the most judicious training of each of her children from infancy. She possessed much decision of - character and never swerved from her purpose to yield a too selfish desire of one of her offspring, and they understood her character. But kindness and love towered above everything else; and all felt it and imbibed the same disposition. Having lost her adviser, she made her children her confi dentin's, and frequently asked advice of them, even the youngest, of six years of age. This increased their confidence in her; and likewise induced in them habits of reflection, investigation and fore sight, so that they manifested an independence of mind and decision of character and judgment far above most children of their ages. To spend an evening with them and witness their politeness toward one another, their obedi ence, their love and tenderness, their order and de corum in every respect, would so soothe, calm down and mellow my feelings, that I would return to my study refreshed, strengthened in my purpose to v.:A always on the law of love, happy in soul and, pr e . pared to enter again with vigor upon it:, duties. Why may not every family cira',c 'ea as lovely as this ono? They would be .:,c) each member would be actuated, in all th'.rit,rs only by love. The jarring and contention to sdlen witnessed in fami. lies, would all ceefle, should the law of kindness become a rule Woich every one would obey ; and every &mily then would be a little heaven. THE SPY & REGISTER SATURDAY MORNING, Augu. 19, 18,18 AGENCIES V. B. PALmEn. is duly authorired to ref rive subscrip.. tions and adt•crta,ements for this paper. iu the cities at Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and Boston, mid receipt therefor. E. W. CARR, Philadelphia. JAC.)II M. Wr-TrirArrrna. Lancaster tiny. WitmAat A. PICRCE, Travelling Agent. Canal Paarv, No. 1.51, Nas.rat Street. New York. Tnz Ileuszn Fsstmv.—ily reference to our ad vertising columns, it wi'.l sc an th a t this eel°. brated musical troupe w give another concert to. night at the Lyccut•.t Hall, instead of the Town Hall. Our citizens r.lay prepare themselves for a rich treat, such an rme as, perhaps, they have never had before in CO um'ole. The Hansen] have not only, by their e*.ce•Alent performances, elicited the ap plause u r . _emperors, Kings, Princes,and men in high Pl.aces, in those portions of the old World leb'ere music is considered one of the very highest ccomplishments, but of the most enlightened and refined American audiences in our Atlantic cities and fashionable watering places. We see come highly complimentary notices of their perfbrman ens in the various papers where they have visited. == THE HARRISBURG AND LANCASTER RAILROAD Company have engaged the services of Edwrad F. Gay, Esq., Engineer, to make surveys end exami nations for a branch from their road, to Marietta and this place. At the last session of the Legisla ture, the Company obtained a supplement to their charter, authorizing them to construct a branch between Alountjoy and Portsmouth, extending to Marietta and Columbia. Mr. Gay, we understand, will be on the road in a few days, with on efficient engineer corps, making the necessary surveys and examinations preparatory to an early commence ment of the work. =ME= PENNBELNANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD.—We learn from the Pittsburg papers that the subscription of 20,000 shares of the stock of this Company by the Commissioners of Allegheny county has been anal. ly consummated . It is stipulated that this sub. scription, together with the additional sum of one million of dollars shall be expended in the construe. lion of the road from Pittsburg eastwardly to the Allegheny mountain. Other conditions, which were also accepted, require that the terminus of the road shall bo within the city of Pittsburg, and that the Railroad Company shall pay 6 per cent. interest on this subscription until the road is finished. Oxsoorc—A bill for the organization of the ter. rilory of Oregon, introduced eller the defeat of the '"Compromise Bill," passed the house of Rcprc. sentatives last. week, with a section embodying the language of 1757, prohibiting slavery in that terri tory. The Senate passed the bill with the Mis souri Compromise attached. The House refused to concur in the amendment, and on Sunday morning the Senate, after an exciting and stormy session of a day and a night, I eceded from its amendment, by a vote of 29 to 25. The bill, therefore, with the prohibitory elause,is TILE LAW OP "lIIE LAND. I=l Cattroasia.The following items are gleaned from laic files of the San Francisco Star by the St. Louis Republican a A large emigration from China may soon be ex pected there. Some of the "Celestials" had al. ready made their appearance. An immense mine of silver had been discovered in the valley of Sin Jose, four miles from the town of that name, by Mr. J. F. Recd. The vein is de scribed as being three and a hall feet thick, hay ing an uninterrupted run east for three miles, the depth unknown. OnecoN.—The following are the nominations confirmed by the SCIVIiC as the officers of the new Territory of Oregon: Secretory—! intzing Pritcheite, of Penna. Chief Justice.—William Bryant, of Indinno. Associate Judge.—James Turncy, of Illinois. District Judge.—Poter IL Burnett, of Oregon. Attorney aeneral•—bane W. R. Bromley, of New York. 31arshal.—Joseph L. Meek, of Oregon. GOVERNOR or Onroots.—The President hna ap pointed the bravo and talented Gcn. IAS. SHIELDS, late a. Brigadier in the Volunteer service, Governor of the new Territory of Oregon. norros Citamorryrr.—We are obliged—since we must hare your saying.—t o copy them at Fecond hand. Why not e.t. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE fin September ie received, and is embellished with two epiendni engraving!, Fashion plate, Jlneic, &c., Goner's LADY'S Boorc.—The September number or this worthy Magazine is received end is well worth a quarter. ri" Gen. SIETZLOS declines Um appointment of Governor of Oregon. --..........~,,,e."0ve....--....- 33Congress adjourned on Monday, after a ties lion of eight and a half month.. OREGON. The Baltimore American, speaking of the pro position by the Hudson's Bay Company to cede to the United States all their possessions in Oregon, says:—The important proposition said to be made to our Government by the Hudson's Bay Eoln";:sny, and the Puget's Sound Company is exci!:ing eonsid. erable interest. They propose to 'led° to us a tract of territory larger than the S ;ate of New York, for the reported amount of ono million dollars. This tract of country os.'„braces all the military ports on the northern tar.k of the Columbia river, and its session us, would forever prevent any collision be -I.l.iis country and England in regard to points 'eft unsettled by the Ashburton treaty. A number of distinguished Senators, among whom are Messrs. Webster, Calhoun, and Benton, are said to be favor able to the proposition. By the treaty of 1846, certain possessions and rights south of latitude 49° were guaranteed to the above mentioned companies until transferred, on proper conditions, to our Government; and it ap• pears that Sir John Henry Pilley, the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Co., and agent of the Puget's Sound Co., represented to Lord Palmerston the cx. pediency of the transfer of the territorial right, property, and interests of the two Companies to the U. S. Government, and that Lord Palmerston, read ily embracing the project, instructed Mr. Cramplon, the British Charge, to bring it before this Govern. ment. His letter to Mr. Buchanan is very strong; and Mr. Buchanan's communication to the Senate, urging the acceptance of the propositions, presents incontrovertible arguments in favor of it. "Speaking of this subject, the Washington cor. respondent of the New York Tribune has the fol. lowing remarks, which will serve further to eluci. date the matter: The character of this property and the rights conflicting with those of our own citizens, enjoined by the Hudson's Bay Company, would seem to have suggested to the President and Mr. Bectrarcas; the policy and necessity of inserting late the Treaty some clause requiring time extinguishment of the title of these Companies to the privileges and pos sessions they had previously claimed and main tained in full. The event justifies their sagacity. Such privi leges in the hands of foreign chartered companies have already excited the jealousy and ill.will of our citizens settled in the Oregon Territory. This 111-will may burst out into acts of aggression, and the two nations may be precipitated into a war, the losses and calamities of width will bear no proper. tion to the cuu.cs which provoked it. Fur, us Lime population increases, this feeling of jealousy will become more inveterate and uncontrolable. The two nations are obliged to keep military statiorni'and forces in the vicinity of these posses sions to watch over the interests of their several citizens. The British Government had withdrawn a part of its troops on the ratification of the Treaty —but latest accounts indicate to them, says Sir George Simpson, but just arrived thence, the mecca. sity of ordering others there. Putting aside the political considerations that seem strongly to urge the necessity of acquiring to ourselves the exclusive navigation of the Colum. bia river, and of those portions of the trade and ' territory now enjoyed by,British subjects—in a commercial point of view, the arrangement for the purchase of the titles and possessions of the Com panies, at the mica proposed by them, viz: $1,000,. 000, would be most advantageous. By the term "possessory rights" in the Treaty of 1846, is meant,secording to the construction put upon it by the Hudson's Bay Company, the right to cultivate the soil, cut down and export the timber, to carry on the fisheries, to trade for furs with the natives, and all other rights enjoyed previously to framing the Treaty—over, to an extent of country as large as the State of New York. These rights could be extinguished by an ar rangement like the one proposed; and we should acquire, moreover, the trading establishments, twenty-five in number south of 48°, all the build. ings erected for agricultural purposes, the flocks, herds, &e., belonging to the Puget's Sound Compa. ny, as well us the lands cultivated by the said Coin. pany. Tho erection of necessary uuildings, fene. mg, and bringing land into cultivation, the par. chase and importation of cattle and sheep from Europe and other parts of the world, have cost the Companies nearly as much as they ask fur Our whole possessions. The reasons for entering into such on arrange. ment seem so strong that I ant told there is little or no opposition in the Senate. Senators from every section of the country declare themselves in its favor. =2 A New• LITERALLY UNDERTAKINCL—A correspond• ent of the Literary World says:—The greatest literary enterprise of the day is about to be coin. menced by Mr. Henry Stevens, tho American agent of the British Museum. He proposes to prepare a work entitled the " Bibliographic'. Americana a Bibliographical account of the sources of early American History; comprising a description of books relating to America, printed prior to the year 1700, and of all books printed in America front 1543 to 1700, together with notices of many of the more important unpublished manuscripts." The great expense which so vast an undertaking must call for is to be defrayed by the subscriptions of the principal literary institutions in this country nod in Europe; and the work is to be published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution let Washington, in the series of the Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge. It will form one and perhaps two volumes similar to the Narrative of the Exploring Expedition, in quarto, and will be characterized by the same elegance of mechanical execution which characterized that. The inaterk, als will be obtained (rain the principal public and private libraries of the United States, Englund, France, Germany, and several other European kingdoms, end the descriptions of each book will be unusually full and accurate. The name of the owner of each book, or of the library in which it may be found, will be given in connection with the description. Mr. Stevens intends to employ quite a number of persons upon the work and hopes to have it ready fur the press in 1850. Ile will sail for Eng_ land in the course of the next month to commence operations in the Library of the British Museum, which contains the largest collection of books re lating to America, in the world. A Lieutenant in the British Navy has invented a "peril indicator," to show when steamers or other ships are running into shoal water. The apparatus consists of two bars, which broject ten feet below the keel of the vessel; and, as soon as these bars touch the ground, they spring up on a level with I the keel and ring a bell, which warns the engineer, that he must reverse the engine and drive the ship 1111=1 Advertising—•A Word to the Wise. The Boston Chronotype era late date says—f., fn conversation, yesterday, with a g en .: l :man of our acquaintance, heassured • L l irat it was his firm be lief that advertising irbe daily papers prevented ;pis utter in business. Flo stated that some Tr.:nabs ago he was very much pressed for funds to meet his payments, and what was vorso, his business, instead of improving, was rather retroga. I ding, so that his prospects for the future were any. thing but flattering. tie had never advertised his place at all, and by way of experiment, end as a last resort, determined to appropriide a certain a. mount for that purpose, and consequently commen ced advertising in the most extensively circulated dailies in the city, and our own among the rest. To his great surprise, he soon found that new cus. Comers appeared daily, and in a very short time he was able to make his payments promptly, and his business has continued to increase rapidly ever since." The Pittsburg, Gazette copies the foregoing, and remarks:—Remember this—the man whose busi ness has a fair proportion of capital at its founda tion, who never engages in uncertain speculation, and who advertises judiciously and freely, never fails! 'rho want of these requisites will endanger his situation, but the want of advcrtisng is the greater want of the three. A judicious man with little or no capital, by a free use of advertising, may prosper and create capital, while the man with capi. its I, who neglects advertising, will find his business gradually declining, and his capita diminishing year by year. These statements are verified by the experience of thousands. Fifty dollars a year spent in advertising, is of more value to a business man than three thousand dollars additional capital. THE LAW OF MARRIAGE. The question whether a man can lawfully take for a second wife the sister of his deceased wile, has been recently examined in England by a Royal Commission—Lord Bishop of Litchfield, the Hon orable James Stuart Wortley, M. P., Sir Stephen Lushiegton, D. C. L., Mr. Anthony Richard Blake, Sir Edward Vaughan Williams, and Mr. Andrew Rutherford. The first report of these Commission ers has been lately published, together with the ev idence of the witnesses examined, and other appen. dices.—The report itself occupies a apace of ten pages. TLe result of their investigations into this question, in reference to the different countries, is as ibii l ws Thecommissioners find, from their minute in. vestigation of the laws of foreign countries, that marriages of this kind are permitted," dispensa tion or otherwise, in nearly all the continental stales of Europe. It appears that, in the Romish church, they are prohibited as matters of discipline, but that such prohibition may he, and frequently is dispensed with by the Pope, nr by some others acting under his authority; the principle of this dispensation be. ing that the prohibition has been imposed by the church, and not by the law of God; and that, eon sequently the church is as free to remove as it wile to ordain the prohibition. In Protestant countries such marriages are likewise permitted, and solemnized by dispen sation or license, under ecclesiastical or civil authority. In the United States of America alliances he. tween a man and the Sister of a Rimier wife arc not only deemed lawful, in n civil sense, but also in Ia moral, religious, and Christian sense ; and, more• ever, exceedingly praiseworthy. A great judicial authority in that country, we allude to Judge Sto. ry— declares, " Nothing is more common in the States of America than second marriages of this sort, and so far from being doubtful as to their moral tendency, they aro among us, deemed the very best sort of marriages. In nay whole life I have never beard of the slightest suggestion against them, founded on :moral or domestic considera. lions.,. Turning to the Greek church we find these mar riages stigmatized as incestuous. and of course dis ellowod as utterly unlawful. It seems, however, that Ruch marriages are not illegal in Russia, if the contracting parties be without the pale of the Greek church. The opinion prevalent among the Jews is favor. able to these unions, and, so far from condemning such connexions, the usual time prescribed for re maing in a state of widowhood is abbreviated in cases where there are children. The various bodies of English Dissen Mrs do not appear to hold any opinion based on the assumption that these marriages are interdict. ed by holy Writ, the solo authority which these respectable classes of tile Christian community admit. The commissioners were naturally anxious to ascertain the opinions of the clergy of the es. , tablished church in England on the two questions , of principle and expediency:—l. Whether the marriage with the sister of the deceased wife is prohibited by the Divine law; or 2. If not, wheth• er it ought to he interdicted on any other ground. The result of this inquiry was unsatisfactory. The clergy RTC so divided in opinion on both queer. Lions that it is impossible to put forth any judicial dictum as the expression of the sentiments enter. mined by so numerous, important, end authoritive a body. The majority, especially in Ireland, ap. pear to object to the marriages in question. but on various grounds; and in Scotland, the opinion of the Presbyterian ministers is decidedly averse to them. After an examination of the question whether statutes prevent such marriages the commission. MI report. These marriages will take place when a concur. rule° of circumstances give rise to mutual attach ment ; they arc not dependant on legislation. Wo are not inclined to think that such attachments and marriages would be extensively increased in number were the law to permit them ; because, us we have said, it was not the state of the law, pro. hibitory or permissive, which has governed, or, as we think, ever will effectually govern them. INDIA—NIAGARA OUTDDNE.—Among the cliffs of the Eastern Ghats, about midway between Bom bay and Cape Comorin, rises the river Shirawati, which falls into the Arabian Sea. The bed of the river is one-fourth of a mile in direct breadth; but the edge of the fall is elliptical. with n sweep of half a mile. This body of water rushes at first, for three hundred feet over a slope at an :Ingle of 45 deg. in a sheet of white foam, and is then precipi tated to the depth of eight hundred and fifty more, into a black abyss with a thundering noise. It has, therefore, a depth of eleven hundred and fifty feet! In the rainy season the river appears to be about thirty feet in depth at the fall; in the dry season it is lower nod is divided into three cascades ofvaried beauty and astonishing grandeur. Join our fall of the Genesee to that of the St Lawrence and then treble the two united, and we have the distance of the Shirawati cataract. While we allow to Niaga. ra a vast superiority in balk, yet in respect to dig. lanceof descent. it is but a mountain rill compared with its Indian rival.—Rock. Democrat. • The greatest competitor with the United States for supplying the world with bread is Russia. It is estimated on good authority that the quantity of wheat annually exported from Russian ports, ave. rages 20,000,000 of bushels. Fs; tie Columbia Spy THE TELEGRAPH. Strung along " from pole to pole," High above the road and river, Puzzling simple, honest soul•, The intention to diskiver— Miles of wire, a lengthened wonder Like a dampened clothes-line stretched Guiding in the captured thunder From some distant climate fetched, Till it cracks about the office Like the Fourth of Independence Warning Billy to turn off his Battery, though it spoiled a sentence Strange and wonderful invention, Tying distant lands together Till a sort of world's convention, Independent of the weather, Is in SCSSOII every where; and, If you want to scud to town, Lightning, goes upon the errand Quick as you can write it down. One might fill a dozen paper; Failing to record the htdf Of the super-nnthal caper, Cut by Morse's Telegraph! (7.1)e ).Dor Itbroab. SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. fly the arrival of the Steamer Acadia, we have the following summary of news from Europe: iRELANIL—The English government are adopting the most energetic means to meet the impending crisis. The Liverpool Times says that troops are pouring into Ireland by thousands. Thirty thou. sand troops are concentrating in and about Cork, Limerick and Tipperary. This overwhelming force has had the effect of exasperating instead of intimidating the people to the extent anticipated. The Habeas Corpus Act has been suspended.— The suspension appears in the form of a royal proclamation. The Queen's Special Messenger arrived in Dublin on the 26th of July, with a copy of the proclamation. IL was immediately des-' patched to all parts of Ireland, and appears to have excited a deep feeling of indignation. The Castle has the appearance of a fortress.— The Attorney General and Solicitor General are constantly in attendance; and messages are nut mentarily leaving, apparently on business of the highest importance, judging front the celerity of their movements. Rewards of £5OO each have been offered for the arrest of Smith O'Brien, Meagher, Dillon, and Dabney. A report has reached Dublin that the former gentleman had fled. The London papers of the 29th ult., state that the accounts received from the South of Ireland, are of the most alarming character—that a rising of the people and a struggle of the most sanguin ary character, were no longer to be regarded as events of the most improbable character. Such was the state of feeling in the South of Ireland, that government had issued orders for a constabulary force of five thousand men to be ad. ded to the counties of Waterford, Limerick, and Tipperary. These men are to be drilled to the use of the cutlass, pistol, and musket, as it was anticipated that the coming insurrection would partake of the character of a guerrilla war. Smith O'Brien, 'Meagher, Dillon, and the other leaders of the league, although under the han of government, are far from being idle. They arc still organizing and drilling the clubs, the orders front the castle to the contrary notwithstanding. In spite of the vigilance of the government, Pikes, muskets ball and poWder, and other muni tions of war, arc transported in all directions. From the tone of some of the Dublin papers, the great struggle esrmot Ito delayed many days lunges. The Lord Lieutenant Inks at length taken a bold and decisive stand. He has issued n proclamation; in which ord era are given for thesuppression of the clubs. ome of the English journals commenting on this proclamation, are quite confident that not only will the clubs be suppressed, but that the anticipa. ted inrurrcction will be quelled without much din. culty or effusion of blood. On the 28th of July the office or the Dublin Nation was seized by a large police force. All the compositors, eleven in number, were arrested, and after a hearing before a magistrate, committed to prison. The Government have determined on u congid erable number of arrests, and it is stated that some persons not heretofore openly connected with the revolutionary movements, are to be taken up. At this hour, half past four o'clock, the Attorney and Solicitor Generals, Alto are still at the Castle, have made their arrangments for the issue of war rants this afternoon. Mr. Smith O'Brien and other leaders, who are now organizing clubs throughout the country, arc to be taken into custody tonight, and if the at- tempts to arrest them should not lead to an out. break, they will be brought to Dublin tn.morrow. The accounts from the South this morning arc of a truly alarming character, 'rho confederate leaders,says the official organ, are so insane as to contemplate an immediate insurrection; indeed• little short of actual outrage has already taken place,. The deepest anxiety and apprehension prevail among the gentry and well disposed of all classes. The military force has been greatly augmented. ENGLAND. -At Liverpool, serious apprehensions were entertained of an outbreak on the partof the Chartists. Twenty thousand special constables had been sworn in, with a view of meeting any emergency. The Chartist feeling appears to be principally confined to the meridian of Liverpool, Manchester, &c., although, of course, they have the sympathy —active if necessary—of their brethren in the South of England. In the manufacturing districts there appears to be great discontent in consequence of the depresed state of trade. A London correspondent describes the scene it the House of Commons, growing out of Irish af. fairs, as one of the most intensely interesting ever witnessed. The quiet resolute tone of Lord John Russell, who spoke in his best style, was not more admire. ble than the timely and judicious observations of Sir Robert Peel, who cordially supported the Minis ter'. In the North and Middle counties of Lionster the feeling is bitter against England. FRANCE—Paris is represented as being in a tran quil state, and the capital assuming something like its wonted appearance of life, gaiety and bustle. In consequence of the deplorable accounts of suf. fcring in several of the French West India. Islands, it has been proposed in the National Assembly for Government to advance three millions of franc, to be divided among those Islands. Government is sadly puzzled how to dispose of the immense nuinder of prisoners taken during the re cent insurrections. DE HANK—The difficulties between Prussia and Denmark, growing out of the dispute in relation to the Duchies, it is believed will be amicably settled before the termination of the armistice. SPAIN—The Government has completely tri umphed over the late Carlist drmonstation, although we hear of further disturbances in the provinces. The previous rumor in regard to the Queen being enciente is generally credited, which will no doubt be the means of bringing the English and Spanish governments to the same good nuderstanding which existed previous to the "double marriage." RUSSIA.—Large masses of troops continue to concentrate on the frontier, and of course rumor is busy in regard to the designs of the Emperor, The cholera continues its fearful ravages, although it is believed that the epidemic is assuming a milder type. ITALY—The accounts from Italy are not of as definite a character us previous advices had led us to anticipate. There appears to be an a bscnse of that decision which marked the first movements of Charles Albert. THE New FRENCH MINISTER.—POtOIIIIIC, the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Pa triot, says that the new French Minister, Citizen Guillaume Tell Pouscin, was in the House of Re presentatives on Monday, conversing with several of the members, to whom he was introduced, with most decided French animation.—This gentlemen, says Potomac, was for a number of years en officer in the U. S. Army, in the Topographical Corps, un der Gen. Bertrand, his countryman, who planned and superintended the erection of some of our forts. Ho speaks the English language, of course, fluent ly. "• Potomac" thus describes his personal ap pearance:—He appears to be about 45 years of nge, is rather under the medium height, spare in make, lies a finely formed forehead, strongly marked with numerous small muscles and veins, rather a short convex or Roman nose. His complexion is dark, his hair abundant, black, and fine, and free from grey us a boy's. Ito wears a profusion of beard all over the lower part of his face, as much as to say, there is no shaving done here. YELLOW Fk.VER A r New ORLEARE.—The Board of health of New Orleans on the Ist inst., reported sixteen cases of yellow fever during the week pre vious, twelve of which were brought from Vera Cruz. The Times says: " Tho whole number of deaths in the week were 117 ; during the same pe. rind last year, 172. It is a fact that will attract the attention of the good people of the North, that only 31 children under ten years of age, have died du. ring the week, and of these, there was but one case of cholera infantum. The general health of our city is highly gratifying, and not the least sign of an epidemic has presented itself. =CCM! RESULTS OF Onn FELLOIVSIIIT.--AS an instance of the beneficial results of Odd Fellowship, the Howard District Advocate states that Mr. Matthew Talbott, who died at Ellicott's Mills last week, be ing a member of Gratitude Lodge, No. 5, Baltimore, was decently interred by the Lodge at that place, and had every attention bestowed upon him during his protracted illness. Gratitude Lodge has since, in a trite spirit of charity, come forward and given to his bereaved widow the handsome sum of 8400, to enable her to educate and support her children. I= LOUISA SAVAGE.—Yesterday, says the New York Star, we paid a brief visit to this unfortunate wo. man, who is now incarcerated in the Tomb; charged with the murder of Pierre Bremond. She remains most of the time in her cell, scarce ly leaving it for air or exercise—her face is pale, very pale, and she looks the picture of despair. The wild and intense anguish she exhibited on first being arrested, has given way to a settled calmness, a deep and silent sorrow, which speaks in lan guage louder than words of the canker-worm with. in her bosom. Her look, as she said "the world was nothing to her, now," was one that we will never forget.—The once blooming cheek has faded to an ashy paleness, and the quivering lip and tearful eye tell plainly of the anguish and sorrow wringing at her heart. =l=2 THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF T/IE WAll.—it is a singe. lar fact, that the two men who opened the late war, in battle, were the same to whom the respective Governments of the United States and Mexico dole. gated the charge of concluding it, by a formal ex. change of courtesies. In the battle of Palo Alto, it was Duncan's battery, and that commanded by Gen. Da Vega, which commenced hostilities by a cannonading on each side. On the morning of our evacuation of the capi tal, Gen. De La Vega commanded the Mexican battery that saluted our flag, and Duncan's battery saluted the Mexican flag on its rising to float again over the place. A Suareancsess FIRE.—It is stated by the Lon. don Times, of a late date, that a subterranean fire is burning near Sheffield, England, which has been in existence in that vicinity for a century past, and which has, at various times, undermined the ground. Portions of the Sheffield streets 'have sunk years a go,exposing the fearful hallow beneath, Houses have been rendered tin tenantable on account of black and choke damp, and • cellars have been closed for years. Water drawn up from wells .!re is found perfectly hot. Many years ago flames at times issued from fissures in the fields, and a farm house being undermined was torn down. Some years After, a. few cottages were erected upon, i ts s it e , and th:ur are tumbling down, having been abandoned. Max WHO WANT FARMS.—A few days since a wealthy German emigrant, Herr Rodenbetter, i t rived in this city with his family of mut, For over 20 years ha was a burgomaster in Rhein' helm, but bein g compromised in some of the aet olutionary movements ho was obliged to fly f safety. A large portion of his wealth still remai, in Germany, but he brings with him over 25:0% in specie, which is to be expended in perchainn i lands for a farm. Enjoying a high ether:icier n Germany, he has been empowered to purchase inn fur about 100 families who intend emigratin g da ring the season. Ho loft the city for Altm l , though hie point of destimationlis Zanesville, Oini ; [N. Y. Sun, NOTICE.—The Whigs and friends of Taylor!' more. and Middlesworth will meet at Ilia Town HallTli evening at half-past seven o'clock, for the purpose electing delegates to the County COllVelltloll. 13y order of the Executive Committee p Liver Complaint is generally acompamed pain in the right side. extending up to the top of the shot der; variable appetite, occasionally a disordered slot a ch, yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and often a sive'. lug over the region of the liver, together with many out symptoms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blood Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found one the very best medicines in the world for the cure of diseases of the Liver; because they expel from the 4 , 2. ' those morbid humors which, when deposited upon this portant organ, are the cause of every variety of Ls Complaint. From three to six of the above named Ind] - Vegetable Pills, taken every night on going to bed, vs in a short time, give such manifest relief, that no sr.. mein or persuasion will be necessary to induce a ' , era veranee in their use, until the liver is restored to a hest thy action, and pain or distress of every kind is dove from the body. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills also aid and improve digestion, and purify-the blood; and therefore, not only remove every vestige of the Liver complaint, but, at tie same time, give new life and vigor to the whole frame BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS —1(ellICZ. ber, that the original mid only genuine Indian Vegetal; Pilis have the written signature of WiLt.Ltss WRIORT Site top label of each box. • a-The genuine for sale by FRY as SPANGLER, al; are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, LT agents advertised in another column. Principal Office, 169, Race Street, Philadelphia. EAST 11114 TON, May 23d, 1847. Mr. it, W. Fowle—Sir. 2 have seen so much of A lane of -W flotsam of Wild Cherry" the t I fee it my duty to add my testimony lu fie praise. My son about 14 years of age, has for the last ten months bee• enlisted with a severe cough. pains in the side antibody and a gradual wanting, until tie was bet a mere ion., skeleton. I hail tbe the advice of three Phymiciana.bu none of them could give him any relief, and gradually yet nu rely he teemed to be stoking into the tomb. flap. pen Mg accidentally to some of your "Free Almanac'e we felt ne though the Balsam would help him, as note was ordure cocoa that had her. Cured when they were an had an he was. I therefore procured a bottle of Dr. Kid der, the Agent in this place, and 11[40, he had used a' of it he began to crow better, and by tmlig three haul. Ins run pit woe all gone, and he in now enjoying for Imailli.for seinen he Is solely indebted through tire bleu ing of God to Winter's Balsam of Wild Cherry. W Vii. D I XON. Dr. Kidder nays the article has given universal sail. faction to his customers. • None genuine. unless signed I. Burrs, on the avrapre: For sale by SE 4 III W. FOWLS, General Agent, Washington Street. Boston; Aslo, For sale by R. WILLIAM:, Front Street Columbia, Ps =1:22 Dr. Swaync's Co:swot:se, SYRUP or WILD CItERRY Ax LEITER Head the %Wowing letter from Wm. Shaw, a respect. We Druggist in Wilmington. N. C., a gentleman of tu doubted veracity. in whose word the most implicit cool (knee mny be placed, another proof of the superionn I Dn. SWAINL'S COMPOI'ND STove cc WILD CIEEIIIII I CDrillg Coughs, Colds, CON...UMW:I, Ittluttn. Bronchu. Liver Conipinint. Spitting Blood, mid all diseases of tl Lungs and Breast Wit.mtNarcx, N.G., Jill). 5. 1546 DR. SWAYNE—DEnn Sin:—You will please send or twelve dozen, or more, as you see fit, of your Smite or WILD CHERRY. From sales to-day. I have but a Waldo act, on hand • the sales arc rapidly increasing and will Inn cc no doubt, continue to do so. An acquaintance o• mine called n few days no to any he would give me a ceitifiente of us good effects. Ile is from the couavy• and n minister in the Methodist Church. Shortly after °blaming the agency, I prevailed upon lanai to try a bett b • though I doubted whether any benefit as mild be &runt. Our he, as well as myself. thought Ink cum, was confirm , t Con,uniption ; m fact every symptom wits indicative— Shortly after. Inc wrote to into to scud him four or five bat Iles more. lie came to town last week I will quote lan own Intiguage • " Sir," said lie, "I um u new• man. and I consider it n duty I owe to the public, to tell what Dr swoyncte Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry hits dent ton inc." I will publish his certificate, and as Inc is generally known all over our section, I expect good results (tome With every feeling of respect, yours truly, Letters such as the above aro daily received from as parts of the country. hut we publish Mises one of the nvol, proofs of its efficacy. Avoid all preparations purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that hearing the written signature of Dr. Swayito, as they arc most liktly glum destitute of the article 11.0111 which they borrow a name The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by DR. SWAYNE, corner of Eighth and Race els., Phila• dolphin, and for sole by agents in all parts of the t mud States, and some parts of Europe. Sold by E. A. LEADER, Columbia. and Dr. Ait BARNITZ, York, Pa. ,Aug. 12, 124.3.—1 t Most Extraordinary Worlr—The Married W'o man's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A M. Professor of Diseases of Woman Sixth Edition. 18mo. pp. 250. Prvie $l. 25.000 eepies sold in thice months! Years of suffering, of physical and mental angui-1 marry an affectionate wife. and peciminnry difficult!. 1 the husband. might have been spared by a timely posse sion of - this moil, It is iwended especially for the married, or those con• templantig marriage. as it discloses important secrets which should he known to them particularly. Truly. knowledge IS power. It is health, happiness, ar. fluence. The revelations contained in its pages have proved blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters to th author %sill attest. Here, also. every female—the wife, the mother, the on' either budding into woninnhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change—can discover the cause. symptoms, and the most efficient remedie, and most certain mode of cure, in ever) compinint to which her sex is subject. _ COPIES WILL, BE SENT BY MAIL. FREE Or POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. - - - - - Over ten thonsand copies have been sent by mad within three months, with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar. the •) Married Woman'. Private Medical Companion)) vi ill be scat (mailed freeltp any part of the United States, All letters must be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) land addressed is Dr. A M. rtlauriceati, Box 1221, New York City. Publish inc office, !Abe rty-st., New-York. The )arried Woman's Private Medical Companion" is sold by Booksellers throughout the Untied States. !'or sale at the Spy Office, Columbia, Pa. New-York : Alay 20 , I.S4S—lm Please take Notiee.—We have been frequently' annoyed by a soap vender in Philadelphia, named liner " . who meanly copies our advertisements and applies the same to his own use. Now, what principle can a mini possess who will condescend to make use of sorb mean arithi es to Hisao his success and make his articles s.ll A man's composition or his stereotype matter, is as Irma his property as his stock in business, or goods, wares and chattels: then, another man meanly adopts such eom• position or property for his own use, what better is he than a rogue 'Yvlio will make illegal use of your goods? In Intie Inimiliill of ours. which we wrap around our Chi. nem: :lledicateit Soap, we have at the head of the bill a small paragraph which rends thus: la art evil hour the serpent entered Paradise, and Reality lost its charm. But the Allwise gave man power over all animal and vegetable matter. And the mysterb ous secret of restonng unto woman her former pure. clear and beautiful complexion, is combined in Midway's CI.: ese Medicated Soap." On looking over the Philadelphia Ledger on Monday. the loth Oct., we were surprised to see our matter made use of fur dressing up another man's article, and that man our competitor in business, and for the public's approba tion of our respective articles. We oiler to the public Midway's Chinese Medicated Soap as a sure extermina tor of the Cuticle. and a certain cure for all eruptions of the skin. As in Toilet Soap, we candidly believe it to be the most superior soap extant. As a Medicated Soap we sincerely believe it to possess qualities which no other soap possesses. For the cure of salt rheum. ringworm. erysipelas, chap ped, cracked and repulsive skin, we know it is certain in its effects, and is superior to all others ever invented Lastly, we never condescend to make use of other men's composition to make our articles sell. We furthermore warn this man, Jnles Hauol, not to infringe on our right.. or make use its any manner whatever of our stereotype composition. With these few remarks we leave the pub lic to judge the merits of our Chinese Medicated Soap. and the merits of an article clothed in false colors to make it sell. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to get RadwityN soap in all its purity, call on R. Wir.r.uars, and W' 1. A LEADER, Columbia. and Zahm k. Jackson. in Lancaster. Each cake, of the genuine, must be signed R. G. way & R. G. RADIA,AT, 2 Courtland Si. N. l • augl24B-101 Philadelphia Daguereotype E Etabliatunent —ExceAxes, 3d Story, Rooms 23•27.—Dagnerecitype Por trays of all sizes, either singly or in famil y group,. col ored or without colors, are taken event day, in any wr 3 : ther. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Painungs,Statusll• &c., may also be procured. Ladies and Gentlemen am requested to examine. specimens. 5w1.53R.1 y W. & T LANGENDBI3I M=M9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers