The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, July 29, 1848, Image 3

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    - alp Riatkets.
Columbia Retail Market.
Flour, BS 75 a 6 00
Wheat, 1 10 a 1 20
Rye, G 2 a 65
Corn, 45 a 50
Oats, 30 a 35
Hants, 8 a 10
Dried Beef, 12i a 14
Butter, 12 a 12
Egge, 10 a 12
Potatoea, 50 a 62i
Beef, 6 a 8
Veal, 5 a 64
Philadelphia, July 27, 1848
Flour—ss 25 a 5 314 for good old stock Penne
sad 'Western, and $5 37} for good fresh ground ;
Rye flour $3 81 . 4 a . 3 871 1 ; Corn meal $2 25 a
2 50. ••
Grain—Wheat Si 14 a 1 18 for good Penn;
Rye 68 a 69 for Penn ; Corn 51 a 52 fur yellow
Iron—Penna Pigs 23 a 27 per ton for Anthracite,
and $25 a3O for Forge and Foundry Metal. Bar
Iron ranges from 970 to 75, and Blooms $55 to 70.
Lumber—The supplies are increasing. Cargo
sales of Yellow Pine Boards at $l5 a 16 per M.;
Susquehanna,9ll a 15; Hemlock Joists, $7 a 7 50;
Scantling 97 a S.
Laths—Are in fair demand, with sales of 150,.
000 Eastern at 91 20 a 1 25 per M.
Baliimore, July 27, 1848
Flour—Horvath' Street $5 75; City Mills $5 75
Grain—There was a good supply of Wheat at
market yesterday and today, and price's have
further slightly declined. Sales of good to prime
reds at $1 00 a 1 08 and of ordinary to good at
80cts to sl. Sales of white at $1 08 a 1 12.
Corn, white 43 a 45 cts., and yellow 48 a5O ctr.
Rye 70 cts.
Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations.
The unparalleled and astonishing efficacy of Dr. Wis
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, in all the diseases for which
it is recommended, curing many cases rifler the skill of
the best physicians seas unavailing, has effected a large
and increasing demand for it. This fact has caused several
unprincipled counterfeiters and Imitators to palm off spa-
Thus mixtures, of similar name and appearance, for the
genuine Balsam. Some are called " Syrup of Wild Cher
ry," "Balsam of Spikenard," "Wild Cherry. Comf•ry,'
Sc. Another, Nester's Balsam of Wild Cherry," mis
spelling the name, and forging certificates to resemble
those of the true Balsam. "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry" is the only genuine. The rest mere imitate the
name of the original, while they possess none of its vir
The genuine Balsam is put up it) bottles ' with the words
‘• Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Philad.,' blown
in the glass; cacti bottle bearing a label on the front with
the signature of IL WISTAR, M. D.
This will be enveloped heieafter with a new wrapper;
copyright secured, 1844 ; on which wvtll always appear
the written signature of " I 13UUTS."
For sale by SETH W. FOWLE, General Agent, 13d,
NVashington Street. Boston; Aslo.
For sale by R. WlLL:a:us, Front Street Columbia, Pa.
Chills and Fever. —Wright's Indian Vegetable
Pills are onto of the best, if not the very best medicine in
the world, for the cure of Intermitent Fever. because they
excel all others ins riddling the body of those morbid humors
which are the cause, not only of all kinds of fevers, but
of every malady incident to - man. Four or five of said
Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on going to bed,
will in a short time make a perfect cure of the roost obsti
nate case of chills and fever; at tine same time the diges
tive organs will be restored to n healthy tone, and the
blood so completely purified that fever and ague, or die
ease is any form, will be impossible.
- that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills have the written signntnrc of I .x.'it.t.tAsz Wrunirr on
the top label of each box.
117'Tlie genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, who
are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by
agents advertised in another column.
Principal Office, 169, Race Street, Philadelphia.
To the Sick ANTI Aegmercti —DR SWAYN'E'S
consistantly state that Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
IValcl Cherry hos been extensively used in the tintted
States for more then ten years: thin its beneficial effects
have been tested by thousands; that it invariably re
moves a recent cough, and that hundreds of individuals,
gradually sinking under that insidious attack of death's
tell enusary, Pulmonary Consumption. have been re
stored to health, hapiness, arid friends, by its use, and are
now living witnesses of the curative power of tine remedy
Read the most remarkable cure ever recnrded :
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir—l feel called by n sense of duty
I owe to suffering humanity, to acknowledge my grate
ful thanks for the svondertul effects of your Compound
Syrup of Will Cherry 011 Me, after month after
month, with the most afflicting of all discuses, Consular,-
non. The first symptoms were of a very heavy cold,
which settled on toy lungs, which gradually grew worse,
with profuse night sweats, a lacking cough, spitting
blood, with great debility. My constitution seemed broken
down, and nervous system much impaired. I went to
Philadelphia, was treated with there by physicians of the
highest standing, but received no benefit whatever from
them, but gradually grew worse, until my physicians, as
well as myself, gave up all hopes of recovery, and I felt
like one who is about to pass through the Valley of the
Shadow of Death. At this " awful Juncture" I heard
of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. of which I
purchased six bottles, which, I am happy to say. entirely
cured me. and I am now enjoying better health than
ever have before to my life. Physicians who witnessed
my case are highly recommending it in similar cases;
and I wish you to make this public, so that all arty know
where to procure a remedy at once which will reach
their disease before tampering with the many " quack
nostrums" with which the country is flooded. My resi
dence is at 45 Ann street, where I should be happy to
have the above substantiated bye personal interview
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigars.
45, Ann street, N V
10 - Be not deceived by the many spurious and worth
less preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered Into notice by
ignorant pretenders. but see that the signature of Dr.
Swayne is on each bottle, which is the only guarantee
against imposition.
The (original and only) genuine article is prepared by
DR. SWAYNE, corner of Eighth and Race eta., Phila
delphia, and for sale by agents in all parts of the United
States, and some parts of Europe.
Sold by WTI. A. LEADER,Columbia, and Dr. A. H.
BARNITZ, York, Pa. July 15, 154tf —4t.
Groat Excitement in Pittsburgh.—Our agent
of this place writes of a mysterious incident which occur
red in that place, in relation to a young lady well known
as alt excellent young lady, but unfortunately possessed
a very repulsive complexion. lice face was covered with
Pimples, Blotches, Pustules—her akin dark and yellow—
cracked and chapped, her lips, in cold weather, would be
come sore and bleed. She, however, had several good
traits ; one of which was to read the papers. One morn
ing as she was looking over the columns of the Dispatch,
she saw in large letters the words
As a sure exterminator of all skin blemishes, with a di
rection for all ladies to read the papers! Now mark the
advantage. On Sunday morning she took tier place. as
usual. among the choristers, and to the utter surprise at
her fellow -songsters, presented a complexion as fair as the
lily, and healthful as the most admired belle of the town
Strange wandering and much excitement was exhibited
by the busy crowd, and nothing short of an explanation
of how this sudden transformation front ugliness to beau
ty was attained, would answer. The lady. like all her
'ex, fall of gentless and kindness, explained the a fln.c•
and to the great, grand, and beneficial effects of Rad
way's Chinese Medicated Soap, which she had been
ii•ing for two weeks, was awarded with full approbation
of the people. as the " restorer of lost beauty." Our
agent concludes thus—. Since the above tins become
known, I have had a perfect rush for Itarlway's Soap.'
Ladies and gentlemen, if yon wish to get Midway's
Soap in all its purity, call on R. Wit.mAars, and %Vat. A.
LEADER, Columbia, and Zalim & Jackson, in Lancaster.
Each cake, of the genuine, must he signed IL O. Rad
way J. & R. G. RADWAY, 2 Courtland St., N. Y.
Philadelphia Dagnereotype Establishment
—Exclusion, 3d story, Rooms 2:i.27.—Daguereotype Por
traits of all sizes, either singly or in family groups, col
ored or without colors, arc taken every day, in any wen
cher. Copies of Daguerreotypes, Oil Pulnungs, Statuary,
&c., may also be pirocured. Ladies and GEntlemen are
requested to examine specimens.
spl.T4B-1y W. & F. LANGE:N.IIEOf.
WHEREAS my wife, Susan Randolph, has
left my bed and board without ajust cause of pro
vocation, I hereby give notice to all persons not to harbor
or trust her on my account, as I am determined not to pay
any debts of her contracting. JOHN RANDOLPH.
Columbia. July 2Q, 11 , 49 —:lt
Most Extraordinary Work—The Married Wo
M. AIAUEiCEALT, Professor of Diceases of Woman
Sixth Edition. lemo. pp. 250. Price SI. 25,000 copies
sold in three months:
Yeats of suffering, of physical and mental anguish to
many an affectionate ante, and peennianry difficulty to
the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses
sion of this work.
It is Intended especially for the married, or those con
templating marriage, us it discloses important secrets
which should be known to them particularly.
Truly. knowledge IS power. It iN health, happiness, af
The revelations contained in its pages have proved a
blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letter, to the
author will attest.
Here, also, every female—the wife, the mother, the one
either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline
of years in whom nature contemplates an important
Change— can discover the cause, symptoms. and the Enact
efficient remedies. and most certain mode of cunt, in every
complaint to which her sex is subject.
- - .
Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail within
three months, with perfect safety and certainty.
On the receipt of one Dollar. the ' Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to
any part of the United States. All letters must be post-paid
)except those containing a rem.itance) and addressed to
Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, Box 1924. New York City. Publish
ing office, 1:29, Liberty-st., New-York.
The "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion"
is sold by Booksellers throughout the United States.
New-York. May 20, t_'73—lm
hi this borough on the 171.1iinstant,Mr..ritEnEW
, sviie
of Witham Adm., in the l,th year of he, age.
Ifaving patiently and faithfully performed her whole
duty m every relation of life. she has pas•cd to a higher
9tote of ext.:tenet., leaving her memory an a. rich inheri
tance to her children. ..'hey mid her aged partner, whose
home has been left des,,atte, !mace the warmest sympathies
of the communny in their bereavement.
OH the .t.'Gth unt , in thiA pitlee. NATHANIEL HUNTCH, to
the VA year of he. age.
On the thtlt Inst., in the city of Lanenster, WILLIAM C.
HULL, In the 60th year of
IN LICHT The attention of purchasers is M
vitcd to the extensive variety of MURPHY'S latest
The construction and improvements of these Lamps
render them suitable for any purpose or place where arti
ficial light is required; the brilliancy and magnificence of
which have not been equalled. and sit ONE-EALE THE tx
mtssr.of any yet invented. They are perfectly Bee Irons
any unpleasant odor.
ALSO—A general nsbortment of Solar, lard. and Oil
Lamps, Fluid, Candelabras, Chandeliers, flanging Lamps,
for Churches, Stores, Ilan ROOMS, Factories. Hotels and
Billiard Saloons, Lamps Is ith shades. designed for reading-,
All manner of G:m Fixture, of every pattern. sq In and
!laving every facility for manninctnring, the under
sign.' is prepared to sell. loliole4ale and retail, no CHEAP
as any nianinlictory in the Muted States, and the articles
me warranted equal in appearance and construction to
any that can Inc produced.
Merchants and deniers ‘sill find it to their advantage
to call and examine the stock and prices, which cannot
fail to give satisfrienon.
111ANU1'A PTORY, No. I:11, N. Second Street.
Philadelphia. July :29, 1019. 7m
criber vould respectfully inform the. cturons of
Columbia and its vicinity, that he i, SELLING OFF his
old stock of
concreting rll part of fine Mole Skin. Silk, Beaver, Nutria,
and Cri,tor HATS. of the loe.t .tyle. together r‘tlh in
general assortment of CAI'S of all sizes and truces; all
of which Ire is determined to sell at cost.
If you want a real first race article, very CI IEAP, now
is the lisle to purchase. Cull and examine the price and
quality. and you cannot hut be pleased w•itht both.
He will al-o COlll/1111C to manufactine. and con-tautly
keep on hand a large assortment of the latest mid best
style of FIATS and CAPS,
Thankful for she very liberal patronage heretofore be
stowed, the under-igned respectfully soluntsa continuance
of the same.
ColimaAa..luly f2O, Iddtl. ticlirenter's liow, Front st
I\lll. BUDD Will open a Day School for the in
struction of youth of both sexes. in the various
branches °fan English eduennon, on Monday next, in the
capacious room attic Town I lull.
TERMS—One dollar per month.
Ile will also teach, if desired. the Lunn, Greek, and
French languages.
Columbia, July 533. 1,49.
IR. BUDD will give lessons on the following
instrinuentN, Viz.. Violin. Flute, Guitar. Violone,llo,
tc . Ste. Apply for tyrinsi at IV II Spangle is Book Store.
ColitinLia, July. 22. Pc++.
ON Saturdoy next, July 29t1i, at 2 o'clock in the
ofternoon, in the Town Ural. n classolbu} s and girls
will be formed for the purpose of receiving instruction in
Vocal Music, by Mr. 13iidd.
TERMS—One dollar for twelve lessons.
Tickets to be had at IV II Stumpier's Book Store
Colunibin, July .2, 1549.
AND the Volunteers returning home, WALNUT
No, 42, Frout Street, directly opposite the bridge, and
three doors below• 13IncIt's Hotel, Columbia, Pn
- - -
The subscriber would reTeetiblly inform the CUM . !.
of Columbia and the public generally, that he has bought
out the
formerly kept by James L. Pretsman, at the above via
known stand He would invite the former patrons of the
establishment and all others to call and examine his
which exceeds in extent, elegance, and variety. any
hitherto opened in this vicinity_ and which he pledges
himself to sell lower than even his predecessor ever oder
ed before. Ilis stock consists in part of
Gentlemen'. Fine Cloth Frock Coats. Sacks, Coerces. be.
Gentlemen's Fine Cloth and Cassimere Pant.; Satin and
Silk• Velvet Vests, Plain and Fancy, being the only kind of
this quality for sale in this place, Roundabouts, Pea
Jackets, Shirts, plain and fancy. Sannet Pantaloons,
Gentlemen's Cotton Half-hose, Silk and Cotton Handker
chits. Cravats, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Leather slid Hair
Trunks, Travelltn Bags. &c. Together with a large as
sortment of BON'S CLOTHING of every description.
Remember the THREE BIG DOORS. the place to buy
cheap Clothing, No. 42. Front Street, directly opposite the
Bridge. and three doors below Black's Hotel. Columbia,
Columbia, July 21, Pr...4.e.-1f
Bthe subscriber, Six Lectures on the uses of
the LUNGS. and Comes, Prevention and Cure of
CONSL3AIPTION, ASTIIMA, and diseases of the Heart;
On the LIM a of Longevity ; and on the mode of preserv
ing male and female health to an hundred year., with 23
illiistrations. designed for all classes of readers, by Samuel
Sheldon Fitch, A. hi., M. 1). Also his Silver Inhaling
Tube, Shoulder 13race, and Abdominal Supporter. he.
It. WILLIAMS, Agent.
Columbia, July 2,2, I‘4S.
THIS LETTER. Who will be without a Waa
midhead of Bair, hen they can Mice one for three
Mailings? Twenty years' lota of hair and wonderful
Baltimore. Joly 17.1617.
Dear Sir—The powerful effects of Jones Coral Hair
Restorative has been so decisively demonstrated in the
cases of several respectable enures of the town, who.on
account of your selling three shilling bottles, try it without
fear. One instance, which has attracted prirticalar atten
tion, is the ease of a gcritleninn who had little or no hair
air twenty) ears. he hail tried ninnerons preparations in
vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and worn a
wig. At fly recommendation. hr tried the Restorative,
and after using it. according to the direction. fur a short
time, the young hair appeared, and he liar now us fine a
head of hair us any person in Baltimore.
ror sale by IL Williams. agent for Columbia.
BRIDGE COMPANY, May 18,1848.
The Directors of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Com
pany, desirous of affording to persons who are disposed to
deposit money for definite periods, at a moderate rate of
interest, have determined to allow interest for the same
at the following rates. vie :
For all deposits to remain 12 months, 4 per et. per annum.
do do do S do 3 do do
do do do 3 do 2 do do
The sums so depositett to be payable without interest at
any intermediate time, at the option of the depositor.' The
interest to cease at the end of the period for which the
deposit was made. unless the same be renewed for a
farther period. SAMUEL 1.4110C1i,
:lune 111. 10.45 --11 m Cashier
Business Oil:edam.
To persons advertising in the Spy by the year, tliCro
will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy
and their card inserted for one year by paying $.1.50
advance, or if they have paid for the paper, 50 eta. for the
card Those who are not sabscnbers we will charge SI
for inserting their card one year.
Attorney, Locust Street, between Front and Second Sts
Attorney. Walnut St.. between Front and Second
Physician. corner of Locugt and Second sareeto.
No. 3 SI 4. Walnut •o reel. above Liarr'.
J. D. cir. J. AVRIGHT,
Dry Goode AlerchuntN, Locu,,t 2..t.:3rd door I/Clow t2od
Dry Goods Meacham...Locust street below the Bank
Dry Goods Merchnnt:. S. E. corner of Loeuot S From 4
Dry Goods Merchants, N. W. corner of ',Dents & Front.
Merchant Toiler, Front street, Yd door ahoy.: Locus: st
Merchant Tailors Front St.. between Locaci and Walnut
Clothing Merchant. No. 42. Front street
Druggist, Front Street. between Locust and Wulnut
bra,,ist. Front st, Intw,cat i.ocusa and Walnut et,
Druggist. SCllleiner. How, Frput ,trec
Ilatter.r. Front Street. a few door: below lierr", Mad
No. 2. Schreiner'. Row, From m
Cabinet Maker, corner of Third and F.oen=t Street
Manufacturer, Locu,t atreei. opposite iluldenna, More
Boot and Fiore Mniminctorer. adjoining. Iferr* I 1nt4.1
AlMllliaCtUrCr, ‘,1,011(1. bOßVeell LOCllst :11111 Xl . llllllll 0
Ninnufnct urer, From bet seen 1.1,11-.lsllll \l'ulnut ft
Boot and Shoe Manntnetnrer. Front, below Locn.d ttt
J. 11. HUNTER,
Mt. foot n nd Shoo Store. No. O. Front si
Shoe-Finding Store, Locu.t street, above Front ST rev,
Nrn lie I V Kure. No 41. Front .1
F Wlll.
Vorietv Store. Front gt. bent eon I.nete , t and \Valeta
Book seller and Sinnott,. Front st. 341 door above Locust
Lumber :ITerchnot nod :11nster Molder. Locoo greet
'aper Second. between Cherry & Union st
Herb Doctors, Front Street. n ext door to Lto) I, Howl
TIIE President and Directors of the Columbia
& IVashingion Tin make Road l'unipaay have. du.
day declared a dividend air eighty cent. on eaeli •Iron• ui
stuck, pa} able Iu Ili, •iockbuldrt• Or ilanr legal repre,en
tailves on demand.
,Tlll3 3, I,l=
C M ol .
üBIN,a, Car t
Builder, ofd
thcvo Bo
rough of mbia. h S imed, b y dee of lun
tary ussiedimeidt, all Ins plopert). real .isid personal. to
the stib=criber for the benefit of Ins creditor- All pet
sone indebted to the ...aid A. AI Ilium, are requested to
make immediate piq mend and those having claim,
against lam arc reque.ted to present the -nuts propeil
authenticated for settlement. to the titieNigned, rcvdwg
111 the Borough of COlittubin
Jilty 1, 1...91—ta
(1 . L. BELLING, Herb Doctor, late of Marietta,
N_lo hew. leave to !Inform its mends and the public get,
erall, :hut het has removed to the holt,. of llettry
nest door to Boyle'. Itolel. Front strict Columbia. Pa.
AVlnl , t he returns thanks Tor the very Ii hero(
encouragement httherto revel, ed in the preetwe tn his
prote, , ton, he re•pectnitiv negonntts theta 'hut hr con
tinues as tt,nal the PIZA(' .\ 11,1)ICINE. Id all it.
Irnrlolls branches, nntl NT. :II attend. either hg day or
alt those who fling hav, - .oecusnnt for , e 1 nice.
Colillidda. July 1, lc iv—lt
I RAY Heads, Red Heads, sad all with Bad Hair,
head' Mr. AHR %HAM - VANDERIII:I7.K. of Is
Avenue D , New York. certifies that los head was entire!)
bald on the lop. and by the der 01 two :is hol Ile. oh .loads
Coral I lair Restoratts e. a good crop or lour, and
soon hose tt long and lbw k
Mr Wllliftlll Jackson. 01 ,41 Liberty street, Pittsburgh,
Pn , certifies On the 3,1 of February. 1547. that Mr
Thomas Jackson's head. on the lop. oas entirely bald
for 15 years. and that Ito ❑5lllO Iwo :Is bottle+ of .10ne'q
Coral 'lbw Reutorans e. the hair is p.c... ing last and thick.
and will soon he entire!, restored.
Gray Wools! Gray heads 1 Iteld-1 hereby rerun•
that my hair was turning gray. and that since I have
used Jones's Coral (lair Restot tut,: it has entirely ceased
falling—is growing fast. and has a fine chalk look. Before
I used .1 . 01101,'S Coral Ilair Ilesturati,e I combed out halals
fulls of hair daily. \V. 9 • J Kings' N. V.
Mr. Power, a grocer. at Fulton st . had los hair choked
up with dandrutl, and .1011 , ...a Coral I Ihsloratlve
Urel} cured it
Do you scant to dress, he.i un f 3 :ma make your hair soft
nod fine. Read—l, I E. Canal]. late barber on board
the •teambonl South America, do certify that Jones',.
Coral Dior Restorative in the Lest am< le I eves lista tor
dr,stog. softening, rlcaniong. and keeping the hair a
long time in order; all toy customers preferred it to any
thing else
Sold only m N. York nt 2 Chatham street Ly R.
WILLIAMS, Agent for Colombo, bed l'l.--1;n1
JONES'S Italian Chemical Soap is called by the
\ lecliral Society of Parts. n n inirneto rind
a wonder,' to cure eruption, disfigurement or cii,olorn
tion of the skin.
It cares' pimples. blotobc.. lIPPLIrs, 'all rlwurn, sourvy,
sore heads, tan. sunburn, rnorphow. and n changes the
color of dark, yellow or kunhurnt skins. to a line healthy
clearness. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Aleut for Co
lumina. je2V4--lan
T EWIS TREDENICK & Co., late from Philadel
jj plmn, deniers In HATS and t PS, n ould most res
pectfully beg leave to unarm the elute:is of Columbia
and its vacinny. that they ha“ e purrlinsed the old and
well known Ilat Manufacturing Establishment kept by
Jon,: vAt GIIEN for many }PIM: neat door to J. Feltx's
Jewelry Store. Front Street. Colombia, Pa ',here they
Intend to spare no pains and Iseult., to carry on the above
business in all its various hranelle, 'Pinar stock con
sits in part of fine Mole Skin. Heaver, Nutria. and Can
tor lIATS. Also. a splendid assortment of Pearl and
Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style. to
gether with a good n..sortment of CAPS of even• nice,
price. and quality. New style Salk Hats. which We has e
punt received from Philadelphia. Mid nlnch we still
at city prices.
\VIM the confidence resulting from nn experience ra
number of years with one 01 the first hatters in
phis, will Guarantee us in a) ate. that for Lishion. neat•
ne e ', derubiltly. and CHEAPNESS, we cannot he -ur
passed by tiny establishment tit the timoti
1.1•:\% IS THEDENICK S Co.
Columbia, June 3, I-44
SAFE Always Effectual Arc you a sufferer
from Fever and Ague Are )on 11 filicted %suit the
periodical return of that cold and formal vontor. the chill.
followed by its faithful ottendants, the burning fever mid
drenching perspiration Lone no time. then. in procuring
a bottle of Dr. Osgood's India Clinlagog tie. You ...di he ye
but one chill at most alter } on commence it and probably
none at all. Your neighbor as ho has used the medicine
will assure you of this. It is but the promise of n result
as Inch thousands have already realized, and which your
own experience will most fully prove For sale
I n-
June 3, ISI WM. A. LEllErt.
Also for sale by S. M. Smith, Wrightsville.
GENUINE Utero-Abdominal Supporters, Recom
mended by Physicians of the highest standing in nil
parts of the United `antes. Also in Philadelphia, by Prof
S. Jackson. and Prof. Homer, of the University of Penn
sylvania; Prof. Joseph Pannonst and Prof. Lk.
the Jefferson Medical College; Prof. Wnlibunk, of the
Pennsylvania Medical College; 11.11.,
Lecturer on Midwifery; nod many others of high standing.
This invention has been before the public over twelve
years, and is the most successful instrument of its claw.
Sold in Columbia by II WILLIAMS.
.Tuly 4, terq Agent
& S. PATTON have just received one ease
Ging:hams, fast colors, only 12:, cts.
ONE yard wide, very heavy, only 61-4 cents, at
& S. rsrroa•S .
MORE NEW moons.
W. & S. PATTON have just received a spa
did assortment of Summer Dres. Good., at very
lowpriees. juyt...219
1 UST received a fresh and superior article of
..., Vanilla Bean—very cheap For hale br
July P lite. ILLIAMS.
ICININE, for the growth and preservation of
the I lair. I'or sale by LC 'WILLIAMS.
Coluellan, July b, iele.
3:01t. W. S. MCOILICLE.
/MlCE—South East corner of Locust and See-
Oild Street. BOARDING HOUSE--Wlth Mrs Swiirtz,
doors below his late residence. April 7, lel7.—tr
DE JENNY LIMN, for beautifying the HAM, So,.
For sale by R. WILLIAM'S.
Columbia, July 3, I 4
RESTORATIVE. JOHCS'S Coral Nair Restorative,
_Lb roncL the Ilair in grow on the bend or face. By
using a bottle the whudzers and beard may be
trd to any reasonable extent
. .
Sold only m N. York. ut 62 Chatham -A reef. nod by 11
WILLIA:US, Agent for Cola - I,m. je2l'l,-41111
CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in
Webt Ifempficld trp.sn4htp. Ise tea-ter county, On the
10th un..tant. a UItOWN The o,.ner t. requested
to come tortvard and prove property. pie charges, and
tame it ulvay. Cl/1/I:NTIAN STD:NEIL
We.,t Ilempheld, June 2U, I,IP. —lt.
hARISOLETS and Sunshades, Fashionable and
PlOlll at reduced prices, at
May :20,1,11.—ti W. 8 PATTON'S.
1 - UST Received a new supply of both single and
0 double Trusses, at LEADI.It , S Golden Mortur Drug
Store, Columbia, Pa.
A Superior article of Bay Runi, for sale at
LLADER'S Drug Store, Cc hlibut, Pa.
Every description, suitable for dresses, now
opeiling at W. & PATTON'S.
May ..20. lc le -ti
MA I TTING, and Window ShallpLgoo ti.ld,
May 20, 1,P4-ti
r 1 11 E Subscriber has just received the Spring
111111 Summer Fasluon•—drrect from London, togeth
er %%rill the New York and Philadelphia reports. and is
theinturn prcparcdto make up clothing. in tip lop ,tyle.
Columbia. Apra
tCassinteres at the lowest priers, at
1 A._ ap2:2'l 4 -11 W. &c PATTON':4
AND Bacon of the best quality at
w. K S. pxrcoN.F4
I_l ANGINU,S. Parlor, Hall, Chamber, and Ceiling
1,„ Paper., fuel 'Bunters, Firetiords Se., of the neweet
et) he.. meats oil lonia at mai.ufnetorers' prices. at
1'0:limbo, March ISl7—if
'MINTS. Purple Prints, one yard wide, only
. 1 „ with a good ab.mtlooni of other low priced
Cal,eoe at FRY .3: SPANCI.Fn:.
COPPER and Tin Pumps----a good supply of
rump.akvnyq on hand, and 'nag. to order, at the
sl;ltentilubee by
Nbilob 11.
aLOVES. An extensive assortment of llosieries,
11i reduced price,. ut
1 MINS. Bleached anti unbleached Muslins ;
n. large assortment VERY CHEAP at
lebto,l, FRY S.: SPANGLER'S.
NEW rExtrtntaxic.
T, I XTRACT De JENNY LIND, for the llnililker-
A J chief. ror salo ley It IvILLrA.NiS
Coluuthia. July
XND Molasses. Sorering's celebrated steam
, •
a delicious article tor table
OCR' crop HO:CM ut
IcblO'L9-tt my & SPANGLER'S.
NIGHT MKS always on hand and for sale
Tarr, IL I,l=-11
- D EW A RD. The above reward will be paid for
lj the apprehension and conewunn of any periroa who
shall malietouidy injure or destroy tiny at the Post.,
Nv, r e, ("nisi Glasses, or other fixtures. of the COLUM
COMPANY. By order of the Board.
Colornl•ia, June 3. 1849.--Ins
"PY OVER LAND EXPRESS, Important News from
p the Last, great decline iii DRI GOODS. We have
).t received a large and splendid assortment of
and much below the usual price.. A. splendid assortment
of DRESS GOODS, suitable for the sen>on. Call add ex
amine.W. d. S. PATTON . .
Cubmibut, :Nifty 20, Ldp.—ti
THE business heretofore conducted by James
L. Pretaman, as agent for NI, S. Eldridge. has been
transierred to the subscriber. by whom all claims against
the establishment will be liquidated. and to whom pny
melon dim Mr. Eldridge Mt.( be made.
❑e would respectfully, solicit a contlimanee of the
liberal patronage heretotore extended to Mr Pretsmn
Columbia, July 15,184 S -41 t
quicitc, innocent, beautiful preparation circa to the.
!thin of Lailie4 a charming, natural, pure. Tel
brilliant and da7iling rt hue, amid at the same nine making
the shat clear. roil, unit smooth. ..te a proof of
ertnillieS we conwiennounly recommend it to prevent
chafes and chaps an 'want.: ror by
ju1y1.749. It 1%1 r.I.IANIS
TS hereby given that citizens of Lancaster county
intend to make application to the Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the next session
thereof, for the incorporation of a company under the
name and style, or intended name and style (of "The
Columbia. Savings . Institution,' designed as an office of
discount and deposit, with a capital not exceeding one hun
dred thousand dollars, and to be located in the borough of
Columbia. Lancaster comity, I'm
. . . ...
George Wolf, H. E. Atkins,
Peter Ilahlenian, Henry Haldeman,
It Chalfant, John A. Hook,
peter I laldeman, Jr., It Cranston,
It E. Cochran, Daniel Herr,
Reuben Mußison, Samuel Hroot,A,
John L. Wnght, Philip Go.%ler
John Barr,
colombin. July I. 191 , -411
NATAlN: o GRN,G ,, a. „ l , lei t y .e o t f x Dlu c e o rr . cotypcs. No.
era, (.1,. law
hil I street, Philadelphia.
The Likenesses taken and beautifully colorettfut this
well known establishment. for ONE DOLLAR, arc uni
versally conceded to be EWA L in every respect to ANY in
the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear
weather. A large assortment of MEDALLIONS, and
LOCKETS on hand, at from St? to S 5, including amide,
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens orLan
c aster county, to cull and examine specimens of the latest
improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, wluch will
be exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
T. &J. C. TEN ENT.
Philadelphia. July 1. 15.19 Gm
L T'llqqqqtlqqqq Iq t qZl . Ei'
lIEID this attentively. Dr. KEELER'S CORDIAL
and cArniiNATlvi; fur the ,peedy and pc rtnunctit
cure of
and for all the derangements of than Stomach and Bowels
WrTEss or TnocsAsms dm annually front disca,es of
the Stomach and Bowels. In the face of this alarming
mortality, the best impulses or our nature are enlisted in
mitigating suhlenng we cannot prevent. More than rave
ritocsAsm persons to our knowledge were cured during
the past summer; and we tn,hrvtatiugly sa). that ninety
nine out of every hundred are speedily cured. There is
no miktake about than fact. and as a tent ne ear 4neerity
and assertion, as a medical and respon.ible
SVC promise to retinal the amount paid m every well au
thenticated case whore at fails. A% dl you cattier. will you
let your little ones rumor 'Slam you have at hand a reme
dy like this. =o potent m subduing di.ertse. To doubting
ones Irrltead what physicians. the press, and others
say of the Cordial
[Extract of a letter from the Rev. Dr. Earle
13a:1, county, Ang,ust
Dear Sir am now prepared to reCOITIIIICIId ) our Cor
dial front havmg card it a ith .ncecs.;lll several instances;
:nal I ant now in jug your Panacea in a race of protracted
dehtlity. attended milt cough. apparently produced in the
young lady by her '• oat-growing her strength," to use a
common phrase, Your, Cc, AL.rnEn EAnr..E.
, .
[Extract of a letter front Ebene.7er Cook.)
New York City. July 21): 1917.
Dr. Feeler: Sir—l have used in toy - faintly all of the Cor
dial ss limb von left ss nit me List summer except two bot
tles which . 1 persuaded a customer of mme to Irv. and
having proved very beneficial, he has recommended it to
sonic ot lus friends, w ho wish to hose some ot it, I there
fore wish you would send me some by express. lam
satisfied from my own experience that it is the best =th
eme for children 'Put:tafnsc and SUMMFIt COMPLAINTS
that is offered to the public, and all that is necessary fora
recommendation is to try it. Very respectfully,
DerAnznit Cons. :=l. Grand st , cor. of Alley.
This is to Certify, that I have used Dr. Feeler's Cordial,
and have found it n valuable medicine in tharrhcon. dys
entery and all de rangemei.ts of the stomach and bowels,
cussed by Teething„ and is particularly adapted to all dis
eases of those organs caused by acid fruits or the &ull,
taling effects of season mud climate.
D. M. ALLISON, M. D , Plum st , Philo
Dr. Keeler's Cordial.—We w ould call the attention of
our readers to this invaluable medicine, w Melt still he
towel advertised at length in our colttmcs. As a correc
tive in cases of Merriam. a disease very prevalent at the
present time, it Is highly spoken of by all who have used
it. It to perfectly safe 111 its nature, nod speak expert-
I mentally, when we say that it affords immediate relief.—
[Ncal's :Saturday Garotte ofAngtist di, 1 e 47 .
Dr. Keelcfa Conlin: anti Curitunutive.—This article is
advertised in another part of out paper, it is warmly re
commended by families who hove tried it It is especi
ally useful among children. and has eifected hundred.: of
cures. The doctor is abundatttly supplied with tet.tllllolly
111,011 the subject, some of , u loch is very strong. The
Cordial is not a quack nostrum, but carefully prepared
medicine, and perfectly free front any thing injurious.—
[Num) !rennin of September I, 15..17.
Dr. Keeler.—Dear Sir— ks It is our duty to use every
honest titeiins to promote the happiness of our fellow
creatures, I take great pleasure. lit stating to yon the ad-
vantage I received from your valuable Cordial and Car-
minims e. Last autumn I was attacked with Ilharrlicea,
which debilitated my system very much; for nearly three
weeks I tried many remedies, but found little or 110 bene
fit, when my daughter informed me of your Cordial I
bought n bottle, and had not taken but two doses before
I obtained relief. I was entirely recovered before I used
the whole of it; and have remained hearty ever Mlle, •
Respectfully. yours, S. Bran, D.
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, N. W. corner
of Third and South si.. Philadelphia. Sold wholesale lip
MePticraon,llarristiutg. 0. W. Stiller, Lancaster ;
rind retailed by It. WILLIAMS, Colombia, and by drug
gists and others throughout the country. Price 25 ets per
bottle. 117'filee pamplilets..lll
ET'ALso. Dr. KEELER'S PANACEA, the tno:t effi
cacious remedy yet known. for all diseases arising from
impurities of the BLacia. or habit of the body. Ladies of
delicate constitutions will find it admirably adapted to
their cases. Medicine furnishes nothing, superior to it for
chrome maladies, syphilitic disorders, skin alrections
debilitated patients. attended with loss of appetite and
imperfect digestion Price SI. See pamphlets for par
ticulars. For sale only by R. WILNIIAMS, Agent or
Philadelphia, June 10, IE-i12.-ly
BENNET k, CO. have REMOVED from 192 Market
Street, to their Mew. Splendtd, and Immense r.stab-
Itsbinent to be basset, as the
No HAI .llarket Sreet, between Fifth and Sixth, l'lttladel
The Proprietors reel a reluctance in promulgating Matt
m any way might appear like me usual Bombastic ex
aggeration of tome of the trade, tat still beg leave to
quote the following notice from one of our city papers .
One of the greatest curiostnes that our City affords to
the stranger. is BENNET & CO'S. great Clothing Store,
Xo IF2 Market Street, between Filth and Sixth. which
has been styled " Tower Hall,' from the peculiar finish of
the front. The building is an immensJ one, containing
seven capacious rooms, all of which arc stocked wlth ev
ery variety of seasonable garments. arranged in the most
perfect order and regular:ly The proprietors take great
pleasure ut showing their budding and contents to the
urens, particularly strangers, and •••• Loltllna
the country—we know or place more worthy of a
Phil's, May 27-3 m
- \A TA l D ie li sPiu ß i E Stre C e l t ot h h e i tEen i el r a i t il id i tou l\ r r it l i .
C, North
side, Philadelphia.
At th:s establishment may always be found a full assort.
mont of Gentlemens Clothing, to suit all tastes and at such
reasonable prices as will astonish al:. 1 publish no list
of prices, but will guarantee to sell as low, if sot lower
than those who make mere pretennons. y goods are
all purchased at low prices. and made in as good style as
COIL be found nu the city. A call is solicited before pur
chasing elsewhere, as the Wardrobe is free to all.
No 105 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
N. 13 A large stock of piece goods on hand. Garments
made to order at the shortest notice.
Philadelphia, May 20, ISA!? —2mo.
JADES JORDAN, Fashionable Boot and
Shoe maker. respectiully informs Ins friends and
the public, that he has opened a
immediately opposite Peter Iluldeman's Store. where he is
prepared to execute all orders in his line, with neatness
and despatch. He feels confident in giving satisfaction to
all who may favor him with a call. Members of tho C.
17. A M. are respectfully invited to give him a call
Columbia. April S,lS4t , y
VERMIN DESTROYER. It has long been the
study of Pharniaccuncs to produce a preparation
which would prove a Specific Butt destruction of Rats.
Mice, Roaches, and Chillers, every effort has been
fruitless till the present.lst' much study and expert
lIMID. the proprietor ins slic.medvd w discovering n pre
paration, w hich he gunrantres will prove effectual in the
entire annillilotton of the shove mulled verniin.
Por sole by WM. A. LEA DM?
May 20. Front .treet.
AND COPPER. BUSINESS, 11. Fidler & Co.,
tiinnliful for yast encouragement, would annomice
to the citizens of Cl,lumbia and its ctcinity, flint they
conintue to manufacture Tin and Copper wnre of ull kinds
at their old stand, in Locust street, one door north of
Columbia Bank. an a respectfully . solicit a continuance of
public patronage.
March 11,
211111,7 GOODS.
WM. & S. FITTON have just received a large
and faellionable stock of
Consisting of Gingilemg, Lawns, Harem, Linen and Al
paca Lustres, lane) Rri4i . t i ethe very lowest prices.
Plain and changeable Press Silks, Black and Blue-
Block for Al/mains, with every style of Dress Goods for
the season Plensc roll ttnd examine our stock.
Columbia, .11'ml W. S.. S. PATTON%
AND CROSS-CUT SAPS, of liolanti's best. Fol
1 sale at nuanuta,aires prtera. by
Apr 7. 1..17 Ilrmar.r.
rrilE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company in
[eppd to make to the Legislature of the
Cominbnwcalth of Pennsylvania, at their next iession,
for the renewal, extension, and continuance of the bank
ing, discounting., and tither privileges they possess under
existing laws. The Company to be continued by the
name, style, and tide of the Columbia Bank and Dredge
Company, in the borough of Columbia, in the county of
Lancaster, and state of - Pennsylvania.
By order of the Board,
ColumLia Tu6e 21, 1843. july-I'4B-iut
TN pursuance of the provisions of the act en
tined. An Act to prescribe the manner of giving
nonce of applications for Banks." and in accordance with
the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the
President, Threeton, and StochTiolders of int Lancaster
Bank. hereby give public notice. that they intend making
application to liar Legislature of Pc....y;rania. st the.
session to commenee on the first Tuesday of iuntzar'
next, A. D. 1&510. for the rem., al and extension of their
present Charter and Act of Incorporation. with banking
and discounting brivileaes. tor the term on ten years from
the first Wednesday in :May, A. D i i . The date last
mentioned. bet iig the time to which their present Charter
is extended.
The said Corporation is to be connnued by the name and
atyle of the Lancaster Bank, and with the stone powers
and privileges which are now enjoyed under its present
Charter and Act of Incorporation, and is to be located in
lie, City of Lancaster. The capital stock of said bank ,
as authorized by law, was Mx hundred thousand dollars
the amount of capital subscribed was three hundred and
direr thousand Mlle hundred dollars; and ilicasnount paid
in three hundred thousand and thirty duttars The Aegis
lattire will not askedfor an increase of capital or ex•
tension of privileges
By order or the Board of Directors.
City of 3.:1c.,,:er .
. . jtilyr4t—Gm
VOU'RE Getting Bald, arc You ? that
1_ is a iaisiortnne and not a crime, but to remain bald,
when tut fuut an orportunity oWeis to restore your hair, by
a faithful and ltherdl atoi of Jilt tie's Ilair Tonic, is but lit
tle chart of crime. This valuable preparation excites the
scalp ton 111,V and healthy action, oleanws it front:scurf
and tlaudunt, pm:veins the hair from malting off, cures
those e rapt, e diseases:which often appear upon the head.
and in a minority of eases produces a fine growth of ties,.
hair. It thin ail es the hair a rich and beautiful appear
ance. ro: sale at W. A. LEADER'S
July I. I QN—if Golden Mortar Drug Store.
( I . O3IPLAINT. This disease now prevails to an
alarming, extent, and thousands of helpless children
will be carried off by it unless timely relief be afforded
them. This relief may ttlwas .be had by applying to that
most certain and pleasant remedy, Jayne's Carminative
Balsam, is Inch nes er fails. It has frequently made cures
of Summer Complaint after physicians of the highest
standing have pronounced the child as actually 111 the
struggles of death. Try it—try if you have any love or
compassion, oreven mercy, for your helpless children.—
Why will you let them die' when a cerium remedy may
be had by calling ut W. A. LEADER'S Golden Mortar
Drug Store, Front street
Columbia, July I, I,lB—lf
ITERB DOCTOR, Front Street, Columbia, to the
- _
Beery one of you are now culled upon to visit the
herb Doctor—he has a medicine called the Indian Speci
fic. It Is of the utmost importance that you should all
take a supply with you to the ditilucilt section of country
to which you belong. You well know what scourges
the Dysentery. Bloody Flux, Summer Complaint, Cholera
Morhus, Glistens Muumuu. or other disorders of the
boss els um. If you desire Mat none should die of these
complaints ; if you wish to be a blessnig to your neigh
bors, to keep death out of your own funnily and thousands
of families uround you—if you arc a philanthropist,
come, I charge you, come, get the herb Doctor's Indian
Speellic. Do you ask the question, will this Medmine
cure these discuses' f tell you candally,—it has never
failed! Never! Never! In the most hopeless, despair
ing cases, after physicians have exhausted every means
known to them, utter patients have laid weeks, when
there was no prospect of a cure, and the disease had taken
that fearful tarn, consumption of the bowels; then, at
this critical period, this wonderful medicine this gill of
God, was used, and health ugani was obtained. The Herb
Doctor feels constrained to urge it upon you, if you wish
to have an easy cOnseienee to rest upon your bed at
night. feeling you have done good. not to neglect when
ever you s isit Columbia, to call before you leave midget
this medicine. If you neglect it, anti you see this disease
again making its ravaire#an ..... gst you. how will you feel'
'mull come to your mum. thus -
vented this. I could have saved my child. I could have
saved my info. You svill thmk of this many of you,
when you are dying.
The Herb Doctor is deterinined to leave no stone un
turned—to use every oxen non to cure, if possible, all that
is curable, and that too by the simple Herb Medicines.—
Ile believes the du) is not far distant, when the gifts tit
Clod, the blessed healing - herbs, will be more prized—
when they will be all that are looked to us medicate--
v.lmi: the giver of poisons will be ashamed to shone his
-worse than guillotine Bend—when man will be more ex
empt nom .incase—when his days Will ',Walter at least
fourscore, and he will stand erect. of manly site, full of
!lure. a being of health ; when pail faces and palsied
limbs are nowhere to be sound.
It should be had in every family; every house far and
near, should have it, sod is ally person, young or old, has
any derangsment In the bowels, immediately use it. It
is only prepared for diseases of the bowels, and for theni
it is ail absolute specitm. It was among the Indians the
remedy was first discovered; from them the recipe was
obtained. It is my wish that the hills of mortality should
be considerably lest•ened this summer; and to aid me in
tins good work I call spoil every well-wisher. We have
large gttalitttleS prepared, mid are ready to fill all orders
from every section As soon as you read this notice,
come, or it it be impossible to do so immediately, then
make a note of it in your memorandum book, and as soon
as convenient call at MARTIN & SELLING'S
Medical dispensary, Front street.
Columbia. July 1. IF4c.. -Du
nt, nStart
it notdown, gen
tle render, at announceor set as
Inc last humbug of the day ;It is a fact, however aston
reebener, r eebenerwilt be happy to prove to those
Mai die
mho are skeptical on the subject. Any person wishing
DENCE:, engraved on steel by ORMSBY, and considered
fully equal to tine ono tormerly sold at 22(1, may obtain a
3 early subscription to the Parlor Magazine. free of charge.
by remitting S 3. :he lowest price ot the Engraving, to the
oilice, 135, :Nassau st.
To those unacquainted with the Magazincovo would
say. it is a monthly devoted to morals, literature, and the
beet Interests of society, containnig:P2 pages of original
matter, from the beet writers, with two beautiful illustra
tions, second to none, in each number, one steel, and the
other expressly adapted to the Ladies and colored in the
best style of the am, with other occasional illustrations
and music. Price 22 per your. It is designed, not simply
to charm away an idle hour. It is chaste and ele g ant to
all respects, free from all injurious trash—pure and ele
vated in the highest degree, and worthy a place on the
tables of the most virtuous and refined. The better por•
Lions of the public, and the press. have bestowed upon it
Ate most unqualified commendation. Tim volume cam.
minces with May, and makes over 400 pages, with at
least 24 illustrations. The Nos. may be exchanged at the
end of the year for bound volumes, at the office and else
where, and, with the misrratting• will readily sell for an
advance upon the cost—the subscriber thus ol_eta
reading of one ot the bent Magannen ear•
n t ri W r, fi I
r b a cj , V CS.
is taken — Com TRUMBULL'S great
,emends at Washington, and rontahis the
portraits of nit hie distinguished Signers. Its size is 21 by
31 inches : engraved in Ormsby isbest style, and consid•
reed by good judges equal to any thing ot the hind in
the ezuntry. No Alnerteen +hook' be destitute of
min work. Persons wishing tosave TWO DOLLARS,
or obtain this splendid Magazine for nothing, will please
forward three dollars post paid at once, and thus secure
n early:nurre , ata trout tine plate.
The crigrai nig can be sent to any part of die United
Staten, at a ranntee of /6 Cents,
N. B. Agent., ss anted to obtain subscribers for tins
Magazine. and to -ell the Parlor Book by J. T. Headley., 135, Nassau street.
Clinton Hall.
17 TALLIN Chemical Soap cures Pimples, Blotches,
Salt Rheum. Scurvy. Erysipelas. Sore Heads, Old
Sores. Sore Beard and liiiiitcr's Itch, Ohupred and tender
Flesh, l'reckJes. Tan. Sunburn, and changing Dark, Sun
burnt or Yellow Sk in ton mire clear white, as smooth
and son as an imam'+. And. m feet. every kind of erup
tion and disfigurement. Read these certificates:
From the N. 0. Sentinel, Oct , 1 0 41.
One Moor subscriber. Nis. 11. Leonard, informs es that
lie has been cured of old. scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen
venr's standing. on his head, lingers and hands, by a cake
of en article - muss, 5.A....a ced lately—we speak ot - Jones's
Italian Chemical Soap. Ho also Inform. elk thn't he bas
tried its effects on his female slate Rose, meal nuked
with sun spots. and he found in two weeks her skin mach
clearer and whiter.
• .
James Eltham, a planter in Jersey City, was cured of
carbuncles and pimples, which he was afflicted Ivith for
man) , years, by a part of Is cake of Jones's Italian Chemi
cal Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask for Jones's
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP,—and perhaps. as many
Who have been cheated with the counterfeits, watt be too
Much discouraged to try the genuine. vi e say to such, try
tis once—you in not regret it; but abrupt sec that the
t ve
ame of T. Jones is on the Wrolicr.
Sold at 52 Chatham st... New ork, and by. U. WILL.
1.1315, Agent Mr Columbia. jo2l'4S-tim
TEABERRY Tooth Wash, an In &tit and et.
A.. tectual cure for all di ',tame oft tuna and Teeth
For calm t 111 A. LEADER