The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, August 26, 1848, Image 1

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GEO. W, SCEROYER, Editor and Publisher.
0/keg—Front Street, three doors above Locust
TERMEL—The SPY is published every Saturday morning
at the low price of SI per annum IN ADVANCE, or
one dollar and fifty cents, If not paid within one month of
the time of subscribing. Stogie copies, THREE CENTS.
No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are
No subscription received, or paper discontinued, for a
!less period than six months.
Letters to receive attention, must be post-paid.
[Fifteen lines or less to the square.]
Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate
of $1 per square• for every subsequent insertion after the
third, 25 cents will be charged. The number of insertions
desired must be marked. or the advertisement will be con
tinued until ordered out, and charged accordingly.
A liberal deduction will be made on the above prices
to yearly advertisers.
THE Subscribers Respectfully , inform their
friends and the public. that they have taken the Store
formerly occupied by S. B. loude & Co., corner of Locust
and Front Streets, and arc now opening an entire new
Stock of Goods, purchased at the present very low prices,
among which arc
Olive, Brown, and Blue Cloths; French. English, and
American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres; Striped,
Plaid, and Figured Cnssimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths,
Gamhroons ; Low priced Summer Sculls. Cords and Bea
vermeils, &e.
Grenadines, Organdies, Passtins, Barege. Silk Tissue,
Lawns, Gingharns, and Black and Blue-Black Gro de
!Mines, Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks,
New Style Chantclies, ALSO, Calicoes, Alushns, Checks,
Ginghains, Ticking, Chambreyse, Linen and Cotton Table
Diaper, NUPiCirIS, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose,
New Style Bonnet Trimmings. &c., &c. AI.SO,
Sugar:, Coffees. Tens, Mackerel, Ilerring. Molasses, Fish
and Sperm Oils. Soaps. Candles, Spices. &c.. &c.,
Our goods are all NEV and selected with great care,
and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a
share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds
of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices.
Colombia, March El, 1549—ff
BARGAINS. The subscribers have, during The
past week, made a large addition to their former
etock of
which, for elegance and cheapness, cannot be surpassed.
Among which is a very large assortment of PRINTS, at
4 eta. tl cts. 8 eta, 10 cts, and 121 cts per yard. DRESS
GINGHAMS as low as IA cts,l9 cis, and 25 eta, Alpa
cas and Linens, Lustres. A
,yeneral assortment of
Such an 4-4,54, S-4, and DM Bleached and Brown Sheet
logs, Makings, Checks. Crash, Linen and Cotton, Brown
and Bleached, Table Diapers, &c.
- - _
Sup. Blue and Blnck French Cloths; sup. Blue, Black,
Brown, and Olive English Cloths; Plain and Fancy Cas
simeres, Satinets, Vesungs, &c.
CHINA, Glees, and Queenswarc; Fresh Family Gro
ceries, selected with very great care, among which are
New Crop Sugars—Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Sugars.
Coffees, Spices, the Superior Teas of the New York Can
ton Tea Company, Oils, Fish, &c.
of which they arc determined to sell as Low as the
VERY LOWrST, for cash or country produce.
Thankful for past favors, they respectfully solicit a
continuance of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon
them. .1. D. & .1. WRIGHT,
Locust St., 2 doors below Second St.
Columbia, Mrsh 25, le4B—tf
GRAY Heads, Red heads, and all with Bad Hair,
Avenue D., New York, certifies that his head tuns entirely
bald on the top, and by the use of two as. bottles of Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative, he has a good crop of hair, suit
will sonn'have it long and thick.
Mr. William Jackson, of r. 41 Liberty street, Pittsburgh,
Pa., certifies: On the 30 of February, 1547, that Mr.
Thomas Jackson's head, on the top, was emit ely bald
for 15 years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jane's
Coral I lair Restorative, the hair is growing fast and thick,
and will soon be entirely restored.
Gray Heads! Gray Heads! Rend—l hereby certify
that my hair was turning gray. and that since I have
used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased
falling—is growing fast, and hus a fine dark look. Before
I used Jones's Coral (lair Restorative I combed out !land
falls of hair daily.. W. Tourtaxs. 03 King st., N. Y.
Mr. Power. a grocer. of Fulton st., had his hair choked
lip with dandruff, and Jones's Coral Hair Restorative en
tirely cured it.
Do you want to dress, beautify. and make your hair soft
and fine. Read—l, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on hoard
the steamboat South America, do certity that Jones's
Coral Hair Restorative :s the best article I ever used for
dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the hair a
long time in order; all my customers preferred it to any
thing else.
Sold only in N. York at 52 Chatham street ; and by R.
WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. jetlf4San
TONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the
Medical Society of Paris, a blessing, a miracle and
wonder,' , to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora
tion of the skin.
. .
It cures' pimples. blotches, freckles, salt rheum. scurvy.
sore heads, tan, sunburn, morpliew, and it changes the
color of dark. yellow or sunburnt skins. to a fine - healthy
clearness. For sale by R. WILLIAMS, Agent for Co
lumbia. yet...418-Gin
SAFE: Always Effectual Arc you a sufferer
from Fever and Ague ? Are you afflicted with the
periodical return of that cold and formal visitor, the chill.
followed by its faithful attendants, the burning fever and
drenching perspiration? Lose no time, then. in procuring
bottle of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue. Yon will have
but one chill at most after you commence it and probably
none at all. Your neighbor who has used the medicine
will assure you of this. It is but the promise of a result
which thousands have already realised. and Which your
own experience will most fully prove. For sale by
June 3,1 0 45. IV3I. A. LEADER.
Also for sale by S. M. Smith, 'Wrightsville.
VEREII DESTROYER. It has long been the
Y slady of Pharmaceutics to prodire a preparation
winch would prove a Specific for the destraction of Rats.
Mice, Roaches, and Clainces, but every effort has been
fruitless till the present. After much study and expert
moms the proprietor has succeeded in discrvering a pre
paration, which be guarantees will prove effectual in the
entire annihilation of the above named vermin.
For sale by IVM. A. LEADER.
:May 20. Front street.
& S. PATTON have just received a large
V V and fas ionablc stock of
SIUNG AN!) st111%1M1:11. DRESS GOODS;
Consisting of Gingham., Lawns, Bareges, Linen rind Al.
pica Lustres, funny Prints Sc., at the very lowest prices,
" "
- -
Plain and changeable Dress Silks, Dinek and Blue-
Black or Mantilas, with every style of Dress Goods for
the season. Please roll and examine our stock.
Columbia, April 22, \V. A: S. PATTON.
THE undersigned have jnst received the best
and most complete assortment of Briglilt and German
snip and twist and patent breech DOUBLE BA/111E1,Ln
01ThiS,.which have ever been offered in this market at
such prices that will suit all. Also. six Barrelled Re
volving and self-eocking PISTOLS. Call and examine
for yourselves, at the cheap Hardware Store of
Columbia, August 21. 1847.
Between York, Wrightsville and Co
lumbia.—The President and Directors of
- the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Company having consented to continne the MORNING
TRAIN between the above places. .
1I The Car will leave Columbia DAILY, [Sundays ex
cepted] at 61 o'clock, A.. M., and the Train will leave
Wrightsville at 6f o'clock. Returning, the Train will
leave York at 8 o'clock, A. M.
April 17,1E47. Supert.
E115i11C55 Miratorn.
To persdns advertising in the SPY by the year, there
will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy
and their card inserted for one year by paying $1.50 in
advance. or if they have paid for the paper, 50 etc. for the
Card. Those who are not subscribers we will charge Si
for inserting their card one year.
Attorney. Locust Street. between Front and Second Ste
Attorney. Walnut St. , between Front and Second
Physician, corner of Locust nun! Second streets.
No, 3 & 4. Walnut Ftreet. above Dorra Hotel
JEWELRY STORK, No. 1, Schreiner's Row, Front Street
Corner of Front and Walnut Streets. Colmnlnn. Penns
J. D. & J. WRIGHT,
Dry Coo& Merchants, LOCII,I St. 3rd door below 2nd td
Dry Goods Itierehnitte, Locust Ytrect, [tele,. the Bank
Dry Goods Mereloms. S. E. corner of Locust & Front st
Dry Goods Merchomis. N. W. corner of Loring & Front, st
Merchant Tailor, Front street, 241 Jour above Locust st
ItTereltant Tailors Front St.. between I.orurt nnolWnlnnt
Clothing. Morelli - int, No. 4:2'. Front street
Druggkt. Front Street, Itetw•een I.oee , :t and %Valeta Set
Druggist, Front et, between Locust and Walnut sts
DruagiNt. Sniffy.lent Row. Front street.
Hatters, Front Street. a few doors below Herr's Hotel
WM. ..11:11.11."1,1 , 1, HATTE R,
No. t!, Schreinerg How, Front St.
Cabinet Maker, corner of Third and Lncuut Street.
11Taimlecturer. Locust .treet. oppo.ite Itoldeman's Store
137 mt and Shoe Manufacturer, othoming lien's Hotel
Alannitteturer, Second, between Locust and Walnut St.
Mtutufacturer, Front et, between Locust and Walnut at
S. G RO V E,
Boot rout Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust st
Hat, Hoot and Shoe Store. No. 40. Front st
Shoe-Finding Store, I.octi.,t street. above Front street
Vnriety Store. No 41. Front st
VrerklV Slnre. Front o.l , PlWrell Imetiq mind NVoinnt ct
nook seller and Stationer. Front st. :td minor above Imenst
Lumber Merehum and Master Dodder. Lneue4 street
Paper Hanger. &v.. second, between Cherry & Urnon St
Herb Doe!or, Front Street, next door to Boyles Hotel
HAIR IMPSSER, back of Ilerr's Hotel, Walnut week
T EWIS TREDENICK & Co., late from Philntlel
phut, dealers in lIATS and CAI'S, would most res.
pectfolly beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia
and its vicinity, that they have ruirchn.eil the old and
well known lint Manufacturing Establishment kept by
JOIIN VArodiEN for many years, next door to 3. Felix's
Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia. Po., where they
intend to spare no pains and means to carry on the above
business in all its various branches. Their stock con
sits is part of fine :Bole Skin. Beaver, Nutria, and Cas
tor HATS. Also, a splendid fliSOrlttlellt of Pend mid
Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style. to
gether with a good assortment of CAD'S of every size.
price, and quality. New style Silk Hams. which %se have
Just received front Philadelphia, and which yse will sell
at city prices.
NVltli the confidence resulting from nn experience of a
number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel
phia, will guarantee Its m Saying. that true Cashion,, neat
ness, durability, and CHEAPNESS. we cannot be sur
passed by any establishment iu the Union.
Columbia, Jane 3, 1015.—tf.
LJAMES JORDAN, L o t an fchoe„aker,,,pciynror2his friends
the public. that he hits opened u
immediately opposite l'eter Haldenum's Store.w here he is
prepared to execute all orders in his Hue, with stoniness
and despatch. Ile feels confident in giving satisfaction to
all who may favor hint with a call. 31embers of the 0.
U. A. 81., arc respectfully invited tomve lion a call.
Columbia. April 8, lists.-Iy
AM COPPER BUSINESS. 11. Pfalilcr & Co.,
thankful for past encouragement, would announce
to the unions of Columbia and Its vicinity, that they still
combine to manutheture Tin and Copper ware of all kinds
at their old stand, iu Locust street, one door north of the
Columbia Rank, and respectfully solicit a continuance of
public patronage.
March 11, le4S-tf
AV A R R l B E E str e jt 6i b l e t i ll !enget r a i i ii id ill Au l Yti i : . North
At this establishment may always be found a full assort
ment of Gentlemens Clothing. to stilt all tastes nod at such
reasonable prices as will astonish al:. I publish no list
of prices. but a ill guarantee to sell as lose. a not lower
than those wino make mere pretentious. My goods are
all purchased at low prices, and made in asgoodstyle as
can be found in the cite. A call is solicite before pur
chasing elsewhere, as the Wardrobe is free to till.
No. 105 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia.
N. B. A large stock apiece goods on hand. Garments
made to order ut the shortest notice.
Philadelphia, May SO, 11Sts,.—Imo.
( - )F TILE 11'EW CROP, DAVID RANKIN, Chestnut
ki Street, PHILADELPHIA, has for sale the following,
Ti us, vie :
300 half chests Young Ilyson Teas.
100 do Gunpowder, do.
150 do Imperial, do
10 do fly son do.
11)00 do Pols chow., do
300 do Ning.yong Sonehong
100 do Oolong, do
75 chests Padre Sourhone.
45 do Black leaf Pekoe.
25 heti chests, do dn.
25 do Orange do.
1000 malts Cassia.
These Teas comprise the hest chops imported in ships
sea Witch, Rainbow. Tonquin, Inca. and Huntress, and
are equal to any teas that have been offered in this market.
Philadelphia, May 0, 194t1.—1n
DRUGGIST, would respectfully inform his numer
ous friends of Columbia and Its vicinity that lie
hasjust returned from New York and Philadelphia with
a splendid assortment of all articles belonging to the
mica steuress. , viz :
OILS., GLASS, DYE STUFFS, lice., &c.
Together with a superior lot and style of HAIR and
CLOTHE BRUSHES that took the Medal ;in the Me
chanic's Institute of New York.
Also a constant supply of Camphene and Eethereal Oil
Lamps, with a fresh and food Material to burn in them.
Country Merchants, Druggists, Physicians, Bakers,
Store Keepers. Fullers, Dyers, and dealers in general will
find it to their advantage to call at the GOLDEN MOR
TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia, before purchasing else
where. WM. A. LEADER.
Columbia, March 25,18 M-ff.
ip 0 etrn .
The Dying Girl to her Sister.
The dream is past ! I'm dying now,
There is a dampness on my brow;
The pang is o'er; without a sigh
I'll pa's away and sweetly dm :
But, oh! that pang cost many a tear!
'Twas hard to yield up friends so dear.
But that is passed—lll weep no more,
With me the dream of life is o'er.
And now, sweet sister, nearer come,
And tell me of that hapy home ;
Shall I its pearly gates behold,
Its streets all paved with burnished gold?
And in that clime so strangely fair,
Say, shall I feel a stranger there
Or will their harp-strings sweetly blend,
To welcome me, a child and friend
But softly, sister, softly speak,
And say—these tears upon thy cheek !
Weep not for me—oh, do nor pun!
I would not woke to earth again.
Thy hand—so often clasped of old—
Thy soil warm hand, for mine grows cold,
And now, dear sister, let me rest
My wearied head upon thy breast,
And fold thy arias about my form.
It shivers 'ncatli death's dark, cold storm.
But sing ine, sister. crc Igo,
Our song—our childhood's song, you know—
And let its gentle numbers flow,
As last ) oft sung, soft, sweet, and how—
And V.111:11 its last faint echoes die,
Anal the bright tears steal from thine eye—
shall not heed theta us they stray,
I shall be gone—far, far away!
Select Otorics..
[Translated front the French.]
It was at the end of a wedding dinner—. "To
the health of the happy couple!" cried in a voice
like a tailor's, a man with blue spectacles. " May
they have posterity numerous as the sands of the
That is a good toast, observed my neighbor, but
if this gentleman found himself with so numerous
a posterity on Isis hands, his blue spectacles would
hardly help him out of the difficulty. Alas did
you know It4ron Forbach ?
Then as you did not know him I mean to speak
to you of him. He was a worthy man,a worthy
Baron, and a worthy German, a friend of my fath
er; his only litult wits trying to act Priam, the
primitiye man. He had tarty daughters, sir!
Forty ! 1 exclaimed, do you not exaggerate.
Forty, I tell you, he had this notion, and took lit
erally the toasts at his wedding, for he married
seven times, n Inch was not too often for the project
he had in his head. A child every year! and al.
ways a girt; but t.e fluttc.ed h.p.
of a pension, ho even petitioned the Germanic con
federation, which bid him walk off: Instead of
obeying and " walking," however, he shut himself
up in his castle and passed his time in studying
the names of his forty girls ; but us lie had a bad
memory lie could never completely succeed in re
taining them. When he wanted Wilhelmine, it
was Helen he asked for, and when he wanted to
play with Conradine, the youngest, he called out
of the window of Leopoldinc, the oldest of all: a
maiden of forty years of age.
What could the Baron do? He had recourse to
all sorts of mnemonical arts, which ended by filling
his brain with confusion. Tired of the struggle,
he gave up trying to remember the names of all
his children, hat it was hot any more easy fur him
to recall their faces—tit passing the village square,
he would caress and embrace a youug girl belong
ing to some neighbor, under the idea that she was
one of his own; or else surprising one of his own
children in his own orchard, he would pull her cars
most vigorously, convinced that he was dealing with
a little rogue from the village who krill COMO to
steel his apples. What pain to the lM.e. of a futh•
or as tender as Baron Forbach.!
—Yes—and the ears of his family too! For
there is no reason to suppose that this cartilage be.
longing in the young ladies was any less tender
than the father's heart.
True, let us drink on that and I will resume. A
proof that the Furbach damsels had tender ears, is
that they detested their father, the more so as they
were badly dressed. The Baron although worth a
hundred thousand crowns, could not buy forty
dresses in a season, from the fashionable merchants;
this inspired in him un original idea. He convert.
ed one wing of his castle into a shop, where was
spun and woven stuffs for the use of his children,
hoping that thus their clothing would cost him
less. But during this scheme he was subjected to
a number of hoaxes. A manufacturer from the
next city wrote to propose to him to advertise for
the materials of which he had need each year un
der a system of sealed proposals submitted to ad
judication. Another who had the army clothing
contractovished to sell him, at a reduction, fifty
soldier's cloaks which the government had refused.
The Baron did not reply, but put in operation
his own manufactory. The result was that his
forty girls wearing always dresses of the same ma
terial and color, could be recognized by their uni
form. This was a first success. But mark what
followed! When a dress was beyond farther ser
vice, it was given to some poor person in the vil
lage, so that at the end of a year nothing but the
uniform was anywhere to be seen, and the Baron
instead of forty daughters, appeared to have a
—The deuce ! But it mind have been somewhat
burdensome to feed all this flock.
Don't speak of it, but let us take another glass
It was not exactly the wine that cost so much in
the house for they drank nothing but water. As
to tho rest, be bought a flock of sheep every month,
and led them to pasture himself, en as to save the
expense of a shepherd. He had wished to assume
the patriarch and he was now completely one; from
a Baron he had become a shepherd. At the end of
each month not a sheep or lamb remained. " If
they had time to multiply"—he used to say.
The pastor of the place, I mean the Lutheran
minister, a worthy man too, consoled the Baron
sometimes—" Courage,' said he to him, " heaven
has blessed your seven marriages, and it must cost
him something to receive the benedictions of hea
ven." " May the devil bless you," responded the
Baron. "I see myself reduced to beggary, I have
taken the scripture literally, that is my fate—l
have been blessed until I am cursed."
" But Monsieur," the ladies would say, looking
at him with much curiosity," what an astonishing
man you arc, who would have believed you, judg
ing by your appearance, capable of becoming so
often the father of a family."
.. .
The Baron turning his back upon them murmur
ed, " Forty girls! If they were forty boys I would
have the resource of making them shipboys,"
In the meantime the daughters grew mortally
tired of the old castle. Every evening the Baron
passed them in review in the court yard, before
closingthe gates; but as the village children some
times assisted at the ceremony, and a number of
strangers wearing the uniform slipped in, he rarely
had the right amount. The total ranged usually
from 90 to 45. One evening he counted only thirty
nine. Let us proceed in order." He recom
menced the roll. Leopuldine did not answer: two
months before she had eloped with an herb mer
chant whose red coat had captivated her.
The Baron, indignant at such misalliance, went in
pursuit of the merchant, but without being able to
discover him. On his return two others had dis
appeared. Again he began a search, lint without
any better success. When he came back five more
were gone.
Then the Barott in despair inserted in the paper
an advertisement that he had but thirty-two
daughters left to run away with, and considering
their inclination for travelling, no time should be
lost by any one whn wished to profit by the oppor
tunity. At this all Germany cried aloud with in
dignation. It was scandalized, and justly so. The
thirty-two who remained, brought a suit against
him to determine his incapacity to have charge of
a property and a family.
Except Duncantel, said I, never did a more un
fortunate father exist.' Nothing was wanting ex
cept that he should become rheumatic.
I confess it, but that would have been too much.
Give me, if you please, a glass of champagne that
I may strengthen myself against the woes of this
worthy man.
—Here aro two. But did he gain the lawsuit?
No, sir, Heavn, tired of blessing him, decided
upon cursing him. The Baron was defeated, and
not content with this, succeeded, thanks to an able
lawyer, in passing fur a mandinan, and coming
himself to be shut up in an asylum at the expense
of the state. This was certainly ono way of ob
taining a pension from government; he lived in the
height of happiness, ten years longer, enjoying
the privilege of having no children, and he yielded
his last sigh in the arms of a manic who believed
himself the Apollo Belvidere; on one side of him a
man who imagined himself triple, and on the other
one who was taking himself for a burning house
was constantly crying Fire! After his fortunate
sentence, the officers, seized his mansion and his
manufactory. His daughters were scattered
throughout the universe. Fedora married a circus
actor. Helen became a lady and took Wilhelmina
fora feminine de chambre, Lconora fur sister, and
Concradina for mother. Helen had, as one may
see, the bump of lovo strongly developed in the
highest degree.
Marguerite turned cook.
Another, the youngest, made a marriage of lovo
with a peer of England.
Leopoldine died of en indigestion from eating too
much celery. Each of them
- got along the best she
—And the conclusion ()fall this, said I.
—How you do not perceive the conclusion ?
'Why, it is es plain as your nose—
Firstly. Never seek to play the patriarch, nor to
take literally the history of Priam, and his fifty
children, considering that is doubtful whether Troy
or Priam ever existed.
Secondly. Never say to the bridal pair. may
you be happy, and have plenty of children.'
Tnird LlGhtatg tv jut. wyrn ago ..Love all, and
meditate seriously the words or the dying Baron—
Would to Heaven,' said lie, ' that some witch bad
blighted me on my wedding night.' Unfortunately
the words were addrasied to the one who believing
hi , nself a house on tire, and who responded by cry.
ing out—'A fire engine, in the name of heaven
bring an engine.'
Thus speaking my neighbor seized hold of a
fresh bottle of Champagne, which was the reason
why I raised no objections to his conclusions 1 At
midnight, at the close of a marriage feast, all the
conclusions are tipsy.
A genteel coffee-house, whose human screen con.
cools a line of Grenadier Bottles, and hides respect.
able blushes from impertinent eyes.—There is a
quiet little room opening out of the bar, and here
sit four jovial youths. The cards aro out, the
wines are in. The fourth is a reluctant hand; lot
does not love drink, or approve the game. He en.
ticipates and fears the results of both. Whf is he
hero? a whole-sonled fellow, and is afraid to
seem ashamed of any fashionable gaiety. He will
sip his wine on the importunity of a friend newly
come to town, and is too polite turmoil that friend's
pleasure by refusing a part in the game. They
sit, shuffle, deal ; the night wears on, the clock tell.
ing no tale of passing hours, the prudent liquor
fiend has made it safely dumb. The night is get.
ting cold; its dark air grows fresher; the cast is
gray, the drinking and glinting and high.farious
laughter are over, and the youths wending home
ward. What says conscience? Nu matter what
it says; they did not hear and we will not. What.
ever was said, it was shortly answered thus : " This
has not been gambling, all were gentlemen; there
was no cheating, simply a convivial meeting. No
stakes, except the bills incident to the entertain
ment. If anybody blames a young man for a lit.
tle innocent exhileration on a special occasion, he
is a superstitious old bigot, let him croak." Such
a garnished name is made the text to justify the
whole round of gambling. Let us then look at
In a room so silent that there is no sound except
the shrill cock crowing the morning, the forgotten
candles burning dimly over the long and lengthen.
ed wick, sit four men. Carved marble could not be
more motionless, seve their hands. Pale, watchful,
though weary—their eyes pierce the cards, or fur.
Lively read each other's faces. Hours have passed
over them thus. At lengths they rise without
words; some with a satisfaction that only makes
their faces brightly haggard, scrape off the piles of
money; others, dark, sullen, silent, fierce, move
slowly away from their lost money. The darkest
and fiercest of the four is the young friend who
first sat down to make out the game. He will
never sit down so innocently age in. What says he
to his conscience now ? ^ I have a right to gamble;
I have a right to be damned, too, if I choose;—
whose business is it ?
Years have passed. He has seen his youth ru.
'nod, at first expostulation, then with only silent
regret, the consenting to take part of the spoils lie
had himself decoyed, duped and stripped them,
without mercy.—Go with me into that dilapitated
house, not fat from the landing at New Orleans.
Look into that dirty room. Around a broken table,
sitting upon boxes, kegs, or rickety chairs, see a.
filthy Grew dealing cards, smooched with tobacco,
grease and liquor. One has a private face, burnish.
ed and brandy, a lock of grizzly, matted hair, half
covering his tillain eyes, which glare out like a
wild boast's from a thicket. Close by him whence
a white.faced, dropsical wretch, vermin covered
and stenchful. A scoundrel Spaniard and a burly
negro (tho jolliest of the four) complete the group.
—They have spectatons--drunken sailors, and og.
ling, thieving, drinking woman, who should have
died long ago, when ull that was womanly died.
Here, hour draws on hour, sometimes with brutal
laughter, sometimes with threat and oath end up.
roar. The last few stolen dollars lost, temper too,
each charges the other with cheating, and high
words ensue, and blows, the whole gang burst out•
of the door, beating, biting, scratching, and rolling
over in the dust. The worst,the fiercest, the most
drunken of the four, is our friend who began by
making up the game.
Upon this bright day, stand with me, if you
would be sick of humanity, look over that multi.
tudo of men kindly gathered to see a murderer
hung. At last a guarded car drags on a thrice
guarded wretch. At the gallows ladder his cour.
age fails. His coward feet refuse to ascend—
dragged up, he is supported by bustling officiate—
his brain reels, his eyes swim, while the mock
minister utters a final prayer by his leaden ear.
The prayer is said, the noose is fixed, the signal is
given—a shudder runs through the crowd as he
swings free. Aller a moment his convulsed limbs
streach down and hang heavily and still ; and he
who began to gamble to make out a game, ended
in st+bbing an enraged victim whom he had
fleeced, has here played his last game—himself the
last stake—Rev. H. IV. Beecher.
There was a day when Talleyrand arrived in
Havre, hot foot from Paris. It was in the darkest
hour of the French Revolution. Pursued by the
bloodhounds of the Reign of Terror, stripped of
every wreck of property or power, Talleyrand se
cured a passage to America in a ship shout to sail.
He was going a beggar and a wanderer to a
strange land, to earn his bread by daily labor.
tt Is there an American staying at your house 7"
he asked the landlord of his hotel. "I sin bound
to cross to the water, and would like a letter to
some person of influence in the New World."
The landlord hesitated a moment end,„then re.
plied :
"There is a gentleman up stairs, either from
America or Britain, but whether an American or
an Englishman, I cannot tell."
He pointed the way, and Talleyrand—who in his
life was Bishop, Prince, and Prime Minister—as.
cended the stairs. A miserable suppliant, he
stood before the stranger's door, knocked and
In the far corner of a dimly lighted room, sat a
gentleman of some fifty years, his arms folded,and
his head bowed on his breast. From a window di•
rectly opposite, a flood of light poured over his
forehead. Ills eyes looking from beneath the
downcast brows, gazed ht Telleyrand's face with
a peculiar and searching expression. Hie face
was striking in its outline ; the mouth and chin in.
dicative of an Iron will. His form, vigorous, even
with the snows of fifty winters, was clad in dark,
but rich and distinguished costume.
Talleyrand advanced—stated that Ito was a fu.
gitive—and under the impression that the gentle.
man before him was nn American, he solicited his
kind and feeling offices.
He poured forth his history in eloquent French
and broken English—
"lam a wanderer—an cxne. lam tbrued 51.. Ay
to the Now World, without a friend or home. You
are an American ! Give me, then, I beseech you,
a letter of yours, so that I may be able to earn my
bread. I am willing to toil in any manner—the
scenes of Paris have filled me with such horror,
that a life of labor would be a paradise to a career
of one of luxury in France. You will give me is
letter to one of your friends. A gentleman like
you has doubtless many friends."
The strange gentleman rose. With a look that
Talleyrand never forgot, he retreated towards the
door of the next chamber, hie head still downcast,
his eyes looking still from beneath his darkened
brow. He spoke as he retreated backward; his
voice was full of meaning—
" I am the only man born in the New World
who can raise his hand to God and say—l have
not a friend—not one, in all America."
Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelming
sadness of that look which accompanied these
" Who are you!" he cried, as the strange man
retreated townsda the next room. "Your name."
"My name"—with a smile that had more of
mockery than joy in its convulsive expression—
" my name is hencelict Arnold."
He was germ. Tallcyrand sunk in a chair gasp.
ing the words—
" Arnold the traitor!"
Thus you see lie wandered over the earth, another
Cain, with a wanderer's mark upon his brow.
Even in that secluded room at that Inn of Havre,
his crimes found him out, and forced to tell his
name—that name the synonym° of infamy.
The last twenty yeurs of his life are covered
with a cloud, from whose darkness but few gleams
of light flash out upon the page of history.
The manner of his death is not distinctly known.
But we cannot doubt that he died utterly friend.
less—that his culd brow was not moistened by ono
farewell tear—that remorse pursued him to the
grave, whispering John Andre! in his ears, and
that the memory of his course of glory gnawed
like a canker at his beast, murmuring forever
" True to your country, what might you bare been,
0 Arnold the traitor.
A writer in the Providence Journal furnishes the
following impressive account of his first view of
the Holy City:
My dragoman Flapaw and myself,mounted on fleet
Arab horses, had ridden from early dawn, hardly
drawing rein, in my desire to reach the Holy City
before sunset. We had left the baggage mules he
hind in the neighborhood ofHamla,ty follow more
slow y. Leaving the fine flower-sprinkled plain of
Hintla, we entered into the" hill country ofludea,"
barren, desolate of inhabitants, and without gran
deur. We stopped a few moments at the village of
Abougosh, the former resit:once of the famous Arnb
robber.ohieftain, whose sons are now in Constant!. '
noplc, under the eye of the Sultan, expiating the
sins of their sire, and the evil power of the familp
is broken op.
Until this place and a little Outlier on, there is
some slight appearance of verdure, olive trees, ap
ricet trees, and patches of grain; hut after this, one
comes upon scorched, volcanic mountains, on which
there is no life. Yet even among these, one may
yet see evidences of the ancient system of terracing
for agricutural purposes, and this is the only way
by which Judea proper could have been a produc
tive land. It looks now like a land of curse, and
notof blessing. We met frequently pilgrims going
to and returning from Jerusalem, and two or three
companies of Armenian merchants, richlydressed,
with large retinues of armed slaves, and fine horses.
The road wound through narrow circuitous valleys,
sometimes mounting up abrupt steeps, and decend.
ing precipitously, a road well fitted for those scenes
of robbing and treachery for which it is so famous.
One small village after passing Abougosh had
rather a smiling appearance. it was nestled in St
quiet buw-like valley, and a little brook, which ran
through it, nourishing a thick nursery of lemon
trees, whose perfume scented the air.—The people
looked handsome and amiable. One bright little
muscleman wished us a prosperous journey to
'EI Kudds,' (the Blessed City.) for Jerusalem is a
holy city with the Mahometan, and next to Mecca
in sanctity.—Here and there were remains of tow.
era placed at narrow passes, vestiges of the cruse.
ders.—The Hebrews were mountaineers, but unlike
their Samaritan neighbors, their mountains pos.
sesacd neither picturesqueness nor fertility; their
life must have been a continual struggle with na
ture, and this may account, in part, fOr the obsti.
nate energy and resolute egotism of national char.
We at last reached the valley of Elan, where
David slew Goliath. A ruined mosque points out
the spot which tradition assigns as the place of the
event, and the character of the ground and scene
corresponds with the Scriptural account. There
is " the mountain on the one side" towards Jeru
salem where the Israelites stood, and " the moun.
rain on the other side" towards Pitilistia where the
Philistines stood, and there is the valley between
There is the course of the brook where David
found the stones for his sling, and the way taken
by the army of the uncircumcised in their flight
towards Gath and Ekron, was undoubtedly the
very path which my horse's feet had just passed
over. I thought a moment upon the youthful hero,
inspired by faith and the might of the One Omnip..
otent God, and then spurred on, for I knew that
Jerusalem was nigh, though I feared to ask how
We ascended to the summit of a hill, and a mass
of towers and minarets came to view upon an op
posite mountain, and I cried out "Is that Jerusa
lem?" No," answered Hapsaw," but,"—He had
hardly spoken this, before the long line of heavy
battlemenled wall, and the many points and domes
of the Holy City burst to view, unmistakable be
low ate. 1 dismounted. It is useless to enter hem
into a description of the feelings which possessed
me. I did what most travellers have confessed
themselves ,compelled to do at this moment. I
fell uponmsy knees, and tears rushed into my eyes.
WO cut the following capital story from the
N. Y. Spirit; where it appears among the selections.
Whence it originated, we wot not; but it is a very
pretty Munehumanism, as it stands, and on the
whole reads quite FitENCllll.—That 'lest brickbat'
a bout Capt. Li' s desire to leave behind him .a name
for generosity and greatness of soul,' etc., nearly
upset our risibles. Commend us to the Tunis
mode of doing justice, in-Jew-rious though it may
be for some of the natives to o—Bey.
A certain Capt. Baud. rd left Marseilles for China;
but being hulietted by tho winds, he hauled up in
the harbor of Tunis, to wait weather. The collect.
or of the port Caine on board. Capt. Bronlard rep
resented that lie was treited for Canton, that be
had nothing to do with Tunis. and that he onlyput
in from distress of weather. But the collector 'es
hibited manifest necessity that ho should fork over.
Capt. Bauclard did fork over in a rage, but instant
ly repaired to the palace of the Bey, demanding
jU9tiCe. _
'Good Frank,' said the Hey,' 1 am your friend,
God is great. NVllat the devil do you want of
'Higliticss, answered the captain. 'your custom
house has robbed inc. I have forked over—fink
'Excellent individual,' answered the Bey, `in this
country, when we have the dust, we keep it. The
original acquisition is a difficulty. To fork back
is a thing unkuown to Africa.'
'But shall I not have justice?'
'Certainly, every one has justice In Tunis. Will
you have it in French or Tunis fashion?'
'Highness, I have had a law-suit or two in
France. Justice in French fashion! God forbid.'
'But I don't press it on you,' observed the Bcy.
If you choose the French after all, I will speak to
your consul.—lle loves justice, good man; three of
my subjects applied to him three years ago for ins.
munity, and they got it next year, I think—for he
loves justice.' •French justice! never! give me the
Tunisian; I am in a hurry!'
'Be it so then. God is great,' said the Bey—.
what is your cargo?'
'Marseilles soap, and twenty thousand cotton
It is well. Go way and be tranquil.' -
The Bey summoned the Vizier.
Vizier, said lie.' there is no God but God, and
Mehemet is the prophet. We love justice. Wo
love the Franks.—Proclaim that every Jew who
appears to morrow out doors without a cotton cap,
will have a little transaction to settle with me'
There were twenty thousand Jews in Tunis,and
not one cotton cap in the place. They all made
their wills; but when they learned through an offi
cer of the customs that Capt. Bauclard had lots of
the desired article, there was enough said—the
captain sold the invoice at $2 the cap. He rushed
to the palace and poured out his thanks.
Not so Fast,' said the Bey; .1 am not done yet.
Call my Vizier.'
The Vizier appeared.
Proclaim' said the Boy, 'that every Jow who
keeps a collo,' cap another hour will have a troub
le with you.—God is great, end I am a lineal des
cendant of Malinmet.'
The Vizier made a grand salute, placing his left
leg on the back of his neck, according to the custom
of the Court and retired.
When Capt. Banelard returned to the dock, he
found the twenty thousand Jews. already awaiting
him, caps in hand. Ho might have had the caps
for nothing, but, desirous to leave behind him a
name for geitercNity and greatness of soul, he par.
chased them at two cents apiece.
A Goon A NECDOTE.-A correspondent of the Troy
Budget tells the following good story:—" It seem,
t the person who blows the bellows of the organ
at St. Luke's Church, also attends to the furnace for
warming the building, and having occasion, during
service, to mind the fires,' lie left the bellows is
charge of a coachman lately imported, and 'green'
is the Emerald Isleof his nativity before the ap
pearance of the potato rot. During his absence,
the ' Gloria in exceliis' came, in the order of the
exercises, to be chanted, and Patrick was directed
to furnish the organic element. A short time clap.
red, but no music followed the touch of the lady
who presided at the instrument. Blow,' whispered
the fair organist.' Blow!' repeated the loader; and
Blow! blast you blow!' echoed the entire choir, but
not a puff found its way into the vacant pipes, to
ware the slumbering harmony. An investigation
now took plane, and Patrick was found behind the
organ—with both his hands tightly clenched around
the bellows.hiralle, (a stick of sonic five feet long
and two inches thick,) the end stuck in his mouth,
his cheeks swelled to the utmost expansion, his
eyes disteuded, and the perspiration streaming from
his face—engaged in the vigorous but vain attempt
to force his breath through the pores of the wood
into the body of the instrument." It is, perhaps, un
necessary to say that some little time pissed before
the choir were able to soma their mouths into that
serious pucker requisite to the proper performance
of the musical exercises."