The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, September 02, 1848, Image 3
One of our exchanges says :—" A large mamma. ling shark was captured off Cape Cod. Another newspaper reports the circumstance as follows; "A large man, eating shark, was captured off Cape Cod." Consumption. The terrible disease is commonly attributed to our climate. But If the climate Were to blame, the disease would have been inflicted on that, and not upon the people. We think the fault is In the peo ple, and that lithe people would keep the skins of them selves and their children properly washed, and abstain from gluttony, poison, and idleness for a generation or two, consumption would be no more known than Is now, in good society, the disease for which scratching had sul phur are the principal remedies. However, consumption prevails as matters are, and picks off the best and prettiest of us, in our prime. In this state of things we must do the best we can, piece out and patch out tile well of Id-.with Journeys, voyages and medicines. Of all the medicines we know or. Dr. Wlstar's " Salaam of Wild Cherry" is what we Minn Id trot recommend. We have in our office a living proof of its efficacy, who, but for it, wield have been beneath the sod long ago. The inventor of this medicine, Dr. Win ter. was a man of science of humanity, and undoubtedly prepared the remedy in RS best fohlt, and the public may gely upon Mr. Fowl*, Or the genuine article. —floston Daily Chronotype, Jan. Ifl, ISO. None genuine without the written signature of 1. Futts. For sale by StTII W. COWLS, General Agent, 138, Washington Street, Boston; Ask., For sale by R. WlLLtasts, Front Street Columbia, Pa. e0e,..t0 , 0An..... --- br. Swaync's COMPOUND Syrwr or Witm Ciinnza. AN IMPORTANT LETTER , Read the followin(,• letter from Win. Shaw, a respecta ble 'Druggist in Wilmington, N. C., a gviiileinan at un doubted veracity, in whose word the most implicit confi dence may be placed, another proof of the superiority of Do. SWATNE'I4 COMPOUND SYRUP or WILD CHERRY. in curing Coughs. Colds, CoysrMt'rtON, Asthinn, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lungs and Breast. 'liVti.musinev, N. C., Jail. 5. Wt. SWAYNF,--DEAn Sift:—You will please send me twelve dozen, or more, as you see fit, of your Sync or Wthis CHERRY. Front sales to-day. I have but a half do zen on hand ; the sales are rapidly increasing and will. I have no doubt, continue to do so. Au acquaintance at mine called a few days ago to say he would give me a certificate of its good effects. Ile is from the country. and a minister in the Methodist Church. Shortly niter obtaining the agency, I prevailed upon him to try a bottle though I doubted whether any benefit would be derived, for lie, an well ns myself, thought his case was confirmed Consumption; in fact every symptom was indicative— Shortly after, he wrote to me to.send him four or five bot tles more. Ile came to town fast week. I will quote his own language: Sir," said be, "I am a new man, and I consider it a ditty I owe to the public, to tell what Dr. Ssvayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry has done for Inc. , I will publish his certificate, and as he is generally known all over our section. I expect good results from it. With every feeling of reveci, yours truly, N. SIIAW. Letters such as the above are daily received from all parts of the country, but we publish this as one of the many proofs of its efficacy. Avoid all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except' that bearing the written signature of Dr. Swayne, as they are most likely quite destitute of the article from which they borrow a name. The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by DR. SWAYER, corner o f - Eighth and Race sin.. Phila delphia, and for sale by agents in all parts of the United States, and some parts of Europe. Sold by %VM. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. 11. BARNITZ, York, Pa. Aug. 1.2, 18413.—m. Nast Extraordinary Work.—Tlic Married Wo man's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, Profe.sor of Manages of \Woman, Sixth Edition. leino. pp. '2.50. Prise St. .25,000 eclat,. sold in three months ! Years of suffering, of physical and mental anguish to many an affectionate wile, and pecinuanry difficult, to the husband, might have been spared by a timely poises sion of this work. It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage. as it discloses important secrets which should he known to them particularly. • - _ Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness, af fluence. The revelations contained in its.pages have proved a blessing to thousands, us the inumtharable letters to the author will attest. Here, also, every female—the wife. the mother. the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change—can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies. and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. COPIES WILL BE SENT BY MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail within three months, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar. the " Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States. All letters mum he post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Mauriceamßux DIN, New York City. Publish ttiF office, 12.'t, Liberty-st., New-York. The "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States. For sale at the Spy Office Columbia, Pa. New , York, May 20, 18481-4 in Please take Notice. —we have been frequently annoyed by a soap vender in Philadelphia, named Hanoi, who meanly copies our advertisements anti applies the same to Ins own line. Now, what principle can a man Possess wile:will condescend to make use of such mean artifices to insure his success and make his articles sell. A Man's composition or his stereotype matter, is as much his property as his stock in business, or goods. wares and chattels: if, then, another man meanly adopts nut h com position or property for his own line, what better ie he than a rogue who will make illegal use of your goods t In a little handbill of ours, which we wrap around our Chi nese Medicated Soap, we have at the head of the bill a small paragraph which rends thus: "In an evil hour the serpent entered Parath.e. rind' Beauty lost its charm. But the Allwise gave man power over all animal and vegetable matter. And the inysieri. ous secret of restoring unto woman her former pure. clear and beautiful complexion, is combined in Radway's Clii t cse Medicated Soap." On looking over the Philadelphia Ledger on Moods}-, the leth Oct., we were surprised to see our matter ninth, use of for dressing up another man's article. and Mittman our competitor in business, and for the public's approba tiOn of our respective article.. We offer to the public Radway's Chinese Medicated Soap as a sure extermina tor of the Cuticle, mid a certain cure for all eruptions of the skin. As a Toilet Soap, we candidly believe it to be the most superior soap extant. As a Medicated Soap we sincerely believe it to possess qualities which no other soap possesses. For the cure of salt rheum. ringworm, erysipelas, chap. ped, cracked and repulsive skin. we know it is certain in its effects, and is superior to all others ever invented.— Lastly, we never condescend to make use of other men's composition to make our articles sell. We furthermore warn this man, Jules lismol, not to infringe on our rights, or make use in any manner whatever of our stereotype composition. With these few remarks we leave the pub lic to judge the merits of our Chinese Medicated Soap. and the merits of an article clothed in false colors to snake it sell. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to get Radway's Soap in all its purity, call on R. WILLIAMS, and Wu. A. LEADLR, Columbia. and Zshm Is Jackson, 11l Lancaster. Each cake, of the genuine, must be signed R. O. Rad: Way J. & R. G. RADWAY, 2 Courtland St., N. Y. aug,l2lB-lin INTZULT 'S TUE USE OP DYING--especially in Autumn, the most delightful StU2,Oll of the year'. Stop then gentle invalid. as you pass F. X. 2:mount's Store, in Locust st., above Front, and get a box of DR. SOULE'S DA.I.M PILLS! They are truly an effective remedy. Plenty of tem him. ay will be exhibited to prove Mk. Sept 2. Is PAUL ! ! G AT ATTRACTION!!! A Fair of useful and Fancy articles. of various descriptions, will be open ed at York, on Monday evening next, nt 7 o'clock, Sept. 4th, in the upper story of D. St; D. A. Rttpp's store, com monly known as China Hall;" nod continue every cloy and evening during the week. Raireahments, Conamionary, &c., will be in readiness at all hours. The LATIME and GcvrtxMny of Columbia, are respect fully invited to attend. Several Gentlemen of Cork have kindly consented to entertain the visitors during the evening, with some ap propriate music. Sept. 2,1E49.. ITISPORT'AriT TO MILLERS. E subscriber bets purchased the Patent righit of Timby's Improved Water Wheel, which has been proven to do more work with less water than any other wheel now lutist. The wheels can be seen in operation at John Limner's Saw Mill, and at John Kerr's Saw Mill. Persons having Mills on streams of water where there is not sufficient fall for overshot wheels, will find these wheels to do more work than either Pitch-back, Under shot, or Flutter Wheel, JEFFERY SMEDLEY. Machinist. Sept. 2, 1843.-tf Columbia, Lane. co., Pa. NOTICE. Trfi, undersigned being about to leave Col u m- A. bia, hereby notifies all persons indebted to him to come forward and settle their accilints on or before 18th of September, 1818. JOHN JORDAN. Columbia, September 2, 1848.-It NOTICE. TB Stockholder' of the Columbia and Wash• ington Turnpike Road Company, will hold an Elec tion at the public house of Edward Jacobs, (Franklin Ho tel) Columbia, on MONDAY, the 18th of September, 1848, between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock P. M.. for chosing one President and six Directors, to manage the affairs of said company for one year A. BITNER, Sept. 2, 1848.--35. Secretary 31.431M1TT1L ACADEMIC. THE Bth Session of this Institution will com mence. on the 18th of September, 1848. wring the present season the Principal has purchased a. large and handsome building, and adjacent to it erected another, so that he is prepared to accommodate a large number of students. The course of instruction embraces all the branches of a complete English and Mathematical education, togeth er with the Latin, Greek, French and German languages. The charge for tuition, boarding, &c.. for the wittier session of 20 weeks, is SW. For a quarter of 12 weeks, 530. Circulars, or any additional particulars, can be ob tained by addressing the Principal by letter or otherwise at the Academy. J. P. HICKERSHAM, Marietta, Sept. 2, 1849.--51* Principal. NURSE W.a.INTED.. CTOOD wages will be given to a girl who tan come well reconitnended to take care of two small children, A light colored girl preferred. Enquire at this office. Sept. d.-It. APlan of the Presbyterian Grave Yard, has been borrowed or mislaid, any one having the same will please leave it at the store of J. D. & J. Wrigio. September 2,1842.—1 t. PUBLIC SALE, 'OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In the bo rough of Columbia. on TUESDAY, the t2Oth day or September. Id 4 . at the public house of Col. D. Herr. will be sold to the highest bidder, pursuant to the will of Ja cob Strickler, deceased, the following DEAL ESTATE, late of said deceased. to wit . . . . No. 1. A 2 story BRICK HOUSE. with all the requisite back buildings and LOT or piece of GROUND, fronting on Locust Street, in the borough of Columbia, between Front unit Second streets, adjoining property of Colum bia Bank and Joseph Cottrell. now occupied by the Ms. ens Weavers. No. A large, three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot of GROUND, in the borough of Columbia, fronting on Front street, between Locust and Walnut streets, adjoining, property of Evan Green and others, being large and com modious and advantageously situated for Nadnc business, containing a very suitable room end , all other 12011VCIliell cm: for a store. now occupied by %Vim 11. Spangler. No. J. A LOT or piece of GROUND, fronting on the river Susonehanna 227 feet. running back to the Colom bia and Washington turnpike, now occupied by James Given, Esq., as a Lumber Yar d. The whole front of the lot is well wharfed, adjoining property of Abraham Bru ner and Jonathan Posey. ALSO:—At the same time and place. will be sold 10 shares of Stock in the Columbia and Washington Tina pike. 3 shares in the Columbia and Marietta Ttirnmke, and 20 shales in the Marietta and Portsmouth Road Com pany. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said dot', ben terms of side will be made limn n by the int der.igned executors of mini deceased's JACOB NEFF. CHRISTIAN MELLINGER, JACOB M. STRICKLER. Sept. ii. ISl.9.—ts. LUDIN'S AND PREVOST'S IMPORTED EXTRACTS for Hand kerchiefs, Jockey Club, Perfume lie Jenny Lind, :%lausseline, Magnolia, Bouquet Caroline, Rose, j,rnin : Portugal, Patchouly. Mask, &e. For sale by scpne4•3 W. A. LEADER. DR. KEUNTER'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Hunter's Pana cea warrants the American people in solicning for treatment the _ _ • WORST POSSIBLE CASES that can be found in the cow try. in secret and all discn.eit of the urinary organs. It acts first by purging off all irri tating, matter from the system which aggravates the dis ease and at the same time nets upon the secretions through the medium of the blood, by which all vestiges of the sypilitie taint arc eradicated from the system tt also eradicates secondary syphillis, cures whales or Immo,- rhea in women, and is a general purifier of the system. Be since to ask for 'looter's Indian Vegetable PUIIIteCD. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by septernher 2, ISIS \V. A. LEADER. CHILD BIRTH. AValuable Scientific Work, upon the subject f Gestation nod Child-Birth, by It E. Wekselliotl; M. D., late of Paris.just published by the author. This work contains information upon subjects of the highest importance to married persons, or those contem plating marriage. It svill be found of special value to those whose means, health. or oilier circumstances do not permit them to increase the number of their family, without great inconvenience, suffering, or perhaps risk of life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dangers nt will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French physi cian) is fully commtmicated in this work. so that any per son nay avail himself of it at once. The mewls cost comparatively nothing. and are within the reach of all. The process is new, safe, infallible. convenient, simple, and cannot injut c the most delicate. Nor does it curtail matrimonial privileges in the least. Copies of this work will be sent, in a close envelope, at a single letter postage. to any part of the United States for SI sent, post paid. to Dr. IL hl. WEISSELIIOFF. box 2710, New York City. Copyright secured. No Booksel ler allowed to sell this work. Sept. 2, ISP. Gmo. $5 REWARD. THE above reward will be given for the ap i prehension and conviction or the person or persons who broke the post and tassels of the enclosure belonging to the subscriber, fu the Presbyterian grave yard ca Co lumbia, Pa. JAMES wruG I IT. Columbia, August 'X, IWB. 3t $5O REWARD REWARD of 00 will he given for 11>cappre heus. couvicth., of the person Or . persons who set fire to the pile of shavings on Saturday aught lust, on the public ground. By order of the Town Council. JAMES JORDAN. Columitta. August 26 16 , 1.9.—tJt Chief Burgess. Philadelphia 3dvertisenzents. A CEATAIN CURE FOR TIIE PILES. Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN W.:GE . ' ABLE PILES REMEDY is a domestic pre paration, which Itas been used with entire success for many years hieing an internal medicine. It has a decided preference over outward apnlirations,which are but pal- Wives and not curatives. This medicine acts upon the diseased parts, producingaction. and a PERMA NENT CERE—WIIICII WE 'WARANT or refund the MONEY. Wholesale and retail by R ROWAN]) & WALTON, Proprietors, No 370, Market street, Philadelphia• R. Williams and W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. T. An derson. Marietta ; .1. S. ' , Miley & Evans. and Lloyd, Wrightsville ; James Smith and G. Dills, Lancaster. septZ4B4y DOCTOR 'OURSELF! FOR 25 Caters By means of the Poetter ICULAPIIIS, Or every one hie re physician! twentieth edl. in, with upwards of a bun. red engravings, showing pH ate diseases in every shape id form, and malformations 'the generative system. Ily W. YOUNG, M D. The time has now arrived, lot persons suffering from se reit disease, need no more be rme the victim of quackery, as • the prescriptions contained this honk any one may cure himself, without hindrance to business. or the knnweledge of the most Intimate friend. and a nil one tenth the neintl expense. In addiilon lo the general routine of private disease, It fully explains the cause of manhood's curly decline, with observations on marriage—pesides other derangements which it would not he proper to enumerate in the public prints. persnn sending Tiff kr/TV-FIVE enclosed in a letter. will receive one copy MIND book, by mail. or five rnplee will be vent for one dollar. Address, *. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SI'RUCE it. Philadelphia," post paid VrtirANTED—Proprietors of Drug or Book Stores, and Pedleris, in every town in the United States, to act as agents for the above work. sept2'4B-sm. WEST PECILADELTaPELIA. STOVE IVORKS. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are now prepared to execute any orders with which they may be favored, for their WEST PHILADELPHIA COM PLETE COOK STOVE, of wbich they have three sizes; CONNON and RARE CYLINDER STOVES. nevelt sins; ltssrra and TOTS for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; OVEN PLATES, four sizes; 'COTTAGE AIRTIGHT PARLOR STOVES, (for wood.) two sizes; GAS OVENS, three sizes ; CAST-IRON HEATERS, and a large and beautiful assortment of Patten's! for Iron Railing. Their Goods are all made of the best material, and from new and beautiful designs. Their WI:ST PHIALD'A COMPLETE is, without doubt, the beet and most saleable Cook Stove in the market. They are constructed with Mott's Patent Feeder. Front and Grate. which gives them a decided superiority over all others. They only want a trial to confirm what in here asserted. CASTINGS of all kinds made to order with promptness and despatch. Samples may be seen arid orders left at the Foundry,or at J. B. Routes's, 154 North Second Street; Men= dr. DOISZAVIC IE7 South Second Street, and at WILLIAMS & HINDS', 498 Market Street. WILLIAMS, KOHLER, MATIIIEII & CO August 19, 1144114.-43 m Philadelphia .advertisements. Dr. MILLEN'S ILVDX.A.Dr VEGETABLE PANACEA. Ilre give below a num ber of Certificates of Cures of Scrofula e r King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Old Sores, which have been cured in Philadelphia by the above most extraordinary MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. Thousanda of cases of Rheumatirm, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Mercurial Diseases, Ulcers and Impurities of the blood, have been cured by this Panacea. The testi monials of which will be furnished in pamphlet form gratis, ISAAC BROOKS , CASE We the undersigned. having visited Mr. Isaac Brooks, Jr., at the office of Messrs. Rowand & Walton. 370 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard of. His disease was Scrofula, and terrible must have been his twelve years' conflict With the destroyer! His pal ate. the enure roof of his mouth, nose. upper lip. and low er lid of the right eye have been destroyed, his face near ly eaten up, and part of the jaw bone carried away. And yet w•e can give no description of his ease. Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the whole inte rior of his mouth, as well as most of his face, was a titans of deep and painful ;deers! On the 14th of January last, he commenced taking Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, which checked the disease in it tew• days, and from that time the cure has progressed without intermission. New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ulcers, and though badly disfigured, his face is sound, and his general health is restored. We are assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooks' ease, no Mercurials, Ointments, or Caustic applications have been used.—in fact, the Panacea alone, has wrought this wonderful change. Philip S. White, Esq. J. W. Jones, M. D. Rev. John Chambers, W. Steelling, M. D. Rev. A. D. Gillette, T. P. S. Roby, M. D. Rev. J. R. Nichols. Jacob Frick. M. D. Rev. William Uric, S. 13. Coles, M. D. Rev. E. Kincaid, John W. Ashinead, Esq. Rev. Levi Brink, P. Sken Smith, Esq. E. Guillon, Esq. L A. Godey, Esq. And thousands of others equally respectable, cs hose names might be added if necessary. If there should be oar who still hesitates to use tins valuable medicine, or disposed to give the preference to any other, or yield to the advice of prejudiced physicians NOT to Ilse the PANACEA. WC ask that one to read the fol. lowing certificates. Mr. Caldwell a gentleman of pectability and well known in the lower part of the city, where lie carries on his business as a currier. Mrs Foster is also well known as u respectable mem ber of the Ebette7er M. E. Church. We would remind the afflicted. that it Is but a few weeks since we published Tit= new certificates—here are two more —ls there a medicine its existence that cures with the certainty that this does? IVe invite those who have any doubts to call upon Mr. Caldwell or Mrs. Foster, mid they milt base a much biller account than cut be given in a cc:laic:tie. E 1882212 To nOWAND & WALTON—GCIIIS I with pleasure give you a brief statement of the et RE performed on my son by your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegeta ble Panacea. In the early part of last spring toy little boy, about four years of age, had the measles badly. da ting which time lie took cold. After the inessles left him, his cars commenced discharging matter—his eyes became much inflamed and very sore I found Ins sight would be entirely destroyed. His bead was literally cov ered with scabby ulcers, which extended over a consid erable portion of his face. We tried several remedies, but without benefit. I saw in The "Daily Sun" newspa per a cure performed on child of Mr. Hopkins, by your Panacea, and inviting those interested to call on 111111. I did so, and became satisfied to give it a trial. The first bottle produced a decided change for the better. Ile took four bottles and the disease is completely mastered, and I have no fears of a return. I must .rty I was much °minced to patent medicines, ns they arc called—believed ilium to be catch-penny hum bugs—bin my mind is changed. I now believe your Pall. acea to be the most valuable medicine ever introduced. and have no hesitation in recomtnending, at to all who need a medicine of the kind. I remain gratefully yours. he. JOIIN CALDWELL. 356 ‘Olllll 2d street. =I l'lncnaccriun, March 17th, 19 te Rownivn & WALION, Gents.—For the benefit of the af flicted, and in gratitude to you, I cheerfully snake the fol lowing statement. About eleven years since n red spot made its appear ance upon my ankle. It did not trouble me for some years. About four years ago it became Inflamed and painful. I was then informed tt was Erysipelas I procured some salve from Dr. S., which spread the disco, over my bo dy and head. My lace was so much swollen that I was blind. I then applied to Dr. Gardner—he gave inc, some powders. which I took for some time without any benefit, I was HOW suffering more titan pea or 2012,7,110 can describe —none can know anything of my sufferings unless they have been like afflicted. . . . - Mr. Chase, a particular friend of mine, bad so much confidence in your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea, that he insisted on my giving it a trial. "Hs ANEW IT WOCLD MME ne." At his request I called upon y ou, and procured a bottle of the medieme,:which gave me en couragement to go on. I have token six bottles, and am entirely well, and have been so for almost two years. I would say to all who need a purifying medicine of the kind, "get it by all means," I believe it to be the best me dicine ever known. You re, truly, ELIZABETH C. FOSTER. South 2il street, west side, 2d door above Washington street. KING'S LVII Pint.snEr.ems, April 11th, 1.9.1 a. nOWAND & WALTON—Gentlemen. I feel it to he my du ty to give you a bInICIOCTIt of the wonderful rare Dr. Cul len's Indian Vegetable Panacea Las effected upon me, that others like afflicted may know where they can pro cure that great and. I believe, the only cure for. SCROFULA. OR KING'S EVIL. About two years since, my neck began to swell; kernels formed under my jaws and ears, they continued to swell and become very painful. I was advised to try many things, but to »o purpose, except a waste of illy money. Poultices brought them to a bead, causing them to break and discharge very freely. The swellings instead of diminishing in Rile. increased until the lumps extended completely around my neck. many as large as n hen's egg. and one as large as my fist, I was in this condition when your Panacea was recom mended to me by Mr. Garrison. I commenced its Ilse.— The swellings began to diminish almost from the time I began to take it. My friend who recommended me to take the medicine, insisted that I should continue to use it, as he knew of so many persons who had been cured by in. I accordingly persevered, and have now used about one dozen bottles, and consider myself a well num. I do not think there is such another medicine in the world. I will be pleased to see any one wishing further information at Mr. Jesse Baker's band box manufactory, No. :e2, Bank street, who can also certify to the above. statement. JOHN FARROW. Mr: Baker and Mr. Garrison whose, store is at No. Jones' alley, are both well known in this city, and will coroborate the above statement. [More Certificates next week] Dr. Cem.uars PANACEA, sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietors, RoNveso & WALTON, No. 37d, Market st., and by their agents. R. Williams and W. A. Leader, Columbia; J.. Smith and G. Hills. Lancaster; John S. Futhey and Evans & Lloyd. Wrirrlitsville: J. T. Anderon, Marietta. September NO MERCURY OCOPAVIA. Dr. Ciallea's Indian Vegetable kj Remedy is a domestic preparation, composed entire ly of roots—no balsams, no mercury, nr any other min eral, and very pleasant to the taste. Certain syphilitic complaints. in all their forms, cured In a very few days, if the medicine is taken as directed. Prepared by ROWANH & WALTON, and linkd whole sale and retail, at No 376 Alarket street, Philadelphia— n. Williams and W, A. Lender. Colombia; J. T. Ander son. Marietta; J. S. Filthey and Evans & Lloyd, Wrightsvil le James Smith and C. Hills, Lancn'cer. eeptV4S-ly IMPROVED WIRE ITANI3FACTORY. Sieve, Riddle, Screen and 'Wire CLOTH MANUFACTORY. No. 4d, North Front street, Philadelphia. The subscribers continue to manufacture. of a superior quality. all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL. WIRE 'WORK, such as Sieves. Riddles, Screens. &c.. for all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand, Ow, Snuff; Starch, Brick dusts, &c. Founders' Sieves, of a superior quality, constantly on hand. Also, Safes. Wire Dish Covers. Sofa Springs, TM Weil Wire for Spark Catchers, &c. ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK. Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordcrinr, Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape 'Vines. .kc., Ac. Also. Wire Fencing of every description. Orders thankfully received, and promptly execu ted by WATSON & COX. August 12, 1240.-Ilm STOVES. THE Largest Concern in the United States. HILL & CLINE.No.= North SECOND Street. above VINE, and N 0.3 4 ,?. MARKET Street. above TENTH, Philadelphia. Morro!—Small Profits and quick sales. Vatazrr!—Entirely unsurpassed and nriccpuilled. COMPETT , ION !—Far, very far in the hack ground. We offer, among others this season : The Celebrated Empire Cook, the genuine. Roney's Economist—a new and prime stove. Leibranbt's Ole Bull Cook. The Philadelphia Air-Tight. The Our Stoves for 2 New and splendid patients. Cooking, The New Pattern Completes, n sizes, do. do. The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do. A splendid assortment of Radiators for Parlors, Cannon Radiators. Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores. Churehea, &c., /cm. phis too numerous to mention Philad, August 12,1149 Baltimore 3dvertisements. MTlr l r7-T , .TT7T:I P,IIOWER-BATIL An entirely new article for Shower Bathing. with warm or cold Water. A great and important improvement is made in this Shower• Bath over all others, by throwing the water im mediately on the body, without wetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair. Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in feet in this as they can regulate the temperature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same. The arrangements are Ample arid complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be admsted to suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person. When the door is closed. the fixtures are hid and the out side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of several medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. EPH It AIM LA BRABEE. 21 South Calvert street, Baltimore. BATHING —Read what Armstrong says : Do not omit, ye «Ito would health secure, The daily fresh ablution, that shall clear The sluices of the skin; enough to keep The body sacred from undeeent soil. Still to he pure, even flit did not conduce (As much as it does) to health. very greatly worth Your daily pains; 'tis this adorns the rich ; The want of !hi, is poverty's worst foe. With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grace; without it, youth and charms Arc loathsome. au26,lS—ly REMOVAL LABORATORY OF THONISONIAN BOTANIC MEDI CINES. EPHRAIM LARRA IiEE. No. 20 South Calvet t street. Ilaitimore, has removed his Laborary to his new building. No. 21, and lane always on hand the largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic remedies in the United States. prepared under lain spetial care at his Laboratory—being tile first erected to the United Staten for the special purpose ofpreparing Tuom sOMAN NlEDtersts All of the pulverized and coinpound ed articles arc pat up tat (limiter and hall pound packages. and neatly labelled, with directions suitable lor retailing and in bulk. anal upon better terms than the same article can be had for in than U. S. Every article in his line is warranted genuine—the public cam rely upon this 112 - A. liberal diseeunt innate to country merchants, who are particularly requested to call and eXattune quality. die.. before purchasing. fa - The various 'I remises, embracing the most reputed authors, upon the Thomsonian or Botanic System of Iletlicine, m ay also be had at his estublklunent, by the quantity or single copy. ati26,le-ly NOTICE. A"persons arc hereby forewarned not to de pos,te shavings or other combust tole matter on any part of the Public Gromid of Old Colombia, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. By order of the board of managers of the public ground. THOAIAS LLOYD, Secretary. Coluniliin, August FRENCH ItzvoLumorz. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies must fall, so must prices That o a fact Which can be proved by milling at the Old Estahlbthed CLOCK, WAIT'', and :lbw Stand of John Felix. Front street, a few doors below lierr's Washmoon Ilotel The undersigned latvincin.t return ed from and New York, ~che r sent very low prices, la ' rg t e . " . u m n r d l e,lZ l Mra l' ss a o t r t u h n e et i t ' roi CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY of every description. which. together with his former ex tensive stock, he is determined to sell otl ;wick and at small advances. Noll' is is your nine if on wish to purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at astonishing low prices. The following embraces some of the lending articles of his tnagmheent stock: GOLD mid SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES, full jeweled; Gold and Silver Lepine, Quartier, and Eng lish Watches; Gold and Silver Miniature Cases; Silver Table. Tea, Salt, and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar Tongs. Butter Knives. &c.; Silver Scissor Hooks, Silver Combs and Hair Darts, Silver and Steel Belt Slides, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Spectacle Glasses. Silver Than liles, Gold nod Silver Pencils and Pens. German Silver Spectacle Cases; German Silver Table and Ten Spoons; Gold Fob and Cunrd Chains, Steel do ; Gold. Silver. and Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps. Ear-Rings. Finger- Rings, Breast Pin, and Bosom Studs of every description; Card Cases, Steel Purse Rings and Tassels. Bag and Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists. Shell side and Back Combo; Pen Knives. Pistols, Spy Glasses, Music Boxes, Pocket Books and Purses, together with a large variety of other useful and ornamental articles usually kept in Jewelry Stores. Particular attention paid to repairing Clochs, IVatche:. mid Jewelry—and all work warranted. Thankful for past favor,.. the sol•cersbei solicits a con tinuance of the same—which lie flatters himself to merit from his experience and by a strict attention to business. JOHN max. N. B Remember the place. It is in Front street, a few doors I3ELOW Herr's 'Washington lintel. Cohan bin, Pa, where you can buy cheap and good Jewelry, and warranted to give satismetion tit every instance or hove your money refunded. Columbin. Auoum 19. 1 , 1. -ly NATILNTMD yk7ANTED a first rate Wagon-maker, to take r charge of a shop anti carry on the business on his own hook. above the Depot. A shop will be rented to n good mechanic at about $l5 per annum. and at least 51:10 worth of wort given by the subscriber himself to atoll on the brat year. The work is principally on heavy Ore Wagons. For further particulars address 11. Si. WILLS, August 19. 1.5.13.-2 m Columbia, Pa JUST RECEIVED A NEW STYLE OF HATS AND CAPS at Lewis Tredeinck & Co.'s Fashionable HAT & C.l P Store, first door below Jail Felixle Jewelry store. where you can always get n Fashionable lint or Cup at the lowest city price. Cull and examine our New Style and iadgc for yourselves. THEIJENICK & Co _August:s, LEI.--tf From Street, Columbia. Pa. PEACE AT LAST, A ND the Volunteers returning home. WALNUT ji COLONNADE CI lEA P CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No. 42. Front Street, directly opposite the bridge, and three doors below Black's Hotel, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia and the public generally. that he has bought out the EXTENSIVE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, formerly kept by James L. Pretsmoo, at the above well known stand. Ile would invite the former patrons of the establishment and nil others to cull and examine his STOCK OF FASHIONABLE and CHEAP CLOTHING, which exceeds in extent. elegance. and variety. nny hitherto opened in this vicinity. and which he pledges himself to sell lower than even his predeee,sor everotfer ed before His stock consists in port of GENTLEMEN'S FINE CLOTH DRESS COATS. Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Frock Coots, Sacks, Coate,. &e. Gentlemen's Fine Clods mid Cassimero Pouts; Satin and Silk-Velvet Vests, Plaits and Fancy, being the only kind of this quality for sale in this peace, Roundabouts, pc. Jaeliebi. Slums, plain and limey. Satinet Pantaloons, Gentlemen's Cotton Ilalf-hose. Silk and Cotton Handker chic, Cravats. Suspenders, Umbrellas, Leather and Hair Trunks, Travelling Bags. &e. 'Together with a large as sortment of BOYS' CLOTHING of every description. Reim:oilier the THREE 1110 DOORS, the place to buy cheap Clothing, No 42. Front Street, directly opposite the Bridge. and three doors below Black's hotel, Columbia. Po. A. 0. STEVENS. Columbia, Jul) 21. I€49.—if I. T EWIS TREDENICK & Co., late from Philadel phia, dealers in HATS and CAPS, t* mild most res pectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, that they have purchased the old and well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept by .lota Varmints for many years, next door to J. Felix's Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia, i'n., where they intend to spare no pains and means to carry on the above business in all its various branches. Their stock con sits in part of fine Mole Skin, Beaver, Nutria. and Cas tor RATS. Also, a splendid assortment of Pearl and Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style. to gether with a good assortment of CAPS of every size, price, and quality. New style Silk Hats, which we have just received from Philadelphia. and which we will sell at city prices. With the confidence resulting from an experience of a number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel phia, willguarantee us in saying. that for fashion, neat ness, durability, and CHEAPNESS, we cannot be sur passed by any establishment in the Union. LEWIS THEM:NICK & Co. Columbia. June 3, 1849..—tf. ALL lIISILASES OF THE head, face and hands, such as scurvey. saltrheunt, itch, sore., sore heads. tau, freckles, sunburn, morphew, yellow, dark disfigured skin are cured. When these causes are removed, persona who use the bath freely should remember that more than water is required to remove the humor from the pores. have seen persons who have had filthy !kin diseases, for years, and after trying everything In vain, have been cured by washing the Orin with Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously offer it for any of the above complaints. It Is particularly adapted to persons from the sunny Smith. They would find their skin much whiter, clearer and smoother by its vac But they must be sure to ask for Jones's Chemical Soap, an there are numerous counterfoils. Price 50 cents. For sale by It. Williams, agent for Columbia. auß3'4B-tdec24 STOVES. ACOMPLETE assortment of Wood, Coal, and COOKING STOVES, for sale at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL, aulo'43-3m Locuat Street, Columbia, Pa. NAILS, SPXECES, &. BRAIDS. 500 KEGS NAILS and SPINES for sale at man ufacturer's prices at the Harde.aiecore of J. W. CO77'REI.L., Locust Street, Columbia, Pa au49 49-3 m • GUNS. JUST received, a lot of superior English SUOT Gus s. Double and Stogie Darrel, for sale at low pnces at the nerd tare Store of J. IV. COTTIMLL, au1.9'49-3m Locust Street, COILITI.I. Pa snmEtre IRON. AMERICAN and Russia Sheet Iron for sale at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of .1. W. COTTRELL. n09'48311 Locust Street. Columbia. Pa. GOLD lINTX NEW ARTICLE which may be used with Quill or Steel Pen (quill is premrable) for billets, invuutimis, dc.,—it o•ill exactly be the thing. It is also used for ornamenting Wood, Picture Frames, Chairs, For sale by K WILLIAMS Columbia, August 20, 1340. isnusszs. ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double Trusses for sale by V. A LEADER.. Columbia, Pa., August 12.194 R. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. JUST Received a first Mc supply of Bull's SARSAPARILLA. and for salt: by Colombia, August 12, ISIS. W. A LEADER. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARIIa. Just received another large supply of Towngend's Sarsaparilla, and for sale by August Id. 1:1.1t 4 . NS'. A. LEADER. LAMP GLOBES. T . AMP GLOBES of every size and shape, for _LALaic by W. A. 1.111,11/112. Columbia, Auguia 12, 1512. S'UVAXIVI , S PANACEA, Just received another supply of Pubaceo. For sole by W. A. LUADER. LIGUT. JUST received a new supply of the handsomest and most splendid assortment of Camphine and Ethe nal Oil Lamps ever kept in Columbia. For sale by W. A. LEADER.. ETHEREAL CIIL. Fresh supply of Ethereal Oil for sale v by W. A. LEAIW.R. LIQUORS VRENCII Brandy, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, .1.2 What; Wine, OJU Rye, and Sherry WOW can be hail pare, for Medicinal purpohei at LEADER'S Drug Store. BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! Wb S. PATTON have just received one case ► Y , (Zinglmni9, I t color.. only 121 cts. itlythr.l.3 DROWN 11WITSLINS, ()NE yard wide, very heavy, only 614 cots, at J uy:Lr49 W. S D. pATToys. NEW GOODS. \V &S. PATTON have just received a splen . did assortment of Summer Dress Goods. ru very lowprices. myt2tnlS PONZADE g b r y milli and j p preservation of the Hn~r . For vale Columbia. July b,l t lb. POMADE DE JENNY LIND, for beautifying the HAIR, &e. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, July 9. VAS. TaTIVIIVIINGS OF Every description, suitable for dresses, now opcuing at S PATTON'S. My 20. 1545.-tr CARPETS, VATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and low ut W. .k. S. PATTON'S. Mny 20. -tr PAPER HAGING_ and Borders, Ptrchords per, Papec., oarn,dheciling e newest styles, always on hand at manufacturers' prices, at .1. D & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, March Q 5, IS47.—ti CLOTHS Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at ap22le-ti W. A. S. PATTON'S TO BOATMEN. COPPER and Tin Pumps---a good supply of Pumps a Iwo), on hand, and made to order, at the shorted nonce by 11. PFAIILER & CO. Meech 11, Id 4 -t( HOSIERY ILND GLOVES. Au extensive assortment of Ifosieries, Gloves,&c., at reduced price. at ledl9l4tf FRY & SPAr.s:GLER'S. NEW PEIRII7IVIES. XTRACT De sale JENNY LIND, for the Donner chief. For by R . WILLIAAIS. Columbia, July '3, 1E5.0.. XIONEIr • AND Molasses. Sovcring's celebrated steam Syrup Molasses, a delicious article for table use.— Also, new crop HONEY at te14919-11 FRY lk SPANGLER'S. EITICEREIAL IVIGIIT HAWKS always on hand and for sale 1.1 , &11L1:11. & CO. March 11. 164..3-If PERIN TEA AFresh supply of those justly celebrated TEAS just rived by VRY do SPANNLER'S, fe1.10'45-tf Sole Agents fur Cohan n. ETEEEREAL O IL of the very best quality, with an assort ment of I.AML'S for burning the same, tkveve on band at J. D. & .1. WRIGHT'S. Columbia. March IS, 1616—tf MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For sale at manufactures pnces, by April 7. IE47 licierve & lives RTICLE Boat Stove, We .would call the at tennon of Boatmen to a new article of boat Saw , made and adapted expressly for their convenience, To be seen and had at IL PFMILER& CO IsTarch ISIS-tf CllB.ll=B. liERR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tra ces, long and short, double and single Link, breast, carrying and halter Chains, all of which we oder at man ufacturers prices. ap7-tf ni731P1.1; ak. HESS. STOVES. THE Subscribers have constantly on hand a full assortment of wood. coal, and cooking Stoves of every size and discription, cannon stoves. Al'o, Head enburg,• patent Atz.Tnilit Parlor Stoves. which has given full satisfaction ill all eases. The public arc Ins fled to call and examine for themselves, at th e Hardware s tore of Oct. 9•-tf RUMPLE ~& HESS. 1 1 1 23111' DELYS LATER. BY OYER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from the East. groat decline 111 DRI GOODS. We have tun received a lame nnd splendid assortment of SUltilltlEß GOODS, Nr.w STYLES end much below the usual prices. A splendid a si.ortine tit of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the season. Coll andc.l.- amine. W. dr. S. PATTON. Columbia, May 20, 1848.—tf 1 Philadelphia ddvert isenzeni s. pr4m•ieir4wq.k.l.:4:4 , 4l TYPE FOUNDRY. No. S PEAR Street, near the k Exchange. Philadelphln. The subscriber having made great improvements in his method of casting type and mixing of metals. and had a thorough revising of his matrices. the faces of which are not excelled. in beauty aml regularly of cut, by any in the country: flatters himself that by a strict personal at tention to business. and employing none but the most skillful workmen. he is enabled to offer a superiorarucle. AT (IREATLY REDUCED PRICES. conqiinly adding to hi, stock all that is new from the tte,t of tht, and other countries, and haws lately procured 11 . 01/1 Europe, ti great variety of NEW FACES nod 011.N.01ENTS. solicits the attention of PI outer, tact CIO. SPern 3 l , i3 will he Pent to those wishing - to order. Cha-es Ink, Stands, Galleys, Brass Rule. and every other article vended to furnish a complete Printing Of ice. supplied at the Ohonest notice. GERMAN 1300 K AND JOB TYPE, Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully put up in founts of correct proportion. . ALEXANDER ROBB Philadelphia, August 13, 161.3-Ihn ECONOPEW TN LIGHT ! The attention of purchasers is in viler, to the extenswe variety of ALURPHY'S latebt unproved SAFETY PINE OIL LANIPS The construction and improvements of these Lamps render them suitable for any purpose or place where arti ficial light is required ; the brilliancy and magnificence of which have nut been equalled, and ut ONE-HALF THE EX FENhE 01 any yet invented. They are perfectly free irmii unpleasant odor. ALSO—A general assoi [mem of Solar, Lard, and Oil Lamps, Fluid. Candelabras. Chalidelier.. flanging Lamps, for Churches. Stores, Hull Rooms, Factories, Brack and Rdhard Saloons. Lamps vial: shades, designed for r!udnig, &C. All manner of Gas Fixtures, of ovary pattern, style ain.l Having every facility for manufacturing, the under signed is prepared to sell. wholesale and retail, as cuzAr as any inamuuctory in the United Staten, and the articles are arranted equal appearance and construction to any that can he t (Mimed. Merchants and dealers will find it to their advantage to call and examine the stock and prices, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. MAN L'PACTORY. No. 191. N. Second Street. Philadelphia, July TEIZZIWENMHS \ A ., SIII. \ I:G T t p LG o a n ll esr, y re „ oI N D I fi l gu c e o r r r ni c c o r tzp e e.s . , , hill iolrtoc street, Philadelphia. 'The Likenesses token and bountifully colored at this well it:10WII estublodiniciit, for ONE DOLLAR, are LlM versally conceded to be roust. in every respect to ANY in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS and LOCKETS on hand, at train titl to S 5, including the pic tures. The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan caster county. to cull and examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of lluguerreotyping. which will be exhibited cheerfully and without charge. T. Si J. C. TENNI:NT Philadelphia. July I. leti—Gin 7 -1. 1 1 , P0L,E7 IVIO'KEZERS READ this attentively. Dr. KEELER'S CORDIAL awl CA RAIINATIVL:, :Or the speedy and permanent cure of DR R REICEA. DYSENTERY, CI lOLERAMORBUS, SUM3IER COMPLAINT. CIIOI,IC. CHOLERA. INEANTUA FLATULENCY, Sc , &c.; and for all the derangements of the Stomach and Bowels ..... frEin TEETHING, frT — Tr..7,s or Tuousnsas the annually from diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. In the face of this alarming mortality, the best impulses of our nature are enlisted in mitigating suffering we cannot prevent. More than FWD THOUSAND persons to our knowledge were cured during the past summer; and we unhesitatingly say, that ainety mne out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is no mistake about this fact, and as a test of our sincerity and assertion, as a medical and responsible individual, we promise to refund the amount paid in every swell au thenticated case where it fails. Will you suffer, will you let your little ones stiffer when you have at hand a reme dy like this, so potent in subduing disease. To doubting ones ![3 - Itead what physicians, the press, and others say of the Cordial. [Extract of a l e tter froth the Rev. Dr. Earle ] Davisville. MIAs county. August 25, 1.0.17 Dear Str urn now prepared to recommend your Cor dial (Mu having nowt, It n•nb .1000.1, xn sevrrn) /nstancen ? mu] I am now trying your Panue_en in a case of protracted attended with cough, uppurently produced ni the young lady by her out-grov,ing her strength," to use a common phrase, Yours, &c., Aumgo Esut.c, at. D. [Extract of a letter from Ebenezer Cook.] New York Coy July 20, 1847. _ . Dr. Keeler: Sir—l have used in my family all of the Car. dial whichou left with nor lust summer except two bot tles which persuaded a customer of mine to try, and having proved very beneficial, lie has recommended it to some of his friends, who ,ISII to have some of it, I there fore wish you would send me some by express. lam sntisfied from my own experience that it as the bestmedi rine for children Tnetriitxo and Sinus -a COMPLAINTS that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary for a recommendation ts to try it. Very respectfully, Euexezun Coos, :ISt, Grand st., cor. of Alley. This is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Keeler's Cordial, and have found it a valuable medicine in dtarrlicea, dys entery and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, caused by Teething, and is particularly adapted to all dis eases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the debili tating effects of season and climate. D. M. Azt.isos, at. n, Plum at, Phila. Dr. Keeler's Cord/al.—We would call the attention of our readers to this invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our coin:nes. As a correc tive in cases of Diarrlnen, a.discase very prevalent at the. present time. it is highly spoken of by all who have used it. It is perfectly safe in its nature, and speak experi mentally,-when we say thin it affords immediate relief.— [Neal's Saturday Gazette of August 25,1847. Dr Keeler's Cordial and Carminative.—This article is advertised in another part of our paper, it is warmly re commended by families oho have tried it. It is especi ally useful among children. and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testintony upon the subject, some of which is very strong. The Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared niediczne, mid perfectly free from tiny thing injurious.— [Penns) Iranian of September 1, 15.17. Dr. heeler f—Dear Sir—As it Is our duty to use every hottest means to promote the happiness of our fellow creatures, I take great pleasure in stating to you the ad vantage I received from your valuable Cordial and Car mutative. Last autumn I was attacked with Duirrhata, which debilitated toy system very much: for nearly three weeks I tried many remedies, but found little or no bene fit, when any slaughter informed me of your Cordial. I bought a bottle, and had not taken but two doses before I obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I used the whole an ; and hove remained hearty ever since Respectful] y, yours, S. lima, D. Prepared and sold. svholeralc and retail. N. W. corner of Third and Souta at.. Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Ilarlisburg ; G. W. Miller, Lancaster:— and retailed by R. WILLIAMS, Columbia, and by drug , gists =Mothers throwmout the country. Price 2.5 cis per bottle. f ' — Sec pamphlets 1 ItrAi-so, Dr. K.C.F.I.IIIFS P r.r.x, the it:n.l edi- Carlons remedy vet known, for all diseases arising froth =panties of the - litoon, or habit of the body. Ladies of delicate constitutions will find it admiralty adapted to their cases. Medicine furnishes nothing superior to it for chronic maladies, syphilitic disorders, skin affections debilitated patients, attended with loss of appetite :tad imperfect digestion. Price SI. Sr.. pamphlets for par. ticulars. For sale only I.y R WILMIAAIS. Agent tbr Columbia. Philadelphia, Jims 10. I -ly aoceri - AND moms. Fil JAMES JORDAN, Fashionable Boot and Slim , maker, reapeemilly informs his friends and the pt! 10. that be has opened a 800 i A kit ts 1101; 11 1 rABLISTIMENT, immediatclt apposite Peter Ilaldeman's Store, wherehe is prepared to c....... all orders la fits line, solidi neatness and despatch. lie teels confident in giving satisfaction to all whir may river Inm with a call. Members of ins 0. I' A M .me resperubliy invited toms,: hun a call. soitontna. ‘prti :7.1-'l,-1 p Fri AND COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Mahler & Co., thankful tor past encouragement. would announce. to fa,: Winn,. of Columbia and its vicinity. that thee still continue to 'manufacture Tin and Copper wars nfall . kinds at their old stand, in Locust street. one door north of the Columbia Bonk. and respectfully solieti n CO0T111113” , 01 public patrolin cr. March 11, IS•ts-tf • EXTATOVELL. CL. RULING, Herb Doctor, late of Marietta. . begs leave to inform his friends and the public gen erally, that he has removed to the house of henry Martin, next door to lloyle's Hotel, Front street Columbia. Pa. Whilst be returns lug sincere thanks for the very liberal encoura,getnent hitherto received to the practice of his profession, he respectfully acquaints them that he con mimes us usual the PItAC TICE OF MEDICINE, in all its various brunches, and Ve I attend, either by slay or night all those who logy have occasion for his services Columbia. July 1. ledd-s—tf RESTORATIVE. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative ruaca the Hair to grow on the head or tare. By u•mg a 3u. bottle the whiskers and beanl maybe cultiva• ted to any reasonable extent. Sold only in N. York. at 82 Chatham street. and by It WIT.I.T.AMS. Agent for Columbia. ie24.48-Orn.