%mgr. BEAD DOCTOR, WllO has been performing smell wonderful cures, at Mama:olas memo. vii to FltfiN'Y rarest Columbia, Pa., where, (roan the increased numbers that flock to Lim for relief, lie has been compiled Lo tit up a commodious establishment. Then. it soil are sick. no matter what may lie your disease, the Herb Doctor's De, pensary you run obtain the appropriate remedy. Pre sate rooms for consultation. The Herb Doctor aufonus the public. that he is the only person in this secuon, mho derived his medical knowl edge from the Herb Do c tor ni Pladedelplea. and Ims stu died his justly celebrated "Medical Practice." elte rest Indian Mediciates, which have cured so many whets every other remedy and every Other doctor has failed. can only be obtained at this estublislitnent. The Herb Doctor has practiced his system for some time, lurang which he believes be bus rendered general and entire sa tisfaction: out of the hundreds that he has treated, lie has heard of no person being injured by las medicines. Ile professes not to cure all disease, with one remedy. lint prepares a different medicine for each at the numerous "ills winch flesh is heir to,'—whicb are compounded from roots, herbs, barks, flowers, he., - which, while they possess great curative powers, also strengthen the seas tem as they remove the disease Hence they cannot in jure the weakest constitution, lan arc good in every ease, as hundreds who have been rescued by them from the grave, can testify. Having a knowledge et several plants unknown to any other person in this pat t of the country. he uses no mineral or chemical prepara tions. They may be token Asilliont re:jaril to diet-111r thee than the stomach directs, and «ill not interfere with the patients customary vocation. The afflicted. particu larly those 'abeam.; under DISEASE OF LONG nTANDINo. •are cordially invited to come and make a trial of these medicines, or at least have a talk v. ills the Doctor, m ho charges nothing for advice. The Herb Doctor is content if he gets only the raa, that have been given up no Incurable by the old school or other doctors, tor the numerous cases of this kind which he has Cured, arc sere evidences that if there be hope yet, it Is in his medicines. Mothers, Fathers: by the dear tic that Mauls you to your little ones, try the Herb Doctor, before giving them up! To you my dear female friends, ,ho have been neglec ted or wean; to you who suffer Most. and lei have not heretofore been properly treated.l offer a remedy sailed to your delicate constitutions. and adapted to the di-ease. to velatch you are liable. Wuhan the past isw years,ma ny, too many, of your rillinber has., heels realm. eal from the sphere of their affections and of then . ibeiiitnesQ ; but do not despair, but call at the lied, Undue , Lle.pensary, Front street, Columbia, where be will Inrulsil you a suit able remedy. If you cannot call, encloseT,o Dollars in a letter, post paid, containing a statement of 3 our situa tion, and you wall receive medicines. waft full dareenun, Persons %visiting attendance al their hue-es, will stile their residence at the herb Doctor's Di-pensms. next door sweat of Mr. Iloyle's tavern, Front street, Columbia. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Office Hours, from 7 in the morning till 9 an tlie even I mg. Closed ou the evening of roc Columbia, June 3, 1 t• 1 4.--1 y. A. NEW ARRIVAL OF READY ➢LADE CLOTIIING. JOIE JORDAN & Co in returnirq their ,ll.leere thank, to OW citi zens of Columbia and the public in general for the hind flattering patronage which they have la, ttia tut upon them. would rio=t respectfully call their MI - C.l'loll to tlic NEW STOCK' 01' GOODS which they have pi-t received, awl which cannot be beaten, us to quality and cheapite,s,.rns they arc determined not to he untler-old in the count). Their stock comprises all ',tins or garments • Superinie BLACK DRESS ..\.ND FROCg. COATS, Ilahit Cloth : Cashmerets, Tweeds. Alpaca 1.11 , ..tre Croton, Linen, pmt Linea sacks & Connie', Biding Coats, B.:A awes Coate in profuse sandy. Also, a very fine a',sormre it of Boys' Clothing. all or which will lie sold extremely low for co , ll. Pants and Vests of all Flies wid priee, Iran filly cents up to 81 00. Buyers are .elicited to call a het lif•r Ml , lllltZ to purchase at the time Of Item. They have only to veil to be convinced. . .. They have On hand a fine assortment of Cloths. Cas, , mecca, Cashinerets, Milling m s, Satter Cloth+, Also. Vest Patterns, all of which . will be made up at extremely low prices. Also, Shirts, Shams, Sim-vender, I fo..e. Drawers, Cra vats, Carpet Bags, embrell,o,,Co/Inr-, hilioilt , ,Ove GuinclustieCoats,thoves, 101t1) Co. A few door* below Herr', NV,lttoktett Hetet Flow Street Columbia. Po. Co!motive, I%tay 24, IS F.---tf GAE.S.T XCEVOLTITION IN PRICES of Dry Goods. Who arr to benefited Is by this remarkable champ. Till: 1'I.:111 . 1,K1 Wl* Let them call at the 111:1'. MVP. it''. North I in, ml street, and see; here thvy call buy tv, much thvy a short Iliac tics uonld have had to This then is a radical change t - or the b.•l. 111 01 the Ippeoplc. L't thorn call soil ice hL•• 1..tL0 S coca, egi .mVttlf (.1011. )I , t 111 . 1 fig : ior Revolutions no -a-day are remarkable ir in I, 1/) Splendid Laws:, la-t color, 12,; evot. 3s inch Mublin, heat v dint fine, 11!, Centi DIUa LIII LANES: A good article of Plain Mo.len and Iflk only I 2 cent. A good article, Iltgldy Cann:lcon. MOURNING DlMsf: (aloDs: Ladi". be supplied whit ever) article tor mom - low. Good ptaie 111 k. Clotroze4, ooly 12; cent, do do Lown-o. 123. 1., a nd 8o ccolv Mazatlan, liarcges and milk Toone . LADI Er? GLOVES Lisle thread. Cilk and Kid ; Glove. in `7. , marty. AT THE Ntil: Hive, CILVS. I:. WENTZ & GINGILVMS:--3,l.lnpenrd,l of Vrenelt. Sewall, and Engln,li Dn..% Gingl, pattern. and gory cheap—m*l'llP BM: MVP., NoLth 61ue, a'greet. I= The greatest variety of the tiloA ,t)les, just received—among the nctve,t st) are: Metz:talons, Nitt gla [kith Zeplinnea. - aut. Zephry Tissues, - I.o‘. ly. Pompadours, rest-Hwang. &C., he., perfectly exhatmle,, at the DE E HIVE, North (plc,' Sire, CHAS. F.. 11110. no:karr ratmoNs Sint opening, the nctveat .plea for Spring r. the greenest variety ever Fnint in Intteziner tirent cure has been taken in the belection of 01)1e, and color-. nt the. BEI: EMBROIDERIES French N. W. Luc Capes. do do do Collars. do do do Edging and In ie ming. Embroidered Swiss Musluis• (Or DIV,e, At the LIEF 111.111; North Queen et Lancaster, April 15, ISlr+.-tf DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS !!! Wl. A. LEADER, WHOLESALE:and RETAIL DRUGGIST, would respeemil4 inform ha s tinnier -0115 friends of Columbia and us 11`11111V 111.11 he has just returned from New Nook and l'lnindelinaa stilt a splendid assortment in all articles belonging, to the anon stsocrss.vici DRUGS, MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICININ. PER FUMERY, TOILETS, I*.h.N.CY NI S% let. PAIN OILS. GLASS, DYE. STVPI'S h e T owet h e r jil t a caper for lot flllll I.• et II UR :111,1 BRusims that tool: tli.. :1,1.11 in the Me chanic's Institute of Nola. York Also a constant supply of Camplielle Eelhereal Oil Lamps, with a fresh and good 3laterm I in burn w it Country Merchants. Dramsts. ltsl,er., store Kcerier+, Fullers, Dyers, and denlor-m cell.' ra I tall find it to their advantage to call at tho GIII,OIIN TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia, bean, pnrol 01 , 111, where. WM. A. LEADER. Columbia, March .7: ;1I .from Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road. Tete Morntng PSf ; ASSI,I:R TRAIN ash rim from Baltimore regularly. here., Ocr, on Sun dayott 11 o'clock, A M., and Returning %mil "tort trom Co lumba at 1; P. M., Wnight , ts tile, g P. M and trout York at 3 o'clock, P. 31., as on oilier day: of the neck. 'the mail between Baltimore nut York will be curried by this train. No other 11,1111WIII full on Slimily. 1) C. 11. 110IlD1.1W. Sur,rnitendcnt of Tr:lmport:mon. 0ct.T41q47 *ALT. AND SUSQTTESZA.NNA siat.RAIL XIIE REDUCED,—TIic Pas senger Tra... runt cs.; tohlr,w: Lcl LORVC. naitilit , . ll, at . 0 A. M . mul or rives at 11-1 o'clock, P M. Arrives at York at 12 P and Dates r„, Co . lambi,' at o'clock, E'- ?I Leaves Columbia at P e% York for Balumore nt 3 o'clock. P. 31 Fare from Baltimore to Vert; - - Co!anima, - - 2 t. , . - The Train Connects at York with St 3,.. ,- l r I 15 t .....1,,,,.„ Gettyeburq,Chinalw,imrg. IN n.burz awl '1..r1.. t• t •,,..., FAKE: PO 6171 - I'cslit Hu AN I) ILa lulu> iti RI C The Company is author - 1...d t, the proprietor. of th.• Stage Linen to receive the laic 11O0U;)1 !MID 1104110,re in Gettysburg and Harrisburg BALTINIORII TO GrrTTNat ID: ten Ii IDID , rm rG. Fare through to either place. ...... , I to D. C. I I. IIIIII.D1,1:1*. Super't Ticket Other.. t North .t.. Butt, May E, lel7-ti GAMS AND Bacon of the best quality at 0p274e-tf AV & PATTON-s VOU'RE fatting Bald, arc You': Well, that j_ is a uustbrturte and not a crime, but to remain bald, ti rim so fine an opportunity offers to restore your hair, by u truthful arid liberal use of Jayne's Hair Tonic, is but lit tle short of crime. 'This valuable preparation excites the scalp to a new arid healthy action, cleanses at from:scurf and dandruff, prevents the hair from falling off; cures those eruptive diseases which otied appear upon the head. and in a majority of cases produces a five growth of new hair. lt also gives the hair a rich and beautiful appear ance For sale at W. A. LEADER'S July 1. l=td-ti Golden Mortar Drug Store. POMPLIINT. This disease now prevails to an altitining extent, and thousands of helpless children will be carried off by it unless timely relief be afforded them. This relief may always be had by applying to that ino,t cortant and pleasant remedy, Jayne's Carminative Balsam, whtelt never fails. It has frequently made cures of Summer Complaint niter physicians of the Itlgheq standutg have pronounced the child as actually hl the struggles of death. Try it—try if you ha , :e any love or comm.-ion, or even mercy. for your hetple.s children.— Why wal you let them die when a certain remedy may be bud by calling at W. A. LLit"ibLift'S Golden Mortar IJrug store, Front Street Columbia, .luly 1, Iti4t?,4f I Pall TALI' Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches, 11 'Rheum. Scurvy, Erysipelas. Sure fiends, Old Sare.s, Sore Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and tender rush, Freckles, Tan. Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun burnt or Yellow Skint ton pure clear white,.3.s smooth and soft as an tnfatit's And. in fact, every knd of crap -11011 nand dlgig , ll,lltent. Read these certificates : From the N. O. Sentinel, Oct., ISM One of our subscriber. Mr. 11. Leonard, informs us that be has been cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen year's standing, on Ins head, fingers and hands, by a cake of ant article much advertised lately—we speak ol Jones's Italtan Chemical Soap. Ile also informs us that he has tried its effects on hie female slave Rose, much marked With sun spots, and he found in twoweeks her skin much clearer nail whiter. James Elthani, a planter in Jersey City. was cured of carbuncles until pimples. which he was afflicted with for natty year-, by u part of a cake of Jones's Italian Chemi cal soap. Per-ons in purchasing thus must always ask for Jones's ITA LIAN Cl LEM (CAL SOAP,—und perhaps, us many who have been cheated with the counterman mill be too mach it...owned to try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—, 011 will not regret it; but always see that the name 0 'T. Jones is OH the Wrapper. Sold .at •",..2. Chatham New York, and by R. WILL IA.NIS. Agent for COlinlll/13. Tun b Franklin Fire Insurance Company of PIIILADELPIIIA —OFFIC,E, No. latlt CiIESNET Street. near Fink street. DIRECTORS. C1TA1t.1.1..3 N. It aNcksat, (tgonar. W. Rwit sans, 'ILIUM A. I lAlt V, Mourn:cm D. Lkwis, Tomas \\'A .CFI,, ADOLPIII: E. Bona:, SA:111. LL GIIANT, Lawn S. BROWS, J.At'olt It. 5.,11111. Mclnnis l'ArrausoN. Continue to make IlilltrallCC, perpetual or limited, on every descripuon of property in town and country, at fait, as low (Is arc consistent with security. 'Pine Coinpanv have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their Capin!! and Preininins, safely Invested, adords ample ttroteetton to the assured. 'Pine assets of the Company. on January Ist, IS4F, as inittlished agreeably to ati Act of :Ist:club!) , were as 101. JOU, vi,: Atortg.ntes, 5. , 110,.VA G 5 Heal E•tate, 10-,939 PO Tottipornry Loans, 1:21,459 Ou Stocks, 47,,I)111 lb Cash, .k.c. , 45157 r 7, S 1,:? . .20.107 07 Stile,' their incorporation, a period of eighteen year:, they have pod upwards of one tnillson, two hundred thou sand dollars. J0...v. by lire, thereby attording evidence of the advantages of in:l:ranee, Its well :se the ulolny and di-pobthon to nicer NVllllllTOllly , llle , .. all h;dnlna•v. N. BANCK FAL, President. CitAtti,l, U. 11.t5,..1(1i11. Secretary 1110N1.1S LLOYD. of Poluitilkia, ,eat for Yotli and haticatter Counties. Feb. It?, 1,1.-1 y. COLUIVXIII.A. IRON FOUNDRY. rrlIE Untillersigned, hereby lender their sincere itokomvlcdo3ootrts to their en-tomer, and the pub ne generally. fOr the 'very lilwral patronage lliat has at tended their erlort, to phi tree, anti l•oldtt uuurtu theta that v, ill be their greate,t plca-ure n, herctoibre. in cololvet their lit such a manner as to m e rit their comma• ett arpinhation and , tipport. Wc et/11111111C to Illake all hind% of Ca Vine, V., • 1, 4 364.4' :1111.1.(tEA RIN(!. SPUR. BEVEL 11 !Till:and Molt. TICE C(Ri.NVIII:EI.S.C.IST SHAVES tor seater wheel., Also. CAR \ lIEELS and other Car Ca•titign, to• getter With all hinds of nail-110A Castingc. for w hieh tolexeeptionta ref....nice call he oven for superiority tint IN'e have gait° a variety of PATTERNS tor inalring Hot Mani ler 1;1,4 Furnaces, and far \Valor file., lltl. L.•m_ Ns ell pea•pared for Ca.ttag l'ipe4. it eili cur• lately lie all Salvaalage 10 1110. e in Willa, to call unit es amine for thenthelvei, a. we can utatitatiettire an cheap, t beeper , than any other estatiltshiaent w the., neetiott of enuatry. \\"e have ditrerent Lind., of Patterns for Steam Threshing 31:whines, Ploughs, Common Stoves. st o ve Nab,. Stove C) hurler. and Cr.a.,, tunny other %fang., m one hoc of bu.utets, belag the making and col leettng together lit the past eleven yearn lla•-utg the best of mechanic., employed at Pattern tilaktag. Ace., we are prepared to Inalie an)• thou; in stir line of business at the shortest notice, and being favorably stunted at the Callal ctt•e us the ads ;tillage of ntanufactuititg and tOr‘,ltrtillet Castings to any pint With despatch and at the lowest rates. EEORt It 9 WOLF% SAAICEI. TRUSCO'CT. 'Denting tinder the rim of (.;co. Wolf & Co. ColnraLia, ?larch t, to I--tf ND NEW GOODS, The subscriber takes this method 01 maiming lit , triend4 and customers that la! ha 4 rented the New Store loom known as llableinait's New Corner. being, on the Smith We.t earlier of Front and Loci,' Slrer•l. where Inc intends to keep conkttual) ou Lend a rand .11111,1 of ILI:ADV MADE CLoTtliNG,slions AND BOOTS, Ulla a ;general it...urn:lent of rmoliy C;rocerie4; together south nom and other Aleal; Oat, Corn. and Chop for Liquors 01 101 kind., including Wines and Cordial-. Allot which 1 pledge tily , elf to , ell ns cheap Air cash a.. poKohly can Inc iallaatal. Pletr,e call and ex amine hod, the goods and price,. N. 11 —A dwelling Mid trout .hop adjoining. to rent on itecominntlitung touts. 3lyself and Soo would like to hoard with din hand). B.tititATT. Colombia, Alarelt "0 TE1N1P013.4.! 0 MORES!" N ACTION V TO TILE PUBLIC—The only genuine •• DR. ISTA lIALSAAI 01 , WILD CIIERRY:' Iris the wrnitent signature of the General Agent, V. M. SPCA R. on the out side. wrapper Purrounrlsitg each bottle; tine is believed to he the only article, hearing the above title, us eniniating from the Doctor. The virtu, of Wild Cherry. fur relieving affections on the Lungs. and that all mpottant organ. th , has long einojeci the conh denee of tloniet.tie p met of nn...-Winlallll M. Spear, of the city l'hrludelphia,b.•tog Jibe ...Isom aceorcltog to lase, tie upd rays that he t. in the po•gen‘too of the orprinal n'elye for preparing a lial.aitt or Wll.l Cherry. 111, wa, r: - Pren to haat.; Or Wl.ttrr. rt xplarly Pi.Yl-lelan, and ihni he bell, be the tad 011 c I. or lay person except the \\ 1-tar %V. NI. SPLA t. ern and siihseribed before me. nod cu) scat ailizetl, on the lost lit; of NeVenther, A O. lE+l7. (1.. SI JOIIN SWIFT, Mayor. A cop) right fm' the Balsam is Alisond as it Ina) appear in the Mee of the atoms 1111(10 „ amble prom. MI 1100. Initial 100111 1t0 , 1011 . , Ahts. , recently applied to the United States District Court of Pen on)lva ilin for all nonnetion to the tic:ler:o Agent for the 1J cited States and the Itriti•li Province. to prevent said .%ginit won ...Hinz the only (si• mime Or IVisoir's Baboon of Wild Cheer). (sad nulls-ulna! omitting the right.) Of C .e he I lon. Judge oismil Court tironiptl, retuned it. 'line intone of the Small°. or Lumbago. Disru-es arising num an injurious use of Mer cury, Dropsy. Exposure or Imprudence int life. Also, Chronic. Constitutional Disorders. la this medicine several innocent but very potent arti cles of the vegetable kingdom al, united, funning a com pound cum retl- dtiT•rent inns character and properties front any oilier preparation, and unrivalled 111 ils operation on the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the hands of every person. who by business, or general course of life. is Inedtnpo•ed to the very many allancntii that render ill., a cur.:, instead ofu files-ing, and so often result it death. _ _ = The following testimony is frost ant able practitioner of this city: OF:l.l'lM* Di•cember 11, lEi47. Dear Sir reply to your question iespecting the use, of Or. Drake's Panacea. I sett! say that althotich a perfect disbeliever in the existence of n ratimiett, or cure Mr all diseases. however valimble It truly lie w eertain condi tions CI the ss stem, still I have believed tlmt a cure tor Consamption would be ili•covered sooner or later / Mal was led to try your medicine 11l two very inveterate cases. They were pronoinsced by the attending physicians to be Put:nos:tier CoNstnicrtos, and alittialotied by them as in curable. One of the persons had been under the treat ment of si,eral very tilde practitioners for a number of years. and they said she had - old fashioned Consumption combined WWI Scrofula," and that she might linger for sometime, but could not lie permanently relies ed. la both roses the ellert of the Panacea has been mien gratifying. Only four or live 60111, Were used by one of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. They are both well. 1 will only add, that fa miliar as I am with CollStallplloll by inheritance and by extensive observation as a study, and knowing also the imaricias effects in nine cases out of ten of tar, boneset. and other vegetable tonics. as well as of tunny of the ex pectorants and sedatives. 1 Aioniti Sever have recoil-alienat ed the suss of Drake's Paimetia if I had not been acquaint. vd with the Sather: tt to say these tire re...- commended by our inost popular and scientific physi cians, and in their present combined state, form probably the nest alter:ins, *list Ilan ever been made. The cure is in accorthowe watt a theory of Coteantiption broached 111 Fraliee a Jew year" ago: by ammo of her most eminent v. titers till meth.; ill, alld nose established by facts which admit of air li1.11111.• Very Itcspeettill4 Tories, D. C. I Corner Chest. and Valli st, LIVER. DOMPIiAINT AND OVSPDPSIA A.toni,lnng cure tn I.:%er Complanit and DySpe , a4l,lll eraineChull tVith General 11.).-Inlity "1 the la hole v teal: I'InI.AUFELPnIA• Mareh 7. le VI. Alc9sr, Storrs k C0..--Gentlemen :—My Nvire Me, been for several y ttitis afflicted with a pain through her right •Itle fled shoulder, accout: •it with chills through her whole system. ;slid almost etnistanilt, a sick stomach. at tended %%oh inner, invariably after eating orthinking cut coterie so as to deprive her to all saiuMietion m attempting to eats es en if slate had a de-me for :both whieli was not °nets the mo,e. as her apps :fort was completely gone. A mead persuaded her Ire glee 1)1{. DICAKK'S PANAC'EA a trial teed 1 happy to say the first bottle gave livi relict. Our manly ph) eX:Le11111•11 the l'eleletl. Wei approved of seer tesuog it. She leas taken three bottles sine,. and is greatly_ Itenelltietl. She has now a good up twine, and min eat het meal. m.ithsalisittetion. The chills. peel. octet -irk stomach have entirely lett leer. and we feel emahlent that the Pun:tee:A has all:ualtal a comply tore 01 tier :cod would rem - anon:nil to :tit who are M ita:tea miblie Ito heed to try Dr. P:11111Ce:I. %%'11.1.IA:11 No 3.11, North Third Street. The aLca•c are Lim a few ut Ala numerous testimonial• , we are coast:wily receiving. (tithe wonderful efficacy' of Dr. I.tiake's Panacea, It is u pleasant, yet inutst search ing remedy ; and the fird trial IA dl prove its power. its rrput mutt, ha, juer e used 0,1011(MM:1101k to a degree hitherto unknown all all media:it discoveries. With the firm eon% tenon that no other remedy. ari called. of the pro.ent age. is equal :to tine, out that the theory 1111011 %%1110111 nn COlllVOlintlett is 0)0 finally et.tabli,hed to he overthrown. the :proprtetor,. !when a trial of Dr. Drake 'q Panacea, Willing to stand or fill 111)011 its own uterus. ,sell aattaficd it Will nostaill the reputation it ban already aequtred. l'lON.—'fhe genuine DR, DRARk7S PANA CEA is put up in largo nquare hottle.—u has the swan tore of Geo F. Storrs on the Wrapper—Mat also the futile •• Dr. Drahe•q Panacea. Lloa•n hi the y, l'repared only by Sarno S.. CO.. prOggiqq, :21 North Sixth Street. Plait,: .AGI:NT,—R. WI I,LIA:%IS. Cobilabial Ileinitsh Y Son I..inca.ster.; C. A. Morris k. Co., York. April 15, lr READ TIIIS ATTENTIVELY: Doctor liofituttt's Celt. brated GERNTAN lurrims, w.ii effectitall y care the Lis er Complaint. Jaundice. Dys pepsia. Chronic or Nervoit , Debility. Inthgestion Flatu lence. Asthma, Diabetes, Disease of the Kidneys. Ptilino nary Alfeet ~,,, s, (arising from disease of the stomach and Over,) and all diseases arising from a weak or disordered stomach in both, Male mid Female. snob as Female Weak ness, Dirziness, Pathless or Blood to the I lead. lnwasl Piles, Fluttering of the Ileum Diffirtilty of Breathing. Constant Imaginings of Cvil, Great Depression of Spirits, Dimness of Vinton, Pam ail the Side. Back, Breast. or Limbs., Cold Feet. They remove all acidity. and give toile and action to the ,tountelt. tool assi , 4 digestion; the) contain no oleo lathe stuaulr u u, and can be taken by the most delicate goo - inch. and will in every case entirely destroy Costive ne• s, and renovate the whole system. removing all im purities tram the holy. and remnants of previous disease, arid give health and vigor to the vs hole frame. thereb) prevruung frightful drearn.i, walking while asleep, &e.. which often result in accident. The rooolioog, of the stomach are of the inmost Mum, Inure to every one, con.ditining the soil and 1011111:1111 of hit, which is !attrition. No organ po,aesses such re in:Ail:llde sysiumilliev. none such remarkable pun er in modit)ing every part 01 the s) -tem. A greater number of persons fall victims to the hart:l4=llT of Constipation and I.itqiciyda arid inure organic diseases commencing in the digestive system. than all other The ninny thoii.iinds who der with Yellow Fever. Cholera. and other epidemics', is owing to disease or de rangement there. It the digestive .ystem is in perfect health, the nervous srdein and the circulation of the blood will he also. as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose MI their terror. Thom living in, or vim, ing districts barrassed Nvith FEVP:U. AN!) AUCI annually, will find that by the timely use of one or two bottles to renovate and strengthen the system, no excess 01 bile swill necunudate, and they swill not in any one instance take the dineum. Prevention is far better than cure, The rare ,LICCCS4 in treating diseases ot the stomach successfully, has not been so mach u aunt of pathological knowledge of its functions, as the preparation of suitable Vegetable compounds. so ns to obtain not only their whole power, but as they would be most effectual and grateful. NVe ore all aware that too many preparations have been, and are now before the pubic, that act only as pull naves, and sorrae that change the locality of the disease. or prevent d for a short period. then it returns more for midable than in the first Instance. Such preparations have destroyed the pulthe confidence. Thu s article efand mg alone in its nmidier of cures, and unrivalled, an thou sands of our eitHens can attest who have tested its vir tues, can always i.e depended upon for the above named diseases. It will cure uny case that can be cured by nterlicuse, no matter who, or what else has failed; it will perfectly restore the diseased organic functions of the Stomach. Intestines. Respiration, Circulation, &c. These Bitters, and the Spikenard Oinunent will cure any ease of Inward Piles; it in a rare occurrence to re quire more Marione bottle of each for the worst cases For sale at the GERMAN MEDICINE OFFICE. No. 275. Race Street, one door above Eighth, south side. Phila delphia. In Lancaster, by John F. LO3l •j in Harrisburg, by Daniel W. Gross; in Pittsburg, by Win. Tbont—and by dealers generally throughout the United States. fl Pamphlets containing cures and descriptions of diseases, gratis. Also forsal,e, his celebrated VEGETABLE RIIEU -SINTIC PILL,s., for the care of Gout. Rheumatism, Drop sy. and severe Nervous Affections,' SPIKENARD OINT MENT. for the cure of Piles, Triter, Ringworm, arc., arc., AT. marchlt3,l24s-9m PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMEM. GREAT DZIEMLITCTION. ROW many , die a mostliorrible-deatit without the simple' cassie being suspected. Some linger for years, as they suppose, from dispepsia, when it is worms. Which causes .most diseases. There has come under I our notice:several cases of supposed dispepsia, of several years' standing, when We have recommended the Syrup, winch has entirely restored them to health. We would say to AULTS when they . are afflicted withsonr Stomach, Sick lived Ache. Fits, a frequent deceive to make Stools, Leanness, Bloated Stomach, Nervousness, Sickness after eauug, Sensanon of rising us the throat eller eating, &c., be assured it is simply worms, and it needs but a trial of 110BENS:ACK'S WORM - SYRUP - - to satisfy you it is so, and if you have any of the above symptoms and the Syrup tails to care, the agent writ re fund the money. TO PARENTS we would say, that the greatest sit you arc convicted of, is to let your children sutler and die, when there is a simple pleasant Vegetable remedy at band. It is said by our oldest Physicians, that Worms cause more deaths yearly, than all the other dis eases the bunion family are ealtteet to. Then, how im poltant it is to trove a bade and pleasant remedy at hand. Parents, when your children have sore or big:tilled eyes. you may rest satisfied that it is caused by worms, and you will do well to cull our the storekeepers of your neighborhood and get a 1300 k of 110belletlek l S, COnlainlng eertifietkleS 01 cities and the symptoms of worms. Al ways keeps Bottle of floberisack's %Voila Syrup oil hand, it is a friend 111 need. 11RAD :ON ! [RAD ON!! RI:AD ON!!! ii,,u,Nsj,eK—Ocalcuivli: I take great pleasure in informing you of the great efficacy of your Worm Sy rap having been afflicted for five years, and wasted away ton mere skeleton, without recieving any benefi , from various medicines, I was induced by Jesse Roberts to try your Worm Syrup. as he informed me it had brought worms from him: also, of Squire A. Tomlinson, of Bucks county, u man over fitly years old, whom I um well fle quahated with. I then commenced taking your Syrup. and it brought a very large quantity of Wotlll,l. sonic tell inches in length, and mime!) restored me to health, and, I must say I tool like a new man. Yours, truly, JOHN HART, Phil's co. Mr. J. Hart is a gentleman thirty-three years of age, living five miles out or the city, buck of Second st. road and Is only one amongst the hundred growtt persons tha., have been saved by 110111INSACICS WORM SYRI7I'. Messrs.:lrobenstiek: I have been lootdng for some of your WOTIII Syrup for some tune ; I have sold all but one bottle , I tvi.,lt you to send me tuo doyen immediately. I believe ti to In: a good inedteme ; I have seen at tried to 111 Y ,Illelletloll. I have known one dose to bring Irma a child three worms, ten inches long. and front tututher twenty worms, eight inches lung in one day. I have sold Mire rent Worm Me dicines Mr a number of years, but never sold any that gave such maternal satisfaction. Respectfully, yours, WM, BROOKFIELD, Bridgeton. Ness Jersey PIIII.ADr.LPIDA.Tay es', 117. ATes•r_. J. N. S. G. S. I lobensuck—Gentleinen-1 have been list some tune using your '• Verininige" w lily prac tice. and I fun happy to City that in my hands it has cue ceeded lie its its tally to 3i,itly coy coullilence in its use. I think it alining the very hest preparation. iii use. NV. ADDLETON, v. D South nt Prepared only by J. N. & O. S. HOBENSACK. t,nd and Coates street, Philadelphia, and for sale by all re. spetable Storekeepers is this and adjoining counties, whom we nuihoriz, to give Inset: the money in ever} case it fads to give satit :Action. Price t'3 cent,. Also llohenn.nek's Hyena Tooth Ache Drops. Price 12! cents, a certain cure for Tooth Ache. Holnensack's Rheumatic Liniment. Price 2.5 cents. do Corral) Solve. Price 121. cents, nor weak !tacky, sprains, frenh and out sores, burn, etc. Holnensack , s Teller and Ringworm Ointment, Prier 25 counts, warranted to cure all arrniptions oil the Ann— far sale as above. Plathule/phia May 27,--too CLOTHING. aEtiTLEMEN Visiting the City, and wishing In %„..4 supply them , clve, with CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE E D - ADE CLOTIIINU, Will find a LARGE. CONIPI.KEE, AN I) CI lOICE ASSORT 3r ENT, At the lowest po...ible price., for C A 811, Meneihrtered or the lhe.t and tenet thtrUble tnatrnalc, and of the lett,t and moat approved Si) lee met lettere', or Mee and BOYS. of A A H.:RICAN. ENGLISH, FRENCH : AND G ERAI AN CLUTI IN. CASSINI, :RES, :s.vrixi , :rrs. AND DOESKINS., TooEritErt AVITII A SPLENDID rAttll•`i'l OP SILK, SATIN, viEi.vor, ANL) CAS/DIEM. VI: STINGS; AINo a great variety or BOYS' CLOTIIING; AT 111): SOUTHEAST CORNER OP SECOND AND MARKKr STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, AT PRICES AS LOW As nay other essablislitneot in the 1 7 iiited Siates. 117-Sontlitatat corner or SECOND AND AIAREET. Phila., April S, CEO. CULIN TESTED DIE THOUSANDS: Wright's Indian Vrgelable Pills. Scarcely have ton short years elapsed since all humble attempt was made to combjitc. in a snitni,h, uicdr cal prep:minim, a rev, of the herbs or the Indian. All w a s dark at the time as to the result. The most that could be estimated was, that the principles adopted as the basis to [mild upon were sound. So much reliance Wee placed upon ealolliel and the laiteet. that the dl sneers of the new experiment would have tended to conlirat that reli ance, while it shook the purpose of the proprietor. Now, however, all doubt and difficulty is at ell elel.— EVel, where this medicine has been greeted with wet mime ; everywhere has its use been uttentlell will, the most gratifying. success. From entail beginnings its sales are tine Colleted I= . . and it in held in higher estimation at :tlie - prevent time Mau when it was originally inirothieed, FEVEItt4. Fevers. like every other Conn of disease. are only an effort of maitre to expel from the body something that in opposed to health; it is merely It stniggle between the good and bad humors for supremacy. nod the commottott which ensiles is called Fever. The usual spumoni.. efn Fever ace heaviness langpoe anxiety, sighing um] yawn ing. vNglt alternate file or eOl.l and heat. after which the patient complains of pain in the bend mid brick. thirst. Ml ticulty of breathing, pant in the limbs, a sense 01 fullness about the region of the stomach, nausea and sickiims. with sometimes a vomiting of bilious mailer. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will lie found peculiar ly adapted to the core of ALL KINDS or rEvalt, Bern brie they not only thoroughly cleanse the stomach and buss els froin all bilious humors, hat they open those excretory vessels which empty into the bowels; and consequently. the impurity columned in the eircialution (which is lire cause of MI disordered motions of the blood, culled Fe vers.) iA thrown into the bowels, frmn whence it is ear ned tuf fry the regular alvine discharges. In using Wright's !infirm Vegetable Pills for Fevers, the only rare necessary is. to. have the medicine operate COPIOUSLY BY Tlll, BOWELS. If the symptoms are urgent, from four to right pills should I,e taken , night and plonking, until the fee er has subsided: n flee which r doses, once in twenty-lour hours. Will be sughetetn to re store the body to a sound suite of health. 'Pine following highly reciteCtalde Slorelzr. , pcs, hone been duly appointed agents for the -ale Cli tin. Cs lebrated medicine. in Lancaster comity Bearville. IteuLcn %Veidler. Bainlindge. John V. Beecher. Bird-im/land, Jacob Broiler. Bart Township. Wm. W. Ptt , cmore, Belles/eve, Buyers & Kennedy. Couectoya Centre. Joint 11. Hannan, Church Posen. In. S. Roger, Cooperewthe, E. Lewis. Columbia Fry & Spangler. Cherry 11111, Isaac S. Webster. Druntore, John A. Boyd. Earl Township, George Doichtnall. do do Weaver & Stauffer. do do Davis Wallace. Elizabethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, 0. I'. firms. do Martin %Veidinan. • Felton House, Fulton tp.. L P. Wilkinson. Ilempfield, Itingwalt & Martin. Intercourse, J. G. & S. 1,. Robinson, beaeock township, Frederick Swope. Lnuipeter Squnre, J. F. & D. H. Herr. Lill7. Nathaniel S. %Volley. Laneaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. Mounteille. John Devlin. Marietta, %V. A. & B. Spangler. Moon Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co Maytown, John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & Co. Mount Pleasant, Samuel Kepricr. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer. New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer Pottier Grove, E. H. Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. P. I3oyd. Paradise,A. IL & A. L. Witmer. Peach Brttom, Wm. Arnold. Rawlinaville, John Rawlins. 'Safe Harbor. John Herr & Son. Strautiburg. Wm. Spencer. Salsbury, H. Freeland. Washington. Sohn A. Brush. D_Otrices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail. 169 lads street.Phillidelpbia; 266 Greenwich street, New York; and OS Tremont street. Boston. lime 24, 1646.—tap2519 PMLADELPMA ADVERTISEMENTS. TE.NNIENT'S WASHINGTON - Gallery of Daguerreotypes, No. Sal, North Second Street, N.W. corner of street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored at; this well known establishment, for ONE DOLLAR, are uni versally conceded to be EQUAL in every respect to Airs in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS and LOCKETS on hand, ut from $2 to S 5, including the pic tures. The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lan caster county. to call and examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheerfully and without charge. T. & J. C. TENNENT. Pluladelplua, July 1.1E+3-Gm LI7XITSLIES TOP, SALE at the sign of the " Red Curtain," Fourth and :Market Street. Pittladelpida. 0. WHEELOCK, Pnoenirrom CAKES Sponge, Pound, Iced, Spiced, QIICCII Cakes, Scotch Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Short Cakes, Cheese Cakes, Rusk, Apples, Jumbles, Since Nuts, and Ginger Nuts. PIES :—Strawberry Burtleberry, Blackberry, Currant, Cherry. Pions, Cranberry, Egg Custard, Cheese Custard, Apple. Peach. Minee, and nneubarb Pies pouring in hot from the oven at all hours of the clay. CHEESE:—Timoilay Jackson's Ne Plus Ultra Medal Cheese, (very superior.) ('jute Apple Cheese, and a great variety in Cheese, Lodi new and old. N. H. Some of the Cheese sold at this establishment as equal to the best lhathsh Cheese. 10— TIIMPEILANCII DRlNKS—always cold—ltou. sell'', Mineral Water, Letnoanda. Beer 2 lllentl, Milk, &c. Philadelphia. Jane 10, te-t_.—Sxn WHY WILL VOll SUFFER. Thousands of bottles of the _km,* ICAN COMPOUND have been sold during the past year, and was never known to fad of curing, in a ICS' days, the worst cases of u certain delicate disease, Siminal weakness and all diseases °film Urinary organs. I'erous stint ied ut-mg this pleasant and popular remedy, teed tear no exposiirc, as it leaves to odor on the breath, requires no restrictions in diet or business—contains no Mercury or nuAtotis drugs injurious to tire system, and is adapted to every age. sex, or condition. it is ills° the best remedy knot. it - tor Flour A lbws, or Whites, (female complandst with which thousands suffer, without tine knowledge or in remedy. Tins celebrated remedy has lung been ur.ed in the nriVuAe practice of ti physician with unerring .ier to, radically curing ninety - -awe of the litili deed Cll4l, in a few Au), Around each bottle are plain and full direCtions. !Er - CA CFION—A 4: for the A3II.IEICANICoasPorsn, and piii elm,. only or the Price $1 per bottle: ft, WILLIAMS, ligellt fur Columbia. .1111111 y GILEI.A.T MATIONAL WORK. A History of the Revolution. Ines nisi.: Heroes of the VVar of Independence, by Cis:tries J Peterson. An elegant volume with Id bud steel plates, and nearly 400 be:annul wood engravings. "This is It splendid book. A valuable addition to tlia Historic Literunire of our country. We are much mista ken if it does not take rank %with the works of Irving and Prescon;"—lVrankford "It surpas"es any similar work yet offered to-the Amer jean putilie."—(Nears Gazette. -It may Le properly emi,itlered n popularised Military History of the Revolution, extremely well and judicious written."--iNortit American. "The preeent work 011 the Revolution mid its l heroes, .opermr. boils in extent and dentin to nay that has lteretofore come under our stotiee."—llmpurer. "A well eoniteeted history of dial eventful period."- I.l.edger. "Decidedly the best popular 11h.tory of the Wiir of the Revolution and its Heroes, that has y el been given to (110 ColllltrV ”—ES:llllfaa) Evening P.a. WANTED to eitliVal% for the above elegant work.in es cry county town in the United States. to whom the libel liberal intleetimettbi mill lint ale %I'd. Price only $3. Addreto. (post paid.) A. LEAHY. . . fin I•iY North Seeoll d st., Philadelphia Philadelphia, 1.:1-t.-31no. COVNTRIt ivsnßcx-Lazims. CAN save from 15 lo 23 per tent. by purehas mg their 016 cLoTlis threct from the lotauttineth- ./TTl:it C. 72:11/01.1 W. have opened a Ware. Louse. No 135 North Third Slrect else., Race, second Jour South of Hie Eagle 1101€!, N‘ltern they I.l.dlalwav keep On hand It complete a,oritnent of PAT/•:NT Et..tSTIC emuirmir. OH. CLOTHS, :16. 40,40. and 01, inches wide. sutured, Painted, and iiii i on the inside, on Alnshn Dili ill Ig RIO ialltell TAMA: OIL Ci.orus or the most desirahle patterns, 36.40, 40, and 54 inielie4 \vele. P1.0131i OIL CLOTHS. Irani 2 nn eh, to 2.1 feet wide well seasoned, mud the newest style or pattenis, nll ni their own inalintaetine. Transparent NViticlow shade•. Carpets, ti.e. All goods warranted. Philadelphia. Map tr7—.lin ATIVOOD'S TIOIPIRE COOKING STOTE. Iu again•ealling at- ICIIIIOIIIOIIII. opeoalleil STOVE. the proprietor has the pheeetre to inthrek the public. Ilmi(externally) it has noilervolle an chime elialegethe pipe and hearth placed oppo-lie each other, and SUMMER If rrru AND BROILING Avrift.vrtis, being :1,1.1.11111. rendering it fauhlrr•, and unless there is anode r faidarss Stove la the market, this is amine,- lionahly the be.t. as it now embraces every valuable im provement possessed by any other Stove In addition to sari,., peculiar to lt,ll, secured by Letters Patent, The success of this Stove, since Its introduction. in un equalled. Nothiag has ever been offered tin culinary pur pose-. that has given such general satisfaction. sta.", have heel, copied atter its forte; ROMA, deniers have even uteri its finiclaniental principles, but the proportions were on unlike the origami. that they bear the relative value, that aeounterii,t does to agennine enlll, Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES, in great varlet). P. It, 811.13E111% No. 112. Market or. ira rd Row. bele,- Twelali St re t, P1111,..ADE1.1./1/A Lty - All Stove.. purchased at 'llll5 sToitE will be de livered iu Colinalati, free ot charge. alcZ.rds-1 y P. R. (1. OLIVER EV.A.IIT'S QALIMANDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, L 7 Warranted elpialto any other make. and have never been injured by Fite or Burglars. inn u single inntance. lie also keep+ on hand a full supply or Common Cheats , made of lighter iron, nt lower prices, Letter Cop) log Presses mud Books. Trucks for Stares, Factories, .itze. Drintgists* Presses. Eagle ( thi.s Paper. Portable Shower [laths, &c. rucking Lei,ers, Hoisting :Machines. Refrigerators and Watcs Filters. ()LEVER EVANS, fl SrnnL srsoud Si., below Chesnut, Philadelphia REFRIGERATORS tor cooling and preserving Moo, Hinter. Milk. tumid all articles intended or culinary pur. WATER FII.TFRS. —Oliver Evans , Celebrated ter Filters, fur Pant) lag N 1 :der that is brackish or mud dy, ss lather l,v rains, mineral., or otherwise can be had of till erica and prices, err the IVarermans, No. 61 South Second StiVOI.IV•OI.IOOTA below CIiCSIIIII Philad. Philadelphia, October 21, 1847. arrLICT.ED RILAX/. A Certain Disease Cured hi TWO DIVS.—The ".It4S4' SPEKLW ItEMI;DY COIL PAL\ IN THE loins, recent and chronic affections of the kidneys. di,. ease of the bladder, gravel, seminal wen kness.&e. Per , sous who, by indulging in a secret habit. having entailed on theannelves eoanitlittioaril debility, stand,' apply Un litetlialely 10 DR. KINKELIN, of the Philadelphia Medi cal House. the oldest instinitinin of the kind in the city. 0d1e... N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Ste.. be tween Spinet: and Pion, I; squares troin the EXChatige. Medieul {louse Was egitalillslied lay Dr. K. fincen years ago, for the suppression of quackery, there being so many persons, without knowledge, name or character, who put ralverliSCilicidS ill the public papers, that an in stitution of this Lind was highly nece•snry' to prevent the afflicted, especially strangers. irom inning into the hands of some unskiltitll wretch, who, instead of curling, might send Ins victim into as untimely grave. Therefore, the afflicted should shim the numerous pretended phy salmis who know nothing of the practice of medicine, but con sult Dr. Kinkclin, who cures a CLUTAIN DISEASE lit two or three days. according to the state of the patient, Without the use of Mercury. No mercunal remedies are used by Dr. Kinkelin ; ins medicines are palatable and harmless, and all his patients are honorably shielded, from even the possibility' of being discovered. Ile who places himself under the core of Dr. K.., may religiously confide in Ins honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician, and it he is riot speedily relieved no re muneration will be demanded. Strictures, one of the most troublesome and dangerous elections, which often end in gravel, indamatium weak ness, Ac., Dr. iiinkelin guarantees to remove speedily ; as also, swellings, diseased prostrate gland, &c, Struc• tures have tinned many who had no knowledge of their existence. TAKE l'AnncrtAn NcrricE.—Young men who have in jured themseves by a certain practice indulged ill—a habit frequentently learned from evil com anions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly fe lt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediate ly. Weakness and constitutional debility immediately cured nod full vigor restored. All letters post paid. TAKE NOTICE.—DE Einkelin has had greater practice in the shove alfections than any physician in the United States. He also possesses an-advantage over all others, from the fact of his Mavis* studied in the great hospitals of Europe. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that he cured them after every other remedy had failed. Sepa rate rooms for private consultation. Op en till 9P. M. TRAVELLERS supplied at a moment a nonce, with the requisite medicines to cure themselves privately. I'ACICAGES Of medicines sent to any part of the U. S. More particulars in the Spirit of the Times. 0c617-ly