Costiveness, 'headache, giddiness, pain in the side and breast, nausea and sickness, variable appetite, yel low or swarthy complexion, Ice., are the usual symptoms of a disordered liver. The Indian Vegetable Pills are al ways certain to remove the above complaints, because they remove from the body those morbid humors which are the cause not only of all disorders of the liver, but of eyery malady incident to man. A single 25 cent box will in all cases gibe relief, and perseverance according to di. rections, will most assuredly drive every particle of die ease•from the body. The Indian Vegetable Pills also completely cleanse the stomach and bowels of all bilious and putrid humors and therefore arc a certain cure for colic, dysentery, cholera morbus, and other disorders of the intestines. BENVAItE OP CoIINTERFEITS AVD barrAnONs.—Remem her, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wirmtitx Vrtuour on the top label of each box. IlD'"The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who are the only authorized Agents for COlunibia. Also, by 'agents advertised in another column. Principal Office, 169, Race Street, Philadelphia. Another Severe Casa of Asthma in N. Hamp shire cured by Dr. NVistar's balsam. New limarrost, April 5.1840. Eeth W. Fowle—Dear Sirt—Having for a long time been troubled with Asthma. in its worst form, and after having tried various remedies, all to no effect. I bought of your agent, A. Rowe, one bottle of the Balsam of Wild Cherry, which relieved me very much. I have continued to use the same as the disease returns upon me, and find it always relieves when nothing else will ; and further, I have no doubt, could I have had the Wild Cherry in the first stages of the disease, that It would have entirely cured use. I can confidently recommend nose ve:y valuable medicine for all lung complaints. BENJAMIN ROBINSON. None genelne, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrap _ For -.Zs by SETE! W. FOWLE, General' Agent,lll9, Washington Street, Boston; Aslo, For sale by R. WILLIAMS, Front Street Columbia, Pu. Dr. Swaynes COMPOUND Sinur of WILD CUERRY AN IMPORTANT LCITER Read the following letter from Wm. Shaw, a respecta ble Druggist in Wilmington, IsT. C., a. gentleman of un doubted veracity, in whose word the most implicit confi dence may be placed, another proof of the superiority of D. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP or WILD CIIERRY. 111 curing Coughs, COM% CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lungs and Breast. WILMINGTON, N. C. Jun. 5, 1340. DR. SWAYNE—Dann Stu:—You will please send me twelve dozen, or more, na you see fit, of your Starr or WILD CILIERUY. Front sales to-day,l have but a half do zen on hand ; the sales arc rapidly increasing and will. I have no doubt, continue to do so. An acquaintance of mine called a few days age to say he would give um a certificate of its good effects. lie is from the country, and a minister in the Mellimlt•t Church. Shortly after obtaining the agency, I prevailed upon hint to try a bottle though I doubted whether any benefit would he derived, for he, as well as myself, thought Its case was confirmed Consumption. in furl every symptom wits indicative.— Shortly after, he wrote to tne to send him four or five bot tles more. Ile came to town lust week. I will quote his own language: said he, "1 am a new man, and I consider it a. duty I owe to the public, to tell what Dr. Swaytte's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry tins done for me." I will publish his certificate, and as he is generally known all over our section, I expect good results from it. With every feeling of respect, yours truly, WM. SHAW. . _ Letters such as the above are daily received from all parts of the country, but we publish this ns one of the many proofs of its efficacy. Avoid all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that bearing the written signature of Dr. Ssvayne, us they are most likely quite destitute of the article from which they borrow a name. The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by DR. SWAYNE, corner of Eighth and Race ate., Phila delphia, and for sale by agents in all parts of the United States, and some parts of Europe. Sold b - WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, and Dr. A. H. DARNITZ, York, Pu. :Aug. Ri, 1848.-81. West Extraordinary Work—The Married Wo man's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A. M. liIAURICEAU, Professor of Diseases of Woman, Sixth Edition. lEimo. pp. , 2.50. Prise $l. 25,000 copies sold In three months! Wars of suffering, of physical and mental anguii.h to many an atTectionate wile, and peeuninnry difficult!. to the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses sion of this work. It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage. as tt discloses important secrets which should he known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, happiness, af fluence: 'rile revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, us the innumerable letters to the author will attest. Here, also, eve-y female—the wife, the mother, the one either - budding Into woinsiilio..4 or the OW' ill the fleet", of years in whom nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. COPIES IVIT.I. HE SENT BY MALT. FREI: OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. Over ten thonsnnd copies have been sent by snail within three months, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar, the Married Nomads Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed tree) to any part of the United States. All letters must be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Maunceau, Box 122.4, New York City. Publish in office. Liberty-st., New-York. The "Marred Woman's Private Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the. United States. For sale at the Spy Office, Colombia, Pa. New-York, May 20, 1242—i1m Pl e a se t a ke Notice•—Wc have been frequently annoyed by a soap vender in Philadelphia, named Hanoi, who meanly copies our advertisements and applies the same to his own use. Now, what principle can n man possess who will condescend to make use of such mean artifices to insure his success and make his articles sell. A man's composition or his stereotype matter, is as much his property as his stock in business, or goods, wares and chattels : it; then. another man meanly adopts such com position or property for his own use, what better is he than a rogue who will make illegal use of your goods? In a lime handbill orours, which we wrap around our Chi nese Medicated Soap, we have at the head of the bill a small paragraph which rends thus "In an evil hour the serpent catered Paradise, and Beauty lost its charm. But the A 'lrv's° gave man power over all animal and vegetable :natter. And the mysteri ous secret of restoring unto woman her Cornier pure. clear and beautiful complexion, is combined in Radway's Chi t ese Medicated Scup." On looking over the Philadelphia Ledger on Monday, the 18th Oct., we were surprised to see our matter made use of for dressing up another man's article. and that man our competitor in 1,11511111,83, and for the public's approba tion of our respective articles. We offer to the public Radway's Chinese Merhcated Soap as a sure extermina tor of the Cuticle, and a certain cure for all eruptions of the skin. As a Toilet Soap, we candidly believe it to be the most superior soap extant. As a Medicated Soap we sincerely believe it to possess qualities which no other soap possesses. For the cure of salt rheum, ringworm, erysipelas, chap ped, cracked and repulsive shin, we know it is certain to its effects, and is superior to all others ever invented.— Lastly, we never condescend tosnake use of other men's composition to make our articles sell. We furthermore warn this man, Jnles Haim!, not to infringe on our rights, or make use in any manner whatever of our stereotype composition. With these few remarks we leave the pub lic to lodge the meritsof our Chinese Medicated Soap, and the merits of an article clothed in false colors to make it sell. Ladies and gentlemen, if you Irish to get Radmay's Soap in all its parity, call on R. and Wm. A. I.kkann, Columbin, and Zahin & Jackson, in Lanent.ter. Each cake, of the genuine must be signed It. G. fl.nd may J. R. G. RAD *AY, 2 Courtland St., N. Y. aug1.222-1 Philadelphia Daraereotrpo Establishment -- RICIIANGE, 3d story, Rooms 25 , 27 . .—DaglIereotypc Por traits of all sires, either singly or all family groups, col ored or without colors, are taken every day, in ally wea ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Paintums, Statuary, are., may also be procured. Ladies and Grmtlemen arc requested to examine specimens. apl3'43-ly W. & F. LA1:GF.NIIE1:11. On the 20th inst., by the Rev. William Barns, Mr. Boer Prrrrr. :a Mine ..Issm Yorso, both of Columbia. DIED. In this borough, on the 21st inst., Etntran W., ton of John F. Craig, aged 11 months and 14 days. *5 REWAB.D. TEE above reward will be given for the ap prehension and conviction of the person or persons •ho broke the post and tassels of the enclosure belonging to the subscriber, in the Presbyterian grave yard of Co lumbia, Pa. JAAIES WRIGIIT. Columbia, August 26, 1.&12.-3t NOTICE ALL persons are hereby forewarned not to de -Ll_ posts shavings or other combustible matter on any Part of the Public Ground of Old Columbia, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. By order of the board of managers of thet public ground. THOMAS LLOYD, Secretary. Columbia, August 23, 1242-31. *5O 31/1177.A1C.D. AREWARD of go will be given for the appre hension and conviction of the person or persons who set fire to the pile of shavings on Saturday night last, on the public ground. By order of the Town Council. JAMES JORDAN, Columbia, August 26 , 1848. Chief Burgess. Baltimore .advertisements. r";7lr'!"7:TMVrvl SHOWER-LITIL An entirely new article for Shower Bathing, with warm or cold Water. A. great and important improvement is made in this Shower-Bath over all others, by throwing the water im mediately on the body, without wetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Showcr•Bath is adapted to—and most of all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair. Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case in met in this as they can regulate the temperature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the heath or covering the same. The arrangements are simple and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath cat be adjusted to sun ally height, from a small child to the tallest person, When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the out side appearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of several medical gentlemen—others arc requested to call and exatnine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. . _ EPHRAIM LARRA.BEE. 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore BATHING.—Read what Armstrong says : Do not omit, ye who would health secure, The daily fresh ablution, that shall clear The sluices of the skin ; enough to keep The body sacred from uudecent soil. Still to be pure, even ilia did not conduce (As much as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains; 'tis this adorns the rich ; The want of this is poverty's worst foe. Vali this external virtue, age maintains A deftitt grata; without it. youth and charms Are toothsome. REIVIOVIIL TABORATORY OF TIIONSO:VIAN BOTANIC !BED'- CINES EPHRAIM LARRAHEE. No. :In South Culvert street. Baltimore has removed his Laborary to his new building. No. and has always on hand the largest and most complete assortment of pure Botanic remedies in the United States, prepared under his special Cure at his Laboratory—being the first erected In the United States for the special purpose of preparing Tnom- SOMA": Mgmcnims. All of the pulverised and compound ed articles arc put up in quarter and half pound packages. and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing and in bulk. and upon better terms than the same article can be had for in the U. S. Every article in his lino is warranted genuine-111 c public cart rely spoil this. liberal discount made to country merchants. who are particularly requested to call and eXinUnle quality, &c., before purchasing. try-Tho variants Treatises, embracingthe most reputed authors, upon die Thonisoniun or Botanic System of Medicine, may also be had at his establishment, by the quantity or single copy. a ir26' y GOLD INN ANEW ARTICLE which may Le used with Quill or Steel Pen (quill ie preiersible) for billets, Inv &c.,—it will exactly be the thing. It is also used for ornamenting, Wood, Picture Frames. Chairs, &c. For sale by WILLIAMS. Columbia, August 26, 15)19. sTovEs. ACOMPLETE assortment of Wood, Coal, and COOKING STOVES, for sale at reduced prices, at the Hardware Store of J. IV. CUITRELL. Locust Street, Colutrebia, Pa. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY. By calling ut the divest CLOTHING STORE, under the sun you can cave twenty per cent. C. LEVI' & Co., Front Strew. and door above Schrei ner's Row, would respectfully call the attennon of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to their large and splen did assortment of SEASONABLE READY MADE arm! LING, Consisting of French Broadcloth Coats of all colors and descriptions, Punts, Vests, Cups. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Carpet Bags. &c. C. LEVY & Co.. Batter themselves that they eon sell the cheapest Clothing in Columbia, or any n here else: and if you do not believe it, Just give than a call. Columbia, August Di, 1844 —2m NAILS, sprans, 8t imams. 500 KEGS NAILS and SPIKES for sale atnian utuctitrer's prices at the Ilardware Store of J. W. COTTILF.LL, nul9'lB-31n Locust Street, Columbia, Pit. JUST received, a lot of superior English SHOT GUNS. Double and Single Darrel, tor bale at low prices at the Herdwurc Store of J. W. corrttnu., au101,343m Locuet Street, Columbia. Po. WANTED. TINTED a first rate Wagon-maker, to take v charge of a shop and carry till the business on his own hook, above the Depot. A shop will be rented to a good mechanic at about $l5 per annum. 11111 i at least 61.20 worth of work grversby the subqcriber himself to start on the first year. The work is principally on heavy Ore %V nous. For further particulars. addicts IL M. WILLS. August 10, 15,1r 1 .-thin Columbia, Pa. WM SANDS, LENT, & CO'S I_IIPPOFERAEAN ARENA. THIS IM ENSE and truly mngnificent establishment will be open in COLUMBIA. ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1249. FOR ONE DAY ONIA In addition to their already mammoth troupe of Eques trians and Animals, the Proprietors otter, the present sea son, a series of Novel and Magnificent Entertainments, far surpassing anything ever presented to the American Public. The leading new feature of this extensive Com pany consists of a pair of trained Elephants, Jenny Lind and Romeo. and ten Egyptian Camels, whose perfor mances have been the wonder and delight of thousands in Great Britain and on the continent of Europe. Indepen dent of those unparalleled novelties, the company proper is composed of a host of artists whose abilities have stood the test of the most searching criticism, both in the old and new moth], and the names which are nosy offered area sufficient guaranty that none but the most talented have been selected. Among them will be found those of Mr. R. Sands and his children. Maurice and Jes , ce: Mons Cane in his as tonishing performances; Master Walter Aysnar. the Juve nile Equestrian Wonder in various acts of Equitation un approached as a bare-back ride; M ile Rosalthe Madigan, the Fairy Amazonian Princess of the Arena. only 7 years of age; Mr. Madigan, the great scenic and polyhippinn Equestrian; Sig. Perez. the Unrivalled Contortionist; Mr. Ruggles. the popular and unsurpassed performer on the Cordc Volante; Vim. Aymer, the Aerial Vaulter; Albert Aymer; Messrs. Rice, Mitchell, Crawford. Lacy, Tucker, and a host of other performers, male and female, all of the most approved talent in their vnrious feats. This Mammoth Corps will enter town on the Morning of Exhibition. at llo'clock in Procession and cavalcade, preceded by the Sacred Egyptirm Dragon Chariot of Isis and Osiris, drawn by ten I.gyptian Camels, containing the splendid full band attached to the company. Next in order will be the East Indian Car; to which will be harnessed the two Elephants. followed by the mag nificent Stud of Horses, and all the numerous costly and highly ornamented Vehicles belonging to the company : — The beautiful Fairy Carriage drawn by twenty Lilliputian Ponies, driven in hand, will bring tip the rear of the whole procession, the touts ensemble of which surpasses any thing which language can describe. Master of the Arena, Capt. J. A. Decamp. Equestrian Director, Mr. 11. P. Madigan. Treasurer, Mr. J. W. Fo shay. Clowns, Petland and Lathrop. both distinguished above all others in the country, for their wit and joviality. and unsurpassed by any in the world for their genuine and unexceptionable humor. Musical Director, Mr. E. K. Eaton. Leader of the Brass Mr. Geo. Seeley, Leader of the String Band, Herr A. Gerloff. The Pavillion in which the company will exhibit is by far the largest ever erected, and will be Militantly illu minated on the night of performance. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Performance com mences at and 71 o'clock. Admittance 25 cents; posi tively no half price. au26'4B-41 ritElgellC REVOLUTION'. TYRANTS as well as Monopolies must fall, so must prices. That is to fact which can be proved by calling at the Old Established Cumx, Wavcu, and Jr.w mar Stand of JAIL Felix, Front street, a few doors below Iferr's Washington Hotel. The undersigned having just return a from Philadelphia and New York, where he has purchased, at the pre sent very low prices, a large and splendid assortment of CLOCKS, WATCRES, AND JEWELRY of every description, which, together with his former ex tensive stock, he is determined to sell ofl:quick nod at small advances. Now is is your time if you wish to purchase JEWELRY of the very best quality. and at astonishing low prices. The following embraces some of the leading articles of his magnificent stock: GOLD mid SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCHES, full jeweled; Gold and Silver Lcpine, Quartier, and Eng ' lisp IVatehes; Gold arid Silver Miniature Cases; Silver Table. Tea, Soli, and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar Tongi, Butter Knives, &e.; Silver Scissor Hooks. Silver Combs and Hair Darts, Silver and Steel Belt Slides, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Spectacle Glasses. Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens, German Silver Spectacle Cases; German Silver Table and Tea Spoons ; Gold Fob anti Guard Chains, Steel do.; Cold, Silver, and Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings ' Breast Pins and Bosom Studs of every description Curd Cases, Steel Purse Rings and Tassels. Bag and Purse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk - Twists, Shell Side and Back Combs; Pen Knives, Pistols, Spy Glasses, Music Boxes, Pocket Books and Purses, together With a large variety of other useful and ornamental articles usually kept in Jewelry Stores. Funicular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry—and all work warranted. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber solicits a con the same—which he flatters himself to meat front his experience and by a strict attention to business. N. B. Remember the place. It is m Front street, a few doors BELOW Herr's Washington Hotel. Cohen hm, Pa., where you can buy cheap and good Jewelry, and warranted to give satistuction m every instance or have your money refunded. Columbia, Auiust 19, 194.9 —ly SHEET IRON. AMERICAN and Russia Sheet Iron for sale at reduced pnees, at the Hardware Store of J. W. curraELL, uuiD'4S Bil Locust Street, Columbia, l'a. THE BEST ATECILIAICAL Paper in tlle World. New Vo lume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.' The Publishers of the Scientific American respectfully give notice that the FOURTH YEARLY VOLUME of their Journal tail be commenced oil Suturda),Septemlier 22nd. This publication (Infers entirely from the many inngarincs and Papers which flood the country. It is u Weekly Journal of Art, Science, mid :Mechanic,. having for it. object the advancement of the IITERESI'S OF :MECHANICS, MANUFACTURERS and INVEN TORS. Each number is illustrated with front five to tell original ENGRAVINGS OF NEW 3IECTIANICAL IN VENTIONS, nearly all of . the best 1111,1111011.3 tvhlch are patented at Washington being illustratml in the Scientific American. It also contains a Weekly List of American Patents ; notices of the Progress of all Mechanical mid Scientific Improvements; practical direction on the con struction. management, and use of all lands of MACIII NERY. TOOLS. At.. ; Essays upon :llcelianies, Cheinis 111% runt Architecture ; accounts of FOrelgll Inventions ; advice to inventors; Railroad Intelligence, together with a vast amount of other interesting, valuable, and usefid information. The Scientific American is the most popular journal oldie kind ever published. o.lld of more importimee to the interest of :Mechanics and Inventors than any thing they could possibly obtain! It Is printed with clear type 011 beautiful paper. and being Odtlyted to binding. the sub scriber is possessed, ut the end in the year, of a large vol tittle of four hundred unit sixteen pages, illustrated with upwards of five hundred Mechanical Engravings, {lnd un TERMS:—Two dollars a year in advance, or if desired. one dollar in advance, the remainder in sir moths. TO CLUBS copies ~.+; ten Those %vile wish to subscribe have only to enclose the amount in a letter, directed to MUNN & CO.. Publishers of the Scientific American, New York. ]lf - AII letters must be post paid. VOLUNIETIII RD hound, $2.75, or in sheets, $.2, are for sale. They maybe sent safely to any part of the contain'. Patents cceured and Mechanical Drawings cescuted nt the cheapest rates, nt the &lice of the SCIOIIIifIC Ameri can. aulJ'lcdt 4=014 olui k'Przlo4l OF NEW YORK is strangely destructive to the human tutu, le, (or skle,) the air from the sea. the sudden change from hunt to cold, and the smoke causes YELLOW. DARK, CONRSE;(36MPLEXIONS. It is requisite lieu the pores of the skin should be kept kept mien-41ml theirmouths should be freed from ißlPllritv was thus the a licient - Woman "I'nunsopocts cured a dolt:uses—they computed that more diseases and unheal thy vapors tell through the pores of the skin. than for Puy other outlet of the bode. It. is necessary. therefore, to ko-p the pores open—all limners are dispelled from the skin Ilona the pores, whim washed with Jones's Italian Chemical Soap. I have seen It cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores. Barber's Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm. when every internal and ex ternal remedy had fitifrd—lts streets in rendering the skin white, dear and soft, though it be yellow and coarse, Is wonderful—it removes Frockles.l'an-Sunburn.:Nforphow and disfigurement of the shun—but persnns tnto.t he par ticular and ask for Jones's Soap. For sale by It. Williams, agent for Columbia. aii2G,lB-tde24 ALL TOISEA.SES nF THE head, !ace and hands, such as scurvey. erysipelas. saltrlieum. Itch, sores, sore heads. tan, freckles, sunburn, niorpliew. yellow, dark disfigured skin are cured. When these causes aro removed, persons who use the bath freely should remember that more than water is required to remove the hunter front the pares. have seen persons %silo have had filthy skin diseases, for years, and after crying everything in vain, have been cured by washing the skin with Jones's Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously offer it for any of the above complaints. It is particularly adapted to persons from the sunny South. They would find their skin much whiter, clearer and smoother by Its ere. But they must be sure to ask for Jones's Chemical Soap, as there are numerous counterfeits. Price 50 cents. For sale be B. Williams, agent for Columbia. uu9.6.49-tdec24 Philadelphia ddvertisemenls. li.•l* - P , 41.4.:*i..74 1 .0M , .t4z4f1 QTOTE WORKS. The subscribers respectfully J inform their friends and the public that they ore now prepared to execute any orders with which they may be favored. (or their WEST PHILADELPHIA COM PLETE COOK STOVE, of which they have three sizes ; CONNON and 13ARE CYLINDER STOVES, seven sizes: Masts and Tors for CI tinder Stoves, fire sizes; OVEN PLATES. four sizes: COTTAGE AIRTIGHT rmthort. sTovgs, (for wood.) two sizes; GAS OVENS, three sizes j CAST-IRON HEATERS, and large and beautiful assortment of Patterns for Iron Railing. Their Goods arc all made of the best material, and from new and beautiful designs. Their WEST PHIALD'A COMPLETE is, without doubt, the beet and most saleable Cook Stove itt the market. They see constructed with Mott's Patent Feeder Front and Grate, which gives them a decided superiority over all others. They only want a trial to confirm what is here asserted. CASTINGS of all kinds mode to order ',yid) promptness and despatch. Samples may be seen and orders left at the Foundry, or at J. B. Kont.on's, t.l North Second Street; :Nimmons & Dotst: tr's South Second Street. and at %Vn.r..Lots & 49 Market Street. 'WILLIAMS, KOHLER, MATHIEU' & CO Phila. August 19, 1h4.-tint. STOVES. THE Largest Concern in the United States. HILL & CL1NE.N0.2.13 North SECOND Street, above VINE. and No. M? mARKKr Street, above TENTH. Philadelphia. Morro'—Small profits and quick sales. VnatErvl—Entirely unsurpassed and unemmlled. Co:nem - nos: !—Far. very far in the back ground. We oiler. among others, this season: The Celebrated Empire Cook, the genuine. Roney's Economist—n new mid prime stove. Leibranbes Ole 13u11 Cook. The Philadelphia Air-Tight. The Our Stoves for 2 New and splendid patterns. Cooking, The New Pattern Completes, 3 sizes, do. do. The Oven Stoves, 4 do. do. do. A splendid assortment of Rathators for Parlors. Cannon Radiators. Air-Tights, Stoves for Stores, Halls, Churches, Se.. Ore Sc.. too numerous to mention. Philadelphia, August 12,1&18. I. • 1 T,kP s 'I ivlAElßT°s.ltvcch,KiNi.S.c.7, LTV, Wire street, Philadelphia. The subscribers continue to manufacture, of a superior quality, all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTALWIRT. `WORK, such as Sieves. Riddles, Screens, Ate., for all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Sand, Ore, Snuff, Staroh, Brick dusts, .ke. Mi=l==;l=lEl Also, Safes, Wire Dish Covers. Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, &c. _ . ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK - - _ Such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Gorden Bordering, Flower Stands, Trainers, Trellis work for Grape Vines, &c., &c. Also, Wire Fencing of every . description. te E.,r; Orders thankfully received. and promptly ,IVATSON & COX. August 12,1811-.lm 4A NEW STYLE OF HATS AND CAPS at In , Lewis Tredenick & Co.'s Fashionable lIAT & CAP Store, first door below John Felix's Jewelry store, where you can always get a Fashionable Hat or Cap at the lowest city price. Call and examine our New Style and judgeNfor yourselves. TREDENICK & Augui.t 5, 1848-tt Front Street, Columbia, Pa. aritzrara OPT' AT COST. Him & CAPS SELING AT COST. The sub scriber-would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia ant' Its vicinity : that he is SELLING OFF his old stock of . consisting in pall of fine Mole Skin, Silk, Beaver, Nutria, and Castor HATS, of the latelt style, together with a general assortment of CAPS of all sires and prices; all of which he is determined to sell at cost. If you want a real first rate article, very CHEAP, now as the unto to purchase. Call tilld =llllllle the price and quality, and you cannot but be pleased milt both. Ile will also continue to manutheture, and constantly keep on hand a large assortment of the latest and best style of HATS and CAPS, CHEAP. Thankful tor the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed, the undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the stone. WILLIAM TEMPLE. No. •2, Columbia' July 22, 1242. 6clucinces Row, Prom st A ND the Volunteers returning home. WALNUT COLONNADE CHEAP CLOTHING EMPORIUM% No. 42., Front 6trect, directly opposite the bridge, and three doors below Black's Hotel, Columbia, Yu. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia and the public generally, that he has bought out .be E=EMM EXTENSIVE cLoTtlixa ESTABLISHMENT, formerly kept by James L. Prchrnan, at the above well known stand. lie sward invite the former patrons of the establishment and all others to cull and examine Iris STOCK OF FASHIONABLE mid CHEAP CLOTHING, ultich exceeds in extent. elegance, and variety. any hitherto opened m this vicinity. and which Ile pledges himself to sell lower than even Ins predecessor ever offer ed before. His stock consists in part of GENTLEMEN'S FINE CLOTH DRESS COATS, Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Frock Coats, Sacks, Coatces. Gentlemen's Fine Cloth and Cassimere Pants; Satin and Silk-Velvet Vests, Plain and Fancy, being the only hind of this quality for sale 111 this nlace, Roundabouts, Pea Jackets, Shirts, plain and flurry. Satinet Pantaloons, Gentlemen's Cotton Ilalf-hose. Silk and Cotton Ilandker— chits. Cravats. Su.penders. limbrelliv‘, Leather and Hair Trunks, Travelling Bags, &v. Together with n large as sortment of BOYS' CLOTHING os every description. Remember the TIIREE BIG DOORS, the place to buy cheap Clothing, No. 42, Front Street, thret tly opposite the Bridge. and three doors below Black's !tote!. Columbia. Co. A. G. STEVENS. Columbia, July 21, COLUMBIA DANK AND BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18, ISIS. The Directors of the Columbia Batik and lt.idgc Com pany, desirous of affording to persons who are disposed to deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate of interest, have determined to allow interest fur the same at the following rates, vie: Fur all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum. do do do 8 do 3 do do do do do 3 do 2 do do The stuns so deposited to be payable without interest at any intermediate time, at die option of the depositor.' The interest to cease at the end of the period tor which the deposit wus made, airless the satire be renewed for a further period. SAMUEL June 10, I -.1; 4 .--31n Cashier. TN pursuance of the provisions of the act en titled, •• Act to prescribe the Jammer of giving notice of applications for Banks," and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the President. Directors, and Stockholders of the Lancaster Bank, hereby give public notice, that they intend making application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. at the session to commence on the first Tuesday of January next. A. D. 1e49, for the renewal and extension of their present Charter and Act of Incorporation, with banking nod discounting privileges, for the term of ten years from the first Wednesday in May, A. D. li+sl. The date last mentioned, being the tunic to which their present Charter is extended. The said Corporation is to be continued by the name and style of the Lancaster 'lank, and with the same powers stud privileges which are isow enjoyed under its present. Charter and Act of Incorporation. midi is to be located in the City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bank, as authorl7ed by law w•as six hundred thousand dollars• Illet l NHa f uMadZig :A ran " ' nit "' and in three bundled thousand and thirty dollars w The legis lature will not be asked for an increase of capital or ex• telcmin of privileges. By order of the Board of Directors. CHRISTIAN BACHMAN. Cosier. City of Lancaster, June 211. lola. julyr4S-la THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in tend to make application to the Legislature of the Cotnnantweulth of Pennsylvania. at their next se4sion, for the renewal, extension, and continuance of the bank ing. discounting, and other privilege. , they possess under existing laws. The Company to be continued by the name, style. and title of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, in the borough of CoMmlation the county of Lancaster, and state of Pcilllgy !cools. By order of the Board, SAIIUEL SHOCK Cashier. Columbia June 24 ; 1949. July TS hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county j_ intend to make application to the Legislature of the Commonwealth of 1 emisylvania, at the next session thereof for the incorporation of a company under -the name mid style, or intended name and style of "The Columbia Savings Institution." designed as an office of discount and deposit, with a capital lIDI exceeding one h un lred thousand dollars, and to be located 131 the borough of Columbia, Lancaster comity, Pa. _ . George Wolf. 11. E. Atkins. Peter Haldeman, lienry Haldeman R. Chalfant, John A. hook, Peter nablemun, Jr., B. Cranston, R. E. Cochran, Daniel llerr. Reuben Mußison, Samuel Brooks. John 1.. Wright, Philip flossier. John Barr, Columbia. July I, ISIS.--ent GLORY of Maids, Wives, Widows, and the crowning ornament of man. It is to the scalp ea guano is to the earth in making it fruitful. It is as certain in its effect as death. to-morrow or next year. Now. reader, therm respectable citizens certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following effects without fall: It will force the human hair to grow on the head, face. or body—it will stop it falling, cure mirror dandruff, and make red. trey. and light hair grow clink. Mr. W. Tompkins. 92 King at., New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn. Mr. James Pow er, g rocer, Fulton at.. Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas Jackson. S 9 Liberty at.. Pittsburgh Henry C. Cullen, (bite) barber on board the South America. But the beautiful. the glorious client it has in dressing and beautifying the ban—making it start. dark. silky, and keeping it to thrice as long as any ot h er article made. IT IS SO ECONISSIICAI:kIND It costs but 3 Outlines for a trial bottle. and the public arc conscientiously and honestly assured that the above are its real and true qualities. Ile careful and get the genuine. Ask for Jones'. Coral Hair Restorative. and take no other. For sale only by R. Williams, agent for Columbia. au26'4B-I.lec 21. I3Y the subscriber, Six Lectures on the uses of the LUNGS. and Causes, Prevennon and C u re of CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, and disenses of the heart; Oil the Laws of Longevity ; and on the mode of preserv trig male and female healthto an hundred years, with 2a illustrations. designed for all classes of readers, by Samuel Sheldon Fitch, A. M., M. P. Also has Silver Inhaling Tube, Shoulder Brace, and Abdominal Supporter, Ate. R. WILLIAMS, Agent. Columbia, July 22, 154.9 Gll L. KELLING, Kerb Doctor, late of Marietta, begs leave to inform his friends and the public gen erally, that he has removed to the house of lleriry next door to Boyle's Hotel. Front street Columbia. Pa, 'Whilst he returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal encouragement hitherto received in the practice of his profession, he 'respectfully acquaints them that lie con tinues as usual the PRACTICE. OF MEDICINE:, Mall its various branches, and will attend, either by day or night all those who may have occasion for his services. Columbia ! July 1,184.9.—1 f GEirIJINE Utero-Abdominal Supporters, Recom mended by Physicians of the highest standing in all parts of the United States. Also in Philadelphia, by Prof. S. Jackson. and Prof. Horner. of the University of Penn sylvania ; Prof. Joseph Pancoast and Prof. J. g. of the Jefferson Medical College ; Prof. Waltbank, of the Pennsylvania Medical College ; William Harris, M. D., Lecturer on Midwifery; and many others of high standing. This invention has been before the public over twelve veers, and is the most successful instrument of its class. Sold in Columbia hr H. W11.1.1A MS. July P o INS. Agent. P , 1., , i-k:Aprar.k 44.41 :HATS AND CAPS, PEACE AT LAST, IVOTIC33. NOTICE. NO'XICII IT IS TICE FOR SALE, REMOVAL BETTS'S TIMSSES. ASUPERIOR lot of both single and double Trusses fur sale by W. A LEADER.. Columbia, Pa., August 1:4 151 s. 1317 LIA'S SELUSADELICILLA. JUST Received a first rate supply of Dall's SARSAPARILLA, and for sale by Colombia, August 12, 1.949. W. A. LEADER. TOWNOMCDTD'S SARSAPARILLA. dust received another large supply of Townsend's Sarsapitrilla,-sud for :sale by August It, 1E43, Ws A. LEADER. LAMP GLOBES. T AMP GLOBES of every size and shape, for sale by W. A. Li :L.DEM Columbia, August SVITAINZ'S pANACEA. Just received another supply of Pahaeea. For bale by W. A. LEADER. ELIGHT. JUST received a new supply of the handsomest and most splendid assortment of Camphiue and lithe. nal Oil Lamps ever kept in Columbia. For sale by W. A. LEADER. ETEEMIILEILIA OIL. Fresh supply of Ethereal Oil for sale by W. A. LEADER. LIQUORS. I'RENCII Brandy, Port Wine, Madeira- Wine, 12 White Male, Old Ryr, and Sherry Wine can be haJ pure, for t‘ledicilaul purposes at LEADER'S Drug Store. BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! UT 54 S. LITTON have just received one case v • fist colors, only 121, cts. Juy22'l9 DROWN DIUSLINS, ONE yard wide, very heavy, only . 61-1 cents, at Juy::-.r4s & A. PATTON'S. WORM NEW GOODS. INT & , S. PATTON have just received a spleit y v did assortment of Summer Dress Good, at very low it rites, ju)2218 VANILLA. 1311A.N. 1 UST received tt fresh and superior article of t _t Ilean—very cheap. For bale by July 5. 4 .1,3, 4 . It. WILLINNIS. POMADE T ICININE, for the growth and preservation of the noir. For sale by IC. WILLIAMS. Colunibm,July POZYLELDE DE JENNY LEND, for beautifying the MIR, &c. Fur sale by H. NVILLIAAIS. Cola:abut, July 8, ISIS TE-11123111XNGS nF Every description, suitable for dresses, now opeuing nt W. & S PATTOYZ. 4 . Aluy —tf CARPETS, MATTING, and Window Shades, good styles and low at w. 6; s. rxrroN's. May 40, 1,1.19.-tf PAPER hANGINGS. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling Papers and Borders, Fireboats &c., of the newest styles, always on hand at manufacturers' prices. at J. D. d J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, March 2.5, 1.947.—1 f CLOTHS AND Cassimeres at the lowest prices, at W. S. l'ArrON'S frmarrynT COPPERand Tin Pumps--a good supply of Pumps always on hand, und made to order, nt the shortest notice by H. PFAI!LER & CO. March 11, 1,1e.-tf HOSXERW AND aLOVES. An extensive assortment of llosicries, Glove.,,Szc a nt reduced price., at fedl9'.l-tf FRY 5: SPANGLER'S. NEW PERIVIVIES. VXTRACT Do JENNY LIND, for the Ifandker- A chief. Par bale by R. WILLIAMS.. Columbia, July 8, lb-PS. EIONEY bD Molasses. Sovering's celebrated steam Syrup Molasses. a delicious article for table use.— Also, new crop HONE: teldn'ln-tf FRY d: SPANGLER'S. ETHEREAL NIGHT HAWKS always on hand and for sale by H. PFAHLER & CO. March 11, le4B.if PIIMEIN 'TEA. AFresh supply of those justly celebrated TEAS just received by FRY & SPANSLER'S, febIDAS-If Sole Agents for Coturnbin. ETECEREAL OIL of the very best quality, with an assort moist of LAMPS for burning the rune. :Assays ou head at J. D. as J. WRIGHT S. Columbia, March IE, lEte-tt BAY RIIIVE. ASuperior article of Bay Rum, for sale at LEADERS )rug Store, Columbia., ru. MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For sale nt manufactures paces, by April 7, 1647.—tf Rr3zrLE & 1., , p.ii. , / „LA_RTICLE Boat Stove. We would call the at tendon of Boatmen to a new article of boat Stove made and adapted expressly for their convenience. To be seen and had at IL. PFAJILER & CO. March it, to4O-If CELAINS. IpcRR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tra ce, long and short, double and single Link, breast, carrying and halter Chains all of which we offer at man ufacturers prices. ap7-t f' RVItII'I.I3 S. IlkksS. STOVES. MO Subscribers have constantly on hand a full assortment of wood, coal, and cooking Stoves of every size and discription, cannon stoves. Also, Head. e tibiae's patent Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. Willett has given full Satisfaction in all cases. 'Flit public arc invited to call and examine for themselves, at the Hardware Store of Oct. 9-tf RUMPLE & I lESS. trA. REWARD. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of any person "ho shot) maliciously injure or destroy any of the Posts. Wires, Cops, Glasses, or other fixtures. of 11,0 COLUM BIA AND LANCASTER MAGNMIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By order of the Board. r. ATKINS. Secretary. Columbia, June 3, 1.848.--Imit 4,.".,~•.7,N-4,lF+/:4Y' - Y OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from • / the East, great decline in I)R't GOODS We have dust received a large and splendid assortment of SUMMER GOODS, NEW STYLES and much below the aims' prices. A splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, suitable for thevenson. Call and ex amine. W. At S. PATTON Columbia, !lisp 20, 1049.-11 VICTOR'S POWDER OF PEARLS AND LILLII. This ex qulsite, innocent, beautiful preparation gives to the slats is Ladies a charming, natural, pure, life-like. yet brilliant and dazzling white, and at the same tame milling the skin clear, soft, and smooth. As a proof of its harm less qualities ore conscientiously recommend it to prevent chafes and chaps In infants. For sale by R. WILLIAMS ---- - --- ---- Phikzdelpilia ddverasements. 1 , 4=#. 1 71 1 . 4 >'‘64:, 0 41 TYPE FOUNDRY. i‘o. 8 PEAR Street, near the Exchange, Philadelphia. Thnsubscriber having made groat improvements in his method of casting type and mixing of metals, and had a thorough revising of his matrices, the faces of which are not excelled, in beauty and regularly of cut, by any In the country; Batters himself that by a strict personal at tention to business, and employing stone but the most skilltul workmen. be is enabled to offer a superior article, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. - - lie H constantly adding to hie stock all that is new front the hest workmen of this and other countries, and havinr, lately procnred from Purope, a greet variety of NEV FACES and 01:2;A51ENTS, solicits the attention of Printers thereto. Specimens veld be scat to those wishing to order. Presses, Chosen. Cases. Ink. Stands, Galleys, Brass Rule, and every other article needed to litraish a complete Printing Othee, supplied at the shortest notice. GELLMAN BOOK AND JOl3 TYPE, Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully put up in founts of correct proporuon. _ ALEXANDER 110131:. Philadelphia. August 112, I.6.le—Sin FEVER, BND AGUE!: TIIOROUGRE'Y ERADICATED BY KUWAIT'S _L. TONIC MIXTURE! Thatreat National. Old Fa vorite. am! l•Rerling Remedy ! ofEIGHTIUN YEARS' autipproached f II its wonderful succeen, certainty, and auteey, in the cum: or ruts wrierclign cote- PLAgrr!!! IE If you would esenpu the arsenical (poisonous) coun. terfens lithe not a Joule from any one, that As not guarded by the" written signature" of the original inventor and proprieior, Jong It. Routago. on a paper label, crossing the mouth and cork Thrs retnedy ha, never been bolstered tip by false and deceitful pairs. but Las won its way to the ernifidence and universal adoptur. of the inhabitants of Paean AND Anna Danny-es, liV 143 COOT , WORKS, AND FRUITS ALONE. to which aft the (liens' , nu. very person vho have used lt, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S .OFFICE, 143, Arch Street, Phila. FERRI Columbia, IL Williams, N. A. Leader; Lancaster, .L Gish & Co.; Marietta, 5. Awlur, S. T.. Anderson • Bain bridge, S. Landis; Fallmouth, G. 11. Horning; Middletown, Brown, It. Piiott ; Pirtsaioutli. Henry Bear, M. Mc- Baum Wm. Raman : Coffin's Ferry, A. Collins: Now Windsor, Eckert Jr Monday, Tide-wafer Lock, J. Kelly; 'Wrightsville, .1. S. ' , whey. August 5: zaorioacvryr TN LIGHT The attention of purchasers is in vitedto the exten.ivo variety of MURPHY'S liateilt improved SAFETY PINE OIL LAMPS The construction and improvements of these Lamps render them satiable for any purpose or place where arti ficial light IS required ; the IntHanley and magnificence of hale not teen equalled, and at oar.-ttaLo sae EX PENSE of any yet Invented. They arc perfectly free nom ally unpleasant odor. ALSO—A general nssortment of Solar. Lard, and Oil Lamps, Fluid, Candelabras, Chandeliers, Banging Lamps, for Churches, Stores, I Rooms, Faetorie s, Hotels 1111 d Billiard Saloons ; Lamps is 11l shades, designed for reading, Sc. All manner of Ga Fixtures, of every pattern, style and finish. Having every facility for manufacturing, the under signed is prepared to sell. wholesale and retail, as enciir as any manufactory zn the United States and the articles are warranted equal in appearance and constructioa to any that can lie produced. Merchants and dealers will find it to their advantage to cull and examine the stock and prices, which CB2lllot , fail to give satiz.thetion. 111A:slUFACTORY. No. 191, N. Second Street. Phi fadelphin. July 29, 1945. -am ggEIEn,qIIEM q'qgtMlcitlii• - 11110T.EtELIRS READ this attentively. Dr. HEELER'S CORD L and CARMINATIVE; for the speedy and pernta • at cure of DLARRHCEA, DYSENTERY. CHOLERAMOR t S, SUMMER COMPLAINT, CHOLIC, CIIOLEI IN FANTUM, FLATULENCY, &c., Ac. : and for all the derangements of the Stomach mrvels frgin TEE'PHIN(.3. ~ fry'TENS OF Tuousatms die annually from draws of the Stomach and Bowels. In the face of thlrlinrollMg mortality, the best impulses of our nature nr Misted in ming,ating sulfuring we cannot prevent, 1110 than siva THOUSAND persons to our knowledge were c red during the past summer; and we unhesitatingly say Ind cinety - nine out of every hundred are speedily cure Thereto no mistake nbout this fact. mid no a test Of OJT OHICCrIIy MIDI wiertion. as a Modis.a. • - ----ma s itstiaidual, we 1 ans. w• ie..... ~,,... summit Maid to everytivell tia thentiented case where it fails. Will you sittur, trill you let your little ones suffer when you have ut Kandla T em°. sly like this. so potent in subduing disease. To lc:alaam; ones IU - Read what physicians, the press, suit others say of the Cordial. [Extract of a letter from the Rev. Dr. Earle. Damsville, Busks county, August •45, 1 7, Dear Str :—I am now prepared to recommend your r dint from having used It with success in several mania ~ and I ma now trying ) our Punacca in a case of protrac , debility, attended with cough, apparently produced an CIA young lady by her :` out-growing her strength? to use common phrase, Yours, &c., ALFRED EARLE, DI. D. [Extract of a letter from Ebenezer Cook.] —..—. . . New York City, July ISt:. Dr. Keeler: Sir—lhnvc used in my fatally all of the Cor dial which you let) with me last summer except two bot tles which Iperauaded a customer of mine to try, and having, proved very beneficial, he has reconunended it to some of his friends, who wish to have some of it, I there fore wish you would send me some by express. lam satisfied from my own experience that it is the bent medi cine for children Titimzirts.r. and SUMS= COMPLAINTS that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary for recommendation is to try it. Very respectfully, Ensninzyn COOR, f.. 31, Grand at.. car. of Alley. This is to Certify. that I have used Dr. Keeler's Cordial, and have found it a valuable medicine in diarrhea, dys entery and all derangemei.ts of the stomach and bowels, caused by Teething. and is particularly adapted to all dis eases of those organs caused by nctd fruits or the debtli tiding effects of season and climate. D. NI. Aztasox, )t. a , Plum st., Phila. Dr. Reeler's Cordial.—We would call the attenuon of our renders to this invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our colonies. As a correc tive in cases of Diarrhea, a disease very prevalent at the present time. it is highly spoken of by all who have used it. It is perfectly safe in its nature, and speak experi mentally, when we say that it affords immediate whet.— [Neal's Saturday Gazette ofAugost 2P, 1547. Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative.—This article is advertised in another part of our paper. it is warmly re commeuded by families who have tried it. It is especi ally useful among children, and has effected hundreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the subject, some of which is very strong. The Cordisl is list a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared medicine, and periectly free from any thing injurious.— [Penn lvanian of September 1, 1E47. Dr feeler:—Dear Sir—As it Is our duty to toe every holiest menus to promote the happiness of our fellow creatures, I take great pleasure in stating to you the ad vantage I received from your valuable Cordial and Car minative. Last autumn I was attacked with Diarrhea, which debilitated my system very much; for nearly three weeks I tried many remedies, but found little or no bene fit, when my ilmighter informed me of your Cordial. I bought a bottle, and land not taken but save doses before I obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I toed the whole of it ; and have remained hearty ever since. Respectfully, yours, S. Ittrini, D. D. epared and sold. wholesale and retail. N. W. corner of Third and South st., Philadelphia. Sold wholesale by Dr. McPherson, Ilarrielmre ; W. Miller. Lancaster ; and retailed by R. WILLIAMS, Columbia, and by drug bists and others throughout the (-motto . Price 25 cis. per ottle. fl See Itr Arco. 1)r. ICEEI.ER'S PANACEA, the most e(fi cacious remedy ) et known, for all discuses arising from impurities of the Itr.oon, or habit of the body. Ladies of delicate COll4l l / 1 1110/1 3 will find it admirably adapted to their cases. Aleclicr lie furnishes nothing superior to it for chronic maladies, syphilitic disorders, skin affections in debilitated patients. attended with loss of appetite and imperfect digebrion. Price $l. See pamphlets for par ticulars. For sale only by IL WILMIA3IS, Agent for Columbia. Philadelphia, June 10, 1819 -1y 1. :4.: (44.vr:i. 41 - RENNET & CO. hare REMOVED from 192 Market Street. to their Mew, Splendid, and Immense rstatt- Irshment to be known as the TOWLR 11A1,1, cLantrsc. BAZAAR, No. I' 4 '2 Market Sreet, between Fifth and Sixth, Philadel phia. The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promulgating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic ex aggeration of some of the trade, but wall beg leave to quote the following notice from one of our city papers: " One of the greatest curiosities that OUT City affords to the stranger. is BENNET & CO'S great Clothing Store, No. Market Street, between Fidli and Sixth, which Ma been styled " Tower Hall.' trom the peculiar finish of the front. rho building is on unmet.. one. containing seven capacious rooms, all of ulna, are stocked with ev ery variety of seasonable garments, arranged in the most perfect order and regularity. The proprietors take great pleasure in showing their building and contents to the ci tizens, particularly strangers, and to those coining train the country—we know of no place mare worthy of a vtsttP Phil's, May 27—Cnt • HAZE JESTORITIVE. Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will votive the Hair to grow on the bead or face. fly using n 3s. bottle the whiskers and beard maybe cultiva ted to any reasonable extent. Sold only in V. York, at 82 Chatham •treet, and by IL WILLIAMS. Agent (or Columbia 0211 F -tiro 1 r 7, ' q •