is far boner than cure. Thr rare success in treating diseases of the stomach succe•sfully, has net been so much a Want Or pathological knowledge or ots funcuoits, as the preparation of suitalde Veget.sitle compounds, so as to obtain not only their whole power, but as they wcuild be most effectual and grateful. We aro all aware that too many preparations have been, and are now before the pubic, that act only as pall wives. and some that change the locality of the disease. or prevent it Mr n short period, thin it returns more for unstable than in the first instanee. Such preparatiom. have destroyed the ;fiddle confidence. This article stand ing alone 111 its number of cures, and urn/sailed, as thou sands of our citizens can attest wino have tested its vir tues, can always be depended upon for the above named diseases. It will cure any case that can be cured by medicine, no matter who, or what else has failed; it will perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respiration, Circulation, &c. These Bitters, and the Spikenard 01111111431 i Will cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases. For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE OFFICE. No 272, Race Street. one door above Eighth, south side. Phila delphia. In Lancaster, by John F. Lone.; in Harrisburg. by Daniel W. Gross; tin Putsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and by dealers generally throughout the United States. ID- Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of diseases, grans. Also for sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE RHEB AINTIC PILLS, for the cure of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop ay.llll.l severe Nervous Affections; SPIKENARD OINT MENT, for the cure of Piles, 'Tenet", Ringworm. !cc., Ar , marehlf?..lSl?-9m Philadelphia -advertisements. GREAT DESTRUCTION. HOW many die a most horrible death without the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for years. as they suppose, from dispepsia, When it is worms. which causes •nlost diseases. There has eoine under our notice:several cases of supposed dispcpsia ' of several years' standing, when we have recommended the Symp, which has enurety restored them to health. We would say to ALTLTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach, Sick Head Ache, Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools, Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after eating, &c., be assured it is simply worms, and it needs but a trial ot 110BENSACK'S WORM . SYRUP to satisfy ,you it is At), and if you have any of the above symptoms and the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re• mud the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children s utler stud die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable remedy at hand. It is said by our Oldest Physicians, that Worm-, cause inure deaths yearly, than all the oilier dis eases the human manly are subject to. Then. Isinv portant it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand. Parents, whets y our children have sore or inflamed yes. you may rest satisfied that at is caused by WOTIII, and you will do well to Can on the storekeepers of your neighborhood and get a Rook of llobenstick's. containing cernficates or mires and the, ssulptinus of worms. Al ways keep a Bottle of I lubcusac Worn, Syrup .1 hand, it is a friend in need. RE- 3 .T) :ON! READ ON READ ON Itla.sns 1141111:NSACKG.1111C1111.11: I lake great plc:only., in informing you of the great efficacy of ) our Worm Sy rap; having been afflicted for live years, and wasted away to a mere skeleton, without recieving any benefit from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts to try your Worm Syrup. as he info tined the it had brought worms trout him; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks county, a man over filly years old, whom I um well ac quainted with. I then commenced taking yonr Syrup. and it brought a very large quantity of worms. s • tell inches in length. and enure!) restored ate to health, mid. I must say I Mel like a new 111111 i. Yours. truly, JOUN HART, Mini co. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three years of age. living live miles out of the city, back of Second st. road and is only ow, amongst the hundred grown persons till, have heel based by 110RENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. Messrs.:llohenQuck have been looking for some , of your Worm Syrup for •mine time : 1 bate sold all but one honle ; 1 m isle yon to .cud too 110/ell 111111tediriteiy. 1 believe it to be. good medicine : 1 have :Well it tried to toy ,ati.faenon. I have known unetlo...” to tiring from a elitist three moms. ten invites long. will fi out :mother twenty worms. eight ineln, long sit one day. I have , old different Worm Ale= divine:. for a 'somber of years, but ne,er sold Oil) that gavetmeli tunverml ,Otkilletloll. ) ours, BROOK1 , 11:1.11. Bridgeton. New Jersey =IIM=IIRE Me, J. N.& 0. S. I lobensnek—Umuleui,tl-1 have 1/0•11 I . or ...Mlle little Inning your my :11111 1 nm hum: 111 say 11011 ut Illy h:11:4.1.1 it hoc rile et•etioll ul Its 101 l Ile fully to ju,ti:l try coulidunee in it. one. I think it among the Very Lent preparation. C. NV. AITLE - ros, in. No. Id, Smola 11l Prepared only by J. N. & C. R. nontissAcK. 2d aad Coates , treet, Philadelphia, and for sole by all re vetable Storekeepers in thi4 and adjoistitig coantie.. whom We authonza to give back the money in every ea, it foil, to give saw faction Price 25 cent, AI-o I loben-ack's Ilyena 'lOOOl Ache Drops. Price 121 cents, a certain cure for Tooth Ache. ithemnatic Liniment. Price 25 ceillt. do Caren!! Salve. Prier 164 vents, for weak buck*, , praita, fres.ll 1110 Id siore, Gant, we. Iloben•urk'.Tetter and Riagwurat °admen!. Privy 625 rents. NVllrrauted to elite Cal trrairaons of iLc bklll— gale za. above. Pinludelphia Nlay tn.—teie I,le. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing to supp 4 IhcunetvC Nalth CHEM' AND FASHIONABLE R I:.\ D V - NI A D C LOT Will fillti I.A It( C(1N1P1.17.1%, AND CI)OICE A S SO RTMENT, At the lowc,t rive.. fur C A S ll.' Nlititittitettired oldie be 4 mint ditruble material , . all.ll of the 11it.4 arid must approved arid for MOO:Old ISuy., of ANIERICAN. ESM.IF4I, TItfXCII. ANII 01:11MAN CASSINMITES. SATIN urrys. tau DOESKIN:S F:THER WITII A SPLI:N DID VA 111 I:1 or SILK, SATIN, ‘'EI.VET, AND CAS:4I3II:RJ VESTIN 5: Aktt a great vanety of cl, 0T 11 N A I' THE scw'ritEAsr conNErt OR sncoND AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. AT PRICES AS LOW ElM=== 11 — rSraithrom rorner of SI: l) NI) AN I) NI AIC I.: 'l' . April S, y C; I C TESTED BY r 11OUSANDS ! Wright's Indian Vegelable. Pills. Scarcely have tea abort years elapsed sines an bumble attempt was made to eOllllllll, in It suitable medi cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the holain. All was ra the 111110 Ira to ale result. The most that cunt,' he estimated wits. that the principles adopted :le the bases 10 Muhl upon ss ere sound. So mach reliance was placed 1111011 calomel and the lancet, that the ill :meccas of th e new experiment scant,' have tended to eolllirm that reli ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor. Now, however, all doubt and ditlicult) l a at On end Every nlierc this medicine has been greeted with %vei l:0111.•; everywhere has its us. tiro,' ,1111,1qh,t with th e 1110+I gratifying success. From small beginnings its sale, are 110 W Collllled = and at is held is higher estimation •t :the 'precept time Pant NOIVII it teas originally introduced, VHVERS. Fevers. like every other form of di,o4c, are only an effort of nature to expel tront the body uonietliiinz that in oppo.erl to health; it is merely a struggle between the good unit had 'minors for suprernaey, and the commotion winch emotes is called Fever. '1'111• mind symptom% pia revesare henvinc%. Irtogimr. atiliety..ogliing and awn with alternate tits of cold and heat, niter which the patient i of pain n tile head mud 11:11 - k.1111r•I. dif ficulty of brimthing, pain ill the 'urns, sense of about the region of the , toinaeli.litimea mid sickness. with sometimes a vomiting of billow: matter. Wright'. Indian Vegetable Pills mill be annul peculiar ly adapted to the cure of tl.r, ht Nlei Or ri:vi n. they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels Trom all bilious humors, lout they epee 1}1O•e excretory vessels which empty into the bow els ; and etni•etpiently, the impurity contained in the etre illation (which is the cause of all disordered 'notions of the blood, called Fe ver...) lo liirOWO into the bowels. trout xvlience it is car ried oil ' by the ir?,.• ..lar oh One dlnelleree, In 11 , 411 g, WrlellrS lashan Vegetable Pills for Fevers. die wily cure ileer , ..:try is. in have the mcdtciur Ore OOP GOPIOUSLY TI 110X1'EI.S. It the ! , ,111110111 , are urgent. front four to ••iglit pills should be token,. night and 1111 l until the lel or eller to hie!, stunner d0...e, once in twein;•tolir hours, st t 1 lie butheient to re store the body to a •0in.. 4 slaw of health. • The following highly re.peetable Storekeeper. have been duly appointed egrets for the sale oldie. Celebrated inedleine. in 1•11111.1(11Iter Beam ille. Reuben Weoller. Jolts F. Beecher. 130:din-Iland. Jacob 11 .1.. Hart Township. Win. W. Pit...more. Belleview. Buyers & Kennedy. Conestoga Cent,. John H. llamas.. Church Town. 1.. & E. Rogers. Coopersville. E. Lewis. Col bin. Fry 1I Spangler. Cherry 11111.1,11 MP S. Webster. Drumore. John A. Boyd. Carl 'Powitship. George Duebnia it. do do Writs er Standen do do Ihwt. Wallace. Elieulonlitown, John 1.) pelt. Ephrata. 0. P. Gross. do Martin IVeltilllail. Fillloll 1101111 e. FllllOll IP.. I. I'. Wilkinson. Ringwalt & Martin. Intercom...v. J. li. & S 1.. Robinson. Letwock township, Frederick Swope. Lampeter Square, .1. F. & D. 11. Herr. Lill,. Nathaniel S. %Volley. Lancaster. John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Winner & Camel. 3lotiniville..lollll Devlin. Marietta, W. A. & 11. Spangler. Monist Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. Maytown. John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer. New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer. Poplar Grove, /111. Paxson. Pearls Bottom, S. W. P. Lloyd. Paradise, A. R. & A. 1.. Winner. Peach Bntom, Win. Arnold. Rawlittsville, John Rawlins. Safe Ilarbor. John Herr & Son. Strausburg Win. Spencer. Salsbury,ll. Freeland. Washington. John A. Brush. T.lolfices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. wholesale and retail. 1611 Raca street. Philadelphia; .2.‘.01 Greenvricii weer, New York ; and 199 Tremont street. Boston, June 21, 194° —tap29l9 Philadelphia Advertisements. OVP:iit #3-fr VOR SALE at the sign of the "Red Curtain,li _l2 Fourth and Market Street, Philadelphta. 0. WLIESLOCK, PRopreETon CARES :—Fruit, Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, Ciueen Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes, Cheese Cakes, Rusk, Apples, iturables, Spice Nuts, and (huger Nuts. PIES :—Strawberry Burtleberry, Blackberry, Currant, Cherry. Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard, Apple, Peach. Mince, and Rheubarb Pies pouring in hot front the oven at nil hours of the day. CllEESl.::—Ttinothy Jackson's N'e Plus 'Mutt Medal Cheese, (very superior,) Pine Apple Cheese, and a great variety of other Cheese, both new and old. N. B. Some of the Cheese sold ut this establishment is equal to the best English Cheese.' tr_Tr- - TEN( PERANCE DRlNKS—always cold—Roo :Miro Mineral %Vater, Lemonade. Beer, Mead, Milk, Philadelphia, June 10, VilErir WILL ATOU SUFFER. Thousands of Mlles. et RN' COMPOI'NII have been sold during the past year, and wow never known to tail of curing, id a f•w days, the worst roves of a certain delicate disease, i•unutnl nod till diseases oldie Urinary mins. Pernensatfliered tAtig this pleasmit and petpuhrt remedy, need fear no exposure, us It ledirts no oder on the breath, requires ins rc,lrietions iu thet or boslotes—tettlains tol !Memel or noxious drugs Norton., to the systellt. find Is adapted to every age. flux, or conditium It is filsti Rte be , l remedy known for Flour Allots, or Whnets, (lemak. complaints) sited which thoußands culler, without tint knowledge of n remedy. This celebrated remedy line long been used in the private practice of a physicinn with unerring success, radically owing Mikity-Mae of the ham Med cases in a tiny day s. Around each bottle urn pima and tall directions CArTION—A.k for the A algate•xit'nmeor.en, and purchase only 01 the agent. Price $1 per bottle: it. Wtra.lnwt, agent for Colutubta. June 3.1t4t4.-ly ATWOOD'S l I IMPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling ai -1 j tention to thin ma:galled STOVE, the proprietor has the plea...are to inform the public that (externally) it has nutlet gone an entire charige—the pipe alai hearth placed opposite each other. and a SUAIAIER IIEAIVIII AND =CHIANG APPAIIA'ICS, being added. thus rendering it faultless. and unless there is latianher faultless Store 111 the market. this is utique.— F.tionaltly the hest. as it 11110 V embrace- every VOllOllOl. Me provement me...emeil by any other Stove 111 addition to .owe peculiar to itwlf. secured by Letters Patent. The :dicer—. of this Stove ' since its introduction. is un equalled. Nothing hue over been offered for culinary pur poses. that hue given such general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied other it, forni; .out: dealers have es ell 11.0,1 11.. 11111110111,11111 principles, but the proportions were so unlike the original. that they bear the relative 1, nille, 11011 II eOtlillerYelllloes 10 It genuine VOIll. Collllllele 12001\ . aad other COOK STOVES, in great variety. I'. It. (ALBERT, No. 412. Market at. Dirard Dow. below Twelfth Street, PIIII.ADELDDIA. I`,D= - All Stoa ea purchased at TI lIS sToin: will be d.:• livered in Columbia, free of charge ript4l'lat4y OLIVER EVAN'S Q,,ALIIIIANDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, j Warranted equal to any other Intake, alai have cover licen iniiircil by lire or Burglar 4, in a magi. , iinalince. fie keeps on hand a frill sitykily of Common inade of ItghdT iron, tit !Meer price.. Letter Coo nip Preshe, :mil Hooks. Truck. for :•••iore+, Factoric, Eagle (0n... Paper. l'ortable Bath, S.e. Pricking Lever.. Iloi.tin g Refrigerator. , and Watch Filter... OLIN' I:12. EVANS, =M=t9El EIIATORS Mr cooling and pre,erving Meat, fritter, Milk, and nil article, iutcudcd tor culinary pia no-es. IV.11`1:1t. FlLTll§.—Oliver Beano' Celebrated Wa ter falter=, liar Porn) nig Water that iy laracki-It or mud dy, whether by mom. mineral, or others i.r cmt be had ill all "4/1 , 111111 price. 4, at Me Nl'rircrootii, No 61 South Second Stret•l. too 1100, 1/I,IOW Clll,lllll St.. I'llllllll. Philadelphia. October ArieLxvimp READ. A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS.--The Atur..T t. , PEEDV ItENII:1)1" FOIL I'.%lNt: IN lulu t ceent chronic ittrectiutis ot the halite} s. ed,t, of the bladder, gravel.seinnial weithnes4.4.e. Per 4 401 In wine. 1/) lalllllglag 111 a ..,ecret halm. having entailed on theiti-cl,e- etii,tinitiontil debility. should apply im mediately to 1)1i. KINKELIN, of the Philadelphia Alt...h eal Ilmise. tin 01t1e...1 1111•IIIIIII011 of the kind in the city. Chace, N. %V . . 1 . 01111,1 . 01 . TIMID and UNION :St.., be tween Space and Pine. I; 41,11111124 from the Exchange. This Medical !loose w 11.4 emalih,lied by 1)r. K. 1i111 . 1 . 11 years ago, for the .tippres-ion of quackery, there Lcuut -o malty person , . m ithout knowledge, 1111.111 e or character. w Ito put ails 1,11,12111e115 4 /11 the !Midi!, raper:, that all 111- , 611111011 lit tins kind wits highly itece.sary to prevent the ittllieted. especially ...tranger-. trolls billing into the hands of •01111: wretch. whin, in-tead of caring. might vests nun nit iminin•l) grave. l'hert•tore. the afflicted should shim the numerous pretendo‘k• physicians I.vlio know nothing of the practice of medicine. 11111. con- Dr. Kinkel'', who rare-tt CKIITAIN 1./ISEASV: to Iwo or three days. according to the -tate of the patient, without the, te, of Alerear). Ni, mercurial remedies are, aired by Dr. Kinkcliii: hi, medicines are palatable mid hantiless, and all his patients lire honorably shielded, from even the possibility of being discovered lie who places I 1111 l self tinder the care at Dr. K.. Islay religiously confide in hi. honor as a pcolleinan. tool confidently. rely upon his skill 1111)4ICIA11. and u Ile 14 lull speedily relieved 110 re mum:ration will be demanded. Strictures. one of the must trouble.oinc mid dangeromr ntleetion4. which often cud lit gravel, inhumation, veal, nesq. tar.. Dr—Hilikelin guarantees to remove speedily ; lie ulro, ~‘,gilings, Jueca•ed pro.traie gland. Ste. Sine titre% have ruined many echo had no knowledge of their elktenee. TAKE PAETICeI.4II NOTICI..—Voung inen who have M imed Mello-eves b) IL Cell:till practice iiiilidged hOl/11 irequenteutly leanted irtint evil romp: molts. or at school. the eflects of which are nightly felt. even when asleep. and destro) both mind and Lady, should apply inimediate ly. Weakness 01111 con.titinanial debility miniediatel) cured nial full Niger restored. All letters post paid. Tsiti: No - men—Dr. load greater practice in the :Move affections than any ph) swum ill the United Stele., Ile also possesses as advantage over all others. train the tact of his having studied in the great hospitals of Europe. Thousands ill Philadelplitn Cell testify that lie cured them atter every other remedy had failed. Sepa rate rooms for private consultation. Open till ti P. M. Trisvem.ra, supplied at n moment's notice, ss ith the requisite nietheincs to care themselves privately. PArgsrms of medicines sent to tin) part or the U. M. Nlore particulars 111 the Spirit Of the Times. 0ct1,17-ly "0 TEIVIPOILA! 0 MORES!" CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC—The only genuine ‘• nit. NVISTAR'S BALSAM OF WiL.I)CIIERRY.” Ina. the written, sigmoore of the General Agent. W. M. SPEAR, 011 the out Role wrapper snrroimiling each bottle: this i 4 believed to be the only article. hearing the oho, e title. tie eininnting from tine Doctor. Tim virtues of Wild Cherry, for relieving affections of the Longs, and that all important organ. the'tiver, has long enjoy ed the confi dence of domestic practice. City of Philadelphia, M. Spear, of the citye ni Philialelphin, being according to law, Ja pe.. and my- Iliad lie t. in the poo,,sion of the original recipe tor preparing a of `Wild Cherry. for :lifer tionii of the Lung.. ttliieli woe nieen to lion by %Va.tnir. a regularly educated I'm > swim,. mid that he believe., it to Lr the only . onto m po..,sion of any person except the .mid Ur. M I.tar hniseli. %V. Al. SPEAR Mt oro nail before roc.:nil coy seal :Aimed. 1111 the first ila) of Nos ember. A. n. NH. H., S.) . • JOHN SWIFT, Muypr. . ropy right for the Ilaboun is secured, as it may sipinair in the nice of the above node viable prone. all loth ruluul from Boston. Mass., recently applied to the United SWIG'S District Court of Penns) Iva- Ilia tor an injunction nu the General Agent fur the lianted States and the British Prot finer.. to pre) cat said Agent from selling the only petillille Dr. IVi.tar's Balsam 01 Wild Cherry. individual claiming the right.) Di course the 1 ion—lodge afraid Court promptly refused it. The Balsam i 5 1101011 C of the quack nostrums of the dav, elainiingio cure persons whose eases are beyond the reac . ..l, of medicine. (or restoring others to life;) it only claims, and has prayed in thousands of eteleu, to ire the 4.4 ( n u , eiliene ttttt and only genuine preparation of Wild Clierry of the nineteenth century. for ifffeetions of the Lungs, Liver, mid Kidneys. frequently tenant: nulls in consump tion, ever offered to.the public. A liberal discount to druggists and country dealers. NOTICE TO TM PUBLIC.—I have this day appointed T. W. DYol'l` Sr. SONS. No. North Second street, Philadelphin, Wholesale Furnish Agents for the only genuine) DR. NVISTAR'S BALSAM . OF WILD CHER RY, fur the following States, viz : New York, New Eng land Suites. New Jersey, Delavenre, Maryland. Distrierof Columbia. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Al4O. for the interior of Pennn•lvaaia. All orders for the Balsam w•dl hereafter be addressed to them -•• . • Also for sale. wholesale and retail, I,y WILLIAM M. SPEAR, No. 143, Vine street. below Valli street, Philadel p_hirt, General Agent for the United Blares and the British Provinces, for the (only Jenuine) Dr. Wklne. Balsarn 9f Wild Cherry. ‘V.IIL. M. SPEAR. Philadelphia, March 27, 1948. AGII.N . II.I,—J.d: W. ('enfold Co., New York; A. Mr- Clore & Co.. Dr. lierrieL: Co., Albany, N. Y.; John F. Prescott, Troy. N. Y.: Charles Dyer,Jr., Providence, R. f.; Redding & Co.. Mrs, E. Kidder, 13ston, Mass.; James Green, D. Scott, Jr.& Co., Worcester, Muse.; &J. Brewer, Springfield. Mass. • G. W. Welsh, & Co., Dart ford, Ct. • J. Gish &Co., Lancaster. Pa.: C. A. Morrifilk• Co., and Dr. A. 11. Remits., York, Pa.; Reynolds & Lceksvillc, N. C. • John 1.. Kidwell, Georgetown, D. C.; Alex.. Duval, Richmond, Va.; W. A. LEADSII, Columbia, Pa. Price St per bottle; six bottles for BS. Ap1.515-1 in — DEL DTOTT---C3 GEM