ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE.] AND LITERARY REGISTER. NEW SERIES, VOL. 2, NO, 9.] Cm. W. scuitorEß ) Editor and Publisher. Y 1 fee—Front Street. three doors above Locust. Traces.—The SPY is published every Saturday morning at the low price of St per annum IN ADVANCE. or one dollar anti filly cents, if not paid within one month of the time of stibsenhing.. , Single copies, TI ISLE CENTS. No Paper will be thssouttnited until all urrearagcs are pnid. No .tbseription received, at paper discontinued, for a acts period months. Letters to receive attention, must he post-paid. TERMS 0P ADVERTISLNG. [Fifteen lines or less to the square.] Xdvertiturtnems milt be inserted three times at the rate 4 51 $1 ~l++..•r Mitrare. ; for every subsequent insertion alter the U.Seents will be charged. The number of insertums desired must be market!. or the advertisement will be con tinued until ordered out, and charged accordingly. A liberal deduction will be made on the above prices to yearly advertisers. NEW STORE. rpHE Subsribers Respectfully inform their Mends and the public. that they have taken the Store tionnerly occupied by 5.13. Bonds & Co., corner et - Locust mind Front Streets, and arc now opening; an entire new :Stock of Goods, purchased ut the present very low prices, anionff which ure FRENCH. ENGLISH & AIUERICAN BLACK CLOTI IS. Brown, and Blue Cloths; French, English, and American Black and Slue-Black Cassinieres ; Striped, Plaid, and Figured Cussinicres, Siitinets, Summer Cloths, thinihroons ; Low priced Summer Stuns. Cords and Bca a•crtccts, S c. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Grenadines, Organdies. Pastillas, Ihirege, Silk Tissue, Lawns, Ginghams, and Blnek and Blite-Illtiek Gro de lit s, Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Drests New Style Charnelies. ALSO, Calicoes, Muslin., Cheek, hughattis, Ticking. Chumbreyse, 11110111lIld Cotton Tuttle Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk I lose. New Style Bonet Trimmings. he.. hr. ALSO. GLASSWARE & QUEENS WA RE—GROCERIES . Sugars. Coffees. Teas, Mackerel, Iforring, Molasses, Fish and Sperm Oils, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Ac., he.,Ate. Our goods tire all NEV and selected nt h great en re. and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds of Country Produce taken in nt the highest primes. ItOl3T. CHALFANT, rETER HALDEMAN, Tr. Columbia, March 25, 1r316.--If IVIORE - PARGAINS. The subscribers hare, during the paNt vekonade a large addition to their lancer mock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, which, fur elegance and cheapness. cannot Ili' sarpaqsetl. Among ss hich is a very large aq.rnotent of PRINTS. at 4 etc. Ii etc. 8 chi, 10 etc, and 1:2! ens per rani. DRESS (IINGIIAMS ai low Is l 0 etc, 11l els, antf its, .Alpu cos and Linens, tonsures. A general arson anent. of FURNISHING GOODS. Such U-1, and 1.0.4 Bleached and Brown Sheet jugs, 'Pickings, Cheeks. Crash, Linen and Cotton, Brown and Bleached, Table Diapers, &c. GENTLENIEN'S DRESS GOODS - _ Blue rout Black Freonlk Cloths; sup. Blue, Black, Brown, and Olive English Clotho rltint and Fancy Cris simerea, Satinets, Vestings, Sc. • CHINA, (dose, and Queensware; Fresh Fmnily Oro cerise. selected with very great care, among which are Ness Crop Sngars—Louf, Pulverised mid Crushml Sugar,. Coffees, Spices, the Superior Teas of the New York Cu:l -mo Tea Company, Oils, P6ll, &e. All of which they are determined to sell as Loo• as the VERY Lowcar. for cosh or country produce. Thunktal for past favors, they respectfully solicit a contintuinco of the patronage heretofore Ite%toaetl upon them. .1 D & T. wrumrr, Locust St.. 9 doors below Second St. Columbia, Mrsh 95, IC IS—tt BALD HEADS I Bads, Red Heads, and all with Bad Hair, Stead: Mr. ABRAHAM VANDERBEEK, of Os Avenue 1)., New York, certifies dun his head was entirely Ladd on the top, and by the use of twoas, bottles tit Coral Hair Restorative, lie has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long and thick. Mr. \William Jackson, of EU Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., certifies: On the ad of February, 1b47, that IMr. 'Thomas Jackson's head, on the top, was entirely !nail for 15 years, and that by using two as. bottles of ,tone's Coral hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast and thick, find will soon Ire entirely restored. Gray Heads! Gray Meads! Read-7 hereby certify that my hair was hinting gray. and that sitter I have used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased telling—is growing fast, and hese Gnu dark look. Before 7 used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative I combed out hand- Mils of heir daily. W. ToNIPKINs, U. King Y. 'tie. Power, a grocer, of Fulton St.. had his hair choked tip with dandrull, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en tirely cured it. Do yon want to dress, beautify. and make your hair soft and fine. Read-1. I leery E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restoraiiy if is the best article I ever used for dressing, softening. clennying„ and . keeping the hair n long time in order; all my customers preferred it to tiny thing else. Sold only in N. York at 811 Chatham street : and by It. WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. ye:11'1,41111 SOAP. TONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the tl Medical Soctoty of Paris, n bles.ilic, a miracle and wonder," to cure eruption, di.liglirenient or discolora tion of the skin. It cures , pimple'. blotches, freckles, salt thrum, scurvy, sore brads, tun. sunburn, inorplicw. anal it changes the color of dark. yellow or siniturot skins. toa fine health) clearness. For sale by R. WII.I.IAMS.. Agent for Co lumbia. * NZW GOODS WM. & S. PATTON have just received a large and foi, ionable stock of SHINU AND $1.1111511.:11 DRESS GOODS; Consisting of Ginglinino, Lawns, Dareges, Linen awl Al paca Laistres,fancy Print, R, at the very lowest prices. MIN 3 . . Plnin and changeable Ores% Silks, Mack and Blue- Mick for Alantilas, With even• style of Dress Goods for the season. Please coil and extunitte nor stock. Colombia, April 22, 154.9-tf NV. k S. PATTON. TO SPORTSMEN THE undersigned have just received the best mid tilos( complete usrortisseinuf lingliAlt and German %nip tIVI‘i and patent breech DOUBLE BARBI:I.ED which have over been offered in this market at snebpriees that will suit all. Also, six Barrelled Be volvin,e; find self-cocking PIS'fOr.S. Call and e tor ) ourselves, at the cheap I lardware Store of ILU I'M: S.. III:SS. Columbia..Ango.t 4l 1,17. i '~: 4 y INATIONALI History f h Revolution and lilt, of die Heroes of the tTar the e by Charles .1. Peterson. Ant elegant olunie ss nib In tine steel plates, null nearly .200 beautiful wood encravings. "This is a splendid book. A vnlunble addition to ilia Literature of our country. We are much mistn• ken if it does not take rmik %NM the works of Irving and Preseotr,"--[Prankford Herald. "It surpasses nny similar work yet offered to the A mer icon pulthe."--(NeaVs ((arctic. "It rimy be properly considered a twill:ins.] :llllitary History of the Revolution, extremely well and Indiction.% writteit.”—[North American. ' '.The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes, is superior, both in extent mid design to nay that has heretofore come under our notirm."--flnquircr. "A well connected History ea that everatul period."— j Ledger. "Decidedly the best popular History of the War of the Revolution -nod its Heroes, that has yet been given to the country.”—(Saturday Evening Post. AGENTS WAN'! ED to canvass for the above elegant work, in every county town in the United States, to whom the most liberal inducements will Inc offered. Prier only $3. Address (post paid.) ' WM. A. LI 4 :ARV. No. 149. North Second st., Philadelphin. Philadelphia, June 3,1845.-31 no 13111TTSPS GENUINE Utero-Abdominal Supporten, Recom mended by i'layeimatts of the highest teanding in all parts of the United 'States. Also in Philadelphia, by Prof. S. Jackson. and Prof. Horner, of the Universay of Penn sylvania; Prof. Joseph Paneoast and Prof. J. h. Mitchell. of the Jefferson Medical College; Prof. Waltbank, of the Pennsylvania Medical College; William llama, M. D., Lecturer on Mid wl&ry ; mid many others of high standing. This invention has been heforelhe public over twelve years, and lathe most saccesslid instrument of its class. Sold in Coln - little by It. WILLIAMS, Jay ISPI. Agent. THE COLUMBIA :SPY. 81L6i11e55 Otratori). TERMS OF TILE DIRECTORY. To persons advertising in the SiY by the year, there will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one year by paying 81.50 11l advance, or if they have paid for the paper, 50 eta. for the card. Those who are not subscribers we pill charge SI for inserting their card one year. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Attorney. Loewy. Street, between Front and Serond Ste PHILIP GOSSLIER, Attorney. Walnut St., between Front and Second WILLIAM S. McCORKLE, Physician, corner of Locust anti Second 14,1•1 A. T. TYItILELL, DENTIST. Nos. 3 & 4. Walnut street. above 13a rel Ilotel P. SCHREINER'S WATCH' AND Sror:. No I. Schreiner's Bow. Front Street. HERR'S WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of Front Mid Coiltllll,lo. Perilln. J. D. do J. W RIGHT, Dry Goods Merchants. Locit4t st. 3rd door below- 2nd st FRY & SPANGLER, Dry Goods Merchants, Locust street, below the Bank W. & S. PA.TTON 3 Dry Coop NrerCll3.lltS. S. E. corner of Locit.4l. & Front st CI - lALFANT & HALDEMAN. Dry Goods Merchants, N. W. corner 01 - I,oellid *V. Front, st J. w. FISHER, I‘Terellant Tailor, Front .treet, 1d door above Locust at JOHN JORDAN k. CO. Merchant Tailors Front St.. hrtttcen 1,,0en.t toil Wa/ant. A. G. STEVENS, Clothimt Merehont. No. 42, Front wirrvt WILLIAM A. LEADER, Dritagi.t. Front Street, between Locust 111111 NVilllllll Sic It. WILLIAMS, DrugliAt. Front st. betwernLoruAt 111111 Wllllllll 144 ME9II4NMNMIN LEWIS TREDENICIE.k. CO., Ilatterv, Front Street, t, feW doors below Here.; lintel WM. TEMPLE, 11.41.1. PE No.ltreince4 How•. Front a. SEIBERT, Cabinet Maker, Corner of Third cod L0e.t.,1 Street. JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SHOE Manotiketurer. Locust street. oppo,te Ilableman'.4 Store. C. GROVE, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, adjoining !fere.: Hotel FRANCIS BRADLEY. BOOT & SHOE 71Lnuttiu•Wre r. Socond, between and Walnut ht. J. 111. WATTS, BOOT & SHOE it Isciotrer, Frost st. between Locust and Walnut st S. GROVE, Boot and Shoe Mannfaciarer. Front. below Locust Pt J. lint. Boot and :Thou Flom•. No. 40. Front nt. J. N. IWCARTY, nom . AND SLIDE :11unottleturer, Locust street. opposite the Town Hall. P.X. ZEIGLER, VARIETY AND shoe-rmdiug Store, Loett-4 street, ut,at e Frollt JOHN SLACK, Variety Store, No 41, Front OVIII. DIATIIIOT 5 v:,riov Store. Tr out St. 1111Weell I.llellst mid NVttltmt et %V M. 11. SPANG.LER, Rank =teller and Sin limier. From St. 3d dom. shove LONISt SAMUEL. EV APiS, lumber Merehaw and Muster Bulkier. I.oeuqt street H. SU Y DAM, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Puller Ilain4er,S:e., Second, between Cherry & Union et. MAItTIN C. KELLING, 11,1, Dorton, Fnmt St wet, I.:xi door In Boy I lotel WM. C cu. G trim, BARBER AN D I [AIR DRESSER, back of lien's Hotel, Walnut :,treet., THE HERD DOCTOR, Wllor ce cu, l i i has ,eenitpeirformingroomus.asuctoihrwON aral.erful Colittabia, Pm, where, from the increased numbers that flock to Into for relief, he has been compelled to lit tip commodious establishinetst. Then, 11 . )(ill ore itch, no mutter what may be your disease, the lien it Doctor's Dis pensary )on mitt obtain the alto initiate temetly. Pri vate roma, or con:libation. The Herb Doctor triton Inns the piddle. that he is the only person in this scent., who derived Ms mcdtcal knowl edge front the Herb lite tor at Philadelphia, and has sta shed his justly eclebtatml Medical Praellee The GEN rrir: Indian Medicines, which have cured so many where every other remedy and every other doctor tins failed, cart only be obtained nt this establislinanit. The llerb Doctor has practiced Ills system for some time, daring which he believes he has rendered general and enure sa tisfaction: unit of the hundreds that Ire has treated, he lin., heard a no person being injured by lie promises not to cure till disease, unit one remedy, brit prepares a different medicine Mr each of the 11111110f011• which jlesh is heir to,”—which are comporiuded front roots, herbs, barks. dowers. &c., winch, while they possess great curative posser, also strengthen the s) s tent as they remove the disease. Hence they ettnnot m ime the weakest cotistit mien, but are good inn ever) mom. as hundreds who have been rescued try them from the gravc• cart testily. I las imp In knowledge or several 01.114 1111 h 110W11 to any other person in tins part of the country. he trees 110 mineral or chemical poisons inn Wit prepara tions. 'Piney rimy be taken ylllilolll regard to diet—ttir flier than the stout:telt directs, and will riot interfere ss ith the patients customary vocation. The allltcted, particu larly those laboring Mater DI.SEASP: OF LONG STANDIN(m, are cordially invited to come, and make a trial of these medicines, or ilt least have a talk with the Doctor, who charges nothing for 'File Herb Doctor na content if he gets only the cases that hose been given up as incurable by the ohl school or other doctor.. tor the numerous cases of this kind which he has cured, are sure eVlttelleeel that it there be hope yet. it is ill Ilia Illetherileit. MOtherrli rather,: h) the dear tie that binds yon to )our little ones, try the Herb Doctor, before giving them it p! To yon my dear female friends, who have been neglec ted or worse I to you who tattler must mud wt. - 0 have not heretofore been properly treated. I offer a remedy suited to your delicate constitutions, and adapted to the diseases to which yOll are liable. \\Vain the past few years, nin ny. too many, of your 111101 her have heel, removed trout the sphere of tlo•ir alfeetiotis and of their 11,111111 e, Irma CIO not dcrpnir. tint call al the I term Doctory Front street, Columbia, where he Will tarnish you n 111111- üble remedy. If you et ttttt ot eall.enclose Two Dollars tat a letter, post paid, contemitig a statement of ) our smt tint, and you NA ill reeerve medicines, with fell threctioi.. Persons wishilk,•• allelltiallee at their 111/11.4ea. will state Melt . residence at tile Herb Doctor's Ihspettsary, next .Ivor vied of Mr. Ito) le''s tavern, Front street, COillllllll.l. Lancaster comity. Perm-ylvaitia. °thee Hours, troll, 7 in tin mornitu.s, till ii in the eyed Closed 011 the eve gal the Sabbath. Columbia, June a, GIVE cvErtv It I WIT VT Mt MRITS—I do certify that having been attacked wide a violent alisea4c. I cullnl Oil Or. C. L. Kelliag who remoreil mew iiertect health in a few Jays. by las excellent I medicine.. I eati re cratonetat him to till who are in ally way alflietfal. Columbia, Pa. CS. LAZARD. COUNTRY MERCHANTS. rAN save from 15 to 25 per cent. by minims- N../ mg their 011. direct from the moottmetu- rers. POTTER & CARMICHAEL hove opened n Wore house, No. 135 North Third Street nhove liner, second door South of thu Eagle Hotel, I.IIILADELIWA. Where they will always keep on hand a complete nasortinent of PATENT ELASTIC cAttai.wr, OIL CLOTHS, 2(3, 30.40,46, V, umi 54, inches wide. Figured, Painted, nod Plain, on the inside. on Muslin Drilling and Linen. Toms Ott, Clothe of the most desirable prawns, :nl, 40, 46, and 51 inches wide. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, ghoul %h. , in ette,, t o .9 . 1 f ee t wide well seasoned, a nd the newest style of patterns. all of their own nittnettteture. Tran.prtreJit Window Shades. Carpets, he. All goods warranted. Philadelphia, May 27-3111 MORNING MAIN AGAIN. Between York, Wrightsville and Co t•iiite !iambi& —The President nod Director. of • • the Da/Limon, and Susquehanna Rail Road Company having consented to continue the MORNING TRAIN between the above places. 117 - The Car will leave Colombis.DAlLY,[Bundays ex cepted) at 61 o'clock, A. M., and the Trout will leave Wrightsville at 6} o'clock. 'Returning. the Train will leave York at 8 o'clock. A. M. D. C. H. BORDLEY. Suiper'l. April 17, Igl7 COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, _lB4B. IPottrii. THE POET IN THE DOG-DAYS. I= Amen, ,Ito thinks, us I do, and to not very minus Though over bend tutd ears in debt, will find it most dell cht., Provided he a Pole. and the Muses arc propitious.— To sit and sing, with every thing according to his If in the sultry dog-days, ashen others are per9ariag. And grazing cows ore brushing off the thus with tails un tiring, lie in a grotto can recline, some lovely scene admiring, Male birth., with chirping, warbling throats, among the trees are ehotring If all the ilk of Church and State, he for the time i. blind to, If no dyspepsia pleagues him, anal his lady-love is kind too, If else, below the moon, he feels himself eolith'. ed to, But just to think, and scribble down whatever lie a mind Whitt though his crusty creditors greet him with muttered cur-es? wrim though his but rs shocking bad: , or very lean lint purse is Ii in the shade he all day long can sit and sing his VONCq I 'tit stare he ought to thank the LORD fur all Ins tender mercies! THE BIBLE. Within this awful volume lies ct The mystery of mysteries : ]lappie.t they of lititnan race To whom their God has given grace 't'o rend to fear, to hope, to play, To lift the latch, to force the way, And better had they infer been burn, Than teed to doubt or read to seam. Vi'Aurim Sean• ...,„+„,.._._ BEAUTY. it helm:lkeda in tine 'limiest rose, It Nelat-Terean iu tine tinglnt, It 61111th:real inn the boa lung storm— 'line electric flash of Itght ; But rO,O. uor night, nor tree, mar W. and, Nor Imlntniug glare, 'nor storm, Such Inctunty lull. ns,mmun's eye, onntan's mutchle,s loran. SLAVES. They are Aave% who fear to , penk, For the fallen and the weak; They are slaves who will not choose Hatred, 4eoffing,, and abuse, Rather than ist.ilenee From the troth they ;weds mutt shrink; They are %lave, who dare not be, Lt the right with two or three. . I .3clrct Tlatc. the Lnhys , National Magazine. THE MAIDEN'S CHOICE. I= Kate Darlington was a belle end a beauty ; and had, as might be supposed, not a few admirers.— Some were attracted by her person, some by her winning manners, and not a few by the wealth of her faintly. But though sweet Kate was both a belle End a beauty, she was a shrewd, clear seeing girl, and had far mom penetration into character than belles and beauties arc generally thought to possess. For the whole tribe of American dandies, with their disfiguring moustaches and imperials, she had a most hearty contempt. Hair never made up, with her for the lack of brains. But, as she was an heiress in expectancy, and moved in the most fashionable society, and was, with all, a gay arid sprightly girl, Kate, as a natural consequence, drew around her the gilded moths of society, not a few of whom got their wings scorch• cd, on approaching too near. Many aspired to be lovers, and some, more ardent than the rest, boldly pressed lorward and claimed her hand. Tint Kate did not believe in the doc trine that love begets love in all cases. Were this so, it was clear that she would have to love half a dozen, for at least that number came kneeling to her with their hearts in her hands. Mr. Darlington was a merchant. Among his clerks was the son of anold friend, who, in dying some years before, had earnestly solicted him to have some care over ilia lad, who, at his death, would become friendless. In accordance with this request, Mr. Darlington took Übe boy into los count ing room; and, in order that lie might, with more fidelity, redeem his promise to the dying father, also received him into his family. Edwin Lee proved himself not ungrateful for the kindness. In a few years lie became one of Mr. Darlington's most active, trustworthy and intelli gent clerks ; while his kind, modest, gentlemanly deportment at home, won the favor and confidence of all the family. With Edwin, Kate grew up as with a brother. Their intercourse was of the most frank and confiding character. But there carne, at last, a change. Kate, from a graceful, sweet-tempered, affectionate girl, stepped forth almost in a day, it seemed to Edwin, a full grown, lovely woman, into whose eyes he could not look as steadily as before, and on whose face he could no longer gaze with the calmness of feeling he had until now enjoyed. For a while, Edwin could not understand the reason of this change. Kate was the same to him ; and yet not the same. There was no distance—no reserve on her part; and yet, when lie came into her presence, he felt his heart beat more quickly, and when she looked him steadily in tho face, his eyes would droop, involuntarily, beneath her gaze. Suddenly, Edwin awoke to a full realization of the fact that Kate was to him more than a gentle friend or a sweet sister. From that moment, he became reserved in his intercourse with her; and, after a short time, firmly made up his mind that it was his duty to retire from the family of his bene factor. The thought of endeavoring to win the heart of the beautiful girl, whom he had always loved as a sister, and now almost worshipped, was not for a moment entertained. To him there would have been so much of ingratitude in this, amid so much that involved a base violation of Mr. Darling ton's confidence, that lie would have suffered any. thing rather than be guilty of such an act. But, he could not leave the home where he had been so kindly regarded for years, without offering some reason that would be satisfactory. The true reason he could not, of course, give. After looking at the subject in various lights, and debating it. for a long time, Edwin could see no way in which ho could withdraw from the family of Mr. Darlington, without betraying his secret, unless he were to leave the city at the same time. Ile, therefore, sought and obtained the situation of supercargo in a vessel loading for Valparaiso. When Edwin announced this fact to Mr. Darling. ton, the merchant was greatly surprised, and ap. peared hurt that the young man should take such a step without a word of consultation with him. Edwin tried to explain; but as ho had to conceal the real truth,bis explanation rather tended to make things appear worse than better. Kate heard the announcement with no less sur prise than her father. The thing was so sudden, so unlookcd for, and moreover so uncalled ler, that she could not understand it. In order to take away any pecuniany reason for the step lie was about to take, Mr. Darlington, after holding a long conver sation with Edwin, made him offers far more ad. vantagcous than his proposed expedition could be to him, viewed in any light. But lie made them in vain. Edwin acknowledged the kindness, in the warmest terms, but remained firm in his purpose to sail with the vessel. "Why will you go away and leave us, Edwin ?" said Kate, one evening when they happened to be alone, about two weeks before his expected depar. ture. "I do think it very strange:" Edwin had avoided, as much as possible, being alone with Kate, a fact which the observant maiden had not failed to notice. Their being alone now was from accident rather than design on his part. "I think it right fur the to go, Kate," the piling man replied, as calmly as it was possible for him to speak under the circumstances. "And when I think it right to do a thing, I never hesitate or look back." " You have a reason for going, of course. Why then not tell it frankly ? Aro we not all your friends 7" Edwin was silent, and his eyes rested upon the floor, while a deeper flush than usual was upon his face. Kate looked at him fixedly. Suddenly, a new thought flashed through her mind, and the color on her own cheeks grew warmer. Her voice from that moment was lower and more tender; and her eyes, as she conversed with the young man, were never a moment from his time. As fur him, his embarrassment in her presence was never more complete, and he betrayed the secret that uses in his heart even while he felt the more earnest to conceal it. Conscious of this, he excused himself and retired as soon as it was possible to do so. Kate sat thoughtful for some time after he had loft. Then rising up, she went with a firm step to her father's room. " I have found out," she said, speaking with great composure, "the reason why Edwin persists in going away." "Alt: What is the reason, Kate 7 I would give much to know." "He is in love," replied Kate, promptly. "In hive! How do you know that 7" " I made the discovery tomight." "Love should keep him ut !some, and not drive him away," said Mr. Darlington. "But lie loves hopelessly," returned the maiden. "He is poor, and the object of his regard belongs to a wealthy family." " And her friends will have nothing to do with him." " i ant not sure of that. But he formed an ne. quaintance with the young lady under circuits. stances that would make it mean, in his eyes, to urge any claims upon her regard." "Then honor as well as love takes !inn away." " Honor in fact; not love. Love would make him stay," replied the maiden with a sparkling eye, and something of proud elevation in the tones oilier voice. A faint suspicion of the truth now came stealing, on the mind of Mr. Darlington. " Does the lady know of his preference fur her?" lie asked. "Not through any word or act of his, designed (0 communicate a knowledge of the fict," leplicd Kate, her eyes falling under the earnest look bent upon her by Mr. Darlington. " Ilas he made roe on confidant r "No, sir, I dot& irtite secret has ever nasacd his Inrst." Kate's face was begimong• In Cr iIIISI.III, but site drove back lire tell talc blood with a strong cf. fort of the will. "Then how crune you possessed of it 7" inquired the father. The blood came back to her face with a rush, and she bent her hand so that her dark glossy curls fell over and partly concealed it. In a moment or two she had regained her self posession, and looking up, she answered, "Secrets like this do not always need oral or written language to make them known. Enough, father, that I have discovered the fact that his heart is deeply imbued with a passion for one who knows well his virtues—his pure, true heart—his many sense of honor; with a passion for one who has look ed upon him till now as a brother, but who hence. forth must regard him with a different and higher feeling." Kate's voice trembled. As she uttered the last few words, she lost control of herself, and Lent for ward and hid her face upon her father's arm. Mr. Darlington, as might well be supposed, was taken altogether by surprise at so unexpected an announcement. The language used by his daughter needed no interpretation. She was the maiden be loved by his clerk. " Kale," &lid he, after a moment or two of bur. tied reflection, "this; is a very serious matter. Ed. win is only a poor clerk, and you "And I"—said Kate, rising up, and taking the words from her father—"and I am the daughter of a man who can appreciate what is excellent in even those who are humblest in the eyes of the world.— Father, is not Edwin far superior to the artificial men who flutter around every young lady who now makes her appearance in the circle where we move? Knowing him as you do, I am sure you will say yes." " Rut, Kate—" "Father, don't let us argue this point. Do you want Edwin to go away I" And the young girl laid her hand upon her parent, and looked him in the face with unresisting afreetion. "No, dear; I certainly don't wish him to go." " Nor do I," returned the maiden, as she leaned forward again, and laid her face upon his arm. In a little while she arose, and, with her countenance turned partly away, said— " Tell him not to go, Father—" And with these words she retired from the room. On the next evening, as Edwin was sitting alone in one of the drawing•rooms, thinking of the long night of absence that awaited him, Mr. Darligton came in, accompanied by Kate. They seated them selves near the young man, who showed some sense of embarrassment. There was no suspense, however, for Mr. Darlington said— " Edwin, we none of us wish you to go away.— You know that I have urged every consideration in my power, and now I have consented to unite with Kate in renewing a request for you to remain. Up to this time you have declined giving a satisfrclory reason for your sudden resolution to leave; but a reason is due to us—to me in particular—and I now most earnestly conjure you to give it." The young man at this became greatly agitated, but did not venture to reply. [81,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS. "You are still silent on the subject," said Mr. Darlington. "He will not go, father," said Kate, in a tender appealing voice. "I know he will not go. We cannot let him go; kinder friends he will not find anywhere than he has here. And we shall miss him from our home circle. There will be a vacant place at onr board. Will you be happirr away, Edwin." The last sentence was uttered in a tone of sister ly affection. "Happier?" exclaimed the young man, thrown off his guard. "Happier! I shall be wretched while away." " Then why go 1" returned Kate, tenderly. The good ship " Leonora" sailed in about ten days. She had a supercago on board; but his name was not Edwin Lee. Fashionable people were greatly surprised when the beautiful Kate Darlington married her father's clerk ; and moustached dandies curled their lips, but it muttered not to Kate. She had married a man in whose worth, affection, and manliness of character, she could repose a rational confidence. If not fashionable,she was a happy wife. ,uUISCCLIRIICM 5. Front the Working-men. SATURDAY EVENING. — Conic evening, once again, Season of peace; Re nun...went evening and continue long. Alethink. 1 ace thee In the, streaky we.l, Wltli matron slow otoong, mlole the night Trcad4 011 thy ,veepim.; tram t 0110 hand lethal; tall the I:tot:tin ot rel.ose On lard and Lyrist. the other charged for man With eo net obllVlOll of the cares Of day No one familiar with the aspect of towns inhabi. ted by artisans, needs to be infurmed that the close of the week is marked by very striking peculiarities. As the ponderous engine of human labor slackens its revolutions, and at length stands still, and gentle rest begins to spread her wings over the ibunts of toil, there is at once an addition made to the hap. piness of man, which no enthusiasm can well over value. In a few moments we may apply to the great capital or manufacturing town, the expres sive verse Wodsworth's famous sonnet on London Itribge, :Jl that mighty heart ie I) log sull.” The forge and smithery are ceasing to smoke. The mighty arms and shafts moved by steam, are dropping into repose. The quick report of millions of manual utensils has terminated. Jaded animals, bu•viug their necks, are set free from the yoke; while innumerable sons and daughters of toil, re leased from the neecsity of further work, are ready for rest and pleasure, for improvement or vice. The thought is pleasing. As I survey the crowded city, and allow my imagination to picture the. de. tails of the scene, I behold a thousand delightful images of domestic comfort. N ow, according to an extensively prevalent cus tom, the well earned labor of reward is received. Now the anxieties of the tedious week are suspen ded. Families separated during the preceding days, come together, better prepared than at other times, to aid one another, and to enjoy one another's company. One imbroken day between two nights -of unaccustomed repose, is a golden prize in expec. tation. The meeting of parents, brothers, sisters, children, sometimes of husband and wife, who have been kept apart by the stress of labor, is not with out some points which deserve the poetic touch of a Crabbe or AR Elliot. IL is. with the virtuous, a season of hallowed affections. Hippy is that working.mcin who, when, at the week's end, he throws MI, in the bath, the soils of labor, can with equal case lay aside the wrong emotions of evil habits of the same period, and with .t clear concicncc prepare fin. the day of rest! Hap py is the youth who, when lie conies home to greet his aged parents, and the sister of whom he is proud, feels that no tarnish has conic over his heart! Happy the blooming- girl, hotvevcr lowly her calling, who enters the humble dwelling with the elastic tread of conciuus innocence! Blessed family, where the call to rest is but the signal of every kindly affection! I know that with comae even in early life, the end of the week is the beginning of a frolic. The time when wages arc received is apt to be a season of merriment if oot of vice. In summer, multitudes, in every sort of vehicles, stream forth out of the various avenues of our cities and towns. lii winter the streets resound till a late hour with a tread of idlers and debauchces. And in every season, Sat. tirday night fills the taverns, oyster houses, porter cellars, and other resorts, with a double allowance of hale fellows.—There is a triple consumption of tobacco and strong drink un these occasions. So that there is a dark side to the picture of human life. But even here I find an illustration of some of my favorite positions about the conservative in. finance of the domestic institution. The worst men, I willcontinue to atlirm, are those, who, either from choice or necessity, have no home. Perhaps out of a thousand families gathered after a week's work, there is not one gathered for vicious indul gencc.—Where youth arc vicious, 'they comonly hate the hearth stone. Saturday evening is a good criterion of the attachment which a young man bears to the virtuous attractions of home. As the guardian angel of the fireside, woman has here a great peril and hopeful work. I wish 1 could im. press on the wife, the mother,and the sister, the value of their influence in this particular. Make home delightful, and you will work wonders. That wayward youth may, perhaps, be won by sisterly invitation. Sparc nothing that is Fairly within your power to make it worth his while to spend his Saturday evening with the family. So long as you have this hold upon him, you may almost bid defi ance to the attempts of evil companions. Let it not be forgotten that we owe all these good influences to religion. There would be no Saturday evening, if there were no Christian Sab bath. In countries where man and beast work seven days in the week, there is nothing which resembles the pleasant scenes to which I have alluded. In such countries there is little of what we mean by home. Who would undertake to explain to a French laborer " the Cotter's Saturday night: " == Mum:sc.—The amusement of reading is among the greatest consolations of life; it is the nurse of virtue, the upholder in advesity, the prop of inde pendence, the support of a just pride, the strength ener of elevated opinions ; It is a shield against the tyranny of petty passions; it is the repeller of the fool's scoff, and the knave's passion. NOW IS TIEES TIME TO SATE MONEY. By calling at the cheapest ciArciiiNG STORE under the sun you can rave twenty per cent C. 1;1;v1 - Co.,Front Street, one door above Schrei ner's Row, would respectfully call th r attention of the enact]. of Colombia and ',leanly to their large and splen that usitorttneut of SIGASCINABLE READY MADE CTOTHING, Continuing of French Urnaricloth Coats of all colors and deseriptmits, Pants, Vests, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Carpet flags, are., &e, C LEVY 8 Co.. flatter themselves that they can sell the cheapest Clothing . in Columbia, or any where eke, and II you do not believe it, just File Minn actin Columbia, August 19, 18V , -2nl [WHOLE NUMBER, 952 FAST COLORS. The keeper of a country inn, situated some dozen miles from the city, an honest, ignorant, un. sophisticated farmer, taking it into his head that his establishment wanted a new sign, (which was a very sensible conclusion, inasmuch as naught was to be seen of the old sign, save a cracked, broken, disfigured board, creaking on its hinges as it swung lazily in the wind, and not. having the least vestige of the original painting left on it) took it into his head to have a new one executed, and accordingly, being in our goodly Quaker city on business, con. suited the proprietor of one of those shops, where "house and sign painting and glazing" are done. " Well," said he, "how much are you goin' to charge me; you know I can't afford to pay too much, 'cause I'm not a money bag, and you city people can stick it on sometimes?" "Ten dollars," replied the painter; " I could paint you one for ten dollars, although it's too little a price for the quantity of work." "Too little I" ejaculated the inn-keeper," tuo lit. tie! du you call ten dollars too little for paintin' a sign By thunder, I cannot afford to pay any such a price." "Why," returned the artist, "you can't get it done any cheaper. What do you expect to give?" " Well, I don't know," said the inn-keeper," but I guess five dollars would be quite plenty." "Five &Hats!" exclaimed the artist; but seeing what kind of a customer ho had to deal with, lie resolved to "make him pay for his stinginess;' so eller some &inuring, he agreed as follows "I'll paint you a sign for five dollars. You say you want a white bear on it. Well, I'll paint you the bear, without a chain, for the amount you of fer." "0, hang the chnin, I don't care about. having it any how. Paint the bear without it, and I'll pay you five dollars." The bargain was thus closed. In due time the sign was painted, delivered to its owner, and hung up aloft in place of the old one, where it was the admiration of the family for a whole week after- wards. REIM At length there come one night a heavy storm of thunder and lightning, accompanied with a del uge of rain. Next morning it cleared off, and the old fellow went nut as usual to admire his new sign, when what was his astonishment to behold not a vestige of the bear left. The picture was completely effaced from both sides. His first thought was that come mischievous youngster of the neighborhood had scraped it off, hut there was no evidence of any scraping, and the paint was gone as smoothly as could he. "I'll go to town and see that painter," said he:.. he has cheated roe." And so in double quick time he was landed in the painter's shop. " What kind of a sign was that you painted for mer "A white bear." " I know it was, but there is not much white bear left now. It's clear gone. The board's there. but there's not a mite of a white bear left on either side. How is this 7 "Oh:it's clear enough. Cheap goods are nev er the best; I told you I'd paint you a bear withonf a chain for five dollars. I did so. How could ye.. expect such a wild animal as that to remain with. out being chained." The countryman could " not exactly see into this," but after much grumbling, concluded that it was best to hove the chair, painted in the picture, and thus insure its remaining. For an additional ten dollars this was done, and the renewed picture did not disappear after that. This puzzled the countryman more than ever, but he concluded the painter was right. The render, will of course, have guessed that the lost sign was painted in wafer colors, and the last in oil paint. The water colors disappeared, as a matter of course, after a hard drenching. The countryman generally gave people a good price after that. -~~wi~~iA,~M 4. Writ Din HE FUCK THAT HAT?" Some few days since, our readers will recollect, that we pub. !idled a humorous paragraph headed as above. The writer of the same gave some facto, and spec ulated upon the matter, but lie could not furnish an answer to the questiou for the life of him. Neither can we ; the most we can do is to tell a story, and leave our readers to answer the question. A few waggish boys, on Monday, placed an old hat, a venerable looking old hat, not presenting the ap pearance of hissing been much kicked, upon the sidewalk in Leverett street; beneath, was placed a heavy stone. The boys then scattered to await the result. The first person that passed, looked as if he was in haste for his supper (it was near six o'clock ;) lie merely cast a. glance at the hat, and rapidly strode on. The second passer-by was a stout, strapping black fellow, who cast upon the hat ci peculiarly malignant glance, and the next instant, as thunder follows the flash, he gave it a tremendous kick, and recoiled from the object of his hate, (the hat, which didn't roll in the gutter,) with a veil that started the whole neighborhood. Some filly boys, as if by magic, stood upon the sidewalk, who laughed as if their sides mould burst. The negro limped away, showering curses "thick and fast" upon the venerable bat— but "why did he kick it ?"—N. 0. Bee. NINF: M IXIIIS Fon Vie CONDUCT or LIF£.-1 • Make 1.0 p7orniscs that you are uncertain of being able to perform. 2. Deception soon begets distrust. It debases a man in his own eyes. We should have too much pride to deceive others. The offspring of one de ception is legion. It marches to its purpose, ac companied by meanness and all the petty vices in the calendar. 3. The man who hopes to enrich bitnaelfaudden ly, without honest industry, differs little from the, gambler, whose fortune is staked upon the cut of a die. Virtues without number hedge the path of the industrious and persevering laborer. Perhaps a fond wife and children arc to be supported. Pre faced thus, we give this maxim—Let gambling in all its forms be shunned ; from it. no virtues spring but on the contrary, all the vices. Chances in lot teries, and inordinate speculation, arc other names for gambling, and are alike opposed to habits ofin. dustry. 4. Fear nut to have each and every action ofyour life open to the inspection of mankind. Remember that a" nicer casuist" than man sees into your least actions. Answer to Him, and rear not the face of man. • • • • . 2. Tell not all your thoughts, yet speak 'betroth always and boldly. 6. What you have to do, do quickly, for procras tination will lead to forgetfulness. 7. Let not a desire to be thought well of lead you to exhibit your talents upon all occations ; for great ness and worth ■rc always clothed in a modest exterior. It is the vice of little minds to go abroad gaudily attired like the butterfly. 8. Life is to short to be frittered away in trifles. Let no moment pass unemployed. Sleep for the renewel of exhausted nature—awake to live to the duties of life. 9. Beware of over.indulgenee in meat or drink. Intemperance brings no recreation, but serves only to exhaust the powers or both mind and body. =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers