The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, August 26, 1848, Image 4

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WllO has been performing such wonderful
cure; at Manetts., has removed to FRONT Street,
Columbi; Pa., where, from the thereased numbers that
flock to him for relief; he has beets compelled to tit up a
be s t'estabhment. Then, if yon are sick, no
matter what may our disease, the Herb Doctor's Dis
pensary you cult einem Me appropriate remedy. Pri
vate morns for consultation.
The Herb Doctor littorals the public. that he ss the only
person in this section, echo derived Its medical knowl
edge front the Herb Doetor at Pluludelphia, and has stu
died his justly celebrated "Medical Pearlier." The ors
=v. Indian Mediones,which have rutted so many - where
every other remedy avid every other doctor has faded,
can only be obtained at this establishment. 'the Herb
Doctor has practiced his system for some time, during
which he believes he has rendered general and entire sa
tisfaction: out of the hundreds that he has treated, he has
heard of no person being injured by his medicines. He
professes not to cure all disease, with one remedy, but
prepares a different medic= for each of the numerous
-!ilis which flesh is heir to,"—which arc compounded
from mots, herbs, barks, flowers, &c., which, while they
possess great curettes- powers, also strengthen the sys
tem as they remove the disease. Ilene they ctutnot in
jure the weakest constitution, but arc good in every case,
as hundreds who have been rescued by them from the
grave, can testify. Having a knowledge of several plants
unknown to any other person in this part of the country,
he uses no mineral or chemical poisons in his prepara
tions. They may he taken without regard to Met—fur
ther than the stomach directs, and will not interfere with
the patients customary vocation. The atflicted, particu
larly those laboring under
ate cordially invited to come and make a trial of these
medicines, or at least have a talk with the Doctor, who
charges nothing for advice.
The Herb Doctor is content if he gets only the cases
that have beets given up as incurable by the old school or
other doctors, for the numerous cases of thus kind which
he has cured, are sure evidences that if there be hope
yet, it is in his medicines.
Mothers, Fathers! by the dear tie that binds you to
yodr little ones, try the Herb Doctor, before giving them
To you my dear female friends, who have 1 ern neglei
mut or worse ; to you who stiffer inert, and who have not
heretofore been properly . treated, I offer a remedy Betted
to your delicate constitutions, and adapted to the dueasea
to which you are halite. Within the past few years. ma
ny, too many, of your number have been removed (rota
the sphere of their affections and of their usefulness; but
do not despair, but call at the Herb Doctors Dispensary,
Front street, Columbia, where he will furnish you a bull•
able remedy. If you cannot call, enclose Two Dollars in
a letter, post paid, containing a statement of your muta
tion, and you will receive medicines, with full directions.
Persons wishing attendance at their houses, will state
their residence at the Herb Doctor's Dispensary. next
door west of Mr Boy le's tavern, Front street, Columbia,
Lancaster county, Pennsylvanta.
Office Hours, trolls 7 in the morning till 9 in the even
Mg. Closed ou the evening of Me Sabbath.
Columbia, June 3, la-le.-Iy.
S. Co. in returning their sincere thanks to the
'ens of Columbia and the public in general for the kind
dattering patronage which they have bestowed upon theta.
would most respectfully call their attention to the NEW
STOCK OF GOODS which they have just received, and
which cannot be beaten, as to quality and cheapness as
they, arc determined not to be undersold in the count•.
Then' stock comprises all sorts of gartnent, Superfine
Habit Cloth. Cashmerets, Tweeds, Alpaca Lustre, Croton.
Linen. plain Limen Sacks & Coatces, Riding Coats, Busi
ness Coats in profuse variety.
Also. a very fine assortment of Boys' Clothing, all of
which will be sold extremely low for cash.
Pants and Vests of all sire, and prices. from filly cents
tip to 84 00. I.Myers are solicited to call whether wishing,
0 d
purchase ut m time or not. The) have only to call to
c convinced.
They have on hand a fine assortment of Cloilis,Crissi
res, CHAhIIIeTPIN, Dr 1111117.5, Summer Cloths. &c. Also.
'"'• ?. 't Patterns, all of which will be made tip at extremely
I. prices
Ise, Shirts. Shams, Suspenders, Hose. Drawers. Cra
3, ' Carpet Bags. Unihrellas,rollars, Roundabouts. Os er
tits, Gumelast le Coats, Gloves. &c.
.T. JORDAN St. Co.
s few doors below llerr's 'NVll,ll[llO°ll Hotel rfollt
SV!el Colombo, }'n.
ri Rini; of jiff Goods. Who are, 0 IblivicAtf4
Iby , t ,„, , a , ,e c diner • i rire i Pei i..l iy
Let then can at the HEE MVP. f‘TORE. North Queen
street, SW See: here they can boy as cinch for SI 00. as
they a d lit taste ago could have had to pa } Si! 00 for.
This the as a radical change for the express benefit ot
th e •p e e. Let them call early and see the LARGE
Unit:A:if cheap and beautiful Good., 311.1 opening : for
Itewlitions now•n'days arc remarkable for their brevity
Splendid Lawns, last colors. WI cent,
:le inch Mipdtan, heavy and fine, id cant,
A good article nil Plain Mode, mull - Ilk only 121 cents
A good article. Highly Ctuncl.•nn.
Ladies can hr supplied with every article for mourning
Good pluht 131 k. Chintzes, only 1:11 cents
do do Lawn•, 1.21, ta, and cents
Mazatlnns, Bareges and Sdk Titsim,
LADIES' movr.s.
Lisle thread. Silk and Kid ; Misses Gloves in variety,
Ar rue Bun Hive, CHAS WF;NTI S. 8110.
GINGIIAMS —Justopened,4 eases oi splendid French.
Scotch, and English Dress Gitigharns, New patterns and
cry cheap—at Tun LIKE HIV C, North Queen street
The greatest variety of the most •plendat styles. Just
received—nmong the newest styles me
Mazatlans, - - • -
Eephrtnes, - - - -
Zephry Thom,. • - - -
Pompadours, • • - • -
he , Sc . perfectly exhaustle,s.,a the
BEE HIVE, North Queen Street.
Just opening, the newest styles tor Spring and Summer,
the greatest variety ever seen in Lancaster. Great care
has been taken is the selection of styles and colors. at the
I31:1; HIVE.
French N. W Late Capes.
do do do Collars.
do do do Edging and Inserting
Embroidered Swiss :ktuolino, for 'helloes.
. _ .
At the BEE HIVE, North Queen st
Lancaster. April 15,1.49--tf
MABaltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road.
The Morning PASSENGERTRAIN will rim
nom Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Son
day. at 9 o'clock, A. M • and Rewriting will smrt front Co
lumbia at 14 P. M.. Wriglivonlle, 2 P. M , and trout York
at 3 o'clock. P. M.. as on nib, days of the we-k. The
mail between Baltimore tint York will be carried by Wm
train. No oilicr tram 'mil run on Sumlny
Superiatendent of Transportanon.
Ocr. _;, 17.
senger Trains runs daily as follows below:—
Leaves Baltimore at U o'clock, A M , and or
rives at 61 o'clock, P. M
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock, P '.1., and ICat.'cs for Co
lumbia at 11 o'clock, I'. M
Lcavcs Columbia at 2 otelock, P M and !caves York
for Baltimore at 3 o'clock, P. M
Fare from Bklumore to York
‘Vrightsrille t
The Trani connecri- at York with Stage; for frarstsburg
GrAtysburg.Charnbersburg. Pittsburg and York Springs
The Company 15 authorised Ito the proprietora of the
Stage Lane. , recrive the tare throna : t ot R t ittmor, to
Gettysburg . rnd Itn rrfshnr:.
BiLTLYWA n: to ( irTlT,l‘t 1 ,6 A sr.
Fare throug% to gob., rtn,., st 3
It r: II son ritxv. Super',
Other 63:s:oral tt . Halt,
hlay e, 1547-t
rgBIS LETTER. 'Who nil' he without a beau
tiful bead of Ilatr. v, heath,: can ha, nut. for tllrcc
a : lags' Twenty y , 37b . 10.. of I, ir and wonderful
restorauon •
Dear Sir—The powerful effects nt .to-w•; Csral lls.r
Restorative has been to drerste•ci:• d.•rnomttved it, the
canto of sevorni re-pectahle eittrm,s of the oven, t‘ht,, nit
account Of your sent:lg three shilling Frt•lc-, to it Nytthoto
tear. One iiistanct , whirl; has attract, d onto, Oar or,, n.
TIM is the ease of a ganslenitan who had little or no hair
tor twenty years, he had tried numerous preparations in
vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and wore a
wig. At my recommendation. he tried the liestorattve.
and after using it, according to the d.r••<voti, for a short
time, the young hair appeared. and has now us ling a
head of hair as any person in Rriltimore
Tours. :Le Soto: mi.vrscapoN.
- For sale by It Williams. agent for Columbia.
AND Bacon of the hest quality at
5p22'4 4 -It W h S. PA TrON S.
YOU'BE Getting Bald, are You ? Well, that
is a misfortune and not a crime, but to remain bald,
when so fine an opportunity offers to restore your hair, by
a faithful and liberaluse of Jayne's Hair Tonic, is but lit
tle short of crime. This valuable preparation excites the
scalp to a new and healthy action, cleanses it from scurf
and dandruff, prevents the hair from fulling off, cures
those eruptive diseases snitch elicit appear upon the head,
and in a majority of cases produces a fine growth of new
hair. It also gives the hair a licit and beautiful appear-
Baca. For stile atLEADER'S
July 1, lii4d-tf Golden Mortar Drug Store.
GOMPLEIT. This disease now prevails to an
alarming extent, and thousands of nelpless children
will be earned ow by IL unless timely relict be atforded
them. This relief may always be had by applying to that
most certain and pleasant remedy. Jayne's Carminative
Balsam. which never fails. It has frequently made cures
of Summer Complaint after physicians of the highest
standing have pronounced the child as actually in the
struggles of death. Try it—try if you have any love or
compassion, or even mercy, for your helpless children.—
Why will you let them din? when a certain remedy may
be had by calling at W. A. LEADER'S Golden Mortar
Drug Store, Front street
Columbia, July I, 1.548-1
TTALLIN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches,
Suit Rheum, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old
Sores, Sore Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and tender
Flesh, Freckles. Tan, Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun
burnt or Yellow Skin to a pure clear solute,ns smooth
mid soft as an infant's. And, in fact, every k ind of erup
tion and disfigurement. Read these certificates :
From the N. 0. Sentinel, Oct.. 1544.
One of our subscriber, Mr. 11. Leonard. inlormsas that
he has bees cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum. of eighteen
Icar's standing, on his bend, fingers and bands. by a cake
of an article much advertised lately—we speak of Jones's
Italian Chemical Soap. Ile also informs us that he has
tried its cifecis on his female slave Rose. much marked
with sun spots. and he hound in two weeks her skin much
clearer and whiter.
James Elitism, a phonier in Jersey City, was cured of
carbuncles and pimples. winch he was afflicted with for
many years, by a part of a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi
cal Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask for Jones's
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP,—and perhaps, es man)
who have been cheated with the counterfeits, will he too
much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try
this once—von will not regret it; but always sec that the
name VT. JOIICA is on the Wrapper.
:sold At ,S 2 Chatham st, New York, and by R. WILL-
LkMS, Agent for Columbia. )edl 4h-dm
THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Street, near Fifth street
CILUILI_S N lizicexEn, CaEORGE W. litenanns,
THOMAS I Tzar, SlonnEcza a LEWIS,
mains WAGNItti, ADOLnitE E. Bottle.,
SA:tltti.L Grist, DAVID S Ottawa,
Continue to make insurance. perpetual or limited, on
every description of property in town and country, at
rate, as low as arc consistent N't illi security.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Cilium' and Premiums, safely invested.
attook ample protection to the assured.
'rho 11.1setti of the Company, on January Ist, 16 . 4f1, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly. were as fol
lows, viz:
Mortgages, - 6'90,553 65
Real Estate, 10,,35.3 90 -
Temporary Loans, 121.450 00
:Stocks, 30,56:1 25
Cad], hc., 45,157 07
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years.
they have paid upwards of one million, two hainal.,l thou
sand dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of
the lidt.nntage, of Insurance, n 3 well as the ability and
disposition to inert with promptness, all habilme,
CHARLES N. BANCK.EIt, President.
CIIA ALP,: O. Mi. Secretary.
THOMAS LLOYD. of Colombia,
Agent for York and Lancaster Counties.
Feb 1:2,1t?.18-1y.
r pHE Uundersigned, hereby lender their sincere
acknowledgments to their customers. and the
generally, for the very liberal patronage that has at
tended their efforts to please, and would interim them that
it will Li their greatest pleasure as heretofore, to conduct
their business in such n manner as to merit their commit
edqc continue to make all kinds of viz
TlnefiU-WHEEI.S. CAST SIIArT6 tor water cvhcels.
Sc. Also, CAR WHEELS and other Car Castings,. to
gether with all blunts of 121121-Road Castings. for which
unexceptional reference can be given for superiority and
We have mute a variety of PATTERNS for making
hot Blast Pipes, for Blast Furnaces, and for Water Pipes,
and, being well prepared for Caching Pipes, it will cer
tainly he an advantage to those in want, to call and ex
amine for themselves. as we can manutacture as cheap,
or cheaper, than any other establishment in this section
of country.
' We have different kinds of Patterns for Steam Engines,
Threshing Machines, Ploughs, Common Stoves, stove
Plates, Stove Cylinders and Grates, and many other
things in our line of business. being the making, and col
lecting together of the past eleven years. Ila-mg the
Lest of mechanics employed at Pattern making, Ac., we
are prepared to make any thing in our line of business at
the shortest notice, end tieing favorably situated at the
Canal Basin. give as the advantage of manufacturing and
forwarding Castings to any point with derpatch and at
the lowest rates. GEORGE WOLF,
Dealing under the firm of Gee. Wolf S Co.
Columbia, March 4,l•As—tf
AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this
method of informing his friends and customers that
he has rented the New Store Room known as Haldeman's
New Corner, being on the South West corner of Front
and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on
hand a good supply of
READY' MADE marniNo,snors AND BOOTS,
HIM IX general (1..,011111e11t of Family Groceries; together
with Flour and other Meal ; Oats, Corn. and Chop for
horses. Also, Liquors of all kinds. including Wines and
Cordials. All of which I pledge my self to sell as cheap
for cash as possibly can he afforded. Please call and =-
MIMIC butts the goods and prices.
N. B.—A dwelling and front shop adjoining, to rent on
accommodating terms. Myself and Son would like to
board with the fatally. ELIJAII BA RRATT.
Colmnhia, March•:;.
Magnificen ,
LON ely
rAUTION TO THE PUBLIC—The only genuine
has the written signature of the General Agent. W. M.
SPEAR, on the out side wrapper surrounding each bottle;
this is believed to be the only article, bearing the above
title, as eminating from the Doctor 'The virtues of Wild
Cherry, tot relieving infecunns of the Lungs, and that all
important organ, the Liver, line long enjoyed the confi
dence of domestic practice.
City of Philadelphia, 54—William M. Spear, of the city
of Philadelphia. being duly secant according to law, de
poses and says that he k in the pos,ession of the original
recipe for preparing, a Balsam of Wild Cherry. for affec
tions of the Lungs, which seas given to him by Dr. Wistar,
a regularly ethic...led sician. and that he believes it to
be the only one 111 possession of any person except the
said Dr. IA tstur linnseh. W. M. SPEAR.
Sworn and before inc, and city .cal aitixed,
on the firm day of No% cialicr, A. D. 1,17.
(L.. S.), JOHN SWIFT, Mayor.
A copyright for the Balsam is secured.
Absurd as it may appear in the face of the above uncle
triable proof, on individual from i30%1011, MUSS., recently
applred to the United States District Court of Pennsylva
niA for an ininnction on the General Agent fur the United
States and the British Provinces, to prevent said Agent
from selling the only genuine Dr. Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry, (said individual claiming the right.) Of
course the lion Judge of :aid Court promptly retuscd m.
The Balsam is not one of the quack nostrums of the day,
claiming to care persons whose cases are be) and the reach
of medicine, Or restoring others to life;) it only claims,
and has proved in thousands of cases, to be the first. most
erhcacious, and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry
of the nineteenth CCIMITY, for affections of the Lungs,
laver, and Kidneys, frequently terminating in consump
tion, ever offered to the public.
St: 0
2 00
2 12i
A liberal discount to druggists and country dealers.
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—I have thisday appointed
T W. DVOTT & SONS, No. IX North Second street,
l'htladelphia, Wholesale Furnishing Agents for the (only
UN-, for the tollowing States, New York, New Eng- .
land States. New Jersey, Delaware. Maryland. District of
Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Also. for the interior of Pennsylvania. All orders for
the Balsam will licreatter be nddresscd to them.
Enininntr Tti. 17, I^l7
Also tor sale, wholesale and retail. by WILLIAM M.
spumz, No. 145, Vine street. below Fifth street, PhiWel
pliia. Genefal Agent for the United States and the British
Pro‘ ince., for the (only genuine) Dr. Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Clwrry. 3L SPEAR.
Philadelphia, March 27. 1543.
CNTS,—J. & Peril°ld & Co., New York ; A. Mc-
Clure h Co Dr. Herrick Co., Albany, N. V.; John F.
Pre,mit, Troy. N. Y.; Chalks Dyer, Jr, Providence, R.
1.. Redding 3r. Co.. Mrs. E. Kidder,Boston. Mims.; James
semi. Jr. & . Co., Wore ester, Mass.; If. & J.
13rewer, Springfield. Mass.; G. W. Welsh, & Co., Hart
ford, Cr ; J. Gish ttCo.. Lancaster. Pa.: C. A. Morrispc
Co, and Dr. A. H. Baulk; York, Pa.: Reynolds & Co.,
Leeksville• N. C ; John 1.. Kidwell, Georgetown , D. C
Ale 2. Duval, Richmond, Va.; W. A. LrAnirsi, Columbia,
Price Ell per bottle; ttix bottles for $5 Apls'4R-1
a 7" DB. DYOTT,I_I,
I .!,20,097 67
Extract is put up in QUART normdes--tt is six times
cheaper. pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold.
It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickness, or
debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted for a
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla,
over all other remedies is, whilst it eradicates
disease, it mvigorates the body.
-- - -
Bronchitis,Comminption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs,
-Catarrh. Asthma, :witting of Blood, ......Orellek , f in the
Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats. Difficult or Profuse
Expectoration, and Pam to the side, 3r.c., have and can
be cured.
Probably there never was a remedy that has been so
successful in desperate cases of consumption as 1111 S; it
cleanses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal
the ulcers on the lungs, and the patients gradually regain
their usual health and strength.
There is scarcely a day passes but there are a number
of cases of Consumption reported as cured by the use of
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. The following was recently
received :
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir :—For the last three years I
have been afflicted watt general debility, and nervous con
sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain
my health at all. Alter going through a course of medi
eine under the rare of some or the most disunguished re
gular physicians and members of the Board ot Health in
New York and elsewhere, and spending nmstof my earn
ings, in attempting, to regain my health, and afler reading
in some paper or your Sarsaparilla, I resolved to try it
After using six bottles I found it done me great good and
called to see you nt your office; with your advice I kept
on, and do most heartily thank you for ) our advice. I per
severed in taking the Sarsaparilla, and have been able to
attend to my usual Inborn tor the last four months, and I
hope by the hlesslng of God and your Sandmarilla to eon
tame my health. It helped me beyond the expect:mons
of all who knew my case. Canal.= Qt.Lautc.
Orange, F. , ,sex Co.. N. J., August 2. 1E47.
Stare ot New Jersey. Is-rx County. ss
Charles Quimby Icing duly sworn ocrordin., to low. on
his oath Anita, that the laregaute .aatcinont 14 true accord
ing, to the hest ut nts knowledge and lteliet.
Sworn and subscribed to before me at °lunge, the aril
August, 1E47. Cyan lisLowrx,
Justice of the ['suer.
SPITTING 131,0011
Read the following and say that Consumption is incu
rable if you can
New York. April 23,1E17.
Di. Townsend—l verily believe that your Sarsaparilla
has been the mean=, through Prot idence, of Saving my
life. I have for several year. had a bad rough. It be
came woese und worse. At last I raised large quantities
of blood, had meta sweats. and we, ereraly debilitated
and reduced, and did not expect to live I have only used
your Sarsaparilla but a ah rt tune, and there has a won
derful change been 11,01/011 in me. I am now able to
walk all over the city I ram no blood, rind my rough
has left me. You can well imagine that lam thankful
for these results. Your obedient servant.
%Vst. Iltssift,i. G 5, Catharine st.
Very few families Indeed—in fact we have not heard of
one—that tI , CLI Dr Towasend's Sarsaparilla in tune lost
any children the past summer. while those that dal not
sickened and died. The certificate sve publish below is
conclusive evidence of its value, and is only another in
stance of its saving the lives of the children:
D. Town:end—Dent . Sir: I had two children mired by
your Sarsaparilla of the slimmer complaint and dysentery;
one was only 15 months old, and the other 3 years. They
were very much reduced, and we expected they would
Elie; they ssere given up by two re=pectable physteitio=.
When the doctor informed us that we must lose them, we
resolved to try 5 oar Sarsaparilla we had heard so much
of. hut had but little confidence, there being so much
stuff adv.:luso,' that is stairthle.s: but see are very ihnnk•
fill that we did. for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both.
I write thi= that others may be induced to use it.
Yours. re=pectfully, Jon, R'twen :7n.
Myrtle-Avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS
James Cummings, Esq., one of tine assistants in line Lei
inane 13Inekwell's Island, by the geiltkilum, pok
en of In tine following fetter :
This is only one of more than Mar thousand cases of
rheumatism that Dr. 'loss nswentl's Sarsaparilla lins
cured. The moat severe and chronic eases are weekly
eradicated by iln extraordinary virtues :
Ihmeawnm.s Ist.snr., Sept. 1 1. 1 0 47.
Da. Tows:sr:sib—Dear Sir : I have suirerml terribly for
nine years with rheumatism considerable of the time I
could not eat, sleep or work; I had the most distressing
;mills, and nisi limbs were terribly swollen, t
uot AVICI rosy nave done me
snore than one thousand dollars' worth of good—l am SO
much better. Indeed, I tun entirely relieved. You arc at
liberty to use this for the benefit of the atibeted.
Your, Respee
JAnr.s 1:1•31MIN.:S.
the Ladies. It relieves them of a great astatine of suffer
ing. and gives them fine complea ions, and Luoyantspirits.
Mrs. Parker kindly sent as the following:
Sorra BitooscvN, Aug., 17, 1947.
TowNsgisrs--Sir : It gives me pleasure to testify to
the beneficial effects I have experienced from the use of
your Sarsaparilla. My 'system was very much reduced
by nervousness and general debility, and with a variety of
female complaints. I read your advertisement, and was
induced to try the elect of your remedy. It restored me
ICI IL better state of health. I hail not enjoyed for several
years previous to taking n; rind I do most cheerfully re
commesd at as a valuable medicine to all who are affllcted
as I have been.
Mits. Pankr.a, Baltic st, Smith Brooklyn.
The following is from a very respectable farmer resid
meg at
On. t e s ' i. 7 :u r gsa-- '‘l
4 1Derir Sir : My 'vi,. lies been sufrering
so severely from the I)r,pepau and general derangement
of the system, that we s upposed she must die. The Phy.
sicians could not resist the disease, and she would have
died beyond doubt if we had not given lire your Sarsapa
rilla It has saved her life certainly. She is almost en
tirely relieved, and is gaining sue»gth and health. She
still continues the use of it.
Yours, respectfully,
NEW Yana. Sem. 0, 1847
Pa. Towssmtn :—Dear Sir—l am constrained. as an
net of justice, to publicly acknowledge the great benefits
recetved from the use of your Sarsaparilla, being in town
about two years since in a very .weak and debilitated
state. My disease was a chronic inflammation of the li•
vcr and stomach, and, as many thought ronsumption;
seas so reduced that I had very little hope of recovery.
Hearing and reading considerably of the effects of your
medicine. I resolved totry it, though I entertained a preju
dice against advertised reined... I bad taken the medi
cine but a. short time, and began to recover gradually and
continued to get better, and am now well. Indeed I am
so much improved that my friends scarcely recognized me
when I returned to the city. You are at liberty to publish
this if you think it will extend the use of your excellent
remedy. T. Tama.,
One thousand or more additional agencies, for the sate
of Dr Townsenil's :sarsaparilla. will be established in
such places where an agency is trot appointed. in
the States of l'enn”lvaiiiii, New Jersey. Delaware, 31a.
ryland. Virgi other nia. and her Southern and Western States.
The terms of agency to he complied with will he as fol
lows; Nor more than one person will have the appoint
ment in a place, who will be advertised as such in one
or more papers published at such place. or the nearest
paper to the place The will also be furnished with st
and handbills setting Mali the virtues of the medicine,
wyli lbw names printed as the Agents, f or
A list of all such names will be regularly published m
DY01".r..; ORACLE OF HEALTH; copies 0: till such
will be furnished them for circulation grans with splen
did showbills of Dr- Townsentl'a entire establishm..iit
For all these adventaires, the payment for a supply of
the Stump,.lla will be required when ordered, arid at any
time when the Agency is relinquished. if any of the :tled
icthe should reintun unsold, it will be taken back at the
price paid for it.
Persons who may wish the sale of this valuable medi
cine on the terms above specified, will address., by letter,
or apply at the Principal office and sole agency of
132 North Second street. Phila.
And at the same time they will mention the name, of
any newspapers published to or near the place in which
they reside.
N. H. Wtth the above advantages, the price of; he
Sarsaparilla will be SO per dozen• packed in boxes of 2
doz. each—less than a box will not be furnished
Principal (Mice. 1211 Fulton street, Nes, Yolk
Sole agents (or Phiulelphia. Dr. T. W. DYOTT &
SONS, Columbian College, ID North SECOND street;
also for sole by Frederick Brown, cornerolChe.ting and
Filth ntreets ; Lancaster. I Irantish and Son : Wilmington
Edward Brinkhurst ; York. Morris & Co ; S. El
liott; Harrisburg. Dr. McPherson; S. S Hance, Milli•
more; and by the principal Druggists throughout the Uni
ted States, West Indies and Canada.
None genuine, unless put up in large square bottles,
which contain a quart. and signed with the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend, and Ins name blown on the
N IL—Persons inquiring for this medicine should not
be induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsapa
rillas, and of coarse Finer selling their own: others have
purchased that put up in small bottles, and because they
maks a greater profit, recommend them. Do not be de
ceived by any—inquire for Dr. Tow•udscnd's and take no
ETRemember the genuine 'Townsend's Sarsaparilla,'
sold on by the Sole Aagents. T. %V. DYOTT lc SONS
No. 132 North Second Street, Phil.
. -
Each bottle is alwaye enveloped or accompanied with
a copy of "Dyott's Oracle of Health.
W. A. LEADER. Arent for Columbia
GLASSWARE. Kerr's China Thdl, Chesnut
11 street. opposite the State House, Philadelphia, is the
cheapest pacep in the city, to buy all kinds of
and where can be found the largest assortment. and of
the newest styles, and fully TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT
less than at any similar establishment. Families, Hotel
and Store keeQers, visiting the city for the purpose of
buying DINNE.R SETS, and TEA. SETS, and all other
kinds ofware in this line, will serve their own interest by
examinining the stock and prices of this s tore, after pricing
elsewhere, and they will be fully satisfied that the above
are facts.
All ware purchased at thin house will be packed and
Remember that this Cheap Establishment is in
Chesnnt street. directly opposite the State House, Phila.
August I:2, 1,34e.-3m
QT. BUSE. No. 121 Chesnut Street, a few
j doors below Fourth, North side.—The subscriber re-
spectrally informs his friends and the public in general,
that he still continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times taken to render this one of
the best, and. from its central situation, it is one of the
most convenient Hotels in the city.
His TAHLti in furnished, at all times, with the choicest
deltencies of the season.
Ills WINES and LIQUORS arc not surpassed by any
other establishment in this city.
Ills servants are careful, honest and obliging.
Terms of Boarding to suit the dines.
Country Merchants and Bustin,. Men will find the lo
cation of the CIIESNUT Sr. 110LsE., in tho most business
part of Philadelphia
The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his
power shall be done to give sansfaction to those who fa
vor him with their patronage
Philadelphia. Aug. Id. 1 , 1 4 -1 y Proprietor.
'TILE only radical cure for Consumption It
alto removes and permanently cures all downsce
an-lug from all impure sane of the blood, viz:
Serututu or King's Evil, Ithciunati , in, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimples or restates on the face,
Blotches. ills-,. Clitonic Sore Eyes, Ring, Worn) or . 'Fet
ter. Scald I lead. ritlargenictit tied Pam of the Bones and
Joints, Stubborn Ulcer-, Sy plitline Symptoms, Sciatica or
Lumbago. Disea-es arising cotta an injurious use of Mer
cury, Droiv,y, Exposure or linprurimice in hie. Also ;
Chronic ConstitiMoll,ll Disorders.
In this medicine several innocent lint very potent arti
cles ot the vegetable kingdom arc united, forming a com
pound entirely diluent in its character and properties nom
any other preparation, and unrivalled In its 6110111. 6011 on
the system when laboring under disease. It should be to
the howls of every person, who by hii=ine-,, or general
course 01 life, is predisposed to the very tunny mliments
that Miner late a em ac, mslen,l CI a blessing, find so ouch
result in death.
The following testimony is troin 111/ able practitioner of
this city
- .
Dear Sir your question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea. I will say Mat although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all
diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condi
tions of the system, still I have believed that a cure for
Consumption would he discovered sooner or later, and
seas led to try your:lied:el:lC in ltso very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
PCI.NIONsitS CoNsmuertmv. and abandoned by them as in
curable. One of the persons had been under the treat
ment of several very Mile practitioners for a number of
year, and they scud slie had " old Mslmthed Culp:mut:non
combined with ts:crotulu," and. that she might huger for
hoinewne,lna could not be permanently relieved. In both
cases the edict of the P.M:leen has taut most gratifying.
Only four or live bottles seers used by one of the persons
before she began to improve ropinly. The other took
about ten. They ore both well. I will only add, that fa
milnu as I ant with Consumption by inheritance and by
eXiensive observation us a study. and knowing also the
injurious effects in nine cases out of ten of tar, honesel,
and other vegetable tomes. as well tin of many ante ex
pectorantsand should never have recommend
ed We use of Drake's Panacea if I hind not been acquaint
ed with the ingredients. Snake it to say these are re
coMmended by our most popular and scientific ph)si
dans, and in their present combined stale, form probably
the best alterative that has ever been made. The cure is
in accordance with u them y of Consumption broached in
France a le,- years ago. by one of her most eminent
is Titers 011 medicine. and now established by tests which
admit of no dispute. Very Itespeetfully Yours,
1.. C. GUN V, Corner Chest. and Fifth st.
. - .
A‘toolshing cure of Liver Complaint awl Dyhpeatn, in
connection with General Debility of the whole cytcm.
l'inr..,u4u.rni, NI arch 7. 1e43.
Messy , . Stoics & wife has been
for several years afflicted with a pain through her right
sale and shoulder, accomaardial with clue,. 31.1nsdl , nom system, atm inmost roast/11111y a sack stomach, at
tended with pato, ins urnibly after eating or drinking; so
retch so as to deprive her ct all sati.rfnetion in attempting
to eat. even if she had n dc. ire for food. which was not
often the case, an her appetite was completely gone. A
triend persuaded her to give lilt. I)RAKE S PANACEA
is trial rind 1 ant now happy to icy the first bottle gave
her relict. Our faintly physician exant.acil the Panacea.
mid approved cm leer rising it. Slur Inns taken three bottles
since, and Is greatly beneliticd. She has nosy a good ap
petite, and can Cut la, meals with sattsfaction. The dulls.
punt. and sick stomach have entirely left her. and we feel
confident that the Panacea has affected a comple cure of
her difficulties, and would icerattinend to all who air al-
Meted as she has been to try Dr Drake's Panacea.
No. All. North Third Street.
The above are but a few of the numerous lt!,1111101111114
we ure conblantly reeemitT, of the wondertul efficacy of
Dr. Drttke's Panacea. It t• a plea.ant, yet most watch
tutg remedy , and the first trial Will prove it% power. Its
reputation has increased store its introduction to a degree
hitherto unknown in all medical discoveries.
%VIM the firm conviction that no other remedy, no called,
of the present axe. is equal :to this. and that the theory
upon which it is compounded is too firmly estahltshed to
be overdnown, the proprietors solicit a trial of Dr.
Drahe's Panacea. willing to client or tall upon its own
merits, well satisfied tt trill sustain the reputation it has
already acquired.
fION —The genuine DR. DRAKE'S PANA
CEA is put up in large square bottles—it tins the signa
ture of Geo. I'. Steil, on the wrapper—and also the name
'• Dr. Drake's Panacea, Phila.' blown in the glass
Prepared only by Storrs & Co, Druggists, No. 21 North
Sixth Street, Viola.
Angers —R WILLIAMS. Columbia; Ileinitsh d• Son
Lane:v.4yr ; C. A. Morris & Co.. York.
Aord 15.1 , 1 4 —lv
THIS ATTENTIVELY: Doctor llofland's Cele
Will effectually cure the Comply:tit, Jaundice, Dys
pepsin. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Indigestion Flatu
lence, Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmo
nary Atf•ctions. (arising from doense of the stomach and
liver,) and all diseases ari-ing from n weak or disordered
stomach in both Male and Fcinalc, such as Female Weak
ness, Dizziness, Fu l lness or Blood to the Head, Inward
Piles, Flittering of the Heart, Difficulty of Breathing.
Constant Imnginings of Kett, Great Depression of Spirits,
Dimness of 'vision, Pain in the Side, Back, Breast, or
Limbs, Cold Feel. &r.
'They remove all acidity. and give tone and action to
the stomach, and asslst digestion; they contain no oleo
hohe stimulant, and can be taken by the most delicate
stomach, and will in every case entirely destroy Cosnve
ne s. and renovate the whole system. removing all im
purities tram the body, and remnants of previous disease.
and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby
preventing rightist dreams, walking whole asleep,
which mien result to accident.
The functions of the stmnach are of the utmost impor
tance to every one, constituting the source rind fountain
of life, whleh is minium,. No organ possesses such re
markable sy mpathles. none suit remarkable power in
modifying every part of the system. A greater number
of persons fall victim, to the harrassing of Constipation
and thspepsin and more organic diseases commencing in
the theesnve system, than all other diseases condoned.
The many thousands who die with Yellow Fever, Cholera.
Influenza, and other epidemics, is on tag to disease or de
rangement there. If the ingestive system is in perfect
health, the nervous system nod the circulation of the
blood will be also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics
loose all their terror.
'those living in, or visisim districts harrassed with
FEVER AND AGUE anomaly, will find that by the
timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen
the system, no excess of !We will accumulate, and they
will not in any one instance take the disease. Prevention
is far better than cure.
The rare success in treating diseases of the stomach
successfully. has not been an touch a want of pathological
knowledge of its functions. an the preparation of suitable
Vegetable compounds. so as to obtain not only their
whole power, but as they o ould be most eifectital and
We arc all aware that too many preparations have
been, and are now before the pubic, that act only pall,
atives, and FOMC that change th e locality o f the disease.
or prevent it for a short period, then it returns niece for
midable than in the first instance. Such preparations
have destroyed the public confidence. This article stand
ing alone it, its number of cures, and unrivalled, us thou
sands of our citizens can attest who base tested its vir
tues, can always be depended upon for the above tinnied
diseases. It will cure any case that Call he cured by
medicine, no matter who, or o bat else has failed; it will
perfectly restore the diseased creams functions of the
Stomach, Intestines, Respiration, Circulation, /Lc.
These Bitters, and the Spikenard Ointment will cure
any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occurrence to re
quire more than one bottle of each for the worst cases.
For sale at the GERMAN .MEDICINE OFFICE. No.
271, Race Street. one door above Eighth. south side, Phila
delphia. In Lancaster, loy John F. Long, in Harrisburg,
by Daniel %V Gross; 111 Pittsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and
by dealers generally throughout the United States.
117- Pamphlets contai!ung cures and descriptions of
diseases, gratis.
Also for sale, his celebrated VEGETABLE RUM/.
MNTIC PILLS. for the cure of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop
sy, and severe Nervous Affections; SPIKE N ARD °Tyr
mENT, for the cure of Piles. Triter, Ringworm. hst.
Ac , he marchl-A.lals-gm
PHILADELPHIA, December 14, 1547.
HOW many die a most horrible death without
the simple cause being suspected. Some linger for
years, as they suppose, from dispepsia, when it is worms,
which causes most diseases. There has come under
our notice:several cases of supposed dispepsia, of several
years' standing, when we have recommended the Syrup,
which has entirely restored them to health. We would
say to AULTS when they are afflicted with Sour Stomach,
Sick Head Ache, Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools,
Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after
eating, Sensation of rising in the throat after caung, &c.,
be assured it is
HOBENSA simply
CK'S WORM SYRUP worms, and it needs but a trial of
to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above
symptom, and the Syrup tails to cure, the agent will re
fund the money. To PARENTS we would say, them the
greatest sin you are convicted of, is to let your children
suffer and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable
remedy at hand. It is said by our oldest Physicians, that
Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis
eases the human faintly arc subject to. Then, how im
portant it is to have a safe and pleasant remedy at hand.
Parents, when your children have sore or inflamed eyes,
you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and
you will do well to call on the storekeepers of your
neighborhood and get a Book of Hobensack's, containing
certificates of cures and the symptoms of worms. Al
ways keep a Bottle of llobensack's Worm Syrup on hand,
it is a friend in need.
Mesas llont,sAcx—Gentlemen : I take great pleasure
in Informing yon of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy
rup ; having been afflicted for five years, and wasted
away ton mere skeleton, without removing any
front various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts
to try your Worm Syrup, ns he informed me it had brought
worms nom loin; also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks
county, n man over fifty years old, whom I am well ac
quainted with. I then commenced taking your Syrup,
nail it brought a very large quantity of worms, some ten
inches in length. and entirely restored me to health, and,
I must say I feel like a new man.
Yours, truly, JOHN HART, Phil'a co.
Mr. S. Hart is u gentleman thirty-three years of age,
living five miles out of the city, back of Second st. road
and is only one amongst the hundred grown persons Mu,
have been suved by HOBENSACICS WORM SYRUP.
Messrs. :llobensnek :
1 have been looking for some of your Worm Syrup
for sonic tune ; I hnve sold all but one bottle ; I wi.:ll you
to send toe mo dozen immediately. !believe it to be a
„• , 00d medicine ; I have seen it tried to my satisthetion.
1 hnve known one dose to bring from n child three wonns,
to; inches long, and front another twenty worms, eight
inches long in one day. 1 have cold ditli:rent NVorm
themes for n number of years. but never sold any that
gavesuch sonstaction.
Respectfully, yours, BROOKFIF,T,D.
Bridgeton, New Jersey
PIIILADCLPITIN, 111ny •_'s, 1.17
Alessi., J. & 0. S. I lohensack—cientlenten-1 have
been for some time u,iffir your '• Vermiluge" in my in lic
hee, and 1 ant happy to •uy that in my hands it has sue
ceeded in its intontion. so as fully to Justify my confidence
in its use. I think it among the very best preparations nt
use. C. W'. APPLETON, D. D., No. 111, South st
Prepared only by J. N. 4. 0. S. HOBENSACK, 2d
and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for sale by ull m
spetable Storekeepers in this and adjoining comities,
whom we atithora to give back the money in every case
it fails to give satin moon. Price 2.1 cents.
Alm Hobensuck's Mena Tooth Ache Drops. Price
121 cents, a certain cure for Tooth .Ache.
llobensuck's Rheumatic Limmmn. Price 25 cents.
do Cumuli Salve. Price 124 cents, for weak
backs, sprains, fresh and old sore , . burn,. etc.
llobensack's Totter and Ringworm Ointment. Price
25 cents, warranted to cure all irruptions of the skin—
for sale as above.
Plylailelphia May 27,—tno 1819.
11ENTLEMEN Tisiting the City, and wishing to
VA bui pp y them.4•lves with
Will find a
At the lowest possible prices, for
Manufactured of the best and most durable mnierods, and
of the latest and moat approved styles nod patents, for
Melt and Boys, of
Ako a great variety. Ili .
it 0 S' Cl.O T N ;
As any oilier r,lnlili...lnnena in the United Stales.
corner of
SECOND AND :11.1.12.KET.
Plain., April S, l 4 le -I y GEO. CIiI.IN
THOUSANDS Wright's Winn Vegetable Pills.
Scarcely have ten short tears elapsed since an
humble attempt nes made to CMIAIIIIC, in II suitable medi
cal preparation, a few of the herbs of the Indian. All was
dark at the tune as to the rr..ult. The moat that could be
estimated wa, that the principles adopted an the ltnsis to
build upon were sound. So much reliance was placed
upon calomel and the lancet. that the ill success of the
HOW experiment would have tendril to confirm that relt
once, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor.
Nose. however, all doubt and difficulty to at an end.—
Everywhere this Inca:eine has been greeted with wel
come; everywhere has tie use been attended with the
most gratifying success. Front small beginnings its sales
arc now counted
and it ie held in higher estimation at :the 'present
than when it nun originally iniroduced,
Fevers, like every other form of disease. are only an
effort of natnrc to expel front the body something that 111
opposed to health; it is merely a struggle between the
good and bad humors for supremacy. and the eounnotion
which ensues as called Fever. The usual symptoms of u
Fever are heaviness languor. anxiety, sighing and ya, ti
10g, with alternate fits of cold null heat. atter which the
patient complains of pnin in the bend and back, thirst, dif
ficulty of breathing, 1111111 in the limbs, a sense of fullness
about the region of the stomach, nausea and sickness,
with sometimes a vomiting of bilious ;natter.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found peculiar
ly adapted to the cure of st.t. sixes or rerte, because
they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels
front all 1 / 1 110118 humors, but they open those excretory
vessels which empty into the bowel,; and consequently,
the impurity continued an the circulation (which is the
cause of all disordered motions of the blood, called Fe
vers.) is thrown into the bowels, fre‘n whence it n, car
ried elf by the regultir ohs Inc discharge,
In using Wright's Indian Vegetn ble Pills for Fevers.
the only rare necessary is. to have the medicine operate
COPIOUSLY BY THE. BOWLI.S. lithe symptoms tire
urgent. from four to eight pills should be taken, night and
morning. until the fever hiss subririoul other which smaller
doses. once in twenty-four hour , . aill be sufficient to re
store the body to a srmiscl state of
The following highly re , pertable Storekeeper, have
been duly appointed agents tor the sale of this Celtbrined
medicine. in Laitea+ter county
Benrville, Ilenben Weidler
Bainbridge. John F. Beecher
Bird-indland, Jricob Bruner.
Bart Township, Win. W. l'a-sours
Belleview. Boyers & Kennedy.
Conestoga Cent,. John 11. Harman
Claire), Town. L. & E. Rogers.
Cooper-vine. E. Lewts.
Columbia. Fry & Spangler
Cherry Hill. Inane S Webster
Dunmore, John A. Boyd
Earl Township, George Buchman
tin do IVenver & StoulThr.
do do Davis IV:lance.
Elizabethtown. John Lynch
Ephrata, 0 P Grass.
rho Martin Weidman
Fulton House, Fallon tp., L. P. 'Wilkinson.
Ilempficld. Rintri.valt & Xlartiii.
Intercourse, J. 0. &. S 1.. Robinson.
Leneock township. Fretleriek Swope.
Lampeter Sminre, J. F. & D. 11. Herr.
Lair., Nathaniel S. Wollcy.
Lancaster, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy. Witmer & Cassel.
Monntville. John Devlin.
Marietta. W. A. & 13. Spangler.
Mount Joy Township, li. CL Clark & Co.
Raytown, John Reinhold.
do Slaymaker S. Co
Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepner.
Mall Creek. Henry Stauffer.
New Holland. Brubaker & Co.
7.ess. Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
Peach Bottom. S. W. V. Boyd.
Paradise, A. R. & A. L. Witmer.
'Peach Boron‘, Wan. Arnold.
Ravvlinsvitle,John Rawlins.
Safe Harbor, John Herr Jr Son.
Strausburg. Wm. Spencer.
Salsbury, 11. Freeland.
Washington,John A. Brash.
Offices devoed exclusively to the sale of Wrigl"l
Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 165 Kara
street, Philadelphia; Greenwich street. New York;
and 1119 Tremont street. Boston.
June N. 101°.—tap2,19
WASHINGTON Gallery of Daguerreotypes, No.
234. North Second Street, N. W. corner of Callow
hill street, Philadelphia. •
The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored all this
well known establishment, for ONE DOLLAR, are uni
versally conceded to be sciust. in every respect to ANT in
the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear
weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS and
LOCKETS on hand, at from 82 to S 5, including the pic
tures. . .
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan
caster county, to call and examine specimens of the latest
improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will
he exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
Philadelphia, July 1.1843-Gm
- FOR SALE at the sign of the "Red Curtain,"
Fourth and Market Street, Pluludclphia.
0. WHEELOCK, Puormsroa.
CAKES:—Fruit, Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, Queen
Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes, Cheese
Cake+, Riot:, Apples, Jumbles, Spice Nuts, and Ginger
PIES t—Strawberry Ilurtlebcrry, Blackberry, Currant,
Cherry. Plum, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard,
Apple, Peach, Mince, and Bhcubarb Pies pounng in hot
from the oven nt all hours of the day.
CllEESE:—Turnothy Jackson's Ne Plus Ultra Medal
Cheese, (very superior,) Pine Apple Cheese, and a great
variety of other Cheese, both new nod old.
N. B. Seme Mille Cheese sold at this establishment is
equal to the beet English Cheese.
Ti ALPERANCE DRlNKS—always cold—Rom.
cell's Mitirrtil Water, Lemonade, Beer, Mead, Milk, &c.
Philadelphia, June 10,1645.--Sm
VOU SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of the
AMEItICAN COMPOUND have been sold during
the past year, and was never known to fail of curing, in
a few days, the worst eases of a certain delicate disease,
Suninal weakness and all discuses of the Urinary organs.
Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy,
need fear no exposure, us it leaves no oder on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no
Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is
adapted to every age. sex, ur eoliditioll. It is also the
best remedy known for Flour Albus, or Whites., (female
compla isle) with which thOtistinds entree. without the
knowledge of a remedy. Tins celebrated remedy has
long been used in the private practice of a physielan with
unerring success. radically curing ninety-nun• of the hun
dred ca s e., in a few days. Around each bottle arc plant
and full directions.
ID - CAUTION—Ask for the A Meow or;ComrouNo, and
purchase only of the agent. PrICC $1 per bottle: 1.
Vty.t.t,v•:s, agent for Columbia.
NATIONAL WORK. A History of the Revolution
and lives of the heroes of the War of Independence,
by Charles J. Peterson. An elegant volume witlild firm
steel plates, and nearly 200 beautiful wax! engravings.
—This is a splendid book. A valuable. addition to thri
Historic Literature of our country. We are much mista
ken if it does not take rank with the works of Irvulg and
Prescott;'—[ Frank Lord I herald.
••It surpasses any similar wort: yet offered to the Amer
icon public."—pleat's Gazette.
tdt may be properly considered a popularised Military
History - of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious
written."—(North American.
"The present work on the Revolution and its Heroes,
is supenor, both in extent and design to any that has
heretofore conic under our notice.”--ilnquirer.
"A well connected History of that eventful period."—
"Decidedly the best popular Ilistory of the War of the
Revolution and its I lentos, that has yet been given to the
country'—(Saturday Evening Poet.
AGENTS WANTED to calevass for the above elegant
work, in every county town an the Uuited Sinter, to whom
the moil liberal inducements will he offered. Price only
S 3. Address (post paid.) WM. A. LEARY,
No. 153, North Second st., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1ti43.--31no.
PAN sare from 1 to 25 per rent. by Ruches
k_i Ing their OIL CLOTHS direct from the manufactu-
POTTER & CARMICHAEL have opened a Ware
house, No. 135 North Third Street above Race, second
door South of the Engle lintel, PHILADELPLIA, where
they will always keep on hand n complete assortment of
20. 40 40.15, antl 04, incl.. wide. FiFured, Painted,
and Plain. on the inside, on Muslin Drilling and Linen.
'FAULT: OIL CLOVIS of the most desirable patterns, 318. 40,
40, and 51 niches wide. FLOOR Ott. CLOTHS, front 28 in
ches to 21 feet wide well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, all of their own manuftwalre. Transparent
IVindow Carpets &e. All goods warranted.
Phil adelphin, May 57 — Sot
V3IPIRE COOKING STOVE. In again calling at
lention to tins unegalled STOVE, the proprietor has
the plea-dire to tniortn the public that (externally) it has
undergone an entire Change the pipe and hearth placed
oppt,tat each oilier, and a
being added. thus rendering it faultless, and unless there
is another faultless Store rn the market, this is unques
tionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable im
provement possessed by any other Stove in addition to
some pecuhar to itself. secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove. since its introduction, is un
equalled. Nothing has /nor been altered for culinary pur
poses, that has giVcii such general satisfaction. Stoves
have been copied after its form; some dealers have even
used its fundamental principles, but the proportions were
so unlike the origiaal. that they bear the relative value,
that a counterfeit does to a genuine coin.
Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES, in great
variety. P. It. GUAnutT, Nrr 412. Market st.
Girard Row, below Tsvelttli Street. PHILADELPHIA.
fir All Stoves purchased at THIS STORE will be de
livered in Columbia, free of charge
a ten' y
QALIMINDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
'Warranted equalto any other make, and have never
been injured by Fire or Burglars, in a single instance. Ile
also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Chests ,
made of lighter iron, at lower prices.
!Alter Copying Presses and Books
Trucks fur Stores, Factories, &e
Druggists' Presses.
Eagle Glass Paper.
Portable Shower Baths, &e.
Parking Levers, lloisung Machines.
Refrigerators and Wales Filters.
CI South Second St., below Chesnut, Philadelphia.
REFRIGERATORS for cooling and preserving Meat,
Butter, Milk, and all articles intended for culinary pur
WATER FILTERS—OIiver Evans' Celebrated Wa
ter Filters, for Purifying . Water that is brackish or mud
dy. whether by rains, minerals. or otherwise can be had
of till Flteclid prices, at the Warerooms, No. 01 South
Second Street. two doors below Chesnut St., Philad.
l'hiladelphmv. October
isaerzacmarm READ.
A Certain Disease Cured in TWO DAYS,—The
loins, recent and chronic affections of die k idneys,
ease of the bladder. gra vet. erwi and weak &e. Per
sons who, by indulging m a secret habit. having entailed
on them-eke., constitutioniti s h ou ld app l y in ,
mediately to OIL KIN KEI.IN. or the Philadelphia Arc:M
eal llomr, the oldest Illeatillloll of tire kind to the city.
Odle,. N. W. corner of Tuna) and UNION Sts.. be
tween Spruce and Pine, squares from the Exchange.
l'his Meilienl Ito., was established by Dr. K. fineen
years ago, for the suppre , sion Of quackery, there being
1.0 many persons. uithout knowledge, name or character.
who put athertkements in the public papers, that an in
stitution of this kind was highly necessary to prevent the
afflicted, especially strangers, nom falling into the hands
of i.orne nnskilfull wretch, who, instead of curing, might
send Ins learn into an untimely grave. Therefore, the
afflicted should shun the numerous pretended physicians
who know nothing of the practice of medicine, but con
stilt Dr. Kinkelin. %slat cures a rkIiTAIN DISEASE ut two or
three clay s. areording to the Rinte of the patient, without
file Al, of Mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Kinkelin ; his medicines are palatable and harmless,
and rill his patients are honorably shielded, from even the
possibility of being discovered. lle who places himself
under the care of Dr. K., may religiously confide in his
honor as a gentleman. and confidently rely upon his skill
as a physician. and if he is not speedily relieved no re
muneration will be demanded.
tiincturcs, one of the most troublesome and dangerous
affections, which often end in gravel, inhumation, weak
ness. &c- Dr. Einkelin guarantees to remove speedily ;
as also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland, he. Stn,
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
ICE PAIMCCIAII NOTICE.—Young . men who have in
jured themseves by a certain practice indulged in—a habit
frequentently learned from evil companions, or at school,
the effects of which are nightly felt- even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediate
ly. Weakness and constitutional debility immediately
cured and full vigor restored. All letters post paid.
TAKE Nories.—Dr. Xinkelin has had greater practice
in the above affections than any physician in the United
States. He also possesses an advantage over all others,
from the fact of his having studied in the great hospitals
of Hurope. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them after every other remedy had failed. Sepa
rate rooms for private consultation. Open till 9P. M..
Tasvitttints supplied at a moment's notice, with the
requisite medicines to cure themselves privately.
Pacesocs of medicines sent to any part of the U. Pi.
Mn,.- particulars in the Spirit of the Times 0e6'47-1 y
P. R. G